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一闪一闪大眼睛一闪一闪大眼睛 一闪一闪大眼睛》说课 一、说教学思路设计: 《一闪一闪大眼睛》一课,是青岛出版社出版的,小学信息技术四年级下册教材,是以广茂达伙伴机器人公司的产品为蓝本,以其机器人仿真程序 ,, 为平台而开发的教材。本课为第四课,共有两个教学目标一是让学生熟练掌握“设置眼睛”模块,二是让学生掌握“延时等待”模块,并初步了解编程和修改程序的思路。 学生分析 通过前面三个课时的学习,学生已经对智能机器人的各部分有了了解,并能运用执行器模块库中的发音模块和控制模块库中的永远循环和多次循环模块,会设置相关模块的参数...

一闪一闪大眼睛 一闪一闪大眼睛》说课 一、说教学思路设计: 《一闪一闪大眼睛》一课,是青岛出版社出版的, 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 信息技术四年级 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 教材,是以广茂达伙伴机器人公司的产品为蓝本,以其机器人仿真程序 ,, 为平台而开发的教材。本课为第四课,共有两个教学目标一是让学生熟练掌握“设置眼睛”模块,二是让学生掌握“延时等待”模块,并初步了解编程和修改程序的思路。 学生 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 通过前面三个课时的学习,学生已经对智能机器人的各部分有了了解,并能运用执行器模块库中的发音模块和控制模块库中的永远循环和多次循环模块,会设置相关模块的参数,能在仿真环境中模拟自己编写好的机器人程序。 根据教学内容设计了如下的教学思路: ,、复习旧知,激情引趣,引出课 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 (,) 学生打开上节课自己编写的让智能宝宝唱歌的程序,同位之间互相听一听。然后说说让智能宝宝唱歌用到了哪些模块,老师板贴模块名称。复习了旧知识。 (,) 老师展示老师设计的让智能宝宝唱歌的程序给学生看,学生观察老师的智能宝宝唱歌时有什么特点。学生说出老师的智能宝宝在唱歌的时候是边唱边眨眼睛的,从而揭示出课题,老师板书课题。这一环节利用老师的程序引出课题,激发学生的学习兴趣。 ,、学习“设置眼睛”模块 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase (,) 观察执行器模块库,让学生猜想智能宝宝眨眼睛会用到哪个模块。(板贴:设置眼睛模块) (,) 让学生拖动一个“设置眼睛”模块到主程序下面,打开“设置眼睛”对话框,探索“设置眼睛”模块的各项设置,将智能宝宝的眼睛设置成不同的颜色。 (,) 以小组为单位互相交流,并填写 ,,表格,教师巡视。 (,) 学生演示操作。 这个环节的设置目的是让学生通过自己的探索和小组的交流,了解“设置眼睛”模块对话框中的各个选项,教师在巡视的时候要注意看学生有没有看到左眼右眼复选框的设置,如果没有,要提示学生注意试一试这两个复选框有什么作用。 ( ) 你能利用“设置眼睛”模块让智能宝宝的眼睛眨起来吗,(学生操作) 这个环节的设置是让学生利用多个“设置眼睛”模块来让智能宝宝眨眼睛,教学的时候注意观察,很可能有学生利用前面学过的“多次循环”和“永远循环”模块和“设置眼睛”模块结合使用,对这样的学生要提出表扬和鼓励。 (,) 学生交流演示,教师评价。 ,、学习“延时等待”模块 (,) 师:智能宝宝的眼睛眨得太快了,你能让智能宝宝的眼睛眨一下休息一下吗, (,) 让学生自学书 ,,内容,并试着操作。 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase (,) 提问:你是通过什么来控制智能宝宝眼睛休息的时间的,(板贴:延时等待模块) (,) 找学生操作演示,并说说流程图是怎样设计的。 ,、巩固提高,练习熟练操作。 (,) 学生编写流程图,让智能宝宝一边唱歌一边眨眼睛。 (,) 教师巡视指导。 (,) 小组同学互相演示交流。 (,) 全体学生演示交流,教师评价,表彰奖励。 、拓展延伸:“缩小”、“放大”、“全图”按钮的使用 (,) 提问:老师在操作的时候遇到了麻烦,流程图太长了,谁有办法帮帮老师, (,) 学生探索解决问题,演示操作,教师评价。 ,、课堂小结。 二、说教学重难点的突破: ,、教学重点一:“设置眼睛”模块 学生已经掌握了“发音”模块、“多次循环”模块和“永远循环”模块,对 ,, 仿真系统的执行器模块库已经非常熟悉了,当看到智能宝宝眨眼睛的时候,很自然地会想到用“设置眼睛”模块,这时让学生拖动一个“设置眼睛”模块到主程序下面,通过动手探索“设置眼睛”模块可以将智能宝宝的眼睛设置成什么颜色,因为“设置眼睛”模块中的选项比较多,因此在教学的时候让学生只拖动一个“设置眼the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase 睛”模块,并以小组为单位,记录下不同的设置结果,这样通过几个人的完成情况基本上可以涉及到“设置眼睛”模块中的几个选项,而且又能节省时间,在学生掌握了“设置眼睛”模块选项的设置方法后,再让学生设计程序让智能宝宝眨眼睛,使学生能够通过设计程序进一步掌握“设置眼睛”模块的使用。 ,、教学重点二:“延时等待”模块 “延时等待”模块比较好掌握,只有一个时间的设置,在教学中安排让学生自学书本,通过自学掌握该模块的设置,然后在全班交流,并通过不同学生设计的程序的对比,让学生了解如何控制智能宝宝等待时间的长短。由于四年级学生只是初步接触过小数,因此老师在教学时要根据学生的实际情况对延时等待时间长短的设置进行分析和 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf ,让学生知道怎样设置等待的时间长,怎样设置等待的时间短。 ,、教学重点三:巩固练习 巩固练习是让学生通过编写智能宝宝一边唱歌一边眨眼睛的程序,使学生能综合运用学过的各个模块进行程序设计,而编写这样的程序,学生也很有兴趣,再通过小组的同学互相交流和在全班交流,让学生互相学习,提高学生综合运用知识的能力。对于综合练习,有的学生是将原有的智能宝宝唱歌的程序调出来进行修改,而有的学生则是重新编写了一段音乐,要鼓励学生的原创性和创新精神。 由于本节课的教学内容比较少,知识点又不难,因此本课的教学以学生操作为主,在教师的引导下学生通过自己的探索和实践来掌握知识,注重培养学生的探索能力、实践能力和自学能力。 the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase 三、课后反思 这节课的教学目标比较简单,学生已经了解了, ,, 仿真系统的界面,掌握了发音模块、多次循环模块和永远循环模块,并能设置其中的各项参数,有了这些基础,对于设置眼睛模块和延时等待模块,学生比较容易掌握,因此这节课充分发挥了老师的引导作用,学生在老师的引导下,通过自主地探索和学习,掌握知识和技能,比如延时等待模块的学习就是让学生先看书自学,然后通过操作来验证自学的成果。 在这节课中小组合作学习占的比重比较小,只有学习设置眼睛模块时,将智能宝宝的眼睛设置成不同的颜色,才让学生以小组为单位互相交流并记录下来。因为不同的学生设置的情况可能不一样,让每个学生只拖动一个设置眼睛模块,设置其中的参数,并以小组为单位记录,再通过小组和集体的交流,基本可以将设置眼睛模块的各种设置情况都涉及到,没有涉及到的,在老师的引导下也容易解决。其余的教学内容都没有安排小组讨论或小组学习的环节,我认为当学生已经掌握了一定的技能后,学生最急于做的是用掌握的技能进行实践,自己动手来试一试,这时如果安排小组讨论或学习,既不利于学生的独立思考,也不是学生的意愿,反而使小组合作学习流于形式,不会达到小组合作学习的效果。比如让学生编写程序让智能宝宝一边唱歌一边眨眼睛,学生看到这个任务后,立即动手操作,并不断地修改完善,无暇顾及别人是怎么做的,这时老师的作用就非常重要了,老师巡视的时候就要注意每个学生编写程序的特点,当学生做完后,有针对性the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase 地选择学生进行交流,让学生通过这种全班性的交流互相学习,取长补短从而进一步完善自己的程序,教学效果也是不错的。通过这节课的教学我认为在教学的时候不要盲目地使用小组合作学习的方法,该放手让学生独立完成任务的时候,就让学生自己动手,这样才有利于培养学生尤其是不是特别优秀的学生的独立思考和解决问题的能力,而不是总依靠别人。 以上是我执教这节课后的一些感受,不当之处还请各位老师指正,谢谢大家~ the supervisor of the pipe and parts localization accuracy, supporting strong checks and go through inspection and acceptance of each spot weld. Failed weld repair should be carried out and check again until the supervisor think is qualified. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) after the end of the steel pipe coating, should in conjunction with the supervisor on the pipe surface coating quality inspection and acceptance, check range includes weld on both sides of the painting site and damaged part of the pipe coating surface before they go out. Unqualified repair and re-examination of the painting should be, until the supervisor considers so far. Acceptance record shall be submitted to the supervisor. (3) the embedded quality check and acceptance of embedded parts before installation, installation guidelines and benchmarks should be reviewed to check, and supervisor approval is to be installed. 1) embedded after installation and fixed, before the first and second phase concrete casting, installation location and size of the embedded parts for measurement checks, confirmed by the supervisor only after concrete pouring, measuring records shall be submitted to the supervisor. 2) first and second phase
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