首页 关爱智障儿童策划书



关爱智障儿童策划书关爱智障儿童策划书 活动策划书 一、活动背景:关注弱势群体,关心残障儿童的身心健康是全社会应尽的义务。为了让残障儿童能在和谐的社会氛围中感受到关爱和温暖,为了让更多的人来帮助和爱护他们,作为一名大学生,我们应该向他们伸出援助之手,给他们带关心和帮助,让温暖伴随我们共同成长。 二、活动目的: 希望通过本次活动,为社会做出示范,呼吁社会各界更加关注智障儿童,伸出援手提供帮助,多去看望他们,不要让孩子们的世界空洞,让他们感受到世界充满阳光,充满爱。 三、活动主题: 为爱行动,关爱智障儿童。 四、活动参加主体...

关爱智障儿童 策划书 农牧业策划书下载免费创业策划书下载农牧业策划书下载免费工程项目施工策划书校园店铺的经营策划书 活动策划书 一、活动背景:关注弱势群体,关心残障儿童的身心健康是全社会应尽的义务。为了让残障儿童能在和谐的社会氛围中感受到关爱和温暖,为了让更多的人来帮助和爱护他们,作为一名大学生,我们应该向他们伸出援助之手,给他们带关心和帮助,让温暖伴随我们共同成长。 二、活动目的: 希望通过本次活动,为社会做出示范,呼吁社会各界更加关注智障儿童,伸出援手提供帮助,多去看望他们,不要让孩子们的世界空洞,让他们感受到世界充满阳光,充满爱。 三、活动主题: 为爱行动,关爱智障儿童。 四、活动参加主体: 理学院志愿服务队志愿者 五、活动对象: 霞山智力残疾儿童培训中心全体儿童 六、活动地点: 霞山智力残疾儿童培训中心 七、活动时间: (待定) 2015年4月25号 八、活动的具体流程: (一)活动前期准备: 4月16日(星期四)——4月19日(星期日) 1)负责人进行踩点工作,与培训中心负责人确认此次志愿活动,确认时间、地点以及参与对象。 2)在活动前一周确定负责人,负责人做好活动前的准备工作。 3)活动前宣传组通过海大论坛bbs,海大网站,微博,志愿者专属群,志愿者专属空间等多种渠道发布本次活动的内容,消息,并宣传活动的目的和意义所在,让更多人了解和支持这个活动; 4)4月17日(星期五)招募25名志愿者,负责人加好志愿者们的飞信并且记录好他们的姓名和联系方式。 5)活动前5天申请教室,当天组织组负责人与志愿者讲解活动流程、所做游戏的内容,教志愿者折一些简单的东西,让志愿者回去练习。以及强调活动当天注意事项。 6)活动前1天 4月 24号(星期五)负责人发飞信通知志愿者活动当天的集合时间,地点,并确定好有无请假的志愿者的名单; 7)活动前1天( 4月 24日)准备好会旗队旗,志愿者服,相机,签到表,检management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 查好相应的东西,确认东西无缺漏。 (8)活动前一周秘书组开始在网上收集和下载好各种动物的声音以及大自然的声音。 (9)活动前一天秘书组把折纸的纸,乒乓球,红黄蓝纸制作好的小旗子准备好。 9)想好活动突发事件的应对方法; (二)活动中期(活动当天)工作: 1)14:00—14:15在校门口集中,负责人负责好签到工作,确认所有志愿者到齐之后。负责人需再次简单向志愿者强调注意事项以及志愿者的分工安排,然后一起上车前往培训中心。 4) 15:00-15:15 志愿者到达培训中心后按照原定 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的分组领取志愿者服,负责人需再次强调注意事项; 5)15:20—15:30志愿者到达义演课室,布置好游戏器材,与儿童进行简单交流,为下一步的游戏做好准备; 6)15:40—16:50志愿者正式进行与智障儿童的交流活动 (7)游戏:1你听到什么啦 游戏目的:让小朋友感知声音环境, 学会欣赏来自大自然的天籁之声(交响乐),体验噪声给人们带 来 的危害,学会安静地行动,进而培养小朋友的认知能力、语言能力、动作能力、行为能力和关心他人的良好品质。 游戏准备: 带领小朋友在环境中体验各种声音,主持人模拟、创设或录音回放各种来自自然界的和人为的声音,让小朋友辨听,比较不同声音体所发出的不同声音。 游戏过程:给小朋友蒙上眼睛,用不同的发音体在不同的地方创设不同的声音,让小朋友说出是什么东西发出的声音,并用手指出声音来自何处。志愿者与小朋友探讨“你最喜欢哪种(些)声音,”“你最不喜欢哪种 (些)声 音,”“为什么,”“我们日常生活中应该怎样避免噪声的产生,”.游戏完之后给每个小朋友分发小礼物。 2游戏:红绿灯:道具,红色,黄色,蓝色纸。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site accor1 ding to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 规定一条可以巡回的交通道路,让小朋友扮车子,一个扮演过路人,一个扮演警察,主持人手拿红,黄,蓝三色旗子扮演红绿灯。游戏目的:训练小朋友的交通意识。游戏结束后给小朋友分发小礼物, 3游戏:传乒乓球。让小朋友与志愿者交替站位,相互传递乒乓球。 游戏目的;训练小朋友的团体意识和反应能力。 4游戏:折纸。采用一对一,或者一对二的形式,让志愿者与小朋友进行手把手教学,培养小朋友的动手能力以及学习能力。在教学过程中志愿者要耐心的教学并引导小朋友多交流。最后进行评选,选出折的最好看的十只。并给予奖励。 8)17:00—17:10集合全体志愿者于义演学校,清点人数,并且在门口拍合照,全体一起择交通工具回学校,路上注意安全; (三)活动后期工作: 1)将这次活动的照片汇总交给宣传部; 2)宣传部发布这次活动的通讯稿; 3)负责人负责好志愿者服的回收,确定时间统一收齐志愿者服,及时上交 到小队秘书组处; 4)各负责人需在活动结束两天内写好总结报告; 5)活动结束3天之内把最终版策划书,通讯稿(图文并茂),3—5张原版照片,负责人总结,活动人员登记表一同打包发给小队秘书组; 6)联系各负责人召开一次总结大会,做好本次活动的总结工作,提出本活 动的成功与不足之处,吸取经验,尽量使下次活动能够更完美; 九、宣传工作: (一)前期: 1)在海浪BBS、海大各Q群、小队博客、空间等发帖宣传此次活动。告知 本次活动的简介,具体内容和目的意义等; 2)鼓励每一个小队成员对博客内容及时转载到飞信空间、QQ空间,使更多 的人关注此次活动; 3)小队队员可向自己的朋友、同学等宣传我们这次活动的具体情况,让 大家对我们这个活动有更深入的了解,加深同学们对我们小队的印象; (二)后期: 1)宣传部负责人将照片、相关数据交给宣传部,由宣传部经过处理后上 传到海浪BBS、微博,小队专属群、小队专属空间等; management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 十、志愿培训内容: 1)培训时间:4月19日(星期日) 2)培训地点:待定; 3)培训对象:参加活动的约25名志愿者; 4)培训方式:负责人讲解活动流程和注意事项; 5)培训流程: a.主持人开场。活动负责人为本次培训会主持人; b.培训内容。由活动负责人讲解此次活动目的及意义,流程,讲解所 去培训中心的简单情况及教一些简单的折纸技术。并说明活动注意 事项; c.提问环节。对于本次活动有什么疑问或者是建议,都可以 马上向主 持人提出,由主持人回答,也可以由其他负责人代为回答; d.培训结束; 6)培训内容: a.活动的简介及意义; b.活动的流程及时间和人员安排; C.活动方式、礼仪; d.活动的注意事项; 十一、注意事项: 1) 活动前期务必让每一名参与活动的志愿者了解活动内容及流程; 2) 公关组负责人注意及时与培训中心的人联系好关爱智障儿童的准确时间以 及地点。并且联系好当天乘坐的车辆(确保安全) 3) 秘书组负责人需通知志愿者若当天不能来,需提前一天向负责人请假,好让 负责人有足够时间招募到志愿者; 4) 活动前的踩点工作一定要做好,清楚志愿者活动的路线; 5) 出发前交代好志愿者要服从安排、勿擅自离开队伍,勿打闹嬉戏 ,出校后 要注意形象,积极融入集体,团结队友,避免与内部或与外部人员发生矛盾; 6) 志愿者在与小朋友玩游戏的期间要注意文明礼貌,态度真诚耐心,积极热情; 7) 参加志愿活动的所有志愿者都必须穿队服或志愿者服; 8) 志愿者们要注意自身的财产和人身安全,一旦有特殊情况发生,及时向负责 人反映; management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site accor3 ding to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten 10) 负责人需要事先组织一些人把游戏用品全部分配好,以方便活动进行; 11) 志愿者可在游戏过程中中灵活发挥调节现场气氛并灵活调整每个活动的 时间; 十二、人员分工 两名主持人: 辅助志愿者(分配到同学中辅助讲解,1个志愿者管约2名同学): 拍照志愿者: 活动负责人: 其他后备志愿者: 十三、突发情况: 1. 活动当天有志愿者因特殊情况不能参加活动; 2. 天气状况不好,比如下雨; 3. 活动对象不够配合,出现冷场; 十四、应急 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 : 1. 负责人要提前与活动培训中心及时联络以确保活动能顺利进行; 2. 在招募志愿者时,应招募数名后备志愿者;当正式志愿者不能参与 活动情况下,立即启用后备志愿者; 3. 留意当天的天气状况,负责人要提醒志愿者当天带雨伞; 4. 志愿者须提前了解游戏内容以及相关折纸操作,做到当天游戏中能 够正确的折出形状,并且做到安全可靠; 5. 志愿者前往活动校方一定注意礼貌、穿戴整洁; 十五、经费预算: 名称 数量 单价(元) 总计(元) 路费 30 5 150 礼品(铅笔,作业40 1+0.8 72 本, 打印 100 0.2 20 零食 40 1.5 60 元 十六、负责人联系方式 附注:此策划书为初级版本,存在多方面不确定因素,有些具体问题(如活动时间、地点等)还有待确定。 management, logistical organization departments, as plane management fenpianbaogan management measures. Construction site according to cI criteria set "six-figure". Quality policy, engineering, construction schedule and civilized construction in fenpianbaogan district, the quality control machinery, ... 5 from the general contractor, construction, water and electricity sources specify the locations to the construction area, set the outlet, located below the water professional water container volume in 2M3 for water, to prevent spills, water for both construction and can meet the requirements. Power supply from a professional lock box out, and established a secondary box set, construction from a second-tier box, wires hanging to the construction area. 1) erection of extension (1) cable distribution boxes shall have sleeves, wire in and out without confusion. Large capacity electric box upper inlet and drop pipe. (2) extension good insulation, non-aging, damage and leakage. (3) extension should be laid along the wall or pole overhead, fixed with insulators. (4) aisle wire can be buried and mark with hard protective casing. (5) rubber line overhead outdoor extension application, joints in tension and to comply with the insulation requirements. 2) lighting (1) General places 220V voltage. Lighting in hazardous, wet places, and metal containers and portable lighting, voltage should be used to meet the requirements of safety. (2) lighting wires insulator fixed. Prohibited the use of flowers or plastic resin line. Tie wires not pulled or anywhere on the scaffold. (3) lighting the metal casing must be grounded or neutral. Lighting switch box must be installed within the single phase circuit protector. (4) outdoor lighting from the ground shall not be less than 3M: Interior from the ground shall not be less than 2.4m. Tungsten
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