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英汉互译20篇 内部资料,翻版必究 第 1页 考博英语致胜功略 英汉互译 20篇 Translation Passages 语篇翻译 英译汉 English-Chinese Translation 一.博...

内部 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 ,翻版必究 第 1页 考博英语致胜功略 英汉互译 20篇 Translation Passages 语篇翻译 英译汉 English-Chinese Translation 一.博士生英语入学考试英译汉部分试题说明和考核要求 博士生英语入学考试英译汉部分一般是段落翻译、篇章翻译,或给出一篇包含若干下划 线句子的文章,要求根据全文意思将下划线句子翻译出来。博士生英译汉要求是“能借助词典, 将难度较大、结构复杂的文章翻译成汉语,理解正确,译文达意。速度为每小时 350个左右英 文单词。”目前国家对博士生英语入学考试未作统一规定,由各招生学校或单位自行安排。但 大纲 专科护士培训大纲语法等级大纲网络小说大纲模版专职安全员生产检查释经讲道讲章大纲 规定博士生“英语入学水平原则上应达到或略高于硕士生的通过水平”,因此各校英语入 学考试英译汉部分试题基本是根据大纲要求设计的。 二. English-Chinese Translation 英译汉 (一) 段落中划线句子翻译方法浅析 1.理解过程 通过阅读,抓住文章、段落、句子意思。切忌匆忙下笔,而应先吃透原文;然后再考虑其 中某一句子的翻译;即在推敲某个句子前,先弄清全文意思。理解过程中障碍可用以下方法排 除: A.找出主题句 找出主题句就等于抓住了文章的“纲”。 B.理清上下逻辑关系 离开上下文,语言所 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达的意思就会模糊不清。段落中的每个句子都跟上下文构成一种逻 辑关系,或并列关系,或总分关系。这样,即使对某个句子不十分理解,通过分析上下文逻辑 关系也能正确判断它的意思。对生词,可通过仔细阅读上下文,就可找到解释。段落与句子的 关系是链条和链节的关系。 C. 注意语言标记词 标记词对理解句子和段落大意有重要作用,如 but, however 表示转折,therefore是对上下 文的概括, in other word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 s是对上文的解释说明 2.表达过程 内部资料,翻版必究 第 2页 理解大意的基础上,将仔细推敲过的划线句子用纯正汉语表达出来,就是表达过程。 千万不要受原文形式束缚而翻译出让人费解的句子。译文要忠实于原文,保持原文特色,而且 符合汉语习惯。 用汉语将划线部分表达出来后,还应将译文对照原文进行仔细核查,为求没有遗漏和歧义 的出现,而这是忠实原文的保证。之后,应进一步对译文进行语言上的润色和修饰,修正不恰 当或不符合汉语习惯的表达。 (二)段落语篇翻译方法浅析 1.对语篇结构的分析和理解 翻译的操作过程可分为原文理解,译文表达,校对修改3个阶段。其中原文理解是基础。 对原文的理解应该采取宏观到微观的方法: A.宏观分析,是对译文整体的认识。要求抓住原文的主旨,理顺原文的层次。 B. 对文章章节或段落进行结构分析,认清逻辑推进层次。每个段落也有自己的主题和层次。 C. 对段落中难懂的字句进行特别的分析和推敲,也是至关重要的。 2. 译文的表达 语言在交际过程中由于使用范围、场合和交际参与者的不同而形成不同文体。 A.新闻报道语篇有别于法律文献,叙事语篇不同于政论,正式讲演和朋友的私下交谈也有显 著区别。因此,句子的衔接、语义的连贯、文体的贴切都是达到交际目的不可缺少的因素。 B.不同文体,句式也不同。论说文较长,结构较复杂,新闻报道则结构简明,信息密度大。 科技文章则出现被动语态较多,而童话、神话则多用简单句。 C.不同文体语篇结构也不同。叙事文体以时间顺序组句成篇,描写语篇以空间顺序为主线, 论说语篇则主要以逻辑层次的安排来布局谋篇。 3. 校对修改 检查有无误译和漏译之处,行文语言是否通顺和流畅,译文有无逻辑上错误。 三.练习和答案 Passage 1 Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize of Physics for his Photon theory. Actually his contribution to the theory of Relativity is far more important than his Photon theory. Nevertheless, the Nobel Prize Nominating Committee took a very prudent attitude to the radical theory of relativity. In fact, Nobel Prize has never been awarded so far to the founders of the theory of relativity. What motivated Einstein and his successors most is neither wealth nor fame, nor any other lofty goals, but the pure curiosity in science and aesthetics of science. 爱因斯坦因他的光子理论而获得诺贝尔物理学奖, 其实爱因斯坦因在相对论方面的贡献远远 比他在光子理论的贡献重要得多。但是诺贝尔评奖委员会对激进的相对论持谨慎的态度。事实 上迄今诺贝尔奖从未为相对论创立者颁发过。 引导爱因斯坦以及他以后的科学家生涯的最大动机,不是财富,不是名声,业不是别的 甚麽更高的目标,他们的主要动机是对科学的好奇心和科学的美学。 内部资料,翻版必究 第 3页 Passage 2 What is cyberspace? By Barlow' s definition, just about everybody has already been to cyberspace. “It's marked by the feeling that the person you' re talking to is in the same room. Most people take the spatial dimension of a phone conversation for granted until they get a really bad connection or a glitchy conversation call. Then they start raising their voice, as if by sheer volume they could propel it to the outer reaches of cyberspace. Cyberspace, of course, is bigger than a telephone call. It encompasses the millions of personal computers connected by modems via the telephone system to commercial online services, as well as the millions more with high - speed links to local area networks, office E-mail systems and the Internet. It includes the rapidly expanding wireless services: microwave towers that carry great quantities of cellular phone and data traffic; communications satellites strung like beads in geosynchronous orbit; low - flying satellites that will soon crisscross the globe like angry bees connecting folks too far - flung or too much on the go to be fastened by wires. Someday even our television sets may he part of cyberspace, transformed into interactive teleputers" by so- called full- service networks like the ones several cable - TV companies are building along the old cable lines, using fiber optics arid high speed switches. 什么是赛百空间?按约翰·帕利·巴洛的说法,赛百空间可以最言简意赅地定义为“你利 用电话进行交谈时所处的空间”。 当然, 赛百空间之所云比打电话更广泛。它包括数以百万计 的计算机用调制解调器通过电话系统相连形成的联网商业服务系统, 它接入当地高速信息网 络、办公电子邮件和国际互联网之中。它包括发展迅速的无线服务系统:负责大量的手机信号 与数据传输的微波发射塔;连珠似的运行于地球同步轨道上的通讯卫星;象怒蜂一样穿梭往返 于地球与太空之间的低空卫星,它们把用线路联络显得太远或花费太多的人们联原来的电缆 线,利用光缆和高速转换器建成的那种所谓的全方位服务网络那样。 Passage 3 It would be more regretful to idle your life out than you die young or die old. It is quite possible that a person who die at his eighteenth would live more fruitfully than a person who die at eighty. We do believe that it would be better for him to pass each passing day worthfully than to accumulate lots of valuable experience regardless of the consequences. That is to say, he should try to pass each day of his life as if it would be the only day in his life. It means that he should try his best to cope with all the depressions and pains in his life peacefully and forcefully. He should try his utmost to find means to get access to life and increase and keep the interest and value of life. 内部资料,翻版必究 第 4页 不论是英年早逝, 还是老年故去,都没有比虚度年华更令人遗憾。一个人活了十八岁可能比 另一个人活了八十年活得更加充实。对于生活,我们认为并不是要去不顾一切地积累大量的他 以为是有价值的经验,而是应该过好每天的时光。也就是说,他总是把每一天当作似乎那是他 生命中唯一的一天来过。这意思是说,人应当要寻求平和感和力量感去对付生活中的失意和痛 苦。提示坚持不懈地努力去发现能更接近生活的办法,增加并维持生活的乐趣和价值。 Passage 4 One of the biggest mysteries in human history of the modern world in which we live is the unique integration of many elements of China and the West. It is highly probable that over the half of the dominant inventions and discoveries have their origin from China, which is hardly known to the outside world. Why didn't we Chinese realize such an important truth? The main reason is that the declining and corruption of China in recent 100 years since the Opium War deface the Chinese people and make them lose their self-respect, thus failing to see this point. If the inventors and discoverers didn't persist in their own rights for originality and even lost the memory of such rights, why would the successors of these inventions and discoveries like to worry about returning such rights to the real originators? So it is a real problem that the westerners are still reluctant to admit this fact until now. It would be comfortable to lie on the glory of the laurel to credit themselves with the claim that they attained such a height in science independently without any help of others. 人类历史上鲜为人知的最大奥秘之一就是我们居于其中的现代世界是中国和西方多种成 分的独特综合。很可能现代世界所赖以建立的一半以上的主要的发明和发现都是来源于中国。 而这是鲜为人知的。 为什么我们中国人没有认识到这种巨大的真理呢?主要的原因是中国自鸦片战争一百 多年来中国的衰败使中国人失去了自尊感,因而看不到这一点。如果这些发现发明的创始人自 己就不再坚持自己的首创权利了,甚至他们自己对这些创造的记忆都淡薄了,为什么他们的继 承者还要煞费苦心地把这些失去的首创权利物归原主呢?直到现在还要很多西方人是否原意 知道事实真象依然是个问题。自我满足于认为是西方人自己孤立无助地达到了他们今天的地 位,总比把这些发明创造的功劳归于别人更舒服些 Passage 5 It is often a puzzle for most children to learn to read. It is estimated that about 20 % of the Americans who experience barriers to turn the letters on a page into sounds. The recent research in brain image-formation helps to determine the positions where such generation and transformation are done. This is actually a very significant result. It has disclosed the neural basis why some quite clever people may experience difficulty in reading. But it is the second finding of this research that accounts for the common concern. That is the difference between the man and woman with their reading barrier. 内部资料,翻版必究 第 5页 The chief scientist of this research is the pediatrician Sari Schultz and her husband, the neurologist Bennett. Their research interest does not lie in the sex difference in reading. Rather, it aims at showing what parts of human brain are most active in language transfer through measuring the minor change of the blood flow in the brain by means of the most advanced image-formation technology-nuclear magnetic resonance to reflect the image-formation process in human brain. But Sari Schultz said that it would be more accurate to adopt nuclear magnetic resonance. This is how they have finally defined the position of sound processing in human brain, or the sex difference in sound transformation in reading. 对于多数儿童来说,学会阅读是学习实践中的一个难题。估计有 20%的美国人在把书 页上的字母转换成声音时经常出现障碍。最近大脑成像方面的研究确定这种貌似神奇般的转换 发生的部位。这是个非常重要的结果:第一步就是解开了为什么一些相当聪明而在阅读方面有 困难的人们的神经基础。但引起关注的热点是这项研究的第二项成果,也就是女人在阅读方面 发生的障碍与男人不同。 这项研究的主持者儿科专家萨利. 舍维茨和她的丈夫,神经学家贝内特。 舍维茨研究的 不是男女的性别差异, 他们研究采用了现有最先进的反映大脑成像技术实用磁共振成像,象 其它反映大脑成像技术一样,通过测试血流的微小变化来显示大脑的哪些部分最活跃。但是, 萨利. 舍维茨说实用磁共振成像技术比其它技术更精确,这也就是他们如何终于发现了在音位 处理,或者说读音转换方向的性别差异。 Passage 6 The world Intellectual Property Organization, or WIPO for short, --was set up according to the treaty signed in Stockholm in 1967. This treaty was put into effect in 1970. China was invited to join the treaty On June 3rd, 1980. The world Intellectual Property Organization is an organization among governments whose headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. It is one of the specialized institutions under the United Nations’ intellectual property system. The headquarters is in charge of improving the protection of the world intellectual properties in the world sphere through the international cooperation. The intellectual properties include two main parts: the industrial properties and the publishing properties. The industrial property protection is mainly concerned with the protection of the inventions in trademarks and designs of industrial products. It also stipulates the prohibition of improper competition. The former three aspects have something in common for their exclusive methods in protecting intellectual properties, such as inventions, trademarks and the product surface outlooks, etc. However, it has nothing to do with the patent rights in prohibiting unfair competition. It is mainly about the prevention of unfair competitions in dishonest business behaviors. 内部资料,翻版必究 第 6页 The protection of publication properties is usually concerned with that of literary and art works, whose forms may include literature, music, painting, cubic products or their combinations (such as operas and films). Almost all the countries copy rights stipulate the protection of the following types of works: literature, music, fine arts, photographs and film photography. 世界知识产权组织—英语简称为“WIPO—The World Intellectual Property Organization”--- 是根据 1967年在斯德哥尔摩签订的公约而成立的,该公约于 1970年生效,中国于 1980年 6月 3 日加入公约. 世界知识产权组织为一政府间组织,总部设在日内瓦,它是联合国世界知识产权组织系统下 的许多专门结构之一,它负责通过国际间的合作促进对全世界知识产权的保护. 知识产权包括两个主要部分:工业产权和版权. 工业产权主要是对发明﹑商标和工业品外 观设计的保护,以及制止不正当竞争.前三项有一些共同点,因为对发明制止不正当竞争﹑商标 和工业品外观的设计都是用专属实施权的方式保护的(如专利权). 制止不正当竞争同专属权无 关.而是反对违犯诚实经营工商业的竞争行为.版权所涉及的对象通常是 “文学艺术作品”. 作 品的表现形式可以是文学﹑音乐﹑图画﹑立体作品或其组合物(如歌剧或电影).几乎所有国家 的版权都规定保护以下类型的作品: 文学﹑音乐﹑艺术﹑摄影以及电影摄影等作品。 Passage 7 Since the hype began in the middle 1980s, virtual reality (VR) has captivated public interest with pictures of people wearing enormous goggles and sensors-laden gloves. The technologies used to immerse people in a computer - generated world will, however, change radically during the coming decade, making the begoggled cybernaut as quaint an image as the undersea explorer in a heavy metal diving helmet. _ The important thing about VR is that it does rather than how its effects are achieved: it permits people to behave as if they were somewhere they are not. That place may be a computational fiction or a recreated environment from another place or time. VR transports perceptions by appealing to several senses-- sight, hearing and touch--and by presenting images that respond immediately to one’s movements. The techniques for creating this illusion differ depending on the kind of place being visited and what a user want to do while there. A pilot in a flight simulator, for example, might need hydraulic actuators to simulate banks and forms, whereas a molecular biologist exploring the bonds between molecules might need particularly fine position sensors and mechanisms to simulate the “feel” of interatomic forces. 自从本世纪八十年代中期以来,虚拟现实就开始强烈地吸引着公众的兴趣,人们戴着巨大 的头盔观望镜和布满感应器的手套。技术曾经使人们沉浸于一个电脑主宰的世界之中; 然而, 今后的十几年间,将产生巨大的变化,从而使得戴着头盔观望镜的赛百空间遨游者的形象十分 时髦,就象戴着沉重的潜海头盔的海底探险者一样。 内部资料,翻版必究 第 7页 对虚拟现实而言,重要的是它所产生的什么样的效果,而不是它是如何产生这些效果的。 虚拟现实能使人们感到自己好象处于一个他们从未到过的境界之中。这种境界似乎是计算机文 艺创作出来的;也可能是从另一时间、空间再创造而成的。虚拟现实通过同时刺激几种感觉, 如视觉、听觉、触觉,并通过人对各种运动迅速作出反应的反应,来展示形象的 Passage 8 In an on demand world, the ability to sense and respond to change in customer needs will be more important than size. Since change will be unpredictable, flexibility will be of the utmost importance. Fixed costs will reduce your flexibilityvariable costs will increase it. The new business model will require a corresponding on demand operating environment--built on open standards to allow quick, easy and cost-effective innovation and reconfiguration. In the on demand era, processes will have to be integrated from one end to the other  so a customer order, for example, creates a ripple effect in which every part of the organization responds appropriately to the impact of the order: logistics, manufacturing and distribution. The level of integration needed to make this happen is a big challenge but a huge opportunity. In this era, you'll need an e-business partner you can trust, e-business tools that work in new ways and e-business people who understand your business as well as the technology it runs on. A partner, in other words, like IBM 在一个迎合需求的世界上,对顾客需求方面的变化保持敏感与做出反应的能力将比需求量大小 更重要。 因为变化是难以预料的,灵活性就最为重要。固定的成本将降低你的灵活性,反之, 变化的成本将增加这种灵活性。 这种新的商业模式要求一种相应的按需求运作的环境,这种环境是建立在考虑到快速、容 易、有效利用成本的革新和重组产品类型的开放性 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 之上的。 在这个迎合需求的时代,程序将需要从头到尾的一体化。因为顾客的订货创造了一种起伏 不定的效应,其中组织工作的每一部分:后勤部门、制造部门和销售部门,都要对订货的影响 做出适当反应。为此所需要的一体化程度是一种巨大的挑战,但又是一种巨大的商机。 在这个时代,你需要一个你能信赖的电子商业伙伴,一套以新方式现在正在发生着转变, 这个转变是以电子商务为动力,并受到各种运作的电子商务手段,和一套能够理解你的商业活 动和运作人马。 换言之,要有一个像IBM这样的伙伴。 Passage 9 New Zealand is a nature lover's paradise. You don't need contrived amusement parks or fenced-off 'scenic areas. (1)All you have to do is take a stroll and you can: breathe, touch and see the beauty of this country. 内部资料,翻版必究 第 8页 (2)Wondrous scenery, pollution free, good climate, challenging activities...what more can one ask for? No skyscraper in cities at all. A four or five-storied building is a high and huge one in South Island. Hence there is nothing to block the sight. (3)I like the fact that walking outside and, even on the way to the grocery store, I can see the most breathtaking scenery all around me. (4)Secluded inlets, rugged snow-capped mountains, wild coast and picturesque farming plains, all are like something that appears only in fairy tales. The West-coast beaches attracted me most. Sitting on the black shimmering sand, listening to the wind singing, watching the prairie we were exposed to and pristine picture. really “heaven comes true”! (5)We could not help killing thirteen rolls of films during. our stay. These photos allow us to relish our memories of New Zealand even till today. (1)你全部要做的就是出去遛弯儿,你能够呼吸到、触摸到、亲眼看到这个国家的美丽。 (2)美妙的风光、没有污染、气候良好、富有挑战性的活动...我们还能要求什么哪? (3)外出散步,甚至在去商店购物的路上,我都能看到我的周围令人叹为观止的风光,这是 我颇为喜欢的事情。 (4)幽静的海湾,起伏不定的白雪覆盖的山顶,宽阔的海岸,还有风景如画的田园风光,所 有这些都像只有在神话股市中才能看到的那种景色。 (5) 我们在逗留中情不自禁地用掉了13卷胶卷,这些照片直到如今都能使我们喜欢回味的新 西兰之行留下的的记忆。 Passage 10 Italy, the land of Dante, declared war on officialese(官样文章) recently, vowing to simplify the way the state communicates with its citizens.(1) “This is a cultural revolution our relationship with citizens,” Civil Service Minister Franco Frattini told a news conference to unveil a Project to make bureaucratic language understandable. The project called "Chiaro!" (Clear!), aims to rid the language used in bureaucratic texts of complex clauses and confusing terms. (2)While Italians were keeping their fingers crossed it would succeed, Frattini acknowledged it would be an uphill struggle. (3)Many existing government texts would be changed into more simple language but the hardest part would be to teach old dogs new tricks. “It would be useless to translate the documents and not train personnel to stop using ancient, incomprehensible language," he said. (4)Ministries would be encouraged to compete for a "Chiaro!" (Clear!) stamp, which be awarded only to departments and ministries that wrote simply. Professor Alfredo Fioritto, who heads a task of legal experts and linguists. admitted it was going tough. "There are hundreds of years of tradition to today the government speaks like it did in the nineteenth century," he said. (5)"Simplifying language is very difficult. It means you have to know what you are talking about. 内部资料,翻版必究 第 9页 (1)“这是政府与国民关系的—次文化革命。”这次定名为“奇亚罗!”(明白!)的行动目的是去 除公文语言中那些复杂的从句和混乱的术语。 (2)意大利人都盼望这次行动能够成功,但弗拉蒂尼承认这会是一场艰苦的斗争。 (3)他说: “单是改变文件没什么用,必须培训有关人员,让他们停止使用古老的、无法理 解的语言。” (4)政府将鼓励各部门去争夺“奇亚罗’标志,只有那些公文简明的部门才能获得这—荣誉。 (5)“简化语言是很困难的事情。这意味着你必须知道自己在说什么 汉译英 Chinese-English Translation 一. 博士生英语入学考试汉译英部分试题说明和考核要求 汉译英部分旨在考察考生掌握汉英翻译的方法技巧、语言翻译能力以及汉英翻译所必备 的语言文化知识。博士生汉译英要求考生是“能够将中等难度 200-250个汉字的短文译成英 语约 250-300单词,无语言错误,基本符合英语表达习惯,笔译速度达到每小时 250个左右 汉字;考查考生选择恰当的英语单词、词组和句型来准确表达汉语意思的能力;适当考查考生 对增、减、变词义、断句和合句等汉译英基本技巧的运用能力。”目前国家对博士生英语入学 考试未作统一规定,由各招生学校或单位自行安排。但大纲规定博士生“英语入学水平原则上 应达到或略高于硕士生的通过水平”,因此各校英语入学考试汉译英部分试题基本是根据大纲 要求设计的。 二.汉译英 Chinese-English Translation (一)汉译英方法浅析 1. 翻译以“忠”为标准 A. 内容上忠于原文 一个句子常有多种译法,各有利弊,有的忠实原文,有的放在整篇文章中显得较顺,有的 更为忠于原文的整体精神。一篇文章的好坏,取决于其是否忠实于原文的立场、观点和主题思 想。如果译文在全局上不忠于原文,那在其他细节上再忠实于原文也不是好的译文。 B. 语言以“顺”为目标 指在体裁、文风、文章的准确性、生动性、通顺程度等语言特点上忠于原文。 2. 使译文表达确切的方法 A. 句型的选择 基本句型 ①SV(主-动) Jean works. 内部资料,翻版必究 第 10页 ②SVC(主-系-表) The plan sounds perfect. ③SVO(主-动-表) John uses a computer. ④SVOiOd(主-动-间宾-直宾) John will buy his a dress. ⑤SVOCo(主-动-宾-宾补) John considers his child a genius. 我们还应知道,英语句子的变换主要是其主语和谓语语序的变换,和谓语及其宾语、补语、 状语等成分的增减和变化。 B. 词汇的选择 ① 根据语境选词 例如甲乙见面,甲说:上课了?根据不同语境翻译为: “Have you just finished your class?”(乙走出教室,甲问) “How is your first class?”(乙刚开始任课,甲问) “Has the bell gone?”或“Am I late for Class?”(甲急着上课,路上问乙) ② 注意汉英语言词语搭配的不同习惯 如 表示“大”不能一并用 big 大雨 heavy rain 大路 a main street 大门 an enterance door 大局 overall situation C.词语的增减 ① 汉语有许多无主句,英语句子则一般要有主语,翻译时可采用被动式或 There be⋯结构,补出一个主语。例: 难以预料他将干什么。 There is no telling what he’ll do . 亲不亲,一家人嘛。 Relatives or not, we are of one family. ② 词的省略也是汉译英的常见现象。有些汉语词在译文中是多余的,可以或必须 删去。举例: 生也好、死也好,我们要忠于祖国,忠于人民,忠于这项事业。 Live or die, we should be loyal to our country, to our people and to our course. 再有一些表示范畴的词可不必译出。举例: 我们必须结束这种社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面。 We must put to an end the social unrest and upheaval. 这里,“局面”不用翻译成 situation, status,condition等。 ③ 注意词类的转换 汉语的动词可以转换成英语的名词。举例: 绝对不许违反这个原则。 No violation of this principle can be tolerated. 还可以转换成形容词。举例: 我们为他的健康担忧。 I am anxious about his health. 还可以转换成介词。举例: 内部资料,翻版必究
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