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八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks校本作业(新版)人教新目标版


八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks校本作业(新版)人教新目标版Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks 一、选择填空。 ( )1.Jack met lots of difficulties, but he never ______ hope. A.cheered up B.gave up C.put up ( ) 2.Now many college students________advertisement to make money for their s...

八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks校本作业(新版)人教新目标版
Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks 一、选择填空。 ( )1.Jack met lots of difficulties, but he never ______ hope. A.cheered up B.gave up C.put up ( ) 2.Now many college students________advertisement to make money for their study. A.help out B.give out C.give up ( ) 3.His bedroom is so dirty, he needs_______. A.clean it up B.to clean up it. C. to clean it up ( ) 4.You should visit the sick kids to _______. A.cheer him up B.put them up C.cheer them up ( ) 5.We could make a plan______the kids in poor area. A. to help B.helped C.helping 2、 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. Let’s go to watch the soccer game and c our team. 2. The n on the wall says, “No photos”. 3. You can use road s to help people find the place 4. We need a v to help to give out food at the food bank. 2. Who will v to answer this question? 5. Old Henry has few friends, so he feels very l . 3、 从方框里选择合适短语的正确形式完成句子。 1.My bedroom is dirty and mess. I’d like to ______ it ______ this Sunday. 2.If we see the thief in the street, we should____________ the police. 3.We could_____________some traffic signs on the wall. 4.I don’t know how to____________my friend when she is sad. 5.Jimmy has to______________playing soccer because of his injured leg. 6.He was ______________ notices at the school gate. 7.We should ______________ the old people. 四、把下列句子补充完整。 1.他数学考试不及格,看起来很悲伤。我们来让他高兴起来。 He failed in the math test and looks sad. Let’s_______ him _______. 2. 我们需要想出一些办法解决这个问题。 We need_______ _______ _______ _____some ideas to solve this problem. 3. 哪个女孩可以自愿在一所村小教孩子们英语。 The girl could _______ in a village school_______ _________kids English. 4. 我们正在制定一些计划去老人之家帮他们打扫房子。 We’re________ _______ ________ to help________ _____the house in the old people’s home. 5. 我爷爷给我们讲有关过去的故事和过去的情形是怎么样的。 My grandfather told me stories about the past and how things ________ ______ ________. 五、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选择补全对话。 A:Would you like to have dinner with me this evening, Bob? B:(1)__________. Maybe another time. A:What are you doing? B:I’m making a plan.(2)__________. A:What plan? Is it very important? B:Yes, I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month. A:(3)___________. B:I help out at the children’s hospital. I help to plan some activities. A:(4)_______________. B:Of course. You should help to make the sick children happy. A:(5)______________ I can tell them some interesting stories. A. Oh, I’d love to do that. B. I must finish it on time. C. Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy. D. Err…Bob, could I join you? E. What kind of volunteer work do you do? 六、重点词句 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 课时二 1、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Mr.Green gives up his free time__________ (visit)the old in the old people’s home. 2.When he saw the children singing happily, he got such a strong__________ (feel)of satisfaction. 3.Bob decided__________ (try)out for a job in a foreign company last week. 4.Mr.Chen stopped__________(do)his job for a year to teach kids in a village school in Gansu province. 5.These volunteers are making plans to help those__________ (home) people. 二、根据句意、汉语和首字母提示完成下列句子。 1.The children all jumped with j__________ (高兴) when they heard the good news. 2.You shouldn’t make your child stay home a ________(单独). 3.Don’t you see the traffic s________(标志) on the right? 4.We need you to help r_________(筹集) money for those homeless children. 5.When they saw these old women get on the bus, s__________ (几个)students offered their seats to them. 三、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 1. I ate ______________ apples. They really tasted nice. 2. My sister is afraid to go out ___________ at night. 3. Tom ___________ for a basketball team last week. 4. She looked at her son’s picture with great ____________. 5. Will you have a long __________this summer vacation? 四、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 1.你可以打电话告诉他你的想法。 You could _______ ________ ________ to tell him your idea. 2.我不知道如何关心动物。 I don’t know_______ ________ ________ _________ animals. 3.她五岁的时候开始学习打棒球。 She began to learn to play baseball ________ _________ ________ ________ five. 4.她非常高兴,因为她可以做她喜爱做的事情。 She is very happy because she can do_______ ________ ________ ________ ________. 5.她将自愿帮助我们举办一次图书特卖活动。 She will _______ ________ ________ us have a book sale. 5、 根据汉语意思,把下列句子补充完整(每空多词)。 1. 玛丽是个读书爱好者,四岁时就能独自读书了。 Mary is a book lover and she could read by herself_____________________ four. 2. 我想把去动物医院工作的计划推迟到明年夏天。 I want to_______________my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. 3. 他们决定在学校周围张贴布告来告诉学生们售书的事情。 They decided to ________________around the school to tell students about the book sale. 4. 去年,这个女孩决定去应聘做一名课外阅读活动的志愿者。 Last year, the girl decided to_____________________a volunteer after-school reading program. 5. 我们班同学正在尽力想办法使这些生病的孩子振奋起来。 Our class is trying to______________some ideas to cheer up these sick kids. 六、阅读。根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) Once there was a man who had two children, a boy and a girl. The boy was good-looking but the girl was not. One day they found a mirror and for the first time they saw what they looked like. The boy was very pleased and he said to his sister, “How handsome I am! I look much nicer than you!” The girl did not like what her brother said and gave him a hard push. “Go away!” she said. Their father saw what was happening. He went up to them and said to the boy, “you must always be good as well look good.” Then to the girl he said, “My dear, if you help everyone and do your best to please, everyone will love you. It will not matter that you are not as good-looking as your brother.” ( )1. The story is about a woman and his two children.  ( )2. The boy looked very nice and so did the girl.  ( )3. The sister was angry and she pushed her brother away.  ( )4.The father told his son if he could be nice and kind to people and ready to help, everybody would love her.      ( )5. The story tells us that the most important thing for a person is to be nice and helpful to people. 七、重点词句检测 课时三 一、选择填空。 ( )1.---Is the girl really Mrs.Green’s daughter? She doesn’t______her at all. ---But sure she is. She looks like her father. A.run after B.take after C.look after ( )2.---Do you_____a time to have a talk with me? ---How about tomorrow? I’m too busy today. A.use up B.look up C.fix up ( )3.The company______five computers to the village school. A.came up with B.handed out C.gave away ( )4.Tom’s bike is broken. It needs________. A.repairing B.to repair C.repaired ( )5.Some people waste too much water.They don’t believe that we can________it some day. A.look out B.run out C..run out of 二、根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Cars and trains run on ________(轮子)。 2. Tom, take these _________ (信件) to Mr. Black. 3. You can’t imagine how many _____________(困难) we met. 4. Their help makes me feel ______________(激动) and happy. 5. Peter went there and ___________(提) water for the old woman. 3、 从方框里选择合适的短语完成句子。 1. Though the clothes are new, she decides to_____them______to the people in disaster areas. 2. Fred, could you help me____________these exercise books to the students? 3. Sandy is upset now. Why don’t we_______her________? 4. Could you please help me_____________my computer? It doesn’t work. 5. We can’t buy any more books because we have__________money. 4、 同义句转换。 1.He was repairing a TV set when I came back. He was_______ ________a TV set when I came back. 2.Lucy takes after her mother. Lucy________ ________her mother. 3.The volunteers often give out ads calling for less pollution. The volunteers often________ _______ads calling for less pollution. 五、中文情景。 1. 我们应该怎样帮助饥饿的人们,你的建议是:____________________________________ 2. 你的朋友想去医院做志愿者却不知道具体做什么,你可以这么建议: 3. 同学向你借钱,你的钱已经花完了,你可以这么回复:__________________________________ 六、完形填空。 Last week 1.______ was trying to cheer up Jimmy the Bike Boy. But 2.______ week, Jimmy is happy again. 3. ______ Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of 4. ______ to buy old bikes. He also put up some 5. ______ asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. He even handed 6. _____advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at 7._______ about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies 8.______ he came up with worked out fine. He now 9.____ sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to 10.______ who don’t have bikes. ( )1. A. everyone B. every C. all ( )2. A. that B. these C. this ( )3. A. In B. On C. At ( )4. A. money B. time C. food ( )5. A. pencils B. books C. signs ( )6. A. out B. in C. with ( )7. A. shop B. hospital C. school ( )8. A. this B. who C. that ( )9. A. have B. has C. have been ( )10.A. child B. a child C. children ※七、根据横线后的标点提示将下列单词连成完整、正确的句子。 1. last, my, helped, friend, at, me, out ________________________________________________. 2. going, we, day, all, be, one, old, are, to ________________________________________________. 3. walk, easily, the, use, his, old, hands, man, can’t, or ________________________________________________. 4. here, dream, for, come, a, volunteering, true, me, is _________________________________________________. 5. a, about, having, party, excited, were, idea, they, surprise, the, of 课时四 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Miss Li’s kindness made it possible for Ben________(have)Lucky. 2.The special ________ (train)dog can help the blind a lot. 3.Thank you for________ (take) care of my pet dog. 4.The dog-helper makes a big ________ (different)to Ben Smith. 5.They_________ (set)up an English Club next term. 二、根据汉语意思,把下列句子补充完整。 1.去年他们建立一个组织去帮助那些残疾儿童。 They_________ _________ a group to help the _______children last year. 2. 全国人民的帮助使我们重建一个新城市成为可能。 The people all over China helped to_______ ____ _______ for us to rebuild a new city. 3. 像接电话、开门关门、或者搬运东西这样一些普通的事情对残疾人来说都很困难。 Some normal things like answering the telephone, opening and________ ________, or________ things are difficult for disabled people. 4. 露西喜爱动物,对有一条宠物狗的想法她感到很兴奋。 Lucy loves animals and she_______ _______ ______the idea of having a pet dog. 三、根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空。 agree with, put up, come up with, hand out, call up, set up Hello, everyone! Today let’s discuss Volunteer Day. Now, I’d like to (1) _________ my ideas. First, to make more students know about the day, we should (2) _________ some signs around the school telling them about it. Next, after school, we need to (3) ___________ some notices to them. Then we could (4) ____________ our friends and ask them to come that day. Finally, I think we have to hope everything will be fine. Err… Do you all (6)________ my ideas? OK, Let’s act at once. 四、根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 Guide dogs are the “eyes” for many blind people. Lucy is one of the guide dogs. When Lucy was one year old, she went to a special (1)________center for dogs. There Lucy learned to do normal things (2) __________ opening the door, answering the telephone or carrying things. And she also learned how to guide a person across streets.Lucy is very (3)_________. Soon she passed all her tests. After that, Dick, a blind man, came to the center to meet his “eyes”. He stayed there with Lucy for four weeks and (4)_________ each other very well. Now, Lucy becomes Dick’s new “eyes”. Every day Lucy helps Dick with many things. “You can’t (5)____________ how happy I am now,” Dick is excited and says, “ Thank Lucy for (6)_______ my life. We’ve become good friends. ※四、阅读理解 From Jun, Hong Kong I am very impressed by Debbie, Peter and Michael. I agree with Michael that community service(社区服务) can make you a better person. The experiences have taught me that it’s better to give than to receive. Doing community service, to a certain extent (在一定程度上), is helping others make their dreams come true. From Julie, Canada I’m so touched about what Debbie and Peter do for those kids and the organization. When I play around with those kids, I feel like I can help others and bring them happiness. Actually, we don’t need to do much, just smile and hug. These simple things make them so happy. From Chen Ying, China I used to think that it was natural for people to have parents and a family. But that’s not the case for many of the children here. Through the service, I understand that donations don’t only come in the form of money or food. The kids also need love and attention. Those are the two most important things. From Maria, Norway By doing community service, you can learn a lot about other people’s lives, which you can’t learn by doing something else. ( ) 1. Whom is Chen Ying offering his services to? A. Children who have no money for school. B. Children who have no parents. C. Kids who are disabled. ( ) 2. Why does Maria like to do community service? A. She wants to share her experiences with others. B. She has the opportunity to learn about other people’s lives. C. She has a chance to be helped. ( ) 3. Who are Debbie, Peter and Michael? A. Children in the community. B. The children’s relatives. C. Volunteers doing community service. ( ) 4. What’s Michael’s opinion? A. Community service can help make his dreams come true. B. Community service can make him a better person. C. Community service can help him explore and understand himself. ( ) 5. What is the passage mainly about? A. Volunteers’ views. B. How to be a volunteer. C. How to make dreams come true. cheer up , put up , call up , give up , care for,clean up,hand out ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ alone, try out, satisfaction, several, journey ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ cheer up , give up , run out of , give away , fix up Imagine, clever, understand, change, train, like
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