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食物相克表(Grams of food table)


食物相克表(Grams of food table)食物相克表(Grams of food table) 食物相克表(Grams of food table) 4 to 15 months baby feeding strategy 4~6 months - let the baby gradually become familiar with the variety of tastes and feelings of various foods, and adapt to the transition from liquid food to semi liq...

食物相克表(Grams of food table)
食物相克 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf (Grams of food table) 食物相克表(Grams of food table) 4 to 15 months baby feeding strategy 4~6 months - let the baby gradually become familiar with the variety of tastes and feelings of various foods, and adapt to the transition from liquid food to semi liquid food. Rice flour, egg yolk: feeding protein at least until the baby after 1 years old, the family history of allergies to the baby feeding yolk time can be postponed to 6 months later. Fruit: sour heavy fruit, such as oranges, lemons, kiwi, do not eat to the baby. Vegetables: carrots, potatoes, green beans, pumpkins, etc.. 7~9 months - in addition to continuing to be familiar with the new tastes and feelings of various foods, the texture and particle size of food should gradually be changed, and gradually from the mud paste food to the solid food for young children, In order to match the baby's eating skills and the development of gastrointestinal function, so that complementary food instead of a meal of milk and become an independent meal; at the same time exercise the baby's chewing ability. Eggs, fish, meat, liver, Cereals, fruits, vegetables and so on. Eggs from the initial egg yolk mud gradually to Steamed Egg Custard, to more than 8 months, can be boiled or scrambled from powder, gradually transition to the small; Fish, lean meat, liver, vegetables and fruits should also have the same change process. 10~12 months - not only to meet the baby's nutritional needs, but also continue to exercise the baby's chewing ability, in order to promote the development of masticatory muscles, tooth eruption and jaw normal development and shaping, As well as gastrointestinal function and digestive enzyme activity. At this point, the mere eating of mud paste can meet the requirements of balanced nutrition, but the rest of the task is difficult to achieve. You can increase the hardness of the food properly. At this time, the baby food from thick porridge to soft rice; from rotten noodles to steamed buns, dumplings, Steamed Buns tablets; from the end, minced meat into dish shredded vegetables, minced meat. 12~15 months - baby teeth have basically developed completely, the oral "digestion process" has been quite perfect. This period, although in the choice of complementary food ingredients, there is no too big commandment, But in cooking, pay attention to taste is slightly lighter than adults, heavy oil or very sweet, salty food, for this period of time for the baby, too early. Vegetables: Fresh vegetables can not only provide vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates, plant fiber and other important nutrients for children's development, some vegetables also have the effect of brain and intelligence. Scientists divided them into 4 groups: methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl, according to the nutritional content of vegetables: A class of vegetables, rich in carotene, riboflavin, vitamin C, calcium, fiber, and so on, higher nutritional value. There are Chinese cabbage, spinach, mustard, mustard, leek etc.. Class B vegetables, nutrition is inferior to class A, usually divided into 3 kinds. The first one contains riboflavin, including all fresh beans and bean sprouts; Containing second kinds of carotene and vitamin C more, including carrots, celery, onion, garlic, tomato, sweet potato etc.; The third category mainly contains vitamin C, including Chinese cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower and so on. Class C vegetables contain less vitamins, but contain high calories. Including potato, yam, taro, pumpkin and so on. The nutritional value of Ding vegetables is low. Including wax gourd, bamboo shoots, eggplant and so on. Poultry and eggs: The main nutritional value of this kind of food is to provide protein, but also to provide fat and some minerals and vitamins. Rich nutrition, delicious meat, can make people more hunger; Eating for a long time can also help your body become stronger. In addition, the baby eating meat food, can stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, help digestion. Livestock meat: pork, beef and mutton. Poultry: chicken, duck and goose. Eggs: including egg, duck's egg, pigeon, quail egg etc.. Aquatic products: Aquatic products include a variety of fish, fish and other aquatic animals and plants, such as shrimp, crab, clams, sea cucumber, kelp and jellyfish etc.. Abundant marine resources, as the source of high protein, fat and fat soluble vitamins, play an important role in human nutrition. Suitable for baby food, nutritional value of aquatic products, mainly fish, crustaceans, soft ware. Fish: fish contains vitamin B12, cod liver oil is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D, these vitamins have the role of promoting children's growth and development. Crustacean aquatic products include shrimps and crabs, clams, oysters, mussels, scallops and so on. Molluscs such as octopus, cuttlefish and so on. There are also kelp. Fruit class: The nutritional and nutritional value of fruits is similar to that of vegetables. It is one of the important sources of vitamins and inorganic salts in human body. All kinds of fruits generally contain more carbohydrates and vitamins, It also contains a variety of special substances with biological activity, so it has high nutritional value and health care function. Warm fruit: hawthorn; cherry; pomegranate; litchi; fruit; papaya; Ginkgo rambutan durian kumquat plum peach mango tangerine orange, tangerine, areca Wenzhou nanfeng. Cool fruit: watermelon; muskmelon; pear; citrus; citrus; banana; mulberry; persimmon pitaya carambola, mangosteen, loquat, strawberry, Cherry Tomatoes, kiwi, grapefruit, muskmelon (Kiwi). Neutral fruit: grapes; apple; apricot; pineapple; longan; sugarcane; plum passion fruit, lemon, guava, oranges Condiment drinks: These foods mainly contain milk, honey, sugar, yogurt, which are commonly eaten by infants and young children. Phosphorus in milk, to promote children's brain development plays an important role; vitamin B2, help to improve eyesight. Rich in calcium, can enhance the strength of bone and teeth, Promoting the intellectual development of teenagers. Honey is a natural food, sweet taste, contains the monosaccharide, without digestion, you can be absorbed by the body. Sugar is the energy of the human body, every meal is indispensable. Sugar is almost the only source of energy for certain important tissues and organs, such as the brain, nerve tissue, and red blood cells. Right Vegetables with food and meat, green leafy vegetables can be eaten every day, nutritious, and in the seasonal season, green vegetables are very economical; food and meat products, Vitamin C content is less, if you eat with green leafy vegetables, nutrients will be more comprehensive and reasonable. Potatoes, pumpkin colorless vegetables, eat every day is not good, and should be collocation yellow, green leafy vegetables and grain food, so it can greatly improve the nutritional value. All kinds of beans, peas, beans, mung bean than soy bean, nutrition is also very rich in the amino acid composition similar to human needs, and they contain lysine, Is the lack of food; so all kinds of beans mixed with food, is the most nutritious edible method. Various components of green vegetables and green vegetables are good for your health. Experiments have shown that eating whole vegetables is much better than some of the ingredients you eat, And the combination of various health ingredients is better than just eating one kind of health ingredient. Right Pig liver and cabbage, Chinese cabbage heat, pig liver blood, the two with the food very harmonious moisture Both pork and radish with food to eliminate stomach full bilge, stomach indigestion, excessive drinking, constipation and other effects Potatoes and beef, potatoes and beef cooked together, not only good taste, and potatoes rich in folic acid, play a protective role in gastric mucosa Both beef and celery can supplement the spleen and stomach, nourish the body, and have high nutritional value Both chicken and chestnuts with tonic effect of spleen blood, nutrition Jiapin. Both chicken and melon have diuresis and detumescence effect of light with the food Both chicken and Flammulina velutipes can prevent liver and gastrointestinal diseases, develop children's intelligence, enhance memory and promote growth Both egg and balsam pear with food can make the iron absorption better, have stomach effect, also can assist the treatment of stomach pain, eye pain, cold, fever and vomiting and diarrhea in children Right Both tofu and fish can increase the absorption rate of calcium and prevent rickets in children The bean sprouts and shrimp with food on the physical cold cold, hypotension, loss of appetite, energy decline and other symptoms have therapeutic effect Seafood and seafood egg and egg stew, the protein is more abundant, children should eat Right Cold strawberry, mango, pineapple, loquat, lemon, orange Grapes of poor appetite To promote the growth of avocado, apple, pear, banana, strawberry, muskmelon, watermelon Indigestion apples, bananas Right Both milk and honey with food cool fire, Sheng Jin throat. Anemia can be improved in children Auricularia auricula and brown sugar will be made into drinks, in addition to enriching the blood, but also promote peripheral blood circulation Both with fresh milk and ginger can cure cold pain, cold warm Milk and grain increase protein supply Blueberry Yogurt and bones, enhance immunity G Carrots should not be eaten with tomatoes, peppers, pomegranates, lettuce, papaya, preferably eaten alone or cooked with meat Spinach and tofu should not be eaten together, the same food easy to make people calcium deficiency, bogey leek Sweet potatoes can not be eaten with persimmons or bananas Cucumber should not be cooked with vegetables containing high vitamin C content, such as tomatoes and peppers Eggplant should not be eaten with black bean and crab Chinese cabbage, black beans, peanut bogey and soybeans, soap dish, equivalent to eating pork The pumpkin is not suitable for vitamin C in vegetables and fruits with the food; do not eat the same with the lamb, otherwise it will cause jaundice and beriberi. Leek should not be eaten with spinach, and the same food is easy to cause diarrhea Peanut not with bracken, crab, cucumber with the food Tofu should not be eaten with milk and spinach; avoid using soya bean milk to flush eggs; avoid eating with tetracycline G Pig blood bogey soybean, rehmannia, Polygonum multiflorum Pork bogey and soybeans, tofu, fish, bird meat, pheasant, quail meat with the food Pork bogey and quail, pigeon meat, carp, soybean, water chestnut, bracken, Platycodon root, black plum, lily, Croton, rhubarb, Coptis, beef, sheep, equivalent to eating flesh of a donkey Mutton bogey and tofu, buckwheat noodles, cheese, pumpkin, vinegar, red bean, plum dried vegetables with the food; bogey cinnabar, copper The old can not eat chicken chicken toxic. Avoid eating chrysanthemum, mustard, glutinous rice, plum, garlic, carp, turtle meat, shrimp and rabbit meat Beef is with the fish with the cooking; not with chestnuts, millet, honey and fresh; not with the chives, white wine, with fresh ginger Eggs should not be eaten with persimmon; the same food can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and easy to form persimmon stone; it should not be eaten with rabbit meat, carp and soybean milk G Kelp should not be eaten with licorice Herring hanged cattle, suet and fried; bogey mustard, white atractylodes rhizome, Atractylodes rhizome with food Shrimp is not allowed to take a large amount of vitamin C at the same time, otherwise, can produce trivalent arsenic, can kill. Should not be eaten with pork, the loss of sperm; bogey with the dog, chicken with food; bogey sugar G Ginkgo is forbidden to eat more, the baby can eat 10 or so fatal, three, five years old children eat 30, 40 can be fatal; and fish with food will produce adverse reactions to the human body, children especially bogey Orange bogey and carrots with food, with food induced goiter; bogey with milk, crab and clam with food Apples should not be eaten with seafood G Sugar bogey shrimp, not with bamboo shoots cooked; should not be eaten with milk, copper containing food Honey should not be eaten with onions, garlic, leek, tofu, easy to cause diarrhea; bogey rehmannia, Polygonum multiflorum Put the milk in the milk powder with calcium; with the milk and egg; not with the acidic beverage with the food; not the same food and sugar; it is not suitable for chocolate and tetracycline with food Sour milk should not be eaten after heating; it is forbidden to drink sulfa drugs and sodium bicarbonate Milk and rice soup: G resulted in great loss of vitamin A. Milk and calcium in milk powder grams of protein and calcium binding precipitation, not easy to absorb. Milk and acidic beverages: where grams of acidic beverages, milk will decline the pH value, so that the milk protein clot, is not conducive to digestion and absorption. Milk and orange G: the cause of gastritis or gastric motility disorder. Milk and chocolate: grams of calcium in milk and chocolate in the oxalic acid with calcium oxalate, can cause dry hair, diarrhea, appear calcium deficiency and slow growth. G: the milk and drug reduced the concentration of the drug in the blood, curative effect. Grams of milk and cauliflower: cauliflower the effect of chemical composition containing calcium absorption. Milk and leek grams: affect calcium absorption. Grams of milk and fruit juice: reduce the nutritional value of milk. Sour milk and banana G: the same food is easy to produce carcinogens. Milk and spinach G: the same food will cause diarrhea. 1, pork and beans grams: the formation of abdominal distension, obstructing, qi stagnation gas. 2 grams of pork, and chrysanthemum: serious will cause death with food. 3, pork and fried liver grams: easy to produce odor. 4 grams of pork, and the snail: two compounds belong to cold, greasy and easy to hurt the stomach. 5, pork and tea G: the same food is easy to produce constipation; 6, pork and Lily G: the same food can cause poisoning. 7, meat and Yang Meizi G: the same serious food will die. 8, liver and rich in vitamin C grams of food: adverse physiological effects, facial pigmentation. 9, liver and tomato and pepper: grams of copper and iron contained in the liver can make vitamin C oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid and lose the original function. 10, liver and cauliflower with G: reduce the body of nutrients absorption in two. 11, pig liver and buckwheat G: the same food will affect digestion. 12, pig and bird meat G: the same food can also cause indigestion, poisoning. 13, pork and bean sprouts: grams of copper in pork liver will accelerate the oxidation of vitamin C in bean sprouts, losing its nutritional value. 14 grams, pig blood and Polygonum multiflorum: can cause physical discomfort. 15, two grams of mutton and chestnuts are easy to digest, stew with stir fry are out of place, and may even eat will cause vomiting. 16, beef and olive G: the same food can cause physical discomfort. 17, bovine liver and foods rich in vitamin C: grams of copper and iron contained in the liver can make vitamin C oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid and lose the original function. 18, bovine liver and catfish G: can produce adverse biochemical reactions, harmful to human. 19, bovine liver and eel G: can produce adverse biochemical reactions. 20, two grams of soy sauce and lamb: the opposite function, should not be the same food. 21, two grams of lamb and cheese: the opposite function, should not be the same food. 22 grams of vinegar: vinegar, mutton and should be matched with the cold food, and mutton hot, not with vinegar. 23, mutton and bamboo shoots G: the same food can cause poisoning. 24, mutton and Pinellia G: with the water absorption effect of nutrients. 25, sheep and red bean G: the same food can cause poisoning. 26, sheep and bamboo shoots G: the same food can cause poisoning. 27 grams of pork, and pear: kidney injury. 28, the goose egg and G: the same food hurt. 29, goose and persimmon with food will lead to serious conflict: death. 30, chicken and carp G: taste not anti function but multiplication. 31 grams of chicken with mustard: both food and may help the fiery, not conducive to health. 32 grams of garlic, chicken and. 33 grams of chicken, and chrysanthemum: the same food poisoning. Chicken with glutinous rice, 34 G: the same food can cause physical discomfort. 35 grams of chicken and dog kidney: cause dysentery. 36 grams of chicken with sesame, with food will lead to death: serious. 37 grams, egg and Soybean Milk: reducing the body's absorption of protein. 38, egg and potato G: the same food have abdominal pain. 39 grams of egg, and anti-inflammatory tablets: the same food poisoning. 40 grams of fish, venison and not eating in patients with cancer. 41, rabbit meat and orange G: gastrointestinal dysfunction, leading to diarrhea. 42 grams, rabbit meat and mustard: taste is not the same food instead. 43, rabbit meat and egg G: the material is easy to produce stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract caused by diarrhea. 44 grams of ginger, rabbit meat and cold with food, prone to cause diarrhea. 45, rabbit meat and cabbage G: easy to cause diarrhea and vomiting. 46, dog and two grams of carp: biochemical reaction is very complex, is not conducive to the human body may produce substances. 47 grams of tea, meat and produce constipation, toxic substances produced by metabolism of carcinogens and stagnation of intestinal passive absorption, is not conducive to health. 48, vinegar and garlic G: the same food to help the fire to others. 49, vinegar and ginger G: the same food have abdominal pain. 50, dog and cinnabar and carp G: the same food will get angry. 51, dog and dog kidney: grams will cause diarrhea. 52, dog meat and bean G: the same food will burst belly. 53, with the idea that loach G: Yin Huo Sheng were cut out. 54, duck and turtle G: the old food is Yang, edema, diarrhea. 55, horse and fungus G: the same food easy to cholera. 56, and the flesh of a donkey Jinzhen mushroom G: the same food can cause pain, severe fatal. 57 grams, carp and pickles: can cause digestive tract cancer. 58, carp and red bean grams. 59, carp and pig liver G: the same food will affect digestion. 60 grams of licorice, and carp: the same food poisoning. 61 grams, carp and pumpkin: the same food poisoning. 62, two grams of pork and fish: from biochemical reactions, is not conducive to health. 63, crucian carp and melon G: the same food can cause dehydration. 64, crucian carp and pig liver G: with fresh stimulus. 65 grams, carp and honey: the same food poisoning. 66, eel and two grams of meat with the food, warm help fire stronger, not conducive to ordinary people. 67, eel and bovine liver: two grams on biochemical reaction, is not conducive to health. 68, yellow croaker and soba G: the same food will affect digestion. 69, shrimp and foods rich in vitamin C G: generate arsenic, toxic. 70 grams of red dates, and shrimp: the same food poisoning. 71 grams of dried small shrimps and soybean: the same food will affect digestion. 72, two grams of crab and pear with food, stomach hurt. 73, two grams of Eggplant and crab with food, stomach hurt. 74, crab and peanut grams: easy to cause diarrhea. 75, crabs and cold will cause diarrhea: G. 76, crab and loach grams: function on the contrary, is not the same to eat. 77, crab and pomegranate G: stimulate the stomach, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. 78, crab and muskmelon grams: easy to cause diarrhea. 79 grams of sweet potato, crab and persimmon stone cemented in the body easily. 80 grams, crab and pumpkins: the same food can cause poisoning. 81, crab and celery G: the same food can cause the absorption of protein. 82, crab and jujube G: the same food susceptible to cold and fever. 83, crab and loach G: the same food can cause poisoning. 84, crab and ice G: the same food can cause poisoning. 85, food and seafood containing tannic acid mutuallyrestrainingfoods: calcium and tannic acid in food with seafood as a new non digestible tannic acid calcium, it can stimulate the stomach and cause discomfort, stomach pain occurs, vomiting, nausea or diarrhea. More fruit and tannin persimmon, grapes, pomegranates, hawthorn fruit and etc.. 86, kelp and pig G: the same food can constipation. 87, clam and celery G: the same food will cause diarrhea. 88 grams of fish, and pumpkin: the same food poisoning. 89, turtle meat and amaranth G: the same food difficult to digest. 90, turtle meat: two grams and duck's egg everything is cool, not with food. 91, turtle meat and egg grams. 92, turtle meat and duck G: the same food can constipation. 93, snail and muskmelon G: intestinal damage. 94, snail and fungus: G is not conducive to digestion. 95, snail and ice products grams: cause indigestion or diarrhea. 96 grams of beef and snail, that is not easy to digest, will cause abdominal distension. 97, snail and bean G: the same food can colic. 98, snail and clam G: the same food poisoning. 99, cement and surface G: the same food can cause abdominal pain and vomiting. 100, cement and corn G: the same food poisoning. 101 grams of tomatoes, fish and food of vitamin C can cause the inhibition of nutrient absorption in fish. 102 grams of milk, fish and that will cause the same food poisoning. 103, soft shelled turtles and eels and crabs with G: pregnant women to eat will affect the health of the fetus. 104 grams, cuttlefish and eggplant: with the food easy to cause cholera. 105 grams of beef, and catfish: the same food can cause poisoning. 106, celery: Celery and cucumber grams of vitamin C will be destroyed, to reduce the nutritional value. 107, celery and clams, clams, clam, crab grams: celery will contain clams, clams, clam, crab of vitamin B1 in the failure of all. 108 grams, celery and turtle: the same food poisoning. 109, celery and chrysanthemum G: the same food can cause vomiting. 110, celery and chicken G: the same food can hurt. 111, cucumber and citrus: Citrus grams of vitamin C will be decomposed by enzymes in Cucumber damage. 112, cucumber and pepper: Pepper grams of vitamin C will be decomposed by enzymes in Cucumber damage. 113, cucumber and cauliflower: cauliflower grams of vitamin C will be decomposed by enzymes in Cucumber damage. 114 grams of spinach, cucumber and spinach in vitamin C will be decomposed by enzymes in Cucumber damage. 115, onion and dog grams: by fiery. 116, onion and jujube grams: Xin heat to help the fire. 117 grams of tofu, onions and formation of calcium oxalate, resulting in difficult to absorb calcium, resulting in a lack of calcium in the body. 118 grams of honey, garlic and the opposite. 119, garlic and onion G: the same food will hurt the stomach. 120, garlic and Polygonum G: the same food will cause diarrhea. 121 grams of white radish, carrots and white radish in the vitamin C will be destroyed in carrot decomposition enzyme. 122, carrot and orange G: to induce or cause goiter. 123, radish and Polygonum G: cold slide. 124, radish and fungus G: the same food will get dermatitis. 125 grams of eggplant, and crab: the same food poisoning. 126 grams, pepper and carrot: pepper of vitamin C will be decomposed by enzymes in carrot damage. 127 grams of pepper and pepper, pumpkin: of vitamin C will be decomposed by enzymes in pumpkin damage. 128, leek and beef G: the same food poisoning. 129 grams of leek and liquor, add fuel to the flames. 130 grams of spinach and tofu: calcium oxalate and oxalic acid in spinach bean curd in calcium, make human body to absorb calcium. 131 grams of spinach, cucumber and vitamin C will be destroyed as soon as possible. 132, spinach and cheese: grams of yogurt contains the chemical composition will affect calcium rich absorption in spinach. 133, spinach and eel G: the same food easy to cause diarrhea. 134, peanuts and crab G: the same food easy to cause diarrhea. 135, peanut and cucumber G: the same food easy to cause diarrhea. 136, lettuce and honey G: the same food easy to cause diarrhea. 137, bamboo shoots and syrup G: the same food can cause poisoning. 138, pumpkin and grams of food rich in vitamin C: vitamin C will be destroyed in the decomposition enzyme of pumpkin. 139, pumpkin and mutton: two grams of compensation at the same time, a gas in the stomach. 140, pumpkin and shrimp G: the same food will cause diarrhea. 141, tomato and liquor G: the same food will feel chest tightness, shortness of breath. 142, tomato and potato G: the same food will get stones, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. 143 grams of carrots, tomatoes and tomatoes in vitamin C will be destroyed in the decomposition enzyme of carrot. 144, tomato and pork G: the liver to make vitamin C oxidation deoxidation in tomatoes, lost its original function of ascorbic acid. 145, a tomato with fish G: the same food is easy to produce carcinogens. 146, tomatoes and crabs G: the same food will cause diarrhea. 147 grams, onion and honey: the same food will hurt the eyes, causing eye discomfort, severe blindness. 148 grams, potatoes and bananas: fresh face with health spot. 149, potatoes and tomatoes, G: the same food will lead to poor appetite, indigestion. 150 grams of fish and soybean: the same food will take vitamin B1 as failure. 151 grams of milk, soybeans and soybean acid: chemical composition containing calcium rich milk will affect the absorption of acid. 152, soybean and pig G: the same food would be indigestion. 153, red bean and morel G: the same food can cause poisoning. 154 grams of boiling water, and pear: eat pears drink boiling water, will cause diarrhea. 155 grams of pork soup, vinegar and influence the body's absorption of nutrients. 156 grams of vegetables, vinegar and the nutritional value greatly reduced. 157 grams of vinegar, and carrot: carotene can be completely destroyed. 158, put salt and food restriction: make dishes with no fresh meat flavor, harden. 159, early ginger and grams of fish: fish protein in solidification and then add ginger to play to the effectiveness of fishy flavor. 160 grams of boiling water, honey and will change the taste of sweet honey to produce sour. Honey and tofu, 161 grams: easy to cause diarrhea. 162 grams, honey and leek: easy to cause diarrhea. 163 grams of brown sugar, and Soybean Milk: not conducive to absorption. 164 grams of brown sugar, and bamboo shoots: the formation of lysine glycation, is disadvantageous to the human body. 165 grams of brown sugar and milk, the nutritional value of milk is greatly reduced. 166 grams of food and food, sugar copper: sugar too much will hinder the body of copper absorption. 167 grams of brown sugar, and preserved egg: the same food can cause poisoning. 168 grams, egg white and saccharin: eat the same poisoning, a serious cause of death. 169 grams, saccharin and sweet: will be the same food poisoning. 170, brown sugar and egg G: the same food can cause poisoning. 171 grams of MSG and egg, egg: the destruction of the natural flavor. 172 grams of sugar, tea and sugar: tea can inhibit the detoxification effect. 173, tea and egg grams: effects on the absorption and utilization of protein. 174 grams of tea and wine: drink tea, makes the heart by double stimulation, excitability, more heavy burden on the heart. 175 grams of tea, and mutton: prone to constipation. 176 grams of tea, and medicine: effect of drug absorption. 177 grams, coffee and cigarettes: easily lead to pancreatic cancer. 178, coffee and tea and seaweed and black fungus and red wine G: the same food will reduce the body's absorption of calcium. 179 grams of honey, and Soybean Milk: Soybean Milk in protein than milk high, rushed to the two, denaturation precipitation can not be absorbed by the body. 180, Soybean Milk grams: egg and impede the decomposition of protein. 181, Soybean Milk and drug G: the drugs will destroy the nutritional components of Soybean Milk or Soybean Milk affect drug effect. 182 grams, soup and hot water to make the taste of the soup is delicious. 183 grams of boiling water and supplements, nutrients destroyed. 184 grams of milk and rice soup: cause a great loss of vitamin A. 185 grams of powder, milk and calcium in milk and calcium binding protein precipitation, not easy to absorb. 186, milk and acidic beverages: where grams of acidic beverages, milk will decline the pH value, so that the milk protein clot, is not conducive to digestion and absorption. 187 grams of milk and orange: cause gastritis or gastric motility disorder. 188 grams of milk and chocolate: the calcium in milk and chocolate in the oxalic acid with calcium oxalate, can cause dry hair, diarrhea, appear calcium deficiency and slow growth. 189 grams, milk and drug: reduce the concentration of the drug in blood, curative effect. 190 grams of milk, and cauliflower: cauliflower the effect of chemical composition containing calcium absorption. 191 grams of milk, and leek: affect calcium absorption. 192, grams of milk and fruit juice: reduce the nutritional value of milk. 193, sour milk and banana G: the same food is easy to produce carcinogens. 194, milk and spinach G: the same food will cause diarrhea. 195 grams of tea, cold drinks and teeth: not only stimulated, Easy to get dental problems, but also harmful to gastrointestinal. 196, soda and meal: G is extremely harmful to the human digestive system, the digestive function of the stomach is getting worse. 197 grams of wine and milk: lead to fatty liver, increase the formation of toxic substances, reduce the nutritional value of milk, is harmful to health. 198 grams, wine and coffee: add fuel to the flames to brain damage, aggravate, stimulation of vasodilator, greatly increased cardiovascular burden, even life-threatening. 199 grams of sugar, wine and lead to the rise in blood sugar, sugar absorption, easy to produce. 200 grams, liquor and beer: cause stomach cramps, acute gastroenteritis, duodenal inflammation and other symptoms, but also very serious harm to the cardiovascular. 201 grams of beef, liquor and add fuel to the flames, easy to cause inflammation of the teeth. 202 grams of carrots, and liquor: with the food easy to make the liver poisoning. 203 grams of walnut, liquor and blood heat: prone, mild dry cough, severe a nosebleed. 204, shochu and millet G: the same food can cause angina. 205, beer and smoked grams of food: carcinogenic or induced gastrointestinal diseases may. 206, beer and soda drink beer: so few grams not drunk. 207, beer and seafood G: the same food will lead to gout. 208 grams of tomatoes, and popsicle: the same food poisoning. 209 grams of rice, honey and stomach with food will be. 210, fruit juice and shrimp G: the same food will diarrhea. 211, honey and Maoxie G: the same food can cause poisoning.
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