首页 MATLAB下图像增强算法研究外文翻译



MATLAB下图像增强算法研究外文翻译MATLAB下图像增强算法研究外文翻译 学校代码: 11059 学 号:1305061014 Hefei University BACHELOR DISSERTATION 论文题目: MATLAB下图像增强算法研究 学位类别: 工学学士 学科专业: 电子信息工程专业 作者姓名: 李涛 导师姓名: 李瑶 胡学友 完成时间: 2015年5月30号 MATLAB下图像增强算法研究 中文摘要 图像增强主要原理是将图片中所要的区域进行增强,将那些含有的噪声和干扰的信息进行滤除,在处理后的图片中,...

MATLAB下图像增强算法研究外文翻译 学校代码: 11059 学 号:1305061014 Hefei University BACHELOR DISSERTATION 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 题目: MATLAB下图像增强算法研究 学位类别: 工学学士 学科专业: 电子信息工程专业 作者姓名: 李涛 导师姓名: 李瑶 胡学友 完成时间: 2015年5月30号 MATLAB下图像增强算法研究 中文摘要 图像增强主要原理是将图片中所要的区域进行增强,将那些含有的噪声和干扰的信息进行滤除,在处理后的图片中,重要信息得到保留并增强,这样就会更好的分辨和应用这些处理后图片进行其他研究。这些基础算法在图像处理中起到了关键性的作用。 通过对增强算法的基本了解之后,本文的工作,首先是对各种增强算法的原理进行系统的研究,然后对于算法中各个问题详细处理分析,在这里选择的是运用MATLAB软件对各种图像处理的方法进行编写仿真,通过MATLAB仿真得到的实验结果,将不同的增强算法进行理论和实验数据的对比,从对比后的结果可以对不同算法的特点进行分析,使用增强算法原理可以从主观和客观上对图像分析,这样就针对图像增强的方法功能进行清晰的评判,以及对不同算法的局限性和适用性进行分析,对其算法的优点和局限性加以阐述说明。 关键字:图像增强 ;MATLAB;噪声;算法原理 I Image enhancement algorithm under MATLAB Abstract Image enhancement is the picture of the area will be enhanced and those containing noise and interference of information filtering principle, in the picture, the important information are kept and enhanced, so will better resolution and application of these pictures in other studies. The basic algorithm plays a key role in image processing.. After the understanding of the enhancement algorithm, this work, first is the algorithm principle of various enhanced system research, and then the detailed processing algorithms in each analysis, here is the choice of the various methods of image processing were prepared using MATLAB simulation software, the experimental results obtained by MATLAB simulation, will be different make comparison of theoretical and experimental data from the comparison algorithm, the results of analysis of the characteristics of different algorithms, using the enhanced algorithm can from the subjective and objective of image analysis, such as clear evaluation function for image enhancement method, and the limitations and applicability of different algorithms are analyzed, the advantages and limitations of the algorithm are illustrated. Keywords: Image Enhancement; MATLAB; Noise; Algorithm Principle g, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal aniII 目录 第一章 图像增强的基本理论 ......................................................................1 1.1 课题背景和意义...........................................................................1 1.2 图像增强的基本概述.....................................................................2 1.3 课题的主要内容...........................................................................3 第二章 图像增强方法与原理 ......................................................................5 2.1均值滤波的原理............................................................................5 2.1.1邻域平均法.........................................................................5 2.1.2 加权平均法 ........................................................................6 2.2中值滤波的原理............................................................................6 2.3 直方图均衡的原理........................................................................7 2.4 灰度变换原理 ..............................................................................8 2.4.1线性灰度变换......................................................................8 2.4.2分段线性灰度变换 ...............................................................8 2.4.3非线性变换.........................................................................9 2.5频域滤波原理............................................................................. 10 2.6锐化原理 ................................................................................... 11 2.6.1 梯度锐化 ......................................................................... 11 2.6.2拉普拉斯算子.................................................................... 11 2.6.3 高通滤波 ......................................................................... 12 第三章 图像增强算法与实现 .................................................................... 13 3.1 均值滤波 .................................................................................. 13 3.2中值滤波 ................................................................................... 15 3.3直方图均衡................................................................................ 17 3.4 灰度变换 .................................................................................. 18 3.5 频域滤波 .................................................................................. 20 3.6 锐化 ........................................................................................ 21 第四章 总结及展望 ................................................................................ 23 4.1 本文总结 .................................................................................. 23 4.2 展望和 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ............................................................................... 23 致 谢 ................................................................................................. 24 参考文献 .............................................................................................. 25 附录 源程序代码 ................................................................................... 26 III 第一章 图像增强的基本理论 1.1 课题背景和意义 信息通常是利用言 语文 八上语文短文两篇二年级语文一匹出色的马课件部编版八上语文文学常识部编八上语文文学常识二年级语文一匹出色的马课件 字和视觉的接受等媒介进行传输的。根据在人们接收到的各种信息统计中图片信息占八成左右,所以图片传输信息是十分重要的信息传递方法和手段。图像传输包括图像的读取、图像的传输和图像的展示等部分。然而在这些信息的传输过程中不可能完完全全的将原来的信息完整的传送到接受者的眼中,总会有一些信息的丢失,这样就会使原始图像中的信息质量变差,使图像传输的信息无法被认识和判别。就像是在收集图像过程中由于不同的环境以及有些物体由于光学的问题等原因使得图片的整体光的分布杂乱,或者是图像收集的过程中,由于人为操作机器不当,机器本身出现故障的缘故就会将外界的一些污染和干扰,并且还有一些图像在机器中严重曝光就会是图片显示遭到破坏没有立体感和基底颜色的丢失。所以在这样情况下就使得人们在研究如何将图片进行修复的方法中,图像增强成为图像分析和处理的领域发展成为重要的内容之一。 通常情况下是由于外界环境的干扰就会导致图像获取的出现差别,图像就会不好。那么就要通过图像增强技术来处理失真的图像这样就会人眼中的图片效果变好。就好比是将图像中主要部分结构得到加强,使其某些特点明显突出,这样能够将图像中的特征信息给提取出来,更容易对图像中的主要细节部分进行认识和判别,更好的应用于其他技术方面。像增强主要原理是将图片中所要的区域进行增强,将那些可以忽略的部分区域的信息进行滤除,那么处理后的图片中,重要信息得到增强,这样就会更好的分辨和应用这些处理后图片进行其他研究。 现如今图像增强技术已经应用到很多生活领域。例如,在国防领域中,利用卫星图像遥感技术,利用图像增强技术有助于我军发现敌对目标和战略信息;在民用医疗领域中,将患者的CT或则胸透的X光片增强处理,可以更好的及时发现患者的病情,做好医疗救治;在航天领域方面,像哈勃太空望远镜拍摄到的银河系的图片进行增强处理得到银河古老星系的秘密;在农副业生产领域中,卫星拍摄到的图像进行增强可以对农牧业的发展进行规划;在交通运输领域中,对恶劣天气情况下图像进行增强,加强路牌、地标和高危建筑等重要信息进行警示防止交通意外的发生;照片拍摄及后期处理中,对拍摄到图像进行增强,增强色彩度、亮度、饱和度 1 等图像调节,使得图像真实图片质量高等。具体应用的实例有Photoshop 等软件。 1.2 图像增强的基本概述 图像增强的主要关键内容就是对原始图片进行增强处理,将处理后的图片效果达到所需要的要求,但这种增强技术不一定是将原来的图片的质量处理的更好,有时原始图片很清晰,经过增强算法处理后图片在某些方面就会变差。这要根据具体的应用要求和目的,针对这些要求和目的来处理得到的应用的图片。一般情况下,图像增强技术并没有具体的模式 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,有时针对不同的问题就会有不同的效果。就例如,在车牌识别的增强技术就是很有用的应用,但在增强一些放射线性的图像就不一定适合使用了。还有是由于增强算法本身的局限性,在不同的噪声图片处理的能力效果就有不同的差异。 就当前的图像增强技术的发展情况,由于针对处理的维度不同的问题,就会有不同类的处理方法。增强技术可分两大类:空域方法和频域方法。空域方法的原理就是将图像中的像素在空间区域上进行变换;频域方法原理是将原始图片进行傅里叶、拉氏、对数、指数等变换后在频率区域上进行变换处理。在时域增强处理的方法中,依据处理图像中素值是个体或者是一些较小的区域(较小的区域可作为模板)又可分为两种类型:一种是单个素值的过程分析的图像增强,称作单个点增强处理,这种对图像中的单个素值的处理而周围的素值不会影响;第二种是小区域的过程分析,这种方法叫作空域滤波,这种增强处理就是对图像中的小区域进行选取,选取的小区域作为模板进行增强处理,这种模板的选取也有不同种的类型和方法。通常所使用的方法有灰度变换、直方图均衡滤波等。模板选取处理就是选取模板中的一个像素值为中心,该像素值的周围的像素值与之有映射关系或则是函数关系,然后对模板不同方法的处理应用整个图片。这类方法通常有有均值滤波、中值滤波、拉氏锐化等。频域增强处理方法是将图像的频率区域进行变换处理,之后对变换的数值进行函数运算,再进行傅里叶反变换到之前的空间区域得到增强的图像。这是一种间接的图像处理方法。例如,将图片进过低通滤波处理,然后把处理后图片经过反变换到空间区域内得到增强图片,通常使用的方法有理想低通滤波、拉普拉斯变换、梯度锐化滤波等。 上世纪六十年代初期,由于计算机科学迅速发展,图像增强技术处理也得到空前的兴盛。一些电子科技成熟的国家经过研究制做出了指纹自动 software upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , by2 识别系统。当前社会中,这项技术已经应用在生活中的方方面面,给我们的生活水平得到提高,在未来的生活中起到重要的作用。我国在这方面的系统发展比较晚,到上世纪八十年代进行研制,虽然发展起步晚但我国科研人员进过这么多年努力奋斗已经取得骄傲的发展。图像增强处理应用于社会生活中的方方面面。在国防,民用医疗,教育,生产等方面已经应用深入。数字图像处理的发展只有短短的几十年,但是其作用的应用让人们对其关注起来。 就当前的图像增强技术的发展情况,由于针对处理的维度不同的问题,就会有不同类的处理方法。增强技术可分两大类:空域方法和频域方法。空域方法的原理就是将图像中的像素在空间区域上进行变换;频域方法原理是将原始图片进行傅里叶、拉氏、对数、指数等变换后在频率区域上进行变换处理。通常的方法有低通滤波、拉普拉斯变换、梯度锐化滤波等。最新出现的小波变换、Contourlet 变换等。当前时期,由于还没有找出一种合适的标准能够用来针对图像增强算法的优缺点进行评价,图像增强这项技术还要进行下一步发展和完备功能。图像增强的方法对于不同图片类型就会有不同的处理方法,这样就一种图片增强算法对某种类型的图片处理后的结果有很好的效果,然后对于另一种类型的图片增强处理效果就会变得很差。就比如一些增强方法对于放射性的线性图片适用性好,但对于天气观测图像增强处理就不适用。图像增强技术的局限性就是没有一个通用的标准,对增强结果进行客观科学的分析,只能够通过人的眼睛主观感受来分辨处理后图片的好坏。 1.3 课题的主要内容 本文着重研究了这些增强方法对图片进行合理并适用的增强处理,首先是对各种增强算法的原理进行系统的表述,然后对于算法中各个问题详细处理分析,针对图像增强的问题,在这里选择的是运用MATLAB软件对各种图像处理的方法进行编写仿真,通过MATLAB得到的实验结果,将不同的增强算法进行理论和实验数据的对比,从对比后的结果可以对不同算法的特点进行分析,这样就针对图像增强的方法功能进行清晰的评判,以及对不同算法的局限性和适用性进行分析,对其算法的优点和局限性加以阐述说明本文结构安排如下: 第一章 图像增强算法的基本理论。介绍该技术的背景和意义;对图像增强的一些理论基础进行表述,简单说明现在常用的图像增强的方法有哪些和增强算法的特性;本文结构的内容以及安排;图像增强的现状和应 3 用。 第二章 图像增强算法与原理。 第三章 图像增强算法与实现,对各种算法的分析,通过MATLAB仿真结果对图像增强方法进行性能评价,以及不同算法的局限性和适用性进行分析。 第四章 总结及展望。 最后是致谢及程序仿真代码编写的附录。 al anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debugging4 第二章 图像增强方法与原理 2.1均值滤波的原理 均值滤波是图像增强算法原理中的最为简单的一种,它的算法原理是属于线性滤波。具体内容就是将图像取一单个素值点,以这个单个像素值为中心,再其周围的像素点作为一个区域,这块区域作为模板。模板的方法有很多种,在这种滤波器中是将选取的模板中的每个点的像素值进行相加求和,再进行均值计算,计算出的均值就是代表这个区域所有像素点的灰度值,这样的方法我们叫做均值滤波。 均值滤波有两种求平均的方法,一种方法叫做邻域平均法,另外一种叫做加权平均法。两种方法都是对灰度图片进行均值处理,但基本原理过程中有些不同。在均值滤波中由于邻域平均法的算法比较简单,通常情况下我们主要用的是邻域平均法达到均值滤波的目的。 2.1.1邻域平均法 对要处理的读取图像的像素灰度值设定为,然后对进行二维变fxy(,) 换,其灰度像素值为,邻域平均法公式如下: gxy(,) 1gxyfxmyn,,,21,,,,(,)(,)(,)mnS,N 如(2-1)式中所示分式中N就是所选区域模板内的所有像素的个数;S的意义就是选择模板的附近区域即是邻域,这样的区域有很多形状。一般来说这些区域形状是有正方形,矩形等形状。如S取3x3,5x5,7x7等邻域。 111gxyfxiyj,,,(,)(,) 当S取3x3区域时,,其定义的模板是,,9ij,,,,11 111,,1,,。这种方法是一种空间域图像的简单有效方法,它是利用附近区111,,9,,111,, 域的像素平均值来代表选取像素点的像素值,使整个区域在灰度上均匀分布,这样就使得灰度得到润滑的作用。然而通过这样增强方法是有缺点的,这样就会使处理过的图片变得模糊,如果选取的区域越大的话,滤除的噪 5 声效果越好,同时图像的信息质量越差,变得越模糊。 2.1.2 加权平均法 对要处理的读取图像的像素灰度值设定为,然后对进行二维变fxy(,) 换,其灰度像素值为,加权平均法公式如下: gxy(,) gxyhxyfxy(,)(,)(,),,22,,,其中,为加权模板矩阵,常见的加权矩阵模板主要有以下几种形式: hxy(,) 111010121,,,,,,111,,,,,,121111242 ,,,,,,10516,,,,,,111010121,,,,,, 所处的矩阵中,中间点的像素值在整个矩阵中的所占的部分越小, hxy(,) 2.2中值滤波的原理 中值滤波是图像增强算法的另一种方法形式,它的算法原理是非线性滤波。中值滤波原先是在针对点线问题进行处理的技术,进过技术的发展后来又在平面的问题上得到处理应用。在一定的问题情况下,能够将一些线性的图像增强技术不能使图像清晰的问题得到改善,并且能够很好对图像中的一些干扰和噪声信息进行滤除。中值滤波的主要原理功能是图像的尖锐的细节不被破坏的情况下能够有效的将噪声去除。使图像清晰的问题得到改善,并且能够很好对图像中的一些干扰和噪声信息进行滤除,所以这种方法得到了广泛的应用到图像增强技术中。 在点线问题的条件下,中值滤波是要求选取的模板区域中的像素个数是个单数而不是双数,对选取的区域进行处理,然后对选取区域中像素点的像素值进行从大到小或者是从小到大进行排列顺序,最后再从这些排过顺序的像素值中将中间值取出,那么取出的这个像素点的灰度值就代表这个区域整体的像素值。设有一个区域像素值的序列,将这个区域中像素个数为单数,也就是说将模mfff...12n 板区域中选取m个数值,,在式中选取的中间的值,然后vm,,(1)/2fff,,iviiv,, 对这些像素点的数值进行排列顺序,从这些排过顺序的像素值中将中间值取出。中值滤波表达式为: yMedxxxxx,,,,,,,??,, 23,iiNiNiiNiN,,,,,,11,, that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way 6 上式中,Med就是将大括号里的数值取中间值的操作。中值滤波就是将其中的像素值取奇数排列, 取其中间值为输出像素。 针对对点线问题的信号处理,这样的中值滤波有需要注意的几个地点: (1) 滤波对点线的阶跃信号或是陡峭上升的信号没有影响。 (2) 滤波能够将锯齿波信号、三角波信号和一些顶部尖锐信号进行顶部削平。 (3) 对于冲激信号中出现的一连段的个数达不到选取的区域尺寸的一半时,这样就能将冲激信号。 图像信号一般在两维方向上都是有相关的联系,因此对图像信号的中值滤波采用二维滑动窗口,二维中值滤波器的定义为: yMedx,{} 24,,,ijmn miMiMiiMnjNjNjjN,,,,,,,,,,,1,...,,...,;,1,...,,..., 其中,S表示二维滑动窗口;{}表示图像像素的灰度序列。中值滤波通常用xmn 的形状为3x3方型形状,5x5十字型形状,5x5菱型形状。 2.3 直方图均衡的原理 将原始图片中像素点的像素值进行直方图的统计,然后将统计后的数值结果通过直方图均衡化的方法将像素值的区域进行均值分布和平衡灰度,这种算法叫做直方图均衡滤波,这样就能够使原始图片的效果得到增强。通过对原始图像像素值的直方图统计,原始图片中灰度值分布的都不是均匀的,那么就要让图片中占得比重较多的像素值和占得较少的像素值差距大,这样可以提高图像的显示效果。换句话说就是,直方图均衡增强的方法是将图像中较多的像素灰度值得到增加,图中较少的像素灰度值进行减少。使用这种方法的主要目的就是让人们在主观上以眼睛对这种灰度值的差别越大的图像会更容易的分辨而做的增强算法研究。 在灰度值直方图的计算也并不复杂,可以使用的公式如下: nk,,pk,,k,0,1,?L,1 25,,, n snn公式中:就是所选图像模板区域中灰度值像素点的个数,是kk nk整个图像所有像素点的总数,而是模板中的像素个数与整个像素总数n 7 [1]的比例。 计算累积直方图各项: kkni ,,t,,pi,k,0,1,?L,126,,,,,k,0,0nii 取整扩展: tLt,,,int10.5,,,,27,,,kk,, 映射对应关系: kt,,k 2.4 灰度变换原理 灰度变换的基本原理就是将原始图像灰度分布范围进行归一化变换,得到新的分布区间,再将这个灰度范围进行变换处理从而增强某些灰度图片的细节部分,通过对灰度变换使用不同的变换函数可以分为线性变换,分段线性变换和非线性变换三种。 将原始图片中的像素灰度值设为D=f(x,y),(x,y)为这个像素点的空间位 '[1]D置,经过处理后的像素灰度值为 =g(x,y)。灰度变换处理的公式如下所示: 'gx,yTfx,yTD,,或D ,,28,,,,,,,,,,, 由灰度变换的函数分析得出这种函数表示的是图片读取的灰度值和图片读出的灰度值之间的变换关系。 2.4.1线性灰度变换 'D在设定的函数=T[D]如果是一个单调线性函数,则以这种函数灰度变换就是叫做线性变换。现在设定图像的灰度值为f(x,y),它的灰度范围取为[a,b],经过灰度线性变换后图像的灰度值为g(x,y),其灰度范围被拉伸或者压缩为[c,d],以下是线性灰度变换的函数公式: ()dc,29,gxyfxyac(,)[(,)]],,,,,()ba, 2.4.2分段线性灰度变换 分段线性变换就是对图片的灰度分部分处理,就是对灰度分线段性扩 , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General 8 展。设读取的原始图像f的灰度值的变换区间为[0,Dmax],读出的处理图 'D像g的灰度变换区间为[0,max],分线段性变换函数公式如下: ,,cfxyfxya(,),0(,),,,,a,, ,,()dc, gxyfxyacafxyb(,)[(,)]],(,),,,,,210,,,,,()ba,,, ,,('max)Dd,[(,)]],(,)maxfxybdbfxyD,,,,,,(max)Db,,, D’max d d g(x,y)g(x,y)cc aaDbbmaxf(x,y)f(x,y) 图2-1 灰度变化图 图2-2分段线性变化图 使用分段线性变换处理后,就会使需要处理的图像细节的灰度范围得到拉伸变换,使其对比度增强;而把那些可以忽略的图像细节的灰度范围得以缩减变换。 2.4.3非线性变换 使图像像素灰度值的对比度得到降低的变换并不是以单调线性的处 'D理方法叫做非线性灰度变换,也就是说在设定的灰度函数=T[D]是一个非线性单调函数。通常使用的非线性变换函数有两种,一种是对数函数, [2]另一种是指数函数。 fxy(,)设读取的原始图像的灰度值为,进过变换处理后的图像灰度值为gxy(,),使用一些非线性变换的函数进行处理如对数变换和指数变换,其变换函数表达式及关系曲线图如下: 对数函数: 1211,,,,,gxyafxy(,)ln(,)1,,, bcln 指数函数: 9 cfxya[(,)],212,,,gxyb(,)1,, g(x,y)g(x,y) a a f(x,y)f(x,y) 图2-3对数变换关系曲线图 图2-4 指数变换关系曲线图 2.5频域滤波原理 频域低通滤波是一种对于滤除图像噪声和脉冲干扰效果很好的增强算法。由于噪声是在频域中是属于高频信息,在图像频域中的高频部分就会有噪声信息。低频滤波器有设定的截止频率,可以将图像中处于低频的信息进行保留而将高频的信息和噪声信息去除,从而达到去除噪声的目的。 首先是将原始图片的灰度值进行傅里叶变换得到的F(u,v) ,然后进行低通滤波器的中间传输函数H(u,v),最后得到的低通处理后的图像为G(u,v) 。下面是频域低通滤波处理的函数关系式: 213,Gu,vHu,vFu,v(), ,,,,,, 频域低通滤波有很多种设计的滤波器但常用的有三种。第一种是理想低通滤波器,第二种是巴特沃斯低通滤波器,第三种是高斯低通滤波器, [3]但应用广泛的滤波器是理想低通滤波器。 理想低通滤波器传递函数表达式如下: 1,u,vDDo(),,,214,Hu,v(),,,,,0,u,vD()>DO,, 频域低通滤波实现的步骤如下: (1) 计算原图像f(x,y)的DFT; (2) 将频谱中的频域值为零的点设定为频谱图的中心位置; nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the10 (3) 计算滤波器函数H(U,V)与F(U,V)的乘积G(U,V); (4) 将频谱中G(U,V)的零点移动到频谱图的左上方; (5) 计算第四步的结果进行傅立叶反变换g(x,y); (6)最后将得到的复数形式的g(x,y)取其实部数,得到了低通滤波后的图像。 2.6锐化原理 2.6.1 梯度锐化 图像模糊的主要原因是在处理的过程中运用了均值运算或是积分计算,要想使图像边缘细节部分和轮廓模糊的部分变得突出清楚,就要对图片进行逆处理如微分运算,从而达到使图像细节得到显示和轮廓清晰的目的。在图像处理的微分算法中梯度锐化是一种常用的方法。 对读取的原始图片的像素灰度值为f(x,y),f(x,y)在点(x,y)处的梯度是一个矢量,表示为: ,,,,ff Gfxy[(,)],215,,,,,,,xy,, 点(x,y)梯度的幅度为梯度的模,即 22,,,,ff,,GMxy(,),, 216,,,,,,,,,xy,,,, 在图像增强算法中,使用差分运算代替微分运算,差分表达式如下: 22217,GMxyfxyfxyfxyfxy(,)[(,)(1,)][(,)(,1)],,,,,, ,, 为了提高效率对上式进行化简近似取值为: GMxyfxyfxyfxyfxy(,)[(,)(1,)][(,)(,1)],,,,,,218,,,2.6.2拉普拉斯算子 拉普拉斯算子是线性二阶微分算子,与梯度算子一样,具有旋转不变性,从而满足不同走向的图像边界的锐化要求,拉普拉斯算子对图像中的噪声非常敏感,为了减少噪声的影响,在做增强处理之前,先将待处理的 [4] 图像进行平滑,再做拉普拉斯运算。 相对于梯度算子,拉普拉斯算子具有增强的边缘精确定位的优点,因为梯度一阶微分算子会在较大范围内形成梯度值,差分的结果不适合精确 11 [2]定位,然后,二阶差分算子的过零特性,可以使边缘增强后精确定位。 2.6.3 高通滤波 图像边缘与高频分量相对应,高通滤波器可以让高频分量畅通无阻,而对低频分量则充分限制,从而达到图像锐化的目的,建立在离散卷积基 [8]础上的空间域。 高通滤波关系式如下。 [11]g(m,m),F(n,n)H(m,n,1,m,n,1) 219,,,,,12121122nn12 式中为锐化输出; g(m,m)12 为输入图像; F(n,n)12 为冲击响应阵列(卷积阵列)。 H(m,n,1,m,n,1)1122 nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the12 第三章 图像增强算法与实现 本章节是对第二章的原理基础通过MATLAB仿真,运用各个增强算法的原理进行程序编写得到实验结果。然后对实验结果从主观和客观上对图像进行分析并给出自己评价,将各种算法的优点和不足进行总结。 3.1 均值滤波 在均值滤波算法上首先选择的是3x3的模板,是将图片的区域以目标像素为中心的周围8个像素,作为滤波模板,像素值的范围为0-255个灰度级,在对原始图片加入高斯噪声。以下是MATLAB仿真结果: 图3-1原始图片 对原始彩色图片进行灰度变换,因为彩色图片是三维的,是由RGB(红绿蓝)构成的,在对图像处理是需要的是灰度等级是0-255(0是黑色,255是白色),而这些灰度值也就是我们要处理的像素值,所以要将原始图片进行灰度变换,保留灰度值。在MATLAB中灰度变换处理是rgb2gray函数。 图3-2 加入高斯噪声图片 13 根据上图可以看出加入方差为0.02的高斯噪声后,整个图片变得模糊。 在加过噪声图片的基础上,首先对其进行3x3的均值滤波。 图3-3 3x3均值滤波图像 将图像进行3x3均值滤波,这样将图片的小区域进行取平均值来代替整个区域的像素值,在这种处理后能把加入的高斯噪声能够一定程度的抑制,在均值滤波过后噪声明显被抑制掉。但那这样整个图像与原始图像相比较,就会觉得处理后的图像始终是模糊的。然后再进行7x7模板的均值滤波器模板进行滤波。 图3-4 7x7均值滤波图像 从这里就可以很明显的看出,7x7的均值滤波从整体趋势上更接近原始图片,然而整个图片会更加的模糊。从这两种模板的滤波器看出了均值滤波的基本原理及功能。 优点:图像增强算法的一种,是把每个像素都用周围的8个像素来做均值操作,幅值近似相等且随机分布在不同位置上,这样可以平滑图像,算法简单。 不足:对于噪声的处理,无法很好的去除噪声只能稍微的改善,而且对 software upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , by14 于选取的滤波噪声的模板区域,如果选取的模板越大的话,这样去除噪声的能力越差,局限性较大。 3.2中值滤波 中值滤波在原理上与均值滤波很相似,但实质上是不同的。中值滤波对于不同的噪声去噪能力是不同的,所以要将原始图片加入不同的噪声信号,通过对不同的噪声处理的结果进行分析。这里加入方差(方差为0.02)相同噪声不同的三种方式,噪声有椒盐噪声、高斯噪声、乘性噪声。仿真结果如下: 图3-5 原始图像 图3-6 加入椒盐噪声图像 图3-7 加入高斯噪声图像 图3-8 加入乘性噪声图像 给原始图片加入方差相同,噪声类型不同后,可以发现各个噪声图片都是不 一样的。椒盐噪声分布趋势最接近原始图片,而高斯噪声和乘性噪声趋势差别较大。 15 图3-9 椒盐噪声中值滤波 图 3-10 高斯噪声中值滤波 图3-11乘性噪声中值滤波 然后通过中值滤波后发现中值滤波对于椒盐噪声处理能力最好,过滤后的的图片几乎达到原始图片的质量,对于高斯噪声和乘性噪声相比较,处理后的图片虽然有点改善,其效果质量还是同椒盐噪声处理效果差别很大。此外,虽然中值滤波增强算法对噪声能够进行滤除达到增强的目的,但是滤波后的结果图片就会变得模糊和细节丢失的问题。 从图分布上可以看出,中值滤波对三种噪声的处理同原始图片分布都有较大改善,其中对于椒盐噪声的处理最好。所以,中值滤波适用于椒盐噪声,而对其他噪声处理能力较差,也就是中值滤波的不足的地方。 优势:对于冲激信号的噪声方面非常有效,同时它可以保护图像尖锐的边缘,对选取合适的噪声源对图像进行加入噪声,就能够得到很好的处理效果,尤其是对椒盐噪声的处理能力突出。 不足:虽然对于椒盐噪声处理能力很好,但对于其他噪声去除能力较差的多,适用范围比较窄。 that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way 16 3.3直方图均衡 在直方图均衡仿真中,对于选取的原始图片要有针对性的问题,要选取的图片其灰度值区域分布要比较集中,这样对于其变换后的效果更佳,而且能够清晰的对与结果进行分析。 MATLAB仿真结果如下: 图3-12原始图像 图3-13直方图均衡滤波 图3-13原始图像直方图 图3-14均衡滤波后的直方图 原始图像与均衡后的图像对比,原始图像灰度值较低,图像灰暗模糊。经过直方图均衡后图像增强效果明显,图片显得明亮清晰。从3-13原始直方图中可以看出,原始图的灰度主要范围基本上都是在60到130之间,分布都在灰暗的区域值中,而直方图均衡化后,灰度区间扩展到0到255,灰度范围明显扩大,分布均匀同时保留了原始直方图的趋势,这样就使原图的细节和轮廓得到保留。这样处理后图像比较清晰亮度也得到调节,增强了原始图的视觉效果,所以对于选取的原始图像较灰暗的效果将会明显。 优势:将原始图片灰度值分布集中的区域经过处理后可以使灰度分布 17 均匀,灰度区间也得到扩大。 3.4 灰度变换 灰度变换的基本原理就是将原始图像灰度分布范围进行归一化处理,得到新的分布区间,再将这个灰度范围进行变换处理从而增强某些灰度级的细节部分。 图3-16灰度图像 该灰度图像直方图如下: 图3-17 灰度图像直方图 将其灰度直方图灰度范围区间[0,255]进行归一化为[0,1],由灰度直方图看出灰度分布情况,集中分布在50到130灰度区间,所以取[0.2,0.5]部分即灰度图像中的[51,127.5]区域,拉伸到[0,1]。MATLAB仿真结果如下: software upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , by18 图3-18 线性变换[0.2,0.5]图像 因为灰度图像中的[51,127.5]区域为偏灰黑色,所以这样通过灰度拉伸就使灰度图片亮化,拉伸后的图片明亮清晰,增强的效果很好。 图3-19 线性变换[0.2,0.5]图像直方图 对灰度变换后的直方图分析得出,其灰度分布范围扩大到[0,255]。由直方图绘出灰度变换线性变化曲线如下: 图3-20 原灰度图片曲线 图3-21[0.2,0.5]灰度变换曲线 然后再取[0.3,0.7]部分即灰度图像中的[76.5,178.5]区域,拉伸到[0,1]。 19 图3-22 [0.3,0.7]灰度变换 图3-23 [0.3,0.7]灰度变换直方图 拉伸后图片是原始图片灰黑的区域变得更黑,对比度更低了。经过灰度变换后的图片较原灰度图片相比较除了在灰度上较低的情况但会时轮廓清晰。 图3-24 [0.3,0.7]灰度变换曲线 由以上分析知,对于灰度变换的图片,若像将其图片处理成较理想的要求,就对选取的区域进行选择,然后在进行拉伸。 优势:可以将原始图片为暗灰色的图片进行亮化调节,有效地增强图像的有用信息部分。 不足:没有对整个图片进行处理仅仅利用了图像中的局部信息。 3.5 频域滤波 由于噪声是在频域中是在较高频率下的信息,在图像频域中的高频部分就会有噪声信息。低频滤波器有设定的截止频率,可以将图像中处于低频的信息进行保留而将高频的信息和噪声信息去除,从而达到去除噪声的目的。图片进行灰度变换,给灰度变换后的图片加入方差为0.02的高斯噪声,再通过MATLAB仿真中设置滤波器,以及其截止频率,得到理想低 that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way20 通滤波器,通过低通滤波器去除噪声 得到的图片如下: 图3-25原始图像 图3-26加入高斯噪声后的图像 图3-27低通滤波后的去噪图像 从图片上可以看出,通过理想低通滤波器滤除噪声后的图片,将噪声有效的滤除了,但整体图片也就变得模糊了,图片的边缘和细节也滤除了。因为在高频段也包含了图片的尖锐和细节部分,这样通过截止频率,就会使这些细节和噪声一起滤除了。 滤波后灰度值的分布与原图相似,有效的滤除加入的高斯噪声。 优点:低频滤波器可以很好的将高频部分的噪声进行有效的滤除,对图片有增强的作用,也常广泛的应用于图片处理的方法。 不足:将图片中细节和边缘滤除,没有保留原始图片的清晰轮廓,使处理后的图片变得模糊,由于这个原因,低通滤波器也被限制在很狭窄的区域内可以运用。 3.6 锐化 在这里主要研究是拉式锐化。首先将图片进行灰度变换,然后再设定 21 一个拉氏运算的模板,将模板中矩阵与灰度图片灰度值的矩阵进行二维卷积,然后将卷积运算结果与灰度图片中灰度值大小相同的中间值输出出来作为灰度图片的灰度值,所使用的函数为conv2(,,'same')。 (1) 选取一个适用的拉氏算子作为拉氏模板。 (2) 用微分方法对图像各点的灰度值进行微分运算,得到其梯度值。 (3) 对像素点的梯度值进行拉氏锐化处理得到输出图片。 MATLAB仿真结果如下: 图3-28 原始图像 图3-29 拉氏锐化图像 通过处理后结果分析可知,拉氏变换的图片将图片的边缘加强,将其细节部分突出了出来,轮廓明显。对比两个图像,处理后的图像灰度值整体得到增加, 优点:增强图片的边缘,使图片的细节清晰可见,提高图像中某一部位的清晰度或者焦距程度,使图像特定区域更加鲜明。 that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way 22 第四章 总结及展望 4.1 本文总结 图像增强主要原理是将图片中所要的区域进行增强,将那些可以忽略的部分区域的信息进行滤除,在处理后的图片中,重要信息得到增强,这样就会更好的分辨和应用这些处理后图片进行其他研究。对于读取的不同的类别图像,通过不同种类的增强算法进行处理,将模糊灰暗的原始图片处理成轮廓清晰亮度鲜明亮的图片,提供人机能够处理的可用图像。 本文在处理图像增强过程中遇到的问题主要是含有噪声干扰和低对比度的图片。一般噪声灰度值在区域内的特征值比较下,所以增强处理后的结果通过人的主观观察也是不太明显的识别。在保留原始图片含有的信息的基础上,通过改变图片中的细节边缘的灰度值,来获取增强的图像。运用MATLAB软件对各种图像处理的方法进行编写仿真,通过MATLAB得到的实验结果,将不同的增强算法进行理论和实验数据的对比,从对比后的结果可以对不同算法的特点进行分析,使用增强算法原理可以从主观和客观上对图像分析,这样就针对图像增强的方法功能进行清晰的评判,以及对不同算法的局限性和合适使用的图片类型进行分析,对其算法的优点和局限性加以阐述说明。 在实际增强处理中,一些噪声能够得到滤除,但滤除噪声的同时就会使图像的细节和边缘丢失,这样图片就会变得模糊。噪声和图像边缘是不能够同时统筹兼顾的,这也是增强算法至今无法解决的问题。 4.2 展望和计划 通过以上分析,图像噪声一般都是一些离散的点,需要增强的图像的细节是连续的线,如果能够找到一种对离散的点和连续的线进行分离开来的话,这样就会让图像的边缘细节能够保留的同时把噪声很好的滤除掉,这样就能够解决噪声和图像边缘细节的问题了。 在本文中采用的都是一些经典的增强算法原理,在今后的算法处理研究中,对于一些新出现的增强算法进行了解,并能够理解得到运用。 23 致 谢 几个月的 毕业论文 毕业论文答辩ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt下载关于药学专业毕业论文临床本科毕业论文下载 就要结束了,先对指导我们的导师李瑶老师说一声谢谢,这几个月我学到了很多,不仅仅是关于图像处理这门课的知识,还有很多做人做事的方法和态度。我以前很懒散,但是经过李瑶老师几个月来不倦教诲和悉心指导,我变了很多,谢谢李瑶老师。几个月以来,李老师每个星期都准时来学校来给我们指导和检查每周设计完成的情况,不辞辛苦的给我们指出错误以及给我们很多好的建议,让我们在毕业设计的学习过程中少走了很多弯路,再一次向李瑶老师表示最诚挚的感谢。 同时感谢我们合肥学院各位领导和老师为我们提供了优越的条件,让我们有这样的机会来学习这门课程;同学也给我了很大的帮助,向你们由衷地说声谢谢;还要感谢毕业设计期间给我提供帮助和便利的各位朋友们,谢谢你们一直对我的支持。 nology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimension24 参考文献 [1] 姚敏. 数字图像处理[M]. 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2006. [2]王彬.MATLAB数字信号处理[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2010.5 [3]冈萨雷斯. 数字图像处理(第二版)[M]. 阮秋等, 译. 北京: 电子工业出版社, 2003. [4]杨帆. 图像增强算法研究[D]. 武汉: 武汉科技大学, 2011. [5]马琳, 于宁. 数字图像增强算法分析[J]. 交通科技与经济, 2011, (1): 122~125. [6]卫婷婷, 纪峰, 庞胜军. 图像增强算法新进展[J]. 宁夏师范学院学报(自然科学), 2012, 33(6): 63~69. [7]何楚瑶. 基于非线性处理的图像增强算法研究[J]. 传感器世界, 2012, (10): 9~13. 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[21]李朝晖, 张弘. 数字图像处理及应用[M]. 北京:机械工业出版社, 2004. 25 附录 源程序代码 1 均值滤波 I=imread('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\litao.jpeg'); M=rgb2gray(I); figure,imshow(M),title('原始图像'); x=imnoise(M,'gaussian',0.02);%添加高斯噪声 n=3;%使用3x3的均值滤波器 m=n^2; h=zeros(1,m); [a,b]=size(x); x1=double(x); g1=x1; s1=x1; for i=(n+1)/2:a-(n+1)/2 for j=(n+1)/2:b-(n+1)/2 s1(i,j)=median(sort(reshape(x1(i-(n-1)/2:i+(n-1)/2,j-(n-1)/2:j+(n-1)/2),1,[]))); end end g=uint8(g1);s=uint8(s1); n=7;%使用7x7的均值滤波器 m=n^2; h=zeros(1,m); [a,b]=size(x); x1=double(x); g1=x1; s1=x1; for i=(n+1)/2:a-(n+1)/2 for j=(n+1)/2:b-(n+1)/2 s1(i,j)=median(sort(reshape(x1(i-(n-1)/2:i+(n-1)/2,j-(n-1)/2:j+(n-1)/2),1,[]))); end end g=uint8(g1);s2=uint8(s1); figure,imshow(x),title('添加高斯噪声的图像'); figure,imshow(s),title('3x3均值滤波图像'); figure,imshow(s2),title('7x7均值滤波图像'); 2 中值滤波 I=imread('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\litao.jpeg'); Q=rgb2gray(I); N1=imnoise(Q,'salt & pepper',0.02); %加椒盐噪声 N2=imnoise(Q,'gaussian',0,0.02);%添加高斯噪声 N3=imnoise(Q,'speckle',0.02); %添加乘性噪声 nology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimension26 G1=double(N1); [M,N]=size(Q); for i=2:M-1 for j=2:N-1 g=[G1(i-1,j-1);G1(i-1,j);G1(i-1,j+1);G1(i,j-1);G1(i,j); G1(i,j+1);G1(i+1,j-1);G1(i+1,j);G1(i+1,j+1)]; G1(i,j)=median(sort(g,1)); end end G2=double(N2); [M,N]=size(Q); for i=2:M-1 for j=2:N-1 g=[G2(i-1,j-1);G2(i-1,j);G2(i-1,j+1);G2(i,j-1);G2(i,j); G2(i,j+1);G2(i+1,j-1);G2(i+1,j);G2(i+1,j+1)]; G2(i,j)=median(sort(g,1)); end end G3=double(N3); [M,N]=size(Q); for i=2:M-1 for j=2:N-1 g=[G3(i-1,j-1);G3(i-1,j);G3(i-1,j+1);G3(i,j-1);G3(i,j); G3(i,j+1);G3(i+1,j-1);G3(i+1,j);G3(i+1,j+1)]; G3(i,j)=median(sort(g,1)); end end figure imshow(Q); title('原始图像'); figure imshow(N1); title('添加椒盐噪声图像'); figure imshow(N2); title('添加高斯噪声'); figure imshow(N3); title('添加乘性噪声'); figure imshow(uint8(G1)); title('椒盐噪声中值滤波图像'); figure imshow(uint8(G2)); 27 title('高斯噪声中值滤波图像'); figure imshow(uint8(G3)); title('乘性噪声中值滤波图像'); 3 直方图均衡 A=imread('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\litao2.jpg'); %读取图像 A=A(:,:,1); [m,n]=size(A); B=zeros(m,n); N=m*n; %像素总个数 s=zeros(1,256); t=zeros(1,256); %% 原始直方图概率分布 for i=1:m for j=1:n s(A(i,j)+1)=s(A(i,j)+1)+1; %计算各个灰度级像素个数 end end s=s./N; %各个灰度级的频率 %% 累积分布tk t(1)=s(1); for k=2:256 t(k)=t(k-1)+s(k); %累积分布函数 累积频率 end z=t; %% 取整扩展 for k=1:256 t(k)=floor(255*t(k)+0.5); %tk取整扩展 end %% 确定映射关系,将原图像中点的数值变为映射后的数值 for i=1:m for j=1:n B(i,j)=t(A(i,j)+1); end end A=uint8(A); B=uint8(B); figure imshow(A); title('原始图像'); figure imhist(A); nology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimension28 title('原始图像直方图'); figure imshow(B); title('均衡图像'); figure imhist(B); title('均衡图像直方图'); 4 灰度变换 I=imread('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\litao2.jpg'); figure,imshow(I); title('原始图像'); I1=rgb2gray(I); %图像I必须为彩色图像 figure,imshow(I1); title('灰度图像'); figure,imhist(I1),title('灰度图像直方图'); J=imadjust(I1,[0.2 0.5],[]); %局部拉伸,把[0.2 0.5]内的灰度拉伸为[0 1] figure,imshow(J); title('线性变换图像[0.2 0.5]'); K=imadjust(I1,[0.3 0.7],[]); %局部拉伸,把[0.3 0.7]内的灰度拉伸为[0 1] %imadjust(I1,[a b],[])中a和b的值越接近零,图像越亮 figure,imshow(K); title('线性变换图像[0.3 0.7]'); figure,imhist(J),title('线性变换图像直方图[0.2,0.5]'); figure,imhist(K),title('线性变换图像直方图[0.3,0.7]'); 5 频域滤波 I=imread('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\litao3.jpg');%读取原图像 M=rgb2gray(I);%图像灰度变换 N=imnoise(M,'speckle',0.02);%加高斯噪声,方差为0.02 order=21;%二阶FIR滤波器阶数 threshold=0.1; %二阶FIR滤波器的通带截止频率 [f1,f2]=freqspace(order,'meshgrid'); Hd=ones(order); Hd((sqrt(f1.^2+f2.^2))>threshold^2)=0;%二阶FIR滤波器的通带的截止频率 win=fspecial('gaussian',21,2);%产生高斯窗口滤波器 h=fwind2(Hd,win);%设计得到低通滤波器 J1=filter2(h,N);%使用设计的低通滤波器对噪声图像进行低通滤波 J1=(J1-min(min(J1)))/(max(max(J1)-min(min(J1))));%结果归一化 figure;imshow(M);title('原始图像');%显示原图 figure;imshow(N);title('加入高斯噪声的图像');%显示加入高斯噪声的图像 figure;imshow(J1);title('低通滤波结果图像');%显示滤波结果图像 6 拉氏锐化 29 I=imread('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\litao103.jpg'); M=rgb2gray(I);%图像灰度变换 H=[0 1 0;1 -4 0;0 1 0]; % 拉氏运算模板 X1=double(M); J=conv2(X1,H,'same'); %对模糊图像进行拉氏滤波 J=uint8(X1-J); figure; imshow(M); title('原始图像'); %显示原图像 figure; imshow(J); title(' 拉氏锐化处理后的图像'); %显示锐化处理后的图像 nsuretime troubleshooting, ensure the normal operation of the system. 3) users when a big event, our company sent technicians to e ales service personnel regularly visit customers. During the trial operation of the system, we will be left unattended at anys-terrial fee shall be borne by the user. Company system to provide lifelong service, only charge a maintenance fee. 2) company afis to make ... System failures, if the problem is caused by improper use of the system, we actively address the required mate twareeffect similar to real people and cartoon characters performing. 4. the programming software the primary function of this sofBlinking text and image display effects, such as, secondly, you can use two/three dimensional animation with video added, to marquee effect, TV. Video as background, scrolling across the screen, moving.programme in determineganization and the management first section, and construction programme and the construction management a,, and construction on orand function expand 6) simple maintenance and fault excluded eighth Department points, and weak system engineering constructi mation making of edit, and Play and Studio operation, play software of operation 5) system software of installation debuggingal anig, and CTV and network of signal interface, and computer, especially strengthened multimedia application, and three dimensionnology conditions, using, maintenance matters, interface and the operation 4) application software, including animation makintechdesign, and function, and operation, and maintenance 2) corporation dedicated software and the using 3) various equipment of has rich teaching experience of software engineers is responsible for training, training content including: 1) system General , bysoftware upgrade for free. 2, and training training points site training, theory training and operation training, variety way that the smooth settlement of. 4) upgrade service company responsible for the system upgrade, where the company developed the 30
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