首页 钢笔行书字帖欣赏__如何练好钢笔字



钢笔行书字帖欣赏__如何练好钢笔字钢笔行书字帖欣赏__如何练好钢笔字 钢笔行书字帖欣赏 如何练好钢笔字 有些同学因为以前没有注意字的好坏,一些难看甚至错误的写法已经根深蒂固,很难改正 学习书法不是一件容易的事情可是当你对它有了浓厚的兴趣,再加上正确的学习方法和持之以恒的决心之后,它就变成是一件很趣味,让我们很愿意去做的事情,并且从中得到了无法言传的快乐 第一 怎样学好钢笔字》 书法课教学常规的要求: 1、写字时的坐姿:头正、身直、臂开、足安 2、选定一本自己喜欢的书法字帖(硬笔书法、毛笔小楷均可) 3、执笔:拇指与食指夹住笔杆,其它...

钢笔行书字帖欣赏__如何练好钢笔字 钢笔行书字帖欣赏 如何练好钢笔字 有些同学因为以前没有注意字的好坏,一些难看甚至错误的写法已经根深蒂固,很难改正 学习书法不是一件容易的事情可是当你对它有了浓厚的兴趣,再加上正确的学习方法和持之以恒的决心之后,它就变成是一件很趣味,让我们很愿意去做的事情,并且从中得到了无法言传的快乐 第一 怎样学好钢笔字》 书法课教学常规的要求: 1、写字时的坐姿:头正、身直、臂开、足安 2、选定一本自己喜欢的书法字帖(硬笔书法、毛笔小楷均可) 3、执笔:拇指与食指夹住笔杆,其它三个指头辅助运笔,指实掌虚 4、教学重点:正确的练字方法,培养学生的看字帖的“鉴赏力”(懂得怎样的字更好,如果吸取别人书写的长处,改正自己书写的不足) 5、教学难点:培养学生的看字帖的“鉴赏力”(就是要多看,多讲,多交流,为学生分析这个字为什么写得好,这个字为什么不好看等) 一、钢笔字和钢笔书法的特点 钢笔字的艺术效果虽然不像毛笔字那样丰富,但远远胜过铅笔、圆珠笔等其它硬笔因其笔尖富有弹性,写出的笔画同样有粗细、轻重之分,同样能给人以美感 钢笔字的美,主要 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现在点画线条、字形结构和章法格式上:用笔讲究轻重缓急的节奏,点画线条就美;造型注意比例、匀称、平稳、均衡、变化和呼应,字形结构就美;整齐而有变化、多样而又,章法格式就美(这些也是欣赏钢笔书法的原则和 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ) 钢笔楷书的特点是:用笔有提顿、藏露、方圆、快慢等讲究;笔画起收有序、笔笔分明、坚实有力、停而不断、直而不僵、流畅自然;结构上强调笔画和部首均衡分布、cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 重心平稳、比例适当、字型端正、合乎 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 钢笔行书则是介于楷书和草书之间的一种书体也就是大家平常所写和所说的连笔字它可以牵丝连带、大小参差、省减笔画、改变笔顺,可以极尽变化之能事,容易写得气势连贯、疏密有致、跌宕起伏,容易表现出艺术效果当然,也就容易写快,从而具有极强的使用性(我们今天所要重点交流的正是行书) 二、当代学生的学书现状 首先,不良的书写习惯难以纠正 长期以来,钢笔字被认为没有太多的规矩可言,似乎可以随意发挥、不加管束于是,不少同学多年来的不良书写习惯已经定型,到大学期间再纠正实在勉为其难比如,好多学生,尤其是一些女生写惯了拘谨的小家子气,往往很难使其开张由此形成的心理定势让那些书法大家和教授也感到难以挽救 其次,钢笔字在选择字帖上有一定的局限性 钢笔书法不像毛笔书法,有权威性的基础字帖这些年来,钢笔字帖如雨后春笋,令人应接不暇,但鱼龙混杂,好坏差别大即使是优秀的范本,也可能因为人们在心理上还不习惯,不善于去评定哪几种可以供初学者使用我跟上百位同学接触过,发现绝大多数人用的是司马东和司马彦的字帖,其实他们的字并不符合实用性标准,也不符合钢笔字的基础理论(王正良、沈鸿根、顾仲安的不错) 第三,加强鉴赏能力,培养正确的审美观刻不容缓 在以“龙飞凤舞”为美的认识前提下,笔画写的杂乱而无序、造作而不自然,当然审美意识也就极为肤浅相当大一部分同学的楷书基础极差,起码的线条笔画分辨不清他们认为楷书不美,太慢、太板,而草书才是美的写的快,线条无拘无束他们只盯一个无拘无束,却忽略了“草书出了格,神仙认不得”的道理这样没有规律的写草书,其效果恰恰是适得其反,反而练不好字了 h 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growtcrop ion Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvestenergy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 milllentlessly, to bear positive cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading re -struction of serviceroots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the con-ing. One is to strengthen the construction of grassbuild anization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of partyroving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, org(D) strengthening and imp 2ely and full paymentroots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Tim-engthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grasst lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strroots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contac-election, grass-by rty organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of theoriented party organization to further standardize the pa 当然,钢笔字应偏向流利畅快如果过多的追求顿挫、回转就失去钢笔字本身的特色了现在许多钢笔字帖过于追求毛笔韵味,甚至用毛笔技法写钢笔字它写出的不再是钢笔字的线条,而是一个面(面积的面),特别是横画、捺画,要达到这种效果,需要有跟写毛笔字相近的速度才能达到技巧纯熟的老师、书法家达到这一效果尚不轻松,更何况一个初学书法的学生呢而且从实用性看,刻意这样做还有矫揉造作的弊端 三、怎样练好钢笔字 第一,激发动机,培养兴趣 动机和需要是紧密相连的中 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 生练字是提高书写水平、掌握文化知识的需要;成人练字是传递信息、提高工作效率的需要;从艺术角度讲,练字则是对美的追求的需要 我们对练字的需要不是天生的,是靠自己的认识逐步形成的,并由此产生情感,形成浓厚的兴趣从而激发练字的动机否则,刻意练字勉强对付,写出来的字肯定是笔力浮滑、结构松散、进步不快,这样反过来又会影响写字的兴趣 俗话说“字无百日功”练字跟、品质也有关系,做不到“忙里抽闲,持之以恒”,练字也就变成一句空话了 第二,变革旧习惯、形成新笔势 写字是一种习惯,练字则是改变习惯的过程是对新的笔画结构和处理方式从了解到掌握,从生疏到熟练的过程大家可以在有意识的练习当中,在自觉的改变某些动作的基础上潜移默化的形成这种技能 第三,将写字与书法分离,先练字后论及书法 写字以写为主,带有一种机械的、被动的劳动因素,要求通俗、简洁、快速、容易辨认,讲求实用性 书法则以创作为主,它可以借助于文字的书写过程来表达作者的文化素养,思想情感,审美意识等,以突出作者个性为主要目的当然,没有写好字的基本功做前提,书法 r 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. estock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last yeaze livan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; sinue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yulentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revecross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading re ruoriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of -iceizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of servroots party organ-ty, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grassthe party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integri (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering 3roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment-promoting grasstransformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in vation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote theroots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a reno-election, grass-ral party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by 创作就成了无源之水,无米之炊 因此,为了缩短练字时间,有必要把写字和书法区别开来先练字后论及书法,这样会少走弯路 第四,打破“楷书神话”,直接学习行书 “楷书是行书和草书的基础,要学习行书草书,必先学习楷书;有了楷书基础,行书草书就容易掌握了”这似乎已经成了一个常识但我认为这是一个神话,经不起检验,即使不能完全推倒,也应该进行修改就跟《神话》里演的一样,我们应该学习成龙的朋友,把那只怪兽的眼睛摘掉,然后让那个国王老头摔下来,打破神话 另外,历史上,行书和楷书都是从隶书演变而来的具有各自独特的本质特征,在笔画结构方面有各自的规律 楷书写的很不错的人行书却很一般;而行书写的很好的楷书也很一般,这些现象不但表现在我们学生中间,也经常在一些著名书法家(毛笔)身上或者全国性书法大赛获奖的成功者身上表现出来 当然先写好楷书对行书会有帮助,但是,由于楷书用笔严禁,法度森严(刚才说钢笔字的特点时已经说过了),学好需要花费大量的时间我们就只能“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只练钢笔字”了再说平常记笔记,做作业,由于时间的要求,大家照旧是用自己不规范的行书,刚刚学到的一点楷书笔画和范字又被冲散了如此以来,楷书没学好反而挫伤了自信心,落了半途而废 因此,我们应以行书的眼光看行书,以行书的方法练行书打破神话及定式,找到有效的、省时省力的训练方法,写好写快钢笔字 第五,关于临摹 临摹是学习(书法)最基本的方法,也是攀登顶峰的必由之路 “临”是对着写,“摹”是蒙着描临摹不是整篇誊写,是通过手的描画,加深脑的印象;通过手、眼、脑的运动, h 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growtcrop ion Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvestenergy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 milllentlessly, to bear positive cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading re rty organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of theoriented party organization to further standardize the pa-struction of serviceroots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the con-ing. One is to strengthen the construction of grassbuild anization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of partyroving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, org(D) strengthening and imp 4ely and full paymentroots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Tim-engthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grasst lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strroots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contac-election, grass-by 把优美的形象刻在自己心里临摹是一种思索,一种比较,一种记忆从形式上,它是用自己得手写别人的字;从本质上看,这实在是训练形象感受能力的极好手段,也是每个书家必备的基本素质(相对与毛笔字而言,钢笔字重结构不重笔画,因此,临摹时不必在用笔上花太多的力气) 读帖是临摹的前提读帖好比读书,“书读百遍,其义自现”只有读懂了、看细了,才会写得像、记得牢对字帖上的字,其笔画、结构,章法都要仔细琢磨从中找出规律,才能写得有兴趣,写得形似、神似从而做到“胸有成竹”,“意在笔先” 需要指出的是,大多数人懒于摹写(就是描着写),认为只有小学生才这样做殊不知摹写是学书关键的一步,是避免“抄帖”学无收益的有效方法只“临”不“摹”,很难发现自己书写的弊病只有先“摹”后“临”,临摹结合,做到所描之字与字帖上的字笔画完全重合,才能有较快的进步 第六,对于不太美观的字体已经定型的同学的一些建议现在想练字,但往往只在现有的字体上修修补补,在选择和自己相似的字体上打主意,这样常常是“好的没学到,坏的没丢掉”,以致越练越难看 那么,这些同学应该怎样练字呢,我的经验是:首先,忘掉以前的字体,从零开始,从最基本的笔画练起,然后练结构为什么要练笔画,因为,虽说钢笔字最重要的是结构问题,但毕竟结构也是由笔画组成的,连横平竖直一点都保证不了,肯定影响字的美观 练的时候,一定要认真细心;必要时把字帖上的字分解成单个笔画和部首来练;要注意横平竖直;要注意中锋行笔、力至笔端;要注意结构的平行、参差原则,向字心聚力;要去掉那些多余的牵丝和圆圈 现在有一个不好解决的问题,就是很难把以前的字体忘掉,在临帖过程中常常把旧习惯带入新字体要改变这种状况,最好的办法是先练上一两星期或者更长时间的正楷,来正形当形正了之后,再选择自己认为美观的行书字帖临摹(这个方法主要针对那些写 r 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. estock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last yeaze livan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; sinue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yulentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revecross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading re roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a reno-election, grass-ral party branches, after completing the upgrade of the byruoriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of -iceizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of servroots party organ-ty, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grassthe party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integri (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering 5roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment-promoting grasstransformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in vation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the 字基础非常差的“同学”,而不是适用于在座的每一位同学) 关于如何选字帖,我在这儿也举几个例子:如以前的字体拘谨,就选择奔放的字帖;如以前的字体散漫,就选择严谨的字帖;如以前的字体呆板,就选择潇洒的字帖;如字体臃肿则选择清秀的字帖……这样,认真练上两到三个月,就可以学会新的字体也可以选用毛笔字帖来练钢笔字 “热情和自信是成功的双翼”因此,大家一定要树立长远的信心~王羲之就是先从卫铄学书,之后又发现先代名家钟要等的名著,才改变初学,继往开来,把古朴的书体变成娇美流畅的书体,对楷、行、草书做出了创造性贡献 四、今后在写字上应注意的问题 1、要清晰准确; 2、要按国家 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的简化字去写; 3、由于慢笔写出的字没有神韵,所以提倡用连写的笔势写字,也就是写快写的连笔字; 4、注意行书笔画和结构,追求美观 《练字三字经》 练字时 心要静 身坐正 脚放平 仔细看 认真临 粗者重 细者轻 转折处 须慢行 钩有力 线条挺 竖要直 横要平 重心稳 点画匀 有节奏 有呼应 求笔法 讲造型 既悦目 又怡情 感悟深 贵有恒 日日练 心手灵 古今事 勤为径 有意者 事竟成 h 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growtcrop ion Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvestenergy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 milllentlessly, to bear positive cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading re roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the con-ing. One is to strengthen the construction of grassbuild anization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of partyroving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, org(D) strengthening and imp 6ely and full paymentroots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Tim-engthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grasst lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strroots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contac-election, grass-by rty organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of theoriented party organization to further standardize the pa-struction of service
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