首页 单位廉政风险点排查表1



单位廉政风险点排查表1单位廉政风险点排查表1 单位廉政风险点排查表 单位,道真自治县公路管理所 填表日期,2011年7月20日 主要负责人姓名及职务 冷国东,所长、大队长, 1、组织养护工程的招投标和发包工作,对养护质量进行检查验收, 单位 2、实施路政巡查,对违反公路路政管理的行为,依法检查、制止和实施处罚, 职能 3、在规定的权限范围内审批从地下、地面、上空穿,跨,越公路修建建筑物职责 或者其它设施事宜,审批公路的特殊占,利,用、挖掘和超限运输,并对 实施情况进行监督检查。 风险类型、表现形式及防范措施 制度机制风险 岗位...

单位廉政风险点排查表1 单位廉政风险点排查表 单位,道真自治县公路管理所 填表日期,2011年7月20日 主要负责人姓名及职务 冷国东,所长、大队长, 1、组织养护工程的招投标和发包工作,对养护质量进行检查验收, 单位 2、实施路政巡查,对违反公路路政管理的行为,依法检查、制止和实施处罚, 职能 3、在规定的权限范围内审批从地下、地面、上空穿,跨,越公路修建建筑物职责 或者其它设施事宜,审批公路的特殊占,利,用、挖掘和超限运输,并对 实施情况进行监督检查。 风险类型、表现形式及防范措施 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 机制风险 岗位职责风险 1、本所制定的党风廉政建设和反腐败风险 1、可能会出现未严格按照《招投标法》 工作实施意见中, 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 领导干部廉点表 的规定组织养护工程的招投标和 洁从政行为的内容还不够全面。 现形 发包工作。 2、本所制定的推进惩防体系制度建设式 2、可能会存在路政管理过程中,未严 工作 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 中,工作任务还需再细 格执行路政管理工作纪律。 化。 1、认真贯彻执行《公路法》、《行政许 可法》、《招投标法》、《国家赔偿费 用管理办法》、《罚款决定与罚款收风险 1、进一步建立健全党风廉政建设和反 缴分离实施办法》、《交通行政执法点防 腐败工作制度。 监督规定》、《交通行政许可监督检范措 2、进一步完善惩防体系制度建设工作 查及责任追究规定》等法律法规。 施 方案和机关效能建设工作制度。 2、严格执行《贵州省公路局路政管理 人员“五条禁令”》和路政工作纪律。 党委 ,党 组、 纪检 组, ,公章, 意见 年 月 日 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 岗位廉政风险点排查表 岗位名称,所长 填表日期,2011年7月20日 主要负责人姓名及职务 冷国东,主持全面工作,分管办公室、财务室, 1、宣传、贯彻执行《公路法》、公路工程技术 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、公路养护技术规范、路单位 政管理相关法律、法规、条例、规定。 职能 2、加强质量监管,注重安全工作,确保工程质量和施工作业安全。 职责 3、负责全所干部、职工的政治、思想教育工作,关心职工、坚持原则、秉公 办事。 风险类型、表现形式及防范措施 制度机制风险 岗位职责风险 1、由于相关法律法规的具体规定未宣传到 位,可能导致工作失误。 2、在干部推荐考核、选拔任用、评先表模上风险 可能出现不讲原则、任人唯亲,导致干群 关系不好或广大职工带情绪工作。 点表 3、在重大事项的决策、大额资金使用上,可由于工作制度的覆盖面和工作标现形 能出现不讨论、不研究,个人决定代替集 准不够明确,可能导致行政行为失误。 体决定的现象,造成社会不良影响。 式 4、在公务活动中可能出现违反廉洁自律规 定,接受礼品、现金及有价证券等,造成 社会不良影响。 5、在财务管理工作中,可能会出现滥用权力、 拔关系款,谋取私利,造成社会不良影响。 1、认真学习《中国共产党员领导干部 廉洁从政若干准则》和《关于实行风险 1、进一步建立健全各类工作制度,明党风廉政建设责任制的规定》。 点防 确工作职责及工作时限、质量、标2、严格执行上级部门选拔任用股级领范措 准。 导干部考核工作方法。 施 2、制定和执行本单位的议事规则。 3、严格执行事业单位竞争上岗暂行办 法。 4、建立完善所务公开、党务公开制度。 股室 意见 年 月 日 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 岗位廉政风险点排查表 岗位名称,副所长 填表日期,2011年7月20日 主要负责人姓名及职务 韩忠建,分管小修保养、大中修工程 , 单位 1、制定和实施养护生产 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,并进行督促检查。 职能 2、正确制定水毁恢复和大中修计划,并根据工作安排认真组织实施。 职责 风险类型、表现形式及防范措施 制度机制风险 岗位职责风险 1、可能会出现接受施工方好处,放松 工程监管的现象,造成不良的社会 影响。 风险 2、可能出现收取当事人好处,不按规点表 可能会出现未严格按照《公路工 定程序检查监督的现象,造成严重现形 程质量管理办法》的规定实施工程管经济损失和社会影响。 式 理。 3、可能会出现收取当事人好处,不按 规章制度检查,检查数据失真的现 象,造成领导决策失误或严重的社 会不良影响。 1、建立“政府监督、社会监理、企业风险 自检”三级质量保证体系。 点防 1、严格执行《公路工程质量管理办法》 2、制定养护工程项目监督检查考核办范措 2、建立工程质量检查制度。 法。 施 3、严格实行责任追究制和质量终身负 责制。 股室 意见 年 月 日 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 岗位廉政风险点排查表 岗位名称,副所长 填表日期,2011年7月20日 主要负责人姓名及职务 涂勤芳,分管路政工作, 1、查处违法利用、侵占、挖掘、破坏公路、公路用地和公路设施的行为, 单位 2、控制公路两侧建筑控制区和规划区,制止违法建筑及铁轮车、履带车在公职能 路上行驶, 职责 3、负责路政案件的调查取证并作出处罚决定,依法参加行政诉讼活动, 4、办理特殊占,利,用、挖掘公路事宜,查验超限运输车辆,并进行监护。 风险类型、表现形式及防范措施 制度机制风险 岗位职责风险 1、在处理路政案件中,可能接受当事人好处, 乱开口,处置不当,或办理建议不当,造风险 成社会不良影响。 2、案件查处中,可能接受当事人好处,违规点表 1、未建立本单位路政管理工作廉政制 办案或碍人情,或瞒案不报、压案不查、现形 度和路政管理工作奖惩制度。 大案化小,办案不公,造成社会不良影响。 式 2、未制定详细的路政案件处置程序。 3、案件办理中,可能出现泄私愤、刁难当事 人现象,损害当事人合法权益。 4、在使用由裁量权时,可能出现不按规定任 意使用自由裁量权,导致处理不公。 1、严格执行《行政许可法》,严格案 件的审批程序,依法办案、依法行风险 1、建立健全本单位路政工作廉洁制度政。 点防 和路政管理工作奖惩制度。 2、严肃办案纪律,认真执行《贵州省范措 2、制定详细的路政案件处置程序 路政人员“五条禁令”》。 施 3、制定详细的案件处置程序,规范执 法人员自裁量权。 股室 意见 年 月 日 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 岗位廉政风险点排查表 岗位名称,管理员 填表日期,2011年7月20日 主要负责人姓名及职务 张建华,会计, 1、负责本单位计划、统计和财务管理以及会计核算工作, 2、组织编制公路管养工作的财务收支计划,检查、督促计划的执行,搞好计划的综合平衡单位 和调整工作, 职能 3、管理预算资金和核算固定资产,做好算帐、记帐、结帐、报帐等工作。 职责 4、领发和管理公路规费凭证,保管会计凭证、帐簿、报表等,建立会计核算档案,按时编 报财务报表。 风险类型、表现形式及防范措施 制度机制风险 岗位职责风险 1、可能出现不按照规定使用、管理现 金、支票,造成现金挪用、公款私存,风险 2.可能出现票据管理不规范,导致票点表 据丢失和票款流失, 财务管理工作制度和内控制度还现形 需进一步完善。 式 3.可能出现不及时与银行核对账目, 造成资金流失。 1. 加强学习,增强廉洁自律意识和服务意 识,2.遵守会计人员职业道德,不断提高业风险 务水平,3.熟悉财经法律、法规和国家统一点防 进一步完善财务管理工作制度和的会计制度和财务管理制度,认真进行会计范措 内控制度。 核算,4.严格执行收支两条线,定期对票据施 进行监督检查,5.坚持支票、印鉴、密码、 现金等分块管理,相互监督,避免违反财经 纪律。 股室 意见 年 月 日 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site 岗位廉政风险点排查表 岗位名称,管理员 填表日期,2011年7月20日 主要负责人姓名及职务 彭敏,出纳, 1、负责现金支票的收入保管和签发支付工作, 2、严格按照财务管理制度报销结算本单位各项费用并编制相关凭证, 单位 3、及时准确编制记帐凭证并逐项登记总帐和明细帐,定期上缴各种完整的原始凭证, 职能 4、及时与银行定期对帐, 职责 5、配合会计人员做好每月的报税和工资的发放工作, 6、保管好有关印章、空白支票和发票以及库存现金和各种有价证券。 风险类型、表现形式及防范措施 制度机制风险 岗位职责风险 1.可能出现利用工作之便,违反财务审批程风险 序,支出审核不严,发生不廉洁行为,造成点表 社会不良影响,2.可能出现不严格执行收支 财务管理工作制度和内控制度还现形 两条线规定,收支管理不规范,出现坐收坐需进一步完善。 式 支、截留、挪用资金、公款私存等违纪违规 行为,造成社会不良影响。 1,加强学习,增强廉洁自律意识和服务意 识,2. 严格按照会计法律、法规和规章制度 规定的程序和要求办理现金收付业务,3、 建立健全现金目记帐,逐日逐笔登记现金收风险 付,账目应日清月结,4、定期盘点库存现点防 进一步完善财务管理工作制度和 金,确保现金帐面余额与实际库存相符,发范措 内控制度。 现不符,应及时查明原因,5、严格执行库施 存限额的规定,对超过库存限额部分,应于 当日送存开户银行。 股室 意见 年 月 日 are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site are formulated, detailed provisions to engineering protection of finished and semi-finished products. Finished and semi-finished products to be stopped for damage and education and, if necessary, site leader holds parties and party's construction team leader and technicians responsible, fined and posted by educating employees. 2, scientific and reasonable arrangements should be strictly in accordance with operating procedures lines hoisting construction hoisting sequence to prevent falls from a height. Tree planting tree supports the note immediately after work, fixed plant, prevent them from being blown over. Cross should be avoided in the construction job lead to product damage. Not fire working in the cable area, electricity, fire near welding operations shall be protected and smash-proof measures. 3, well before the construction drawing design and construction technology to give the low-down and construction design drawing environment well before construction work and work construction technology to give the low-down, prevents rework due to work fine or damage to finished product. Should investigate before construction embedded facilities and the surrounding environment and, if necessary, adopt effective measures of protection, isolation. 4, attention schedule cross in favour of finished and semi-finished products to protect jobs. 5, protection and isolation measures taken during the construction process. Construction site
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