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潘晓燕2013六级作文预测潘晓燕2013六级作文预测 十(写作指南:这是一篇正反观点型的作文,要求考生对“信息安全的重要性”做出正反的论 述,并发表个人的意见。根据题目要求可以将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:从正面的观点论述信息安全的重要性。 第二段:从反面的观点阐述为什么有些人认为信息安全不重要。 第三段:提出自己的观点--信息安全很重要,并阐释其主要的理由。 The Importance of Information Security As we are living in the information age, we ar...

潘晓燕2013六级作文预测 十(写作指南:这是一篇正反观点型的作文,要求考生对“信息安全的重要性”做出正反的论 述,并发 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 个人的意见。根据 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目要求可以将文章内容安排如下: 第一段:从正面的观点论述信息安全的重要性。 第二段:从反面的观点阐述为什么有些人认为信息安全不重要。 第三段:提出自己的观点--信息安全很重要,并阐释其主要的理由。 The Importance of Information Security As we are living in the information age, we are readily accessible to information of our interests. Because of this, some people claim that it is important to protect the information security to ensure a healthier environment to spread information. This belief, however, is discarded by some others, because they regard information as something intangible and insignificant and there is no need to safeguard it. Information comes and goes: it is too transient to be kept in a safe box. As for me, I think the information security should be protected. First, a lot of information circulating around the Internet is associated with privacy. Once it is leaked out, it would be a detriment to the people concerned. Quit a few Internet-based financial frauds and losses result from the stolen private information. Second, if we do not guarantee the accuracy of information, we would open a floodgate for exaggerated and even false messages. Ultimately, we will be confused as to what to believe and which source to trust, In light of these reasons, it is necessary to acknowledge the importance of information security. 信息安全的重要性 由于我们生活在信息时代,我们很容易就可以获取自己感兴趣的信息。鉴于此,一些人声 称:保护信息安全、以确保一个传播信息的安全环境,这是很重要的。 然而,这种观点却被其他一些人放弃,因为他们认为信息是无形的、无关紧要的东西,没 必要去保护。信息往来传播迅速:她转瞬即逝,没法保存在保险箱里。 对我而言,我认为信息安全应该得到保护。首先,因特网上流传的许多信息都与隐私有关。 一旦泄漏,就会伤害相关的朲许多基于网络的金融诈骗和损失都是因为私人信息被盗。其次, 如果我们不保证信息的正确性,我们就为夸大甚至伪造的信息打开了闸门。最终,我们会对要 相信什么、信任哪个来源而困惑不已。出于这些原因,有必要承认信息安全的重要性。 九(写作指南:根据本文的写作提纲,全文思路如下: 第一段开门见山,点明现在社会存在的现象:很多年轻人从来不会忘记自己的生日,却连父母 的生日是哪天都不知道。 第二段解释这种现象产生的原因:一方面父母从小就帮孩子庆祝生日,却常常淡化自己的生日 庆祝方式,甚至不庆祝:另一方面年轻人过于关注自己,对父母缺少关心。 第三段表明自己的态度,指出我们应该怎么做。 The Days We Should Keep in Mind Many young people never forget their birthday. They held little parties and receive gifts to celebrate their birthday every year. However, when they are asked about their parents’ birthdays, most them cannot answer right. There are several reasons which cause this phenomenon. On the one hand, nowadays parents focus very much on their children, but too little on themselves. Many parents celebrate their children’s birthdays when their kids are still very young, maybe only 3 or 4 years old. But parents seldom celebrate their own birthday, and maybe they don’t mention it at all. That’s why young people cannot remember parents’ birthdays. On the other hand, young people focus very much on themselves, but too little on their parents. Sometimes they just think that their parents are not interested in celebrating birthday. Is young people’s birthday more important than their parents’? I don’t think so. The days we should keep in mind are not our own birthday, but our parents’. 我们应该铭记的那些日子 大多数年轻人都不会忘记自己的生日。每年,他们举办小型派对,收获礼物,为自己庆生。 但是,当被问及父母的生日时,他们当中的大多数却说不准确。 造成这一现象的原因有很多。一方面,现在的家长太过于关心自己的小孩,而忽视了自己。 许多家长在小孩三、四岁时就帮他们庆生,却很少庆祝自己自己的生日,或者根本就不提自己 生日的事情。这是造成年轻人记不住父母生日的原因。另一方面,年轻人非常以自我为中心, 很少关心父母。有时候他们觉得父母对庆生根本不感兴趣。 年轻人的生日真的比他们父母的更重要吗,我绝地不是。我们需要牢记的不是我们自己的 生日,而是父母的。 八(写作指南:根据本文的写作提纲,全文思路如下: 第一段开篇指出越来越多人开始崇尚简单、健康的生活,可具体谈及低碳生活(low-carbon living style)、绿色生活(green living style)等;并简要说明产生这种现象的原因; 第二段讲述健康生活的一些方法:平衡工作与休息、多吃自然食品、保持乐观...... 第三段总结,号召人们坚持下去。 How to Establish a Healthy Living Style? Nowadays more and more people tend to have a simple and healthy living style, hoping that they can live longer and healthier. This phenomenon results from all kinds of health care information from magazines, TV programs, radio programs, and so on. Having a simple and healthy living style is surely good. But many of us don’t know how to establish such a living style. Here are some suggestions. First, set up a balance of work and rest. Only by working happily and having enough rest can we live healthier. Second, eat natural food rather than processed food. Natural food is usually fresher, while processed one may contain some additives which are harmful to our health. Third, be optimistic. Modern people have a lot of pressure. If we are optimistic to our lives, we can adjust ourselves to many conditions and live healthier and happier. In one word, establishing a healthy living style is not very difficult for us it we stick it out. 如何建立健康的生活方式, 现在越来越多的人崇尚简单而又健康的生活方式,希望自己更长寿、更健康。这种现象来 自于杂志、电视节目、广播等保健信息专栏的宣传。 拥有简单而健康的生活方式自然是好事。但我们当中的大多数人并不知道如何建立这种生 活方式。下面是一些建议:首先,平衡好工作与休息。更健康地生活得益于愉快的工作与充足 的休息时间。其次,多吃天然食物,少食加工食品。天然食物通常更新鲜,而加工食品可能会 含有各种添加剂,对我们的健康没好处。再次,要乐观。现代人压力重重。如果我们对生活乐 观,我们便能适应各种状况,活得更健康、更开心。 总之,如果我们能够一直坚持,要建立健康的生活方式不是非常困难的事情。 七(写作指南:这是一篇问题解决型的作文,要求考生对“如何扩大自己的知识面”这一问题 发表意见。根据题目要求可以将文章内容安排如下: 第一段指出扩大知识面的背景--信息爆炸的时代。 第二段阐释具备宽广知识面的重要性。 第三段分三点阐述我们应该如何扩大自己的知识面。 How to Broaden Our Knowledge? No one would deny that we are living in a world where knowledge has never been so explosive and overwhelming. Therefore, one should constantly broaden his knowledge to keep up with the changing time. To have vast knowledge means a great deal to us. For instance, extensive knowledge implies one’s curiosity and efforts to learn new things In addition to this, those who have a wealth of knowledge usually have better chances in schools, offices and markets, because they can shed different lights on the issues from another perspective. When we recognize the importance of wide knowledge, we should know how to obtain it. First, we could read extensively, from novels to newspapers, from memoirs to journals. Second, we may subscribe to online newsletter of our interests so that we are updated periodically. Finally, we could take some time out of our schedule to participate in exhibitions of other industries. This might awaken our dormant inspiration and drive us to learn more about the new products and technologies. “I read; I saw; I learned.”--that is how we broaden our knowledge in the information age. 如何扩大我们的知识面 没有人会否认,我们当今生活在一个知识爆炸、势不可挡的世界里。因此,每个人都应该 不断地扩大自己的知识面,跟上时代更迭的脚步。 拥有宽广的知识面对我们意义重大。例如,知识面广一位着一个人具有好奇心,并且努力 学习新事物。此外,具备丰富的知识面的人常常在学校、办公室和人才市场中享有更好的机会, 因为他们能够从另一个角度多方面地看待事情。 当我们认识到知识面广的重要性时,我们应该懂得如何获得它。首先,我们应该大量阅读, 从小说到报纸,从自传到日记。其次,我们可以在网上订阅感兴趣的新闻报道,定期更新自身 的知识库。最后,我们可以抽空去观看其他产业的展览。这样做可以唤醒我们沉睡的灵感,推 动我们去学习新产品和新科技。“我读了,我看见了,我学会了”--这就是在信息时代扩大自 己知识面的方法。 六(写作指南:这是一篇观点阐述的作文,要求考生对“社会责任感的重要性”提出自己相应 的观点。根据本文的写作提纲,全文思路如下: 第一段开门见山,说明现存的社会现象:越来越多的当下年轻人都以自我为中心,关注如何让 自己过得更好,而不去关注社会民生;有人赞同有人反对。 第二段具体论证为什么要具备社会责任感。 第三段总结全文,再次点题。 On the Importance of Social Responsibility Nowadays, many young people focus on leading their own happy and content lives, ignoring what happens to the society and people’s livelihood. Some people think that it’s OK for ordinary people, while others don’t agree. In my opinion, we should be aware of the importance of social responsibility. What happens to the society and people’s livelihood actually affects our lives a lot. For example, when a serious earthquake happens in an area, people living in this area are all affected. They need a lot of help from the government and other people. If we turn a blind eye to these people’s livelihood, thinking that it has nothing to do with our happy lives, these people will have to flee their hometown and go to other cities, and eventually cause instability in our country and affect everyone’s life. Since we are social beings, what happen in our society will certainly affect our lives. Therefore, we should take our social responsibilities. 论社会责任感的重要性 如今,许多年轻人只关注如何让自己过得快乐满足,而忽视社会民生。有人认为,对于普 通大众来说,这很正常;而有人则持不同看法。 在我看来,我们应该意识到社会责任感的重要性。社会民生对我们的生活影响巨大。举个 例子,当某个地区发生了强烈地震,该地区所有人的生活都会受到影响。他们需要得到政府和 其他人的大力帮助。如果我们对他们的生活情况视而不见,光顾着过自己的小日子,那么这些 受影响的人唯有背井离乡,这最终会造成国家的不稳定,从而影响所有人的生活。我们是社会 性动物,发生在社会上的事情自然而然会影响我们的生活。因此,我们应该有社会责任感。 五(写作指南:这是一篇观点阐述型作文,要求考生对谚语“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”发表 自己的看法。围绕这一谚语,可以将文章内容安排如下: 第一段首先分析谚语的内涵。 第二段举例详细论证谚语的正确性: 1. 少年时沉溺于网络游戏,年老时学识表现和身体状况都糟糕。 2. 大学时代荒废时日,今后会为此吃苦头。 第三段呼吁大家在青春时要努力,年老时才能得硕果。 There goes an aged saying, “Idle young, needy old”, which means that if you do not work hard when you are young, you will live a miserable life when you’re old. It is a universal truth. No one can deny it. Unfortunately, still many young people turn a deaf ear to it. We can see from time to time teenagers are engrossed in playing Internet games all night long. They do not care these games would do harm to both their study and body, thus getting poor performance academically and physically in their old age. Another case in point is some college students, who pay no attention to their majors and knowledge acquiring, but idle away. They often think they have a lot of time in hand and college is a place for relaxing. As long as they can get a diploma, it is not necessary to put much energy on study. Without doubt, such people must suffer hardship in the near future, let alone when they are old. In a word, we should all keep in mind, that youth is a time for hard work. Only in this way can we get a harvest when we are old. 有这么一个古老的说法:“少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤”,意思是,如果你在年轻的时候不努 力,年老的时候你将会过得非常凄惨。这是一个普通真理,没有人能够否认它。 不幸的是看,依然有很多年轻人对其置若罔闻。我们时不时会看到,青少年通宵沉溺于网 络游戏。他们全然不在乎这些游戏会损害他们的学习和身体,结果便是年老时学识表现和身体 状况都很糟糕。另一个例子就是一些大学生,他们丝毫不关心自己的专业和知识的获取,只是 荒废光阴。他们常认为自己有大把时间,大学是一个放松的地方。这要能拿到文凭,没必要花 很多精力在学习上。毫无疑问,这些人在不久的未来就会尝到苦头,更别说等他们年老了。 总而言之,我们所有人都应牢记:青年时期是努力的时期。只有这样,我们才能在老年时 获得硕果。 四(写作指南:这是一篇观点阐释型的作文,要求考生就创意专家的话“如果你没做好犯错的 准备,你就永远不会有创新”发表个人意见。围绕这一名言,可以将文章内容安排如下: 第一段复述创意专家的话,并指出其深层涵义--要想有创意,就得不怕犯错。 第二段举例说明创意需要不怕犯错的勇气。 第三段最后作总结:做到创新不容易,需要勇气去战胜对犯错的恐惧。 How to Be Creative A creativity expert said:”If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” This enlightening remark points out clearly the way to be creative. If you want to be creative, you should not be frightened of making mistakes. Being creative is not easy, because you have to think out of the box and keep on trying. Breaking away from established patterns which we used to be comfortable with requires lots of courage. Perhaps there is no example better than the story of Thomas Edison. In order to invent a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb, he tried thousands of different materials. After tons of failure, people began to mock at him and didn’t believe that he could succeed. However, he stuck with it and finally made a great achievement. The light bulbs have greatly changed the world. When asked to comment on his failure, he said: “I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” To sum up, being creative is tough and calls for courage to defeat the fear of making mistakes. If you are afraid of being wrong, you’ll never be creative. 如何做到创新 一位创意专家曾说过:“如果你没做好犯错的准备,你就永远不会创新。”这句有启发性的 话明确地指出了走向创新之路。如果你想做到创新,就不应该害怕犯错。 要做到创新并不容易,因为你要跳出思维定势,并且要不断地尝试。打破我们已经习惯的 既定模式需要很大的勇气。恐怕没有比托马斯 爱迪生的故事更好的例子了。为了发明出使用 寿命长的实用型电灯泡,爱迪生使用了数千种不同的材料。经历很多词失败后,人们开始嘲笑 他,不相信他能够取得成功。然而他还继续坚持,最终取得巨大的成就。他发明的电灯泡大大 地改变了世界。当被要求评论自己的失败时,他说:“我并不沮丧,因为每一次排除错误的尝 试都进一步地把我推向成功” 总之,要做到创新很难,需要勇气去战胜对犯错的恐惧。如果你害怕犯错,你就不可能创 新。 三(写作指南:这是一篇阐释型的作文,要求考生对亚历山大.蒲柏的名言“失误人皆有之” 发表个人的意见。围绕这一名言,可以将文章内容安排如下: 第一段强调“人非完人”、错误在所难免的观点。 第二段阐述人们对待错误的态度。 第三段提出个人的意见--应该从错误中学习,及其重要的意义。 As Alexander Pope rightly pointed out, “To err is human.” We, human beings, are not infallible and we might make mistakes in one time or another. Despite the fact that we all make mistakes, attitudes towards them vary from persons to persons. On the one hand, some people are clever enough to draw upon the experience and to avoid the same mistakes. On the other hand, some might just ignore the consequences of the blunder and allow history repeats itself. To become a better person, I assert that we should pay due attention to the mistakes and learn our lessons. As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. However, I think the statement is only half true-- if we do not think about the failure and let it pass, we would not be able to taste success. Conversely, if we ponder on the causes and effects of the failure, we will earn ourselves a beacon to guide our way through. It is true that all human beings would make mistakes, but learning from them can make us wiser. 正如亚历山大 蒲柏所说,“失误人皆有之”。作为人类的我们并非圣人,犯错在所难免。 尽管人人都会犯错,但对于犯错的态度却因人而异。有的人机智聪慧,对犯过的错误会 应以为戒,避免重蹈覆辙。而有的人却无视错误带来的后果,任凭历史重演。 想要成为更好的人,我主张我们应该重视错误,并从中学习。有句老话“失败乃成功之母”, 但我觉得它只说对了一半--如果我们不去思考失败,一笑而过的话,我们根本无法品尝成功。 相反,如果我们思索失败的前因后果,我们会得到前进道路的指明灯。人人皆犯错,这是事实, 但从错误中学习,能让我们更明智。 二(写作指南:这是一篇图画作文,要求考生描述图画的内容,解释其深层含义,然后发表个 人看法。围绕图画内容,可以将文章内容安排如下: 第一段描述图画中的内容。 第二段解释图画所表达的隐藏含义。 第三段对于图画中的这种现象,给出个人看法。 In he picture the parents in tears are bidding farewell to their son at the airport. The son, sitting in the plane, cries out to his parents, “Mom and dad, you forgot to find a nursemaid for me.”Judging from the parents’ openmouthed and wide-eyed expression, we can tell that, on hearing the words, they are shocked and embarrassed. It seems that the parents are sending their son to further his study far away from home. However, the son is not ready at all for an independent life. By showing this scene, the artist wants to warn us that pampered children who grow into dependent young adults won’t stand on their own feet. For example, some parents rent an apartment near the campus to cook and clean for their children in college, which turns out to be harmful to their children. Once leaving their parents, they can hardly make a living of their own. Therefore, it’s of great importance for children to become independent. On the one hand, parents should give their kids chances to do their own things. On the other hand, the young adults should learn to refuse their parents to baby-sit them. 图画中一对父母在机场挥泪告别他们的儿子。而正坐在飞机里的儿子,向其父母大声哭着 喊道:”爸爸妈妈,你们忘记给我请保姆了。”根据父母张大的嘴巴和傻眼的表情判断,我们可 以得知,他们听到这些话时是非常的吃惊和尴尬的。 图画中看起来好像是父母在送别即将远行读书深造的儿子。然而,他们的儿子压根就没有 准备好过独立的生活。通过展示这一场景,绘画人想警告我们:从小被溺爱,长大成人后也不 独立的人是无法自食其力的。例如:有一些父母在校园附近租房就为了给孩子做饭和打扫房间, 结果却害了自己的孩子。这些孩子一旦离开父母,就几乎无法自己独立生活。 所以,要让孩子变得独立起来是很重要的。一方面,父母应该给予孩子机会,让他们做自 己分内的事。另一方面,年轻的成年人也应该学会拒绝父母的“保姆看护”。 一、这是一篇观点阐述型的作文,要求考生就谚语“欲速则不达”发表个人意见。围绕这一谚 语,可以将文章内容安排如下: 第一段阐述“欲速则不达”的深层含义。 第二段举例 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 “欲速则不达”的正确性。 第三段总结:做事要细心,有耐心。 Haste Makes Waste Normally you can finish your work earlier if you do it faster, but it isn’t always the case. Just as the famous saying goes, “Haste makes waste”: one makes mistake when being too hasty. This saying tells us how important patience and carefulness are and urges us to do things step by step. This saying has been proved by numerous evidences. For example, building a bridge is a huge project and requires years of construction. If we rush to complete it, we may neglect important steps in the process, and the result can be devastating. That’s why tragic reports are often heard that people died or got injured because of some collapsed bridges which were completed ahead of much time but were of poor quality. Another good example is our real-life experience of learning English. If we don’t memorize some common vocabulary and acquire a basic knowledge of grammar before reading an article, we will not understand it ar all. It’s advisable that we should attach great importance to patience and carefulness. And always remember that Rome was not built in a day. 欲速则不达 通常情况下,如果做事快点,你就可以早点儿完成工作。但并不是总是这样。正如一句著 名的谚语所说,欲速则不达,即当一个人做事操之过急,会容易出错。它告诉了我们耐心和细 心的重要性,并督促我们做事脚踏实地,一步一步来。 有无数的证据足以证明这一说法。例如,建设一座桥梁是一个巨大的工程,需要多年的施 工。如果我们匆忙完工,可能就会忽略施工过程中的关键步骤,导致毁灭性的结果。这也就是 为什么我们经常听到这样的不幸报道:由于提前多时完工,质量太差,桥梁最终倒塌,导致人 员伤亡。还有一个很好的例子就是我们学英语的亲身体验。如果在读一篇文章之前,不先记一 些常见的词汇和掌握基本的语法知识,我们就根本不可能理解它。 我们应该高度重视耐心和细心,这是很明智的做法。并且要记住。罗马不是一天建成的。
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