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我的未来不是梦(学生剧本小品)(1)我的未来不是梦(学生剧本小品)(1) 我的未来不是梦(学生剧本——小品) 开场白: (边吃口香糖边听MP3上场,傲慢地说)哈喽!大家好!我是“打名鼎鼎”的吕昌,解释一下,不是“大”,而是因为爱打架被同学们称为“打名鼎鼎”。明白了吧,当然,我也是大名鼎鼎的。 新学期开学了,我可要好好表现表现,你要是问我:“怎么表现呀,”告诉你吧,有位名人说过:“不管白猫黑猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫。”我是:“不管好学校破学校,我不搅得天下大乱誓不罢休~反正我的未来也没有希望了。而且我家里也不像别的同学那样有的是钱~索性破罐破摔,混...

我的未来不是梦(学生剧本小品)(1) 我的未来不是梦(学生剧本——小品) 开场白: (边吃口香糖边听MP3上场,傲慢地说)哈喽!大家好!我是“打名鼎鼎”的吕昌,解释一下,不是“大”,而是因为爱打架被同学们称为“打名鼎鼎”。明白了吧,当然,我也是大名鼎鼎的。 新学期开学了,我可要好好表现表现,你要是问我:“怎么表现呀,”告诉你吧,有位名人说过:“不管白猫黑猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫。”我是:“不管好学校破学校,我不搅得天下大乱誓不罢休~反正我的未来也没有希望了。而且我家里也不像别的同学那样有的是钱~索性破罐破摔,混呗~ [第一幕] 数学课 [上课铃响] 同学们进教室,吕昌回座位 李老师:(微笑,手里拿着数学书)同学们,大家好~从今天起我们一起来学习数学,希望同学们能积极发言努力学习,也希望大家能喜欢我。 吕昌:(小声)谁喜欢你呀,自做多情 李晓琳老师:(皱了皱眉头)好了,现在我们开始上课。同学们好~ 大家:(干净利落)老师好~ 吕昌:(慢悠悠)老——师——好——啊~ 大家:有的人笑 李晓琳老师:(有点生气,但克制自己)大家请坐,不过,说话要干净利落 吕昌:(轻声)嘿,这老师真好欺负,我要给她个大礼包,哈哈…… 李晓琳老师:这堂课我们来学习分数乘法的意义,谁来说一下分数的意义呢, 大家:举手,除了吕昌 李晓琳老师:第三排的女生,你来回答一下。先告诉我,你叫什么, 吴芷婧:(大大方方)我叫吴芷婧。分数的意义是把单位一平均分成一份或几份,取其中hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 一份或几份的数。 李晓琳老师:好,请坐。 吕昌:(在吴芷婧坐下之前撤走了椅子) 吴芷婧:(坐到了地上)哎呀~好疼~ 吕昌:(哈哈大笑)活该,你真笨~ 李晓琳老师:(十分气愤,但仍然压制自己)谁干的,要诚实。 吕昌:(不说话却笑得更厉害了) 李晓琳老师:(恍然大悟)吴芷婧后面的同学(吕昌),放学留一下,老师有事情找你。 吕昌:(一撇嘴,十分不屑,小声)哼,留下就留下,有什么了不起的, [下课铃响了]李晓琳老师:同学们再见~ 大家:老师再见~(吕昌没有张嘴,快步走出了教室) [第二幕] 英语课 高鹏斌老师:(微笑,清了清嗓子)从现在起,我就是你们的英语老师了,也就是English teacher,希望大家在以后的学习生活中多和我配合,提高英语成绩。好了,闲话少说,切入正题,今天,我们先来复习几个英语单词,请大家把英语书拿出来。 吕昌:(抿嘴笑了笑,轻声)好啊,看咱俩以后谁治谁~ 高鹏斌老师:(大声)请同学门和我一起念,girls~ 大家:(整齐)girls~吕昌一直没有出声 高鹏斌老师:bus~ 大家:bus~ hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 高鹏斌老师:yes~ 大家:yes~ 高鹏斌老师:chairs~ 大家:chairs~ 高鹏斌老师:those~ 大家:those~ 高鹏斌老师:school~ 大家:school~ 高鹏斌老师:好了,就到这里,同学们自己练习2分钟,不会可以问,然后都要写音标。2分钟后我检查,开始~ 吕昌:(嘟囔)检查什么检查,有那时间多玩会儿好了~算了,我就整整你~(在书上标汉字) [2分钟后]高鹏斌老师:好了,时间到,同学们不要再练习了,我现在开始检查同学们的朗读和书上的音标书写情况~ 吕昌:(捂嘴笑了)哈哈,气不死你才怪~ 高鹏斌老师(检查到吕昌了,十分惊讶,气愤)你,你怎么能这样,这可是学习英语最不正确的方式! 李伟豪:(一把抢过了吕昌的书,大声念)girls,狗死~bus,爸死~yes,爷死~ Chairs,差点死~Those,都死~school,死光了~哈哈哈哈…… 大家:大笑,有的拍桌子 李伟豪:老师,这叫中西合璧~~~ 高鹏斌老师:(气愤)你太过分了,怎么能这样不认真,这可是学习英语最不正确的方式~ [下课铃响了]高鹏斌老师:同学们再见,吕昌放学在教室等我~下课~ [第三幕] hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 大课间 吕昌在教室里闹,把教室搞得乌烟瘴气,黑板擦、粉笔、书、笔、本、文具盒,都在地上,整个教室乱七八糟。 赫专研:(走进教室看着闹得意犹未尽的吕昌)你这是在干什么啊,怎么可以这样,这可是我们大家的教室,马上就要上课了,看老师怎么修理你~ 吕昌:(趾高气昂)去你的,我爱怎么样就怎么样,你管不着,再说了,谁让你管的,多管闲事的家伙,找打是不是,别以为我不敢打你,有什么了不起啊,不就是优秀生吗,又不能把我吃掉,来呀来呀,气死你~(做鬼脸) 赫专研:(脸红)你太过分了,我告诉老师去~(一边说,一边哭了) 吕昌:(幸灾乐祸)你哭什么哭,幼稚不幼稚啊,还找老师呢,没出息的小不点~哈哈…… 赫专研:(更伤心了)你太欺负人了,不讲道理的家伙~ 吕昌:(仰天长笑)哈哈,真是谢谢夸奖了,哈哈……(扬长而去) [放学后](只有李晓琳老师和吕昌在教室里) 李晓琳老师:(语重心长)吕昌,我想你只是一时好玩,才捉弄吴芷婧,对吧,这我能理解,毕竟你们都是孩子,调皮是肯定的,我小时候比你还调皮呢。不过,没有关系,随着年龄的增长,你就会越来越好的,我今天不想批评你,希望你能理解老师的一片苦心,好了,你回家吧,我看你以后的表现~对了,我都听高鹏斌老师说了,别人标音标,你却标汉字,这说明你十分聪明,想到了别人想不到的办法,这一点是好的,但是,你不应该用在学英语上。你聪明,可以用在和同学交流、解题的思路上。老师相信,你同样可以用聪明的头脑学好英语,老师看你以后的表现,可不要让我失望啊~你回家吧,再见~ 吕昌的心灵告白: 老师见我这样,为什么不批评我呢,我可是坏学生呀,她们都没有批评我,而是鼓励我,安慰我,为什么这样呢,难道,我不是一个坏学生,我还能变回从前健康向上、爱学习的吕昌吗,可以吗,如果可以的话,我会慢慢转变,我会是一个好学生,我要重新让老师和同学们佩服我、信任我。我会慢慢转变的…… [几天后的晚上最后一节课] (李晓琳、高鹏斌两位老师在一起) 李晓琳老师(喜悦)今天,我们两位老师在一块,是为了表扬一位同学,她就是吕昌同学。她在老师的鼓励与同学们的帮助下,克服了自己的缺点,这大家也是有目共睹的了。她从前并hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 不是优秀的学生。现在可真变了好多呢,同学们也都看到了,对不对, 大家:(齐声)对~ 吕昌:(脸红了,没有出声) 高鹏斌老师:后天就是大扫除了,希望同学们可以共同努力,完成好学校给咱们的任务,好,放学~ 大家:老师再见~(吕昌破天荒张了嘴) [两天后的大扫除] 到处都能见到吕昌卖力的身影 张晓欢:(一边扫地一边说)哎,边亚男,你说,这个吕昌是真的变了吗,我不太相信。 边亚男:(停下了手里的活儿)当然是真的啦,她最近变化可实在是不小,我要不是她的同学,还真不敢相信呢~挺佩服她的。要是我,可能真做不到…… 李晓琳老师:(对高鹏斌老师笑着说)我们成功了,他真的变了很多呢~ 高鹏斌老师:是啊,咱们班又多了一个好学生…… [第四幕] 班会 主持人:谁能上来给大家表演节目呀,自愿,都可以上来表演。 吕昌:(举起了手) 大家:惊讶,小声议论 吕昌:我有话跟老师和同学们说 大家:鼓掌 吕昌:以前,我是一个坏学生,没有人肯相信我,也没有人和我交朋友,所以,我就逐渐放弃了自己的未来,感觉我的未来就像一个遥不可及的梦。可是,这些天来,我感觉到,老师们并没有嫌弃我,同学们对我很热情,总之,我要给两位老师,还有曾经被我欺负的同学们鞠上一躬。(90度鞠躬) 大家:更加热烈鼓掌 hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and 两位老师:(感动)吕昌,老师们都相信你,你会是一个最棒的学生。不管是现在,还是将 来,你的未来都不是梦~ 大家:对,我们的未来都不是梦~ 结尾:《我的未来不是梦》音乐响起,所有演员上场齐唱。 hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to install barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old houses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chicken coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed convection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do don't suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chicken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; ... Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and
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