首页 描写人的语言的成语



描写人的语言的成语描写人的语言的成语 口若悬河 对答如流 滔滔不绝 谈笑风生 高谈阔论 豪言壮语 夸夸其谈 花言巧语 描写人心理活动的成语 忐忑不安 心惊肉跳 心神不定 心猿意马 心慌意乱 七上八下 心急如焚 描写骄傲的成语 班门弄斧 孤芳自赏 居功自傲 目中无人 妄自尊大 忘乎所以 惟我独尊 自高自大 自鸣得意 自我陶醉 自命不凡 目空一切 描写谦虚的成语 不骄不躁 功成不居 戒骄戒躁 洗耳恭听 虚怀若谷 慎言谨行 描写学习的成语 学无止境 学而不厌 真才实学 学而不倦 发奋图强 废寝忘食 争分夺秒 孜孜不倦 笨...

描写人的语言的成语 口若悬河 对答如流 滔滔不绝 谈笑风生 高谈阔论 豪言壮语 夸夸其谈 花言巧语 描写人心理活动的成语 忐忑不安 心惊肉跳 心神不定 心猿意马 心慌意乱 七上八下 心急如焚 描写骄傲的成语 班门弄斧 孤芳自赏 居功自傲 目中无人 妄自尊大 忘乎所以 惟我独尊 自高自大 自鸣得意 自我陶醉 自命不凡 目空一切 描写谦虚的成语 不骄不躁 功成不居 戒骄戒躁 洗耳恭听 虚怀若谷 慎言谨行 描写学习的成语 学无止境 学而不厌 真才实学 学而不倦 发奋图强 废寝忘食 争分夺秒 孜孜不倦 笨鸟先飞 闻鸡起舞 自强不息 只争朝夕 不甘示弱 全力以赴 力争上游 披荆斩棘 描写人物品质的成语 奋不顾身 舍己为人 坚强不屈 赤胆忠心 不屈不挠 忠贞不渝 誓死不二 威武不屈 舍死忘生 肝胆相照 克己奉公 一丝不苟 两袖清风 见礼忘义 永垂不朽 顶天立地 豁达大度 兢兢业业 卖国求荣 恬不知耻 贪生怕死 厚颜无耻 描写人物神态的成语 神采奕奕 眉飞色舞 昂首挺胸 惊慌失措 漫不经心 垂头丧气 没精打采 愁眉苦脸 大惊失色 炯炯有神 含有夸张成分的成语 怒发冲冠 一目十行 一日千里 一字千金 百发百中 一日三秋 不毛之地 不计其数 胆大包天 寸步难行 一步登天 千钧一发 含有比喻成分的成语 观者如云 挥金如土 铁证如山 爱财如命 稳如泰山 门庭若市 骨瘦如柴 冷若冰霜 如雷贯耳 守口如瓶 浩如烟海 高手如林 春天 阳春三月 春光明媚 春回大地 春暖花开 春意盎然 春意正浓 风和日丽 春花烂漫 春天的景色 鸟语花香 百鸟鸣春 百花齐放 莺歌燕舞 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 夏天的热 赤日炎炎 烈日炎炎 骄阳似火 挥汗如雨 大汗淋漓 夏天的景色 鸟语蝉鸣 万木葱茏 枝繁叶茂 莲叶满池 秋天 秋高气爽 天高云淡 秋风送爽 秋菊怒放 秋菊傲骨 秋色迷人 秋色宜人 金桂飘香 秋天的景色 果实累累 北雁南飞 满山红叶 五谷丰登 芦花飘扬 冬天 天寒地冻 北风呼啸 滴水成冰 寒冬腊月 瑞雪纷飞 冰天雪地 冬天的景色 冰封雪盖 漫天飞雪 白雪皑皑 冰封大地 冰天雪地 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 早晨 东方欲晓 旭日东升 万物初醒 空气清醒 雄鸡报晓 晨雾弥漫 晨光绚丽 中午 烈日当头 丽日临空 艳阳高照 万里无云 碧空如洗 傍晚 日落西山 夕阳西斜 残阳如血 炊烟四起 百鸟归林 华灯初上 夜幕低垂 日薄西山 夜晚 夜深人静 月明星稀 夜色柔美 夜色迷人 深更半夜 漫漫长夜 城镇 风光秀丽 人山人海 车水马龙 宁静和谐 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 村庄 草木苍翠 竹篱瓦舍 山幽路辟 小桥流水 大楼、饭店 直指青云 古色古香 青砖素瓦 耸入碧云 工厂 机器轰鸣 铁流直泻 热气腾腾 钢花飞溅 商店 粉饰一新 门可罗雀 冷冷清清 错落有致 馆场 富丽堂皇 设施齐全 气势雄伟 金碧辉煌 学校 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 风景如画 闻名遐迩 桃李满天下 车站、码头 井然有序 杂乱无章 布局巧妙 错落有致 街道 宽阔平坦 崎岖不平 拥挤不堪 畅通无阻 花 花红柳绿 花色迷人 花香醉人 花枝招展 百花齐放 百花盛开 百花争艳 绚丽多彩 五彩缤纷 草 绿草如茵 一碧千里 杂草丛生 生机勃勃 绿油油 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 树 苍翠挺拔 郁郁葱葱 枯木逢春 秀丽多姿 青翠欲滴 林海雪原 耸入云天 瓜果蔬菜 清香鲜嫩 青翠欲滴 果园飘香 果实累累 果实饱满 鲜嫩水灵 鸽子、燕子 象征和平 乳燕初飞 婉转悦耳 莺歌燕舞 翩然归来 麻雀、喜鹊 枝头嬉戏 灰不溜秋 叽叽喳喳 鹦鹉 鹦鹉学舌 婉转悦耳 笨嘴学舌 啄木鸟 利嘴如铁 钢爪如钉 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 鸡鸭鹅 神气活现 昂首挺胸 肥大丰满 自由自在 引吭高歌 马 腾空而起 狂奔飞驰 膘肥体壮 昂首嘶鸣 牛 瘦骨嶙峋 行动迟缓 俯首帖耳 膘肥体壮 车 川流不息 呼啸而过 穿梭往来 缓缓驶离 船 一叶扁舟 扬帆远航 乘风破浪 雾海夜航 追波逐浪 飞机 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 划破云层 直冲云霄 穿云而过 银鹰展翅 学习用品 美观实用 小巧玲珑 造型优美 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 独特 玩具 栩栩如生 活泼可爱 惹人喜爱 爱不释手 彩虹 雨后彩虹 彩桥横空 若隐若现 光芒万丈 雪 大雪纷飞 大雪封山 鹅毛大雪 漫天飞雪 瑞雪纷飞 林海雪原 风雪交加 霜 雪上加霜 寒霜袭人 霜林尽染 露 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 垂露欲滴 朝露晶莹 日出露干 雷电 电光石火 雷电大作 惊天动地 春雷滚滚 电劈石击 雷电交加 小雨 阴雨连绵 牛毛细雨 秋雨连绵 随风飘洒 大雨 倾盆大雨 狂风暴雨 大雨滂沱 瓢泼大雨 大雨淋漓 暴雨如注 风 秋风送爽 金风送爽 北风呼啸 微风习习 寒风刺骨 风和日丽 雾 大雾迷途 云雾茫茫 雾似轻纱 风吹雾散 云消雾散 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 云 彩云满天 天高云淡 乌云翻滚 彤云密布 霞 彩霞缤纷 晚霞如火 朝霞灿烂 丹霞似锦 星 满天星斗 众星捧月 群星灿烂 万点繁星 月 月出东墙 月出东山 玉兔东升 月光皎洁 月色迷人 月牙初升 日 旭日东升 日上三竿 一轮红日 日高三尺 艳阳高照 烈日当头 骄阳似火 日影西斜 天空 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 碧空万里 浩浩长空 晴空万里 万里无云 碧空如洗 池塘 深不可测 碧波涟漪 小溪、泉水 涓涓细流 喧腾飞溅 悠然而下 泉水丁冬 潮汐 惊涛拍岸 波涛汹涌 白浪滔天 奔腾翻卷 湖、海 白浪滔天 奔腾不息 汪洋大海 湖光水色 江河 奔腾不息 滚滚东流 一泻千里 江水茫茫 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 山 荒山野岭 寸草不生 山清水秀 青山绿水 高耸入云 家务劳动 心灵手巧 窗明几静 手忙脚乱 井井有条 师生间 苦口婆心 口若悬河 心平气和 不慌不忙 语重心长 热情洋溢 恭恭敬敬 洗耳恭听 同学间 亲密无间 形影不离 情同手足 团结友爱 朝夕相处 人多 人山人海 人声喧哗 人声嘈杂 人如潮涌 摩肩接踵 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 大雨 倾盆大雨 狂风暴雨 大雨滂沱 瓢泼大雨 读 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 学习 神情专注 学而不厌 学无止境 专心致志 日积月累 似懂非懂 过节 普天同庆 彩旗飞舞 欢天喜地 张灯结彩 彻夜狂欢 兴高采烈 游戏 手舞足蹈 笨手笨脚 挤眉弄眼 得意忘形 把成语(词语)补充完整 把成语(词语)补充完整 1、给描写人物外貌的成语填空。 ( ) 草( )莺( ) 柳( )花( ) 冰( )雪( ) 风( )日 风( )雨( ) 心( )神( ) ( )涛( )浪 ( )峦( )嶂 ( )花( )卉 ( )月( )风 冰消( )( ) 鸟( )花( ) 心( )神( ) 光彩( )( ) 千山( )( ) 朦朦( )( ) 2、在括号里填反义词,构成成语。 深( )浅( ) ( )口( )声 争( )恐( ) 弄( )成( ) ( )张( )望 同( )共( ) 出( )入( ) 破( )立( ) ( )肉( )疮 有( )有( ) 损( )肥( ) ( )七( )八 口( )心( ) 舍( )为( ) 翻( )覆( ) 七( )八( ) 3、给描写人物外貌的成语填空。 ( )( )楚楚 白发( )( ) 慈( )善( ) 眉( )目( ) ( )黄( )瘦 衣衫( )( ) 4、 给描写人物心理活动的成语填空。 ( )( )若狂 心( )神( ) ( )高( )烈 ( )感( )集 ( )( )不安 悲痛( )( ) 5、 给描写颜色的成语填空。 ( )紫( )红 色彩( )( ) 翠色( )( ) 万( )千( ) 6、 把成语补充完整,并选择其中三个写一句话。 ( )山( )岭 ( ) ( )晃晃 心惊( ) ( ) 震耳( ) ( ) ( ) ( )一发 奋不( ) ( ) 7、 将词语补充完整 小心( )( ) ( )动( )动 你( )我( ) 井然( )( ) 惊( )失( ) 镇定( )( ) 莫( )( )妙 迫在( )( ) 啮牙( )( ) 冰( )雪( ) 大雪( )( ) ( )( )呼啸 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 张( )李( ) ( )不可挡( ) ( )苦奋斗 自( )自大 丝不动不可开( ) 翠色欲( ) 惊惶失( ) 心惊( )战 万马奔( ) 千( )一发 兴高( )烈 无精打( ) 目不( )睛 全神( )注 无影无( ) 无穷无( ) ( )不经心 垂头( )气 ( )有成竹 填空组成成语并解释所填字的意思。 酣畅( ) ( ): 变化多( ): ( ) ( )迷离: 广阔无( ): 兴致( ) ( ): 身( )其境: 连绵起( ): 光( )夺目: 千山万( ): 奇花( )草: ( )之不理: 三年五( ): ( )烛夜游: 把成语(词语)补充完整 1、给描写人物外貌的成语填空。 冰(天 )雪( 地) 风( 和 )日(丽 ) 草( )莺( ) 柳( 暗 )花( 明 ) (顺 ) 心( 领 )神( 会 ) ( 惊 )涛(骇)浪 ( 层 )峦(叠 )嶂 风( 调 )雨 ( )花( )卉 ( )月( )风 冰消( )( ) 鸟( )花( ) 心( )神( ) 光彩( )( ) 千山( )( ) 朦朦( )( ) 2、在括号里填反义词,构成成语。 深( )浅( ) ( )口( )声 争( )恐( ) 弄( )成( ) ( )张( )望 同( )共( ) 出( )入( ) 破( )立( ) ( )肉( )疮 有( )有( ) 损( )肥( ) ( )七( )八 口( )心( ) 舍( )为( ) 翻( )覆( ) 七( )八( ) 3、给描写人物外貌的成语填空。 ( )( )楚楚 白发( )( ) 慈( )善( ) 眉( )目( ) ( )黄( )瘦 衣衫( )( ) 4、 给描写人物心理活动的成语填空。 ( )( )若狂 心( )神( ) ( )高( )烈 ( )感( )集 ( )( )不安 悲痛( )( ) 5、 给描写颜色的成语填空。 ( )紫( )红 色彩( )( ) 翠色( )( ) 万( )千( ) 6、 把成语补充完整,并选择其中三个写一句话。 ( )山( )岭 ( ) ( )晃晃 心惊( ) ( ) 震耳( ) ( ) ( ) ( )一发 奋不( ) ( ) 7、 将词语补充完整 小心( )( ) ( )动( )动 你( )我( ) 井然( )( ) 惊( )失( ) 镇定( )( ) 莫( )( )妙 迫在( )( ) 啮牙( )( ) 冰( )雪( ) 大雪( )( ) ( )( )呼啸 张( )李( ) ( )不可挡( ) ( )苦奋斗 自( )自大 principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line 丝不动不可开( ) 翠色欲( ) 惊惶失( ) 心惊( )战 万马奔( ) 千( )一发 兴高( )烈 无精打( ) 目不( )睛 全神( )注 无影无( ) 无穷无( ) ( )不经心 垂头( )气 ( )有成竹 填空组成成语并解释所填字的意思。 酣畅( ) ( ): 变化多( ): ( ) ( )迷离: 广阔无( ): 兴致( ) ( ): 身( )其境: 连绵起( ): 光( )夺目: 千山万( ): 奇花( )草: ( )之不理: 三年五( ): ( )烛夜游: principles and policies, political stand, thinking to identify directions, operational orders. (D) strengthening the party construction of party spirit. Spirit is a measure of party positions and the basic principle of the enlightenment. Each party to important life accomplishment, as required, for profound self education, exercise, self improvement and self improvement, thick "background of party membersparty's line, principles and policies play a key political role in implementation. Four-line to firmly establish consciousness. Unswervingly followed the pace of XI Jinping, Secretary, par often awake and active par consciously and resolutely the same courage, par to the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary of the party Constitution and practices series of spirit par, par to the party's theory, line
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