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微信二维码交通汽车行业营销成功案例分享微信二维码交通汽车行业营销成功案例分享 微信二维码交通汽车行业营销成功案例分享 01、 宾利汽车 案例亮点 宾利的媒体活动使用了独一无二的彩码——IPAD签到互动,在超过300家知名媒体中大放异彩。 案例背景 案例展示 2012国际车展,宾利作为豪华汽车代表。本身就彰显着时尚,唯一,潮流的贵族气质。尤其是其GTV8超级豪华车更是主推重点。 此次宾利车展媒体活动部分,宾利希望能够拿出一些创新性方案来让媒体日的宾利能够给广大参与者一个惊喜 传播分析 目标受众:超300家主流一线媒体 传播目标:让媒体...

微信二维码交通汽车行业营销成功案例分享 微信二维码交通汽车行业营销成功案例分享 01、 宾利汽车 案例亮点 宾利的媒体活动使用了独一无二的彩码——IPAD签到互动,在超过300家知名媒体中大放异彩。 案例背景 案例展示 2012国际车展,宾利作为豪华汽车代表。本身就彰显着时尚,唯一,潮流的贵族气质。尤其是其GTV8超级豪华车更是主推重点。 此次宾利车展媒体活动部分,宾利希望能够拿出一些创新性方案来让媒体日的宾利能够给广大参与者一个惊喜 传播分析 目标受众:超300家主流一线媒体 传播目标:让媒体在车展活动中感受到宾利引领时尚潮流的尊贵气质以及宣传的重点 营销策略 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 案例展示 媒体的邀请,签到和送礼环节是一个很重要和媒体第一次亲密互动的部分,传统的邮寄邀请函过程比较复 杂,耗时耗力,容易出错,而且耗费的人工和制作成本往往较高。效果又不易统计。邀请到媒体之后还需 要在活动现场准确核对邀请人与实到人的信息,以送媒体礼物。整个过程比较繁琐并容易出错没有任何的 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 创新和新意,也无法突出宾利汽车的特点。必须使用一种新式的邀请,签到和媒体互动模式来满足让这一流程变得更加便捷。采用电子邀请函并通过IPad 进行验证成为种可以实现的创新并具备了使用条件 执行亮点 宾利汽车采用迅鸥互动云平台产品进行邀请函的发送和验证过程,整个过程非常便捷,省时省力省心,并通过与云平台有交互能力的IPad客户端,快速的实现了媒体人员的签到过程,更为精彩的是,迅鸥互动云平台在是国内唯一一家能够发送个性化GTV8形象电子邀请函的平台,让广大媒体记者未到车展就已经感受到了宾利汽车的时尚和科技感。 营销效果 案例展示 超过300家媒体充分肯定这种新式的邀请和签到服务并表示了浓厚的兴趣 02、 新浪汽车 案例亮点 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 案例展示 新浪汽车在本次2012车展中使用了二维码Tag互动营销。 案例背景 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 2012(第十二届)北京国际汽车展览会官方网站,2012(第十二届)北京国际汽车展览会将于2012年4月25日-5月2日在北京中国国际展览中心(天竺)新馆及中国国际展览中心(静安庄)同期举行。新浪汽车作为重磅参与媒体,在众多参与媒体之中更多的考虑了互动营销的点子 传播分析 目标人群:车展观众 传播分析:车展供展览超过1000量车,为了更好的给人们留下新浪汽车的强烈印象并让更多的参与观众在后续的活动参与新浪汽车的网络活动和互动,线下的互动营销成为一个必不可少的环节,所以线下互动成为传播过程一个重要环节。。 传播风险:线下车粉通过活动容易接触但是如何和线上内容进行有机的结合起来成为一个难题。车展观众随身携带的多为手持移动设备,很少携带笔记本和pad等,所以难以在很短的活动时间内将大众的实现转移到线上 营销策略 案例展示 卡片营销 为了更好的让人们记录新浪汽车并让更多的参与观众在参与新浪汽车的网络和互动,卡片营销卡片容易发放和传递,并容易随身携带,可以试用卡片做场馆导引的模式,顺利的将新浪汽车的宣传材料植入到宣传系统中。通过在卡片中印刷二维码tag来达到线下观众实现向线上转移的目标 站台互动 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 案例展示 在美女模特站台,设立新浪互动的二维码Tag,拍码可以参与互动,有效的吸引了年轻人的眼球并将注意 力和流量导引到线上平台。从而让更多观众通过线上频道了解更多内容 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 执行亮点 卡片二维码导引和站台二维码互动成为此次媒体主办方自我营销的一个首创。 营销效果 案例展示 车展数十万人次参与并通过新浪车展卡片快速的与汽车网站进行互动,有力的推动了汽车网站流量的上升和新浪汽车品牌的科技感和用户忠诚度的提升。 03、东方雪铁龙 案例亮点 在网络上和手机上实现对汽车信息展示的双屏互动 案例背景 作为东风雪铁龙品牌的重要战略车型,世嘉在国内上市不到4年的时间里,以纯正欧洲血统、WRC冠军品质和高性价比赢得了众多消费者的青睐和追捧,成为国内最为畅销的主流中级车之一。新世嘉于3月21日上市 雪铁龙新世嘉发布,车友粉丝登陆雪铁龙官网进行互动,互动过程中希望客户更多的记住并传播新世嘉。 除了传统的活动宣传之外,在汽车类官网常常有的壁纸下载一项里,雪铁龙也进行了创新 传播分析 目标受众:浏览新世嘉图片的潜在用户群体 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 传播途径:从网络到手机,快速实现新世嘉图片的装载,让传播更加的快捷。 传播风险:从网络到手机,潜在用户群体往往需要另存图片到电脑再到打开手机软件再到存入手机的整个过程,过程繁琐,往往流失了大量用户 营销策略 在先浏览新世嘉图片的用户往往是潜在用户,通过一种方式的引导,快速将新世嘉的图片形象文字通过二维码专递的方式快速投递到用户的手机中,以造成第一印象的感觉。先入为主,让新世嘉现在用户的手机里生根,进而加强印象,提高成单率。 执行亮点 在活动执行过程中, 快速的通过二维码实现双屏互动,是一个很大的亮点。 营销效果 summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into 案例展示 数以万计的用户通过扫码双屏互动,迅鸥互动的云服务起了很大的推动作用。 我的微信 :查找微信号“wxinli01”,就可以找到我相互交流~ 关注微信营销的朋友,请拿出你的手机,使用微信的二维码扫描功能,扫描上 面的二维码并关注我吧~ summer of masonry construction, brick requires sufficient moist. you must take the following measures to concrete construction in summer high temperature impact on concrete a. hardening speed up, vibrating difficulties reduced bleeding, fast drying, easy to crack (plastic), high early strength, fast early hydration heat, less cooling, temperature increases rapidly, due to temperature difference cracks. B. pouring daytime high temperatures, due to the high temperature effect of concrete strength, stability, in varying degrees, on mixing processes, perfusion vibration and moisture conservation, effective measures should be taken. 2) main measures taken by a. temperature control the water temperature in your standard mix proportion of concrete 2 degrees, the concrete temperature 0.5 degrees. B. with the controlled addition of retarder agent can reduce the effects of concrete under high temperature, but make some performance degradation of concrete, so when you are using additives must be implemented upon approval by the supervising engineer. C. time control suitable for work at night, should seek to reduce the mixing time and shipping time at high temperatures. D. strengthen the conservation and high temperatures after pouring in the early days of continuous water conservation to prevent surface drying and covering thin-film wet grass bag to make it moist State in 24 hours. 8.6.3 winter construction measures in winter construction preparation 1) required winter construction materials, equipment, planning ahead of time comes into
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