首页 《建筑工程估价》实训指导书



《建筑工程估价》实训指导书《建筑工程估价》实训指导书 一、 实训目的 建筑工程估价实训是一门实践性课程,是在完成了课程学习后所进行的一项专业综合练习。 在建筑工程预算的课程教学中,学生已经边学边练的完成了各个分部分项工程的工程量计算,以及定额的基价的套用,并且已经掌握了工程造价的计算程序,工程量清单的编制。但由于课时有限,尚未编制一套较完整的施工图预算。预算编制内容多、时间长和单件性的特点,仅通过分部分项工程的预算练习远不能达到较好地、全面地掌握建筑工程预算的编制方法和基本技能。因此,通过建筑工程预算编制实训操作训练,有利于学生运用所...

《建筑工程估价》实训指导书 一、 实训目的 建筑工程估价实训是一门实践性课程,是在完成了课程学习后所进行的一项专业综合练习。 在建筑工程预算的课程教学中,学生已经边学边练的完成了各个分部分项工程的工程量计算,以及定额的基价的套用,并且已经掌握了工程造价的计算程序,工程量清单的编制。但由于课时有限,尚未编制一套较完整的施工图预算。预算编制内容多、时间长和单件性的特点,仅通过分部分项工程的预算练习远不能达到较好地、全面地掌握建筑工程预算的编制方法和基本技能。因此,通过建筑工程预算编制实训操作训练,有利于学生运用所学知识,进一步较好地系统地掌握建筑工程造价的编制方法、程序和技能。 二、实训内容 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 实训的主要内容是根据 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 的建筑、结构施工图、预算定额、费用定额、清单 计价 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 和有关资料,着手编制一套完整的单位工程的工程量清单和清单计价文 件。 具体内容为: 1. 熟悉施工图及有关资料; 2. 列项、计算工程量; 3. 预算定额的套用和换算; 4. 工程量清单编制 5. 主要材料及用工量的 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 (钢筋、水泥、砂、石子等); 6. 计算措施费、间接费、利润、税金,计算工程造价; 7.编制完整的工程量清单计价资料(具体资料见附表),并装订成册。 8.作为招标文件的工程量清单(附有标准文本 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 ) 9.作为投标文件的报价(附有标准文本格式) 实训图纸如下 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 下图是某单层框架结构办公楼工程(工程地点在北京市四环以外),试进行实训。 一、 图纸说明: 1. 土方采用人工挖土,回填土素土夯实。 2. 砼为预拌砼,垫层C15,过梁C25,其他构件C30, 模板 个人简介word模板免费下载关于员工迟到处罚通告模板康奈尔office模板下载康奈尔 笔记本 模板 下载软件方案模板免费下载 为普通模板。 3. ?0.000以下为M5水泥砂浆红机砖基础240mm,?0.000以上框架结构非承重墙采用KP1粘土空心砖,M7.5混合砂浆砌筑。 4. 墙内过梁宽同墙厚,高度均为180mm,长度为洞口两侧各加250mm。 5. 屋1做法:(1)着色剂面层;(2)三元乙丙橡胶防水卷材(1.2mm+1.5mm)(3)25mm厚水泥砂浆找平层;(4)陶粒砼块保温层200厚(5) C15豆石砼找坡层,平均厚度60mm;(6)现浇楼板 6.散水为混凝土散水,台阶抹水泥。 7.营业大厅吊顶共设8个嵌顶灯槽,规格:1000×250mm。 8.外墙裙高900mm,磨光花岗石干挂(勾缝),外墙面抹灰,平壁型涂料。屋顶变形缝为屋面镀锌铁皮盖面。 9.门窗墙中安装,框宽100mm,门水泥沙浆后塞口,塑钢窗为填充剂后塞口。 10.门窗表: 代号 洞口尺寸(宽×高)mm 框外围尺寸(宽×高)mm 门窗类型 M1 2400×2400 2380×2390 不锈钢有框玻璃门 M2 1800*×400 1780×2390 不锈钢有框玻璃门 C1 1500×1800 1470×1770 塑钢双玻平开窗 C2 2100×1500 2070×1470 塑钢双玻平开窗 C3 1800×1500 1770×1470 塑钢双玻平开窗 11(装修做法表: g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 3 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 5 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 7 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 9 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 11 三、实训要求 1.独立完成 在老师的指导下,独立地、完整地完成单位建筑工程工程量清单及其计价 的编制任务。 2.采用统一表格 采用统一规定的各种表格(附有标准文本格式),完成预算编制中的各项内 容。 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 3.手工编制 此次实训内容,采用手工计算方式完成单位建筑工程施工图预算编制内容的全过程。 4.时间要求 按规定的实训时间,分阶段完成各项实训内容的编制工作。 四(考核说明 本课程以实训题目为主进行考核,充分考察学生的动手操作能力。 (一) 建筑工程估价实训上交文档要求及顺序 1. 建设工程工程量清单1份 2. 清单工程量计算书1份(手写) 3. 清单计价1份 4. 工料分析表1份 5. 施工图预算工程量计算书1份(手写) g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 13 6. 实训任务书1份(任课教师下发的) 建筑工程估价实训资料统一用A4纸装订,可以手写,也可以打印;可以采用预算软件进行校核。 (二)成绩评定 1(《建筑工程估价实训》的考核由省级电大负责组织实施。 2(考核方式 本实训考核以实训的主要成果建筑工程估价实训资料为主要考核对象。较全面地了解学生的知识掌握和实际能力。 3(考试要求 实训考核以业务水平为主,即实际的动手操作能力,应用理论解决实际问题的能力,完成实训内容的数量和质量,并结合思想表现、出勤情况等作出成绩评定。 4(成绩评定 《建筑工程估价实训》的考核由省级电大负责组织实施。采用实训过程考核和实训终结上交成果考核相结合方式,两者均需合格。 (1) 实训过程考核(60分以上合格)(此部分成绩由实训指导教师负责给出) hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 考核内 考核标准 分值比例 容 出勤超过全部实训学时安排的三分之一者为合格, 出勤 30% 否则不合格 实训态度较端正、认真,实训中不聊天,不干与本 实训 课程无关的事,能运用理论知识及时处理实训时遇30% 态度 到的问题,方为合格。 上交 按时完成各阶段的实训任务为合格 40% 成果 (2) 实训终结上交成果考核(此部分成绩由课程责任教师负责给出) 合格:独立或在指导教师指导帮助下,能按期完成实训任务;有一定的独立工作能力,在运用理论和专业知识中,没有大的原则性错误;工程量计算、分析基本正确,报价较合理,达到了基本要求。完成的课程实训资料(工程量清单、施工图预算等)调理清楚,书写工整。投标书完备、整洁、正确,没有抄袭现象。 g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 15 不及格:未按期完成任务书规定的任务,或基本概念和基本技能未掌握,在运用理论和专业知识中出现不应有的原则错误;在整个实训过程中独立工作能力差,伪造基础数据,未达到最基本要求。工程量计算偏差较大,超过10%,报价不够合理;完成的课程实训资料(工程量清单、施工图预算等)条理不清,书写潦草,质量很差,或有原则性错误。 五、编制依据 1.预算定额采用《北京市2001预算定额》 2.某工程建筑、结构施工图 3.《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500—2008); 6.《建设工程造价信息》 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 北京广播电视大学《建筑工程估价实训》 工程造价管理专业 题 目: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期: 年 月 日 g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 1 工程 工程量清单 招 标 工程造价咨询 人: 人: (单位盖章) (单位资质专用章) 法定代表 人 法定代表人 或其授 人: 或其授权人: (签字或章) (签字或盖章) 编 制 人: 复 核 人: (造价人员签字复 核 人: 盖专用章) 编制时 间: 年 月 日 复 核 时间: 年 月 日 封—1 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 分部分项工程量清单计价表 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 金额(元) 项目编项目名项目特征描计量单工程序号 综合单其中:暂码 称 述 位 量 合价 价 估价 g) specimen in white enamel to 0.5ee samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (int. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Thrtitration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal po--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--dilution; M--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--ollows:s V2d as filver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculatete solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with schromaon with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium omate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titratium chr0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassisting solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 tehydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol 3 本页小计 合计 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 工程量计算表 序单编码 项目名称 计算式 数量 号 位 5 北京广播电视大学《建筑工程估价实训》 工程造价管理专业 题 目: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期: 年 月 日 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 投 标 总 价 招 标 人: 工 程 名 称: 投 标 总 价(小写): (大写): 投 标 人: (单位盖章) 法定代表人 或其授权人: (签字或盖章) 编 制 人: (造价人员签字盖专用章) 7 编 制 时 间: 年 月 日 总 说 明 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 工程项目投标报价汇总表 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 序号 名称 金额 一、 单项工程费用合计 9 其中: 安全文明施工费 规费 税金 二、 其他项目清单计价合计 其中: 待定项目暂定金额 三、 其他 农民工保险 合 计 单项工程投标报价汇总表 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 序号 名 称 金额(元) 备注 1 建筑工程 2 装饰工程 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 合计 单位工程投标报价汇总表 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 序号 汇 总 内 容 金 额(元) 其中:暂估价(元) 1 分部分项工程 1.1 1.2 1.3 11 1.4 1.5 2 措施项目 2.1 安全文明施工费 3 其他项目 3.1 暂列金额 3.2 专业工程暂估价 3.3 计日工 4 规费 5 税金 投标报价合计=1+2+3+4+5 分部分项工程量清单计价表 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 金额(元) 项目项目名项目特征描计量单工程序号 综合单其中:暂编码 称 述 位 量 合价 价 估价 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 本页小计 合计 13 工程量清单综合单价分析表 工程名称:建筑工程 标段: 第 页 共 页 项目编码 项目名称 计量单位 清单综合单价组成明细 单价 合价 定额 管理费 管理费 定额编号 定额名称 数量 人工费 材料费 机械费 人工费 材料费 机械费 单位 和利润 和利润 小计 未计价材料费 清单项目综合单价 材 暂估单价 暂估合价 主要材料名称、规格、型号 单位 数量 单价(元) 合价(元) 料 (元) (元) 费 其他材料费 明 细 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 15 措施项目清单与计价表(一) 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 序计算基费率金额 项目名称 号 础 (,) (元) 1 安全文明施工费 2 夜间施工费 3 二次搬运费 4 冬雨季施工 大型机械设备进出场及安拆 5 费 6 施工排水 7 施工降水 地上、地下设施、建筑物的临 8 时 保护设施 9 已完工程及设备保护 10 各专业工程的措施项目 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 合计 措施项目清单与计价表(二) 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 金额(元) 项目编计量 工程 序号 项目名称 项目特征描述 综合 码 单位 量 合 价 单价 本页小计 合计 17 其他项目清单与计价汇总表 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 项 目 名 金额 序 号 计量单位 备 注 称 (万元) 1 暂列金额 项 —— 无 2 暂估价 项 —— 明细详见技术标准和2.1 材料暂估价 —— 要求附表1:“材料暂 估价一览表” 3 计日工 本工程无计日工 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 合计 —— 规费、税金项目清单与计价表 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 序 项目名称 计算基础 费率(%) 金额(元) 号 1 规费 1.1 工程排污费 1.2 社会保障费 (1) 养老保险费 (2) 失业保险费 (3) 医疗保险费 1.3 住房公积金 危险作业意外 1.4 伤害保险 工程定额测定 1.5 费 2 税金 19 合计 主要材料报价表 (只需填报各个专业中占材料总价前三位的主要材料) 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 名称及规计量单报价(元) 序号 数量 备注 格 位 单价 合价 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 21 单位工程人材机汇总表 工程名称: 第 页 共 页 名称及规市场 序号 单位 数量 合计 格 价 合计 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 工程量计算表 序单编码 项目名称 计算式 数量 号 位 23 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel
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