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宪法案例分析集宪法案例分析集 案例分析一 2008年3月24日,位于中印之间的不丹迎来其历史上的首次民主选举,直接选举国民议会议员,并在此基础上产生首个民选政府。此次选举意味着国家政治体制将由原来的世袭君主制变为议会民主制。在此次议会选举中,由不丹仅有的两个政党“人民民主党”和“不丹爱国进步党”竞争47个议员的席位,双方共有94个候选人参选。得票多者将出面组织政府。这两个政党都是三年前奉国王旨意成立的年轻政党,各拥有数千名党员。 此次选举是不丹国王多年来致力于推行政治民主化的结果。100年来,不丹一直实行世袭君主制,没有宪...

宪法案例分析集 案例分析一 2008年3月24日,位于中印之间的不丹迎来其历史上的首次民主选举,直接选举国民议会议员,并在此基础上产生首个民选政府。此次选举意味着国家政治体制将由原来的世袭君主制变为议会民主制。在此次议会选举中,由不丹仅有的两个政党“人民民主党”和“不丹爱国进步党”竞争47个议员的席位,双方共有94个候选人参选。得票多者将出面组织政府。这两个政党都是三年前奉国王旨意成立的年轻政党,各拥有数千名党员。 此次选举是不丹国王多年来致力于推行政治民主化的结果。100年来,不丹一直实行世袭君主制,没有宪法,也没有政党。1998年6月,辛格老国王对政治体制进行了重大改革,解散了内阁,将政府行政权移交给大臣委员会。2001年9月,国王发布命令,要求政府筹备起草宪法。2005年3月,辛格国王建议在不丹建立两党制度,由在大选中得票最多的政党组阁,另外一个政党则成为反对党。根据宪法草案,不丹将组建两院制议会,由75人组成的国民议会和由25人组成的全国委员会。2006年年底吉格梅国王宣布退位,于2007年4月将王位正式让给27岁的儿子吉格梅-凯萨-旺楚克王储。 辛格曾表示,还政于民是为了让不丹在政体上与西方接轨,以便赢得国际社会的认同。他说:“为了不丹人长远的幸福,我们必须推行民主,一个有效的制度比王位更重要。” 旺楚克陛下多次表示自己能保证是一个好国王,但无法保证此后历代国君都是好国王。君主制度好比华丽却易沉的邮轮,民主制度则是普通但不易翻的小船。避免有朝一日的沉没,这正是不丹国王们在推动民主化方面走得比自己的臣民还快的原因。 为了完成国民议会选举,早在2007年,不丹就在国王的鼎力支持下强迫不知民主为何意也不感兴趣的臣民接受成为公民的培训———举行过投票预演了。而不丹的政党也似乎没有为选战做好准备。候选人站在田间地头向民众发表竞选演说,手里连个话筒都没有,标语旗帜就更看不到了。这倒不是参选的两个政党拿不出这点经费,民众对选举的兴致远没有国王浓厚。 请就材料中的反映的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 进行评述。 答题要点: 1、民主政治的建立过程是国家最高权力归属的过程。 2、在已有的专制体制转变为民主宪政体制,不仅仅意味着限制专制权力、剥夺专制利益。即使是建立起民主制度,是否将国家最高权力置于宪法的规范下,是否将政党竞争置于宪法之下,将决定初步走向民主化的国家能否走得长远。 3、作为民主体制的积极推行者,前国王在国民议会选举完毕后,也应该happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 积极遵守宪法,将个人行为纳于宪法规范之下。 4、公众的民主意识和觉悟仍停留在忠君层面。宪政的完善不仅是制度的完善,公民对政治的广泛参与和对国家权力行使、对政党竞争的监督,也是宪政不可或缺的方面。公众的宪法意识需要提高。 5、自发民主化的不丹,应借鉴别国宪政实践的经验和教训,建立有限政府,建立分权机制,加强宪法监督,保证司法独立,控制强力部门,尊重和保护公民权利等。特别是阻止外国势力对政党的控制和操纵。 案例分析二 曾某原为某省省委书记,2000年7月因换届改任省人大常委会主任。曾某一直酷爱书画,工作之余总要进行书画创作。2001年12月,曾某将自己的书画作品结集出版。某知名大学教授发表书评时称,我们现在的一些领导同志一旦从领导岗位上退下来总觉得无法适应,但曾某却并非如此,他不仅有了发展自己兴趣爱好的条件,而且,其书画作品水平也如何如何,云云。 请就材料中的反映的问题进行评述。 答题要点: 1、该教授将曾某改任省人大常委会主任,视为从领导岗位上退下来是错误的。根据宪法和法律,人民代表大会是国家权力机关,人大常委会是同级人大常设机关,是人大闭会期间代表人民经常性行使国家权力的机关。因此作为省人大常委会主任,曾某肩负极其重要的责任。 5分 2、这个材料也反映出各级人大常委会个别组成人员视人大及其常委会为退居二线的机关,从而不思进取,不认真履行职责,使人大及其常委会权力不实,威信不高,作为权力机关的地位和作用未能发挥出来。 案例分析三 在山东滨州地区惠民县,有一个不起眼的偏僻小镇,名叫桑落墅镇。这里地处鲁西北,属山东省的贫困地区。尽管如此,村民们仍然是其乐融融。 1996年4月2日深夜,惠民县公安局治安科的张传广、张刚等人,率领一批全副武装的“执法”人员,摸进了桑落墅。11点多钟,桑落墅派出所的两名警察几下砸开了村民季玉坤的家门,闯了进去。季玉坤还没弄清楚怎么回事,便被荷枪实弹的武装人员从被窝里拖出,押上警车,送县城中心旅馆关押起来。15天后,季的家人送来3 000元莫名其妙的“罚款”,再加上225 旅馆费”才将其赎了回来。 元“ 同季玉坤的遭遇一样,当天和以后连续几个深夜,桑落墅共有数十人被happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 抓走,分别被关押在惠民县公安局指定的“高家店旅馆”、“顺达旅馆”、“鸿燕旅馆”等处。老百姓一律管它们叫“惠民县第二监狱”。 1996年5月5日深夜至次日凌晨,张传广、张刚再次率大队人马进村,这次几乎是挨家挨户的搜捕,连孤苦零丁的五保户老人也不放过。一时间,全村到处都是“咚咚”的砸门声音,有许多院落的大门被砸倒,村民季东岳的老伴刘爱玲未穿上衣,也被拉出来站在院子里,吓得浑身直抖„„当天深夜,又有一批村民被冠以“赌博犯”的罪名,关进了“第二监狱”,一部分人则被五花大绑,脖子上挂着“赌博犯”的大牌,在高音大喇叭的喊叫声中,到各乡、各村游街示众。这些都被有计划地拍成“严打成果”。随后,山东省某报以《滨州地区严打取得显著成果》为题,报道“惠民县打掉一个涉及100多人、赌资达41万元的特大赌博团伙,群众为此鸣鞭炮庆贺”的“新闻”;滨州、惠民县的电视、报纸更是宣扬惠民县公安局“现场抓获特大赌博团伙案”的事迹。 当时正值农忙季节,桑落墅700余名劳动力中,有200多名青壮年为躲避抓捕而逃往异乡。在此后的半年多时间里,桑落墅一到晚上几乎没人敢开灯,听见汽车响家家关门,很多村民不敢在家睡觉,有两个青年人在长期恐惧中,精神失常,两个未成年人也被抓去作为人质„„ 1996年8月,桑落墅村民忍无可忍,决定秘密到北京上访。村民李宝成在众乡亲的签名支持下,上访到中纪委、公安部等部门。 1996年9月16日,李宝成因上访被县公安局以“赌博”罪“逮捕”,并被张广传戴上手铐在村里绕行一圈。张手拿逮捕证,对村民喊道:“大家听着,李宝成没有问题,可我就把他抓了,看你们谁还敢去北京~” 从1996年底到1997年初,桑落墅有几十名村民向惠民县法院起诉惠民县公安局,但不少村民因交不起二三百元的诉讼费而无法起诉。张广传等人得知消息后,还开着车到村里恐吓村民,吓得很多起诉的人到处躲藏,有的起诉后又撤诉,最终有29人的起诉被立案受理。1997年6月6日惠民县法院开庭公开审理该案,被告惠民县公安局出庭应诉人员个个腰间别着手枪,连旁听的被告方工作人员也是荷枪实弹。后来更以“法庭无法保证其安全”为由,拒绝出庭,法院只好暂停审理。后在省委主要领导亲自过问下,于10月6日再次开庭审理,并于10月13日以原告胜诉结案。(该案例摘改自任之编著:《当代中国民告官》,时代文艺出版社1999年版,第194,202页,原题为《29位农民发誓告倒县公安局》) 问题: 公安局侵犯了农民的哪些宪法权利。 答题要点: happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party (1)我国现行《宪法》第39条规定:“中华人民共和国公民的住宅不受侵犯。禁止非法搜查或者非法侵入公民的住宅”。 张传广等持枪夜闯民宅的行为侵犯了“公民的住宅不受侵犯”的权利。 (2)我国现行《宪法》第37条第1款规定,“中华人民共和国公民的人身自由不受侵犯”;第2款规定,“任何公民,非经人民检察院批准或者决定或者人民法院决定,并由公安机关执行,不受逮捕”;第3款规定,“禁止非法拘禁和以其他 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 非法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由,禁止非法搜查公民的身体。”张传广等将村民非法关押在固定旅社和非法逮捕村民的行为侵犯了公民的人身不受非法“逮捕”、“拘禁”或“限制”的自由。 (3)我国现行《宪法》第13条规定,“公民的合法的私有财产不受侵犯”。公安干警无故对村民处以罚款的行为侵犯了公民的财产权。 (4)我国现行《宪法》第38条规定,“中华人民共和国公民的人格尊严不受侵犯。禁止用任何方法对公民进行侮辱、诽谤和诬告陷害”。公安干警将村民挂上“赌博犯”的大牌、游街示众等行为侵犯了公民的名誉权。 (5)我国现行《宪法》第41条第1款规定,“中华人民共和国公民对于任何国家机关和国家工作人员,有提出批评和建议的权利;对于任何国家机关和国家工作人员的违法失职行为,有向有关国家机关提出申诉、控告或者检举的权利,但是不得捏造或者歪曲事实进行诬告陷害”;第2款规定,“对于公民的申诉、控告或者检举,有关国家机关必须查清事实,负责处理,任何人不得压制和打击报复”。张传广等人恐吓、打击、报复村民上访、起诉等的行为侵犯了公民的申诉、控告和检举的权利,以及公民的诉权。 案例分析四 材料1: 2006年11月29日,深圳福田警方召开两场公开处理大会,百名皮条客、妈咪、站街招嫖女、嫖客等涉黄人员被处理。公处现场,警方宣读犯罪人员所涉罪行,然后读出各人的姓名、出生日期和籍贯。每读出一人的资料,警察便押身边的犯人踏前一步确认身份,然后押回车上载走。现场逾千人围观。福田公安分局副局长井亦军宣布处罚决定时,现场不时响起掌声。 材料2:2008年11月25日下午,陕西府谷县,“5?29”特大持枪抢劫案3名疑犯游街,约5万居民上街目睹其真容。 材料3:2009年4月23日上午,浙江省温州市在瓯江帆影广场举行“严打”整治公开宣判处理大会,公开逮捕65名犯罪嫌疑人,并对32名刑事被告人进行公开宣判。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 材料4:1984年11月21日,中共中央宣传部、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部联合发出《关于严防反动报刊利用我处决犯人进行造谣诬蔑的通知》中指出:“执行死刑不准游街示众”。 1986年7月24日,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部《关于执行死刑严禁游街示众的通知》强调:“严禁将死刑罪犯游街示众,特别是开放城市更要严加注意,以免对外造成不良影响”。 最高人民法院最高人民检察院公安部《关于坚决制止将已决犯、未决犯游街示众的通知》(1988年6月1日)明确指出:现再次重申:各地公安机关、检察机关和审判机关务必严格执行刑事诉讼法和有关规定,不但对死刑罪犯不准游街示众,对其他已决犯、未决犯以及一切违法的人也一律不准游街示众。如再出现这类现象,必须坚决纠正并追究有关领导人员的责任。 最高人民法院关于执行《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》若干问题的解释(1998年6月29日最高人民法院审判委员会第,,,次会议通过[法释〔1998〕23号)]第346条第二款规定:“执行死刑应当公布,禁止游街示众或者其他有辱被执行人人格的行为”。 最高人民法院最高人民检察院公安部关于依法文明管理看守所在押人犯的通知(公通字〔1992〕139号)第5条规定:“严禁将死刑罪犯游街示众。对其他已决犯、未决犯和其他违法人员也一律不准游街示众或变相游街示众”。 《刑事诉讼法》第212条第五款规定:执行死刑应当公布,不应示众。2003年,最高法院公布的《关于推行十项制度切实防止产生新的超期羁押的通知》中也明确规定不准公审公判,坚决反对集中宣判和执行,是对一些地方动辄开展所谓“集中公审公判”等运动式审判活动的否定。 2007年3月12日最高法院、最高检察院、公安部、司法部联合出台《关于进一步严格依法办案确保办理死刑案件质量的 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 》,规定执行死刑应当公布,禁止游街示众或者其他有辱被执行人人格的行为。 材料5:1955年在日内瓦举行的第一届联合国防止犯罪和罪犯待遇大会通过《联合国联合国被囚人员待遇最低限度 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规则》,第一部分《被囚人员的迁移》部分第45条第(1)款载明:被囚人员被送入或移出监所时,应尽量避免公众耳目,并应采取保安措施,使他们不受任何形式的侮辱、好奇的注视或宣传。 试运用宪法原理进行分析。 答题要点: (1)“示众”是带有封建色彩,一种羞辱意味的牺牲个人人格尊严换取社会一时的安定方法,早就被子文明社会所抛弃。人人生而自由,疑犯其人格happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 尊严应受到尊重,并且不可侵犯。“示众”是对被示众着的人格歧视,是一种侮辱行为。 (2)“法律面前人人平等” 。任何人在自由和权利上一律平等,“公判大会”则不是每个案件都必须经历的,只有极少数案件才有可能出现在“公判大会”上,这显然与法律面前人人平等相违背,违反程序平等。 (3)法治国家的国家机关执法行为必须严格规范,否则就是滥用权力。严格执法程序,规范执法环节,必须在源头上减少和杜绝执法的随意性。在我国法律及国际条约有明确规定的情况下,‘示众是公权力’滥用权力公然凌驾法律的表现。 案例分析五 刘某系某乡女村民,已生育三个女儿,现在又怀上了第四胎。乡、村两级干部决心把她作典型处理。于是,在某日一大早便破门而入,将还在睡梦中未及穿戴整齐的刘某强行带到村委会教育了一整天,并决定取消其读小学三年级的女儿“三好学生”的称号。根据我国宪法和法律,乡村干部的行为侵犯了公民的哪些宪法权利。 答题要点: 1、“破门而入”侵犯了宪法第三十九条所确认的住宅不受侵犯权; 2、“将还在睡梦中未及穿戴整齐的刘某强行带到村委会”侵犯了宪法第三十八条所确认的人格尊严; 3、“教育了一整天”,侵犯了宪法第三十七条所确认的人身自由; 4、“取消其读小学三年级的女儿‘三好学生''的称号”,这是侵犯了其女儿的荣誉权。 案例分析六 某市政府为了整顿城市道路交通秩序的混乱状况,在多方的建议下,欲出台关于限行摩托车的规定。公民甲某在得知这一消息后,认为出台这样的规定不合理、不合法。于是联合了近百人到市政府门前游行示威,要求市政府不要做限行摩托车的规定。 请根据宪法和法律的有关规定分析: (1)某市政府是否有权出台限行摩托车的规定,为什么, (2)公民甲某的行为是否合法,为什么, (3)公民甲某应如何表达自己的意见, 答题要点: happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party (1)市政府为维持公共秩序保障交通,有权出台有关交通管理的行政措施。应考量其目的是否合法;手段是否必要且有效;有无其他对公民权利限制更小的措施等各种因素来决定。所以在理论上市政府既可以限行摩托车也可以完全禁止摩托车,也可以限制其他车辆,这些是市政府的职权范围。 (2)公民甲某的行为是违法的。虽然根据我国宪法规定,公民有集体、游行和示威的权利,但我国《集会游行示威法》规定,集会示威应提请5天向当地公安机关申请,经过公安机关批准后才可以游行示威。 (3)公民表达自己的意见以采取以下渠道:第一,经过合法程序申请集会、游行和示威。第二,可以向政府信访办公室或人大信访办公室提出自己的意见。第三,可以通过新闻媒体反映自己的意见。第四,可以通过行政诉讼制度要求法院确认政府行为违法。 案例分析七 材料【1】2010年8月19日,55岁的谢朝平被陕西省渭南警方以涉嫌“非法经营罪”从北京家中带走。“非法经营”是因为谢朝平自费在《火花》杂志出版了增刊1万本纪实文学《大迁徙》,其中记录了三门峡移民的一些历史遗留问题,渭南地区的移民是作品主角。2010年9月17日,陕西渭南检察机关对谢朝平作出不予批准逮捕决定,谢被取保候审。 】.《宪法》第三十五条 中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、材料【2 集会、结社、游行、示威的自由。 材料【3】《宪法》第五十一条 中华人民共和国公民在行使自由和权利的时候,不得损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益和其他公民的合法的自由和权利。 材料【4】《出版管理条例》第二十四条 公民可以依照本条例规定,在出版物上自由表达自己对国家事务、经济和文化事业、社会事务的见解和意愿,自由发表自己从事科学研究、文学艺术创作和其他文化活动的成果。 合法出版物受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得非法干扰、阻止、破坏出版物的出版。 试运用宪法原理进行分析。 答题要点: (1)就是渭南警方的行为侵犯了谢朝平享有的宪法上的出版自由权。渭南警方因谢朝平在作品中揭露了真实的情况和腐败的问题,就以涉嫌非法经营罪对其进行追捕和拘留,侵犯了谢朝平的出版自由权。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party (2)警方的行为侵犯了谢朝平的批评、建议等监督的权利。出版自由权并不是绝对的,假如在行使出版自由权的过程中违法了,也是应当受到追究的。但是作品反映了民众的疾苦,披露了有关的公务员在移民中的腐败问题,这个并不违法犯罪,因为宪法明确规定公民有权利对国家机关进行批评建议,也可以检举揭发,而且强调了不准打击报复。渭南警方因为谢朝平的作品披露了真相,批评了当地的公务员,就对作者进行打击报复,这明显侵犯了公民的监督权。 (3)渭南警方侵犯了谢朝平的人身自由权。我国宪法明确规定公民的人身自由不受侵犯,我国的刑事诉讼法也做了很多限制人身自由的程序规定,渭南警方没有遵守这些规定,超期羁押严重侵犯公民的人身自由。 (4)宪法也明确规定,一切国家机关都必须以宪法为根本的活动准则,负有维护宪法尊严、保证宪法实施的职责。显然,包括警察在内的所有公务员,在执行法律的时候,理应按照宪法——特别是国家有关保障人权的规定来积极理解和适用法律。只有这样才能保证我们的法律在执行中不与宪法相抵触。 案例分析八 材料【1】2010年5月9日,“杀害”同村人并已在监狱服刑多年的河南商丘农民赵作海,因“被害人”赵振裳的突然回家,被宣告无罪释放,河南省有关方面同时启动责任追究机制。2010年 5月9日上午,河南高级人民法院召开新闻发布会,向社会通报赵作海案件的再审情况,认定赵作海故意杀人案系一起错案。河南省高级人民法院于2010年5月8日作出再审判决:撤销省高级人民法院死刑复核裁定和商丘市中级人民法院判决,宣告赵作海无罪。随后,立即派人赶赴监狱,释放赵作海,并安排好其出狱后的生活。2010年5月17日上午,赵作海领到国家赔偿金和困难补助费65万元,但赵作海表示还希望获得65万元的赔偿。 与这个案件的还有一个孙学双案。与此案类似,5年前,辽宁锦州农民孙学双卷入村中命案,被指控为杀人强奸案的罪犯,在被羁押1589天之中,先后被判处一次死刑、两次无期徒刑,最终在省高院3次发回重审后,才以证据不足为由被无罪释放,而真凶至今尚未落网。 材料【2】《宪法》第三十七条 中华人民共和国公民的人身自由不受侵犯。 任何公民,非经人民检察院批准或者决定或者人民法院决定,并由公安机关执行,不受逮捕。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由,禁止非法搜查公民的身体。 材料【3】《宪法》第一百三十五条 人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关办理刑事案件,应当分工负责,互相配合,互相制约,以保证准确有效地执行法律。 材料【4】《国家赔偿法》第三十五条 有本法第三条或者第十七条规定情形之一,致人精神损害的,应当在侵权行为影响的范围内,为受害人消除影响,恢复名誉,赔礼道歉;造成严重后果的,应当支付相应的精神损害抚慰金。 请根据我国宪法和法律,评析上述材料。 答题要点: 答:(1)公权力行为对公民的物质、身心造成伤害的时候,国家应予以赔偿。 (2)国家公权力机器庞大,公权力的控制、规范与监督尤其的重要。对公民权利的保护也非常的迫切。 )公检法尽管有所谓的相互制约,但是权力行使过程仍然是不慎重的、(3 有疏漏的。 (4)《国家赔偿法》的修改,对于中国和谐社会、法治社会具有特别的意义。 案例分析九 2012年3月31日,项城市召开春季严打整治推进会,依法对41名严重扰乱社会秩序的犯罪嫌疑人予以刑事拘留、逮捕。同时,在此次“春季严打整治推进会”上,法院经审理后还对10名被告人进行了公开宣判。据知情人士介绍,此次“春季严打整治推进会”是由项城市政法委综治办组织召开的,参与的有该市公安、法院、检察院等部门,该市人大、政协的有关领导也出席会议了。当天,嫌犯被从该市的看守所提出来后,分乘几辆车,由武警和民警分别押解。此后警车开道,引来过往行人驻足观看,围观的市民有上千人。最后,嫌犯被带到了市中心的影剧院前的广场。嫌犯大多被反手拷着,捆得五花大绑,胸前挂着白底黑字的牌子,上写着:犯罪嫌疑人某某某。八九个人一组,蹲在地上被一条绳子串连起来,像穿蚂蚱似的。 2012年雅虎网站对“项城示众事件”做了专题,并进行网页调查:参与者中有1014人赞成“应该拉出来示众”,有235人反对,认为“嫌犯也有自己的权利”,有2809人反对,但不反对将贪官示众,有433人反对将任何人happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 示众。 问题:本案反映了哪些宪法问题和宪法现象, 答题要点: (1)“示众”是带有封建色彩,一种羞辱意味的牺牲个人人格尊严换取社会一时的安定方法,早就被文明社会所抛弃。人人生而自由,疑犯其人格尊严应受到尊重,并且不可侵犯。“示众”是对被示众者的人格歧视,是一种侮辱行为。 (2)“法律面前人人平等” 。任何人在自由和权利上一律平等,“公判大会”则不是每个案件都必须经历的,只有极少数案件才有可能出现在“公判大会”上,这显然与法律面前人人平等相违背,违反程序平等。 (3)在我国法律及国际条约有明确规定的情况下,示众是公权力迷信震慑的力量,滥用权力公然凌驾法律的表现。法治国家的国家机关执法行为必须严格规范,否则就是滥用权力。严格执法程序,规范执法环节,必须在源头上减少和杜绝执法的随意性。 (4)示众行为在目前中国有群众基础,既是人治社会恐吓与羞辱,是要树立权力威仪,强化权力秩序的思想的遗留,也反映出人权观念处于低下的水平。 案例分析十 2002年8月18日晚11时许,延安市宝塔公安分局万花派出所民警称接群众举报,新婚夫妻张某夫妇在位于宝塔区万花山乡的一所诊所中播放黄碟。1名民警称从后面的窗子看到里面确实有人在放黄碟。即以看病为由敲门,住在前屋的张某父亲开门后,警察即直奔张某夫妻住屋,“一边掀被子,一边说,有人举报你们看黄碟,快将东西交出来”,并试图扣押收缴黄碟和VCD机、电视机,张某阻挡,双方发生争执,张某抡起一根木棍将警察的手打伤。警察随之将其制服,并将张某带回派出所留置,同时扣押收缴了黄碟、VCD机和电视机。当时三人都穿了警服,但由于没有授衔,没有警号。(宝塔分局副局长魏世平后来告诉记者,“其中两人虽然不是正式的公安民警,„„另外一名干警已经在去年通过人民警察录用考试,并且已经被陕西省公安厅批复录用为正式的民警,只是现在还没有办理手续,所有没有授衔。)第二天,在家人向派出所交了1000元暂扣款后张某被放回。10月21日,即事发两个月以后,塔公安分局以涉嫌“妨碍公务”为由刑事拘留了张某。10月28日,警方向检察机关提请逮捕张某;11月4日,检察院以事实不清、证据不足为由退回补充侦查;11月5日,张某被取保候审;11月6日,张某在医院被诊happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 断为:“多处软组织挫伤(头、颈、两肩、胸壁、双膝),并拌有精神障碍”;12月5日,宝塔公安分局决定撤销此案;12月31日,张某夫妇及其律师与宝塔公安分局达成补偿 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ,协议规定:宝塔公安分局一次性补偿张某29137元;公安宝塔分局有关领导向张某夫妇赔礼道歉;处分有关责任人。 1)公民住宅权是什么,张某夫妇在家看黄碟的行为是否违法, 问题:( (2)公安机关对张某诊所进行的搜查是否合法, 答题要点: (1)涉及公民自由的问题普遍坚持法未禁止即自由的原则。法律上的住宅,不仅包括公民日常生活起居的场所,也包括临时居所(如租住的旅馆的房间)。本案中的地点,居办合一,居办有分,而且下班后就仅仅是居所。 (2)执法活动只能由国家行政机关及其正式的工作人员代表国家进行。警察的行政执法作为一种较重要,较特殊的权力,其行使更有严格的要求。?执法人员不具备主体资格,两人不是警察,一人未授警衔?程序违法,程序违法会导致实体效力的瑕疵,无法律根据地扣押电视机、影碟机等物品。更不能在被媒体曝光以后,将治安案件上升为刑事案件,以彰显权力的威严。 案例分析十一 2010年11月23日,宁夏吴忠市公安局利通分局民警赴甘肃省将在甘肃省图书馆工作的图书馆助理馆员王鹏刑拘。王鹏此前多次发帖举报大学同学马晶晶在公务员招考中作弊,马晶晶父亲系宁夏回族自治区扶贫办副主任,母亲系宁夏吴忠市委常委、政协主席。她与人力资源厅的厅长过去是同僚,过去是同僚,都是吴忠市市委常委。王鹏被被宁夏吴忠市公安局利通区分局民警以“涉嫌诽谤罪”带走并遭到刑讯,其父王志昌25日从江苏老家赶到宁夏探望时亦被吴忠警方控制。27日王父侥幸脱逃,打车狂奔500公里到兰州趁机赴京上访。29日,在清华大学法学院周光权教授帮助下,王鹏遭跨省抓捕的消息被发布到微博并迅速跃升为热点话题。吴忠市市委、市政府责成吴忠市有关部门对利通区公安分局刑事拘留王鹏案进行了依法审查。审查结果认为,利通区公安分局在办理王鹏案件中存在过错,将本应属于自诉法律程序的案件按照公诉案件办理,属于错案。2010年12月1日23时许,利通区公安分局对王鹏解除刑事拘留。 刑法246条【侮辱罪、诽谤罪】以暴力或者其他方法公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。 前款罪,告诉的才处理,但是严重危害社会秩序和国家利益的除外。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 问题:(1)本案涉及公民哪些基本权利, (2)本案反映哪些宪法问题, 答题要点: (1)本案涉及公民的检举权、检举权的保护、平等权及人身自由权。宪法规定:“中华人民共和国公民对于任何国家机关和国家工作人员,有提出批评和建议的权利;对于任何国家机关和国家工作人员的违法失职行为,有向有关国家机关提出申诉、控告或者检举的权利,但是不得捏造或者歪曲事实进行诬告陷害。对于公民的申诉、控告或者检举,有关国家机关必须查清事实,负责处理。任何人不得压制和打击报复。”“中华人民共和国公民在法律面前一律平等。”“中华人民共和国公民的人身自由不受侵犯。禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由,禁止非法搜查公民的身体。” (2)?本案是公权力侵犯公民权利的事件,宁夏吴忠市公安局跨省抓捕,在明知违法的情况下,将国家机关当成私人打击批评者的工具,以损害公务员考试的秩序和声誉、严重危害国家利益为借口,原属自诉案件却非法进入到公诉的诉讼程序,对公民实施了刑事拘留,是程序违法,将公权力凌驾于公民权利和法益之上。 ?从根本上讲,要遏制“跨省追捕”等滥权行为,关键还在于保障宪法赋予公民的言论自由权利,加强舆论监督,从而完善官员监督体系。 案例分析十二 2002年6月7日下午2时30分许,徐艳青几人正在一家绣花厂的工厂的二楼工作间工作,工厂保卫处的一名负责人带着十几个人突然闯进工作间,二话没说就将电话线扯断,并将电话机拿走。楼下正在开会的另外几名女工得知消息后立即赶来,但也被一起关了起来,门被反锁上。过了一会儿,几名女工砸玻璃,想从二楼窗户用绳索脱身,这时门被突然撞开,保安把正在爬窗户准备跳下的女工拽了回来。整个过程持续了一个多小时,有几人还受了轻伤。 当天,外边正下着雨,气温也突然降至十几摄氏度,但原告还穿着薄薄的裙子,冻得瑟瑟发抖。据女工称,造成事件冲突的主要原因是女工的老板与该光学仪器厂联营合同纠纷引起的,双方就中途变更厂址发生纠纷。想变更厂址的一方欲将工人赶走,工人不同意,于是她们就成了双方纠纷的受害者。同 年7月18日,10名女工来到崇文区法院,愤而起诉北京某光学仪器有限公司侵犯其人身自由权,要求该公司公开赔礼道歉并赔偿精神损失每人happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 600元。 问题:(1)该光学仪器有限公司是否侵犯了徐艳青等10人的人身自由权, (2)从本案看,应当如何保障宪法上的人身自由权, 答题要点: (1)侵害公民的人身自由,是指行为人非法实施限制、剥夺或妨碍他人的身体行动自由的行为,从而限制、剥夺或妨碍了他人的身体行动的自由权利。侵害公民人身自由的行为主要有:非法限 制行动自由,也就是我们常说的非法拘禁行为,本案中北京某光学仪器有限公司的行为就是实施的一种非法拘禁的行为。我国《宪法》明确规定公民的人身自由不受侵犯,禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由。 (2)人身自由是作为宪法基本权利而存在的,因而对公民人身自由的限制应当符合公民基本人权限制的一般原理。主要包括:?必须有立法机关以法律的形式限制?限制公民人身自由必须基于正当的目的,只有在维护某种公共利益时,才能以法律限制。从一般意义上讲,只有在行为人因自己主观过错而作出损害社会公共利益时才可以实施限制,处以行政的、司法的、刑事的等种类的限制。?限制人身自由的实施必须基于正当的法律程序,即必须由有权机关来实施,并且尊重当事人的程序权利,司法机关享有最终的决定权。 案例分析十三 2009年1月28日,李荞明因涉嫌盗伐林木,被云南晋宁县公安局刑事拘留,羁押于晋宁县看守所。2月12日,经送医院抢救无效的李荞明死亡。 2月13日,《云南信息报》首先报道了死者与狱友在天井玩“躲猫猫”游戏撞墙致死的“躲猫猫”事件,经网络转载以后,立刻迅速引起了网民强烈关注。 2月19日,云南省委宣传部发布公告,征集网民参与调查“躲猫猫”事件真相。 2月20日,网友调查委员会发布调查报告,称查看监控录像和会见当事人的要求都被拒绝,探寻真相还是要靠司法机关。 2月20日,晋宁县公安局向网友、媒体代表组成的调查委员会公布对“躲猫猫”事件的调查结果,称是游戏中的意外事件。该县检察院副检察长韩红兵表示,没有发现公安机关存在严重失职渎职现象。 2月27日17时,云南省政府新闻办召开新闻发布会,公布检察机关调查结论:2009年1月28日,李荞明涉嫌因盗伐林木罪被刑事拘留,并羁押happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 于晋宁县看守所第9号监室,羁押期间,同监室在押人员张厚华、张涛等人以各种借口对李荞明多次用拳头、拖鞋进行殴打,致使其头部、胸部多处受伤。2月8日17时,张涛、普华永等人以玩游戏为名,用布条将李荞明眼睛蒙上,对其进行殴打。其间,普华永猛击李荞明头部一拳,致其头部撞击墙面后倒地昏迷,经送医院抢救无效死亡,李荞明于2月12号死亡。法医鉴定的结论是,李荞明系多次钝性外力打击致严重颅脑损伤死亡。李荞明身亡后,张厚华、张涛、普华永等人,为逃避责任,逃避法律的制裁,编造了李荞明在游戏中不慎自己撞墙死亡的事实,而且订立了攻守同盟,对抗侦查。 试运用宪法原理进行分析。 答题要点: (1)犯罪嫌疑人在被限制人身自由、身处不利境地的情况下,公民的生命权保护问题,是值得宪法关怀的。 (2)看守所应尽到对公民合法权利保护的职责、履行宪法规定的“国家尊重和保护人权”的义务。 (3)检察机关对看守所负有监督的责任,其监督群不仅仅是法律赋予检察机关的权力,也是检察机关的义务。 (4)晋宁县公安机关在此事件发生后,在没有深入调查取证的情况下,公布了李荞明是在游戏中不慎死亡的情况,未能及时将事件真相告诉公众,而是与公众玩“躲猫猫”游戏,侵犯了公众的知情权。 案例分析十四 9月8日,张晖驾车载客,在闵行区北松路被区交通执法大队执法检查时暂扣。之后被区交通执法大队认定其“非法营运”,罚款1万元。而张晖强调,自己只是好心让胃痛的路人搭车,执法大队是“钓鱼执法”。 9月28日,张晖向闵行区人民法院提起行政诉讼并被受理。 同样的事情,也发生在10月14日晚,浦东新区原南汇交通行政执法大队在打击非法营运“黑车”行动时,截下一辆金杯面包车,驾车者为孙中界。该大队认为孙中界涉嫌非法营运,遂将车暂扣。孙中界当晚回去后,伤指以示清白。 10月20日,浦东新区相关部门对外发布信息,表示该事件“取证手段并无不当,不存在所谓的‘倒钩’执法问题”。 信息甫出,引起一片争议。 经上海市委、市政府要求,浦东新区政府当天成立了联合调查组,对孙中界涉嫌非法营运过程当中的有关问题进行调查。调查组的12名成员分别为上海市和浦东新区的人大代表、政协委员、律师、媒体代表、社区和企业的happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party 代表。最后,联合调查组得出结论:“原南汇执法大队在10月14日执法过程当中使用了不正当的取证手段,‘乘客’陈雄杰对调查组的陈述存在虚假”。 26日浦东新区政府宣布“孙中界事件”此前的初步调查结论与事实不符,向社会公开道歉;闵行区政府也同时宣布“张晖事件”取证方式不正当,撤销行政处罚行为。 试运用宪法原理进行分析。 答题要点: (1)本案中“钓鱼执法”违背正当程序。非执法人员采用了引诱、欺诈、胁迫甚至暴力的方式取证,违反了执法取证的基本要求,获取的证据是无效的,不能作为行政行为合法的证据。行政行为的正当程序要求在对相对人作出不利的决定之前,必须事先告知决定的事实理由和依据,必须听取当事人的陈述和申辩。上海的“钓鱼执法”省略了这些法定程序,通过诱骗的方式栽赃当事人,然后逼迫当事人签署放弃陈述申辩的声明,从而达到高额罚款的目的。执法缺少的正当性与合法性。 (2)整治黑车应“双管齐下”。城市有黑车,一方面说明公众有乘车需求,而有牌照的合法营运车辆运力不足或者不能满足市场需求,也存在由于黑车利用成本低,入市易等便利,抢夺了合法营运车辆的部分市场,造成了混乱。规范整治黑车应该双管齐下,一方面要考虑如何合理配置运输资源,满足公众需求,消除过高的行业壁垒,使具备基本条件的营运人能够比较方便地进入市场,将所有营运车辆全部纳入规范管理的范围;另一方面严格执法,依法维护出租车营运秩序,采用合法规范的执法方式,整治营运市场。 (3)行政机关应严格依法行政。只有严格依法行政,按照职权法定、合理行政、程序正当、诚实守信、便民高效的要求不断提升执法水平,自觉接受来自各方面的监督,摆脱利益羁绊,公正执法,真诚为人,才能避免违法行政滥用权力的现象。 (4)行政机关的社会公信力被破坏。宪法授予国家机关以公权力,而公权力运行的基础和基本保证是因其诚信行使公权力形成的社会公信力,而主要不在于其所具有的独特的强制力,该事件中,相关行政机关的行为破坏了其应当具有的社会公信力。国家机关行使公权力的基本目的在于保障人权,2004年宪法修正案增加“国家尊重和保障人权”条款之后,保障人权成为国家理念和执政理念,本案中行政机关的做法与这一理念不相符合。 (5)在国家机关滥用公权力的情况下,公民应寻求有效的法律救济和宪法救济。 happiness XX made active contribution. The afternoon of April 21, the city's "two" educational Working Conference. Thoroughly study and apply the XI series of important speech, General Secretary of the Conference, especially on "two to learn a" learn the spirit of the important instructions of the education, in accordance with the deployment requirements of Central and provincial Committee, the city "two" education work arrangements. Mu Weimin, Secretary of municipal party Committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Following party of mass line education practice activities, and "three strict three real" topic education zhihou, in all members in the carried out "two learn a do" learning education, reflected has central linked, and step step in-depth advance full strictly rule party of political set force, is continued strengthening party of thought political construction of major deployment, is advance full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of important initiatives, is promoted party education normal of, and institutionalized of important practice, is advance reform development stable the work of important guarantee. "Two" study and education, is to make each Member party rules India in the party Constitution, series XI, General Secretary of spirit and transformed into a powerful ideological weapon, and comprehensively improve the ideological and political quality, further enhance political par core awareness, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, and further enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the party organizations at all levels. Is to promote the inner-party education to all party
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