首页 LCD显示中常见牛顿环的原理



LCD显示中常见牛顿环的原理LCD显示中常见牛顿环的原理 又称“牛顿圈”。光的一种干涉图样,是一些明暗相间的同心圆环。例如用 一个曲率半径很大的凸透镜的凸面和一平面玻璃接触,在日光下或用白光 照射时,可以看到接触点为一暗点,其周围为一些明暗相间的彩色圆环; 而用单色光照射时,则表现为一些明暗相间的单色圆圈。这些圆圈的距离 不等,随离中心点的距离的增加而逐渐变窄。它们是由球面上和平面上反 射的光线相互干涉而形成的干涉条纹。在加工光学元件时,广泛采用牛顿 环的原理来检查平面或曲面的面型准确度。在牛顿环的示意图上,B为底 下的平面玻璃,A为平凸...

LCD显示中常见牛顿环的原理 又称“牛顿圈”。光的一种干涉图样,是一些明暗相间的同心圆环。例如用 一个曲率半径很大的凸透镜的凸面和一平面玻璃接触,在日光下或用白光 照射时,可以看到接触点为一暗点,其周围为一些明暗相间的彩色圆环; 而用单色光照射时,则表现为一些明暗相间的单色圆圈。这些圆圈的距离 不等,随离中心点的距离的增加而逐渐变窄。它们是由球面上和平面上反 射的光线相互干涉而形成的干涉条纹。在加工光学元件时,广泛采用牛顿 环的原理来检查平面或曲面的面型准确度。在牛顿环的示意图上,B为底 下的平面玻璃,A为平凸透镜,其与平面玻璃的接触点为O,在O点的四 周则是平面玻璃与凸透镜所夹的空气气隙。当平行单色光垂直入射于凸透镜的平表面时。在空气气隙的上下两表面所引起的反射光线形成相干光。光线在气隙上下表面反射(一是在光疏媒质面上反射,一是在光 密媒质面上反射)。 一种光的干涉图样(是牛顿在1675年首先观察到的(将一块曲率半径较大的平凸透镜放在一块玻璃平板上,用单色光照射透镜与玻璃板,就可以观察到一些明暗相同的同心圆环(圆环分布是中间疏、边缘密,圆心在接触点O(从反射光看到的牛顿环中心是暗的,从透射光看到的牛顿环中心是明的(若用白光入射(将观察到彩色圆环(牛顿环是典型的等厚薄膜干涉(平凸透镜的凸球面和玻璃平板之间形成一个厚度均匀变化的圆尖劈形空气簿膜,当平行光垂直射向平凸透镜时,从尖劈形空气膜上、下表面反射的两束光相互叠加而产生干涉(同一半径的圆环处空气膜厚度相同,上、下表面反射光程差相同,因此使干涉图样呈圆环 状(这种由同一厚度薄膜产生同一干涉条纹的干涉称作等厚干涉( 牛顿在光学中的一项重要发现就是"牛顿环"。这是他在进一步考察胡克研究的肥皂泡薄膜的色彩问题时 提出来的。 具体的, 牛顿环实验是这样的:取来两块玻璃体,一块是,,英尺望远镜用的平凸镜,另一块是,,英尺左右望远镜用的大型双凸透镜。在双凸透镜上放上平凸镜,使其平面向下,当把玻璃体互相压紧时,就会在围绕着接触点的周围出现各种颜色,形成色环。于是这些颜色又在圆环中心相继消失。在压紧玻璃体时,在别的颜色中心最后现出的颜色,初次出现时看起来像是一个从周边到中心几乎均匀的色环,再压紧玻璃体时,这色环会逐渐变宽,直到新的颜色在其中心现出。如此继续下去,第三、第四、第五种以及跟着的别种颜色不断在中心现出,并成为包在最内层颜色外面的一组色环,最后一种颜色是黑点。反之,如果抬起上面的玻璃体,使其离开下面的透镜,色环的直径就会偏小,其周边宽度则增大,直到其颜色陆续 到达中心,后来它们的宽度变得相当大,就比以前更容易认出和训别它们的颜色了。 牛顿测量了六个环的半径(在其最亮的部分测量),发现这样一个规律:亮环半径的平方值是一个由奇数所构成的算术级数,即,、,、,、,、,、,,,而暗环半径的平方值是由偶数构成的算术级数,即,、,、,、,、,,、,,。例凸透镜与平板玻璃在接触点附近的横断面,水平轴画出了用整数平方根标的距离:?,,,?,,,.41,?3=1.73,?4=2,?5=2.24等等。在这些距离处,牛顿观察到交替出现的光的极大值和极小值。从图中看到,两玻璃之间的垂直距离是按简单的算术级数,,、,、,、,、,、,……增大的。这样,知道了凸透镜的半径后,就很容易算出暗环和亮环处的空气层厚度,牛顿当时测量的情况是这样的:用垂直入射的光线得到的第一个暗环的最暗部分的空气层厚度为,/189000英寸,将这个厚度的一半乘以级数,、,、,、,、,、,,,就可以给出所有亮环的最亮部分的空气层厚度,即为,/178000,3/178000,5/178000,7/178000……它们的算术平均值2/178000,4/178000,6/178000……等则是 暗环最暗部分的空气层厚度。 牛顿还用水代替空气,从而观察到色环的半径将减小。他不仅观察了白光的干涉条纹,而且还观察了 单色光所呈现的明间相间的干涉条纹。 牛顿环装置常用来检验光学元件表面的准确度(如果改变凸透镜和平板玻璃间的压力,能使其间空气薄to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project 膜的厚度发生微小变化,条纹就会移动(用此原理可以精密地测定压力或长度的微小变化( 按理说,牛顿环乃是光的波动性的最好 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 之一,可牛顿却不从实际出发,而是从他所信奉的微粒说出发来解释牛顿环的形成。他认为光是一束通过窨高速运动的粒子流,因此为了解释牛顿环的出现,他提出了一个“一阵容易反射,一阵容易透射”的复杂理论。根据这一理论,他认为;“每条光线在通过任何折射面时都要进入某种短暂的状态,这种状态在光线得进过程中每隔一定时间又复原,并在每次复原时倾向于使光线容易透过下一个折射面,在两次复原之间,则容易被下一个折射面的反射。”他还把每次返回和下一次返回之间所经过的距离称为“阵发的间隔”。实际上,牛顿在这里所说的“阵发的间隔”就是波动中所说的“波长”。为什么会这样呢,牛顿却含糊地说:“至于这是什么作用或倾向,它就是光线的圆圈运动或振动,还是介质 或别的什么东西的圆圈运动或振动,我这里就不去探讨了。” 因此,牛顿虽然发现了牛顿环,并做了精确的定量测定,可以说已经走到了光的波支说的边缘,但由于过分偏爱他的微粒说,始终无法正确解释这个现象。事实一,这个实验倒可以成为光的波动说的有力证 据之一。直到,,世纪初,英国科学家托马斯?杨才用光的波动说完满地解释了牛顿环实验。 to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project 新浪语录 AdpC4nK7YL60 to comply with the requirements. (6) pressure pipes are installed according to the design requirements of the system pressure test, segmented tiered when pressure testing to be carried out in sequence, drainage, stormwater pipes to do water testing, and recording, pressure test failed or untested pipeline may not be concealed. Test pressure is the pressure piping installation one stops. (7) the control interface of pipeline leakage from the processing begins. Thread processing to tight fit, length should comply with the requirements. Flange after welding to check end verticality, checking the welding quality. (8) electrical engineering should control the grounding line of weld quality and laying of pipeline quality, timely measurement of grounding resistance, and completes the record. (9) the phase and neutral and ground wire to strictly control the installation location may not be wrong, to multi color lines as required. (10) the distribution box, distribution bottle Shell to a separate ground line, shell transitions can not be used. (C) the pipeline installation engineering 1. construction sequence (1) be familiar with design drawings and related technical information; (2) construction survey and setting out; (3) cooperate with the reserved, embedded civil work; (4) pipe and tube processing (5) support (hanging) production; (6) the pipe prefabrication and Assembly; (7) the pipe laying and installation; (8) the pipes connected to the device; (9), instrumentation and piping installed; (10) pressure test and cleaning (blowing) washing; (11), anti-corrosion and thermal insulation; (12) acceptance. 2. construction conditions (1) the design drawings, specifications and other technical documentation is complete, and after a trial. (2) construction project
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