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四级技巧四级技巧 四、六级考试应试技巧 1 完型填空 一般地,完型填空都与上下文密切联系。因此,做好完型填空的关键在于准确把握上下文的逻 辑关系。下面是一些常用的解题技巧。 3 通读上下文,摸清大意。2. 根据上下文,查找线索词。3. 运用词汇知识进行选择。 4(运用语法知识进行选择。5. 运用搭配知识确定答案。6. 运用一般常识确定最佳答案。 7(运用排除法填正确选项。8. 根据句子意思填答案。9. 利用词汇重复关系或复现关系填空。 10. 先易后难,利用已选出的正确答案帮助推断未知答案。11. 灵活处理,切...

四级技巧 四、六级考试应试技巧 1 完型填空 一般地,完型填空都与上下文密切联系。因此,做好完型填空的关键在于准确把握上下文的逻 辑关系。下面是一些常用的解题技巧。 3 通读上下文,摸清大意。2. 根据上下文,查找线索词。3. 运用词汇知识进行选择。 4(运用语法知识进行选择。5. 运用搭配知识确定 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。6. 运用一般常识确定最佳答案。 7(运用排除法填正确选项。8. 根据句子意思填答案。9. 利用词汇重复关系或复现关系填空。 10. 先易后难,利用已选出的正确答案帮助推断未知答案。11. 灵活处理,切莫死扣硬套。12. 注 意检查,消除疏漏,同时不要轻易否定第一次选择。 Cloze: In recent year, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the United States. Both the advantages and disadvantages (1) using faculty(教师)from foreign countries (2) teaching positions have to be (3), of course. It can be said that (4) that makes the faulty member from abroad an asset(财富)also (5) problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the individual. The foreign research scholar usually isolates (6) in the laboratory as a means of protection; (7), what he needs is to be fitted (8) a highly organized university system quite different from (9) at home. He is faced in his daily work (10) differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students (11) background in each other’s cultures. Some (12) of what is already in the minds of American students is (13) by the foreign professor. While helping him to (14) himself to his new environment, the university must also (15) certain adjustments in order to (16) full advantage of what the newcomer can (17). It isn’t always known how to make (18) use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller colleges. This is thought to be a (19) where further study is called (20). The findings of such a study will be of value to colleges and universities with foreign faulty. 1. A. with B. for C. of D. at 2. A. in B. on C. for D. within 3. A. thought B. measured C. balanced D. considered 4. A. situation B. circumstance C. background D. condition 5. A. carries B. creates C. emerges D. solves 6. A. himself B. oneself C. him D. one 7. A. otherwise B. moreover C. however D. also 8. A. into B. by C. to D. with 9. A. those B. which C. what D. that 10. A. toward B. with C. to D. at 11. A. have B. possess C. need D. lack 12. A. concept B. feeling C. plan D. intelligence 13. A. ordered B. asked C. insisted D. required 14. A. place B. adapt C. put D. direct 15. A. remain B. keep C. make D. cause 16. A. take B. make C. do D. be 17. A. show B. afford C. express D. offer 18. A. powerful B. creative C. imaginary D. advanced 19. A. scope B. range C. field D. district 20. A. on B. for C. upon D. at 二、改错 错误类型分析 1( 反义词的误用 Example : People are earning higher wages and salaries. This leads to changes in the way of life. As income goes down, people may not want more food to eat or more clothes to wear. (up---down) 2. 连接词的误用 Example: In 1860, because some of the farm population had moved to the city, yet eighty percent of the American population was still in the country. (because---although) 3. 介词的错误 Example: But perhaps we should look at both sides of the coin before arriving hasty conclusions. (arriving at hasty) 4. 指代错误 Example: A man surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers that jumping out of a second-floor window is an acceptable risk to save its life. (its---his) 5. 关系代词的错误 Example: Finally, the university closely approximates the real world and which provides a relaxed, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous existence; on the contrary, the intimate atmosphere of the small college allows the student four years of structural living in which to expect and prepare for the real world. (which---this) 6(非谓语动词的错误 Example: Sensitive people have been mirroring their friends and acquaintances all their lives, and winning affection and respect in this way without aware of their methods. (being) 7( 主谓不一致的错误观点 Example: Traditionally, work determines our way of life. But if 98 percent of us doesn’t need to work, what are we going to do with ourselves? (doesn’t---don’t) 8(名词和冠词的错误 Example: Dishwashers washing machines do jobs that were once done by the hand. (by hand) 9(词性错误 Example: There may be sound medicine reasons for accepting electrical shock treatment, but such reasons are totally dependent on the balance of risks and benefits for the patients. (medicine---medical) 10(句子结构的错误 Example: Clearly some risks worth taking, especially when the rewards are high: a man surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers that jumping out of a second-floor window is an acceptable risk to save his life. (risks are worth) 11(时态、语态和语气的错误观点 Example: In part, technology has caused the population explosion; many of us won’t now be alive if it weren’t for advances in health, agriculture and industry. (won’t---wouldn’t) 12(易混词的错误 Example: This tendency of technology to make workers superfluous at the same time allowing their numbers to grow up so large is decreasing psychological tensions. (grow up---grow) The place of the child in society has varied for thousands of years and has been effected by different cultures and religions. In ancient times un- 1._____ wanted children were occasionally abandoned, put to death, being exploi- 2.______ ted, or offered for religious sacrifices, and in any event a large percentage of them didn’t survive their physically hazardous existence to reach to. In 3._____ Western civilization within the last few hundred years, there have been man- y changes in attitude with the young. In agricultural Europe, and later with 4._____ the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the children of the poor work 5._____ long hours for little or no pay, and there was no public concern on their 6._____ safety or welfare. Punishment could be brutal and severe. By the eighteenth century the harsh and severe methods began to show any change. Society slowly accorded(给予)children a role of importance. 7._____ Books were written expressly for them and gradually laws were passing for 8._____ their protection. Efforts were made to create for them a life better than their parents’. In the past few decades parents have become more and more attentive for the needs of their children. Better health care is available and education 9._____ is no longer reserving for the children from wealthy families. 10._____ 3 简答题得高分基本原则 4 用1分钟的时间,先浏览文章后给出的问题,了解各题询问的内容以确定它们的类型,做 到在阅读文章时心中有数,带着明确的目的阅读。此外,一定要看清题目。 5 用5分钟左右的时间仔细阅读原文。阅读时,凭借脑中对各题所问内容的印象,捕捉与之 相关的信息,并在原文中将相关的重要句子、短语或词汇划线做记号。 6 一遍读完即可回答各题,在 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 册的空白处草拟出答案。如果有的题目较难,不能马上找 到答案,可再仔细阅读原文中与该题有关的部分。 7 答案拟好后再写到答题纸上。最后花一、两分钟再检查一下,看各题答案是否准确。有可 靠的依据。 Loneliness is a curious thing. Most of us can remember feeling most lonely when we were not in fact alone at all, but when we were surrounded by people. Everyone has experienced, at some time, that utter sense of isolation that comes over you when you’re at a party or in an audience at a lecture. It suddenly seems to you as if everybody knows everybody else; everybody is sure of himself; everybody, that is, except you. This feeling of loneliness which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very difficult to get rid of. People living alone are advised to tackle their loneliness by joining a club or a society, by going out and meeting people. Does this really help? There are no easy solutions. Your first day at work, or at a new school or university, is a typical situation in which you are likely to feel lonely. You feel that everybody else is full of confidence and knows what to do, but you are adrift and helpless. The fact of the mater is that, in order to survive, we all put on a show of self-confidence to hide our uncertainties and doubts. In a big city it is particularly easy to get the feeling that everybody except you is leading a full, rich busy life. Everybody is going somewhere, and you tend to assume that they are going somewhere nice and interesting, whereas your destination is less exciting and fulfilling. 1. What is the passage mainly about? 2. We feel mostly lonely when we __________. 3. What do people usually do to tackle their loneliness? 4. Why do we try to hide our sense of loneliness when we start a new job? What do you tend to assume other’s life to be 5. What do you tend to assume other’s life to be when you are in a big city? 4 词汇 5 词汇填空类型 6 短语 The store had to ____ a number of clerks because sales were down. A. lay out B. lay aside C. lay off D. lay down 2) 搭配 The soldiers was ____ of running away when the enemy attacked. A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished 3)近义词辨析 This hotel ____ 60 for a single room with bath. A. claims B. demands C. prices D. charges 4)单词辨析 Professor Taylors talk has indicated that science has a very strong ____ on the everyday lifeof non scientists as well as scientists. A. motivation B. perspective C.impression D. impact 5)同形词辨析 Last year the advertising rate ____ by 20 percent. A. raised B. aroused C. arose D. rose 2(解题技巧 1)根据构词法识别生词 Jane was hit on the head by thr robber and was knocked ____. A. mindless B. unaware C. brainless D.unconscious 2)利用语境 As a mother, she is too ____ towards her daughter. She should let her see more of the world. A. hopeful B. protective C. modest D. confident 3)利用语法结构 The boss was ____ that wages be raised. A. agreed B. announced C. proposed D. planned 4)逻辑推理 When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon ____ it. A. got off B. got across C. got away D. got over 5)固定搭配 The students were participating ____ an international energy-saving competition between towns in New England and Canada. A. for B. in C. to D. at 五、写作 1(文章怎样开头, 学生写作时感到最难的莫过于开头。其实只要注意这两点,一能激起读者的兴趣,二 和主题有关,什么都可以写。下面是几种常用的开头法。 1) 惊语法 就是用一个令人感到吃惊甚至震惊的事实或观点开头以引起读者的好奇心。 Each year thousands of graduates flood the job market, waving their college diplomas and certificates, expecting better jobs in their majors, only to be frustrated and disappointed…… 2) 引语法 即用一个人们熟悉的名人名言,常用的习语、谚语、警句等作为开头。 Can you make a horse drink even if you can lead it to the water? In my opinion, compulsory class attendance does more harm than good. 3) 对立法 文章开始先摆出一般人对所讨论的问题的看法,然后笔锋一转,在否定这样看法的同时,直 接引出作者对这个问题的不同看法。 There seems to be an increased tendency that when a person is dying of a form of cancer, or other kinds of incurable diseases. His family will send him to a hospital, no matter how much it may cost. They think that this is a correct expression of their love for him, for he can receive the best possible medical and surgical treatment at a hospital. Despite their good intentions However, I believe, a dying person should spend his last remaining days at home, with his family around and in the warmth of their love. 4)问题法 用文章要展开讨论的或有争议性的问题来发问。 Should a scientist be responsible for his discoveries? To some people, the answer is negative. They think the scientist’s role is to make the discovery and provide knowledge. What happens afterwards is not his concern. 5)定义法 即通过对文章要讨论的主题,特别是人们不大熟悉的主题进行释义来引出讨论。 Euthanasia, a word not often heard of suddenly has made the headlines frequently. According to the dictionary, euthanasia means mercy killing. It is an act of putting to death painlessly a person suffering from an incurable and painful disease…… 6)数据法 即引用一些调查统计的数据把问题呈现在读者的面前,然后加以分析。 In the past decade the rate of teenager smoking has almost tripled: it rose from 8 percent in 1982 to 23 percent in 1992.At the same time, the age of the smokers has dropped;…… 7)描写法 即通过生动地描写,把文章要讨论的主题,或事物反映出来。 Advertisements, perhaps, are the most omnipresent in a big city such as Shanghai. They shout at us from the television screen and the radio loudspeakers; wave to us from every page of the newspaper and magazine, gaze at us from the roadside buildings and passing vehicles all day and signal to us in colored lights all nights…… 8)主题法 文章第一句就直接点出主题或亮出作者对问题的看法。开门见山,直截了当,使这一句成 为 全文 企业安全文化建设方案企业安全文化建设导则安全文明施工及保证措施创建安全文明校园实施方案创建安全文明工地监理工作情况 思想内容的凝聚点。 Perhaps nothing is more important and dominant in the modern Chinese family than television. According to a nationwide poll, Chinese adults watch an average of four hours of television daily, children watch even more. 2 文章怎样结尾, 4) 重复5) 引言部分提出的观点,6) 进一步点明主题,7) 形成一个循环,8) 以 取得首尾呼应的效果。 9) 就文章讨论的问题,10) 提出解决的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 或建设性的建议,11) 指12) 明努力 的方向。 13) 进一步深化主题,14) 指15) 出其更深远的意义。 16) 指17) 出所讨论的问题可能产生的消极影响以及如不18) 及时加以纠正可 能产生的严重后果。 19) 如果用的是归纳性结构,20) 即文章的主要观点放在末尾来 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达的,21) 那 么结尾部分就要对全文阐述的内容进行概括和总结。 (说明:要避免下列结尾 1)画蛇添足。文章写完了,发现字数不够,就随便加上几句。而这 几句恰好游离于文章的中心思想之外,或与其观点恰好相反。2)空喊口号。用口号来结尾的 文章,自以为有力量,实际上最空洞无力。如:Do it now! Do it from ourselves! Let’s make our city greener!等。3)表决心。把中文文章结尾常用的“今后我决心… ”句型搬过来。) 3 文章怎样连贯, 22) 过渡词的运用 4 举例:for example, for instance, as a case in point, as an illustration, namely. 5 比较:similarly, likewise, in the same way, equallyimportant, in common. 6 对照:on the contrary, on the other hand, whereras, rather than, instead. 7 让步:neverthless, however, admittedly, in spite of, even though, granted that. 8 原因:owing to, due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of. 9 结果:thus, consequently,hence, therefore, accordingly, for this reason. 10 强调:chiefly, especially, indeed, in fact, most important of all, no doubt. 11 列举:in the first place, to begin with, next, what is more, for one thing, for another. 12 总结:in conclusion, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, to sum up. 23) 实词的运用 (1) 重复(2) 关键词 (2)运用同(3) 义词。同(4) 义词的使用不 (5) 仅避免了用词单调,而(6) 且加强上下文意思的连贯。 (3) 运用反义词。反义词虽散落在各个句子里,(7) 但依靠它们表示出来的反 义关系把这些句子从意义上联系起来了。(4)运用语义场。通过在1同(8) 的句子里使用属于同(9) 一语义场的词如reading, writing, language, stories, news, newspapers,使段落自然产生了一种意思上的连续感。 4(作文模板(1) 1 When it comes to ___, different people have different views. Some hold that ______. For one thing,______, For another , ______ . Last but not least,_____. 2 In spite of these claims, others maintain that _______. They point out that ____. Another instance cited often is that____. What’s more, ________. 3 It is no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue. As for me, there’s some truth to both argument . It is advisable to _____. 作文模板(2) 4 With the advent of ____, there’s a growing concern about______. Turning our attention to ____ we find that_____. 5 The above-mentioned change results from the following factors. First of all, ______ . The second thing is ______ . Finally , _______. This is at least partly if not wholly the reason (root) that attribute to the ______. 6 In view of ____, it is essential to take drastic measures to tackle it. The first way to cope with it is to appeal to the authorities to _____. Besides , people’s consciousness should be improved as well. Following these measures may not guarantee the success of _______, but the pay-off would be worth the effort. 作文模板(3) 1 As shown in the table , _____ dropped from ____to _____. Another notable trend is that ____ has been on a sharp rise(fall/decline), which accounts for ______. 2 It can be best exemplified by the following facts. On one hand, _____ should be responsible for the change. On the other, it’s due to the fact that______. Moreover ,__________. 作文模板(4) Dear Mr. President I’m lucky to attend this world-famous university, but I’m afraid I’m not content with( ) on campus Firstly the quality of( )should be improved. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of( ), but they( ). More and more students are complaining about( ). So I think the most urgent problem is ( ). Secondly,( ). Many of us hope that( ) provide us with not only( ) but also ( ). Finally,( ) so( ) that we can’t ( ). I suggest that( ). Those presented suggestions are not just of my own, but also of many other students. We hope our respectable president will pay attention to our suggestions. By the way,( )are very patient and always( ). So I think if our university offers better conditions, they will offer us better service. 作文模板(5) Ladies and gentlemen, and my dear fellow students, I am Zhang Min, from the computer 1 science department, and I am here to show you that I am the candidate to the post of Chairman of the student union. 2 I am an outstanding and optimistic person, therefore I easily acquaint with other people. And I have experience in holding events like sports meetings and the student congress, I have long been a youth volunteer of China, serving as a key member in the PC service group which is a voluntary team mainly aiming at assisting people in repairing and buying computers and related stuff. In these ways, I have accumulated experience in almost all aspects of required abilities of the post of chairman of the student union. What is more, I am a keen person and I am ready to serve you all, I won’t be one of these official looking people who would neglect the real needs of the students. Instead, I will reform the union, changing it from a problem-solving bureau into a service-providing utility. The union is made by the students, of the students and for the students. The most important part of it is that it should be available anytime when needed, which, unluckily, is not yet true. But this will change if I am elected to the post, I will storm the minds people and transform the union into something that will be trusted and reliable. And this I promise. 3 I am Zhang Ming from the Computer science department, Please vote for me 作文模板(6) 1 When I was going back home from college at four o’clock in the afternoon last Friday, that is June 13th, 2003, I witnessed a terrible car accident. The accident took place on the Middle Fuxin Road. 2 As far as I could remember, I was walking on the pavement and a blue Santana swiftly passed by. When it approached a truck parked on the roadside, suddenly, a girl stepped out from behind the truck. On seeing the girl, the car driver pulled a sudden brake. But it was too late. The girl was hit by the car and bounced off at least three meters. Then she lay on the road, her legs seemingly seriously injured. The police and the ambulance arrived in less than five minutes and the girl was sent to hospital immediately. 3 That is all I had seen. To me the main cause of the accident might be like this: The girl was just about to walk to the other side of the road when the car moved near. But for the big truck, she should have seen the approaching danger. Unfortunately, her view was blocked by the huge vehicle, which evidently led to the tragedy. 作文模板(7) 1 Hello, everybody, first, I should say that I am very glad to have the opportunity to show you around my hometown,---Shanghai. I’m sure that your visit for the day will give you a brand new impression on the city and the people here as well. As an international city, Shanghai is ready for welcoming every foreign friends to visit. So, just come with me. 2 The schedule for the morning is that we will go to visit the East Pearl TV Tower, which is famous for its height. To some extent, the TV Tower is the symbol of Shanghai. It is obvious that the TV Tower demonstrates the desire of Shanghai for an image as a cosmopolitical (世 界性的) city to the whole world. And it also witnesses the rapid development of Pudong Area. After that, the travel bus will send us to Jinmao Tower I which we will have lunch and also have a rest. Therefore, we’ll have full energy for the afternoon. 3 The tour for the morning gives you a modern side of Shanghai and then the other part of our visit will show you a traditional Shanghai with its special style. 4 Many foreign friends have heard about the Yu Garden and Chenghuang Temple. They are our next stop. You will have three-hour free time to tour around them yourselves. I advise you that some local food cannot be missed. 5 That’s all of our visit schedule for the day. Hope that you have a good time here. Now, here we go. Exercises: Reading Comprehension I (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passages quickly and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet 2. Passage One First read the following questions. 1. What is causing the delays near Interchange 215? A. Road construction. B. A small accident. C. Inclement weather conditions. D. Invisibility due to mist. 2. What weather conditions are predicted during the night and morning hours? A. Heavy fog. B. Periodic sleet. C. Strong winds. D. Heavy snow. Now read Passage One quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. This is SkyCam from Channel 11 News, reporting to you live over the valley. For those of you heading south on I-15 on your commute home from work, expect some delays around the 215 Interchange. Road crews are making repairs on the left lane, so commuters should be prepared to shift over to the right around 7,200 South. This bottleneck appears to clear up at around 9,600 South. You should expect such delays at least until the end of the week. Northbound I-15 looks good until you reach around 3,300 South. A minor fender-bender, perhaps resulting from the poor visibility out there, has traffic backed up a mile or so. Also, some reports have come in on patches of black ice on roads in that area. Forecasters predict sporadic freezing rain later into the night and early morning hours. And one more note, the frigid temperatures and heavy snow in the mountains have forced a herd of elk down into Riverside Park, so extreme caution should be taken if you are traveling around that area. And that’s all from SkyCam 11, providing you with traffic updates on the hour. Passage Two First read the following questions. 3. What needn’t to be considered for Web-based e-mail accounts? A. E-mail storage limit. B. Longevity of the company. C. Service fees. D. Span filter features. 4. What guarantees the exchange of audio and video attachments? A. Higher-end applications. B. Four megabytes’ e-mail storage. C. Sixty-two megabytes’ e-mail storage. D. 250 megabytes’ e-mail storage. Now read Passage Two quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. Web-based e-mail accounts are becoming more and more popular for international communication because many services are free, and they often offer features formally only found in higher-end applications. First of all, consider the reputation and longevity of the company. If the company has been around for years, then there is more of a chance the company will be around for years to come. You don’t want to set up an e-mail account with a service that might not be here tomorrow. Second, look for a company that offers a huge e-mail storage limit. In the past, companies offered mailboxes of two, four, or six megabytes. Now, however, companies are stretching that limit to 250 megabytes or more. Such a mailbox is really needed for exchanging pictures, video, or voice attachments. Finally, check to see what features are available for filtering spam, or junk mail. Spam is really becoming a serious problem that not only transmits viruses and inappropriate content, but also reduces productivity in a company considering the amount of time it takes to review and delete unwanted messages. Taking these steps will insure that you get the best e-mail account possible. Passage Three First read the following questions. 5. What is a “diversified portfolio” of investments according to Mr. Boros? A. A wide selection of investments. B. A limited range of growth stocks. C. A group of low risk bonds and cash. D. A lot of gains available in the investments. 6. What is the third guideline to investing? Now read Passage Three quickly and mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet. Hi. I’m George Boros. Have you always wanted to invest, but didn’t know where to get started? We’’re here today to present you with three basic guidelines to smart investing for your future. Number one is to have clear goals. Decide how many years you will invest for, and what your needs will be in the future. Number two is to understand the range of possibilities. You’ll want a diversified portfolio: one with a mix of stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and cash. It’s a jungle out there. Each of these products has different risks associated with the and also different potential rewards. Understand them before you buy, so there won’t be any big surprises later. Finally, number three is to have realistic expectations. As our friend Leonardo da Vinci said in the year 1500: “He who wishes to be rich in a day will be hanged in a year.” Over the past several years, New York stocks have averaged 30% annual returns, but don’t count on this continuing. While it’s true that since the year 1900, stocks have averaged an 11% annual return, it’s a roller-coaster ride with many minus years as well, so you have to stay in for the long term—you have to weather the storm-and not be too greedy. Well, let’s get started and happy hunting! For CNN, this is George Boros reporting. Passage Four First read the following questions. 7. When did this event occur? A. In the late afternoon. B. In the early afternoon. C. In the evening. D. In the morning. 8. What is the current medical condition of the survivor? A. Critical, but stable condition. B. Serious condition. C. Good condition. D. Grave condition. Now read Passage Four quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. This is Bob Smith from Channel 13 News. I’m at the scene of a miraculous rescue that occurred earlier today involving a fire, a 3-month-old baby, and the baby’s dog, Lucky. The fire broke out at the three- story building behind me. Unfortunately, we’re not able to get any closer because the possibility of an explosion. However, witnesses say that they noticed fire coming form the building earlier this morning. It was believed that everyone had been evacuated to safety; however, one of the residents, Susan O’ Connor, when she had returned and noticed the fire, she panicked, realizing that her 3-month-old baby was still inside. However, witnesses report seeing the dog, the family dog, pulling the baby to safety by, uh, the baby’s clothes. Fortunately, everyone is reported fine. The baby was taken to the hospital, uh, as well as the dog, but we’re happy to say that at this time, it looks like everyone, uh, will be fine. This is Channel 13 News. Passage Five First read the following questions. 9. What is Ryoanji Temple famous for? A. Its trees. B. Its stone walls. C. Its rock garden. D. Its elegant exit. 10. How much time will visitors have to tour the castle? A. 45 minutes. B. 60 minutes. C. 90 minutes. D. 30 minutes. Now read Passage Five quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. Well, good morning everyone. My name is Craig Stone, and I’ll be your guide for today’s tour of Kyoto. First, I want to go over the itinerary for the tour, so everyone can enjoy the trip without being worried about being left behind along the way. And no one has gotten lost so far. First of all, we’re be leaving at 9:15 outside the main train station exit. That’s in thirty minutes. Be sure to board the bus by 9:00 sharp. We’ll be visiting some of the most famous historical spots in Kyoto. Our first stop will be at the Golden Pavilion, a temple constructed in 1397. We’ll be leaving there at 10:30. You’ll have about forty-five minutes to stroll around the temple and its gardens. Our next destination will be Ryoanji Temple. That’s always a difficult one to pronounce. This temple is famous for it its beautiful rock garden. We’ll depart from the temple at 11:45. Next, we’ll have lunch form 12:00 to 12:45. In the afternoon, we’ll be making a brief stop at Heian Jingu Shrine, which was constructed in th1896 to commemorate the 1,100 anniversary of the founding of the city of Kyoto. After that, we’ll head downtown and stop in Gion. Many people asked me about different traditional shopping areas, and this in a place we don’t want to miss. You’ll have about an hour to look around, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the atmosphere of the entire area. The shops, the homes, and the restaurants. A very traditional flavor of Kyoto. We’ll be leaving Gion at 2:30. Finally, we’ll visit Nijojo Castle, which was the residence of the first Tokugawa Shogun. You’ll have about an hour to tour the castle, and we’ll meet at the bus at 4:00. Any questions? Reading Comprehension II (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passages quickly and mark your answer on Answer Sheet 2. Passage One First read the following questions. 1. How long is the flight? A. 2 hours, 40 minutes. B. 2 hours, 14 minutes. C. 2 hours, 4 minutes. D. 2 hour, 44 minutes. 2. What is the current weather in Seattle? A. Partly cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny. D. Gloomy. Now read Passage One quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. Hello everyone, this is the captain speaking, and I want to welcome to Flight 18 bound for Seattle. Our flight time today is 2 hours and 14 minutes, and we will be flying at an average altitude of 29,000 feet. The local time in Seattle is a quarter to twelve (11:45), and the current weather is sunny, but there is a chance of rain later in the day. We will be arriving at Gate 13, and we will be announcing connecting flights on our approach to the Seattle airport. One behalf of Sky Airlines and the crew, I want to wish you an enjoyable stay in the Seattle area or at your final destination. Sit back and enjoy the flight. Passage Two First read the following question. 3. What time will Hank most likely arrive at Bill’s house? A. 7:00 pm. B. 8J:00 pm. C. 9:00 pm. D. 10:00 pm. Now read Passage Two quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. Hey, this is Bill. I’m sorry I’m not in. Just leave a message. Hey Bill. This is Hank. I’m just calling to let you know that I’ll be a little late to the game tomorrow night. I have to work a few extra hours at work to finish a report. I should wrap things up sometime between seven and eight though. Oh, then I’m planning on dropping by Lisa’s house for about an hour since she’s been sick recently. And, uh, one more thing. I’ll swing by my house to pick up some food for the game. See you then. Passage Three First read the following question. 4. Where is the boy now? A. He is at the information desk waiting for his mom. B. He is waiting in the sporting goods section. C. He is at a Shopping Mall. D. He is at the cashier where you pay for goods. Now read Passage Three quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. Hello Shoppers. We have a lost boy named Marshall who was found in the sporting goods section of our store, and he’s looking for his mom. He’s five years old, and he’s wearing a blue and white sweat shirt, tan pants, and a black and white baseball cap. You can find him at the check-out counter at the main exit. Thank you. Passage Four First read the following questions. 5. Which sentence best describes his university studies? A. He is a third-year student. B. He is majoring is Spanish. C. He really enjoys his studies. D. He wants too many things. 6. Where does the man work? A. At grocery store. B. At a restaurant. C. At a supermarket. D. At a bookstore. Now read Passage Four quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. Hi. My name’s Greg, and I’m originally from Denver, Colorado, but my family moved to Arizona when I was about 3, so I grew up there. I graduated from high school about three years ago, and I am currently attending a university in my city. I’m a junior, and I am majoring in economics with a minor in Spanish. I ALSO WORK PART TIME AS A CASHIER AT A GROCERY STORE. Life is really busy, but I enjoy hiking, reading, and hanging out with friends in my free time. When I graduate, I want to work for a company in this area. Passage Five First read the following question. 7. How much would you pay for this store’s main product on Saturday if it cost $ 100 during the rest of week? A. $ 90. B. $ 90. C. $ 70. D. $ 65. Now read Passage Five quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. Hello and thank you for calling American Vision, this area’s finest store in eyeglasses for you and your family. Our store hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. We’re open Saturdays until six. Closed on Sundays. Please visit our store on Saturday for an additional 20% off on our already low prices on all brands of eyewear. And remember: eye exams are free. Passage Six First read the following questions. 8. Where would you find a January 1996 issue of Time Magazine? A. Level 1. B. Level 2. C. Level 3. D. Level 4. 9. When does the library close on Friday nights? A. 8:30 pm. B. 9:00 pm. C. 9:30 pm. D. 10:00 pm. Now read Passage Six quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. Hello and welcome to the university library. This taped tour will introduce you to our library facilities and operating hours. First of all, the library’s collection of books, reference materials, and other resources are found on levels on e to four of this building. Level one houses our humanities and map collections. One level two, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals, and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on level three. You can also find back issues of periodicals and journals older than six months on this level. Finally, group study rooms, our microfilm collection, and the multimedia center are located on level four. Undergraduate students can check out up to five books for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two times. There is a 50-cent-a-day late fee for overdue books up to a maximum of $ 15.00, Periodicals and reference books cannot be checked out. The library is open weekdays, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm. The library is closed on Sundays. Passage Seven First read the following questions. 10. With on-campus housing, students should remember that . A. they may have to follow certain housing rules B. a deposit may be required to rent an apartment C. on-campus apartments are very limited D. they may have to prepare their own meals Now read Passage Seven quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet. For many international students, coming to the United States and living here and studying can be a quite a daunting experience, especially when finding housing on campus or off campus. And fortunately, there are a variety of options that students can look to. And I’d like to talk just briefly a little about on-campus living, off-campus living, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.. Well I think first of all for first-time students, coming and living on campus in dormitories can provide a certain level of security because of its proximity to campus facilities since commuting without a car can be quite an experience, especially when you have to commute long distances. Often in dormitories, meals might be provided, and this can allow students to devote time to their academics, rather than housekeeping. But students should also be aware that they’ll be required to abide by certain regulations dealing with student conduct as part of the contract and living on campus. Another option, another option is off-campus living in apartments, and like living in dormitories, living in an apartment requires little or no maintenance specifically because usually it is handled by someone else. Also, when you might live off campus, there might be a certain amount of flexibility in choosing roommates that you might not have, uh, living on campus. But you should be aware that tenants may be responsible for furnishing their own apartments. Well, of course, the choice is up to you, but be careful to review both the advantages and disadvantages of living on campus and off campus. Good luck. Reading Comprehension I (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with 5 blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words th the bank more than once. Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage. A. less B. in C. when D. Where E. with F. business G. time H. spending Business and government leaders also consider the inflation tate to be an important general indicator. Inflation is a period of increased 46 that causes rapid rises in prices. 47 your money buys fewer goods so that you get 48 for the same amount of money as before, inflation is the problem. There is a general rise 49 the price of goods and services. Your money buys less. Sometimes people describe inflation as a (n) 50 when “a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore”. Reading Comprehension II (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) A. from B. accompany C. which D. replace E. or F. percentage G. either H. when Sometimes a population is described as aging, 46 means that the birth rate is either falling or growing very slowly, and as people retire 47 the workforce there are insufficient number of young people entering it to 48 those who are leaving it. The population is top-heavy with older people. So the 49 of the population in the workforce declines when there is 50 a rapid increase in births or a falling birth rate. Reading Comprehension III (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes) A. below B. unlimited C. strengthen D. unchecked E. with F. under G. projected H. worsen The report, State of the World Population 2001, says that water supplies and agricultural lands are coming 46 such increasing pressure that, if left 47 , our planet will not be able to support us in future years. Over the past 70 years, the world’s population has triples to 6.1 billion people, 48 water-use increasing six-fold, says the report. Already 508 million people live in 31 countries that lack water. And the problem is likely to 49 as the global population is 50 to rise to eight billion by 2025. Reading Comprehension: Passage One Eye contact is a nonverbal technique that helps the speaker “sell” his or her ideas to an audience. Besides its persuasive powers, eye contact helps hold listener interest. A successful speaker must maintain eye contact with an audience. To have good rapport(关系) with listeners, a speaker should maintain direct eye contact for at least 75 percent of the time. Some speakers focus exclusively on their notes. Others gaze over the heads of their listeners. Both are likely to lose audience interest and esteem. People who maintain eye contact while speaking, whether from a podium(演讲台)or from across the table, are “regarded not only as exceptionally well-disposed by their target but also as more believable and earnest.” To show the potency of eye contact in daily life, we have only to consider how passers-by behave when their glances happen to meet on the street. At one extreme are those people who feel obliged to smile when they make eye contact. At the other extreme are those who feel awkward and immediately look away. To make eye contact, it seems, is to make a certain link with someone. Eye contact with an audience also lets a speaker know and monitor the listeners. It is, in fact, essential for analyzing an audience during a speech. Visual cues(暗示)from audience members can indicate that a speech is dragging, that the speaker is dwelling on a particular point for too long, or that a particular point requires further explanation. As we have pointed out, visual feedback from listeners should play an important role in shaping a speech as it is delivered. 1. This passage is mainly concerned with ________. A. the importance of eye contact B. the potency of nonverbal techniques C. successful speech delivery C. an effective way to gain visual feedbacks 2. According to the passage, a good speaker must ________. A. “sell” his or her ideas to an audience B. maintain direct eye contact with listeners C. be very persuasive and believable D. be exceptionally well-disposed 3. The word “target” in the last sentence of the first paragraph can best be replaced by ________. A. “destination” B. “goal” C. “audience” D. “followers” 4. In daily life, when the glances of two passers-by happen to meet. These two persons will inevitably ________. A. smile to each other B. feel awkward and look away immediately C. try to make a conversation with each other D. none of the above 5. Eye contact with an audience, according to the author, has all the following benefits for the speaker EXCEPT that it doesn’t help the speaker________. A. to control the audience B. to gain audience interest and esteem C. to know whether he is talking too much about a certain point D. to analyze his audience when he is beginning his speech Passage Two It has been shown that children who smoke have certain characteristics. Compared with non-smokers they are more rebellious, their work deteriorates(变坏)as they move up school, they are more likely to leave school early, and are more often delinquent(犯法的) and sexually precocious(早熟). Many of these features can be summarized as anticipation of adulthood. There are a number of factors which determine the onset of smoking, and these are largely psychological and social. They include availability of cigarettes, curiosity, rebelliousness, appearing tough, anticipation of adulthood, social confidence, the example of parents and teachers, and smoking by friends and older brothers and sisters. It should be much easier to prevent children from starting to smoke than to persuade adults to give up the habit once established, but in fact this has proved very difficult. The example set by people in authority, especially parents, health care workers, and teachers, is of prime importance. School rules should forbid smoking by children on the premises(大楼及附属建筑物). This rule has been introduced at Summerhill School where I spent my schooldays. There is, however, a risk of children smoking just to rebel against the rules, and even in those schools which have tried to enforce no smoking by corporal(肉体的) punishment there is as much smoking as in other schools. Nevertheless, banning smoking is probably on balance beneficial. Teachers too should not smoke on school premises, at least not in front of children. 1. In this passage the author puts an emphasis on ________. A. the effect of smoking among children B. the difficulty in preventing children from smoking C. the reasons why children start smoking D. the measures to ban smoking among children 2. Which of the following is a common characteristic of young smokers? A. Disobedience B. Laziness C. Lack of intelligence D. Vanity 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Some children start to smoke out of curiosity. B. Many children start to smoke because they want to appear mature. C. In order to have fewer children smokers, parents, teachers and health care workers should not smoke. D. It is not as difficult to prevent children from starting to smoke as to dissuade adults from smoking. 4. The writer concludes that school rules to forbid smoking ________. A. should be introduced, for it really works at the school where he once studied. B. should not be introduced, for it may cause disturbance. C. should be introduced though it may not work effectively. D. needn’t be introduced as long as teachers don’t smoke in front of children. 5. The author’s attitude towards his writing is ________. A. objective B. emotional C. critical D. indifferent Passage Three When astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon for the first time, on July 20, 1969, it represented one of the most inspiring achievements in man’s history to millions of people throughout the world. But to a small organization called the International Flat Earth Research Society, it was nothing more than a piece of cleverly stage-managed science-fiction trickery. And Armstrong’s historic words when stepping down from the Eagle module(宇航飞船船舱) onto the dusty lunar surface about 240,000 miles from earth---“one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” ----was a phrase that could have come only from the pen of a scriptwriter. As for the pictures reputedly(一般被认为)taken in space showing the earth to be a rotating sphere, well, they were just too ludicrous(可笑的)for words. The sun, say the Flat Earthers, circuits the earth instead of the earth revolving around the sun----a notion that most people take for granted. The society, whose membership is currently estimated to be about 1,400, dismisses much of accepted modern thinking about the shape of the earth as sheer nonsense and is convinced that the entire human race is being subjected to the greatest hoax(骗局)in history. From its headquarters in Lancaster, California, the society wages a war of words through newsletters and pamphlets against the evils of science. The society was founded about 1800 in Great Britain and the United States and, says its American president Charles Johnson, was descended from the Zetetic society, which took its name from an ancient Greek philosophical school of skeptics. It survived under this name until 1956, when its general secretary, Samuel Shenton, of Kent, England, changed the name to the present title. The society’s belief is this: that the earth is flat, with the land masses grouped around the central point of the North Pole. The Antarctic region is not the compact island mass it is commonly believed to be but an impenetrable ice-cold girdle(环形物)around the earth. The Flat Earthers argue that transantarctic expeditions have never happened. Explorers, misled by instrument faults, merely traveled an icy arc within the girdle. 1. To the International Flat Earth Research Society, man’s first landing on the moon was ________. A. one of the most inspiring events in man’s history B. only a well-conducted experiment C. just a smartly-performed trick D. a science-fiction piece produced by a certain scriptwriter 2. Which of the following is NOT true about the society? A. It now has about 1,400 members. B. Its headquarters are in both Great Britain and the United States. C. After its foundation in 1800, it was called the Zetetic Society. D. In 1956, Samuel Shenton changed its name to the present title. 3. According to the society’s belief, ________. A. the earth is flat and the Arctic is an impenetrable ice-cold girdle around the earth B. the Antarctic region is a compact island mass C. some explorers had made successful transantarctic expeditions D. much of the accepted modern thinking about the shape of the earth is sheer nonsense 4. Which of the following is an appropriate title for the passage? A. The International Flat Earth Research Society B. Man’s First Landing on the Moon C. The Zetetic Society D. The Evils of Science 5. This piece is written ________. A. in a matter-of-fact way B. in a sarcastic tone C. with a touch of irony D. as a joke Passage Four: People can be addicted to different things---e.g., alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. People who have such an addiction are compulsive(强迫的); i.e., they have a very powerful psychological need that they must satisfy. According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders. They feel that they must spend money. This compulsion, like most others, is irrational---impossible to explain reasonably. For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, charge accounts(赊购账户)are even more exciting than money. In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything. Their pleasure in spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the things they buy. There is even a special psychology of bargain(特价商品) hunting. To save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts. Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they don’t need just because they cheap. They want to believe that they are helping their budgets, but they are really playing an exciting game. When they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winning. Most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and the real reason. It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, but also businesspeople. Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business: They consider people’s needs for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods. Psychologists often use a method called “behavior therapy(疗法)” to help individuals solve their personality problems. In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money. 1. According to the psychologists, a compulsive spender is one who spends large amounts of money ________. A. and takes great pleasure from what he or she buys B. in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in life C. just to meet his or her strong psychological need D. entirely with an irrational eagerness 2. According to the writer, compulsive bargain hunters are in constant search of the lowest possible prices ________. A. because they want to save money to help their budgets B. because they can openly boast of their triumph over others in getting things for less C. and will not have money problems if they can keep to their budgets D. but they seldom admit they feel satisfied if they can get things for less than others 3. Which of the following is true? A. All people spend money for exactly the same reason that they need to buy things. B. Businesspeople and advertisers can use the psychology of money to increase sales. C. Businesspeople understand the psychology of compulsive buying better than scientists do D. Compulsive bargain hunters do not have problems with money. 4. The article is mainly about ________. A. the psychology of money-spending habits B. the purchasing habits of compulsive spenders C. a special psychology of bargain hunting D. the use of the psychology of spending habits in business 5. From the passage we may safely conclude that compulsive spenders or compulsive bargain hunters ________. A. are really unreasonable B. need special treatment C. are really beyond remedies D. can never get any help to solve their problems with money Passage Five I came across an old country guide the other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village in my part of the country, and it was impressive to see the great variety of services which were available on one’s own doorstep in the late Victorian countryside. Nowadays a superficial traveler in rural England might conclude that the only village tradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to the inhabitants or selling antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. Admittedly there has been a contraction(收缩) of village commerce, but its vigor is still remarkable. Our local grocer’s shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping, instead of queuing up at a supermarket. And the proprietor(店主)knows well that personal service has a substantial cash value. His prices may be a bit higher than those in the town, but he will deliver anything at any time. His assistants think nothing of bicycling down the village street in their lunch hour to take a piece of cheese to an old age pensioner(领养老金者)who sent her order by word of mouth with a friend who happened to be passing. The more affluent customers telephone their shopping lists and the goods are on their doorsteps within an hour. They have only to hint at a fancy for some commodity outside the usual stock and the grocer, a red-faced figure, instantly obtains it for them. The village gains from this sort of enterprise, of course. But I also find it satisfactory because a village shop offers one of the few ways in which a modest individualist can still get along in the world without attaching himself to the big battalion of industry or commerce. 1. The services available in villages nowadays are normally ________. A. fewer but still very active B. less successful than earlier but managing to survive C. active in providing food for the village, and tourist goods D. surprisingly energetic considering the little demand for them 2. The local grocer’s shop is expanding ________. A. because women spend a lot of their time there just gossiping B. even though town shops are larger and rather cheaper C. in spite of the fact that people like to shop where they are less well-known D. for people get personal service in his shop 3. The writer implies that one disadvantage of town shops is that ________. A. their prices are higher B. people cannot telephone them C. their staff may take less trouble to satisfy customers D. one has to queue up to pay in them 4. How do the village grocer’s assistants feel about giving extra service? A. They tend to forget it. B. They will not consider it. C. It does not seem worth their while. D. They take it for granted. 5. Another aspect of personal service available in the village shop is that ________. A. there is a very wide range of goods available B. rare goods are obtained whenever they are needed C. special attention is given to the needs of wealthier customers D. goods are always restocked before they run out Vocabulary Exercises: Exercise One 1( Without my glasses I can hardly ________ what has been written in the letter. A. make for B. make out C. make up D. make over 2. Jane’s anger could not be ________ when the conversation turned to the criticism of her own father. A. held on B. held out C. held back D. held up 3. Fresh air, enough exercise and nutritious food ________ to good health. A. contribute B. add C. attribute D. distribute 4. The old lady ________ through the key hole at her new neighbors. A. stared B. gazed C. glanced D. peeped 5. The ability to ________ themselves by camouflage(伪装) enables some defenseless animals to survive. A. conceive B. conceal C. deceive D. distort 6. Gettysburge was the ________of the most important battle in American Civil War. A. scene B. view C. sight D. landscape 7. Do you think it’s fair to keep a bird ________ in a cage all the time? A. restricted B. limited C. confined D. enclosed 8. Alex Haley was ________ unheard of until he wrote the novel Roots. A. truly B. roughly C. genuinely D. practically 9. A hot iron can scorch and discolor ________ fabrics quickly. A. soft B. delicate C. frail D. decent 10. Our English professor is a man of Italian ________. A. birth B. origin C. source D. breed 11. If you are always sitting up late at night, I’m afraid you may ________ from overwork soon. A. fall B. descent C. sicken D. collapse 12. I wanted to buy a color TV set this year, but my brother rejected the idea ________ a trip to the beach. A. instead of B. in view of C. in favor of D. in case of 13. Some of this meat came from Canada. How about ________? A. another B. others C. the other D. the rest 14. Prof. Flynn found no students in the lecture hall when he arrived. Only then did he realize that he came ________ early. A. too much B. much too C. so much D. much so 15. I wanted to be sure ________ a sudden emergency that we gave the right advice. A. on account of B. at the risk of C. in case of D. in spite of 16. The police chief announced that the deaths of two young girls would soon be inquired ________. A. about B. into C. of D. after 17. According to the urban construction program, old buildings that are ________ repair should be blown up. A. in B. under C. out of D. beyond 18. They were more than glad to leave their cars parked and walked ________ a change. A. as B. to C. for D. by 19. That scientist isn’t too happy with the project, and ________ are her supervisors. A. neither B. either C. so D. as 20. Mr. White was told again and again to ________ smoking but he just wouldn’t listen. A. cut through B. cut off C. cut down on D. cut away 21. The Greyhound ________ outside of New York Bus Station at 6 p.m and started for Washington D.C. at 6:20 p.m. . A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled out D. pulled on 22. Can you give me another hint without ________ the answer? A. giving off B. giving away C. giving up D. giving in 23. Columbus was ________ his times in his belief that the Earth was round. A. in front of B. in advance C. before D. ahead of 24. Nowadays a large number of people buy ________ Christmas trees instead of real ones. A. false B. fake C. sham D. artificial 25. Though he is only 7 years old, he has a ________ imagination. A. furtive B. fertile C. frank D. furious 26. The doctor ________ me that the discomfort would disappear in a couple of days if I followed his advice. A. assured B. confirmed C. ensured D. confessed 27. It is not considered ________ to litter in public. A. respectful B. respective C. respected D. respectable 28. The industrial community should be close enough to the crowded centers but distant enough to reduce ________ hazards. A. feasible B. positive C. potential D. substantial 29. We ________ so as not to wake the child. A. whispered B. moaned C. grunted D. muttered 30. Electric eels use charges to ________ prey and also stun them before they eat them. A. examine B. detect C. determine D. search Exercise Two 1. Metal must be hammered and cooled rapidly to ________ internal stress caused by heating. A. retain B. release C. relieve D. replace 2. When we sold our ranch and moved to town, mother had decided ________ opening a day nursery. A. to B. on C. in D. for 3. Their dog was a substitute ________ the children they had never had. A. as B. of C. to D. for 4. Please drop in whenever you can. I’d like to keep ________ touch. A. in B. on C. to D. with 5. The new government was determined to ________ the established policy of developing agriculture. A. go after B. go by C. go ahead D. go on 6. His marked changes in personality were ________ by a series of unfortunate events in life. A. brought out B. brought to C. brought up D. brought about 7. She is such a nagging woman. I wonder how you can ________ her. A. put up with B. live up to C. get along D. keep up with 8. I have to ________ my doctorial dissertation as there are some parts I am not satisfied with. A. rehearse B. renew C. revise D. retell 9. Today the small town is better ________ against flood than it was 15 years ago. A. prevented B. prepared C. protected D. equipped 10. It is ________ of you to turn down the radio while your sister is still ill in bed. A. considerable B. considerate C. concerned D. careful 11. That matter is so ________ that it must not be discussed outside this office. A. confidential B. confident C. private D. mysterious 12. When you write an essay, please remember not to ________ off the point. A. wander B. stroll C. drop D. interrupt 13. Psychologists have found that ________ disciplinary measures do not always make a child better behaved. A. stiff B. rough C. stern D. stout 14. He tried to ________ his involvement in this scheme, but he finally gave in and confessed. A. reject B. deny C. refuse D. decline 15. The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient’s blindness was ________. A. contemporary B. temperate D. consistent D. temporary 16. We ________ that you knew the whole matter. A. thought it for sure B. regarded it for sure C. took it for certainty D. took it for granted 17(Emily wrote to ________ of her parents last week, but she hasn’t written to ________ of them this week. A. both, either B. both, neither C. neither, both D. either, both 18. Being engaged in the research work, Dr. Yang seldom goes anywhere ________ his office. A. apart from B. except to C. in addition to D. instead of 19. Mrs. Rosa Sandoval urged the messenger to read the telegram to her because she was anxious________ the safety of her son. A. of B. for C. at D. as to 20. To have some rest and relaxation, I lie back and read my favorite sports magazine ________leisure. A. at B. in C. by D. with 21. The traveler was soaked to the skin, for there was no shelter ________ the rain anywhere. A. of B. from C. in D. against 22. The author was ________ in a small village, as is described in some of his short stories. A. brought out B. brought up C. brought in D. brought about 23. In what year did Magellan ________ on his voyage around the world? A. set up B. set for C. set back D. set off 24. There is something wrong here; I will ask my solicitor to ________ it. A. make out B. set about C. look into D. figure out 25. It was ________ for him to wear a T shirt at the reception. A. out of place B. out of order C. out of question D. out of practice 26. The old lady was ________ to the young man who helped her find her lost grandson. A. touched B. grateful C. cheerful D. generous 27. The ________ of human knowledge are being pushed further. A. boundaries B. borders C. limits D. edges 28. Physicists have made new discoveries that challenge our ________ theories of the universe. A. existed B. adapted C. established D. organized 29. ________ to popular belief, Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen, was Greek and spoke six languages. A. Contrary B. Compared C. According D. Contrast 30. The indecisive man was ________ persuaded into changing his mind. A. hardly B. voluntarily C. unwillingly D. readily Exercise Three 1. My telephone has rung so often today that it is becoming a(n) ________. A. interruption B. frustration C. distress D. nuisance 2. It is really ________ to get angry about such an insignificant matter. A. tragic B. ridiculous C. comic D. impardonable 3. Professor Wheelock is always very ________ to the reaction of the audience when he gives lectures. A. sentimental B. sensible C. sensitive D. positive 4. The problem had been solved many years ago. What’s the point ________ talking about it now? A. in B. to C. at D. on 5. My uncle speaks English, French, Russian, and Japanese. He is believed to have a gift ________ languages. A. about B. with C. for D. in 6. We thought she’d come for a visit, it seems she’s staying ________. A. much longer B. for long time C. for long D. for good 7. Last week I ________ an old friend of mine in the shopping mall. A. ran off B. ran away with C. ran into D. ran over 7. Jan was ________ the grant money to pay her way through graduate school. A. counting on B. counting down C. expecting on D. expecting with 8. I’ll ________ it that each of the students gets a copy of it. A. manage B. try C. see to D. see about 9. As soon as the conference was over, all the participants went their ________ ways. A. relative B. respectable C. perspective D. respective 10. His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any ________ of it whatsoever. A. meaning B. sense C. message D. explanation 11. I struggled out of the ditch and my jeans were ________. A. striped B. spilled C. scattered D. spotted 12. A new product should be judged not by the promises made in commercials and advertisements, but by the results ________. A. demonstrated B. appeared C. suggested D. contained 13. Eminent physicists from all over the world came to the U.S. to ________ the centennial(一百周年 纪念)of Einstein’s birthday. A. congratulate B. applaud C. celebrate D. participate 14. Success in diving requires not only skill and balance but also ________ alertness and concentration. A. mental B. manual C. nervous D. masculine 15. Mr. Russell is a good teacher, but he often gives ________ lectures. A. excellent B. sound C. extensive D. tedious 16. Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the university, there are very few ________ apartment in the area. A. free B. vacant C. empty D. reserved 17. After criminals were caught, they were accused and put on ________. A. death B. trial C. torture D. sentence 18. Many of us were reduced to tears ________ the sight of the hundreds of dead bodies. A. by B. at C. on D. in 19. Because of his anti-urban feelings Kenworthy Piker is known ________ the leading ruralist(提倡 田园生活者)of his time. A. of B. by C. for D. as 20. The minister cited the latest crime figures ________ support of his argument that more police are needed. A. in B. to C. with D. for 21. I wish my son would stop ________ and do something useful. A. hanging about B. hanging on C. hanging up D. hanging off 22. All students ________ a loud laugh when Professor Henry Mitchell told them the joke. A. let off B. let down C. let out D. let up 23. Water can be ________ into hydrogen and oxygen. A. broken out B. broken down C. analyzed D. classified 24. Some of the suggestions have been adopted but others have been ________ as they are quite impracticable. A. turned out B. turned away C. turned against D. turned down 25. He was universally ________ for the accident, thought it had not in fact been his fault. A. accused B. blamed C. pursued D. questioned 26. I bought this sixteenth-century chain at a quite ________ price. A. cheap B. expensive C. dear D. reasonable 27. Believing herself alone in the house she was ________ when she heard someone moving about in the living room. A. startled B. afraid C. annoyed D. distressed 28. People planning to travel by car to North Dakota in winter are advised to ________ their cars with snow tires and warm clothing. A. provide B. purchase C. equip D. install 29. In his speech the Minister of Industry said that industrial exports went up for five ________ years. A. successful B. successive C. continual D. continuous 30. It is reported that there is no better ________ for mother’s milk. A. alternative B. equivalent C. exchange D. substitute Error Correction (1) The American Civil War was a very sad time for the United States. The people of the country were divided into two sides: The North and the South. Each side had their own 1 __________ army. The southern army was called the Confederate Army, and the north army was called the Union Army. Many people died from both The North and South. 2 ___________ The schools for the deaf had many problems during the Civil War. There are many stories about that period in history. Some schools for the deaf had to close during the Civil War. The schools of many were taken over by the Confederate 3 ___________ or Union Army and occupied by soldiers. The Tennessee School even became hospital and is now a national landmark. 4 __________ Some schools closed because the teachers joined the war. At the Kentucky School, the superinterndent son left to join the 5 ___________ Union Army. He died during battle and never returned. Teachers at the Tennessee School also sacked, but they joined 6 ___________ the Confederate Army. A sad incident took place in North Carolina during the Civil War. A 55-year-old man was out walking one day. He 7 __________ was on his way home when a soldier saw him. The soldier ordered the man to stop. The man was deaf and did not hear the soldier’s command. The soldier shooted the man and 8 __________ killed him. In southeastern states, every school for the deaf closed except for one. The Kentucky School for the Deaf remained 9 __________ ordered. Its superintendent did not allow soldiers to occupy the school. He told officers from both armies what would happen if they moved into the school. He warned the officers that all of the teachers would resign and the soldiers would have to take care of the deaf students. He convinced either sides, so the 10 __________ Kentucky School for the Deaf was never occupied by either the Confederate or Union troops! (2) Bacteria can make foods go bad. This is true of cooking 1 __________ foods as well as fresh foods. The problem is especially dangerous when the air around food is warm. High heat kills bacteria. But warm, wet conditions help bacteria grow. Instead, the best way to protect food is to keep it in a 2 ___________ cool place. There are several ways to keep food cool without the need for electricity. There are less cost ways than refrigeration to keep food 3 __________ cool. An ice box is a simple device. It is made mostly of wood. The inside walls are covered with metal. A big piece of ice is placed in the bottom. Millions of homes had ice boxes until refrigeration became common in the 1940s. An ice box will keep food against spoiling for several days 4 __________ if the outside temperature is not too warm. If the box is kept out of sunlight, the ice will last longer. Probably the best method to keep food cool without electricity is device called the evaporative cooler. 5 __________ Evaporation is the natural exchange of water from liquid to gas 6 __________ as the water mixes back into the atmosphere. An evaporative cooler is easy to make. And it does not need ice. One common evaporative cooler is built as a tool box. 7 __________ Food is kept on several shelves inside. The shelves are made from pieces of metal with many small holes. All four sides of the box are covered with thick cloth. A container of water is placed on the bottom. Another container of water is placed at 8 ___________ the top. The top and bottom of each piece of cloth is placed in water. This keeps the cloth wet. 9 __________ Put the cooler out in the open air, but not in the sun. Air will pass through the wet cloth. This keeps the inside of the box several degrees cooler than the inside air temperature. 10 __________ And this is often just cool enough to keep foods fresh. (3) “ One World, One Dream”---- for decades to come these four simple words will be unmistakably linked by the 2008 1 _________ Olympic Games. And they were first uttered in their role as official slogan of the 2008 Games in the capital yesterday. Immediately after the announcement made by Li 2 __________ Changchun, a member4 of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, artists from all over the world staged a show for the TV audiences and those 3 __________ who gathered in the Beijing Workers’ Indoor Arena, for the 4 ___________ announcement. “ ‘One World, One Dream’is an embodiment of the wisdom of hundreds of thousands of people,” Liu Qi, president 5 __________ of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games of the XXXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), said in his address. “ It is a slogan that conveys the lofty idea of people in 6 __________ Beijing as well as in China to share the global community and civilization and to create a bright future hand in hand with people from the rest of the world. “ It expresses the firm belief of a great nation, with a long history of 5,000 years and on its way towards modernization, that is committed to a peaceful development, a harmonious 7 __________ society and people’s happiness,” Liu said. Said IOC President Jacques Rogge in a letter to the BOCOG on hearing of the slogan: “ The Olympic Games are unique in their ability to attract the world’s attention, use 8 _________ sport to promote peace and understanding. “ The IOC is delighted that BOCOG’s slogan for the 2008 Olympic Games has captured that Olympic spirit.” “ The slogan sounds very good,” said an Italian journalist covering the ceremony. “ It conveys the wish of Chinese people to join the world.” “ Although the slogan is simple, it has rich meaning,” said another spectator. “ It shows the significance friendship. 9 _________ Since the Olympic Games is a world sports gala, it builds deeper friendship among all nations.” The new slogan shifted the focus from the city itself over 10 __________ the three concepts of the 2008 Games: Green Olympics, High- Tech Olympics and People’s Olympics and the universal values of the Olympic movement. (4) One of the advantages of living in a democracy is that one is permitted to say what he thinks. Privately or public, 1 __________ one may criticize the President, the Government, or anything else. In some cities there are even special place where people 2 __________ come to listen to speeches on all kinds of questions. In London, England, people gather in Hyde Park, when speakers 3 __________ address them on various topics. No one attempts to stop such speakers. We feel that whether their ideas are good then they 4 __________ deserve to be heard. If the idea are bad, no one will pay much 5 ___________ attention to them anyway. Not long ago one of these speakers was giving an emotional speech in Hyde Park. He was criticizing the members of the government in weak terms. “ They are 6 __________ responsible for all our troubles,” he said. “ What we should do is to burn down the House of Commons and Buckingham Palace.” A large crowd people 7 __________ gathered and had begun to block traffic. At that moment a 8 __________ policeman came along and said: “ All right, gentlemen! Let’s open a path for the traffic. All those in favor of burn down the 9 __________ House of Commons, move to the right. All those in favor of burning down Buckingham Palace, moce to the left. Now move aside, one way and another.” One by one the listeners 10 __________ walked away, and soon the speaker was left alone. (5) The way the London tabloids(小报)told it, the story of how two US-born baby girls got to Britain was a shocking tale of baby-selling in the Internet. But the real story was a custody 1 __________ (监护权)battle between two couples, one British and other 2 __________ American, who seemed equally desperate to make the little girls their own. To make matters worse, the girl’s birthmother 3 __________ last week announced she wanted them back, turned a 4 __________ complicated case into a three-way struggle that seemed defy (拒绝)fair resolution. At the weekend, anyway, the twins themselves were in the care of social workers in Whales--- taken of their British 5 ___________ adoptive parents, Alan and Judith Kilshaw. The facts are complex. The girls’ American possible adoptive parents, Richard and Vickie Allen, have them in their home for about 6 ___________ two months last fall. They signed a preadoption agreement with the babies’ birthmother, Trada Wecker, and agreed to pay $8,500 in fees for the adoption facilitator(促成者), San 7 __________ Diego woman named Tina Johnson. There came a disagreement 8 ___________ over legal terms and money, and the Allens stopped payment on a $ 2,500 Check. When she asked to see her children one last time, according to Richard Allen, Wecker and Johnson picked the girls and disppeared. The twins were handed over 9 __________ to the Kilshaws in San Diego . The Kilshaws, who reportedly paid Johnson more than $11,000 in fees, then drove to Arkansas, where they adopted the babies in a court hearing. Angered at the loss, the Allen took their complaint to authorities. They also hired a lawyer, John Giffen, who defends the transaction. According to Giffen, the Allens “ weren’t buying a baby. They want the children and they are trying doing it in the proper way. And so did the Kilshaws and 10 __________ they didn’t do anything wrong”. He said that the situation Wecker “ has been selling her babies is untrue. As far as I know she has not accepted money at all”. (6) Time was--- and not so many years ago, either---when the average citizen took a pretty dimly view of banks and 1 __________ banking. That this was so, it should be said, was to no small extent the fault of banks and bankers themselves. Banks used to being---and a few still are---forbidding structures. Behind 2 __________ the little bared windows were, more often than not, elderly 3 ___________ gentlemen whose expression of friendliness reflected the size of the customer account, and nothing less than a few hundred 4 ___________ thousand in the bank could have inspired the suggestion of a smile. And yet the average bank for many years was, to the average citizen, a fearful, if necessary, instrument for deal 5 ___________ business--- usually big business. But somewhere in the past quarter century, banks began to grow inhuman, even 6 ___________ pleasant, and started to attract the little man. It is possible that this movement began in medium-size towns, or in small 7 __________ towns where people know each other by their first names, and spread to big towns. At any rate, the results have been remarkable. The movement to “ humanize” banks, of course, received a big push during the war, when more and more woman were 8 __________ employed to do work previously performed by men. Also more and more “little” people found themselves need of personal 9 __________ loans, as taxes became heavier and as the practice of installment buying broke down the previously long-held concept there was something almost morally wrong about being 10 ___________ in debt. All sorts of people began to discover that the intelligent use of credit could be extremely helpful. Cloze (1) If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or ____1____ in your work would depend, to ____2____ great extent, ____3____ your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. ____4_____ the utmost importance is your attitude. A person ____5____ begins a job convinced that he isn’t going to loke it or is ____6____ that he is going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, a person who is secure ____7____ his belief that he is probably as capable ____8____ doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt ____9____ it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The chances are that he will do well. ____10____ the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously a weakness. A bookkeeper who can’t add or a carpenter who can’t cut a straight line with a saw ____11____ hopeless cases. This book has been designed to help you capitalize ____12____ the strength and overcome the ____13____ that you bring to the job of learning. But in groups to measure your development, you must first ____14____ stock of somewhere you stand now. ____15____ we get further along in the book, we’ll be ____16____ in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening ____17____ skills. However, ____18____ begin with, you should pause ____19____ examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are critical to your success or failure in school: your ____20____, your reading and communication skills, and your study habits. 1. A. improvement B. victory C. failure D. achievement 2. A. a B. the C. some D. certain 3. A. in B. on C. of D. to 4. A. Out of B. Of C. To D. Into 5. A. who B. what C. that D. which 6. A. ensure B. certain C. sure D. surely 7. A. onto B. on C. off D. in 8. A. to B. at C. of D. for 9. A. near B. on C. by D. at 10. A. Have B. Had C. Having D. Had been 11. A. being B. been C. are D. is 12. A. except B. but C. for D. on 13. A. idea B. weakness C. strength D. advantage 14. A. make B. take C. do D. give 15. A. as B. till C. over D. out 16. A. deal B. dealt C. be dealt D. dealing 17. A. learnt B. learned C. learning D. learn 18. A. around B. to C. from D. beside 19. A. to B. onto C. into D. with 20. A. intelligence B. work C. attitude D. weakness (2) Most people woud be ____1____ by the high quality of medicine ____2____ to most Americans. There is a lot of specialization, a great deal of ____3____ to the individual, a ____4____ amount of advanced technical equipment, and ____5____ effort not to make mintakes because of the financial risk which doctors and hospitals must ____6____ in the courts if they ____7____ things badly. But the Americans are in a mess. The problem is the way in ____8____ health care is organized and ____9____. ____10____ to public belief it is not just a free competition system. To the private system has been joined a large public system, because private care was simply not ____11____ the less fortunate and the elderly. But even with this huge public part of the system, ____12____ this year will eat up 84.5 billion dollars---more than 10 percent of the US Budget---large numbers of Americans are left ____13____. These include about half the 11 million unemployed and those who fail to meet the strict limits ____14____ income fixed by a government trying to make savings where it can. The basic problem, however, is that there is no central control ____15____ the health system. There is no ____16____ to what doctors and hospitals charge for their services, other than what the public is able to pay. The number of doctors has shot up and prices have climbed. When faced with toothache, a sick child, or a heart attack, all the unfortunate person concerned can do is ____17____ up. Two-thirds of the population ____18____ covered by medical insurance. Doctors charge as much as they want ____19____ that the insurance company will pay the bill. The rising cost of medicine in the USA is among the most worrying problems facing the country. In 1981 the country’s health bill climbed 15.9 percent---about twice as fast as prices ____20____ general. 1. A. compressed B. impressed C. obsessed D. repressed 2. A. available B. attainable C. achievable D. amenable 3. A. extension B. retention C. attention D. exertion 4. A. countless B. titanic C. broad D. vast 5. A. intensive B. absorbed C. intense D. concentrated 6. A. run into B. come into C. face D. defy 7. A. treat B. deal C. maneuver D. handle 8. A. which B. that C. what D. when 9. A. to finance B. financed C. the finance D. to be financed 10. A. Contrary B. Opposed C. Averse D. Objected 11. A. looking for B. looking into C. looking after D. looking over 12. A. which B. what C. that D. it 13. A. over B. out C. off D. away 14. A. for B. in C. with D. on 15. A. over B. on C. under D. behind 16. A. boundary B. restriction C. confinement D. limit 17. A. to pay B. paying C. pay D. to have paid 18. A. is being B. are C. have been D. is 19. A. knowing B. to know C. they know D. known 20. A. in B. with C. on D. for (3) A manager hoping to blossom as a buisiness leader must develop the skill to communicate effectively. One of the foremost tasks of a leader is to create ____1____ to a cause. To do that he must first communicate to build mutual understanding. ____2____ a manager communicates mostly to ____3____ information, a leader uses communications to build relationships. A manager overwhelms others with details and still ____4____ them cold. A leader ____5____ their hearts by combining his vision with their ____6____ in a common cause. Most Asian business leaders are instinctively ____7____ relationship building ____8____ direct communications. But they don’t use the mass media so well. While face to face communications is ____9____, it’s not enough in today’s big business. ____10____ their western ____11____, they are not so much frightened by mass media’s potential to magnify, distort, and expose. The problem lies more in the ____12____ of professional support ____13____ to them. In most Asian companies the public affairs function either does not exist or is ____14____ routine chores removed from helping the CEO to communicate with wide audiences. The reason primarily is that the ____15____ communications officers are placed quite low in the organizational hierarchy. Asia’s need for business leaders who are ____16____ in using mass media to involve the public ____17____ the economic development dream has never been greater. Television and the print media have an enormous ____18____ on the public perception of business. Our business leaders have not yet faced an unsympathetic press. They should start now ____19____ the day may not be too far away ____20____ they are suddenly forced to enter the perilous arena of public communications. 1. A. responsibility B. commitment C. commission D. dedication 2. A. Since B. When C. Because D. While 3. A. transport B. carry C. convey D. express 4. A. leaves B. keeps C. makes D. renders 5. A. moves B. touches C. stimulates D. loses 6. A. aspirations B. inspirations C. perspiration D. persuasion 7. A. good at B. poor in C. excel in D. indifferent to 8. A. throughout B. through C. thereby D. during 9. A. vital B. utmost C. ultimate D. chief 10. A. Unlike B. Like C. As D. With 11. A. colleagues B. cooperators C. coordinators D. counterparts 12. A. abundance B. want C. need D. lack 13. A. available B. accessible C. disposable D. transferable 14. A. resigned B. assigned C. awarded D. distributed 15. A. cooperation B. corporate C. incorporate D. commercial 16. A. competitive B. competitors C. competing D. competent 17. A. in B. into C. with D. within 18. A. affect B. impact C. impetus D. impulse 19. A. now that B. unless C. though D. as 20. A. whenever B. whichever C. when D. whatever (4) Recent legal research indicated that incorrect identification is a major factor in many miscarriages of justice. It also suggests that identification of people by witnesses in a courtroom is not as ____1____ as commonly believed. Recent studies do not support the ____2____ of faith judges, jurors, lawyers and the police have in eyewitness evidence. The Law Commission recently published an educational paper, “ Total Recall? The Reliability of Witness ____3____”, as a companion guide to a proposed code of evidence. The paper finds that commonly held ____4____ about how our minds work and how well we remember are often wrong. But while human memory is ____5____ change, it should not be underestimated. In court witnesses are asked to give evidence about events, and judge and juries ____6____ its reliability. The paper points out that memory is complex, and the reliability of any person’s recall must be assessed ____7____. Both common sense and research say memory ____8____ over time. The accuracy of recall and recognition are ____9____ their best immediately ____10____ encoding the information, declining at first repidly, then gradually. The longer the delay, the more likely it is that information obtained after the event will interfere ____11____ the original memory, which reduces ____12____. The paper says ____13____ interviews or media reports can create such ____14____. “ People are particularly susceptible to having their memories ____15____ when the passage of time allows the original memory to ____16____, and will be most susceptible if they repeat the ____17____ as fact.” Witness may see or read information after the event, then ____18____ it to produce something ____19____ than what was experienced, significantly reducing the reliability of their memory of an event or offender, “ Further, witnesses may strongly believe in their memories, even though aspects of those memories are ____20____ false.” 1. A trustful B. reliable C. innocent D. considerable 2. A. rate B. drgree C. extent D. scale 3. A. Manifestation B. Declaration C. Presentation D. Testimony 4. A. perceptions B. acceptances C. permissions D. receptions 5. A. subject to B. liable for C. incapable of D. attributable to 6. A. assess B. appreciate C. calculate D. speculate 7. A. interactively B. comparatively C. horizontally D. individually 8. A. descends B. declines C. inclines D. degrades 9. A. at B. in C. on D. upon 10. A. before B. after C. when D. until 11. A. with B. in C. at D. on 12. A. appropriacy B. accuracy C. originality D. justice 13. A. consequent B. successive C. subsequent D. preceding 14. A. distortions B. deformations C. malfunctions D. malformations 15. A. altered B. transformed C. converted D. modified 16. A. fade B. diminish C. lessen D. dwell 17. A. misinformation B. mistreatment C. misguidance D. misjudgment 18. A. associate B. connect C. link D. integrate 19. A. other B. rather C. more D. less 20. A. invariably B. constantly C. justifiably D. verifiably (5) I have read many books on English prose, but have found it hard to ____1____ by them: for the most ____2____ they are vague, too theorectical, and ____3____ scolding. But you can’t say this of Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage. It is a ____4____ work. I don’t think ____5____ writers so well ____6____ he cannot learn much from it. It is lively reading. Fowler liked ____7____, straightforwardness and ____8____ sense. He had no patience ____9____ pretentiousness. He had a sound feeling that idiom was backbone of a ____10____ and he was ____11____ for the vivid phrases. He was ____12____ blind admirer of logic and was willing ____13____ to give usage right of way through the exact domain ____14____ grammar. English grammar is very difficult and ____15____ writers have avoided mistakes in it. It is ____16____ to know grammar, and it is better to write ____17____ than not, but it is vital to remember that grammar is formulated from common speech. Usage is the only test. I would ____18____ a phrase that was easy and unaffected to one that was grammatical. I have written few pages that I feel I could not improve and far too many that I have left with dissatisfaction because, ____19____ as I would,I could do no better. I do not write ____20____ I want to; I write as I can. 1. A. profit B. attract C. impress D. stimulate 2. A. time B. readers C. learners D. part 3. A. very B. like C. usually D. often 4. A. ceitical B. serious C. valuable D. boring 5. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone 6. A. if B. because C. that D. when 7. A. simplicity B. elaboration C. complex D. logic 8. A. fresh B. common C. keen D. quick 9. A. in B. at C. of D. with 10. A. prose B. writer C. language D. dictionary 11. A. made B. seldom C. all D. not 12. A. a B. no C. really D. always 13. A. enough B. not C. as D. only 14. A. with B. of C. on D. and 15. A. many B. good C. few D. no 16. A. useless B. necessary C. right D. hard 17. A. grammatically B. carefully C. frequently D. a lot 18. A. use B. choose C. rather D. prefer 19. A. try B. improve C. such D. but 20. A. unless B. though C. what D. as (6) Jack Cohen and his wife Tessa began their small grocery business on London’s High Street in the early 1950s. Since that ____1____ the company, TESCO, has grown to become the UK’s ____2____ food retailer with annual sales of 6.4 billion pounds and has ____3____ a new reputation for quality and service. Its 384 stores in England, Scotland and Wales ____4____ more than nine million customers per week. In the 34-year-old Colin Smith we can see TESCO’s ____5____ on value plus quality and service. Upon ____6____ TESCO’s management team in 1987 as trading director for fresh meats, he immediately focused _____7_____ improving supply and distribution systems. He set up a supplier certification program with strict specifications for _____8_____ facilities and livestock quality, plus ____9____ quality checks at each TESCO distribution center and store. One of Smith’s ____10____ has been an ____11____ lamb program. TESCO could not obtain enough fresh lamb to ____12____ demand and was ____13____ to fill in with frozen product. Smith turned to Cryovac specialists who ____14____ with TESCO and its meat suppliers to ___15____ the problem. The ____16____ was a new packaging system from Cryovac featuring a harder Cryovac Barrier Bag which dramatically ____17____ package damages. Vacuum packaged fresh lamb now arrives at TESCO stores ____18____ the best condition year-round and sales have ____19____ to more than 60 million pounds ____20____. 1. A. year B. period C. time D. day 2. A. official B. leading C. fresh D. livestock 3. A. established B. made C. done D. had 4. A. sell B. meet C. serve D. accommodate 5. A. name B. emphasis C. importance D. notion 6. A. entering B. becoming C. being D. joining 7. A. at B. on C. with D. in 8. A. processing B. supplying C. distributing D. service 9. A. near B. far C. farther D. further 10. A. interests B. solutions C. priorities D. preferences 11. A. old B. improved C. impossible D. able 12. A. satisfy B. answer C. question D. ask 13. A. led B. resolved C. tried D. forced 14. A. link B. cooperate C. study D. sit 15. A. answer B. raise C. attack D. ask 16. A. result B. finding C. next D. consequence 17. A. stopped B. protected C. reduced D. increased 18. A. at B. of C. on D. in 19. A. enriched B. grown C. reached D. arrived 20. A. daily B. annually C. particularly D. usually Short Answer Questions (1) Do women talk more than men? Do men talk in the same way as women? According to the Latest research from the United States of America, men and women talk such different languages that it is like people from two different cultures trying to communicate. Professor Deborah Tannen, of Georgetown University, has noticed differences in the style of boys’ and girls’ conversations from an early age. She says that little girls’ conversation is less definite than boys’ and expresses more doubts. Little boys use conversation to establish status with their listeners. These differences continue into adult life, she says. In public conversations men talk most and interrupt other speakers more. In private conversations, men and women speak in equal amounts---although they say things in a different style. Professor Tannen believes that, for women, private talking is a way to establish and test intimacy. For men, private talking is a way to explore the power structure of a relationship. Teaching is one job where the differences between men’s and women’s ways of talking show. When a man teaches a woman, says Professor Tannen, he wants to show that he has more knowledge, and hence more power in conversation. He used his language to show this. When a woman teaches another woman, however, she is more likely to take a sharing approach and to encourage her student to join in. But professor Tannen does not believe that women are naturally more helpful. She says women feel they achieve power by being able to help others. Although the research suggests men talk and interrupt people more than women, Professor Tannen says women actually encourage this to happen because they believe it will lead to more intimacy and help to establish a relationship. Some scientists who are studying speech think that the brain is preprogrammed for language. As we are usually taught to speak by women, it seems likely that the brain must have a sexual bias in its programming; otherwise, male speech patterns would not arise at all. 1. What are the differences between little boys’ and little girls’ conversation? 2. Differences between men and women in adult conversations are that in private conversations____________________________________________________. 3. According to the passage, study shows that a male teacher ______________________. 4. Why do men talk and interrupt others more than women do? 5. Women allow men to talk more and interrupt more because _______________________. (2) Loneliness is a curious thing. Most of us can remember feeling most lonely when we were not in fact alone at all, but when we were surrounded by people. Everyone has experienced, at some time, that utter sense of isolation that comes over you when you’re at a party or in an audience at a lecture. It suddenly seems to you as if everybody knows everybody else; everybody is sure of himself; everybody, that is, except you. This feeling of loneliness which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very difficult to get rid of. People living alone are advised to tackle their loneliness by joining a club or a society, by going out and meeting people. Does this really help? There are no easy solutions. Your first day at work, or at a new school or university, is a typical situation in which you are likely to feel lonely. You feel that everybody else is full of confidence and knows what to do, but you are adrift and helpless. The fact of the mater is that, in order to survive, we all put on a show of self-confidence to hide our uncertainties and doubts. In a big city it is particularly easy to get the feeling that everybody except you is leading a full, rich busy life. Everybody is going somewhere, and you tend to assume that they are going somewhere nice and interesting, whereas your destination is less exciting and fulfilling. 1. What is the passage mainly about? 2. We feel mostly lonely when we __________. 3. What do people usually do to tackle their loneliness? 4. Why do we try to hide our sense of loneliness when we start a new job? 5. What do you tend to assume other’s life to be when you are in a big city?
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