首页 浅析外贸谈判中的议价技巧



浅析外贸谈判中的议价技巧浅析外贸谈判中的议价技巧 学生毕业设计(论文) 浅析外贸谈判中的议价技巧 学 院: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 二〇一二年五月 中 文 摘 要 外贸谈判活动是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定交换有关的各种条件的一项必 不可少的活动,而外贸谈判的目的是为了获得满意的商品性能价格比,也就是期望所谓的物 美价廉。因此,商业谈判一个必不可少的项目比便是“议价”,议价在一定程度上也可以说 是商业谈判的核心任务。议价应善于收集与谈判内容有关的信息,善于进行认真分析思考, 抓住问题的本质,...

浅析外贸谈判中的议价技巧 学生毕业 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ( 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 ) 浅析外贸谈判中的议价技巧 学 院: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 二〇一二年五月 中 文 摘 要 外贸谈判活动是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定交换有关的各种条件的一项必 不可少的活动,而外贸谈判的目的是为了获得满意的商品性能价格比,也就是期望所谓的物 美价廉。因此,商业谈判一个必不可少的项目比便是“议价”,议价在一定程度上也可以说 是商业谈判的核心任务。议价应善于收集与谈判内容有关的信息,善于进行认真分析思考, 抓住问题的本质,以适时,适量,适价,适人4个关键要点为基础,才能准确的讨价还价, 在商务谈判中取得赢面机会~ 关键词:外贸谈判、议价要点、议价技巧 ABSTRACT Foreign trade negotiations is an essential activity in economic activities, the negotiating parties through consultation to determine the exchange of a variety of conditions, the purpose of trade negotiations in order to get the commodity cost performance, that is, expect the so-called inexpensive. Therefore, an essential item of business negotiations than is the "bargaining, bargaining power to some extent, it can be said is the core task of the commercial negotiations. Bargaining should be good to collect information relevant to the content of the talks seriously good at analytical thinking, to grasp the nature of the problem, based on four key points of timely, adequate, appropriate price, fitness, in order to bargain in the business negotiations chance of winning opportunities! Keywords: foreign trade negotiations, the bargaining points, bargaining skills 第一章 外贸谈判前的准备 1.情报的收集 所谓情报按照情报的功能分类包括三大类:公开情报、非公开情报、机密 情报。按照情报的内容来分类包括四部分:与谈判有关的情况、有关谈判对象的 情况、竞争者的情况、已方的情况。谈判者都是可以从以下几个渠道获取有效的 情报:?政府事业机构;?通过研究专利来寻找情报;?行业咨询公司或相关机 构;?通过大型的展览活动来收集情报;?通过参观学习获取情报;?询问关键 客户;?追踪谈判对象的领导言行等。例如:2003年日本佳能的数码打印技术 持续以百分之五的年增长率发展着营业额达到了163000亿日元,保持着这个行 业的霸主地位,而曾经雄霸复印机行业的施乐公司在2000年财产净亏7亿美元, 直到2002年才扭亏为盈。佳能是在1967年打算将产品线从照相机延伸到办公室 领域的。但当时美国施乐公司是阻碍佳能公司进军办公室设备的大山,面对施乐 公司的强大实力,许多竞争只得望机兴叹,然而佳能没有消极等待,但也没有盲目对抗,而是处也积虑地筹划进入到复印机制造领域。一方面,通过查阅施乐公司拥有的所有专利,参考其专利资源,力求在相应的技术基础上有所创新和突破;另一方面,通过购买施乐复印机的客户调查,佳能公司发现了一些现有客户对施乐复印机的抱怨,诸于价格昂贵、操作复杂、体积太大、保密性不强等。最后,佳能决定抢先占领更有发展前景的小型复印机市场领域。在谈判工作开始前,谈判人员对各种信息资料的掌握要全面,因为谈判优劣分析以及策略应用是建立在对有关信息资料的收集与整理的基础上的,掌握的信息资料越全面,分析得越充分,谈判成功的可能性就越大。 2.谈判 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 书的拟定 谈判计划是外贸谈判人员在谈判前预先对谈判目标具体内容和步骤所作的安排,是谈判者行为的指针和方向。谈判计划书的主要内容有:确定谈判目标;时间的安排;谈判地点的安排等。 2.1谈判目标的确定 谈判目标的判目标是指谈判要达到的具体目标,它指明谈判方向和要达到的目的。企业对本次谈判目标是保证谈判成功的基础。在确定谈判目标的时候,一定要充分分清自己想要的和需要的内容,并把它罗列出来。谈判中有许多常见的问题都会出现,包括价格、数量、质量、交货期、折扣、售后服务等。谈判前,先列出自己的谈判目标,考虑对方可能关心的,按优先级分出来,再列出一个竞争对手目标,考虑对方可能关心的内容。 2.2时间的安排 “时间就是金钱,效益就是生命”,可见时间的安排是非常重要的环节,如果时间安排得很仓促,准备不充分,匆忙上阵,心浮气躁,很难沉静地在谈判中实施各种策略;如果时间安排得很拖延,不仅会耗费大量的时间和精力,而是随着时间的推迟,各种环境因素都会发生变化还可能会错过一些重要的机遇。 2.3谈判地点的选择 谈判地点的选择,往往涉及谈判的环境心理回素问题,有利的谈判场所能增加自己的谈判力量。例如:日本的钢铁和煤炭资源短缺,而澳大利亚盛产铁和煤,日本渴望购买到澳大利亚的煤和铁,而在国际市场上,澳大利亚一方却愁找不到买主。按理来说,日本 人的谈判地位低于澳大利亚,处于不利地位,而澳大利亚一方在谈判桌上占据主动地位。为了取得谈判的优势,日本 商人总想方设法把对方的谈判代表请到日本去谈生意。一旦澳大利亚人到了日本,日本方面和澳大利亚方面在谈判桌上的相互地位就发生了显著的变化。日本方面这一成功的谈判恰恰说明了主场谈判具有不少优势。在自己熟悉的地方与对方谈判,各方面都 会感到比较习惯,在生活起居、饮食、睡眠止都 不会受到影响,由于他们处于东道主的身份,处理各种谈判事务都比较主动,谈判底气比较足。 第二章 外贸谈判中议价技巧关键要点 在国际贸易中,价格谈判最为敏感、最为复杂、也最需要一定的技巧。往往是在一种Bargaining (讨价还价)的过程中,双方谈判人的许多素质得以磨练和体现,如反应是否敏捷;能否用礼貌得全的语言交谈;是咄咄逼人,还是以理服人;能否做到恰如其分的反驳,但又不伤害对方;能否抓住机会“吹捧”自己的产品,但又不至于使对方反感等等。因此培养在不同环境中,适时间,适人,适价,适量的应用能力,是议价的核心,是议价的关键。 1.适时 要掌握好报价的时机,这样可以促进订单的快速成交。当客户询价时,我们不急于报价。如果客户未确定具体型号或对行情不熟,宜模糊报价,如:我们这产品型号有几种,价格从无到有。不要轻易报价。当客户直接寻价时,要尽量通过问答的形式了解客户。比如可以问客户需要的数量,质量要求,有没有特殊的需求,最好能掌握客户的预算和同行的报价。还要了解客户是直接用户还是中间商。 2.适人 每个公司都有它的运作程序。报价时要分清接触的是承办人还是决策人,承办人与决策人是否为同一人。与承办人报价时宜高一点,让人有一个议价的空间,让承办人获得降价的成就感和向上表现的机会。与决策人谈判时,要做出稍作考虑的语气后果断敲定,敲定价格是要显得果断中肯,让人感到你的报价是经过慎重考虑得出的行情价格。 3.适价 适当的价格是根据客户的产品定位,市场行情和谈判条件制定的。制定合适的价格要注意:报价时金额不能为整数,宜零数,让客户从视野上产生报价的精密感,如12.5元,但也不能太零碎,如12.535。要预留议价的空间,一般有15-20%的弹性空间,适当的价格要有充分的条件说明,让人明白消费。 4.适量 适量就是在议价的谈判过程中控制度量原则。客户口头要求降价也讲不出合理的理由时不能轻易降价,这只是采购的例行工作而已。如果以竞争对手的底价来比较,甚至给你看对手报价时,你要先解释你单价以外的其他优势,如:质量, 货期,品牌知名度,然后做适当调整。给客户提出降价要求时,业务员也要提出相对的要求,这就是谈判的原则。无条件的降价不会增加客户对你的好感,反而让人觉得你的水分太高。我们可以用订单数量,交期要求,付款期限等条件作为议价的筹码。报价后不能大幅度的掉价,比如从21一下降到15,换做你是采购员,你会怎么想呢,报价议价的次数不能超过3次,频繁地降价会让客户越议越勇,恨不得榨干你的利润,让你亏本出售。降价的比率要越来越小,让客户意识到你差不多没有降价空间了,这样会更顺利成交。在报价议价中,每个案子都有它不同的特点,业务员要掌握技巧具体分析,灵活运用。 第三章 外贸谈判应当采取的议价技巧策略 1.开局策略 谈判开局阶段,首先应该创造和谐的气氛。人们通常将谈判的开局阶段称为“破冰期”阶段,它与谈判的准备阶段不同之处在于这个阶段谈判双方开始接触是谈判进入实质的短暂过渡阶段。谈判双方在这段时间内相互熟悉,为下一步的正式会谈做准备。在谈判开始,双方无论是否有成见,一旦坐到谈判桌前,就应心平气和,坦诚相待,不要在一开始就涉及有分歧的议题或不可不讲效果地提出要求。例如:我国某地方公司在国际经济交流中涉及一桩小的索赔案,适逢对方的代表来我国走访用户,因此公司领导指示我方某位业务员负责接待。本来这笔索赔金额很小,经过友好协商是完全可以圆满解决的,但由于我方这位业务员片面的理解了“效率就是生命”这句话的含义,在外商刚刚抵达的时候,不由分说,马上要求外商全额赔偿我方损失,高高兴兴而业的外商迎头被浇了一盆冷水,因此讲话也很不客气,谈判气氛马上紧张起来。双方针锋相对,寸利必争,会谈效果很不理想。虽然我方及时更换谈判人员,取得了外商的赔偿,但费时、费力很不合算。这个案例说明的许多缺乏谈判经验的谈判人员急于求成,结果是欲速则不达,非但达不到既定目标,而且往往由于在讨价还价中感情用事,导致以前的成果付诸东流,这种教训是深刻的,应该引起极大重视。 2.报价策略 外贸谈判一方向另一方报价时,不仅要考虑报价所能带来的利益,还要考虑该报价被对方接受的可能性。无论买方还是卖方,都应该掌握报价的基本原则: 2.1对卖方来讲,开盘价必须是“最高的”相应的,对买方而言,开盘价必须是“最低的”。这是报价的首要原则。 2.2盘价必须合乎情理。如果报价过高,会使对方感到你没有诚意,甚至于不理睬,扬长而去。对于卖方来说,也不能“漫天要价”,这会使对方感到你没有常识。 2.3报价应该坚定、明确、完整,不加解释和说明,开盘价要果断提出,这样才能给对方留下诚实的印象,如果欲言又止,吞吞吐吐,就会导致对方产生怀疑。报价时要非常清楚,并不加过多的解释、说明。因为对方听完你的报价,肯定会对他感兴趣的问题提出质疑,这样我方可以根据对方的兴趣所在,有针对性地进行解释和说明。否则,会被对方找出破绽,抓住把柄。 2.4报价不要报整数,在外贸谈判时,如果报出一个整数价,是暗示让人家来降低价格。如果提出一个有零头的数字,听起来好像比较强硬、坚定,谈判的余地也较小,从而得到更好的结果。 3.讨价的策略 谈判中,一方首先报价之后,另一方要求报价方改善报价的行为,被称作讨价。讨价时应注意 以下问题: 3.1以理服人,见好就收 因为讨价还价是伴随着价格评论进行的,故讨价还价应本着尊重对方和说理的方式进行;又因为不是买方的还价,而是启发、诱导卖方降价,为还价做准备,如果在此时强压对方降价,则可能不能使谈判过早地陷入僵局,对己方不利。故在初期、中期的讨价即对方还价前的讨价,应保持“平和信赖”的气氛,充分说理,以求最大的效益即使碰到“漫天要价”者,也不应该为其所动。 3.2揣摩心理,掌握次数 讨价还价数既是一个客观数,又是一个心理数。“心理次数”反映谈判对方对你的讨价有所反应,对你所要求的条件愿意考虑。从讨价方式分析:当以分块分类方式讨价时,分五块就意味着至少可以讨价五次价。其中水分大部分钟,不能只讨两次价就停止,至少要攻击两次以上。在每次讨价时不要忘了讨价的“目标”,对方每一次改善要量一下距离,评一次对方的态度,以改变讨价的攻击点。 4.还价策略 还价是指谈判一方根据对方的报价和自己的谈判目标,主动或应对方要求提出自己的价格条件,它常由买方在一次或多次讨价还价后应卖方的要求而做出的。在外贸谈判中,要进行有效的还价就必须遵循一定的原则: 4.1在还价之前必须充分了解对方还价格全部内容,准确了解对方提出条件的真实意图。 4.2为了摸清对方报价的真实意图,可以逐项对对方报价所提的各项交易条件,探询其报价依据或弹性幅度,注意倾听对方的解释和说明。 4.3如果对方的报价超出谈判 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的范围,与己方要提出还价条件相差甚大时,不必草率地提出自己的还价,而应该先拒绝对方的报价。例如:有一华侨亲属想卖掉四间平房迁居国外。当时很多人登门报价,想买下房子。其中K的报价比其 他买主的报价高出很多。这个报价吸引了卖主,卖主便回绝其他买主。当卖方要求与买方办理买卖手续时,没想到K提出这房子对面有处公厕,夏季气味难忍,表示最多只能以原报价的四分之三的价格成交。卖主已辞掉了其他买主且急于出国,最后不得不降价出售。 参考文献 1、王晓,《现代商务谈判》,,,,,高等教育出版社,,,,,年,月第一版; ,、潘肖珏、谢承志,《商务谈判与沟通技巧》,,,,,复旦大学出版社,,,,,年,月第二版; 3、张明禄、曾国安,《商务谈判与推销》,,,,,西南财经大学出版社,,,,,年,月第三版。 4、周海涛,《商务谈判成功技巧》,中国纺织出版社,2006年7月第一版; 5、刘文广,《商务谈判》,北京出版社,2006年4月第一版。 6、陈文汉,《商务谈判实务》〔M〕.北京:电子工业出版社,2005.8 7、赵春明,《商务谈判》〔M〕.北京:中国财政经济出版社,2000.6 8、董广坤,《商务谈判与跨文化交际》[J].商场现代化,2007. 9、金正昆,《商务礼仪简论》[J].北京工商大学学报,2005 10、洪刚,《成功让步的谈判艺术》〔J〕.郑州煤炭管理干部学院学报,2001. 6 11、赵吉存,《企业技术引进的谈判技巧》〔J〕.经济管理(经济与管理杂志社)2002.9 感 谢 信 大学三年学习时光已经接近尾,在此我想对我的大学,我的父母,我的老师和同学们表达我由衷的谢意。感谢我的家人对我大学三年学习的默默支持;感谢我的学校给我在大学三年深造的机会,让我能继续学习和提高;感谢老师和同学们三年来对我的关心与鼓励。老师们课堂上的激情洋溢,课堂下的谆谆教诲;同学们在学习中的认真热情,生活上的热心主动,所有这些都让我的三年充满了感动,这次毕业论文我得到了老师和同学的帮助,其中我的论文指导高老师对我的指导。从论文开题到研究 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 的确立,以及研究过程中遇到的各种问题,无不得到孙老师的悉心指导,在整个论文完成过程中,高老师认真的态度,以及系统精湛的专业知识都给我留下了深刻的印象,使我受益匪浅。 感谢人:官玉萍 The first chapter trade preparation before negotiation 1intelligence collection The so-called information according to the intelligence function classification includes three categories: public information, public information, classified information. According to the information content to the classification consists of four parts: negotiation with the relevant information, relevant negotiations object situation, competitors, our situation. Negotiators are from several channels of access to effective information : 1government institutions; II through the study of the patent to find information; the consulting companies or agencies; and through the large exhibition activities to collect information; and through study tours to obtain information; the question the key customers; the track of negotiation leadership behaviour. For example:2003 Japan Canon digital printing technology continue to five percent annual growth rate of development of turnover reached16300000000000 yen, maintained the industry dominant position, which once dominated the Xerox copier industry company in 2000net loss of $700000000of property, until 2002to profitability. Canon in 1967to the product line from camera extends to office area. But at a time when the United States Xerox is hindered by Canon office equipment company in the mountains, in the face of Xerox 's strength, many competition to be obliged to look for helplessly, but Canon no passive waiting, but there is no blind confrontation, but also the plot concerns the planning into the copier manufacturing field. On one hand, through access to Xerox has all patent, the patent resources, to the corresponding technology based on innovation and breakthrough; on the other hand, through the purchase of Xerox customer survey, Canon company found a number of existing customers of Xerox 's complaint, the expensive and complicated to operate, the volume is too large, confidential sex is not strong wait. Finally, Canon decided to occupy the more promising small sized copier market. In the negotiations before work is started, the negotiators to information to grasp the overall, because negotiations and strategy application analysis is based on the collection and collation of relevant information based on the information, the more comprehensive analysis, more fully, the more possibility of successful negotiation. The 2Negotiation plans Negotiation plan is foreign trade negotiator in talks on the objectives of the negotiations before the contents and steps of the arrangement, negotiators behavior and direction pointer. Negotiation plan main content has: determine the objectives of the negotiations; timing; negotiation place arrangement etc.. The 2.1negotiation objectives Negotiation objectives to target is a negotiation to achieve specific goals, it indicates the direction and goal of negotiations. Enterprises of the negotiation objectives are to guarantee the successful negotiation of the foundation. In determining the objectives of the negotiations, we must fully distinguish between what you want and need content, and it is listed. The negotiations have many common problems will appear, including price, quantity, quality, delivery, discount, after sale service. Before the talks, list their goals, to consider the other party may concern, according to the priority of points out, then list a rival target, consider each other may be concerned about. 2.2time arrangement " Time is money, efficiency is life", visible time arrangement is very important, if the schedule is not fully prepared, rush, rush, flighty and impetuous, difficult to calm in the negotiations on the implementation of various strategies; if the schedule is delayed, not only spend a lot of time and energy, but with time delay, a variety of environmental factors will change also may miss some important opportunities. The 2.3negotiation venue selection Negotiating the choice of location, often involving the negotiation of environmental psychology back problem, advantageous negotiation place can increase their bargaining power. For example: Japan iron and coal resource shortage, while Australia is rich in iron and coal, Japan is keen to buy Australia's coal and iron, and in the international market, the Australian side was anxious to find a buyer. Logically speaking, the Japanese people 's negotiating position lower than in Australia, at a disadvantage, and the Australian side at the negotiating table and occupy the initiative position. In order to obtain the advantage in negotiations, a Japanese businessman always try various devices to the other side of the negotiators to Japan to talk about the business. Once the Australians to Japan, Japan and Australia at the negotiating table mutual status changed. Japan this successful negotiation just that home has many advantages in negotiation. In their familiar negotiations with each other, all will be used, in daily life, diet, sleep stop are not affected, since they are host identity, processing various negotiation affairs are more active, more sufficient leverage. The second chapter of foreign trade negotiations in the bargaining skill points In international trade, price negotiation is most sensitive, the most complex, and most need certain skill. Often in a Bargaining ( for a supply of sth. ) in the course of negotiations between the two parties, the quality can be honed and embodiment, such as response is agile; can use polite to all conversations; is overbearing, or persuade through reasoning; can do to a proper extent retort, but not hurt each other; whether seize opportunity" flatter" their own products, but not enough to make each other off. Therefore trained in different environments, the appropriate time, qualified, suitable price, the amount of application ability is the core of bargaining, bargaining, is the key. 1timely Have a good grasp of the opportunity to offer, it can promote the rapid turnover of orders. When a customer inquiry, we are not in a hurry to quote. If the customer does not determine the specific model or on the market, suitable fuzzy pricing, such as: our product models have several, price from scratch. Don't quote. When the customer directly for price, as far as possible through the questions and answers in the form of understanding the customer. For example, can ask the number of customers need, quality requirements, there is no special needs, best can grasp the customer's budget and peer quotation. We must understand the customer 's direct user or middlemen. 2human Each company has its operational procedures. When quoting to distinguish the contact is the undertaker or decision, the undertaker and the decision whether the person is the same person. And contractors should offer a little higher, let a person have a bargaining space, let the undertaker won the price of the sense of achievement and a chance to show up. With decision-makers negotiations, to make a pause tone after the decisive strike, the strike price is to be decisive point, let a person feel your quotation after careful consideration that market prices. 3right price The price is appropriate according to the customer's product positioning, market quotation and negotiation is formulated in terms of the. To develop an appropriate price to pay attention to: offer amount cannot be integer, should be zero, so that customers from the perspective on offer precise sense, such as 12.5 yuan, but also cannot too fragmentary, such as 12.535. To allow bargaining space, generally 15-20% elastic space, appropriate price should have sufficient conditions, let people understand consumption. 4the amount of The amount is in bargaining negotiation process control the measurement principle. Customer verbal requests to reduce the prices to tell the reason can not be easily reduced, just buy routine work. If the competitor's price to compare, and even give you see adversary, you have to explain your unit other than the dominant, such as: quality, delivery, brand awareness, and then make the appropriate adjustments. Give customers a request for a price reduction, clerk to move relative to the requirements, this is the principles of negotiation. Unconditional reduction does not increase the customer feels for you, but feel your moisture too high. We can use the order quantity, delivery, payment terms and conditions as bargaining chips. Offer cannot be a severe drop, for example from 21down to 15, if you are a buyer, what do you think? Price bargaining count can not be more than 3 times, frequent price will let customers more on Yong, hate not dry up your profits, let you sell at a loss. Price ratio to be smaller, so that customers realize you almost did not depreciate space, it will be more smooth transaction. In the quotation negotiation, each case has its different characteristic, clerk to master the skills of specific analysis, flexible application. The third chapter trade negotiations should take bargaining tactics and skills 1opening strategy Start negotiations in stages, first of all should create a harmonious atmosphere. People usually talks start stage is called the" ice-breaking" stage, it and negotiation preparation phase difference is that this stage of negotiations both sides began to contact negotiations into the parenchyma of transitional stage. The negotiations both sides during this time are familiar with each other, as the next step in the formal talks to prepare. In the negotiations, both sides regardless of whether there are stereotypes, once to the table, it should be in a calm mood, frank, not in the beginning to have different subjects or not can not effect a request. For example: one of our local companies in the international economic exchanges involving a small claim, as the representatives of the other party to come to China to visit an user, thus leading the company to instruct our a clerk is responsible for the reception. This would have the claim amount is very small, through friendly consultation can be completely resolved, but because we the salesman one-sided understanding of " efficiency is life" the meaning of this sentence, in foreign has just arrived, allowing no explanation, immediately asked foreign full compensation for our loss, happily industry foreign trader when being poured a pot of cold water, therefore also very not polite speech, negotiation atmosphere immediately tense up. Both give tit for tat," Lee for talks, the effect is not ideal. Although our timely replacement of negotiators, made the foreign compensation, but time-consuming, laborious is not worthwhile. This case illustrates many of the lack of experience in negotiation negotiation personnel be anxious for success, the result is more haste, less speed., not only did not reach the established goals, and often due to give oneself over to blind emotions for a supply of sth. in, leading to previous results cast to waste, this is a profound lesson, should cause the attention of. 2bidding strategy Foreign trade negotiations from one party to the other party when quoting, not only to consider the offer can bring benefits, but also consider the offer is accepted the possibility. Whether the buyer or the seller, should grasp the basic principle of quote: 2.1the seller, the opening price must be " the highest" corresponding, to the buyer, the opening price must be " the lowest". This is a quote from first principles. 2.2the price must be reasonable. If the offer is too high, make the other feel you are not sincere, or even to ignore, March off. For the seller, also cannot " price oneself out of the market", this makes you have no knowledge. 2.3price should be firm, clear, complete, without explanation, the opening price is decisive put forward, so as to give the impression that honest, if about to speak, but saying nothing, mutter and mumble, will cause the other suspect. When quoting very clear, do not add too much explanation, description. Because the other side to your quotation, will certainly be interested in him questioned, so we can according to each other's interests, in a targeted manner to explain and illustrate. Otherwise, the other side will be to find flaws, grasping a handle. 2.4quotations do not report integer, in foreign trade negotiations, if the quoted price is suggestive of an integer, let people to reduce the price. If we have proposed an odd number, it sounds like a tough, strong, negotiations have less room, and get better results. 3bargaining strategy Negotiations, first party after another request for quotation, quotation improve price behavior, called bargaining. Bargaining should pay attention to the following issues: 3.1persuade through reasoning, when to stop. Because of the price for a supply of sth. is accompanied by the comment, so for a supply of sth. should be based on respect each other and reasonable manner; and because it is not the buyer bargaining, but inspired, induce the seller to offer price, prepare, if at this time forced the other prices, may not make negotiations to come to a deadlock, adverse to him. So in the early, medium-term bargain bargain price namely each other before, should be" flat and trust" atmosphere, adequate reasoning, to the greatest benefits even if meet" price oneself out of the market", also should not for their move. The 3.2study psychology, master frequency For a supply of sth. number is not only an objective number, is also a psychological number. " Mental number" reflect the negotiation on the other side you respond to price, your demand is willing to consider. From a bargaining analysis: when to block classification bargaining, five means at bargain prices five times. The water clock, not only for the price of two stops, at least to attack more than two times. After each bargain don't forget to ask the "target", each improvement to measure distance, rated a each other's attitude, in order to change the point of attack for. 4counter strategy A counter-offer is a party to the negotiations on the other side of the quote and their goals, active or should be asked to present their price conditions, it is often by the buyer in one or more times for a supply of sth. should the seller requirements and make. In foreign trade negotiations, to effectively counter must follow certain principle: 4.1 in the counter before must fully understand each other and price all content, accurate understanding of each other put forward condition true intentions. 4.2in order to find the quotation 's true intentions, can offer itemized on the transaction terms, to explore the basis of quotation or elastic range, pay attention to listen to each other's explanation. 4.3if your price is beyond the scope of a negotiated agreement, and you have to put a counter-offer condition differs very big, do not have to rush to put a counter-offer, but should be rejected the offer. For example: a Chinese relatives want to sell four bungalow to emigrate. Many people at that time they offer, to buy houses. The K than those offered by other buyers offer much higher. This quote has attracted seller, seller will reject the other buyer. When required by the seller and the buyer procedures for the sale, did not think of K is presented in this house. There is a public toilet, summer smell is unbearable, said only a maximum of three fourths in the original offer price. The seller has to quit the other buyers and are anxious to go abroad, finally had to sell. Reference In 1, Wang Xiao," business negotiation", ( M ), higher education press,2006June first edition; In 2, Pan Xiaojue, Xie Chengzhi," business negotiation and communication skills.", [ M ], Fudan University press,2002January second edition; In 3, Zhang Minglu, Ceng Guoan," business negotiations and marketing", [ M ], Southwestern University of Finance and Economics press,2006March third edition. In 4, Zhou Haitao," the success of business negotiations skills", China Textile Press,2006July first edition; In 5, Liu Wenguang," business negotiation", Beijing University Press,2006April first edition. In 6, Chen Wenhan," business negotiation practice" [ M ]. Beijing: Publishing House of electronics industry,2005.8 In 7, Zhao Chunming," business negotiation" [ M ]. Beijing: China financial and Economic Publishing House,2000.6 In 8, Dong Guangkun," the business negotiation and intercultural communication" [J ]. Modern shopping,2007" In 9, Jin Zhengkun," business etiquette on" [ J]. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University,2005 10, Hong Gang," the art of negotiation success concession" [ J ]. Zhengzhou Coal Management Cadre Institute,2001.6 In 11, Zhao Jicun," the negotiation skills" [ J ]. Economic management ( Economics and management magazine )2002.9 Feeling thanks letter Three years of university study time is close to the end, I think of my university, my parents, my teachers and students to express my heartfelt thanks. Thank my family of my three years of university study silently support; thank our school for giving me the opportunity to study at the University for three years, so I can continue to learn and improve; thanks to the teachers and students three years of my concern and encouragement. Teachers in the classroom teaching with passion, under inculcate; the students in learning enthusiasm in life seriously, enthusiastic and active, all of these let me three years full of touches, this thesis I got the help of teachers and classmates, including my thesis guidance teacher to my guidance. From the thesis to study the establishment of research method, and the various problems encountered in the process, all without exception is sun 's guidance, the paper completes the process, high teacher serious attitude, and superb professional knowledge have left deep impression to me, so that I benefit. Thank the person: Guan Yuping 厦门华天涉外职业技术学院 学生毕业设计(论文) 浅析外贸谈判中的议价技巧 学 院: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 二〇一二年五月 中 文 摘 要 外贸谈判活动是在经济活动中,谈判双方通过协商来确定交换有关的各种条件的一项必不可少的活动,而外贸谈判的目的是为了获得满意的商品性能价格比,也就是期望所谓的物美价廉。因此,商业谈判一个必不可少的项目比便是“议价”,议价在一定程度上也可以说是商业谈判的核心任务。议价应善于收集与谈判内容有关的信息,善于进行认真分析思考,抓住问题的本质,以适时,适量,适价,适人4个关键要点为基础,才能准确的讨价还价,在商务谈判中取得赢面机会~ 关键词:外贸谈判、议价要点、议价技巧 ABSTRACT Foreign trade negotiations is an essential activity in economic activities, the negotiating parties through consultation to determine the exchange of a variety of conditions, the purpose of trade negotiations in order to get the commodity cost performance, that is, expect the so-called inexpensive. Therefore, an essential item of business negotiations than is the "bargaining, bargaining power to some extent, it can be said is the core task of the commercial negotiations. Bargaining should be good to collect information relevant to the content of the talks seriously good at analytical thinking, to grasp the nature of the problem, based on four key points of timely, adequate, appropriate price, fitness, in order to bargain in the business negotiations chance of winning opportunities! Keywords: foreign trade negotiations, the bargaining points, bargaining skills 第一章 外贸谈判前的准备 1.情报的收集 所谓情报按照情报的功能分类包括三大类:公开情报、非公开情报、机密情报。按照情报的内容来分类包括四部分:与谈判有关的情况、有关谈判对象的情况、竞争者的情况、已方的情况。谈判者都是可以从以下几个渠道获取有效的情报:?政府事业机构;?通过研究专利来寻找情报;?行业咨询公司或相关机构;?通过大型的展览活动来收集情报;?通过参观学习获取情报;?询问关键客户;?追踪谈判对象的领导言行等。例如:2003年日本佳能的数码打印技术持续以百分之五的年增长率发展着营业额达到了163000亿日元,保持着这个行业的霸主地位,而曾经雄霸复印机行业的施乐公司在2000年财产净亏7亿美元,直到2002年才扭亏为盈。佳能是在1967年打算将产品线从照相机延伸到办公室领域的。但当时美国施乐公司是阻碍佳能公司进军办公室设备的大山,面对施乐公司的强大实力,许多竞争只得望机兴叹,然而佳能没有消极等待,但也没有盲目对抗,而是处也积虑地筹划进入到复印机制造领域。一方面,通过查阅施乐公司拥有的所有专利,参考其专利资源,力求在相应的技术基础上有所创新和突破;另一方面,通过购买施乐复印机的客户调查,佳能公司发现了一些现有客户对施乐复印机的抱怨,诸于价格昂贵、操作复杂、体积太大、保密性不强等。最后,佳能决定抢先占领更有发展前景的小型复印机市场领域。在谈判工作开始前,谈判人员对各种信息资料的掌握要全面,因为谈判优劣分析以及策略应用是建立在对有关信息资料的收集与整理的基础上的,掌握的信息资料越全面,分析得越充分,谈判成功的可能性就越大。 2.谈判计划书的拟定 谈判计划是外贸谈判人员在谈判前预先对谈判目标具体内容和步骤所作的安排,是谈判者行为的指针和方向。谈判计划书的主要内容有:确定谈判目标;时间的安排;谈判地点的安排等。 2.1谈判目标的确定 谈判目标的判目标是指谈判要达到的具体目标,它指明谈判方向和要达到的目的。企业对本次谈判目标是保证谈判成功的基础。在确定谈判目标的时候,一 定要充分分清自己想要的和需要的内容,并把它罗列出来。谈判中有许多常见的问题都会出现,包括价格、数量、质量、交货期、折扣、售后服务等。谈判前,先列出自己的谈判目标,考虑对方可能关心的,按优先级分出来,再列出一个竞争对手目标,考虑对方可能关心的内容。 2.2时间的安排 “时间就是金钱,效益就是生命”,可见时间的安排是非常重要的环节,如果时间安排得很仓促,准备不充分,匆忙上阵,心浮气躁,很难沉静地在谈判中实施各种策略;如果时间安排得很拖延,不仅会耗费大量的时间和精力,而是随着时间的推迟,各种环境因素都会发生变化还可能会错过一些重要的机遇。 2.3谈判地点的选择 谈判地点的选择,往往涉及谈判的环境心理回素问题,有利的谈判场所能增加自己的谈判力量。例如:日本的钢铁和煤炭资源短缺,而澳大利亚盛产铁和煤,日本渴望购买到澳大利亚的煤和铁,而在国际市场上,澳大利亚一方却愁找不到买主。按理来说,日本 人的谈判地位低于澳大利亚,处于不利地位,而澳大利亚一方在谈判桌上占据主动地位。为了取得谈判的优势,日本 商人总想方设法把对方的谈判代表请到日本去谈生意。一旦澳大利亚人到了日本,日本方面和澳大利亚方面在谈判桌上的相互地位就发生了显著的变化。日本方面这一成功的谈判恰恰说明了主场谈判具有不少优势。在自己熟悉的地方与对方谈判,各方面都会感到比较习惯,在生活起居、饮食、睡眠止都 不会受到影响,由于他们处于东道主的身份,处理各种谈判事务都比较主动,谈判底气比较足。 第二章 外贸谈判中议价技巧关键要点 在国际贸易中,价格谈判最为敏感、最为复杂、也最需要一定的技巧。往往是在一种Bargaining (讨价还价)的过程中,双方谈判人的许多素质得以磨练和体现,如反应是否敏捷;能否用礼貌得全的语言交谈;是咄咄逼人,还是以理服人;能否做到恰如其分的反驳,但又不伤害对方;能否抓住机会“吹捧”自己的产品,但又不至于使对方反感等等。因此培养在不同环境中,适时间,适人,适价,适量的应用能力,是议价的核心,是议价的关键。 1.适时 要掌握好报价的时机,这样可以促进订单的快速成交。当客户询价时,我们不急于报价。如果客户未确定具体型号或对行情不熟,宜模糊报价,如:我们这产品型号有几种,价格从无到有。不要轻易报价。当客户直接寻价时,要尽量通过问答的形式了解客户。比如可以问客户需要的数量,质量要求,有没有特殊的 需求,最好能掌握客户的预算和同行的报价。还要了解客户是直接用户还是中间商。 2.适人 每个公司都有它的运作程序。报价时要分清接触的是承办人还是决策人,承办人与决策人是否为同一人。与承办人报价时宜高一点,让人有一个议价的空间,让承办人获得降价的成就感和向上表现的机会。与决策人谈判时,要做出稍作考虑的语气后果断敲定,敲定价格是要显得果断中肯,让人感到你的报价是经过慎重考虑得出的行情价格。 3.适价 适当的价格是根据客户的产品定位,市场行情和谈判条件制定的。制定合适的价格要注意:报价时金额不能为整数,宜零数,让客户从视野上产生报价的精密感,如12.5元,但也不能太零碎,如12.535。要预留议价的空间,一般有15-20%的弹性空间,适当的价格要有充分的条件说明,让人明白消费。 4.适量 适量就是在议价的谈判过程中控制度量原则。客户口头要求降价也讲不出合理的理由时不能轻易降价,这只是采购的例行工作而已。如果以竞争对手的底价来比较,甚至给你看对手报价时,你要先解释你单价以外的其他优势,如:质量,货期,品牌知名度,然后做适当调整。给客户提出降价要求时,业务员也要提出相对的要求,这就是谈判的原则。无条件的降价不会增加客户对你的好感,反而让人觉得你的水分太高。我们可以用订单数量,交期要求,付款期限等条件作为议价的筹码。报价后不能大幅度的掉价,比如从21一下降到15,换做你是采购员,你会怎么想呢,报价议价的次数不能超过3次,频繁地降价会让客户越议越勇,恨不得榨干你的利润,让你亏本出售。降价的比率要越来越小,让客户意识到你差不多没有降价空间了,这样会更顺利成交。在报价议价中,每个案子都有它不同的特点,业务员要掌握技巧具体分析,灵活运用。 第三章 外贸谈判应当采取的议价技巧策略 1.开局策略 谈判开局阶段,首先应该创造和谐的气氛。人们通常将谈判的开局阶段称为“破冰期”阶段,它与谈判的准备阶段不同之处在于这个阶段谈判双方开始接触是谈判进入实质的短暂过渡阶段。谈判双方在这段时间内相互熟悉,为下一步的正式会谈做准备。在谈判开始,双方无论是否有成见,一旦坐到谈判桌前,就应 心平气和,坦诚相待,不要在一开始就涉及有分歧的议题或不可不讲效果地提出要求。例如:我国某地方公司在国际经济交流中涉及一桩小的索赔案,适逢对方的代表来我国走访用户,因此公司领导指示我方某位业务员负责接待。本来这笔索赔金额很小,经过友好协商是完全可以圆满解决的,但由于我方这位业务员片面的理解了“效率就是生命”这句话的含义,在外商刚刚抵达的时候,不由分说,马上要求外商全额赔偿我方损失,高高兴兴而业的外商迎头被浇了一盆冷水,因此讲话也很不客气,谈判气氛马上紧张起来。双方针锋相对,寸利必争,会谈效果很不理想。虽然我方及时更换谈判人员,取得了外商的赔偿,但费时、费力很不合算。这个案例说明的许多缺乏谈判经验的谈判人员急于求成,结果是欲速则不达,非但达不到既定目标,而且往往由于在讨价还价中感情用事,导致以前的成果付诸东流,这种教训是深刻的,应该引起极大重视。 2.报价策略 外贸谈判一方向另一方报价时,不仅要考虑报价所能带来的利益,还要考虑该报价被对方接受的可能性。无论买方还是卖方,都应该掌握报价的基本原则: 2.1对卖方来讲,开盘价必须是“最高的”相应的,对买方而言,开盘价必须是“最低的”。这是报价的首要原则。 2.2盘价必须合乎情理。如果报价过高,会使对方感到你没有诚意,甚至于不理睬,扬长而去。对于卖方来说,也不能“漫天要价”,这会使对方感到你没有常识。 2.3报价应该坚定、明确、完整,不加解释和说明,开盘价要果断提出,这样才能给对方留下诚实的印象,如果欲言又止,吞吞吐吐,就会导致对方产生怀疑。报价时要非常清楚,并不加过多的解释、说明。因为对方听完你的报价,肯定会对他感兴趣的问题提出质疑,这样我方可以根据对方的兴趣所在,有针对性地进行解释和说明。否则,会被对方找出破绽,抓住把柄。 2.4报价不要报整数,在外贸谈判时,如果报出一个整数价,是暗示让人家来降低价格。如果提出一个有零头的数字,听起来好像比较强硬、坚定,谈判的余地也较小,从而得到更好的结果。 3.讨价的策略 谈判中,一方首先报价之后,另一方要求报价方改善报价的行为,被称作讨价。讨价时应注意 以下问题: 3.1以理服人,见好就收 因为讨价还价是伴随着价格评论进行的,故讨价还价应本着尊重对方和说理的方式进行;又因为不是买方的还价,而是启发、诱导卖方降价,为还价做准备,如果在此时强压对方降价,则可能不能使谈判过早地陷入僵局,对己方不利。故 在初期、中期的讨价即对方还价前的讨价,应保持“平和信赖”的气氛,充分说理,以求最大的效益即使碰到“漫天要价”者,也不应该为其所动。 3.2揣摩心理,掌握次数 讨价还价数既是一个客观数,又是一个心理数。“心理次数”反映谈判对方对你的讨价有所反应,对你所要求的条件愿意考虑。从讨价方式分析:当以分块分类方式讨价时,分五块就意味着至少可以讨价五次价。其中水分大部分钟,不能只讨两次价就停止,至少要攻击两次以上。在每次讨价时不要忘了讨价的“目标”,对方每一次改善要量一下距离,评一次对方的态度,以改变讨价的攻击点。 4.还价策略 还价是指谈判一方根据对方的报价和自己的谈判目标,主动或应对方要求提出自己的价格条件,它常由买方在一次或多次讨价还价后应卖方的要求而做出的。在外贸谈判中,要进行有效的还价就必须遵循一定的原则: 4.1在还价之前必须充分了解对方还价格全部内容,准确了解对方提出条件的真实意图。 4.2为了摸清对方报价的真实意图,可以逐项对对方报价所提的各项交易条件,探询其报价依据或弹性幅度,注意倾听对方的解释和说明。 4.3如果对方的报价超出谈判协议的范围,与己方要提出还价条件相差甚大时,不必草率地提出自己的还价,而应该先拒绝对方的报价。例如:有一华侨亲属想卖掉四间平房迁居国外。当时很多人登门报价,想买下房子。其中K的报价比其他买主的报价高出很多。这个报价吸引了卖主,卖主便回绝其他买主。当卖方要求与买方办理买卖手续时,没想到K提出这房子对面有处公厕,夏季气味难忍,表示最多只能以原报价的四分之三的价格成交。卖主已辞掉了其他买主且急于出国,最后不得不降价出售。 参考文献 1、王晓,《现代商务谈判》,,,,,高等教育出版社,,,,,年,月第一版; ,、潘肖珏、谢承志,《商务谈判与沟通技巧》,,,,,复旦大学出版社,,,,,年,月第二版; 3、张明禄、曾国安,《商务谈判与推销》,,,,,西南财经大学出版社,,,,,年,月第三版。 4、周海涛,《商务谈判成功技巧》,中国纺织出版社,2006年7月第一版; 5、刘文广,《商务谈判》,北京出版社,2006年4月第一版。 6、陈文汉,《商务谈判实务》〔M〕.北京:电子工业出版社,2005.8 7、赵春明,《商务谈判》〔M〕.北京:中国财政经济出版社,2000.6 8、董广坤,《商务谈判与跨文化交际》[J].商场现代化,2007. 9、金正昆,《商务礼仪简论》[J].北京工商大学学报,2005 10、洪刚,《成功让步的谈判艺术》〔J〕.郑州煤炭管理干部学院学报,2001. 6 11、赵吉存,《企业技术引进的谈判技巧》〔J〕.经济管理(经济与管理杂志社)2002.9 感 谢 信 大学三年学习时光已经接近尾,在此我想对我的大学,我的父母,我的老师和同学们表达我由衷的谢意。感谢我的家人对我大学三年学习的默默支持;感谢我的学校给我在大学三年深造的机会,让我能继续学习和提高;感谢老师和同学们三年来对我的关心与鼓励。老师们课堂上的激情洋溢,课堂下的谆谆教诲;同学们在学习中的认真热情,生活上的热心主动,所有这些都让我的三年充满了感动,这次毕业论文我得到了老师和同学的帮助,其中我的论文指导高老师对我的指导。从论文开题到研究方法的确立,以及研究过程中遇到的各种问题,无不得到孙老师的悉心指导,在整个论文完成过程中,高老师认真的态度,以及系统精 湛的专业知识都给我留下了深刻的印象,使我受益匪浅。 感谢人:官玉萍 The first chapter trade preparation before negotiation 1intelligence collection The so-called information according to the intelligence function classification includes three categories: public information, public information, classified information. According to the information content to the classification consists of four parts: negotiation with the relevant information, relevant negotiations object situation, competitors, our situation. Negotiators are from several channels of access to effective information : 1government institutions; II through the study of the patent to find information; the consulting companies or agencies; and through the large exhibition activities to collect information; and through study tours to obtain information; the question the key customers; the track of negotiation leadership behaviour. For example:2003 Japan Canon digital printing technology continue to five percent annual growth rate of development of turnover reached16300000000000 yen, maintained the industry dominant position, which once dominated the Xerox copier industry company in 2000net loss of $700000000of property, until 2002to profitability. Canon in 1967to the product line from camera extends to office area. But at a time when the United States Xerox is hindered by Canon office equipment company in the mountains, in the face of Xerox 's strength, many competition to be obliged to look for helplessly, but Canon no passive waiting, but there is no blind confrontation, but also the plot concerns the planning into the copier manufacturing field. On one hand, through access to Xerox has all patent, the patent resources, to the corresponding technology based on innovation and breakthrough; on the other hand, through the purchase of Xerox customer survey, Canon company found a number of existing customers of Xerox 's complaint, the expensive and complicated to operate, the volume is too large, confidential sex is not strong wait. Finally, Canon decided to occupy the more promising small sized copier market. In the negotiations before work is started, the negotiators to information to grasp the overall, because negotiations and strategy application analysis is based on the collection and collation of relevant information based on the information, the more comprehensive analysis, more fully, the more possibility of successful negotiation. The 2Negotiation plans Negotiation plan is foreign trade negotiator in talks on the objectives of the negotiations before the contents and steps of the arrangement, negotiators behavior and direction pointer. Negotiation plan main content has: determine the objectives of the negotiations; timing; negotiation place arrangement etc.. The 2.1negotiation objectives Negotiation objectives to target is a negotiation to achieve specific goals, it indicates the direction and goal of negotiations. Enterprises of the negotiation objectives are to guarantee the successful negotiation of the foundation. In determining the objectives of the negotiations, we must fully distinguish between what you want and need content, and it is listed. The negotiations have many common problems will appear, including price, quantity, quality, delivery, discount, after sale service. Before the talks, list their goals, to consider the other party may concern, according to the priority of points out, then list a rival target, consider each other may be concerned about. 2.2time arrangement " Time is money, efficiency is life", visible time arrangement is very important, if the schedule is not fully prepared, rush, rush, flighty and impetuous, difficult to calm in the negotiations on the implementation of various strategies; if the schedule is delayed, not only spend a lot of time and energy, but with time delay, a variety of environmental factors will change also may miss some important opportunities. The 2.3negotiation venue selection Negotiating the choice of location, often involving the negotiation of environmental psychology back problem, advantageous negotiation place can increase their bargaining power. For example: Japan iron and coal resource shortage, while Australia is rich in iron and coal, Japan is keen to buy Australia's coal and iron, and in the international market, the Australian side was anxious to find a buyer. Logically speaking, the Japanese people 's negotiating position lower than in Australia, at a disadvantage, and the Australian side at the negotiating table and occupy the initiative position. In order to obtain the advantage in negotiations, a Japanese businessman always try various devices to the other side of the negotiators to Japan to talk about the business. Once the Australians to Japan, Japan and Australia at the negotiating table mutual status changed. Japan this successful negotiation just that home has many advantages in negotiation. In their familiar negotiations with each other, all will be used, in daily life, diet, sleep stop are not affected, since they are host identity, processing various negotiation affairs are more active, more sufficient leverage. The second chapter of foreign trade negotiations in the bargaining skill points In international trade, price negotiation is most sensitive, the most complex, and most need certain skill. Often in a Bargaining ( for a supply of sth. ) in the course of negotiations between the two parties, the quality can be honed and embodiment, such as response is agile; can use polite to all conversations; is overbearing, or persuade through reasoning; can do to a proper extent retort, but not hurt each other; whether seize opportunity" flatter" their own products, but not enough to make each other off. Therefore trained in different environments, the appropriate time, qualified, suitable price, the amount of application ability is the core of bargaining, bargaining, is the key. 1timely Have a good grasp of the opportunity to offer, it can promote the rapid turnover of orders. When a customer inquiry, we are not in a hurry to quote. If the customer does not determine the specific model or on the market, suitable fuzzy pricing, such as: our product models have several, price from scratch. Don't quote. When the customer directly for price, as far as possible through the questions and answers in the form of understanding the customer. For example, can ask the number of customers need, quality requirements, there is no special needs, best can grasp the customer's budget and peer quotation. We must understand the customer 's direct user or middlemen. 2human Each company has its operational procedures. When quoting to distinguish the contact is the undertaker or decision, the undertaker and the decision whether the person is the same person. And contractors should offer a little higher, let a person have a bargaining space, let the undertaker won the price of the sense of achievement and a chance to show up. With decision-makers negotiations, to make a pause tone after the decisive strike, the strike price is to be decisive point, let a person feel your quotation after careful consideration that market prices. 3right price The price is appropriate according to the customer's product positioning, market quotation and negotiation is formulated in terms of the. To develop an appropriate price to pay attention to: offer amount cannot be integer, should be zero, so that customers from the perspective on offer precise sense, such as 12.5 yuan, but also cannot too fragmentary, such as 12.535. To allow bargaining space, generally 15-20% elastic space, appropriate price should have sufficient conditions, let people understand consumption. 4the amount of The amount is in bargaining negotiation process control the measurement principle. Customer verbal requests to reduce the prices to tell the reason can not be easily reduced, just buy routine work. If the competitor's price to compare, and even give you see adversary, you have to explain your unit other than the dominant, such as: quality, delivery, brand awareness, and then make the appropriate adjustments. Give customers a request for a price reduction, clerk to move relative to the requirements, this is the principles of negotiation. Unconditional reduction does not increase the customer feels for you, but feel your moisture too high. We can use the order quantity, delivery, payment terms and conditions as bargaining chips. Offer cannot be a severe drop, for example from 21down to 15, if you are a buyer, what do you think? Price bargaining count can not be more than 3 times, frequent price will let customers more on Yong, hate not dry up your profits, let you sell at a loss. Price ratio to be smaller, so that customers realize you almost did not depreciate space, it will be more smooth transaction. In the quotation negotiation, each case has its different characteristic, clerk to master the skills of specific analysis, flexible application. The third chapter trade negotiations should take bargaining tactics and skills 1opening strategy Start negotiations in stages, first of all should create a harmonious atmosphere. People usually talks start stage is called the" ice-breaking" stage, it and negotiation preparation phase difference is that this stage of negotiations both sides began to contact negotiations into the parenchyma of transitional stage. The negotiations both sides during this time are familiar with each other, as the next step in the formal talks to prepare. In the negotiations, both sides regardless of whether there are stereotypes, once to the table, it should be in a calm mood, frank, not in the beginning to have different subjects or not can not effect a request. For example: one of our local companies in the international economic exchanges involving a small claim, as the representatives of the other party to come to China to visit an user, thus leading the company to instruct our a clerk is responsible for the reception. This would have the claim amount is very small, through friendly consultation can be completely resolved, but because we the salesman one-sided understanding of " efficiency is life" the meaning of this sentence, in foreign has just arrived, allowing no explanation, immediately asked foreign full compensation for our loss, happily industry foreign trader when being poured a pot of cold water, therefore also very not polite speech, negotiation atmosphere immediately tense up. Both give tit for tat," Lee for talks, the effect is not ideal. Although our timely replacement of negotiators, made the foreign compensation, but time-consuming, laborious is not worthwhile. This case illustrates many of the lack of experience in negotiation negotiation personnel be anxious for success, the result is more haste, less speed., not only did not reach the established goals, and often due to give oneself over to blind emotions for a supply of sth. in, leading to previous results cast to waste, this is a profound lesson, should cause the attention of. 2bidding strategy Foreign trade negotiations from one party to the other party when quoting, not only to consider the offer can bring benefits, but also consider the offer is accepted the possibility. Whether the buyer or the seller, should grasp the basic principle of quote: 2.1the seller, the opening price must be " the highest" corresponding, to the buyer, the opening price must be " the lowest". This is a quote from first principles. 2.2the price must be reasonable. If the offer is too high, make the other feel you are not sincere, or even to ignore, March off. For the seller, also cannot " price oneself out of the market", this makes you have no knowledge. 2.3price should be firm, clear, complete, without explanation, the opening price is decisive put forward, so as to give the impression that honest, if about to speak, but saying nothing, mutter and mumble, will cause the other suspect. When quoting very clear, do not add too much explanation, description. Because the other side to your quotation, will certainly be interested in him questioned, so we can according to each other's interests, in a targeted manner to explain and illustrate. Otherwise, the other side will be to find flaws, grasping a handle. 2.4quotations do not report integer, in foreign trade negotiations, if the quoted price is suggestive of an integer, let people to reduce the price. If we have proposed an odd number, it sounds like a tough, strong, negotiations have less room, and get better results. 3bargaining strategy Negotiations, first party after another request for quotation, quotation improve price behavior, called bargaining. Bargaining should pay attention to the following issues: 3.1persuade through reasoning, when to stop. Because of the price for a supply of sth. is accompanied by the comment, so for a supply of sth. should be based on respect each other and reasonable manner; and because it is not the buyer bargaining, but inspired, induce the seller to offer price, prepare, if at this time forced the other prices, may not make negotiations to come to a deadlock, adverse to him. So in the early, medium-term bargain bargain price namely each other before, should be" flat and trust" atmosphere, adequate reasoning, to the greatest benefits even if meet" price oneself out of the market", also should not for their move. The 3.2study psychology, master frequency For a supply of sth. number is not only an objective number, is also a psychological number. " Mental number" reflect the negotiation on the other side you respond to price, your demand is willing to consider. From a bargaining analysis: when to block classification bargaining, five means at bargain prices five times. The water clock, not only for the price of two stops, at least to attack more than two times. After each bargain don't forget to ask the "target", each improvement to measure distance, rated a each other's attitude, in order to change the point of attack for. 4counter strategy A counter-offer is a party to the negotiations on the other side of the quote and their goals, active or should be asked to present their price conditions, it is often by the buyer in one or more times for a supply of sth. should the seller requirements and make. In foreign trade negotiations, to effectively counter must follow certain principle: 4.1 in the counter before must fully understand each other and price all content, accurate understanding of each other put forward condition true intentions. 4.2in order to find the quotation 's true intentions, can offer itemized on the transaction terms, to explore the basis of quotation or elastic range, pay attention to listen to each other's explanation. 4.3if your price is beyond the scope of a negotiated agreement, and you have to put a counter-offer condition differs very big, do not have to rush to put a counter-offer, but should be rejected the offer. For example: a Chinese relatives want to sell four bungalow to emigrate. Many people at that time they offer, to buy houses. The K than those offered by other buyers offer much higher. This quote has attracted seller, seller will reject the other buyer. When required by the seller and the buyer procedures for the sale, did not think of K is presented in this house. There is a public toilet, summer smell is unbearable, said only a maximum of three fourths in the original offer price. The seller has to quit the other buyers and are anxious to go abroad, finally had to sell. Reference In 1, Wang Xiao," business negotiation", ( M ), higher education press,2006June first edition; In 2, Pan Xiaojue, Xie Chengzhi," business negotiation and communication skills.", [ M ], Fudan University press,2002January second edition; In 3, Zhang Minglu, Ceng Guoan," business negotiations and marketing", [ M ], Southwestern University of Finance and Economics press,2006March third edition. In 4, Zhou Haitao," the success of business negotiations skills", China Textile Press,2006July first edition; In 5, Liu Wenguang," business negotiation", Beijing University Press,2006April first edition. In 6, Chen Wenhan," business negotiation practice" [ M ]. Beijing: Publishing House of electronics industry,2005.8 In 7, Zhao Chunming," business negotiation" [ M ]. Beijing: China financial and Economic Publishing House,2000.6 In 8, Dong Guangkun," the business negotiation and intercultural communication" [J ]. Modern shopping,2007" In 9, Jin Zhengkun," business etiquette on" [ J]. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University,2005 10, Hong Gang," the art of negotiation success concession" [ J ]. Zhengzhou Coal Management Cadre Institute,2001.6 In 11, Zhao Jicun," the negotiation skills" [ J ]. Economic management ( Economics and management magazine )2002.9 Feeling thanks letter Three years of university study time is close to the end, I think of my university, my parents, my teachers and students to express my heartfelt thanks. Thank my family of my three years of university study silently support; thank our school for giving me the opportunity to study at the University for three years, so I can continue to learn and improve; thanks to the teachers and students three years of my concern and encouragement. Teachers in the classroom teaching with passion, under inculcate; the students in learning enthusiasm in life seriously, enthusiastic and active, all of these let me three years full of touches, this thesis I got the help of teachers and classmates, including my thesis guidance teacher to my guidance. From the thesis to study the establishment of research method, and the various problems encountered in the process, all without exception is sun 's guidance, the paper completes the process, high teacher serious attitude, and superb professional knowledge have left deep impression to me, so that I benefit. Thank the person: Guan Yuping
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