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英语国家概况-加拿大篇中英翻译Part Three Chapter 23Canada?s geography and history 加拿大的地理特点:Canada’s geography features: 1) 座落于美国的北部,仅次于俄罗斯的世界第二大国; lies to the north of the US; the world?s second largest country after Russia. 2.地形十分复杂:东部山区沿海省份沿劳伦斯湾和大西洋形成不规则的海岸;西部,太平 洋沿岸地区被南北走向的山脉分离,其...

Part Three Chapter 23Canada?s geography and history 加拿大的地理特点:Canada’s geography features: 1) 座落于美国的北部,仅次于俄罗斯的世界第二大国; lies to the north of the US; the world?s second largest country after Russia. 2.地形十分复杂:东部山区沿海省份沿劳伦斯湾和大西洋形成不规则的海岸;西部,太平 洋沿岸地区被南北走向的山脉分离,其中包括落基山脉;中部是一个大平原; it has an extremely varied topography:the east part is mountainous maritime provinces have an irregular coastline on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic;The west part, the Pacific border is separated from the rest of the country by mountain ranges from north to south including the Rockies; the central part is a vast plain. 3.气候不甚宜人,大部分地区冬季既漫长又寒冷,积雪深厚;所以,大多数人都居住在南 部边境地区 the climate is unfavorable, much of Canada has long and cold winters with deep snow. So,a major part of the population lives along the southern border. 4.最高峰是落根峰,主要的两大河流是马更些河与圣劳伦斯河。 The highest peak is Mount Logan; The two principal river systems are the Mackenzie River and the St. Lawrence River 大约80%的加拿大人住在临近美国边界的大城市中,多伦多是加拿大最大的城市 Nearly 80% of Canadians live in large cities near the border with the United States. Toronto, Canada's largest city 地理区域及其特点Geographical regions and their characteristics 1、大西洋沿岸诸省区:Atlantic Province 该地区盛产土豆,旅游业是该地区经济的主要部分 potatoes grow well there ,The tourist trade is an important part of the region's economy. 纽芬兰省东部附近的大浅滩是世界上的大渔场之一, off the eastern shore of Newfoundland, form one of the world's great fishing grounds. 哈利法克斯市,拥有一个长年不冻的天然良港。 Halifax, has a good natural harbor that is ice free. 2、圣劳伦斯及五大湖省区St. Lawrence-Great Lakes Provinces 这是加拿大最发达的地区。这个地区因均靠近圣劳伦斯河和五大湖区而获益匪浅。 This is the most highly developed part of Canada. The region benefits from being near the St, Lawrence River and the Great Lakes. 目前它是加拿大人口密度最大的地区,也是工业化程度最高的地区。魁北克省是加 拿大两个最重要的省份之一。法国文化的巨大影响使它与其他省区有所不同。 This area is today the most densely populated and industrialized part of Canada. Quebec is one of Canada's two most important provinces. It differs from the other provinces of Canada because it has a strong French culture. 渥太华,加拿大的首都,也位于安大略省。在首都,一半人说法语,一半人说英语。 Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is in the province of Ontario. Half of the population of the capital city are French speaking and half are English speaking. 3、加拿大地盾区the Canadian Shield 几乎半个加拿大被加拿大地盾所覆盖,对居民没有什么吸引力,但却蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源、水力资源和大片的森林。 Almost half of Canada is covered by the Canadian Shield.The Shield, although uninviting to settlement, contains a wealth of minerals, much water power and great forests. 4、大草原诸省区Prairie provinces 它很适于种植小麦It is ideal for growing wheat. 5、不列顛哥伦比亚区British Columbia 最重要的山脉是落基山脉和海岸山脉,它们贯穿全省 The most important mountain ranges are the Rocky Mountains and the Coast Mountains, which extend the length of the province. 6、北部诸省及地区Northern provinces and territories 光秃秃的、人烟稀少的加拿大北部地区占整个国土的4/5。尽管该地区气候恶劣,但成千上万公顷的森林、丰富的矿产资源和许多水资源都正在被开发。 The bare, thinly settled region of northern Canada takes up four fifth of the country. In spite of its severe climate, thousands of hectares of forest land, rich mineral deposits, and many sources of water are being developed. 加拿大的形成The Making of Canada 1.欧洲人发现加拿大 The European discovery ?Kanata?是印第安语…居住者?,英国人和法国人逐渐征服了西班牙人没有提出主权要求的北美领土,当时被称作新法国的定居点始于1604年,建在皇家港口,在现今天的新斯科舍省。 ”Kanata”was an Indian Word for “settlement”,The English and French became rivals in the gradual conquest of those parts of North America not claimed by the Spanish. The actual settlement of New France, as it was then called, began in 1604 at Port Royal in what is now Nova Scotia. 2、英法竞争:在7年的英法战争后1756-1763,整个加拿大属于英国统治, The rivalry between the British and the French,the whole of Canada came under t he British rule, after the Seven Year?s war betwenn England and Franch from 1756-1763 3、英国统治下的加拿大British Canada 在《魁北克法案》中,英国议会赋予了魁北克人作为法裔加拿大人的权力。 by the Quebec Act ,British Parliament granted the people of Quebec rights as French Canadians. 第一批在加拿大的英国定居者是美国难民,为讲英语的加拿大奠定了基础。 The first British settlers in Canada were American refugees,lay the base of English-speaking Canada. 根据1791年法案,建立了上加拿大(英国人)和下加拿大(法国人),根据1848年的 《联合法案),上、下加拿大又合二为一,并且1848年成立了内部自治政府。1867年的 《英属北美法案》,宣布其为自治领。 By an Act of 1791 Upper Canada(British)and Lower Canada (French)were created. Act of Union in 1840, the Upper Canada and Lower Canada were united again,it was made a dominion in 1867 by the British North America Act. 4. 自治政府和联盟制 Self-government and Confederation 1869 年第一位首相约翰·麦克唐纳执政(保守党) In 1869 the first prime minister is Sir John Macdonald(Conservative Party), 自由党于1896年接管了政权,一位著名的法裔加拿大人,威尔福德·鲁瑞尔任总 理。他创立了加拿大海军。 In 1896, the Liberal Party took over and the country was ruled under Sir Wilfrid Laurier, an eminent French Canadian, He founded the Canadian Navy 在自由党执政时期,加拿大发展很快。 During this period Canada experienced rapid growth. 加拿大参加了第一次世界大战,还成为了国际联盟成员国。 Canada entered World War I and to take a seat as a member of the League of Nations. 5、加拿大国The Canadian nation 根据1931年的《威斯敏斯特条例》,加拿大就成为英联邦国家的成员。二战作为英国的同盟参与作战。 By the Statute of Westminster in 1931,Canada became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. During WW II ,Canada fought as an ally of Britain in WW II Chapter 24 经济 Ⅰ. 自然资源I. Natural Resources 自然资源,它们在加拿大的经济中占重要位置。 natural resources are significant in the Canadian economy. 加拿大的河流流量几乎占全世界河流总量的1/10。湖泊是河网的天然调节器 The flow of Canadian rivers represents almost one-tenth of the water carried by all the waterways of the world. Lakes are the natural regulators of the network. 这些河湖的发电量占加拿大总发电量的3/4,居世界第三位。 These waters generate three quarters of all electric power in Canada. Canada ranks third, 加拿大是世界上拥有最长海岸线的国家之一。大西洋和太平洋沿岸的水域是世界上最富饶的捕鱼场。已经成为世界上最大的鱼类出口国, Canada has one of the longest coastlines of any country in the world. The Atlantic and Pacific coastal waters are among the world's richest fishing grounds. Canada has become the World's largest exporter of fish. 新斯科舍人为他们能造出世界上最大的帆船而骄傲。 Nova Scotians are proud of having built some of the world's greatest sailing ships. 加拿大几乎有一半的国土被森林覆盖,伐木业、纸浆和造纸位居加拿大最重要的 行业之列,加拿大是世界上最大的新闻纸生产国, Almost half the land area of Canada is covered by forests.Lumbering and the manufacture of pulp and paper products are among Canada's most important industries. Canada is the largest producer of newsprint in the world, 毛皮是另一项重要的资源。许多早期的定居点都是由狩猎者和皮毛商建立的。 Furs are another valuable resource. Trappers and fur traders founded many of Canada's earliest settlements. Ⅱ.矿产资源 Mineral Resources 矿产是加拿大最有价值的资源,几乎所有现代经济所必需的矿产在该国都能找到。 Minerals are the most valuable of Canada's resources. Almost all minerals necessary to a modem economy are found in the country. 主要矿床都是在加拿大地盾发现的 Major deposits of Canada, are found in Canadian Shield . 加拿大的煤矿可能是世界上最大的之一 the coal fields of Canada may be among the largest in the world. Ⅲ.农业 Agriculture 加拿大农场主要生产小麦、动物饲料谷物、牛奶制品和水果。 Canadian farms specialize in producing wheat, food crops for animals, dairy products, and fruit. Ⅳ.制造业 Manufacturing 制造业是加拿大最重要的经济活动,食品加工是最主要的产业,4/5的外国投资来自美国。 Manufacturing is the most important economic activity in Canada. Food processing is the leading industry. A total of about four fifths of all foreign investments in Canada are American. Ⅴ. 目前的经济The Economy Today 1.工业和服务行业Industries and services 几十年来,加拿大不断地从以自然资源为基础的经济向"白领"或服务性经济过渡。 For decades, Canada has been shifting from a natural resource-based economy towards a "white collar" or service economy. 加拿大是世界上经济最发达的国家之一,也是世界上主要的工业化国家之一。 Canada's economy is one of the largest in the world,It is also one of the world's leading industrialized countries. 近25%的国民生产总值来自制造业。 Nearly 25% of Canada's GNP comes from manufacturing. 加拿大也是世界最主要的贸易大国之一。国民生产总值的25%来自于向国外出售商品和提供服务。 Canada is also one of the world's most important trading nations. Some 25% of GNP comes from the sale of goods and services abroad. 另一种重要的出口产品是知识技术。 Another major export is expertise. 加拿大 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 并制造了世界上最先进的通讯卫星之一Anik B卫星, Canada has designed and manufactured one of the world's most advanced communications satellites, the Anik B. satellite, 加拿大的主要贸易伙伴是美国。加拿大近2/3的贸易是同美国进行的,包括进口和出口。 Canada's main trading partner is the United States. Nearly two thirds of Canada's trade is with the United States including exports and imports. 2.经济管理 Economic management 私有制是加拿大的经济生活的基础,政府在一些领域的参与还是很广泛的,诸如卫生保健、社会服务和交通。 Although private ownership is basic to Canada's way of economic life, government involvement has traditionally been extensive in some areas such as health, social services and transport. 省和联邦政府控制矿产资源和近80%的森林区。这就保证了资源得到完善的保护,也保证了自然资源为所有加拿大人造福。 Provincial and federal governments also control mineral resources and nearly 80% of the forested lands. This ensures that proper conservation is carried out and that the country's natural wealth is used for the benefit of all Canadians. 加拿大企业扩展所需的大部分资金都由加拿大银行和其他的金融机构提供。 Much of the capital needed for Canadian business to expand is provided by Canadian banks and other financial institutions. 3.劳动力 The work force 大多数加拿大人受雇于服务业和制造业。 Most Canadians are employed by the service sector and manufacturing. 1/3的工人加入了工会。70%以上的工会成员从属于加拿大劳工大会。 One third of all wage-earners belong to a labor union. More than 70% of union members are affiliated with the Canadian Labor Congress. 4.经济问题 Economic problems 在过去的几年里加拿大的失业率一直很高,加拿大的生产成本增加了,但人均生产力下降了,这不仅仅造成了巨大的利润损失,而且还导致工厂和公司的倒闭,这又导致了工作时间的减少和失业。 In the past few years, however, Canada's unemployment rate has been high. the cost for manufacturing has increased while the productivity per worker(output)has decreased,This not only caused a great loss in profit but also the closing down of factories and companies and this in turn led to the decrease in working hours and employment. 由于地理条件所限,海滨地区和不列颠哥伦比亚省的人们已与加拿大市场在某种程度上隔断了,这在一定程度上影响了该地区的经济增长。 Because of the geographical conditions, the people of both Maritime provinces and British Columbia have partly been cut off from the major Canadian markets, which to a certain extent influences the economic growth in these regions. 联邦政府已采取了一些措施来帮助那些发展速度慢的地区。 Some measures have been taken by the Federal government to help develop those slow-growth regions. 1)联邦政府给那些落后省区和辖区每年提供"平等拨款",这些款项用于资助一些服务性项目。 The Federal government provides the less prosperous provinces and territories with "equalization payments" every year. These payments help subsidize such services 2)还有一些直接的联邦政府拨款来帮助解决省、领地、林业公司、钢铁公司和工业基础结构扩展的某些问题。 there are direct federal grants to help solve the difficulties of provinces , territories, and companies in forestry, iron and steel, and industrial infrastructure expansion. Chapter 25 政府和政治 Ⅰ.政府体系 The System of Government 加拿大是英联邦的一个自治成员国,是一个共有十省和两个地区的联邦 Canada, a self-governing member of the Commonwealth of Nations, is a federation of l0 provinces and two territories 在(1867年)成立联盟时,加拿大由四个省组成, 《英属北美法案》就规定 了分权及在某些领域内实行权力共享。 Canada, created a federal union. at Confederation, was made up of four provinces, the British North America Act provided for the separation and, in certain areas, the sharing of powers. 2.加拿大宪法 The Canadian Constitution 加拿大宪法包括源于英国的基本法令、惯例和议会传统。 The Canadian Constitution comprises fundamental acts, customs and parliamentary traditions of British origin. 随着《1982年宪法法案》的通过,加拿大和英国的所有法律关系被终止,法案和宪法的修改权由英国政府转交给了加拿大 With the passing of the Constitution Act of 1982, cutting the last legal tie between Canada and Britain, the act and the Constitutional amending power were transferred from the British government to Canada 宪法联席会议的目的是根据需要对两级政府间(联邦政府和省政府)的权力和义务的分配进行划分和再确定。 The constitutional conferences, in particular, aim to delimit and redefine as necessary the distribution of responsibilities and powers between the two levels of government. 3.行政权力 Executive power 在加拿大由总督代表女王,他是经总理推荐而任命的。 The Queen is represented in Canada by the Governor-General, who is appointed on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. 事实上,总督只是按照身为联邦议会议员的总理(和内阁)的建议行事。 In practice, the Governor-General acts only on the advice of the Canadian Prime Minister and the Cabinet, who also sit in the federal Parliament. 联邦议会有两院:参议院和众议院 The Parliament has two Houses: the Senate and the House of Commons 总理是众议院中多数党的领袖,总理和其他内阁成员作为"政府"行使行政权力。 The Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in the House of Commons,The Prime Minister and other members of the Cabinet exercise executive power as the "Government". 内阁或"政府"只对众议院负责。如果政府在众议院失去多数人的信任,就应下台。在这种情况下,被推翻的总理就应当建议总督解散议会并举行大选。 Cabinet, or the "Government", is responsible only to the House of Commons. If it loses the confidence of the majority in the House, it is called upon to resign. In such cases, the defeated Prime Minister is expected to recommend to the Governor-General that he dissolve parliament and call a general election. 4.立法权 Legislative power 联邦政府的所有立法权归加拿大议会,议会包括君主、参议院和众议院。因此法律必须由议会两院通过,并由总督以女王的名义签字认可。 All the legislative powers of the federal administration are vested in the Parliament of Canada, which consists of the Crown, the Senate and the House of Commons. Therefore laws must be passed by both Houses of Parliament and signed by the Governor-General in the Queen's name. 选民的选择不仅决定了哪个党能执政,而且还决定了哪个党将成为官方反对党--也就是在众议院拥有的席位数居第二位的党派。以英国议会制为基础的宪法给了"忠诚的反对派"很重要的位置。 The choice made by the voters determines not only which party will hold power, but also which one will form the Official Opposition—the party which has the second highest number of members elected to the House of Commons. Constitutions based on the British parliamentary system give an important place to "the Loyal Opposition". 5.省政府和地区 The Provincial government and territories 除了没有参议院外,省政府的结构与联邦政府基本相同。省督其职责与总督的职责相似。 The government structures in the provinces are substantially the same as at the federal level,A Lieutenant-Governor,his duties are similar to those of the Governor-General. 除在魁北克省的叫"国家议会"和在纽芬兰省的叫"议会"以外,每个省都有选举产生的立法议会。 Every province has an elected Legislative Assembly except in Quebec where it is called the "National Assembly" and in Newfoundland where it is called the "House of Assembly". 加拿大的地区--育空地区和西北地区,享受不断增长的自治权,并拥有越来越多的政府责任。 The Territories of Canada, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories, enjoy increasing autonomy and more responsible government. 6.法律和法庭 Laws and courts 加拿大法律在法令和司法裁决上有其自己的渊源,并且也沿袭了英国的"普通法"。魁北克省是个例外,因为它的司法体系建立在法国的民法基础之上。 Canadian law has its source in acts and judicial decisions, and also in British "common law". The province of Quebec is an exception, since its system is based on French civil law, 联邦议会创立了加拿大最高法院、联邦法院和各种特别法院。省政府建立并管理高级法院和县级法院。 The federal Parliament created the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court and various courts of special jurisdiction. The provincial governments, for their part, set up and govern the superior courts and the county courts. Ⅱ.政党 Political Parties 1.两党制 Two-party system 加拿大有两个主要的联邦政党,他们是自由党和进步保守党。两党所采取的政策通常并没有太多差别。 There are two main federal parties in Canada. They are the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservative Party. Usually there is not much difference in the policies adopted by the two main parties. 2.一党执政 One-party rule 加拿大政党体系也以一党执政为其特点。而在魁北克省根本就没有进步保守党,大部分时间由自由党执政。 Canada's system of political parties is also characterized by one-party rule.in Quebec, there is no provincial Progressive Conservative Party. The Liberal Party has been in power for most of the time. 各省政党组织并不受制于联邦政党。在联邦选举和省级选举中支持不同党派丝毫不会产生矛盾。这就是加拿大的联邦制实行分权制的一个重要因素。 The provincial parties, however, are independent of the federal parties. Nor does the voter find it at all contradictory to support different parties in federal and provincial elections. This is an important factor of decentralization in Canadian federalism. 此外,加拿大政体不允许一个人同时既是联邦又是省立法机构的成员。 Furthermore the Canadian political system does not allow an individual to be a member of the federal and provincial legislatures at the same time. 3.其他政党 Other political parties 在各省的政治中,第三党取得了更大成就。 In the provincial politics the third party has become more successful. Ⅲ.魁北克省的分离主义者的问题 The Separatist Issue in Quebec 魁北克省是加拿大最大的省,魁北克省是加拿大两大最重要的省份之一。包括魁北克省和安大略省南部在内的地区是加拿大最发达地区。这个地区被称为加拿大的心脏地带。 Quebec is the largest province in Canada,Quebec is one of Canada's two most important provinces. The region that includes southern part of Quebec and Ontario is the most highly developed part of Canada. This part of the country has been known as the heartland of Canada. 它也是北美洲惟一的以讲法语为主的地区和法国以外的最大的讲法语的社区。讲法语的魁北克人把自己看作是创建加拿大的两个民族之一, It is the only predominantly French-speaking territory in North America and has one of the largest French-speaking communities outside France. French-speaking Quebeckers consider themselves one of Canada's two founding peoples. 一些法裔加拿大人觉得让他们保持自己独特身份的唯一办法就是与加拿大彻底脱离。温和的魁北克党(成立于1968年)主张同加拿大政治分离,而激进的魁北克解放阵线(成立于1962年)借助于恐怖主义来达到同样的目标。 A few French Canadians felt that the only way for them to maintain their unique identity was to separate completely from Canada. The moderate Parti Quebecois (founded in 1968) demanded political separation from Canada and the radical Front deLiberation du Quebec(FLQ, foundedin1962)sought the same end by terrorism. 为努力使魁北克省留在加拿大大家庭中,加拿大政府自1969年以来一直沿袭着一个双语政策。 In an effort to keep Quebec stay within the Canadian family, the Canadian government has followed a policy of bilingualism 1976年的11月,魁北克省人民选举产生了一个分离主义者政府,新的省 政府的行动之一就是要用它自己的单语制计划来反对联邦政府的双语制政策。 In November 1976, the people of Quebec elected a separatist local government for the first time since the movement began. One of the new provincial government's acts was to challenge the federal government's policy of bilingualism with a one-language or unilingual program of its own. 在1980 年,在魁北克省内所有地方,人们都讲并且承认了法语。 But by 1980 French was spoken and recognized everywhere in the province. 值得注意的是,虽然主张独立的人是失败者,但双方的民众选票只差大约 1% ,这种不断增长的民族主义表明魁北克未来地位的问题仍未解决。 What is worth noting is that though the advocates of independence are the losers, the difference between the popular votes of the two sides is only about 1%, This growing nationalism means that Quebec's future status has remained unresolved. Chapter 26 加拿大社会和文化 I.加拿大社会 Canadian Society 1.人口 Population 加拿大的国土面积是世界第二,是一个人口稀少的国家,却是拥有最多民族的国家之 一,有1000个民族。 Canada ranks second in land area. It is a sparsely populated country. But it is one of the countries with most nationalities. Canada is a country with as many as 100 nationalities. 大多数加拿大人是英国血统(44.6%)和法国血统(28.7%)。 The origins of most Canadians are British (44.6 % ) and French (28.7 % ). 加拿大的土著人是在史前时期从亚洲来的。 The native people of Canada came from Asia in prehistoric times. 85%讲法语的人住在魁北克,事实上,魁北克省外讲法语的加拿大人与魁北克省内讲 英语的人数目大致相等。 Eighty-five per cent of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec, In fact, there are nearly as many French-speaking Canadians outside Quebec as there are English-speaking Canadians in the province. 不同的语言、种族血统、历史和环境导致了加拿大人之间的地区差异。但整个北美环 境却造成了一种相当统一的城市生活方式。 Different languages, ethnic origins, history and environments result in regional differences among Canadians. the North American environment has shaped a largely uniform urban life-style. 2.移民Immigration 外来移民一直是加拿大人口和发展的一个重要源泉。因此,人们常说加拿大历史就是 一部移民史。 Migration from other countries has always been an important source of Canadian population and growth. So people often say that the history of Canada is a history of immigration. 自1867年四省联盟成立以来,加拿大的移民政策发生了很多变化。它已经从自由移 民(1867-1896)转化成有选择性的移民(1896-1914),又从有选择性的移民转化成了限制性 的移民(1914-1945)。自1945年以来,加拿大政府采取了鼓励向加移民的政策, Since Confederation in 1867 many changes have taken place in Canada's immigration policy. It has shifted from free immigration (1867-1896)to selected immigration(1896-1914)and from selected immigration to restricted immigration(1914-1945). Since 1945 the Canadian government has adopted a policy of encouraging migration to Canada. 新《联邦移民法》(1978年)首次清楚地肯定了加拿大移民法的目的:家庭团圆,没有歧 视、关心难民和推进加拿大经济、社会、人口及文化目标的实现。 The new federal Immigration Act(1978) explicitly affirmed for the first time the fundamental objectives of Canadian immigration law: family unification, non-discrimination, concern for refugees and the promotion of Canada's economic, .social, demographic and cultural goals. 这部新法律规定了三类可接收移民:家庭类、国际公约难民和独立移民。 The new law provides for three admissible classes of immigrant: the family class, convention refugees and independent immigrants. 加拿大正把移民的重点转向接纳更多的"经济"移民,包括熟练工人和商人。 Canada is now shifting the balance of immigration towards more "economic" immigrants, including skilled workers and business people. 3.双语制 Bilingualism 大多数来自魁北克而住在蒙特利尔的中产阶级家庭两种语言都会讲。他们 的英语和法语说得一样好。 Most middle class families from Quebec living in Montreal are bilingual. They speak English and French equally well. 4.多文化主义 Multiculturalism 加拿大政府于1971年采纳了多文化主义政策,从而确认了双语制框架中 的多元文化是加拿大特征的精髓之处。 So in 1971, the Canadian Government adopted a policy of multiculturalism, recognizing that cultural pluralism within a bilingual framework was the essence of the Canadian identity. 今天,加拿大的印地安和因纽特人对于他们被称为加拿大土著人而感到自豪。 Today, Canada's Indians and Inuit are proud to be called the country's native people. 土著人的土地权现在已经成为加拿大的一个重要问题。 Today land rights for the native peoples have become an important issue in Canada. 5.城市化 Urbanization 加拿大人口已高度城市化。加拿大是世界上最为都市化的国家之一。 The population of Canada is highly urbanized. Canada is one of the world's most metropolitan countries. 加拿大的城镇人口最多的是安大略省,高达82% ,最低的是爱德华王子 岛省,仅为38%。 Canada's urbanized population ranges from a high of 82% in Ontario to a low of 38% in Prince Edward Island. 6.宗教信仰 Religion 虽然基督教价值观是加拿大人生观的中心,但加拿大没有国教或政府支持 的教会。 Although Judeo-Christian values are central to Canadian life, there is no national or state-supported religion. 加拿大有三大宗教团体--罗马天主教、联合教(几个新教派组成的联合体) 和卫理公会--在每个省都有。 The three largest churches in Canada--Roman Catholic, United (a union of several protestant groups)and Anglican—are found in every province. 7.教育 Education 实际上所有加拿大人至少接受十年正规教育。 Virtually all Canadians devote at least ten years to formal education. 虽然联邦政府也创办了一定数量的学校,但教育是由各省负责的。 Education is a provincial responsibility, although the Federal Government operates a limited number of institutions. 最古老的大学是魁北克市的拉瓦尔大学,始建于1663年。最大的是多伦 多大学 The oldest university is Laval University in Quebec City, originally founded in 1663. The largest is the University of Toronto. 8.休闲 Leisure 加拿大人每周通常工作5天,大多数有工作的如拿大人每年至少124天不 工作。 The normal work week in Canada spread over five working days. most employed Canadians have at least 124 days free from work each year. 在夏天,游泳是最受欢迎的娱乐方式 swimming was the most popular form of recreation, 在冬季,娱乐性的滑冰、登山和越野滑雪很流行。冰球是传统的流行项目, In the winter months, recreational skating and alpine and cross-country skiing are widespread. Hockey is a traditionally popular Canadian sport 9.医疗保健 Health care 联邦政府就为各省支付一半的医疗保险计划费用。 The Federal Government paid the provinces one-half the cost of the insurance programs 由政府管理医疗保险,实现全民保险,全面保险并且随人的流动由一省转 到另一省。没有一个加拿大人会因为经济原因而不能就医, universality, comprehensiveness and portability from one province to another. No Canadian lacks access to hospital and medical care for financial reasons, Ⅱ.加拿大文化II. Canadian Culture 从欧洲文化过渡到真正加拿大文化,这一过渡与移民逐渐在加拿大定居的 过程几乎是同时的。 The transition of Canadian culture from European to authentically Canadian took place almost at the same time with the gradual settlement of the country. 许多17和18世纪的文学作品是探险家和传教士的日记。19世纪发展为更 成熟的艺术作品和知识著作。 Many of the literary documents of the 17th and 18th centuries were journals of explorers or of missionaries. The 19th century saw the development of more mature works of art and learning. 加拿大第一个本土作曲家加利克斯.拉瓦利,为"加拿大颂"谱了曲,这一 歌曲现在是加拿大的国歌。 Canada's first native composer, Calixa Lavallee, wrote the music for "0 Canada", now used as Canada's national anthem. 1948年,一个名叫让·保罗·里奥配尔的加拿大画家在伦敦和巴黎受到 了很高的赞誉,加拿大人第一次成为世界上抽象艺术的顶级人物。 A Canadian painter called Jean-Paul Riopelle the first time made a Canadian stood out as a world leader in abstract art. 当代加拿大社会的风貌和精神反映在另一种艺术形式上--建筑学。 The vision and breath of contemporary Canadian society is reflected in another art form, architecture. 加拿大人比其他民族读的诗要多。 Canadians read more poetry than almost any other people. 尽管历史很短,但舞蹈是加拿大的一种重要艺术形式。全国拥有三个世界 级芭蕾舞团。 Despite a relatively short history', dance in Canada is an important art form. The country has three world-class ballet companies. 加拿大委员会是加拿大政府的基金管理机构, The Canada Council is the Canadian Government's funding agency.
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