首页 东北的特色菜大全做法



东北的特色菜大全做法东北的特色菜大全做法 东北的特色菜大全 东北大拉皮主料:东北拉皮、胡萝卜、黄瓜、黑木耳、豆腐丝 1、拉皮煮熟,用凉水泡好备用。2、胡萝卜、黄瓜洗净切丝。黑木耳泡开煮熟切丝。 3、把所有的东西放入小盆,加入2,3瓣拍碎的蒜(最好剁蓉),香醋,盐,香油。喜欢辣味可以加入辣椒酱或泡山椒,或是把干辣椒过油浇上。 4、还可以加入熟瘦肉丝,火腿丝或者榨菜丝一起拌。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deploymen...

东北的特色菜大全做法 东北的特色菜大全 东北大拉皮主料:东北拉皮、胡萝卜、黄瓜、黑木耳、豆腐丝 1、拉皮煮熟,用凉水泡好备用。2、胡萝卜、黄瓜洗净切丝。黑木耳泡开煮熟切丝。 3、把所有的东西放入小盆,加入2,3瓣拍碎的蒜(最好剁蓉),香醋,盐,香油。喜欢辣味可以加入辣椒酱或泡山椒,或是把干辣椒过油浇上。 4、还可以加入熟瘦肉丝,火腿丝或者榨菜丝一起拌。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 鲇鱼炖茄子主料:鲶鱼,嫩茄子。 配料:猪五花肉,香菜。 调料:盐,味精,醋,料酒,胡椒粉,葱姜丝,香油,汤。 制作 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 : 1.茄子去蒂洗净去皮,用手撒成条,香菜切段,五花肉切片。 2.将鲶鱼收拾整理干净后,放入沸水中略烫,捞出放入凉水中浸凉,取出用筷子刮去 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面粘液。大个鲶鱼改6-7厘米的段,小个整条即可。 3.勺内放少许油,放入茄条煸炒,变软倒入碗内备用。 4.勺内放汤、鲶鱼、肉片、茄条、葱丝、姜丝,烧开撇沫,加盐、料酒用小火炖20分钟左右,捡出五花肉,倒入碗内。 5.碗内加醋、味精、胡椒粉,点香油撒上香菜即好。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 东北大骨棒主料:大骨棒,当然要选猪骨头的,要两头大,中间小的那种,不要两边是扁扁的,那样的没骨髓 1用刀背把骨棒敲开,因为骨头熟了就很难断开了。2用开水炒一下,记住骨头要大头朝下哦,否则骨髓都跑走了3过滤处清汤,备用4用葱姜蒜爆锅,然后放入花角,大料,这样炸一下特香5香味出来后到入清汤,然后把骨头大头朝下的整齐放入6烧开后,小火骨读着,放入些盐,调好口如果有高压锅,那就更好了,省火,省时。。。7看到汤都变了白色,基本骨头顿的差不多了(20分钟左右吧),就可以捞出放凉了8骨头放凉,在备上一杯大扎。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 大鹅炖酸菜做法:1.鹅洗净剁成小块,鹅块用沸水焯一下,去除血水。酸菜洗净切丝,蒜切 片,香菜切段。2.锅内放油,油热倒入鹅块翻炒。鹅肉纤维粗,比较吃油,所以放的油要比 平时多加一点。再加入辣椒、花椒、大料、酱油、盐、鸡精,炒熟盛出。3.锅内放猪油,油 热后放入蒜片炒出香味,倒入酸菜、少量盐、酱油翻炒。猪油比较香,用它炒酸菜好吃。再 倒入炒好的鹅块,加水(有高汤更好)、盐,中火炖10分钟。4.最后留汤汁,加鸡精出锅, 再放上香菜即可。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 火腿白菜原料大白菜,鸡汤,火腿片,皮蛋,姜、青、红椒丝适量 调料八角1瓣,盐、味精适量 做法1取大白菜的叶子,切成大块,先放在开水里烫一下。 2锅中油烧至七成热,加入一瓣八角炸一下,有香味出来即可。 3倒入鸡汤,汤不要太多,没过白菜即可,放入姜片煮,直到大开,放入切好的白菜叶、火腿、皮蛋,加入适量的盐和味精,煮至菜叶软塌,起锅,将姜片拣出,倒入汤盆加青、红椒丝调色即可。 贴士在冰箱里好像“没什么吃的”的时候,用废弃的鸡骨架、超市的火腿肠、现成的皮蛋、再撕两片白菜就能“变出”非常“专业”的美味汤来, construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 拌肉皮丝主料:猪肉皮。 配料:辣椒油,香油,精盐,味精,花椒面,葱白各适量。 1.将肉皮刮洗干净,放入锅内,加水煮熟(以能掐动为准),捞在凉开水内泡凉,片尽里面 的肥膘,坡刀片成极薄的片,再切成极细的丝;葱白切成细丝。 2.将肉皮丝放入盘内,上面放葱白丝,加入精盐、味精、辣椒油、香油、花椒面,拌匀即可 食用。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 黄金肉丸猪绞肉600克、洋葱1/4个、胡萝卜1/2根、鸡蛋2个,胡椒粉1/2小匙、盐、香油各 1/4小匙、糖、酱油、清水各1大匙、面粉3大匙、淀粉1小匙。 1、 洋葱、胡萝卜分别去皮、洗净、切末备用。 2、 鸡蛋打入碗中,加入洋葱、胡萝卜、猪绞肉及调味料搅拌均匀,以手捏握成小肉丸子, 放入热油锅中以小火炸熟,捞出,待全部炸好,再改大火炸至呈金黄色,捞出,沥干油分, 即可盛出。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 熘肥肠原料肥肠400克,尖椒100克,大蒜50克,植物油100克,料酒15克,酱油10克,水淀粉10克,胡椒粉5克,精盐1克,味精1克。 (1)肥肠从中间剖开,切段,放入开水锅中煮透,捞出控净水分;尖椒切片;大蒜剥皮,切成末。 (2)将植物油烧热,把肥肠、尖椒同时下锅稍炸,捞出;余油爆香蒜末,烹入料酒、酱油,把肥肠、尖椒、精盐、味精、胡椒粉和少许开水放入锅中,烧开,水淀粉勾芡,烧熟即可。 肘子肉拌黄瓜黄瓜250克,熟肘子肉150克。海米10克,香菜10克,香15克,精盐3克,酱油15克,味精2克,米醋15克,蒜泥10克。 1.将黄瓜洗净,去把,切丝。熟肘子肉切丝,香菜切成2厘米的段,海米用开泡开待用。 2.把黄瓜丝码在盘内,上面码上肘子肉丝,放上香菜段,撒上海米然后浇上精盐、味精、酱油、 酱油、米醋、蒜泥、香油对的汁,拌匀 清炸里脊猪里脊300克。油,酱油,味精,绍酒,花椒盐。1、把里脊切成滚刀块,用酱油、绍酒、味精卤一下。 2、勺内放入油,烧至九成热时把里光彩块放入炸一下捞出,待油温升高时再放入油内,炸熟呈火红色捞出装盘即成。(吃时蘸花椒盐) construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 雪里蕻炖豆腐雪里蕻,豆腐3块,猪油30克,精盐5克,味精2克,葱末5克,姜末3克。 1.将腌雪里蕻洗净切成末;豆腐切成1.5厘米见方的块,放入开水锅内烫一下,捞出凉水浸 凉,控净水分待用。 2.将炒锅置于火上,放入猪油,热后下入葱,姜末炝锅,随后放雪里蕻炒出香味,下入豆腐, 添水没过豆腐,加入精盐,在旺火上烧开后,用微火炖5分钟,待豆腐入味,汤汁不多时, 加入味精即成。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 软炸鱼净鱼肉150克,葱末,姜末各15克,绍酒10毫升,精盐2克,味精,香油各3克,老面肥50克,干面粉100克。 1、将鱼肉片成三成厚的大片,再切成二寸长、三分见方的条,放在碗里,加入葱末、姜末、绍酒、精盐、味精、香油,腌好; 2、取老面肥放在碗里,用水调开,加干面粉、清水适量搅成稠糊状,放在30摄氏度处发酵。待糊发起时,下入少量碱,再放入花生油搅匀; 3、炒锅内放入猪油,上微火烧至五成热,将腌好的鱼条逐条蘸上发面糊,下入油里的漏勺中翻炸,待鱼上的面糊遇热油胀起、呈金黄色时,捞出滴净油,去掉鱼条外部的糊渣不要,码于盘中即可上桌 葱爆肉片猪肉200克,葱白50克,素油75克,麻油,面酱,味精,香醋,酱油,花椒面,白糖,姜丝适量。1、将净肉切片,用面酱和少许熟油拌好。葱白切斜粗条; 2、炒锅内加底油用旺火烧热,将肉片下锅炒散,待有六成熟时将葱条、姜丝入锅急炒几下,依次加入香醋、酱油、花椒面、味精、麻油,颠炒翻身,待葱明脆即可。 西红柿焖牛肉西红柿250克,熟牛肉200克,面酱5克,猪油20克,大料少许,葱末,姜末各5克,酱油15克,白糖25克,料酒10克,水淀粉15克,高汤100克。1.先将牛肉切成长3.5厘米、宽3厘米左右construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 的块,西红柿洗净、去蒂、切块。 2.炒锅内放底油,将大料炸至枣红色,放葱、姜炝锅,炒面酱,加高汤、盐、放牛肉,火靠4分钟左右,再放西红柿,白糖,再火靠一会儿,用水淀粉勾芡,颠炒均匀后出锅。 猪肉炖粉条五花带皮猪肉500克,粉条100克,大白菜叶250克,香菜10克。辅料 :食油,酱油,绍酒,白糖,精盐,味精,花椒,大料,桂皮,葱段,姜块。 1将猪肉用火燎去皮上的毛,放温水中刮洗干净,切成4厘米长、3厘米宽的块,拌少许酱油, 下七成热的油中炸至金黄色,倒入漏勺,控净油分。 2、用温水浸泡粉条,洗净泡软备用;白菜叶洗净,切成8厘米长的段;香菜切末;花椒、大料、桂皮装入纱布袋,扎紧袋口备用。 3、将猪肉块、粉条放入锅中,加绍酒、白糖酱油、葱段、姜块、调料袋,添汤,旺火烧沸,撇净浮沫,转小火炖至熟烂,加入白菜段,下精盐、味精调整好口味,拣出葱段、姜块和调料袋,撒香菜末,出锅装碗上桌。 麻辣狗肉净狗肉,,,克,尖椒,,克,花椒,克,大蒜,,克,油,,克,酱油,,克,盐,味精各少许,料酒,,克,干辣椒,克,鸡汤适量。 ,净狗肉用白水煮八成熟,晾凉后切,厘米左右见方的块。尖椒切大象眼片。 ,起锅放少许油加入蒜片、干辣椒爆香,投入狗肉,加明油、料酒、酱油、味精、鸡汤小火炖烂,大火收汁,淋明油、料酒,放花椒末,出锅。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and ,另起锅放少许油,煸炒,加盐、味精出锅装在盘中心即可。 白肉血肠鲜带皮猪五花肉一方,猪大肠500克,鲜猪血1000克。 1带皮猪五花肉皮朝下用明火把皮烧焦, 在温水中泡半个小时取, 刮净焦皮, 下开水锅中煮 开后, 用小火煮透,趁热抽去肋骨,晾凉后切薄片装盘。 2猪肥肠治净, 皮朝内翻出,一头扎紧。 3鲜猪血澄清,上部血清加1/4清水、盐、味精及用砂仁、桂皮、企边桂、紫蔻、丁香合制的调料面搅匀,倒入猪肠中,扎紧封口,下开水锅用小火煮至浮出,捞出晾凉切片,下水锅中焯透捞如汤碗只,加葱花、 姜丝、味精等调料及肉汤,随白肉一同上桌即可。 糖醋黄瓜嫩黄瓜250克,精盐1汤匙,白糖3汤匙,食醋2汤匙,香油1汤匙,味精少许。1.将嫩黄瓜用肥皂刷洗,再用水冲洗干净,切成1厘米宽2.5厘米长的 段,放盘内。撒上精盐拌匀,腌10分钟、滤去盐水。 2.取炒锅置火上,放少半碗水烧开,加入白糖,热成浓汁,离火,加 入食醋、味精,调匀后浇在黄瓜段上拌匀,腌30分钟后淋上香油即成。 酸菜猪肉炖粉条主料:五花肉,酸菜,红苕粉,大葱,姜,花椒大白菜一颗,约1斤半重,将大白菜洗干净晾干水汽,然后切丝,装入一个大号的保鲜袋,之后加入一勺盐一勺醋,拌匀,略腌几分钟后,construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 扎紧袋口,用力揉白菜到挤出水为止,白菜水不要倒掉,直接将出水后白菜原袋装着,放入冰箱,一周后再开封,美味的酸菜就出现在了。 1、先煸炒一下五花肉,锅内放姜片、花椒、葱段和适量水,水开后下五花肉煮约10分钟,肉熟后捞起切片,肉汤留着一会用。 2、沙锅内加底油,热后下葱段、姜片爆香,下五花肉片略爆出油后,下酸菜同炒,加入肉汤,略顿,加入泡软的红苕粉,转中火,加盐调味,炖熟后,淋热油起锅。 酸菜鱼主料 鲤鱼泡酸菜250克。辅料 鸡蛋清1个,混合油40克,汤1250克,精盐4克,味精3克,胡椒面4克,料酒15克,泡辣椒末25克,花椒 10粒,姜片3克,蒜瓣7克。1将鲤鱼洗净,用刀取下两扇鱼肉,鱼头劈开。泡青酸菜洗后切段。 2、将炒锅置火上,放少许油烧热,下入花椒料、姜片、蒜瓣炸出香味后,倒入泡青酸菜煸炒出味,加汤烧沸,下鱼头、鱼骨,用大火熬煮。撇去汤面浮沫,滴入料酒去腥。再加入精盐、胡相通面备用。 3、将鱼肉斜刀片成百姓0.3厘米的连刀鱼片,加入精盐、料酒、味精、鸡蛋清拌匀,使鱼片均匀地裹上一层蛋浆。 4、将锅内汤汁熬出味后,把鱼片抖散入锅。用另一锅入油烧热,把泡癞椒末炒出味后,倒入汤锅内煮1至2分钟。待鱼片断生至熟,加入味精,倒入汤盆子中即成。 排骨炖油豆角排骨,豆角,葱姜蒜,料酒,老抽,花椒,胡椒粉 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 1、先切葱姜蒜,少许。锅里到入油,爆炒葱姜蒜,出味 2、放入一勺糖,一勺老抽(上色)下排骨炒,一直到排骨两端的骨头露一些出来,放烧开的热火,没过排骨多一点,放豆角。 3、放一勺料酒,一勺老抽,花椒粉,胡椒粉少许。小火炖10分钟,再放入一些葱丝,再炖,看看你的料有多少了,如果觉得不够咸就放一些老抽进去。 4、大概半个小时就可以吃了,不过有的人特别愿意吃炖的非常熟的,可以多炖一段时间。保准满屋飘香 。 乱炖豆角,土豆,茄子,青椒,西红柿,木耳,排骨 1、把菜的东东洗干净,都切成不大不小的块; 2、排骨用水煮过; 3、把水加在锅里,最好放些动物油,再把一大堆菜和排骨丢进去,再加上些八角之类的,用大火,煮啊煮啊煮,一直煮到这些东东熟了为止。 4、加好盐和味精,再煮一小下下,就差不多啦 红烧肘子肘子1000克。花生油2000克(实耗75克),酱油50克,料酒75克,盐1.5克,葱,姜,五香料少许,淀粉15克,糖10克,汤适量,青蒜少许。1、选皮薄、毛孔细小的新鲜肘子,剔去骨头,修整成圆桃形状。 2、肘子皮朝上,放入五香料卤锅加热,煮至五成熟捞出。3、将油锅烧热,把肘子皮朝下炸呈黄色,炸时不停地翻动,以防糊底。4、炸好肘子捞出,放一碗内,加葱、姜,用卤汤对些水,浇入碗中,上屉蒸烂。 5、将蒸好的肘子扣入大盘内,汤沥在久中,加入料酒、味精,调一下色味,开始勾芡,撒上青蒜段,淋入明油,浇在肘子上即成。 西红柿炒肉片主料:西红柿200克,猪里脊75克,猪油50克,酱油,白糖各15克,味精2克,葱,水淀粉,花椒水各适量。 1.将肉洗净,切成小薄片;西红柿洗净,去蒂,切成厚片。 2.炒锅内放猪油40克、热后下入肉片煸炒,然后下葱花,再加酱油,花椒水,味精,西红柿,白糖翻炒,熟时勾芡,淋明油出锅。 酸菜白肉酸菜猪五花肉粉丝海米干辣椒盐鸡精料酒鸡精胡椒粉、香油、葱、姜1、将猪五花肉煮熟,晾凉后切成片; 2、坐锅点火倒入油,放葱姜、海米、酸菜煸炒片刻,加少许干椒,放入白肉,加高汤大火炖5分钟后,放入粉丝,加盐、鸡精、胡椒粉调味,大火收汁,出锅前淋少许香油即可。 山椒拌白肉猪肉,野山椒,蒜,香菜,生姜,花椒,料酒,白糖,味精,香油。 将大蒜去皮捣成泥,入锅用少许油炒香后铲出;香菜洗净切碎待用。猪臀尖肉洗净,入沸水锅中汆去血水后,再放入清水锅中,加入生姜(拍破)、花椒、料酒煮至八成熟,然后锅离construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 火,焖至肉熟且汤汁冷后,将肉捞出片成薄片,整齐地摆放在盘内;将白糖、味精、香油及切碎的野山椒放入碗中,调成味汁,淋在盘中白肉上,最后浇上蒜泥油,撒上香菜即成。 酸菜炖生熟肉里脊肉250克,熟五花肉250克,酸菜1袋,水发木耳50克,泡椒丝10克,姜片,葱段,豆瓣酱,精盐,料酒,味精,白糖,干淀粉,鲜汤,色拉油各适量。 1里脊肉切成厚片,入盆,加入精盐、味精、胡椒粉拌匀,腌约10分钟,再沾匀干淀粉,放在菜墩上捶成薄片,然后切成小块待用;熟五花肉切成长5厘米宽3厘米的薄片;酸菜切丝, 再与水发木耳一起入锅煮熟。 2.净锅上火,注入色拉油烧热,投入姜片、葱段爆香,随后下入泡椒丝和豆瓣酱炒出色,加入酸菜、木耳和五花肉炒匀,加入料酒,掺入鲜汤,炖约5分钟后,放入里脊肉片炖熟,调入味精,起锅盛入汤内,即成。 山珍炖猪蹄猪蹄600克,水发猴头菇60克,水发香菇60克,平菇60克,水发木耳60克,白菜叶20克,宽粉条30克八角2枚,姜片,葱段,精盐,味精,香油,色拉油各适量。 1.猪蹄洗净斩成小块放入清水中泡约2小时白菜叶撕成块;宽粉条用温水泡软。 2.净锅上火,放入色拉油烧热,投入姜片、葱段、八角爆香,再下入猪蹄块炒干水分,掺入清水,下猴头菇、香菇、平菇,烧沸后撇去浮沫,用小火炖至猪蹄软,放入宽粉条、白菜叶、木耳炖片刻,然后用大火收汁,用精盐、味精、香油调好味,最后拣去姜片、葱段、八角,起锅装盘,即成。 家常豆角烀饼豆角,土豆,鸡腿,面粉。 豆角择好洗净掰成两段滤水,土豆去皮切粗条泡水里。鸡腿肉一块随便切成块。然后开始做饼。和面时要用滚水先烫面,然后加点冷水活匀。据说这样活出来的面最后口感柔软还有筋性。面团擀开成片,上面倒油匀开,然后洒葱花、五香粉和面团擀开成片,上面倒油匀开,然后洒葱花、五香粉和盐。然后卷起来擀平。 接下来就是炒豆角了。很简单,热油爆葱姜蒜,下豆角进去翻炒至颜色翠绿,中间放鸡肉和土豆。(我是忘了炒鸡肉和土豆了,不过这样反而格外好吃)然后添开水,烧开。把擀好的面团摊在豆角上,盖锅焖烧25,30分钟。关火后就是这样子了。把饼拿出来切块。 翻动豆角,让下面所剩无几的汤和上面的菜融合一下。真是好吃的不得了啊~ 小鸡炖榛蘑小鸡一只,最好是自己家养的半大公鸡(肉食鸡就差些了),杀好褪除干净,剁成半大块备用;榛蘑用温水养开,则去根部和其他杂质,洗净(洗得时候注意不要用手直接洗,要用炊帚顺一个方向戳。干净以后才能动手。否则很可能会把沙土,杂物弄到榛蘑里面,再也清洗不出来了,吃的时候会牙碜)备用。 辅料:葱,姜,大蒜,八角,花椒,盐,料酒。先把鸡块在开水锅中串过,串出血水,然后起炒锅,加食油烧热,放入鸡块煸炒,同时加葱段、姜片、蒜片,待鸡块炒至变色发白时,加水、料酒、八角、花椒,用武火烧开,然后改中火炖。炖出浓烈香味时,加入榛蘑再炖,直到鸡肉construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 炖烂即可盛碗,撒上香菜末即可。 桂花虾米炒粉丝粉丝 干虾仁,鸡蛋,豆芽,葱花 盐,白糖,蚝油1粉丝用水浸透,干虾仁泡开后切碎;2坐锅点火倒油,放入虾仁煸香,倒入粉丝翻炒,加少许水、蚝油、白糖、盐调味,炒干后备用,鸡蛋打散加葱花、盐拌匀,入锅中炒散至干,将粉丝放入炒匀出即可。 酱瓜炒肉丝猪肉300克,酱瓜适量,葱花2汤匙,酱油1汤匙,水1汤匙。 1将猪肉洗净,切成丝;把酱瓜切成小丁或薄片。 2炒锅里倒入油1汤匙,置火上烧热,爆香肉丝,依次放入酱瓜丁(片)、酱油、水和葱花,翻炒均匀后出锅。 木樨柿子鸡蛋130克,西红柿200克。猪油60克,精盐,味精,淀粉适量。 西红柿洗净放开水锅内烫一下,捞出,用水投凉,剥去外皮,切成桔子瓣块,鸡蛋打放在碗中加少许盐搅匀。炒勺加油上火烧热,倒入蛋液,用手勺轻轻推炒成片状,放入西红柿,随即加盐、味精炒拌均匀,用少许淀粉拢好芡,加明油出勺装盘。 扒大肠油菜熟大肠150克,净油菜150克,大油50克,料酒15克,盐2克,味精10克,淀粉25克,香油5克,汤适量,葱,姜末各2克,糖5克。 1大肠改成长8厘米左右的条。油菜将根部切十字,用开水焯一下,过凉理顺,和大肠放在一起。 2、坐勺放油、葱、姜炝锅,烹料酒,加汤、盐、味精、糖,把大肠,油菜推进勺里,开后勾芡,翻个,淋香油,出勺即成。 腐乳灼菜心辅料:腐乳,红椒 调料:白糖、料酒、鸡精 1、将红椒切成丝,菜心摘洗干净放到开水中焯一下捞出装入盘中,腐乳用勺压碎待用; 2、坐锅点火放油油热倒入料酒、腐乳,煮熟淋在菜心上面,撒入红椒丝即可。 五味白肉猪肉(后臀尖),辣椒油酱油糖醋熟芝麻末花椒末葱末姜末,蒜泥1将猪肉刮洗干净加水煮至六成熟捞出沥干晾凉后切成薄片,码在盘中待用。 2将辣椒油、酱油、糖、醋、熟芝麻末、花椒末、葱末、姜末、蒜泥放在碗中勾成调味汁,浇在肉片上,食用时拌匀即可。 注意: 猪肉要新鲜,一定要收拾干净;煮肉的水要一次加够,中间不要往锅中加凉水;当猪肉煮到可用筷子戳穿时,说明已经熟了,可捞出切片,煮得太烂会影响口感;尽量切得薄一点。 红蘑木耳炒鸡柳鸡胸肉 野生东北榛蘑,黑木耳,青红椒 鸡精,料酒,盐,葱,水淀粉 1、把鸡胸肉改刀切成鸡柳,加入料酒、盐和鸡精腌制入味; 2、将榛蘑、黑木耳用温开水平泡开,洗净待用; 3、坐锅上火,倒入色拉油,将鸡柳放入construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 锅中过一下油,然后捞起沥干待用; 4、锅内留底油,加入姜葱蒜、青红椒,炒香后加入榛蘑、木耳、鸡柳,放入盐、鸡精、白糖煸炒几下后勾芡即可。 泡酸菜烧鸡仔公鸡1只(约1500克),泡酸菜250克,家常豆瓣50克,姜片,葱节,葱花,胡椒粉,料酒,味精,白糖,鲜汤,精炼油各适量。1、仔公鸡宰杀后治净,取出鸡杂另作它用,将鸡肉斩成3厘米大小的块;泡酸菜切细。 2、炒锅置火上,放入精炼油烧热,下入姜片、葱节爆香,再下入鸡块煸炒并烹入料酒,炒至鸡块水气收干且吐油时,下入家常豆瓣和泡酸菜炒匀,最后掺入鲜汤,调入胡椒粉和白糖,烧至鸡块入味且粑软时,调入味精,起锅装盘,撒上葱花即成。 五香酱牛肉主料:牛腱肉2500克,芹菜125克,酱油250克,盐125克,白糖100克,大茴香30克,桂皮30克,大料10克,花椒15克,丁香2克,葱,姜各50克。 1、将牛肉用盐反复揉搓,放入缸(盆)中掩制(热天需1天冷天需2天); 2、将腌制好的牛肉取出,用清水泡洗干净,放入沸水锅中浸烫5-6分钟,洗净血污,取出。切成大块,再放冷水锅中,加酱油、白糖、葱段、姜块以及扎成把的芹菜和布包调料袋(内有大茴香、桂皮、大料、花椒、丁香等); 3、旺火烧开,撇去浮沫,将汤汁调和成酱红色,改小火,保持汤水温度在950C左右,慢煮约30分钟4、取出芹菜,再煮2个小时(中间需将牛肉翻动1-2次),待牛肉酥烂时,收浓汤汁,涂沫牛肉表面,晾凉,切片装盘食用。 construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and 怪味白肉猪肥瘦肉芝麻酱、白糖、葱、香菜各25克,甜面酱10克,酱油15克,辣椒油、米醋少许,蒜泥5克,熟芝麻、椒麻各少许。 (1) 把熟芝麻用刀碾碎。葱切葱花。香菜切段。把猪肉煮熟晾凉。 (2) 将蒜泥、葱花、香菜段放入碗中,加入酱油、甜面酱、米醋、白糖、芝麻酱、辣椒油、熟芝麻和椒麻调拌均匀,并对成汁待用。 (3) 把煮好的肉切成长约3厘米厚0.6厘米的肉条放入盘内,浇上对好的汁即可。 : construction disturbance and balance material use, responsible for deployment. Is responsible for the project required construction equipment, materials and spare parts procurement, transportation, warehousing, distribution, and deployment issues. 7, and integrated Office: main is responsible for processing integrated Affairs, and convey instruction, and collection feedback information, file transceiver, archive management, construction event JI of catalog work; is responsible for foreign reception quests, house management; is responsible for this engineering of labor personnel management, and wage treatment management, and established the jobs personnel archives; is responsible for logistics integrated affairs management, life Office material procurement, and management, workers canteen logistics, and culture entertainment, management, site of medical health, sporadic work,. Excavation team: responsible for the Earth-rock excavation engineering, responsible for the transport of all of the project work. Filling job: responsible for all construction work of this project, including the cofferdam, masonry, brick masonry, including plant decoration. Concrete operations: responsible for concrete production and
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