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8813说明书8813说明书 HCD989 P/TSDL 8C(商务)8813温度来电显示电话机是采用微电脑技术,结合先进电子线路设计而成,具有完善 的来电显示功能。本机适合于家庭、企业、行政事业单位以及宾馆、酒店等作通话联络。为了您能正确使用本机,从而充分发挥本机各项功能,请详细阅读本说明书。 1. 时钟显示 2. FSK/DTMF双制式来电显示兼容 3. 16首真人原唱+1首和弦音效 4. 语音报号、报传呼功能 5. 语音报公历、农历、星期、温度及时间功能 6. 预拨号及消号、回拨功能 7. 音量大小可调节 8. 并...

8813 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 书 HCD989 P/TSDL 8C(商务)8813温度来电显示电话机是采用微电脑技术,结合先进电子线路设计而成,具有完善 的来电显示功能。本机适合于家庭、企业、行政事业单位以及宾馆、酒店等作通话联络。为了您能正确使用本机,从而充分发挥本机各项功能,请详细阅读本说明书。 1. 时钟显示 2. FSK/DTMF双制式来电显示兼容 3. 16首真人原唱+1首和弦音效 4. 语音报号、报传呼功能 5. 语音报公历、农历、星期、温度及时间功能 6. 预拨号及消号、回拨功能 7. 音量大小可调节 8. 并机呼叫功能 9. 音乐保留功能 10. 5位本地码,1位出局码可设置 11. 脉冲、音频、防盗开关按键切换 12. 12位41组来电、12位9组去电可查询 13. 自动IP和手动IP 14. 闪断时间可选 15.三组闹钟功能 16. 机械锁【0】功能 17. 超强防雷击功能 1.使用条件 1 环境温度:-10??+40? 相对湿度:10%?95% 大气压力:86?106kpa 环境噪声:?60dB 2.主要技术指标 传输指标发送频率响应,接收频率响应符合国家 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 . 双音频拨号特性; 标称频率低频群频率:697HZ、770HZ、852HZ、941HZ。 标称频率高频群频率:1209HZ、1336HZ、1477HZ。 单一频率的偏差在标称频率的?1.5%范围内。 双音多频信号中低频群单一频率的电平:-9?3dBm 双音多频信号中高频群单一频率的电平:-7?3dBm 3.电话铃特性:响铃声级?70dB 1.本机要求使用前请装上高性能五号电池。打开电池盖,按正常极性装入电池,并盖上电池盖。当发现显示暗淡和个别功能不能使用,请及时更换电池。 2.将直线的插头插入话机顶部的外线插座内,叉头与外线接线盒相连。 3.将四芯曲线的一端插入手柄尾部的插座内,另一端插入话机左侧的插座内。 1.话机要实现来电显示功能,必须到当地电信局申请开通此项业务。 2.话机应安放在干燥、通风处,切勿放在阳光直射、高温、强磁场干扰的地方。 3.切勿使用甲苯等腐蚀性液体擦洗话机。 1.接听电话: 当外线来电,本机响铃,此时提起手柄或按【免提】键即可与对方通话, 通完话后放下手柄或按【免提】键结束通话。 2.拨打电话: 当需要拨打电话时,提起手柄或按【免提】键听到信号音后,即可进行拨号,显示屏显示所拨打的电话号码,通话完毕,放下手柄即可挂机。 3.重拨和暂停功能: 摘机状态下按【重拨/暂停】键,重拨前次所拨号码。拨号、预拨号期间,按【重拨/暂停】键将暂停3.6s。 4.闪断/传呼功能: 摘机状态按【闪断/传呼】键将自动收线600ms,时间长短可设,参见设置操作说明。 挂机状态按【闪断/传呼】键3秒,为语音传呼号码查询功能,将显示传呼号码并播放一遍【请拨:12345678】(已设置的语音传呼号码)后回到时钟状态。 5.原唱欣赏功能: 挂机状态下,按【原唱欣赏】键进入原唱欣赏状态,LCD显示【PLAY 01】,在播放过程中按【上查】键或【下查】可进行曲目选择, 播放完当前曲目后,自动播放下一首,可连续播放音乐, 播放完后回到时钟状态。 在挂机状态下,按【设置/保留】键进入设置菜单,显示屏显示【-1234567-】,再设置过程中按【删除】退出设置菜单。13秒内无任何操作,自动退出设置状态,无电池时,按【设置/保留】键显示屏显示【-1234-】具体设置项目如下: 在挂机状态下,按【设置/保留】键显示屏显示【-1234567-】,再按【1】键进入时间设置,可设置的数位闪动,(再按【2】键年份前两位数为20,按【1】键年份前两位数为19)直接输入数字,按【上查】键或【下查】键移位, 用*、#分别输入上午、下午。 在挂机状态下,按【设置/保留】键显示屏显示【-1234567-】,再按【2】键显示【OCodE-】,第一个【-】闪动,直接输入号码,按【*】键取消出局码,最多可设置一位出局码。 在挂机状态下,按【设置/保留】键显示屏显示【-1234567-】,再按【3】键显示【ArEA-----】第一个【-】闪烁,直接 2 输入号码,按【*】键取消本地码,最多可设5位本地码。 在挂机状态下,按【设置/保留】键显示屏显示【-1234567-】,再按【4】键LCD显示【SEL-123-】,按【1】键进入FLASH时间选择,LCD显示【FLASH 600】,按【上查】键或【下查】键选择时间,可设为100ms, 300ms, 600ms,1000ms;按【2】键进入拨号方式选择,LCD显示【TONE】,按【上查】键或【下查】键选择拨号方式(【TONE】 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示音频拨号,【PULSE】表示脉冲拨号);按【3】键进入防盗开/关选择,LCD显示【SP1 OFF】,按【上查】键或【下查】键选择开关,【SP1 OFF】表示关闭,【SP1 ON】表示开启)。 在挂机状态下,按【设置/保留】键显示屏显示【-1234567-】,再按【5】键进入闹钟时间设置,LCD显示【AL 123】,123表示3组闹钟时间,再按【1】进入第一组时间设置,LCD显示【AL 1 OFF】,按【*】键打开闹钟,LCD显示【AL 1 12-00】,直接输入时间即可(24小时制);第二、三组设置方法同第一组,按任意键或摘机一次退出闹钟状态。 在挂机状态下,按【设置/保留】键显示屏显示【-1234567-】,再按【6】键LCD显示【SONG 01】,按【上查】键或【下查】键选择,话机同时发出相应的音乐,当选择到【RING 00】时为普通铃声,当选择到【RING OFF】时铃声为关闭功能,当选择到【SONG 18】时为循环铃声。不装电池时,为普通铃声。 在挂机状态下,按【设置/保留】键显示屏显示【-1234567-】,再按【7】键LCD显示【NO CODE】,直接输入号码,输入完成后按【设置/保留】键即可,最多可输入16位。例如:输入【12345678】传呼号后按【设置/保留】键。 挂机状态按【#】键3秒,进入报传呼开关设置,再按【#】键可选择开或关,当LCD显示【N-N IH ON】表示报传呼开启,当LCD显示【N-N IH OFF】表示报传呼关闭。报传呼号为开启,来电时响5次铃后自动摘机报两遍传呼号再挂机。例如:传呼号已设为【12345678】,则报【请拨12345678】。若未设传呼号,即使报传呼设为开启,也无传呼功能。 挂机状态按【*】键3秒,进入报号开关设置,再按【*】键可选择开或关,当LCD显示【N-CID ON】,则打开来电报号功能,报号次数为2次,当LCD显示【N-CID OFF】,则关闭来电报号功能。 按【上查】键或【下查】键,可向前或向后循环查寻来电号码、日期和时间。 在挂机状态下,按【去电】键可查看打出的号码和通话时间, 从最后一组到第一组循环查询;若无去电信息,按【去电】键显示【-----END-----】。 在查询来电、去电 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 时,按【删除】键两次,则本组内容被删除;按住【删除】键3秒,则删除全部来电或去电内容,LCD显示【---END---】。 4.来电回拨: 挂机状态预拨号后,按【回拨】键,则自动摘机拨出预拨号码。挂机来电查询状态,按【回拨】键,则自动摘机拨出显示的号码;连续按两次,则在来电号码前自动加【0】回拨。(若设置了出局码,当查询到来电为7位以上的号码,按【回拨】键,则自动摘机加拨【出局码】并延时3.6s后再拨出显示的号码)。 置: a) IP号码的查询: 挂机状态,按【IP】键进入IP查询状态。 b) IP号码的删除: 挂机状态,按【IP】键进入查询状态,显示IP号码,连续两次按【删除】键,则将这组IP号码删除,LCD显示【NO CODE】。 C) IP号码的存储:挂机状态,按【IP】键进入查询状态,当LCD显示【NO CODE】时,此时键入号码即可自动存入。 d) IP拨号: 方式一:挂机状态预拨号,再按【IP】键,将自动摘机拨出IP号码及预拨的电话号码。 方式二:在挂机来电/去电查询状态,LCD显示9位及以上号码时,按【IP】键,将自动摘机拨出IP号码,再拨出查询到的来电/去电号码。摘机来电/去电查询状态,按【IP】键,将自动收线一次后走IP方式。 3 方式三:摘机状态,按【IP】键,将自动收线一次后拨出IP号码,此时再拨用户号码。 在挂机状态下,按【IP】键3秒进入开/关设置状态,LCD显示【IP OFF】,再按【IP】键可切换开关(IP ON),当自动IP设为关(OFF)时,为普通IP拨号方式;当自动IP设为(ON)时,为自动IP拨号方式。若同时设置了自动IP和出局码:摘机拨号,首几位为【出局码】+【0】时自动走IP方式。挂机来电查询,LCD显示的号码首位为【0】且7位及以上时,按【重拨/暂停】键,将自动摘机先加拨【出局码】并延时3.6s后自动走IP方式(摘机来电查询按【回拨】键后将收线一次);(来电号码是7位及以上但首位不为【0】时,连续按两次【回拨】键,将自动摘机先加拨【出局码】并延时3.6s后,在号码前自动加拨【0】走IP方式)。 在挂机状态下按【音量/键音】键调节铃声音量,摘机调节免提音量。(2档,显示VOL Lo为小档,显示VOL HI为大档)。 4. 在挂机状态下按【音量/键音】键3秒,显示【TONE 1】表示为第一组键音,共有4种键音功能调节。当显示【VOICE】为预拨号报号功能;当显示【TONE OFF】时,为关闭键音功能。 在通话状态,按【设置/保留】键进入音乐保留状态,此时播放音乐并关闭送话。 挂机状态按【温度/时间】键,为温度、时间、星期、公历、农历、语音查询功能。 挂机状态,按住【设置/保留】键3秒,LCD显示【EL --】或显示以前所设的呼叫码,此时可输入1位或2位数字(0~#)作为并机呼叫码,在设置过程中按【删除】键可删除呼叫码。 挂机状态下,并机摘机后用DTMF拨号方式拨所设的呼叫码(每次在拨呼叫码前加拨【* #】) 呼叫成功则听到一声提示铃声,等待对方摘机(若无铃声,再重复拨呼叫码),1分钟未摘机话机将自动退出。本机识别到并机呼叫号码后,产生一个铃声,摘机后即可与并机通话。 B、外线来铃时,并机摘机后用DTMF拨号方式拨上面所设的呼叫码,(每次在拨呼叫码前加拨【* #】),呼叫成功则听到一声提示铃,(若无铃声,再重复拨呼叫码)。本机识别到并机呼叫号码后,产生一个铃声,摘机后能实现并机、本机,外线三方通话,并机挂机,本机可继续与外线通话;本机挂机,并机也可继续与外线通话。 注: a、拨【* # 】+【呼叫码】时,每拨一个号码间隔一秒后再拨另一个号码。 b、拨【* # 】+【呼叫码】时,每拨一个号码间隔时间如超出14秒话机将判为无效码,将不响应。 本机为二档锁。逆时针方向转到红点为开锁,所有号码均能拨出;顺时针方向转到绿点为锁0,所有以0为首的号码均不能拨出。 Thanks for using HCD989P/TSDL 8C(business)8813 CALLER ID telephone. This type adopted advanced 4 microcomputer technology, integrated circuit design .It is suitable for family, office and hotel. It has excellent quality and neoteric aspect. Ensure that every function could runs on the rails, please read this manual carefully first. 1. Clock display 2. FSK/DTMF compatible 3. 16 actual person original music+1 chord song 4. Speech(talking) in Chinese, OGM function 5. The speech report Christian ear, lunar calendar, week, temperature and time function 6. Pre-dialing, deletion and call back function 7. Volume adjustment 8. Combining - calling function 9. Music on hold function 10.5 digits local area code,1 digit out area code 11.Pulse, tone and defend soft switch 12.12digits 41 groups of incoming calls and 12digits 9 groups of outgoing calls check 13.Auto and manual IP 14.Flash time selectable 15.3 groups of alarm function 16. 14.Lock【0】function 17 . Super anti-thunder function 1 . USE CONDITION Environment temperature: -10??-40? Relative humidity: 10%?95% Atmospheric pressure: 86?106kpa Environment voice: ?60dB(A) 2. MAIN TECHNOLOGY INDEX: 1) Transmission index --transmission and receiving frequency response should accord with national standard. 2) Tone dialing speciality: Low frequency: 697HZ,770HZ, 852HZ,941HZ. High frequency: 1209HZ,1336HZ,1477HZ. The tolerance of Signal frequency : ??1.5% L. F. level : -9?3dBm H. F. level: -7?3dBm 3) The speciality of ring: the sound level of ring?70dBm 1. This phone requires 5 AA batteries. Open the battery cover and insert the batteries in the right polarity, then close the cover. When you find LCD becomes dark and some function is not correct, please change the batteries at once. 2. Plug line cord into jack at the rear of telephone base, the other end of the line cord is for connecting telephone line wall jack. 3. Plug coiled cord into handset modular jack, Plug the other end into the jack at the left side of the telephone. 1. In order to realize caller ID function of the telephone, please apply for caller ID service at local telephone bureau 5 first. 2. Keep the telephone dry and airiness, and do not put it in the sun , high temperature and powerful magnetic field. 3. Do not use caustic liquid to clean the telephone such as toluene etc. (1) RECEIVING A CALL: When you hear the ring, pick up the handset or press【HF】button again to make the conversation. When finished ,hang up the handset or press【HF】button to end the call. (2) MAKING A PHONE CALL: Pick up the handset or press【HF】(HANDSFREE) button ,dial the phone number you want .When finishing conversation, hang up the handset or press【HF】button again to end the call. (3) REDIAL AND PAUSE FUNCTION: At off-hook state, press【REDIA/ PAUSE】, you may dial the last number once more. When dialing or pre-dialing, press 【REDIA/ PAUSE】button, time will delay 3.6 seconds. (4) FLASH AND CALL FUNCTION: At off-hook state, press 【FLASH / CALL】,the telephone will flash 600ms automatically, flash time can be selected. At on-hook state, press 【FLASH / CALL】key 3 second,enter the OGM cheak function ,LCD will display OGM NO.and broadcast once :please call 【12345678】(OGM NO that have been set ),after finished the telephone will get back to clock state . 4. ORIGINAL MUSIC PLAYING FUNCTION: At on-hook state, press【PLAY】 key to enter original song playing state, LCD display 【PLAY 01】. In the course of playing, press 【UP】or 【DOWN】 key to select the song. After playing present song , the telephone will play the next song automatically and can songs continuously. After finishing playing the telephone will exit and enter clock state. While hang the machine appearance, press 【SET/HOLD】 the key enters to establish the menu, the manifestation holds the manifestation 【 -1234567- 】 , then the constitution presses in the process 【 delete 】 withdraw to establish the menu.13 second inside have no the operation, withdraw to establish the appearance automatically, the Mayday pond, press 【SET/HOLD】 key manifestation hold manifestation 【 -1234- 】 the concrete constitution item is as follows: 1. Setting date/time: At On –hook status, press 【SET/HOLD】key, LCD will display【-1234567-】,press 【1】key again to enter date/time setting mode, press【UP】or【DOWN】key to amend, Date. Hour, minute, press 【UP】or【DOWN】 to move. Press * or # to select AM or PM. 2. Local code setting: At On –hook status, press 【SET/HOLD】key, LCD will display【-1234567-】,press 【2】key to enter out code set, LCD display【OCODE---】, the first “-” flashing, direct input NO. Press * to cancel. At best can set 3 bits. 3. OUT LOCAL CODE SETTING: At On –hook status, press 【SET/HOLD】key, LCD will display【-1234567-】,press 【3】key to enter local code set, LCD display【AREA-----】, the first “-” flashing, direct input NO. press * to cancel. 4. FLASH TIME SET: At On –hook status, press 【SET/HOLD】key, LCD will display【-1234567-】,press 【4】key to enter flash time, dialing tone, defend set , LCD display【SEL –123-】, press 1 to enter flash time set, LCD display Flash 600, press 【UP】or【DOWN】to select, there are several supplying:90ms, 120ms, 180ms, 300ms, 600ms,1000ms. Press 2 to enter dialing tone/pulse set, LCD display TONE. Press【UP】or【DOWN】select dialing tone( TONE or PULSE). Press 3 to enter 6 defend set, LCD display【SP1 OFF】, press 【UP】or【DOWN】to select 【SP1 OFF】or【SP1 ON】. 5. ALARM SET: At On –hook status, press 【SET/HOLD】key, LCD will display【-1234567-】,press 【5】key to LCD display AL123, 123 express 3 groups alarm, then press 1 to enter the first time set, LCD display 【AL1 OFF】, press * to open the clock, LCD display【AL1 12-00】. Direct input time. The second and the third time is the same with the first time set. 6. CHORD RING SET: At On –hook status, press 【SET/HOLD】key, LCD will display【-1234567-】,press 【6】 key to LCD display【SONG 01】, press 【UP】or【DOWN】select chord ring, the telephone will send out corresponding chord music.when election to choose the LCD【RING 00】close for the bell ring,when election to choose the LCD【RING OFF】for the circulating bell ring, when election to choose the LCD【RING 18】for the common bell ring. 7. OGM NO.SETTING: At On –hook status, press 【SET/HOLD】key, LCD will display【-1234567-】,press 【7】 key to LCD display【NO CODE】,directly input NO.after finished press【SET/HOLD】key to affirm .At most you can input 16 digits .for example :After input【12345678】OGM NO ,press【SET/HOLD】key to confirm. 8.SPEECH CALLING SETTING: At on-hook state, press # key 3 seconds, enter speech calling setting , LCD display【N-NIH OFF】.press # key 3 seconds again to select N-NIH ON. 9. TALKING CID SETTING: At on- hook state, press * key 3 seconds to enter talking CID number setting, LCD display【n-cId OFF】. press * key 3 seconds again to select n-cId ON. 1. INCOMING CALL CHECKING: Press【UP】or【DOWN】key to check incoming number, date and time upward and downward. 2. OUTGOING CALL CHECKING: Press【OUT】key to check outgoing number, date and time, it will circle checking the numbers from the last to the first one, press【OUT】if there have no outgoing call, LCD will display【-----END-----】 3. DETETE INCOMING/OUTGOING INFO: During checking the content of incoming、outgoing calls, press【DELETE】key, will delete all messages of this group; press【DELETE】key for 3seconds,will delete all contents of incoming and outgoing calls, LCD will display【-----END-----】。 4. INCOMING CALL CALL BACK: On off-line status pre-dial the number, press【BACK】key, will dial out the pre-dial number auto.(if you have set out local code, the first 1 digits of the pre-dial number it’s the out local code, and will dial out the pre-dial number you have input 3.6s later after out local code.) On off-line incoming call checking status, press【BACK】key, will dial out the displayed number automatic, press【BACK】key for twice, will dial out the number and add a【0】before the number auto.(if you have set out local code, press 【BACK】,when the incoming number have 7 or more digits, the phone will dial out the displayed number you have input 3.6s later after out local code.) 1. IP NO.SETTING: a) CHECKING IP NUMBER: At on-hook state, press IP key to enter IP NO. checking state. b) DELETING IP NUMBER: At on -hook state, press IP 3 seconds to enter IP NO. checking state, LCD display IP NO. Continuously press DEL/TIME key twice to delete this group of IP NO, LCD will display NO CODE. c) STORING IP NUMBER: At on -hook state, press IP 3 seconds to enter IP NO. checking state, when LCD displays NO CODE, please input the store number. 7 d) DIALING IP NUMBER: Mode 1: At on-hook state pre-dialing and press “IP’ key again, the phone will automatically dial out IP NO. and pre-dialing telephone number. Mode 2: At on-hook incoming/outgoing call state, when LCD displays no less than 9 bits number, press “IP” key to automatically dial out checked incoming/outgoing call. At off-hook incoming/outgoing state, press IP key to automatically flash once, and then dial out IP number, at this time dial out the user't number. Mode 3: At off-hook state, press IP key to automatically flash once, and dial out the IP number, at this time dial out the user't number. 2.AUTO IP SETTING AND DIALING At on-hook state, press IP key 3 seconds to enter open/close setting state, LCD will display “IP1 OFF”, press IP key again, LCD will display IP1 ON, when auto IP is OFF, it is common IP dialing mode; when auto IP is ON, it is auto IP dialing mode. If you have set up auto IP and out area code at the same time: off-hook dialing, when preferred several digits is “out area code” + “0”, automatically carry on IP mode. At on-hook incoming call checking state, when LCD displays that number primacy is “0” and not less than 7 digits, press REDIAL/PAUSE key, the telephone will be off-hook automatically and at first add out area code, and then after delaying 3.6 s, automatically carrying out IP mode. At off-hook incoming call checking state, press BACK key to flash once; incoming call is not less than 7 digits but primacy is not “0’, when continuously press BACK key twice to add out area code automatically and delay 3.6 s, the phone add “0” in the front of the number for you and carry on IP mode automatically. 3.The vol size regulate: Press while hang the machine appearance 【VOL/TONE】 the key regulates the bell ring volume, taking off the machine to regulate to do not need to lift the volume.(2 files, the manifestation VOL Lo is a small file, the manifestation VOL HI is a big file). 4. VOLUME/TONE FUNCTION at on-hook status, press key【Volume/Tone】3 seconds, it will display【TONE 1】which means the first group of key tone, 4 kinds of key tone total adjustable. When displaying 【VOICE】 which denotes announcing the numbers.When displaying【TONE OFF】,which means tone function is on being off status. 5.MUSIC ON HOLD FUNCTION: On off-hook status,press 【SET/HOLD】key to enter the music on hold state , at this the telephone will play music and mute sending 6. Temperature, time search function: Hang the machine appearance press 【 temperature/ time 】 key, search the function for the temperature, time, week, Christian ear, lunar calendar, speech. 7. Combine the machine call sign * Call the code constitution: Hang the machine appearance, press down 【SET/HOLD】 3 of key, the LCD manifestation 【 EL- 】 or show the call sign code establish before, can input 1 or 2 numeral(0 ~s#) conduct and actionseses to combine the machine to call the code at this time, press in establish process 【 delete 】 the key can delete the call sign code. * Combine the usage of the machine call sign: A. Hang the machine appearance next, and the machine take off the machine stirs the number method to stir with the DTMF behind establish of call sign code( each time before stir to call the code add to stir 【 *# 】 ) Call the success to then hear a the hint the bell ring, waiting for the other party take off machine( if have no bell ring, then stir to call the code again), a minute did not take off the machine words machine and will withdraw automatically.This machine identify combine the machine produces a bell ring after call the number, after taking off the machine then with also machine converse. B, outside line come to bell, and the machine take off the machine stirs the number method to stir the top with the DTMF behind establish of call sign code,( each time before stir to call the code add to stir 【 *# 】 ), call the success to then 8 hear a the hint the bell,.( if have no bell ring, then stir to call the code again)This machine identify combine the machine produces a bell ring after call the number, can carry out after taking off the machine also machine, this machine, outside line three squares converse, and the machine hang the machine, this machine can continue with outside line converse;This machine hangs the machine, and the machine also can continue is converse with outside line. Note a: stir 【 *# 】 + 【 call the code 】 , stir a number partition each time a stir again another number behind. Note b: stir 【 *# 】 + 【 call the code 】 , stir a number partition time each time if outrun 14 words machines and will judge for the invalid code, won't respond to. C. not pack the battery have no combine the machine calls the function. 8. LOCK FUNCTION: This phone have 2 step lock. turned the finger to the red dot counter-clockwise to open the lock, means all the numbers can dial out; turned to the green dot clockwise to lock “0”, means all the numbers begin with “0” will can’t dial out. 9 10
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