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发动机改装实训报告发动机改装实训报告 发动机拆装实验报告 一、实验目的和要求 对发动机总成进行拆装,综合分析发动机两大机构和五大系统的结构关系以及工作时的相互配合关系,使学生进一步了解发动机的基本组成;掌握曲柄连杆机构和配气机构的结构、原理。了解燃烧室的形状,了解曲轴的支承型式, 了解缸体的结构型式,了解发动机的拆装顺序,能够准确、完整地装复发动机。学会使用专用工具。 二、实验设备(环境)及要求 (1)、普桑汽油发动机 (2)、康明斯柴油发动机 (3)、电喷发动机 (4)、拆装工具 Otherwise the pu...

发动机改装实训报告 发动机拆装实验报告 一、实验目的和要求 对发动机总成进行拆装,综合分析发动机两大机构和五大系统的结构关系以及工作时的相互配合关系,使学生进一步了解发动机的基本组成;掌握曲柄连杆机构和配气机构的结构、原理。了解燃烧室的形状,了解曲轴的支承型式, 了解缸体的结构型式,了解发动机的拆装顺序,能够准确、完整地装复发动机。学会使用专用工具。 二、实验设备(环境)及要求 (1)、普桑汽油发动机 (2)、康明斯柴油发动机 (3)、电喷发动机 (4)、拆装工具 Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 三、发动机结构常识 四、发动机介绍以及资料收集 1、引擎常识 简单上讲发动机就是一个能量转换机构,即将汽油(柴油)的热能,通过在密封汽缸内燃烧气体,气体膨胀时推动活塞作功,转变为机械能,这是发动机最基本原理。发动机所有结构都是为能量转换服务的,虽然发动机伴随着汽车走过了100多年的历史,无论是在设计上、制造上、工艺上还是在性能上、控制上都有很大的提高,其基本Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 原理仍然未变,这是一个富于创造的时代,那些发动机设计者们,不断地将最新科技与发动机融为一体,把发动机变成一个复杂的机电一体化产品,使发动机性能达到近乎完善的程度。 2、发动机的分类 现代高科技在发动机上得到完美的体现,一些新技术、新结构广泛应用在发动机上。如V12、V8、V6发动机:它们均指气缸排列成V型,这种发动机充分利用动力学原理,具有良好的平稳性,增大发动机排量,降低发动机高度。如:Audi A8 6.0使用W12-12缸V型排列发动机,BENZS600使用V12-12缸IV型排列发动机等。 一般情况下,按照排量大小的不同发动机分为3缸、4缸、6缸、8缸几种类型。目前1.3L-2.3L排量的车大多采用直列四缸发动机,其特点是体积小、结构简单、维修方便;2.5L以上的排量一般采用多缸设计,其中有直列6缸,如宝马;也有呈一定角度分两边排列的V型6缸发动机,可有效果降低震动和噪音,如别克车系;一般来说排量越大,发动机的功率就越高。但现在也有些小排量的车通过涡轮增压、多气门、可变正时器等技术来提高功率。 3、发动机的性能 发动机性能参数也就是最能体现发动机工作能力的参数,主要包括:排量、最大功率、最大扭矩。 排量往往与发动机功率联系在一起,排量的大小影响着发动机功率的高低,通常也把它作为划分高、中、低档车的标准。活塞在气缸内作往复上下运动,这样往复运动必然有一个最高点和最低点,活塞Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 从最低点到最高点所扫过的气缸容积,称为单缸排量,所有气缸排量总和称为发动机排量。 最大功率与最大扭矩最容易混淆的两个概念,有人认为车的功率越大,力就越大,其实不然。同样300匹马力,在跑车上可以让车跑到250公里,小时以上的速度,但在一部货柜车上,可能最多只有150公里,小时的速度,但它能拖动30-40吨重的货柜。这里面的奥秘就在于两部车的扭矩有很大的不同,简单来说,功率表现在高转速,在发动机性能曲线图上,随着转速上升而明显上升,它决定了车子能跑多快,扭矩不一定在高转速时发挥,在曲线图上较为平直,它可以决定车行驶时的力量,包括加速性。 在解读发动机参数时,需要注意的是,不要单看功率有多大,同时也要看到扭力参数,并注意当发动机处于最大功率、最大扭矩时的转速,当然以转速值稍低为好。 4、引擎的基本特征 1)是用钛合金螺栓把离合器壳固定在发动机上。 2)向发动机的空气喷射系统供气的碳纤维气罐,位于车手头部上方。 3)引擎配气系统中,每个汽缸有4个气门。 4)发动机的喷油嘴是用整块金属加工出来的。 5)凸轮轴现在由齿轮驱动, 6) 配气系统已经不用气门弹簧,气门现在是用压缩空气控制的。 Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 三、实验步骤 1、拆装发电机、火花塞及分电器 2、拆装正时带 3、拆装汽油泵、化油器 4、拆装进气歧管、水泵 5、拆装排气歧管 6、拆装摇臂、凸轮轴 7、拆卸气缸盖、气门 8、拆装油底壳、机油泵 9、拆装活塞连杆组 10、拆装曲轴飞轮组 汽车维护与检修实验报告 一、 试验目的 根据我国现行汽车维护 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的特点:“对日常维护和一级维护实行定期、强制执行,着重提高汽车安全、节能、环保等项性能的方针;对二级维护实行先检测诊断,并进行技术评定,然后确定维护作业内容,及时发现和消除故障隐患,提高汽车安全性、动力性、经济性的方针。”本实训课着重Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 汽车一、二级维护作业内容作为汽车检测与维修专业学生应掌握的实操技能和专业知识,予适应汽车维修行业工作的需要。 二、实训所用的工、量具 1、汽车维护实训常用工量具和仪器、仪表:开口扳手、梅花扳手、活动扳手、套筒扳手、管子扳手、扭力扳手、锤子、钳子(鲤鱼钳、尖嘴钳、卡簧钳)、螺丝刀、剪刀、手摇柄、火花塞套筒、千斤顶、游标卡尺、千分尺、量缸表、厚薄规、直尺、尺;气缸压力表、真空表、燃油压力表、万用表、示波器、汽车解码器、废气分析仪等。 2、汽车专用的工机具:弹簧钳、铳子、錾子、冲子、刮刀、撬棍、铜棒、时规螺母套筒、时规拉器、活塞环钳、轮毂轴承螺母专用套筒、各种拉器、独立悬挂弹拆装器、摇杆、接杆、离合器拆装托架、变速器托架、车桥拆装托架、空气压缩机、风动扳手、悬臂吊、发动机专用吊具等。 三、实训所用的教具和设备 实物教具包括: (1)南汽新雅途轿车一辆; (2)两柱举升机; (3)平板式汽车检测线、四轮定位仪、前照灯检测仪、轮胎动平衡机。 四、操作步骤 Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 第一节、维护作业 1(更换发动机机油和机油滤清器 (1)实操步骤 1)更换发动机机油 2)更换滤清器滤芯 2.检查、补充冷却液 1)冷却液品种要符合本地气候条件。 2)按时更换冷却液 普通冷却液应每6个月更换l次。 长效防锈防冻液一般两年更换1次。 3.检查、更换变速器、驱动桥、转向器的润滑油 4(更换制动液 第二节、检查、紧固作业 1(检查排气系统和三元催化净化器 2(更换空气滤清器滤芯 3.检查v带状况,调整其张紧度 5.燃料系统的检查与清洁 6,点火系统的检查和调整 7.检查传动轴及等速万向节 8.检查轮胎气压 9。蓄电池的维护 10(灯光、仪表、信号装置的检查及调整 Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 11.空调装置的维护 第三节、一级维护作业的主要内容 (1)检查、清洗发动机气滤清器、曲轴箱通风空气滤清器、机油转子滤清器、检查曲轴箱油面。 (2)检查、紧固散热器、机油格、发动机前后支垫、水泵空压机、进排气歧管等装置。检查、调整风扇?带松紧度。 (3)检查、调整离含器自曲行程。 (4)检查转向器、传动十字轴承、横拉杆、摇臂及前桥,添加润滑油,调整松紧度.固、润滑前桥球头销。 (5)检查变速器,传动轴,中间轴承和后桥,添加润滑油滑油,畅通通气孔,校紧各部螺栓、螺母。 (6)检查紧固制动管路各接头、支架、 螺栓、螺母。检查调整行车制动踏板自由行程和驻车制动自由行程。 (7)检查紧固车架、车厢及附件支架各部的螺栓、拖钩、挂钩。 (8)检查轮辋及压条挡圈的裂损惰况。 (9)检查补足轮胎气压。 (10)检查轮毂轴承松紧度。 (11)检查钢板弹簧有无断裂,紧固U形螺栓和卡环 (12)检查减震器性能。 Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, (13)检查畜电池液面高度,补充蒸馏水。检查通气孔塞使之畅通。检查清除电极及夹头氧化物。 (14)检查灯光、仪表、信号装置。 (15)全车润滑。 (16)全车外观检查。 第四节、汽车二级维护作业 1(发动机上部拆装作业 2(发动机下部拆装作业 第五节 电气部分的维护 1(蓄电池的维护 (l)实操步骤 1)拆下蓄电池 用扳手松开蓄电池接线卡子紧固螺母,取下搭铁线和火线接头,取下蓄电池。蓄电池取下时应轻放,严禁剧烈振动和倾斜。检查蓄电池有无裂纹、损坏,固定螺栓不得松动,否则应修复、紧固。 2)清洁与检查蓄电池 ?清洗 蓄电池外部用热水冲洗干净,冲洗时不得打开加液口螺塞和堵塞通气孔。检查蓄电池外部,壳体不得有裂纹和渗漏。极柱牢固不得忪动,格与格之间连板焊接牢固。加液口螺塞和螺孔的螺纹应完好,密封垫不得老化破损,通气孔要畅通。 Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, ?外观检查 主要检查外壳是否破裂,封口剂是否开裂,连条是否断裂,以及极柱是否损坏等。 ?检查电解液液面高度 方法同一级维护。 ?检查电解液密度 用电解液密度计吸出电解液,液面对应的浮子刻度即为电解液浓度。室温下电解液相对密度低于1.20时,进行补充充电。充电结束后,再次检查电解液,其相对密度应在1.24,1.28之间(夏季偏低值,冬季偏高值)。 ?检查电蓄池电压 用高率放电仪,检查其单格电压,每次测试不得超过3s,充足电后再次用高率放电仪检查单格电压。 3)装复蓄电池 将蓄电池装上蓄电池框架,装好框架拉杆,紧固好螺母ε用砂布打磨干净蓄电池接线卡子内孔后,装复接绂并紧固卡子固定螺栓(注意蓄电池搭铁极性,不得装错),在蓄电池接线柱与卡子夕卜表面涂抹少许润滑月旨。 (2)技术要求 清洁,安装牢固,电解液面符合规定。 三、注意事项 1.总成分解时,各胶木垫圈、弹簧垫圈、止推垫圈等,均应妥善保存,不得丢失。 2.不许用汽油清洗电极、磁场绕组、电极轴承衬套等,不能使汽油进人电路开关。 3.电气系统拆装前应将点火开关关闭,并卸下蓄电池连接导线;电气总成拆装时,应注意防止损坏导线的绝缘性能,Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 电气元件连接应可靠。 4(拆卸蓄电池电缆时,应先拆负极,在拆正极,安装蓄电池电缆应先装正极,再装负极,以免操作过程中造成蓄电池短路。 5.蓄电池搭铁极性必须与发电机搭铁极性一致,严禁采用在发电机输出搭铁试火的方法检查发电机是否有电,以防损坏电子元件。 6(各部件之间的连接必须安全可靠,以防出现短路和断路 实验心得 在做发动机的拆装实验前,我以为不会难做,就像以前做物理实验一样,做完实验,然后两下子就将实验报告做完.直到做完测试实验时,我才知道其实并不容易做,但学到的知识与难度成正比,使我受益匪浅. 在做实验前,一定要将课本上的知识吃透,因为这是做实验的基础,否则,在老师讲解时就会听不懂,这将使你在做实验时的难度加大,浪费做实验的宝贵时间. 通过这次拆装实习,让我深刻的体会到做任何事情都必须认真对待,都必须付出汗水和努力。当然这次实习也达到了我预先的目的,让我对发动机及变速器等汽车大型组件有了一个很深的认识,以前只有在课本上的感观性的认识,这次则是实践中的深入性的认识。通过这次实习使我们学到很多书本上学不到的东西,多多少少的使我Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 们加深了对课本知识的了解。这次拆装实习不仅把理论和实践紧密的结合起来,而且还加深了对汽车组成、结构、部件的工作原理的了解,也初步掌握了拆装的基本要求和一般的工艺线路,同时也加深了对工具的使用和了解。提高了我们的动手能力,而且也增进了我们团队中的合作意识,因为发动机不是一个人就能随便能够拆卸得下来的,这就需要我们的配合与相互间的学习,通过这次实习我们收获颇丰,不仅是知识方面,而且在我们未来的工作之路上,它让我们学会了如何正确面对未来工作中的困难与挫折,是一次非常有意义的经历。 在实验过程中,我们应该尽量减少操作的盲目性提高实验效率的保证,有的人一开始就赶着做,结果却越做越忙,主要就是这个原因。我也曾经犯过这样的错误。在做电桥实验时,开始没有认真吃透电路图,仪器面板的布置及各键的功能,瞎着接线,结果显示不到数据,等到显示到了又不正确,最后只好找同学帮忙。 我们做实验不要一成不变和墨守成规,应该有改良创新的精神。实际上,在弄懂了实验原理的基础上,我们的时间是充分的,做实验应该是游刃有余的,如果说创新对于我们来说是件难事,那改良总是有可能的。 老师一直教导我们,我们所学习的不仅是理论知识和动手能力,还有最重要的就是一个适应环境的能力。不管今后走向什么样的岗位,都能很快的适应就最好了,去了一个单位,去了一个工作岗位,要能很快的进入角色,不管做什么,都能很快的上手,这就是最好的学习。我们大学生要有一个学会学习的能力,在不断培养自己理论知Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps, 识的同时,也要充实自己的文化修养,当然要想完全掌握这们复杂而精深的学科在这么短的时间里是不可能的,我们能做的就是了解这门学科,然后结合自己的专业知识,把他运用起来,发挥自己的强项,比如 工业设计学科,可以研究发动机的结构,然后根据不同的结构内容,运用整合到汽车的设计中去,这对一个设计师来说无疑是一个很好的锻炼学习机会。而对一个人来说,能去体会一门他不知道的事情,去了解一下他没接触过的领域,在将来的工作和生活中,都能增加一点乐趣。 Otherwise the pump should be checked again to install. structure embedded phase 1, toilet drain structure places a waterproof steel bushings, measure width of the beam, use galvanized steel pipe welding and sealing rings, measure elevation on positions in the structure main bars of beams, welded prison using sawdust block. Hole thin iron sleeve construction, length about 200 mm, easy installation and handle construction, casing used touch Remover (available used oil paint), Eachd8, transfer and underground drainage pipe installation mounting, hang-dry pipe must first make an outline, the carrier according to the design of slope planted well hung code, pipe hangers, prefabricated piping Bay and state provision and other sanitary and drainage provision for finding sizes, clamp the connection interface. The connection between the pipe and the main pipe to ensure smooth, sloping according to design requirements, no camber behavior occurs. Buried trunk pipe supporting frame, before you install DUN, planted well pipe sizes, will be reserved for finding and fixed the pipe size, and then sealing with cement mortar. 9, after the construction of water testing, water testing and well outside through-ball after completion of construction. 10, construction notes: when using metal pipe clamps,
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