首页 装配式活动板房安装验收表



装配式活动板房安装验收表装配式活动板房安装验收表 生活区活动板房消防防火设施验收表 中建三局第一建设工建筑工程名称 卓越后海金融中心 使用单位 程有限责任公司 面积 1986m2 卓越康合投资发展有限公雅致集成房屋股份有建设单位 安装单位 层 数 司 限公司 2 深圳市恒浩建工程项目管监理单位 理有限公司 连续长度 间 m 检查项目 检查情况 使用单位验收意见 1、构件应具备出厂合格证(A级) 2、钢构件的焊接部位无脱焊 3、钢构件无明显变形、损坏和严重锈蚀 验 收 4、基础的混凝土、砂浆强度应符合设计要求 项 5、楼面板...

装配式活动板房安装验收表 生活区活动板房消防防火设施验收表 中建三局第一建设工建筑工程名称 卓越后海金融中心 使用单位 程有限责任公司 面积 1986m2 卓越康合投资发展有限公雅致集成房屋股份有建设单位 安装单位 层 数 司 限公司 2 深圳市恒浩建工程项目管监理单位 理有限公司 连续长度 间 m 检查项目 检查情况 使用单位验收意见 1、构件应具备出厂合格证(A级) 2、钢构件的焊接部位无脱焊 3、钢构件无明显变形、损坏和严重锈蚀 验 收 4、基础的混凝土、砂浆强度应符合 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 要求 项 5、楼面板质量符合设计要求,锁定装置齐全有效 目 6、节点螺栓规格、数量应符合设计要求,连接牢 固 7、支撑(圆钢拉杆)体系符合设计要求,花篮螺 栓的锁定装置完好 1、上部结构安装时,基础混凝土强度应达到设计 强度的75%以上 2、楼面板应安装平稳、拼缝紧密 3、卫生间、厨房、浴室地面坡向正确,排水通畅, 无积水,管道孔部位密封无渗漏 4、围护板材(屋面板和墙板)应无明显变形、损 坏;固定螺栓、防水垫圈、金属垫圈、尼龙套管 等齐全,连接可靠;密封胶齐全有效 5、屋面板应安装平稳、檐口平直,板的搭接方向 正确一致、板房是否采取加固措施防止台风的袭一 击 般 6、附着式墙板安装应排板正确,表面平整;嵌入项 式墙板安装应平整,上下搭接缝应采用企口缝,目 外侧板应向下搭接,搭接长度不小于15mm 7、室内电器线路应采用PVC管(槽)明敷,布线 整齐美观;电器配置符合设计要求;线路无绝缘 老化及接长使用 8、防火:防火间距应符合设计和 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 要求,消防 通道应通畅且不应小于5m,消防栓不应大于30m 设置一个、灭火器配置应10m设置1个消防箱、2 个灭火器,且符合消防设施 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 要求,布局应合 理;厨房等用火场所防火隔热措施应有效;金属 面夹芯板氧指数不低于32,木地板等可燃材料应 做防火的处理 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 9、防雷:防雷接地设置符合设计和规范要求;接 地电阻应检测合格 10、防腐:钢构件应油漆完好、无锈蚀,外露螺 栓防护得当;强腐蚀环境下的防腐措施符合设计 要求;活动房周边应排水通畅,无积水,不准放 杂物 使用单位验收人员意见: 监理单位验收意见: 业主单位验收意见: 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 装配式活动板房安装验收表 第2页,共2页 允检测项目 允许 使用单位 检查记录 许偏差 验收意见 偏基础截现浇式 +8、-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 差 面尺寸 装配式 ?5 建筑物定位轴线 3 基础上柱的定位轴线 1 支承面 标高 ?2 水平度 1/1000 基础 螺栓中心线 ?2 现浇基 础地脚伸出长度 +20、-0 螺栓 螺纹长度 +20、-0 装配式中心线水平位置 5 基础螺中心线与顶面距?3 栓孔 离 底层柱底轴线对定位轴线的偏差 3 柱子柱子定位轴线 1 安装 柱子垂直度(单层) 10 柱子垂直度(二层,全高) 15 跨中垂直度 10 桁架梁 侧向弯曲矢高 L/1000 支承面标高 ?5 楼面板安支承长度 ?3 装 表面平整度 5 主体结构的整体垂直度 15 整体尺寸 主体结构的平面弯曲 20?5 檩条间距 5 檩条安装 弯曲矢高 平台标高 平台柱垂直度 楼梯钢 平台 平台梁垂直度 梯 平台梁侧向弯曲 安 装楼梯水平度 及 平台 垂直度 栏栏杆高度 杆 栏杆 立柱间距 立柱垂直度 安装单位自检结论: 使用单位验收意见: 产权单位验收意见: 项目负责人 项目经理 负责人 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 装配式轻钢结构活动板房安全检查表 工程名称 使用单位 建筑面积 建设单位 安装单位 层 数 2用途:办公 m 2监理单位 产权单位 宿舍 m 2 食堂 m 检查项目 检查情况 处理意见 设计应由具有资质的设计单位设计 图纸应通过省级建筑业主管 部门组织专家论证 资质要求 制作单位应具备钢结构专业承包资 质 安装单位应具备钢结构专业承包资 1 质 技术文件 内容 技术文件应包含的内容详见附录二 2 原材料的产品合格证和进厂检测 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 (包 括夹芯板、钢材、螺栓、焊接材料、水泥 等) 构件合格 证明 工厂制作构件的出厂合格证明(含混凝 土、砂浆强度检查报告、焊缝质量等) 3 活动房上部结构安装前基础应验收合格 4 验收情况 安装完成交付使用时应验收合格 1.不应在易滑坡坍塌、地势低洼区域或强 风口;2.与高压线距离,安全距离不足时 的防护措施;3.位于建筑的坠落半径和塔 吊作业半径内时的防护措施;4.与危险源 规划选址距离不小于25m,食堂与污染源距离不小 情况于30m 5 软弱地基处理情况 基础验收情况,验收不符要求时的处理情 况及结果 基础周边排水应通畅,无积水 活动房安装时基础混凝土强度应达到设 计值的75%以上地基基础 6 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must 主要构件地脚螺栓、连接螺栓数量、规格应符合设7 安全情况 计要求,无松动 支撑体系(圆钢拉杆)设置正确、齐全, 锁定装置齐全有效、无松动 钢构件(柱、梁、屋架、檩条等)、围护 板材(屋面板和墙板)和楼面板等应无变 形、损坏,连接可靠 附着设施应符合设计要求,与承重骨架连 接牢固 8 防火间距:组团之间不小于10m,幢之间 净距不小于3.5m;消防通道应通畅 消防措施:消防管道、消火栓、灭火器设 置符合设计要求,布局合理 金属面夹芯板氧指数不低于32,木地板 等可燃材料应做防火处理 使用温度不得超过80度,不得有高温热 源或火种靠近,厨房等用火场所防火隔热 措施应有效,不得采用明火取暖或烧煮食 防火 物 防雷 防雷接地符合设计和规范要求 9 防腐 钢构件应油漆完好,外露螺栓保护措施符10 合设计要求 强腐蚀环境下的防腐措施符合设计要求 活动房周边应无积水,不堆放杂物 使用管理 人员密集和荷载较大场所(如食堂、活动11 室、仓库)应设置在底层 不得改变使用功能;不得超载使用 潮湿房间(如浴室、卫生间)应有防水通 风措施 不得使用大功率电器,不得乱拉私接电线 电器 日常检查、维护和保养记录齐全,恶劣气 候前后检查检修记录齐全 其他 存在问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 : 处理意见: 12 检查意见 检查单位: 检查人员: 检查时间: 年 月 日 sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must sites scattered work surface should be distributed. Brick masonry construction is mainly distributed in the factory, the factory works. 8.3.1 material dumps in masonry construction materials are piled up in batches in the vicinity of the construction, hand-to-mouth, and maintain a certain reserve. 8.3.2 supply mortar HZS60 concrete mixing station after mixing with 5T dump truck transport to the surface of the construction. 8.3.3 masonry material transport transport 5T tipper with gravel and other materials transported to the surface of the construction. 8.4 8.4 masonry construction. ... Stone), can be used to sew, but its amount shall not exceed the weight of masonry 10%. Stone masonry: according to the degree of smoothness of the work surface is divided into fine stones, semi fine stone, crude stone and stone wool in four. Stone processing requirements should be consistent with the surface GBJ50203-2002 6th. the provisions of article 3.2. 8.4.2 sand, gravel (1) sand and gravel quality shall conform to SD120-84 table 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 requirements. Mortar and smaller sand aggregate concrete used, required diameter of 0.15~5mm, fineness modulus for 2.5~3.0, laying stone mortar sand, its maximum diameter is not more than 5mm; stone mortar for masonry sand, maximum size less than 2.5mm; (2) with two-graded aggregate concrete, gravel size for 5~20mm and 20~40mm. 8.4.3 cement and water (1) masonry engineering using cement and marking shall comply with the technical provisions of section 8.4. the provisions of paragraph 3.1, arrival of the cement should be variety, grade, date of stockpiling separately, wet lumps of cement, the prohibition of the use. (2) water quality standards should be required, mixing mortar and small aggregate concrete. On mixing and curing of water quality when there is doubt, mortar strength verification should be carried out, the compressive strength of the mortar if the water is below standard 28 days the compressive strength of mortar made of water below 90%, this water cannot be used. 8.4.4 small aggregate concrete and cement mortar (1) mix of cementitious materials must
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