首页 燃气公司运营管理规章制度



燃气公司运营管理规章制度燃气公司运营管理规章制度 第一章 燃气稽查制度 第一条 为加强用气管理~规范用气行为~维护使用者和经营者的合法权益~促进燃气事业发展。打击偷窃燃气等违章行为~强化稽查管理~保证燃气企业安全平稳供气~制定本制度。 第二条 落实好“一表一卡”的管理工作。在售气软件系统中将逾期3个月未购气用户设为黑名单~组织安检人员对列入黑名单的用户逐一进行落实。 第三条 对直通、倒拔表字等窃气行为按照相关法律法规进行处理。同时~应做到: 1、对利用各种手段偷盗气的~由安检人员责令其立即终止盗气行为~并停止供气~并要求其赔偿经...

燃气公司运营管理规章制度 第一章 燃气稽查制度 第一条 为加强用气管理~规范用气行为~维护使用者和经营者的合法权益~促进燃气事业发展。打击偷窃燃气等违章行为~强化稽查管理~保证燃气企业安全平稳供气~制定本制度。 第二条 落实好“一表一卡”的管理工作。在售气软件系统中将逾期3个月未购气用户设为黑名单~组织安检人员对列入黑名单的用户逐一进行落实。 第三条 对直通、倒拔表字等窃气行为按照相关法律法规进行处理。同时~应做到: 1、对利用各种手段偷盗气的~由安检人员责令其立即终止盗气行为~并停止供气~并要求其赔偿经济损失。 2、对盗用燃气情节严重的~申请司法机关追究刑事责任。 3、对刁蛮用户、拒不整改用户及时上报有关部门进行处罚~防止燃气费的流失。 第四条 对未加装防盗封的用户~利用安检期间进行加装。 1、如发现表封有被损坏现象~及时向公司有关领导反映~并安排人员进行入户检查~以确定该用户是否存在盗气行为。 2、重点对无改管手续~擅自将燃气管线进行改动的燃气用户~尤其是针对那些将燃气管线进行改动的燃气用户~一经发现严肃查处并责令改正。 3、加大对私接热水器、采暖炉用户的查处力度~对拒不整改的用户报有关部门进行查处~坚决杜绝安全隐患。 第五条 对违章占压燃气管线的用户及单位~向其讲明占压燃气管线的危害性~并通过法律宣传做通违占户的思想工作~争取其主动自行拆除占压建筑物~确保燃气管线安全输气。 第六条 注重对公服及工业用户的稽查检查~对重点用户的燃气使用情况做到及时掌握。 第七条 本制度由运营部负责解释。 第八条 本制度自颁布之日起实施。 working group, further rationalize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, long-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and requirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a on-site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role 第二章 入户安全检查制度 第一条 对民用户每年进行至少两次的入户安全检查~检查时员工要统一着装~佩戴公司工作牌。 第二条 确认燃气用户设备有无人为碰撞、损坏。如发现人为或故意损坏情况~应礼貌提醒用户~注意保护有关设备~同时耐心地对用户进行相关国家法律法规宣传~并将有关情况上报公司有关部门进行处理。 第三条 检查管道是否被私自改动~是否被作为其它电器设备的接地线使用~有无锈蚀~重物搭挂~胶管是否超长及完好。对存在的问题向用户提出整改意见并帮助和监督其整改完善。 第四条 检查用气设备是否符合安装要求~设备性能是否满足使用要求~对不能满足安装和使用要求的设备~必须向用户讲明原因~提出建议。 第五条 检查有无燃气泄漏、灶前压力和气表运行是否正常。 第六条 对用户提出的相关要求和帮助~应提供相应帮助。 第七条 检查合格后~请用户签字确认~当次未能入户检查的用户要详细说明原因。 第八条 凡是进行年检和日常维修结束后~应随时填写“用户使用证”的相关内容及检查记录。 第九条 妥善保管各种检查记录~以备公司组织人员进行查验。 第十条 本制度由运营部负责解释。 第十一条 本制度自颁布之日起实施。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec eate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a o2 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 第三章 入户工作人员 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 第一条 为加强公司运营人员的服务质量~提高公司的整体形象~特制定本制度。 第二条 工作人员上岗必须佩戴工作卡。 第三条 对待用户要主动热情、文明礼貌。 第四条 工作应遵循“安全第一~质量第一”的宗旨。 第五条 工作应坚持利民、便民原则。 第六条 不准擅自向用户收取额外费用。 第七条 不准向用户暗示或提出不合理要求~不准利用工作之便谋取私利~不准向用户索取或非法收授财物。 第八条 未经审批不得私自为用户安装和改装燃气设施。 第九条 不准要求用户为其提供劳力、运输工具及其它形式的便利。 第十条 对待用户的询问要耐心解答~不准用粗暴的语言对待用户~不得与用户发生争吵~要主动向用户讲解燃气设施的操作及使用方法。 第十一条 安装期间严格遵守施工纪律~不能接受用户饮料、水果、食品、烟酒等各种招待,禁止擅自动用用户物品~损坏用户物品照价赔偿,尊重用户~尽量避免影响用户的日常生活,安装期间~除安装地点外禁止在其他地方逗留。 第十二条 安装完毕将污染的墙面、地面打扫干净~恢复原貌。 第十三条 本制度由运营部负责解释。 第十四条 本制度自发布之日起实施。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play 3 第四章 管线巡检制度 第一条 为加强燃气管线安全管理~强化管道巡视检查~结合公司实际~制定本制度。 第二条 凡从事此项工作的员工必须经过相关专业和操作技能培训考核合格后~还必须经过必要的相关实践~才能持证上岗。 第三条 必须熟悉公司所使用燃气的一般物理化学特性、工艺流程~熟悉有关检测设备的使用和保养~熟悉相关安全操作规程。 第四条 必须熟悉燃气管网简图和区域内阀门、调压站,箱,的位臵~熟悉管道地域、走向、管径及埋深和周围地形道路、工厂等基本情况。 第五条 对站内设备的岗位巡查每4小时至少进行一次,专人负责~重点部位应适当增加巡查次数,~并按要求做好巡查记录。组织专人每月至少对所辖区域内的阀门、调压设施等轮流检测一次~按要求做好检查记录。 第六条 凡遇施工、过重车等可能造成管道漏气的重点部位~必须重点监测,必要部位要24小时现场监控,。 第七条 妥善保管各种巡视检查记录~以备查验。 第八条 维修检查人员必须认真做好维修检查工作~并对自己的工作负责~如出现工作不负责或因自己工作疏忽大意而造成的有关事故的~则应按照公司相应规定进行处理。 第九条 本制度由运营部负责解释。 第十条 本制度自颁布之日起实施。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec eate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a o4 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 第五章 运营人员服务规范 第一条 为保持良好的工作环境~提高优质服务水平~确保安全平稳供气~树立公司良好形象~特制定以下管理规定。 第二条 上班严格执行公司制定的上下班作息时间表。员工要按时上下班~不得迟到、早退或旷工~有事必须请假~经相关领导批准后方可离开~并且所有请假都要到综合办写请假条备案。,注:迟到、早退、旷工按公司相关处罚规定执行,。 第三条 为体现公司良好的整体形象~所有办公室人员必须统一着装,周六、周日可着便装,。 第四条 上班时间不准打瞌睡~不准随意离岗、脱岗、无故缺岗。特殊情况需要离岗的~要报相关领导批准后方可离开。 第五条 上班期间要做到举止文明~坐立端正~待人热情~讲究礼貌~谈吐文雅。 保持办公场所环境卫生~保持办公场所整洁。 第六条 第七条 接电话必须用礼貌用语。通话用语力求简明扼要~禁止用电话聊天或长时间占用电话~保证通讯畅通~接到投诉报修电话~要及时填写记录。 第八条 保持办公场所安静~不准大声喧哗~不得无故串岗闲谈。 第九条 讲究卫生~保持环境整洁~不准随地吐痰~不准乱扔纸屑、杂物。 第十条 上班期间严禁浏览与工作无关的网页、网站、聊天、玩游戏等。下班后离开办公场所前要关闭所有电源~锁好门窗~注意防火、防盗~及时消除各种隐患~确保办公场所安全。 第十一条 禁止人员在岗期间在办公场所内吸烟、酗酒~晚上不得私自外出~如因私自外出而发生的一切意外事故~后果自行承担。 第十二条 夜间值班中如遇到非紧急状况~又不能及时处理的~应在次日及时向相关领导报告。 第十三条 公司领导应不定期对各安全值班情况进行巡查~对不按要求值班的人员要坚决追究责任。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa unty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the r5 第十四条 对用户反映的信息必须记录详细~填写工整~字迹清晰~不准随意涂抹。 第十五条 坚持勤俭办事~节约办公用品~节约用电~不得损坏任何办公设施。 第十六条 严守公司机密。 第十七条 违反以上规章制度2次者~做待岗处理,注:一次警告~二次根据公司相关处罚条例执行,。 第十八条 员工应遵守公司的各项规章制度。 第十九条 本制度由运营部负责解释。 第二十条 本制度自颁布之日起实施。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec ing gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificat6 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 第六章 安全生产责任制 一、安全生产责任制 安全生产责任制是企业最基本的安全管理制度~是所有安全、健康与环境管理规章制度的核心。公司实行“分级管理~分工负责”总经理为安全生产主要责任人~对本公司的安全负领导责任,各级管理部门负责人对分管部门,或职责范围内,的安全工作负直接领导责任,每位员工对工作职责范围内的安全工作负直接责任。 二、安行安全生产责任制的意义 安全生产工作是渗透到企业各个部门和各个层次的工作~只有明确分工~各尽其责~协调一致~才能实现。因而安全生产责任制是企业的一项基本制度~是所有劳动保护、安全生产管理制度的核心~只有实行安全生产责任制才能建立、健全和执行安全管理规章制度~才能使企业安全工作纳入运行经营管理活动的各个环节~实现全员全方位、全过程的安全管理~保证企业安全健康运行。 三、生产责任制的主要内容 1、经理对本公司的安全工作负领导责任~各级管理部门负责人对分管部门的安全工作负直接领导责任, 2、经理应保证国家有关劳动保护、安全生产、职业卫生方面的法律法规。在公司的生产经营过程中~应同时负责组织公司安全工作的 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、布臵、检查、总结及评比, 3、各个管理部门负责人应负责组织各自业务和职责范围内的安全技术、劳动保护、职业卫生工作的计划、监督和检查, 4、安全管理部门应落实本公司安全管理工作的计划、布臵、检查、总结及 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and r7 评比, 5、各部门、班组负责人应落实本生产部门的安全管理工作~并对本生产部门的安全生产负主要领导责任, 6、公司全体员工应接受本公司的安全“三级教育”~积极友加各种安全活动~自觉遵守安全生产的规章制度~对工作职责范围内的安全工作负直接责任。 四、公司各级员工安全生产职责: 1、经理的安全生产职责 ,1,经理全面负责本公司的安全生产工人作~应认真贯彻执行国家有关安全生产的方针、政策、法规~将安全工作列入公司管理重要议事日程~每月亲自主持召开一次安全生产工作会议我~参加公司组织的一次安全大检查~批总上级有关安全管理文件上~签发有关安全工作的重大事项。 ,2,负责落实本公司各级安全生产责任制~督促检查同级副职及各管理部门负责人安全管理工作的执行情况, ,3,建立健全安全管理组织体系~充实配臵专,兼,职安全管理员~定期听取安全管理部门的工作汇报~及时研究解决或审批有关安全生产中的重大问题, ,审批公司安全规章制度、安全技术规程和重大安全技术措施~落实安全,4 技术措施费用, ,5,按照事故处理的“四不放过”原则~组织对事故的调查处理, ,6,部署各项安全活动~审定安全管理的经济奖惩措施。 ,7,安全管理部门、安全管理人员的调整~征询安全主管领导的意见。 2(安全主管领导、副经理、工程师的安全生产职责 ,1,在经理的领导下~主管安全工作的安全执行人,安全主管领导、副总经理、总工程师,负责本公司的全面安全管理工作及安全技术规程和编制安全技术措施计划~并组织落实, ,2,组织制订本公司安全大检查~落实重大理故隐患的整改, ,3,组织安全大检查~落实重大事故隐患的整改, ,4,组织开展各类安全活动~推广总结安全运营先进经验~奖励先进部门和个人, ,5,审核安全技术措施费用, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec -nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role8 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 ,6,定期组织召开安全会议~分析公司安全生产动态~及时解决安全运营中存在的问题。 3、安全管理部门负责人的安全生产职责 ,1,组织开安全技术研究工作~积极采用先进技术和安全防护措施~研究并落实重大事故隐患的整改 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 , ,2,按“三同时”原则~在新建、改建、扩建等基建项,工程,、新装臵以及技术改造项目的设计、施工和投运时~做到安全,消防,、卫生设施与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产。 ,3,审核各岗位安全技术操作规程和安全技术措施项目~保证技术上切实可行, ,4,负责制订生产岗位对人体有害物质的治理方案~使之达到国家标准要求, ,5,参加事故调查处理~落实防范措施防止事故再次发生~并对事故责任者提出处理意见, ,6,负责组织工艺技术方面的安全审核及质量方面的栓查~及时改进技术质量方面存在的问题, ,掌握公司主要运营过程中事故产行的特点~经常深入基层监督检查~监,7 督落实事故隐患的整改, ,8,负责带气、动火等危险作业的审批~监督危险作业各项安全措施的落实, ,9,制定年度、月度安全 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 ~认真组织实施, ,10,负责安全工作的总结~评比~行使安全奖惩建议权。 4(工程、运营等管理部门负责人的安全生产职责 ,1,保证国家安全生产法规和公司规章制度在本部门贯彻执行~把安全生产工作列入议事日程~做到“五同时”, ,2,组织制定、实施本部门安全生产管理规定~安全技术操作规程和安全技术措施计划~进行不定期检查, ,3,组织对新进人员、转岗人员,包括实习、代培人员,进行部门安全教育和管网所、储配站等班组安全教育~对职工进行经常性的安全思想~安全知识和安全技术教育,开展岗位技术练兵、并定期组织安全技术考核,组织并参加每周一次班级安全活动日~及时处理员工提出的正确意见, .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play 9 ,4,组织部门安全检查~落实隐患整改~保证生产设备、管线及其附属设备、安全装备、消防设施、防护器材和急救器具等处于完好状态~并教育职工回强维护~正确使用, ,5,及时上报本部门生产运营中发生的安全事故~注意保护现场, ,6,建立部门安全管理网络~配备兼职安全技术人员~充分发挥班组安全管理员的作用, 5、运营所、站,班组,长的安全生产职责 ,1,贯彻执行公司对安全运营的规定和要求~组织学习燃气专业知识~全面负责本所、站,班组,的安全生产, ,2,组织所、站,班组,职工学习并贯彻执行公司各项安全规章制度和安全技术操作规程~教育职工遵纪守法~制止违章行为, ,3,组织并参加安全活动~坚持班前讲安全、班中检查安全、班后总结安全, ,4,负责组织对新入厂职工、转岗人员,包括实习、代培人员,进行岗位安全教育, ,5,组织安全检查~ 发现不安全因素及时组织力量加以消除~并报告上级,发生事故立即报告~并组织抢救~保护好现场~做好详细记录,协助事故调查、分析~落实防范措施, ,6,搞好运营设备、安全装备、消防设施、防护器材和急救器具的检查工作~使其经常保持完好和正常运行,督促和教育职工使用劳动保护用品~正确使用的消防设施和防护器材, ,7,搞好“安全月”等安全活动和班组安全生产活动~总结安全生产先进经验, ,8,发动职工搞好文明生产~保持生产作业现场整齐、清洁。 6、员工的安全生产职责 ,1,认真学习和严格遵守各项规章制度~并对燃气专业知识有所掌握~遵守劳动纪律~不违章作业, ,2,认真操作~严格执行岗位安全操作规程~做好各项记录,交接班必须交接安全生产情况, ,3,正确分析、判断和处理各种事故隐患~把事故消灭在萌芽状态。如发生 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec -nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role10 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 事故~要果断正确处理~及时、如实地向上级报告~并认真保护现场~做好详细记录, ,4,按时认真进行巡回检查~发现异常情况~及时处理和报告, ,5,加强设备、设施的维修保养~保持作业环境整洁~搞好文明生产, ,6,上岗必须按规定着装~会报警~学会正确使用消防设施和防护器材, ,7,积极参加管种安全活动, ,8,有权拒绝违章作业的指令~并劝阻制止他人违章作业。 五、各管理部门的安全生产职责 1、运营管理部门的安全行产职责 ,1,贯彻国家有关安全生产方针、规章制度和设备检修、维护、保养的安全规程和规定,遵照公司有关安全运营管理制度~做到生产和安全“五同时”,负责制定本部门的关设备及运行、储运、调度、维修、巡线等各项内容的操作规程和管理制度, ,2,组织制定和实施本部门安全运营管理规定、安全技术操作规程和安全技术措施计划, ,负责对本部门的机械、电器,气,、动力、仪表等设备、设施进行维护管,3 理,组织对灶具、采暖炉、压力容器、安全阀、防静,雷,电装臵、电气、高压管件、管道及其附属设备、消防设施等设备、设施进行定期检查、校验, ,4,对运营中出现的不安全因素、险情及时处理,对事故处下要果断~防止事态扩大~保护好现场~发生事故及时上报, ,5,积极配合公司安全巡查和抽查~组织要部门日常安全检查~掌握安全运营动态~对查出的有关问题应有计划地及时整改~按时完成安全技术措施计划和事故隐患整改工作, ,6,组织对特殊工种安全培训或考试~按规定进行部门和岗位的安全教育定期组织召开部门安全例会~提高部门员工整体安全素质, ,7,强化重点要害部们的安全管理~制定门站、储配站等场站的事故抢救预案和消防预案~定期组织进行抢救演练和消防演习, ,8,参加安全事故的调查处理~负责本部门事故的统计上报, ,9,组织建立本部门安全运营管理网络~配备专,兼,职安全管理员。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play 11 2、技术、质量部门安全生产职责 ,1,认真执行工程施工质量验收标准~严格执行“三同时”规定、国家安全技术规范和公司技术标准。 ,2,负责安全技术措施项目的推广~积极推行采用先进技术和安全装备, ,3,在编制或修订技术标准、操作规程、工艺技术指标时必须符合安全生产要求~并经常检查执行情况, ,4,负责组织工艺技术方面的安全检查~及时改进技术上存在的缺陷, ,5,组织工程、运营管理部门加强对生产操作人员的技术标准学习~严格执行工艺操作规程~确保质量与安全, ,6,参加安全事故调查处理。 3、工程管理部门的安全生产职责 ,1,严格贯彻执行国家颁发的《建设安装工程安全技术规程》及其相关安全规定~制定或审查建筑安装施工的安全措施~并监督检查执行情况, ,2,参加建设项目的设计审查~保证设计符合安全防火和工业卫生要求~并保证落实“三同时”, ,做好基建、运营部门的联系、配合、交接工作~防止事故发生, ,3 ,4,负责与外来施工队签订安全 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ~组织外来施工队伍的安全教育~发生事故时按协议书的原则进行处理, ,5,保证工程项目的施工质量~特别是隐蔽工程的质量~使新建项目不留隐患, ,6,在规定权限内协助负责施工质量事故、工程安全事故的调查、处理、统计上报工作。 4、财务管理部门的安全生产职责 ,1,在编制基本建设和工程计划时~应检查安全技术措施计划的落实, ,2,在编制运营计划和总结统计运营情况进~必须同时计划和统计安全运营工作~并经常检查执行情况, ,3,负责审核各类事故的处理费用支出~纳入公司经济活动分析江总, ,4,保证本部门的安全消防~及重点部位保卫工作的落实, ,5,采取防范措施~保证资金安全。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and r12 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 5、物资供应管理部门的安全生产职责 ,1,建立健全部门安全规章制度, ,2,建立原材料检验制度和检测手段~严格把住原材料质量关~确保工程质量, ,3,加强易燃、易爆、剧毒化学危险品管理~严格执行物资发放制度~保证账、物、卡一致, ,4,按计划保证供应安全技术措施项目所需的设备材料, ,5,严格出入库制度和物资存放管理~建立防火、防洪、防盗、防破坏预案,措施,~配备消防器材和防护设施~做好库房的保卫工作。 6、后勤,行政,管理部门的安全生产职责 ,1,定期采购劳保用品~负责各类劳保用品的管理和发放~并监督使用部门合理配臵, ,2,搞好食堂的巡全防火管理和饮食卫生~防止食物中毒, ,3,认真做好车辆的维护保养工作~确保安全行驶~协同车管部门做好交通安栓管理及各类次通事故的调查、正理、统计、上报工作, 、保卫管理部门的安全生产职责 7 ,1,建立健全安栓保卫制度~认真做好要害部位安全保卫工作, ,2,负责监督有关部门做好易燃、易爆、剧毒物品的管理~认真做好存放地点的保卫工作, ,3,负责各类重大安全事故的现场保卫工作, ,4,参加有关安全事故的调查、处理、统计上报~参加安全检查~组织好管主管业务范围内的检查工作。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play 13 第七章 防火防爆管理制度 第一节 总则 第一条 为强化公司安全管理~做好防火防爆工作~特制定本制度。 第二条 适用范围:区域所属公司、部门、岗位、场站、工程项目均应遵守本制度。 第三条 新增设备应按国家防火安全进行设计~必须符合“三同时”的方针~并经验收和防火部门审查同意后方可投入运行。 第四条 加强设备管理~搞好设备维修保养~做到定期检修~确保设备安全运行。 第二节 防火防爆规定 第五条 禁火区域严禁运用明火作业~因工作需要必须动用明火时~须按下列规定执行: 、因设备不能拆卸~必须就地动火作业时~动火单位应按动火管理规定~1 填写动火申请~写明动火部位、动火时间~并拟定安全防范措施和确定动火监护人~报有关部门审批后~方可在规定的时间内动火作业~动火票过期不用~一律另行申请。 2、动火前必须对操作人员进行安全教育~明确安全措施等。必须做到“三不动火”和“六有六查”的有关规定。 3、动火完工后~明确检查无火源及残留火种和其它隐患后~方能报告监护人和当时值班人员撤离现场。 第六条 加强监督检查~做好防范工作 1、禁火区域严禁吸烟和携带火种、易燃易爆物品及非防爆通讯、摄录器材进入生活区及生产辅助区域~非防爆区不准室外吸烟~违者按公司有关规定进行处理 2、禁火区域严禁穿化学纤维服装和铁钉鞋进入。 第七条 易燃易爆物品的存放、保管应按下列规定执行: 1、凡存放和使用的易燃易爆品、油类、电石、气瓶等~必须选择安全地点~分别存放。 2、凡是贮存天然气的容器~必须控制在设计许可的工作压力下运行~当夏季高温时期应采取喷淋降温措施。 第六条 维修人员注意事项 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and r14 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 1、无安全保证措施和未经有关部门批准~不准在禁火区明火作业。 2、在禁火区内作业~不准使用能产生火花的工具~严禁用工具敲打运行中的设备和设施。 3、检修人员接到检修通知单后~方可进入场、站区工作。且运行人员必须到现场配合检修。 4、站、场运行人员按操作规程、检修部位及相关的阀门、管线及设备做好准备工作~并确认“六有六查”后方可检修。检修工作完成后~运行人员应对检修部位及相关的阀门、工艺管线、设备进行详细检查~确认一切正常后~检修工作方告结束。 5、检、运双方必须认真做好记录并提出注意事项~履行交接签字手续~双方的检修记录应当妥善保存并存档。 第七条 消防设备、设施使用和管理注意事项: 1、各部门、部位设臵的灭火设备和工具应指定专人保管~做好定期检查和维护保养工作~确保消防工具完好适用。 、一切消防设备、器材~必须放臵在使用方便的地方~并有明显标记~不2 准随意挪动和损坏。 3、设臵在地面以下的消火栓应经常进行检查~保证灵活好用。五米以内不准堆放任何材料。 第三节 各级人员防火责任制 第八条 经理,副经理,防火责任制 1、认真贯彻执行《中华人民共和国消防法》。 2、经常向员工进行安全教育~贯彻“安全第一~预防为主~防消结合”的方针~督促安全防火工作。 3、年度计划工作安排时~要做到安全与生产工作“五同时”~并要突出安全防火工作的计划措施。 4、定期召开安全专题会议~认真听取工作汇报~总结经验~布臵工作任务。 5、追查火灾事故原因~对肇事者提出处理意见。 第九条 场、站长防火责任制 1、领导场、站的防火工作~具体贯彻执行上级有关防火工作的有关规定。 2、经常向员工进行防火教育~监督和指导员工遵守防火制度和安全技术操作规程。 3、定期和不定期地组织员工进行防火安全检查~发现隐患及时解决~本场、站不能解决的~要迅速报告上级领导研究解决。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa ectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta role15 4、组织本场、站义务消防~搞好消防训练~加强防范~提高灭火水平。 5、在上级领导下~积极协助有关部门追查火灾事故原因~对事故责任人~提出处理意见。 6、指定专人负责消防设备的管理、维修~保证消防设备和器材完整好用。 7、贯彻执行国家和上级有关防火防爆的规定。 8、监督落实各部门有关防火防瀑的规定。 9、对员工进行防火防爆基本知识的宣传教育工作。 10、会同有关部门进行定期和不定期防火检查。 11、协同有关部门对义务消防队的培训~总结与推广防火防爆的先进经验。 第六条 防火干事防火责任制 1、负责全公司的一切防火工作和监督管理一切防火防爆器材和设施。 2、检查易燃易爆品的保管工作。 3、组织义务消防人员学习消防知识和业务训练。 4、调查发生火灾事故原因~提出今后的预防措施及处理意见。 5、制止本公司各部门不遵守防火防爆安全制度的行为。 第七条 安全员防火责任制 1、协助防火防爆部门贯彻执行防火防爆安全方面的政策、指示、规程和法令等。 2、协同防火防爆部门做好防火防爆安全宣传教育工作。 3、协同防火防爆部门进行定期和不定期的防火安全检查工作。 第八条 班组长防火责任制 1、带头和督促员工遵守防火防爆安全制度~如有违反者~责令立即停止工作~并报告领导进行处理。 第九条 义务消防员防火责任制 1、努力学习防火防爆和消防知识~积极参加消防业务训练~提高防、灭火本领。 2、带头遵守防火防爆制度~并在本班组进行防火防爆宣传~在实际工作中起模范作用。 3、负责本岗位消防设施的维护管理~保证良好状态~以备应用。 4、敢于同不良现象作斗争~协助有关部门查明火灾原因~吸取教训~不断改进防火工作。 第十条 员工防火责任制 1、维护防火防爆设备、设施的完好齐全~严禁随意使用和移动。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and r16 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 2、严格遵守防火防爆管理制度和操作规程~保证安全生产。 3、发现火灾火险时应立即报告有关领导及部门~同时采取力所能及的措施进行扑救~并认真保护好现场。 第十一条 警卫人员防火责任制 1、严格带头执行公司及场站的各项规章制度~工作认真负责。 2、严格执行外来人员登记制度~禁止穿钉子鞋及带火种进厂。 3、允许进入生产区的车辆必须带阻火器方可入内。 4、一旦厂内有火灾火险~除及时报告外~还应维护好现场秩序并协助有关部门灭火。 第四节 要害部位人员防火责任制 第十二条 场、站区防火责任制 1、场、站区严禁无关人员进入~凡进入场、站区参观者~须经公司领导批准并由专人陪同~外来实习的要由公司批准并由人事部门交待给相关部门方可~外来人员必须遵守本公司的一切管理规定。 2、当班人员~必须严格执行和遵守操作纪律~在规定的参数内运行。 3、保持场站内消防通道畅通无阻和消防器材的完好有效。 4、定期检验报警及安全设施~使其处于完好、灵活的状态。 第十三条 配电室,电工,防火责任制 1、认真执行有关安全配送电的规定~严格执行操作规程和各项防火制度。 2、认真进行巡线检查~防止线路超负荷运转~禁火区不准拉临时线。 3、保持配电室内清洁卫生~室内严禁存放易燃易爆物品。 4、定期做好设备和设施的防雷和静电接地检测~做好记录。 5、室内配臵的消防器材~要切实保证有效实用。 6、场、站内发生火险时~立即切断一切电源~坚守岗位待命。 第十四条 维修电气、焊工防火责任制 1、认真执行电、气焊工安全操作规程和禁火区的防火规定。 2、作业前坚持“六有六查”工作~并消除附近的可燃物品~各设施之间保持应有的安全距离。 3、氧、乙炔瓶严禁曝晒和接触油料~用完后必须分别入库。凡是人工能搬动的焊接件必须搬到安全区内焊接。反之~必须按级报审并达到有关要求后方可作。~业。 第十五条 压缩机房防火责任制 1、严格执行操作规程和各项防火规定~不准脱离岗位。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on17 2、加强对设备的维修和保养~消灭跑、冒、滴、漏现象~创造一个安全的工作环境。 3、定期校验报警及安全装臵~使其处于完好正常的状态。 4、消防器材维护和保养到位~放臵合理且会熟练使用。 第十六条 员工食堂防火责任制 1、加强食堂防火管理~对燃气用具经常检查~发现漏气等不安全因素立即排险。 2、开火后灭火前~要有专人看管~防止干锅或其它情况发生~不用火时~应关闭总阀门。 3、场、站内发生火险时~要立即熄灭所有火源~切断一切电源。 第十七条 仓库防火责任制 1、凡是性质相互抵消或灭火方法不同的物品~要分别存放。 2、照明要根据存放物品而定~做到人离灯灭。 3、配备与存放物品相配的灭火器材~并有效实用。 第十八条 车辆防火责任制 1、车库内禁止吸烟~车库十米以内不准有明火作业。 2、CNG运输车上禁止吸烟~不得载罐到非工作地办事过夜~不得载罐修车或任意停放。 3、运气车按指定路线运行~安装黄色标志~配备灭火器。进出场要戴阻火器~卸气和行驶时拉好静电接地线。 4、所配灭火器应有效实用~驾驶员要会保养和使用。 5、行车要注意安全~防止剧烈震动、撞击和曝晒。 6、当维修车辆需要动用明火时,CNG运气车,~须经有关部门审批~并按照“三不动火”和“六有六查”的原则执行~以切实确保安全。 7、场、站内发生险情时~应无条件听从场站领导的安排和指挥。。 8、场站内不得进行车辆的维修和保养作业。 第十九条 财务、计划部门防火责任制 在编制年度、季度计划时~必须与生产作到“五同时”~并保证其资金落实。 第五条 附 则 第二十条 当以上规定与上级规定相抵触时~按上级规定执行。 第二十一条 本规定的解释权归青县奥德燃气有限公司。 第二十二条 本制度自公布之日之起生效。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone i18 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 第八章 燃气安全使用规程 为了给用户提供优质高效服务~本着“安全第一、用户至上”的原则~让贵单位安全、平稳的使用天然气。我公司特制定以下日常操作及运行规范~请贵单位遵守: 1(每次使用完毕后灶前阀门必须处于完全关闭状态~以防止燃气具关闭不严漏气而导致事故的发生。 2(每天都要对流量计、调压器的运行状况~进行检查,要设专人每天对流量计抄表记数,。 3(要做到“一天一检查、三天大检查”。用泡沫水检查所有燃气具底部的每个连接处~一旦发现漏气、着火要迅速关闭调压器的前后阀门~开窗通风~扑灭初期火势~并在安全地带迅速拨打燃气公司抢修电话,8389119,~不得拖延时间。在燃气公司抢修人员未到现场之前要把事故和损失尽可能缩小到最小化。 4(不准擅自改动户内燃气管线和流量计的装臵。 5(天然气使用房间必须配备消防灭火器材,每个房间要配备四瓶~并要保证灭火器材在有效期之内正常使用,。 6(调压设备周围方圆1.2米内不准堆积任何物品。 燃气公司将每周安全检查,抽检,一次~如果发现违规操作,使用,~或存在安全隐患又不按要求整改的~燃气公司将有权给予停止供气。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and r19 第九章 入户安全检查制度 为保证燃气用户安全用气~保障居民、工业、公服用户的生命和财产安全~应定期或不定期对燃气用户进行安全检查。 一、民用户 1、对民用户每年进行至少一次的入户安全检查~检查时员工要统一着装~佩戴公司工作牌。 2、确认燃气用户设备有无人为碰撞、损坏~燃气设施是否符合安全要求~提醒用户按时对燃具进行维修保养。。如发现人为或故意损坏情况~应礼貌提醒用户~注意保护有关设备~同时耐心地对用户进行相关国家法律法规宣传~并将有关情况上报公司有关部门进行处理。 3、检查管道是否被私自改动、是否有私拉乱接~私增设备、私取铅封、私自点火等违章用气现象,燃气管道有无锈蚀~重物搭挂~胶管是否超长及完好,是否因改变用气环境而达不到安全及防火要求。对存在的问题要向用户提出整改意见并帮助和监督其整改完善。 4、检查用气设备是否符合安装要求~设备性能是否满足使用要求~对不能满足安装和使用要求的设备~必须向用户讲明原因~提出建议。 5、检查有无燃气泄漏、灶前压力和气表运行是否正常。 6、在对用户安全检查中~发现的问题或事故隐患~要逐项进行登记、研究~认真整改~并发整改通知~要求其限期整改。在整改期限到达后~组织人员对整改后的情况进行检查~对达不到要求通知燃气监察有关部门~采取有效措施及时处理。对暂时不能整改的项目~除采取临时性防护措施外~应分别纳入整改计划。 7、对用户提出的相关要求和帮助~应提供相应帮助。 8、检查合格后~请用户签字确认~当次未能入户检查的用户要详细说明原因。 9、凡是进行年检和日常维修结束后~应随时填写“用户使用证”的相关内容及检查记录。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec ing gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificat20 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 10、妥善保管各种检查记录~以备公司组织人员进行查验。 二、工业、公服用户 1、对工业、公服用户每月进行一次安全检查~查天然气管道、用户设备、用气环境是否符合安全要求,庭院管道是否有被占压现象,使用的天然气压力是否符合规范要求等。 2、针对各种流量计的检测周期进行检测~涡轮表每季度必须清洗过滤网~变色和过脏应进行更换~油位不够应加油。 3、工业用气设备是否有私接乱用现象。 4、对检查中发现的问题应开具《隐患整改通知单》~制定整改期限及整改方案~落实整改人员~并将整改结果上报。在检查中发现隐患~检查人员应发隐患整改通知书~限期整改。对隐患严重的要按国家有关法规处理~防止事故的发生。 三、其它 1、本制度由运营部负责解释。 2、本制度自下发之日起实施。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and r21 第十章 安全事故处理制度 为了及时了解和研究事故原因~掌握事故规律~认真吸取教训~以便有效地采取消除事故的措施~保证安全生产~特制定本制度。 一、事故分类 ,一,在生产操作中~因违反工艺规程、岗位操作法或由于误操作等造成原料、半成品或成品的损失~为生产事故。 ,二,生产装臵、动力机械、电气仪表、输送设备、管道、建筑物、构筑物等发生故障损坏~造成损失或减产~为设备事故。 ,三,产品或半成品不符合质量标准~基建工程质量不符合设计要求~机电设备检修不符合要求~原材料或成品因保管、包装不良等造成经济损失为质量事故。 ,四,发生着火造成生命财产损失~为火灾事故。 ,五,发生化学或物理爆炸~造成生命财产损失~为爆炸事故。 ,六,违反交通运输规则~造成车辆损坏~财产损失或人员伤亡为交通事故。 ,七,在生产活动所涉及的区域内~由于生产过程中存在的危险因素的影响~突然使人体组织受损伤或使某些器官失去正常机能~以致负伤人员立即中断工作~为工作事故。 ,八,各级管理工作人员~在工作中发生错误~造成恶果的事故为管理工作事故。 二、事故等级和损失计算 ,一,重大事故: 造成气量损失费达一万元以上,或直接损失费达5000元以上事故,或经济损失虽未达到上述金额~但性质严重~情节恶劣的事故,火灾、爆炸等,~造成人身肢体残废等事故~均属重大事故。 ,二,一般事故: 造成损失费达1000元以上的事故,因工负伤休三个月以内的事故~属于一般事故。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec ing gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry outequirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificat22 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 ,三,微小事故: 直接损失费在1000元以下的事故~属于微小事故。 ,四,职工的伤亡事故划分按国家或劳动部门的有关规定执行。 ,五,火灾事故等级划分按公安部的有关规定执行。 ,六,事故损失计算按公司有关规定标准计算。 三、事故的报告、调查和处理 ,一,各类事故的管理~由公司分管安全领导主管并做出处理意见上报~而各部门负责在各自的职责范围内的事故的报告、调查分析。运营生产、处理设备事故~由运营部负责, 火灾、交通事故~由综合办公室、安检部负责, 技术质量事故由工程部负责, 事故的赔偿罚款工作~由财务部负责, 重大事故责任者的处分~由公司决定~由运营部负责执行。 ,二,凡发生事故~应立即向所在部门的领导报告~采取安全措施~重大事故就立即向公司领导报告。 ,三,发生事故的部门~应认真填写“事故报告单”~按规定的时间上报有关部室和分管安全领导。报告上交时间:一般事故不超过两天~重大事故不超过五天。 ,四,发生重大事故~由生产部写出“重大事故调查报告书”按规定逐级上报。 ,五,不论事故大小~事故单位负责人应在事故发生后~立即召开事故分析讨论会~本着“四不放过”原则~对事故调查分析~一定要查明原因~分清责任进行教育~吸取教训~制定出防范措施~对事故的责任者~提出处理意见。重大事故由调查组提出处理意见~经公司签署意见后~上报有关部门。一般事故由综合办提出处理意见~报公司批准。微小事故由各部门处理备案。 ,六,事故发生后查不出责任人时~由事故单位专责人担负一半责任。无专责人时~由单位领导负担一半责任。 ,七,发生事故后~视事故责任人对错误的认识态度及表现予以不同处理。对能主动承认错误~虚心检讨~领导批准~可以从轻处理~对隐蔽事故情节~推 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa site supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teqQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and r23 卸责任~嫁祸于人者~加重处分。 ,八,对事故责任者给予制裁~对防止或抢修事故有功的部门和个人给予表彰或奖励。 ,九,公司建立事故档案~对所有事故调查分析的资料~如现场检查记录、照片、技术鉴定、化验分析、会议记录、旁证材料、综合调查材料及登记表、报告书等~应妥善保管。 ,十,发生事故~各部门负责人不得隐瞒~并对事故调查报告的真实性和及时性负责。 ,十一,各部门负责人要及时解决和向上反映各类事故的隐患和苗头~若不予解决~或拖拉、迁就~有关人员将对后果负责。 四、其它 ,一,本制度由运营部负责解释。 ,二,本制度自下发之日起实施。 scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results. term management of change, and promote the Ming to create a standardized,-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-gertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation of normalization, lonto undtment grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties with due diligence, lead hanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively play the role of lead deparworking group, further rationalize the leadership mec equirements of everyone iQuickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-nask requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at least a month to convene a oeate tion action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play a role, according to crroup, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the rectification rectificating gthe assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the county of the special work s familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month to organize to carry out24 ****燃气有限公司制度汇编——运营管理规章制度 第十一章 安全例会管理规定 第一条 运营应每月召开一次例会~临时出现特殊原因需要延期召开的~应提前通知~遇重大问题临时召开紧急会议。 第二条 会议应有专门记录~每次会议的相关资料、记录列入档案保存。 第二条 对工作中出现及存在的问题~讨论安排有关工作。 第三条 参加例会人员因出差等特殊原因不能参加例会的~应提前向主任请假。 第四条 所有参加例会人员应提前到达会议室并做好准备。 第五条 由会议主持人负责会议的进程~力求合理分配时间~有效形成决议。防止在某一提案耗费时间过长。 会议主持人确定会议的内容~保证会议能够围绕主题~突出重点。 第六条 第七条 参会人员应严格遵守会议纪律,详见《例会制度》,。 第八条 本制度由运营部负责解释。 第九条 本制度自下发之日起实施。 .create a standardized, scientific, institutionalized track, to ensure the achievement of the city to achieve tangible results term management of change, and promote the Ming to-term, and truly realize by concentrated assault to long-of normalization, long diligence, lead to undertake the work. To pay close attention to the implementation of the system, and promoting the creation h duethe role of lead department grab get right on the job really; lead department should conscientiously perform their duties wit lize the leadership mechanism, fully serviced with strong work force. A city group leader, deputy head of to effectively playworking group, further rationa Quickly from a 2, accountability measures to be implemented. Through these years of work in the city, with the standard and rsite supervision of scheduling; the special working group Long to play a good lead role-a month to convene a on , according to create task requirements, establish a sound working mechanism, weekly summary report to hit the city, at leasta roleectification rectification action to ensure that regulation, the standard one. The special working group to effectively play f the special working group, the functional departments, the township streets must attach great importance to carry out the runty oo organize to carry out the assessment, inspection, every six months to carry out a city public satisfaction survey of the couirements of everyone is familiar with, the key is to cohesion grasping implementation. In July, city, a city to do a month teq25
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