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2013年6月22日雅思考试机经回忆 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  2013 年 6 月 22 日雅思考试机经回忆 IELTS Newsletter 20130622. V130622 Listening Title Type of Questions 在旅途中 find job Completion V100109 S1 Section 1 Questions 1-10 1、生日, 30 March, 1988 2、考手机号码 (记不住了) 3、想去哪里玩 Northern 北欧 4、...

上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  2013 年 6 月 22 日雅思考试机经回忆 IELTS Newsletter 20130622. V130622 Listening Title Type of Questions 在旅途中 find job Completion V100109 S1 Section 1 Questions 1-10 1、生日, 30 March, 1988 2、考手机号码 (记不住了) 3、想去哪里玩 Northern 北欧 4、喜欢用什么交通工具 trains, 因为她说她可以走走停停 5、建议买什么样类型的车票 European Pass 6、通过公司还要买 insurance 7、可以在哪工作 farm(她想去 8、Hotel,大家都想去,所以不可行 9、联系朋友怎么联系 internet cafe (她想带电脑,人家说没用) 10、accommodation details are in4the booklet Title Type of Questions 假期换房子住 Multiple Choice、Matching NEW Section 2 Questions 11-20 11、说讲话这个人去年的一个经历,问那个房子 有什么好处 B、has outdoor and indoor activities 12、A、cars (可以用,这 B 不想用) B、computers (主人说不能用) C、sports equipment ( 他用了人家的冲浪板) 13、话说客人走的时候一般都喜欢留下点小礼物,问人家给他留下了什么 C、an event ticket 14、说一般人喜欢和什么样类型的房子换 B、CBD apartment 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  配对,地区和房子的特点 印象中说 California 的一个房子 有 outside dining room 又说一个地方又 swimming poor,还有一个有 garden, 还说了香港,香港的有 a service of cook 还说什么忘记了 Title Type of Questions 大一新生 Matching、Multiple Choice New Section 3 Questions 21-30 两个大一新生聊天,关于学校的事 配对,问来这个学校的愿意,三个选项 A Jade (女的名字) B Henry (男的名字) C Jade 和 Henry 就能记住几个了,说男的比较喜欢学校的实验室。 女的说喜欢学校的软件(B) 老师的师资力量(A) 男的说 在这个专业毕业后容易在工厂找工作(B,女的一句 Really?答案就出来了) 还有一个 是他们两个都统一的( 女的喊了一声 亚麻带 哈哈 是 SO do I) 26-30 选择题 26 男的对什么学科感兴趣 C chemistry 28 说学校得了一个奖,问是哪方面的 project C wave energy 29 男的问女的开学第一周要干啥 A registration arrangement 30 忘记了 Title Type of Questions 从众心理 Completion Section 4 Questions 31-40 31、说几个人看两个卡片,一个卡片上一条线,另一个卡片上 3 条线,问这一条线和 3 条线 中哪一条一样长 答案是 length- 32、说人们都持有不同的意见,只有 1/3 people 是对的 33、incorrect 34、 believe 35、说 researcher, 建立了一个 website 36、把几个人装进了小黑屋,然后说做 movement 测试 37、说人们都有什么什么的习惯,copy 39、smoke, 说屋子里装满烟,但是保证是安全的 40、 emergency 说这些人都不害怕,因为都知道没事也知道 emergency 解决方法 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  Reading Title Type of Questions 黑白 Leopard 的颜色由基因决定 T/F/NG、Short Answer 文章概要 Passage 1 Title Type of Questions 18 世纪,女性在 B 大学的学术贡献 Summary、Information 文章概要 Passage 2 Title Type of Questions 互联网驶入孤独 T/F/NG、Multiple Choice 文章概要 Passage 3 Writing Task 1 Form 三个城市的人口数量变化(包含 1990 年、2000 年的真实人口数量,以及在 1990 年预测的 2000 年人口数量。) Cities actual Population in 1990Predicted Population for 2000 (made in 1990)Actual Population in 2000(Sao Paulo15 million24 million18 million、Jakarta9 million11.5 million14 million、Shanghai13.5 million17 million12.5 million) 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  Task 2 Some people think that secondary school students should study international news as one of their subjects. Other people say this is a waste of valuable school time. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Speaking Part 1 Name 1. Who gave you your name? 2. Does your name have any particular meaning? 3. Do you like your name? 4. Do you want to change your name? 5. What do people have to do if they want to change their names? 6. Who usually name babies in your country? 7. Is there tradition about naming babies? 8. What are the popular names for new born babies? Bags 1. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out? 2. What types of bags do you use in your life? 3. What do you put in these bags? 4. Have you ever lost a bag? 5. What sorts of bags do women like to buy? 6. What do you consider if you want to buy a bag? 7. Do you think the style of a bag is very important? Why or why not? 8. Do you have a bag for special occasions? Card (Greeting cards like postcards and Christmas cards) 1. Have you ever received letters or cards? 2. When was the last time you received a card? 3. Do you write greeting cards to other people? Why or why not? 4. When do you usually writing cards? 5. When was the last time you wrote a greeting card? 6. How is letter different from card? 7. Do you write cards to others in your country? 8. Why do you think people choose to write a card? Dancing 1. Do you like dancing? Why or why not? 2. When was the last time you danced? 3. Do you like to watch dance performance? 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  4. Do people in your country like to dance? 5. Where can you see people dance? 6. Have you ever learned how to dance? 7. Why do you think people like dancing? 8. When do people in your country dance? 9. What dances are most popular in your country? 10. Do young people in your country like traditional dancing? Mobile Phone / Cell phone 1. Do you often use mobile phone? 2. When did you have your first mobile phone? 3. Do you prefer texting or talking on the phone? 4. Is mobile phone important in your life? 5. What do you like about cell phone? 6. Is there anything you don’t like about cell phone? 7. Do you think people should turn off their phones in public places? Art 1. Do you know anything about art? 2. Are you interested in art? 3. Did you do painting or sculpture when you were a child? 4. Do you think art is important for our life? 5. Have you ever visited any art galleries or art exhibitions? 6. Do you think children should learn how to appreciate art? Entertainment 1. What do you usually do for entertainment in your leisure time? 2. Are there any places for entertainment near your school? 3. What did you do for entertainment when you were a child? 4. Do children today still do that for entertainment? 5. What do young people do for entertainment in your hometown? 6. Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for entertainment? The Internet 1. How often do you use the Internet? 2. What do you usually use it for? 3. Do you remember the first time you used the Internet? 4. Do other members in your family use the Internet? 5. What do they use the Internet for? 6. Do you think there are any problems of using the Internet? 7. Do you always trust what is on the Internet? 8. Can you live without the Internet? 9. How has the Internet changed people’s life? 10. What do you think the Internet will develop in the future? Museum 1. Are there any museums in your hometown? 2. Have you ever visited any museum? 3. When was the last time you visited a museum? 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  4. How often do you visit museum? 5. Did you visit museum when you were a child? 6. Is it important for every city to have at least one museum? 7. Do you think it’s beneficial for children to go to museums? 8. Do people in your country like visiting museums? Relatives 1. Do you have many relatives? 2. Who is the most important member of your family? 3. Do you live in a big family or a small family? 4. Who did you spend the most time with when you were a child? 5. Do you spend more time with your relatives or with your friends? Games 1. Do you play games? Why or why not? 2. What kind of game do you like to play? 3. Do you prefer outdoor games or indoor games? 4. Do you play video games? Why or why not? 5. Did you play video games when you were a child? 6. What indoor games did you play when you were a child? 7. What indoor games are popular with children? 8. Do you think computer games are good for children? 9. How have the games children play changed? 10. What kinds of games will children play in the future? Sports & Exercise 1. Do you like to do sports? 2. What sport do you like to do? Why? 3. Did you do any sport when you were a child? 4. Do you do any exercise to keep fit? 5. How often do you do exercise? 6. What do you think are the benefit of doing exercise? 7. Do old people and young people like to do the same kind of exercise or sport? 8. What sports are most popular in your country? Television 1. Do you watch TV? 2. How long do you watch TV everyday? 3. Which program do you like to watch? Why? 4. What kind of program don’t you like to watch? Why not? 5. Do you prefer to watch TV alone or with others? Why? 6. Did you like to watch TV when you were a child? 7. Do you think parents should decide how much TV their children watch? Friends 1. Do you have close friends? 2. What do you think makes good friend? 3. How often do you spend time with your friends? 4. Do you prefer to be with your family or with your friends? 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  5. What do you usually do with your friends in your spare time? 6. Which do you think is more important, family or friends? Computers 1. Do you often use computers? 2. When did you start using computers? 3. What do you use computers for? 4. How important is computer to you? 5. What effect do computers have on children? 6. Do you want to learn any computer skills? 7. How do you think computer has changed the way people live? Films 1. Do you like to watch films? 2. Do you prefer to watch films at home or in a cinema? 3. How often do you watch a film? 4. What kinds of films did you like to watch when you were a child? 5. Do you still like the same kind of films? 6. Do you prefer foreign films or domestic films? 7. Why do you think people like to watch films? 8. Do you think watching films is a good way to spend free time? Photographs 1. Do you like taking photos? 2. How often do you take photos? 3. How do you organize your photos? 4. Do you prefer photos of scenery or of people? 5. Do people like to take photos in your country? 6. Do you think it’s important to have a good camera? 7. What kinds of photos do you like? 8. How is traditional ways of taking photos different from modern ways? 9. What’s the main difference between digital camera and old-fashioned camera? 10. Is taking photos popular in your country? Meals 1. Do you know how to cook? 2. Which meal do you prefer: breakfast, lunch or dinner? 3. Is it important to eat breakfast? 4. Do you prefer to eat at home or eat out? 5. Do you like to eat snacks? 6. Do you think you need to change your diet? 7. Do you usually eat your meals with your family? 8. What is good about eating with family? 9. What food do people usually eat? 10. How have people’s eating habits changed over the years? Colors 1. What’s your favorite color? 2. Are colors important to you? 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  3. Were colors important to you when you were a child? 4. Is color very important to you when you are buying clothes? 5. Do you prefer dark colors or bright colors? Why or why not? 6. If you could change the color of your wall in the home, what color would you choose? Toys 1. What toys did you like to play with when you were a child? 2. Did you play with those toys alone or with other children? 3. What do you think you learned from playing with toys? 4. How are toys played by girls different from toys played by boys? 5. if you had children, what toys would you buy them? Birthday 1. Do you spend birthday with your family? 2. Who do you like to celebrate birthday with? 3. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? 4. Is it popular for people in your country to celebrate birthday in this way? 5. How did you celebrate your birthday when you were a child? 6. Do you prefer to celebrate birthday with your family or with your friends? 7. Is it important to celebrate birthday in your country? 8. Is certain age important or special to people in your country? Gifts 1. Do you give people gifts? 2. What kinds of gifts do you like to receive? 3. Do you prefer receiving a gift or giving a gift? 4. When was the last time you give or receive a gift? 5. What sorts of gifts do you give to your family or friends? 6. What gifts are popular in your country? 7. Do you think it’s difficult to choose gifts? Flowers 1. Do you like flowers? Why or why not? 2. What flowers do you like? Why? 3. Do you prefer real flowers or plastic flowers? 4. Are flowers important in your culture? 5. On what occasions do people give or receive flowers? 6. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone? 7. Where do people usually buy flowers? 8. Do flowers have special meaning in your country? 9. Do people grow flowers at home? Clothes & Fashion 1. What kind of clothes do you like to wear? 2. Do you like to wear fashionable clothes? 3. How often do you go shopping for clothes? 4. Do you read fashion magazine? 5. How has your understanding of fashion changed over the years? 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  6. Do you plan to buy any designer clothes? Part 2&3 Describe a teenager you know. You should say: Who he/she is How you knew him/her What he/she is like And explain how you feel about him/her 第三部分:teaching responsibility, children vs. teenager, modern culture Describe a song that has special meaning for you. You should say: What song it was When you first heard it What the song was about And explain why this song is special for you. 第三部分:children learning musical instruments, music development with hi-tech Describe your favorite way of communication. You should say: What it is Who you communicate with How often you use it And explain why it is your favorite way. 第三部分:hi-tech development change communication, pros and cons of virtual way Describe a film about a real person or real event you have watched. You should say: When and where you saw this film What was the film about Who you watched this film with And explain how you felt about this film. 第三部分:successful movie, documentary vs. other kinds of films, history learning Describe an important traditional event in your country. You should say: When this event is held Who are involved in the event What people do And explain why this event is important. 第三部分:definition of tradition, value of tradition, tradition vs. modern Describe a garden you enjoyed visiting You should say: Where it was When you visited the garden What you saw in the garden 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  And explain why you enjoyed visiting the garden. 第三部分:public garden, the purpose of having a garden, gardening Describe something useful you learned from a family member. You should say: What it was Who you learned it from How you learned it And explain why it is useful. 第三部分:parental teaching Describe a training session, a class or a seminar you enjoyed attending. You should say: What it was about Who attended it What you did And explain why you enjoyed it. 第三部分:distance learning, high school teacher vs. primary school teacher Describe an old photograph that you like. You should say: Who were in the photo When and where it was taken Who took the photo And explain why you like it. 第三部份:technology for photography, how to preserve family history Describe a good neighbor you know well. You should say: Who he/she is How long you have known him/her What he/she is like And explain why you think he/she is a good neighbor. 第三部分:the importance of community, benefits of having neighbors Describe something you bought that you were unhappy with. You should say: What it was When and where you bought it How you bought it And explain why you were unhappy with it. 第三部分:online shopping, after service, quality vs. price Describe a way to relax that works well on you. You should say: What is the way When you usually do it Where you do it And explain it works well on you. 第三部分:modern vs. traditional, ways to relax in the future 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  Describe an unusual job you would like to do if you had the opportunity. You should say: What job it would be How you knew this job Why this job is unusual And explain why you would like to do this job. 第三部分:men vs. women with career development, popular jobs Describe a plan you have for the future (not related to work or study). You should say: What it is What made you plan in such way What you need to do to make the plan work And explain how you will feel. 第三部分:importance of planning, making a plan vs. spontaneity Describe a project you worked with others. You should say: What was the project Who were with you How you performed And explain how you felt about doing it with others. 第三部分:team spirit Describe a beautiful flat or house you visited. You should say: Where it was When you visited it What it looked like And explain how you felt about this flat or house. 第三部分:location of a house, house of the future Describe an interesting person you enjoy talking with. You should say: who he/she is how often you see him/her what you usually talk about and explain why you enjoy talking to him/her. 第三部分:communication skills Describe a meal or dish you like to eat. You should say: What it is Where you usually eat it What is special about the meal or dish And explain why you like to eat it. 第三部分:change of eating habit, genetically modified food, eating out, food safety Describe a time when you made a wrong decision. You should say: 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  What decision you made When you made it Why you made the decision And explain why you think it was a wrong decision. 第三部分:family / country decision, teaching children to make decision, Describe a time when you were close to wild animals. You should say: When and where you were Who you were with What animals you were close to and explain how you felt about it. 第三部分:animal conservation Describe a birthday celebration you enjoyed. You should say: whose birthday it was who was there with you what people / you did and explain why you enjoyed it. 第三部分:importance of birthday, festival tradition Describe a street you are familiar with in your hometown. You should say: which street it is where it is what the street is like and explain how you feel about this street. 第三部分:city development, community plan Describe a kind of physical exercise that is popular in your hometown. You should say: What it is when and where people do it how popular it is and explain why it is popular. 第三部分:men vs. women in sports, outdoor vs. indoor, benefit of p.e. Describe an item of clothing or jewelry that you wear on special occasions. You should say: what the clothing / jewelry is where you bought it on what occasion you wear it and explain how people / you feel about it 第三部分:traditional clothing in China, past vs. present Describe your favorite part of the day. You should say: when it is what you do during this time 上海新航道 http://sh.xhd.cn/  who is usually with you and explain why it is your favorite part of the day. 第三部分:time management, balance your life Describe a vehicle you would like to buy (or own) You should say: what vehicle it is what it's like how you would buy it and explain why would like to buy it. 第三部分:vehicle safety, future development of vehicle Describe an occasion when you had to be polite. You should say: What the occasion was Where you were Who was with you And explain why you had to be polite 第三部份:polite person vs. friendly person Describe an important event in the history of your country. You should say: What event it was When it occurred How you know about it And explain why you think it was important. 第三部份:history, museum Describe an activity you did that was new or exciting. You should say: What you did When and where you did it Who you did it with And explain why this activity was new or exciting for you. 第三部份:extreme sports,spirit of adventure Describe your first day at school, university or work. You should say: Where you were Who were with you What happened And explain how you felt on th
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