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均质机样本 新一代船舶节能装置---燃油均质机 NEW GENERATION FUEL TREATMENT DEVICE 珠海中远海陆机电有限公司是国内唯一 专业生产及经营船用燃油均质器的公司。近年 来随着燃油价格不断上涨和国际航运业的激 烈竞争,人们试图使用低价劣质燃油以降低成 本,但随之产生的大量油渣及沉淀物的处理成 为棘手的问题,同时劣质燃油的使用增加了发 动机的机械损伤。MicroFuel 燃油均质机技术 很好解决了这些问题。其基本设计思路是将重 质燃油进行匀质...

新一代船舶节能装置---燃油均质机 NEW GENERATION FUEL TREATMENT DEVICE 珠海中远海陆机电有限公司是国内唯一 专业生产及经营船用燃油均质器的公司。近年 来随着燃油价格不断上涨和国际航运业的激 烈竞争,人们试图使用低价劣质燃油以降低成 本,但随之产生的大量油渣及沉淀物的处理成 为棘手的问题,同时劣质燃油的使用增加了发 动机的机械损伤。MicroFuel 燃油均质机技术 很好解决了这些问题。其基本设计思路是将重 质燃油进行匀质细化使之具有均匀良好结构 从而提高重油燃烧质量。使用燃油匀质机细化 匀质的燃油可以明显改善燃烧质量、降低烟尘 排放量、减少燃油分油机及滤器的油渣、延长 发动机的使用寿命。 Zhuhai Zhongyuan Marine & Land M/E Co., Ltd. is the only professional manufacturer of fuel homogenizer in China. In recent years, along with rising fuel prices and fierce competition in the international shipping industry, people try to use poor quality fuel to reduce costs, but resulting large number of sediment existed in fuel, while use the fuel in engine and mechanical damage is increased. MicroFuel homogenizer technology had solved the problem very well. The basic design concept is to carry out homogenated heavy fuel oil to make it a uniform well-structured refined oil, to enhance the quality of heavy oil combustion. Using homogenizer, engine combustion can be significantly improved, sludge and emissions reduced as well as parts of fuel purifier and engine life to be extended. 珠海中远海陆机电有限公司 http://www.microfuel.com.cn sale@microfuel.com.cn Fax: 07562515060 Tel: 13902876815 燃 油 均 质 机 基 本 原 理 M i c r o f u e l H o m o g e n i z e r P r i n c e l p l e 对重燃油的结构分析显示重燃油中存在大 量的沥青结团,其平均直径约为 70 微米, MicroFuel 均质机通过几种组合力作用将燃油中 沥青结团破碎匀化成平均直径 3-5 微米的颗粒, 使燃油结构更加均匀易于燃烧。所有矿物质及其 固体颗粒在匀化过程中被分离出并很容易的用 10 微米精细滤器滤出,从而有效的避免了固体颗 粒对机器的磨损。通常一个 70 微米直径的粒被 破碎分离成 12,960 个直径 3 微米的油珠,使原 油珠表面积增加了 23.5 倍。燃烧过程燃料表面 积越大,则输出的功率越高。 The structure of heavy fuel oil analysis shows a large number asphalt pellet exisiting in oil with average diameter of about 70 microns, MicroFuel homogenizer treat the oil through some combination forces, asphalt pellet into droplets with average diameter of 3-5 microns, to make the fuel structure more uniform and easy-to-fuel combustion. All mineral and solid particles in the smoothing process is isolated with 10 micron fine filter, which effectively prevent the solid particles on the wear machine. Usually a 70-micron diameter droplets are broken into 12,960 separate 3-micron diameter oil beads, bead surface area of crude oil increased by 23.5 times. More surface area for combustion of fuel, the higher the output power. 改 善 燃 烧 功 能 Combustion Improve Function 1=日用油柜; 2=缓冲油柜; 3=加热器; 4=粘度计; 5=精细滤器; 6=柴油机 燃机制造商一直努力改善机器结构以提高燃油的雾化程度及优化燃烧过程从而获得更高燃烧效 率。然而这些努力并未涉及到对燃油的研究。制造者针对燃油结构研究分析后发明了 MicroFuel 燃 油均质机,该系统的作用是将得燃油沥青结团破碎成直径 3 微米的油珠并分离出机械杂质, 从而匀 化了燃油结构使油珠表面积增大了 23 倍以上,更充分的燃烧提高了燃机输出功率同时降低了排放废 气中的烟尘和氮氧化物。 系统优点 -可以使用最便宜的 IFO 700+ 燃油,性能不会降低-稳定的燃烧过程,减少排放废气中的黑烟,粉 尘及氮氧化物(NOx) -消除重油在向主机和发电机输送过程中产生的沥青结团 -延长燃油滤器和自动滤器的清理时间间隔时间,使滤器更容易清理并延长滤器元件的使用寿命 -减少增压器、排烟管、锅炉壁、活塞裙、活塞环、进排气阀、缸套及喷嘴等部件的表面积炭层 -增加燃油系统其他滤器的工作可靠性,减少维护时间及延长零件更换周期 In order to get higher combustion efficiency, engine makers have been working to keep optimize machine structure to improve fuel atomization quality. However, these efforts were not related to the fuel research.. MF homogenzier manufacturer invented the device, fuel asphalt pellets are smashed into 3-micron diameter droplets and mechanical impurities separated by CI system. The homonized oil droplets surface were increased 23 times, more fully enhanced engine power output and emissions of soot and Nox were reduced. CI System Benifit - Stable combustion process, with less emissions, black-spot soot, particulates and NOx. - Reduced agglomeration effects of contained asphaltenes during transfer to Main Engine and Generators - Reduced surface layers on turbo chargers, exhaust ducts, boiler walls, piston crowns, piston rings, cylinder liners, etc. - Extendable flushing intervals of FO Filters(less sludge generation, increased stability of filter elements, etc.) 减 少 油 渣 系 统 MicroFuel Sludge Reduction Founction 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一 Old ship proposal 1 沉淀油柜 2.加热器 3.分油机 4.过滤器 5.日用油柜 珠海中远海陆机电有限公司 http://www.microfuel.com.cn sale@microfuel.com.cn Fax: 07562515060 Tel: 13902876815 方案二 New building ship proposal 1.沉淀油柜 2.分油机 3.过滤器 4.日用油柜 通过对油渣常规分析表明油渣中含有大量的 沥青结块,而这些具有可燃性、高热量值的结块 却被分油机作为油渣滤出了,使用均质机处理后 的燃油结构非常均匀,减少了沥青结块从而使更 多的燃油通入过滤器和分油机油渣明显减少,分 油机排渣工作效能由每30 分钟一次排渣可延长 到每240 分钟一次。 优点: -油渣减少可达85% -可在很短时间内收回成本 -可以将沉淀油箱体积减小一半 - MARPOL 73/78 认证-减少沉淀-减少油罐中 燃油的分层现象-提高燃油分油机和燃油滤器的 使用效率 As per analysis of conventional sludge, big amount of asphaltenes, which are of high calorific value, conventionally will be separated, independent of their combustibility, but only because they agglomerated to a larger size than the reference size for separation. Microfuel homogenizer prevents the agglomeration of asphaltenes. With the result, that more fuel is passing the separator, which now is remarkably unloaded from the separation process. Considering these facts, Mcrofuel fuel conditioning improves the fuel handling from the economic and the ecologic point of view. Benefits - Sludge Reduction up to 85%! - Wasted HFO Reduction by 85%! - Short Amortisation Period! - Option to reduce Sludge Tank capacity by 50% MARPOL 73/78 Conformity - Reduce sedimentation (Tank Circle)! 珠海中远海陆机电有限公司 http://www.microfuel.com.cn sale@microfuel.com.cn Fax: 07562515060 Tel: 13902876815 废油再生系统 MicroFuel Waste oil Regeneration Function 1. 重油渣油柜; 2. 废油柜; 3,锅炉; 4.焚烧炉; 5.重油沉淀柜 使用重油燃料的发动机都面临废油及燃油渣的处理问题,通常废润滑油及沥青结团都 收集在分离柜中, MF 废油再生系统提供了有效的废油处理方法;将燃油渣和废油进行混 合并均质使其非常容易地在锅炉和垃圾焚烧炉中燃烧, 混合燃料与通常燃料具有相同燃烧 效率。 优点: -完全符合 MARPOL 73/78 最新附件 -焚烧炉可不再使用昂贵的 DO -可将废油再利用 -按照需要可将燃油渣分别与 DO / MDO / HFO 混合使用 -将燃油渣再生成燃料供主机或发电机使用 Both FO-Sludge and waste oilsnd like luboils etc., generated from engines and aggregates, are obligatory to be stored in separate tank facilities. An on-board disposal or consumption in boilers and incinerator plants is tried to be used, but often only insufficiently possible.Microfuel Homogeniter offers a functional solution in effective pre-treatment of any remaining FO-Sludges and ordinary waste oils. The fine blended FO-Sludge and waste oils can be easily burned in boilers and incinerators. Additionally the blend made by the our plant could be transferred to the FO-Settling tank for consumption in Main Engines and/or Generators, without any operation hampering side effects. Benefits: - Full MARPOL 73/78 conformity as per latest Appendix, Supplement 1 MEPC(Cir. 235 / 11.5.1 The homogenization system should assure that the entire contents of the mixing tank should be processed into a homogenous and combustible mixture.) - Incinerator operation possible without using expensive DO - Rrecoverage of former sludge disposals as valuable operation fuel for use in both Main Engines and Generators - Recoverage of conventional waste oils and oiler residues - Stable blending of FO-Sludge with DO / MDO / HFO if required. 珠海中远海陆机电有限公司 http://www.microfuel.com.cn sale@microfuel.com.cn Fax: 07562515060 Tel: 13902876815 MF 燃油乳化系统 MicroFuel Emulsion Device 1. 燃油日用柜; 2. 智能加水单元; 3.燃油流量计; 4. 集油筒; 5. 主机 IMO 最新 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 对船舶废气中的 NOx 排放量提出了严格限制,与其它各种减少 NOx 方法相比 MF 乳化 系统的优点是投入低、功能多、仅需很小安装空间、不需对机器做任何改动,MF 乳化系统则的适用新 造船舶和在航船舶的改造及各种低速 2 冲程柴油机,4 冲程高,中速柴油机的配套,能有效地减少 NOx 排放,在水与油充分乳化的条件下水的加入量决定着 NOx 排放的减少量,通常加入 1%水对应 NOx 排放 减少 1%。 Latest IMO Regulations require the elimination of hazardous NOx- emissions, The Microfuel emulsion device is a cost-effective and functional plant to reduce NOx. It requires only little installation space compared to other solutions and without any engine medifications. The use of a stable water-in-diesel-emulsion is the easiest way to achieve a significant NOx reduction. With the great advantage, our device can be used for all kind of diesel engines from slow speed 2-stroke to high speed 4-stroke engines, without rising fuel consumption. The portion of water is one indication to judge the reducing effect. 1% of water added to the fuel lowers the NOx formation by also 1%. 珠海中远海陆机电有限公司 http://www.microfuel.com.cn sale@microfuel.com.cn Fax: 07562515060 Tel: 13902876815 MF 燃油混合单元 Microfuel Homogenizer Blending Function 1. Fuel oil tank; 2. Diesel oil tank; 3. Flow meter; 4. Saperator; 5. Daily tank 1. 重油柜; 2. 轻柴油柜; 3. 流量计; 4. 分油机; 5. 混合油柜 MF 燃油混合单元用于生产不同品质(含硫量,粘度 等)的新油品,例如含硫 5%的重油与 0.8%的轻柴油按照 不同比例混合能得到所要求的低硫油品,经 MF 混合单 元混合的油品化学物理性能稳定,可用于船舶主机,发 电机,锅炉及柴油发电厂。 Microfuel blending system can produce different type of fuels, containing different types of sulphur. We are able to blend for instance HFO with sulphur content of abt. 5% and MDO with sulphur content of abt. 0,8% to blended product of abt. sulphur content 1,5%. This product remains stable and can now be consumed in propulsion plants respectively boilers. Curve of Temperature and Viscosity. ( F.O. 50%+ D.O 50%) Visvosity Temperature Type Parameter MF30 MF60 MF90 MF250 Capacity (m3/h) 3.0 6.0 9.0 25.0 Power (KW/50Hz, HP/60Hz) 3/4 7.5/10 11/15 22/30 Voltage (V) 380/440 Speed (r/min) 2880/3490 2900/3520 2930/3540 2940/3550 Working pressure (MPa) <1 <1.2 <1.2 <1.6 Working temperature (0C) <160 Viscosity (cSt/500C) <700 Connecting pipe ¢(mm) 34 50 50 70 Motor insolation grade IP54 Weight (kg) 95 130 180 370 L1 (mm) 724 820 967 1189 L2 (mm) 312 428 468 520 L3 (mm) 405 480 550 650 L4 (mm) 262 360 400 460 L5 (mm) 92.5 124 124 175 L6 (mm) 396 484 484 565 L7 (mm) 75.5 76 76 106 L8 (mm) 104 108 108 170 H1 (mm) 188 242 270 305 H2 (mm) 88 110 110 125 珠海中远海陆机电有限公司 http://www.microfuel.com.cn sale@microfuel.com.cn Fax: 07562515060 Tel: 13902876815
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