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词汇分类整理小卡片_虚线版 矛盾的 paradoxical ambivalent contradictory 简朴的 belie counter dichotomy(dichotomous) incongruity contravene apophasis 通过不说而说 oxymoron 通过矛盾构成对立 antithetical 对立的 dict-dict-dict-dict- diction 措辞 dictate 听写 valediction 告别辞 malediction 诅咒 benediction 祝福 abdicati...

矛盾的 paradoxical ambivalent contradictory 简朴的 belie counter dichotomy(dichotomous) incongruity contravene apophasis 通过不说而说 oxymoron 通过矛盾构成对立 antithetical 对立的 dict-dict-dict-dict- diction 措辞 dictate 听写 valediction 告别辞 malediction 诅咒 benediction 祝福 abdication 放弃 肥沃的 fecund productive prolific ferti le 贫困的 吸引人的 absorbing arresting involving intriguing gripping engrossing engaging riveting mesmerizing agog snappy ped-ped-ped-ped- 脚 expedite 加速 expedient 有利的 impede 削弱 centipede 百足虫 quadruped 四脚的 peddle 叫卖 pedestal 基座 pediatrician 小孩 pedagogy 教育 pedant 学究 encyclopedia 百科全 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 热情的 enthusiastic ebullient boiling exuberant effervescent vivacious austere plain spartan stark unadorned spare 奢华的 lavish luxurious plush(blush 脸红 flush 大量的) sumptuous pompous baroque affected bombastic flowery grandiloquent 不重要的 extraneous impertinent inapplicable irrelative immaterial peripheral tangent inconsequential trivial trifling 重要的 central to applicable apposite apropos germane pertinent relative relevant unproductive infertile barren sterile impoverished deleted drain effusive 成功的 exhausted(exhaustive 详尽的) enervate(衰弱的) 形近词 tepid 乏味的 torpid 乏味的 torrid 酷热的 turbid 浑浊的 turgid 浮夸的 eminent celebrated distinguished famed notable prominent renowned illustrious distinct 不理会 shrug disregard ignore neglect slight turbulent 混乱的 减轻 heedless inattentive snub (snob 势利的 snug 舒适的 smug 自鸣得意的) 不高兴的 glum gloomy melancholy dejected morose saturnine sullen hangdog assuage moderate allay alleviate mitigate palliate temper 理会 关注 lachrymose 加重 worsen aggravate exasperate attend heed mind advert 高兴的 glee cheerful jovial jocund sanguine exacerbate deteriorate exorbitant 过度 的 土的 平凡的 pedestrian dreary jejune monotonous lighthearted rejoiced convivial 平息 tedious wearisome jaded bland humdrum stale stodgy insipid vapid prosaic mediocre undistinguished banal trite bromide cliche hackneyed timeworn threadbare platitude stereotype mono-mono-mono-mono- monotonous 单调的 啰嗦的 circuitous circumlocutory diffuse prolix rambling verbose windy wordy garrulous loquacious glib expansive voluble -locution-locution-locution-locution elocution 演说术 interlocution 对话 circumlocution 绕圈 obloquy 摘要 soothe defuse mollify (mollusk 软体 动物 emollient 柔软的) conciliate propitiate appease pacify placate placid calm settle subdue solace placebo 安慰剂 激怒的 agitate gall inflame nettle provoke peeve pique irritate rile roil antagonize monopoly 垄断 monarch 君主 monochromatic 单色的 monologue 独自的 话少的 沉默的 简洁的 laconic reserved reticent curt pithy succinct terse compendious(compendium 摘要 =synopsis) piquant 刺激的 倾向 趋势 predisposition proposition 建议 disposition leaning propensity tilt l ist tendency inclination proclivity(acclivity 上坡 declivity 下 坡) bent liability predilection penchant (trenchant 尖锐的 enchant 被迷惑) orientation affinity slant -cumbent-cumbent-cumbent-cumbent incumbent 在职的 procumbent 俯卧 的 recumbent 躺 succumb to 臣服 假的 spurious apocryphal bogus counterfeit fake forged phony feigned sham hypocritical(hypercritical 吹毛求疵 本能的 automatic impulsive instinctive involuntary spontaneous 有争议的 untenable assailable controversial refutable 憎恨 的) 无争议的 unassailable undeniable irrefutable aversion repugnance(impugn 指责) antipathy 骗子 imposter quack charlatan mountebank 万能药: panacea cure-all elixir indisputable unexceptionable (exceptionable=objectionable 惹人反 感的) 模仿 mimic mock mime emulate simulate nostrum 傲慢的 impersonate(personage 名人=celebrity personable=attractive impersonal=objective) imitate parrot 视角 perspective angle outlook slant standpoint 难懂的 神秘的 arcane enigmatic elusive inscrutable unfathomable(fathom 测深) occult esoteric hermetic(隔绝的) impenetrable recondite abstruse uncanny opaque cryptic 易懂的 transparent translucent pellucid lucid elucidate comprehend understand intelligible accessible luminous illuminate enlighten 不感兴趣的 冷漠的 disregard apathy disinterestedness nonchalant torpor(torpid) unconcern indifferent half-hearted apathetic incurious insouciant nonchalant perfunctory unconcerned callous phlegmatic frigid phony-phony-phony-phony- phony 假的 euphony 悦耳的 cacophony 刺耳的 symphony 交响乐 真的 unfeigned authentic bona fide verity genuine 串通 connive conspire(expire 到期) contrive intrigue machinate plot put up cred-cred-cred-cred- credence 信任 incredible discredit 怀 疑 credulous 轻信的 accredit 委托 credential 证明 credo=creed 信条 怀疑的 discredit doubt skepticism paranoid(过分怀疑的) dubious suspicious leery 偶然的 fortuitous incidental unintended unintentional unpremeditated unwitting backfire 故意的 calculated deliberate intended planned premeditated (meditate 策划 ,发呆 mediate=reconcile=intermediate 调解) back-back-back-back- backfire 发生意外 backhanded 间接 的 backset 背景 backlash 反对 backslide 变坏 pompous presumptuous assuming vainglorious arrogant(interrogate 审问) haughty hauteur supercilious overbearing imperious 专横的 (impervious 不能渗透的) pontifical bumptious dededede vsvsvsvs disdisdisdis depose 作证 dispose 趋势 decompose 分解 discompose 使不安 declaim 声称 disclaim 否定 掩盖 使........不重要 overshadow eclipse outrank outshine outstrip overbalance overweigh obscure 开始 outset onset commencement genesis inception gen-gen-gen-gen- eugenic 优生优育的 progeny 后代 congenial 相似的 progenitor 祖先 engender 导致 创新的 ingenious(ingenuous 天真的) innovative renovate inventive 混乱 turmoil agitation turbulence ferment clamor disorder tumult commotion havoc willy-nilly topsy-turvy hubbub (带连字符的类似生词考虑混乱) 平静的 多余的 collected composed recollected undisturbed unperturbed unruffled tranquil unflappable sedate halcyon 易激动的 possessed agitated discomposed disturbed flustered perturbed tumultuous 短暂的 transient ephemeral evanescent fleeting meteoric temporary 持久的 公正的 disinterested equal evenhanded impartial just nonpartisan dispassionate objective square unbiased unprejudiced -hand-hand-hand-hand offhand 即兴的 handy 灵巧的 ham-handed = heavy-handed 笨拙的 under-handed 秘密的 in-in-in-in-不一定反义 inflatable 膨胀的 impassioned 慷慨激昂的 superfluous excessive extra redundant surplus plethora 大量的 rife abounding abundant awash flush fraught(担心的,大量的) replete swarming teeming thronging cornucopia myriad copious untold 少量的 modicum deficient inadequate insufficient scanty scare sparse skimpy dearth pittance paucity shred enduring eternal everlasting immortal permanent perpetual abiding invaluable 无价的 减少 有偏见的 diminish abate dwindle lessen lower 轻率的 reckless audacious bold brash brassy daredevil rash madcap temerarious biased inequitable prejudiced nonobjective one-sided partial partisan unjust jaundiced bigot 有偏见的人 decline 增加 headlong cursory slipshod 可感知的 aggrandize amplify augment boost enlarge escalate expand balloon 仔细的 cautious circumspect guarded heedful prudent wary charyminute perceptible appreciable apprehensible detectable discernible distinguishable palpable(palatable 好吃的) sensible wax(wax andwane) bulge burgeon accelerate accumulate boom mount multiply mushroom proliferate discreet(discrete 分离 discretionary 自 由决定的) 不可感知的 snowball wax flourish prosper 保守的 上面的词+in/im/un 重要的 consequentialmomentous weighty conservative hidebound reactionary die-hard 无情的 relentless inexorable ironfisted 无效的没用的 counterproductive feckless hamstrung(hamstring v.) ineffective ineffectual inefficacious inefficient inexpedient pivotal cardinal paramount tantamount(相等的) 不重要的 trivial insubstantial negligible merciless ruthless unrelenting unsparing 有效的 nominal trifling effective effectual efficacious efficient 尊敬的 仁慈的 relenting charitable clement merciful lenient 阻止 避免 preclude exclude avert deter(defer 遵 expedient(应急的) tell ing 预示 harbinger foregoer augur herald portend precursor prophetic prognosticate prophesy reverence deference deferential(deferrable 可推迟的) venerate 苛求的 fastidious demanding exacting finical 从 ;推迟) forestall obviate -cur--cur--cur--cur- fussy persnickety picky meticulous painstaking punctilious scrupulous -lude-lude-lude-lude incursion 入侵 discursive 离 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 preclude 序曲 preclude allude 间接提 到(=intimate) elude 避免 interlude 间 歇 seclude 隐退(=sequester secede 退 出) occlude 关闭 exclude excursion 远足 cursory 草率的 precursor 预示 推测 speculate assume conjecture presume suppose surmise 节俭 sparing economical provident thrift husband stinging 吝啬的 stingy miserly tightfisted closefisted parsimonious penurious miser niggard sluggard skinflint(吝啬鬼) hoard skimp 大方的 generous liberal munificent openhanded 挥霍的浪费的 sumptuous extravagant lavish prodigal squandering dissolute profligate prodigal spendthrift dissipate 坚定的 steadfast resolute constant adamant pertinacious 抨击反驳 diatribe jeremiad philippic rant censorious 挑剔的 tirade harangue 长篇演说 赞颂 encomium eulogy panegyric tribute commend approbate acclaim applaud compliment extol 费力的 arduous burdensome grueling exacting laborious onerous taxing toilsome 反驳 contradict disprove gainsay rebut refute 隐居的 hermit recluse withdraw sequester seclude aloof solitude 群体的 gregarious (segregate 隔离) congregate aggregate(egregious 惊人 的) gratgratgratgrat- gratitude 感恩 ingratitude 忘恩负义 grateful 感谢的 ingratiate 迎合 gratify 满足 gratuity 小费 improvident 避免 绕开 gratis=gratuitous 免费的 ingrate 忘恩 负义 engrave 雕刻 ingrain 植入 复杂的 eschew dodge elude evade shirk shun convoluted knotty involved sophisticated twisted tangled circumvent bypass sidestep skirt weasel 顽固的不妥协的 intransigent stubborn obstinate labyrinthine byzantine thorny 获得 headstrong refractory recalcitrant contumacious unmanageable 憎恶的 abhorred abominated despised detested distained execrated loathed 同意 accede endorse acquiesce consent(dissent 不同意) subscribe concur (demur 反对) 支持 bolster brace buttress sustain undergird underpin fortify uphold prop up shore up (削弱 : undercut/undermine) 灾难 catastrophe(apocalypse 启示) calamity cataclysm debacle fiasco attain capture reap harvest garner procure 恭维的 unctuous flattery adulatory gushing hagiographic obsequious 形近词比较 penetrate 刺入 penetrating 尖锐的 perpetrate 犯罪 perpetrator 罪犯 perpetuate 不朽 perpetual 不朽的 思考 contemplate cogitate deliberate 仔细 考虑 meditate pore resolve ruminate weigh 记起和遗忘 记起 nostalgia reminiscence unyielding unbending pertinacious tenacious intractable obdurate willful dogged mulish ossified 责备 impugn reprehend reprobate chide rebuke reprimand reproach reprove censure admonish berate deplore execrate 诅咒怒骂 贬低 disparage belittle distain denigrate deprecate 反对 depreciate derogate degrade 过时的 archaic dated obsoleted antiquated fossilized medieval moribund moth-eaten outworn prehistoric 善变的 不稳定的 volatile (versatile 通用的) capricious 遗忘 oblivion 一致的 whimsical fickle inconstant mercurial erratic labile protean metamorphous caprice vagary vagrancy whimsy upheaval 剧变 证实 verify attest authenticate certify corroborate substantiate testify validate vindicate accordant concordant consensus assent unanimity unison 即兴的 offhand impromptu extemporary extemporaneous improvised unrehearsed 艳俗的 tawdry garish gaudy flamboyant meretricious flashy flaring 尘世的 temporal carnal 肉体的 earthborn earthbound fleshlymaterial secular mundane sublunary terrestrial worldly heavenly 格言警句 maxim aphorism epigram adage proverb dictum 随机的 haphazard aimless arbitrary desultory (断断续续的) erratic scattered stray 使无罪 absolve acquit exonerate vindicate exculpate 使有罪 criminate incriminate inculpate 正直 righteousness rectitude incorruptibility integrity 卑鄙 baseness deceit mendacity 谎言 证明为假 debunk belie confound confute discredit falsify rebut refute 忍受 brook abide endure stomach
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