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外墙 抹灰合同


外墙 抹灰合同外墙 抹灰合同 长沙黎托建筑工程有限公司 “明城公馆”工程 外 墙 装 饰 工 程 劳 务 清 包 施 工 合 同 联系人: 联系电话 年 月 日 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) con...

外墙 抹灰合同
外墙 抹灰 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 长沙黎托建筑工程有限公司 “明城公馆”工程 外 墙 装 饰 工 程 劳 务 清 包 施 工 合 同 联系人: 联系电话 年 月 日 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 外墙装饰工程劳务清包施工合同 发包人:长沙黎托建筑工程有限公司 (以下简称甲方) 承包人: (以下简称乙方) 根据甲方“明城公馆”工程建设的需要,依照《中国人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》及相关法律、行政法规、遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,经甲、乙双方充分协商,就“明城公馆”工程内墙抹灰及地面找平、施工、验收达标等承包的相关事宜达成如下协议: 第一章 工程概况 一、项目名称:“明城公馆”工程 (以下简称本项目) 二、工程名称:“明城公馆”工程内墙抹灰及地面找平工程 (以下简称本工程) 三、工程地点:长沙市新建西路 四、结构类型及层数:框剪结构、地下4层车库、地上二十一层住宅 五、设计单位:湖南中大设计有限公司 (以下简称设计单位) 六、监理单位:湖南智埔工程咨询有限公司 (以下简称监理单位) 七、土建总施工单位:长沙黎托建筑工程有限公司 (以下简称土建施工单位) 八、质量监督单位:长市沙建筑工程质量监督站 (以下简称质监站) 九、安全监督单位:长沙市建筑工程安全监督站 (以下简称安监站) 第二章 甲方的权利和义务 一、协助乙方办理有关证件(包括暂住证、出入证、计生证等),办证所需费用由乙方承担。 二、传达、贯彻各级职能部门对本项目的有关文件精神。 三、指定施工场地机械设施的安装位置,水源、电源的连接位置。 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 四、在开工前组织图纸会审和技术交底并向乙方提供施工图壹套。 五、审核乙方报送的施工组织设计和工程开工报审表,签发开令。 六、甲方工程管理人员对项目的工程质量、安全文明施工、工程进度、工资发放进行监督、审查,提出相关整改意见。 七、负责对乙方项目部组成人员的资质(格)进行审查,对项目部人员组成有建议权,有权对乙方不称职的项目部组成人员予以更换。 八、组织相关职能部门对工地进行检查,对乙方的施工管理工作进行综合考评,考评内容按甲方制定的项目相关 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 执行。 九、协调乙方与设计单位、质监站、安监站和监理单位等单位之间的关系。 十、组织对安全、质量事故的调查与处理。 十一、有权掌握工程款的使用情况,负责及时支付乙方工程款,有权监督乙方优先发放民工工资,促使工程资金专款专用。 十二、提供现有食宿设施供乙方人员食宿的便利(伙食费、床上用品及洗漱用品等费用乙方自理) 第三章 乙方的权利与义务 一、接受甲方的管理,落实、执行甲方及各级职能部门对本工程的有关文件精神。根据甲方的总施工进度计划编制切实可行的施工组织设计和施工方案,确保科学合理、切实可行。 二、乙方必须严格执行甲方、监理公司的各种规章制度和管理文件。自觉接受甲方及有关部门的管理、监督和检查,接受甲方、监理公司和行政主管部门随时检查其设备、材料使用情况,及操作人员的有效证件、持证上岗情况。 三、乙方应按实际施工图纸、有关变更及现行施工 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 、规程及验收 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,按照合同约定的质量、材料和工期要求完成本工程内容。 四、在指定水、电源连接位置接水、接电,其接出的水电管线、配电箱、安控装潢制等敷设、安全和维护工作及费用由乙方承担,乙方必须节约用水、用电并确保安全用电,否则甲方将对乙方上述违规现象处以200—500元/次的罚款。 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 五、按甲方的要求安装机械设备和堆放材料,并设置施工标志牌。 六、接受甲方、监理公司、购房户对工程施工及保修期全过程的监督管理。 七、开工前应向甲方、监理公司提交本工程施工组织设计各一份。 八、严格按监理公司、甲方批准的施工组织设计和修订审批的方案进行施工。 九、由甲方另行发包的所有其他工种,乙方在施工过程中应积极配合、提供施工方便,协助其做好成品和半成品的保护工作,如因不予配合或配合不力,造成工期延误或成品、半成品受损所产生的一切经济损失由乙方承担,并且甲方将处以乙方不低于500元/次的罚款。 十、在本工程未办理移交手续前,负责工程成品的维护、保管、看管、安全等工作。 十一、在乙方承包施工的场地范围内,生活垃圾和建筑垃圾必须定点堆放,及时外运;逾期不清理的,甲方有权组织清理,所支出的费用从乙方工程结算中扣除。 十二、乙方必须协调处理好周边居民的关系,如因乙方施工周边居民生活、生产的不利影响,由乙方负全部损失及费用。 十三、乙方必须严格按照国家规范规程操作,加强项目管理。乙方施工项目发生的一切质量、安全事故,概由乙方自行承担一切经济和法律责任,并赔偿由此给甲方和其他第三人造成的全部损失及费用。 十四、乙方必须保证按相关部门的规定及时办理各种证照,承担相关费用。 十五、乙方保证按月足额发放民工工资。否则,甲方核实后有权从乙方工程款中代扣代付。凡因民工工资问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 引起纠纷,给甲方造成了损失(包括:甲方直接支付民工工资、工程延期交付违约责任、政府各项罚款等)均由乙方负责赔偿。甲方有权从工程款中直接扣除,如超出工程款,则甲方有权向乙方追加赔偿。 十六、乙方向甲方申请工程进度款时,应向甲方书面报告民工工资支付计划,当甲方向该项目拨付工程进度款后,乙方应及时优先支付民工工资。 十七、接受各级职能部门对工程质量、安全、文明施工的检查和验收,并minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 承担相关整改费用。 十八、乙方对外所签合同或形成的任何债权债务概与甲方无关,均由乙方自行承担。 十九、乙方施工人员进场,必须将身份证交公司办公室,统一办理施工出入证,所有人员一律凭施工出入证进入施工现场。 二十、所有施工人员统一到醒目临时食堂就餐,严禁在施工现场或住宅区域使用热得快、电炉子、电饭煲等生活用具烧水、做饭。 二十一、乙方现场使用女工时,应提前上报甲方,经甲方同意在办理完一切手续后方可进场,更不得带家属及小孩滞居或逗留。 第四章 承包方式 按合同单价包干,包工、包设备、包工具、包安全、包质量、包进度、包验收等全包方式,由乙方按照经设计院设计的图纸、设计变更及经有关主管方审定的优化方案等全部范围和内容进行施工。 第五章 工程承包范围、内容 一、承包范围 本工程承包范围包括:按施工图纸、技术交底、设计变更等所有室外装饰抹灰、防水浇水养护、现场管理、做粉线条、冲洗完毕及材料装卸、场内转运等全部工程量竣工验收达标。 二、承包内容 负责完成上述承包范围和招标文件中所有概述的内容,具体内容如下: 1、所有外墙的抹灰线条的粉饰(外粉饰、钉钢网、堵封螺杆眼及洞口、做点、底层抹灰、作缝、墙面线脚、滴水线、悬挑部位的顶板、侧面抹灰、底版补灰、门窗洞口的锤凿和补整封砌、窗台的细石砼、女儿墙内立面的抹灰及压顶、构架式抹灰或贴砖及补整)、外架各大小孔洞的防水处理,以及空调板、飘窗板线条清凿、补捣砼等。 2、外粉饰与内墙抹灰班组的分界点为:阳台返水线顶面与外墙相关联的minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 窗框(普通窗、落地窗、凸窗)、几何尺寸较正、四周抹灰、、铝合金安装完毕后的补整等均由外灰班组负责完成。 3、外装饰工作面的架板铺设翻架。砖砌体与砼交接部位的钢丝网的铺钉(含钉子),砼面胶浆拉毛。 4、所需材料的装卸、场内转运、堆码整齐、工作场地的清理、冲洗。 5、自带所有机具设备、施工用具和劳动用品(机具设备含:斗车、切割机等;施工用具含:灰桶、扁担、勾索、铲子、灰线、钢/丝线、锄头、菀箕、贴砖用的钢丝及法兰钩、直条子、角尺、铝合金操条、角铝、木荡子、切割片、锤子、凿子、扳手、准砣、钢丝或腈纶、清洗球、海棉、油纱布或抹布),总之甲方只提供原材料及施工电梯、塔吊、合灰机 6、本工程所需机械,由甲方进行调节使用,施工期间分配给乙方,所用和灰机械设备的维修费用、机械设备操作人员工资等均由乙方自己负责,和灰机械设备每天下班后必须清理干净,否则将依据甲方有关规定进行处罚 7、与外墙装饰相关的其他零星事宜,全包括在包干范围内,本工程无计时工签证,如砼的小处锤凿、窗洞锤凿、窗洞调整、嵌砌红砖、卫生清理等 8、外架上存留的残灰、垃圾必须逐日自行清理,运下至指定位置 9、施工用水用电:施工用水用电的接驳点由建设单位负责提供,场内接管、接线的所有材料及安装由乙方自行解决(包括水管、闸阀、水龙头、电缆、配电箱、插座、灯具等)。 10、包括在施工过程中可能遇到的各种不利因素,如与土建、水电、弱电、消防等交叉施工可能发生的窝工和土建在主体施工中墙面有些不平而需要的小型锤凿用工量等所发生的费用。 11、完成本工程内容所需的所有人工费用、所有辅助费用、安全文明施工所需的辅助用工、零星用工费用和劳动安全保护、季节性施工措施、赶工措施、作业人员的社会保险、劳动防护用品等所需费用及劳动管理费、利润和材料费赔偿费用,分项工程质量缺陷整改费用等。 12、负责工地现场所需的设备及其装卸、就位、所需进退场的设备及材料minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 点数、保管、材料运转及二次转运、垂直运输、施工管理、现场清理(文明施工)、成品保护等全部工作内容。 以上所有条款发生的全部款项均包含在本合同的大包干总价内。 第六章 工程管理 一、现场管理要求 1、乙方以书面形式将管理人员姓名、职务、所担负的工作、联系电话报送甲方及监理公司。未经甲方同意,施工期间不得变动管理人员。施工期间,乙方项目经理在现场工作时间每周不少于5天,每天不少于6小时,否则处以200元/次或500元/天的罚款,其他项目负责人不跟班作业处以100元/次或200元/天的罚款,缺少施工劳务人员处以100元/天的罚款,在施工期间,对于不称职的乙方项目部管理人员,甲方有权要求更换。 2、乙方必须保持施工范围内场地的清洁卫生,材料堆放整齐有序,临时排水管道必须引入甲方指定的排水位置,不得影响相邻施工队的施工。 3、因乙方原因引起的公共道路、场地的环境污染,由乙方负责清扫、冲洗。 二、施工质量及工艺标准 1、质量标准:以现行的国家施工验收技术规范、工程质量检验评定标准以及本工程的设计图纸、施工设计说明书、设计变更等技术为质量评定依据,工程竣工验收时必须达到优良工程标准以上。 2、外墙抹灰的平整度、垂直度、防水的施工必须符合设计要求和国家先行工程技术标准的规定,抹灰必须牢固,无空鼓、裂缝,表面应平整、洁净、色泽一致、无裂纹和缺损,二次抹灰搭接处、阴阳角搭接处必须符合施工工艺要求,墙面做防水、试水必须按要求做,有排水要求的部位,应做滴水线,滴水应顺直,流水坡向正确,具体要求如下: ?保证外墙面不渗漏(底灰最薄处要求不小于20mm,并做淋水试验),空调板、飘窗板必须水平,窗顶滴水线在未安窗前补平顶板,滴水线保证在15mm以上20mm以内,窗下凹防水线必须用塑胶管搓呈内圆角,并密实,不渗漏。 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living ?门窗洞口规正封砌密实,窗下口浇捣素砼(整个外墙口宽),完毕后再安窗框,窗框安好后再绞边,并拆除垫窗顶点,按要求下砂浆灌满、灌密实,按要求做好窗下凹线。 ?抹灰前应有专人封堵洞口,剪力墙上对拉螺杆眼、架眼等用膨胀水泥,堵进150mm封堵时应清除残灰,洞口过小应将洞口扩大,严禁用碎砖封砌。必须提前一天封砌,经甲方验收合格后方可抹灰。 ?外墙面的柱、梁、剪力墙和砖墙接口处布钉铺钢丝网,并用水泥掺107胶拉毛。 ?抹底灰前,应对基层进行检查(梁、柱接口钢丝网、洞眼封堵、墙面浇水湿润),并严格控制落地灰,作好在下步架上铺设接灰模板,以便将落在模板上的砂浆随时掺入砂浆内重新抹底。 ?砂浆按照施工配合比要求,掺入适当纤维丝,搅拌均匀,随时掌握沙浆需要量,及时送达施工现场施工,防止水泥开始初凝结,导致墙面开裂,结构性差,产生渗漏。 ?底灰要求二遍粉刷,时间相隔一天以上。表面搓平,搓严密,上下架接口处切齐,下架抹灰时必须将接口清理干净,且二遍底灰接口错开200mm以上。 ?底灰厚度>30mm时要求采用钢丝网钉加固处理~以防止开裂~底灰开裂处均需返工处理。 ?在抹灰完成后,用107胶兑水泥满墙刷浆一遍。 3、外墙饰面施工程序为: ?作灰饼吊线清理基层。 ?墙面湿水,冲筋打底抹实,如局部,二遍打底,间隔时间为第一遍基层打底处凝后再进行地二遍打底,(冲筋打底后应自检合格后报项目部验收方可打底)。 ?做好防水、试水自检以后报项目部验收。 ?做线条、线条抹灰、窗洞抹灰,先湿水后抹灰。 3、质量要求及奖罚: ?严格执行质量“三检”制度,每道工序完成后,乙方根据甲方要求minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 首先进行自检、互检、交接检并做好记录,合格后方可要求甲方质检员进行验收。对不进行自检、互检、交接检或记录与事实不符,即要求甲方质检员验收,每发生一次罚款200元。 ?甲方对乙方所完成分项工程进行实测时,实测不达不到要求必须返工。 ?所有分项工程优良率达到92%以上,并要求所有工序一次性成活。凡不符合国家验收规范和甲方要求,以及甲方质检员在施工过程中或验收平定时提出的整改意见,甲方有权令其返工、整改,乙方必须按规章执行,返工、整改所有工料、机械费用等均由乙方负责并承担甲方工期损失;返工、整改后仍达不到要求时,甲方有权另行指令相应劳务施工单位或施工人员协助过代为其返工、整改,返工、整改费用由乙方承担并对乙方罚款200元/次;对拒不执行返工、整改意见的,或返工、整改不及时的,每次每处罚款400元,并按上述方式甲方另行派人返工、整改。 ?甲方将不定期对乙方所完成分项工程进行实测,起实测合格率与结算单价的关系为:实测合格率?92%~结算清单=100%*分项综合单价~实测合格率<92%~结算单价=实测合格率*分项综合单价。 ?如果乙方的施工质量达不到甲方的约定要求~甲方有权要求乙方即时清退。在取得监理公司和建设方的同意后~乙方必须无条件服从退场~不得以任何理由不服从甲方安排~并在两天内全部退场~退场后办理结算~甲方付至所完成结算产值的90%工程款~其他10%作为违约金~赔付给甲方,如乙方不予积极响应按时退场~致使下任承包施工单位无法及时入场并施工~从第三天起甲方按不低于5000元/天从乙方工程款中扣除,满七天后如仍未退场~甲方将通过法律途径或有效措施强制乙方清退~并追究乙方因此停工造成的经济损失。 三、工期要求 1、工期期限:本工程在合同签定施工队伍进场后 25 天内完成。 2、进度要求及奖罚: minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living ?乙方必须对甲方下达的控制工期总进度计划、月进度计划进行分解~分解为周、日进度计划~有阶段工期要求的提交阶段施工计划~以及完成上述阶段、时段施工计划相应的劳动力安排计划~并报甲方审批~进度必须按甲方进度计划按期或提前完成~否则~每滞后一天处以 5000元/天罚款。 ?甲方每周对乙方施工进度考核一次~由于乙方原因连续三次达不到工期要求~甲方有权要求乙方退场~在取得监理公司和建设方的同意后~乙方必须无条件服从退场。乙方不得已任何理由不服从甲方安排~并在两天内全部退场。退场后办理结算~甲方付至所完成结算产值的90%工程款~其他10%作为违约金。赔付给甲方,如乙方不予积极响应按时退场~致使下任清包施工单位无法及时入场并施工~从第三天起甲方按不低于5000元/天从乙方工程款中扣除,满七天后如仍未退场~甲方将通过法律途径或有效措施强制乙方清退~并追究乙方因此停工造成的经济损失。 四、安全管理:本工程合同期间内发生的一切安全事故均由乙方负责。 五、安全要求及奖罚措施 1、乙方必须做好内部安全教育。严格执行国家、地方和醒目制定的安全操作规程、安全管理细则、安全管理制度及治安管理条例。 2、对打架斗殴、聚众闹事等违法事件的发生~甲方给予当事双方各500元/人/次罚款~并对乙方处以500—2000元罚款~罚款金额从支付款中扣除。 3、本工程合同期间如果发生安全事故~费用在一万元以内由乙方负责,一万元以上甲方负责80%~乙方负责20%。 六、文明施工及奖罚 1、乙方在施工期间~应加强内部文明施工教育~搞好现场文明施工及住宿范围内的清洁卫生。 2、乙方的作业层、施工现场、材料堆场的材料堆放必须在甲方指定的地点且整齐、井然有序~施工程序完成后现场保持清洁~做到工完场清。minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 否则甲方指派专人清理~所用人工费从乙方当次支付工程款项中加倍扣出。 3、乙方在施工期间~严禁在作业层违章作业、野蛮施工以及打赤膊、穿拖鞋、骂人、争吵等不文明行为。如若发生~甲方将视其情节按工地相关管理制度给予罚款。 4、甲方根据《现场文明施工综合考评办法》每半月对乙方进行考评或不按期检查~按85分为合格~如乙方未达到考评要求~按200元/分进行罚款。并令其限期整改~拒不整改或整改后仍达不到要求者~甲方有权另行派人整改~发生费用由乙方承担,如乙方考评达到90分以上~按200元/分进行奖励。 第七章 承包价格 一、结算方式 1、本工程根据本合同所有条款的约定~大包干单价为:凸窗顶压光 2215元/m,外墙外露构件立面水泥压光22元/m,线条16元/m,,空调板、窗框四周水泥砂浆补整等所有施工内容均按展开面积计算、抹光水泥部位为一遍基层、一遍面层、表面搓平、压倒毛刺,。本合同为大包干单价合同~整个合同期间单价不变。 2、合同单价包含的费用范围包括:本工程的成本、利润、政策性文件规定费用、保修费用、机械进出场费用、施工技术措施费、安全防护费、管理费用、施工损耗、临时设施费用、加班费等一切费用。 3、本工程采用固定合同单价~在合同实施期间不因人工工资涨、跌价格风险等市场变化和政策性调整、行业协会新发布的有关工程造价的变动、利率及保险费用的调整等任何因素而改变合同单价。 二、工程款支付方式 完成总工程量的50%时~根据形象进度支付至已完成工程量的60%~全部抹灰工程完成验收合格~付至总工程量的75%~工程结算经审定核实后按实际面积计算,本项目竣工验收达标后30天内付至总工程款的90%~minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 其余10%待保修期到期后全部付清。 第八章 工程保修 一、甲方违约责任: 1、甲方未按合同履行自己的各项义务~应承担违约责任。 2、甲方未按合同约定支付工程款项违约~按国家银行同期贷款利率支付乙方利息。 二、乙方责任: 1、乙方不履行或不完全履行合同~乙方向甲方支付违约金伍万元。 2、施工过程中乙方质量达不到设计及合同要求~甲方有权责令乙方返工~所造成的一切损失由乙方负责承担。情节严重的~甲方有权解除合同外~按照本合同第六章相关约定办理结算~并可要求乙方赔偿甲方所有损失。 3、本合同工程质量若经设计单位、监理单位、甲方、质监站、相关行业主管部门鉴定为不合格工程~乙方必须承担因此造成的一切经济损失和法律责任~无条件赔偿因此造成的一切直接和间接损失~同时甲方有权终止合同。 第九章 合同解除 一、双方协商一致~可以解除合同。 二、在承包期内有如下情形之一~甲方可以单方面解除合同~并有权要求乙方承担相应赔偿责任:乙方停工五天以上、发生重大安全事故、因民工工资发放纠纷引起恶劣影响、出现重大工程质量事故、其他故意有孙甲方重大利益的情形。 三、合同解除后~乙方应妥善做好已完工程和材料、设备的保护和移交工作~按甲方要求将自有机械设备和人员撤出施工场地。甲方应为乙方撤出提供必要条件~按合同约定验收已完合格工程。 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living 第十章 争议解决 因履行本合同发生争议~由争议双方友好协商解决~协商不成向监理公司申请调解~调解不成向建设行政部门申请裁决或直接向项目所在地人民法院起诉。 第十一章 其他 一、合同附件:本工程的招标邀请书和招标答疑作为本合同附件与本合同具有同等法律效力。上述文件相关条款,包括乙方送交的投标文件,相冲突时以本合同为准。 二、未尽事宜~双方另行协商解决~可签定补充协议~补充协议与本合同具有同等效力。 三、本合同一式四份~甲、乙双方各二份~自签定之日起生效。 甲方盖章: 乙方盖章: 甲方法人代表: 乙方法人代表: ,或委托代理人, ,或委托代理人, 开户银行: 开户银行: 帐 号: 签定日期: 年 月 日 minor injury rate is less than 0.8%. 15.2.3 construction safety management system in order to achieve security objectives and develop safety management system: (1) construction contract responsibility system for production safety and security before the approach to establish effective safety production responsibility system, enabling all staff to clarify their security responsibilities, project manager and construction team, subcontractors enter into a construction contract, specification for safe behaviour. (2) safety instruction and safety training before the approach of safety education for all employees, comes into play in the construction and regular lectures on security, security awareness and staff training in special positions. (3) safety information regularly check the implementation of the safety and security reports submitted in a timely manner, appropriate security measures, develop safety plans, active contact with Labor departments to ensure information transfer, the transfer, collection, management. (4) security system according to the standard case, the whole construction process of security checks to eliminate hidden dangers, and by checking and reward and punishment system to enhance the safety awareness of staff, ensuring smooth safety guidelines and regulations, ensure the security goals of the. 15.2.4, safety and facilities management (1) configuration of safety equipment: material, repair shop, reinforced wood-mode processing plants, construction of living
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