首页 江阴市企业劳动用工规章制度参考文本



江阴市企业劳动用工规章制度参考文本江阴市企业劳动用工规章制度参考文本 目 录 第一章 总 则……………………………………1 第二章 基本要求…………………………………1 第三章 招聘录用…………………………………2 第四章 劳动合同管理……………………………3 第五章 工作时间…………………………………6 第六章 休息休假…………………………………7 第七章 劳动报酬…………………………………11 第八章 劳动安全卫生……………………………13 第九章 社会保险和福利…………………………14 第十章 培训管理规定……………………………15 第十...

江阴市企业劳动用工规章制度参考文本 目 录 第一章 总 则……………………………………1 第二章 基本要求…………………………………1 第三章 招聘录用…………………………………2 第四章 劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 管理……………………………3 第五章 工作时间…………………………………6 第六章 休息休假…………………………………7 第七章 劳动报酬…………………………………11 第八章 劳动安全卫生……………………………13 第九章 社会保险和福利…………………………14 第十章 培训管理规定……………………………15 第十一章 保密制度与竞业限制……………………16 第十二章 女职工及未成年工保护…………………17 第十三章 奖励与惩戒………………………………19 第十四章 劳动争议…………………………………27 第十五章 附 则…………………………………27 tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe 第一章 总 则 第一条 为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 企业管理和员工行为~保护双方合法权益~构建和发展和谐劳资关系~推进企业健康发展~根据《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》等法律法规规定~结合本企业实际情况~制定本规章制度。 第二条 本规章制度适用于本企业和全体员工,集团公司的~应明确适用子公司、分公司范围,。 第三条 员工享有取得劳动报酬、休息休假、获得劳动安全卫生保护~享受社会保险福利等权利~同时应当履行完成劳动任务、提高职业技能、执行劳动安全卫生规程、遵守劳动纪律和职业道德等义务。 第四条 企业负有支付员工劳动报酬、提供劳动安全条件、保护员工合法劳动权益等义务~享有生产经营决策、劳动用工、工资奖金分配、依法制定和完善规章制度等权利。 第二章 基本要求 第五条 行为准则 1、热爱祖国~遵纪守法~拥护党的路线方针政策, 2、热爱企业~乐于奉献~恪守职责~自觉遵守企业各项规章制度~时刻维护企业的利益~树立企业的良好形象, 3、勤奋工作~扎实履职~雷厉风行~精益求精, 4、团结同事~互相帮助~同心协力~共同完成企业的各项生产工作任务, ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 1 5、积极学习~爱岗敬业~不断提高自身综合素质。 第六条 员工职责 1、牢固树立“质量就是生命”,“顾客就是上帝”,的理念~严格贯彻执行产品质量体系,商业职业道德,~并落实到生产经营的每个环节~促进产品,服务,质量稳步提高, 2、严格遵守产品和工艺规程~保守企业生产经营信息、产品工艺与技术研发等商业秘密, 3、爱护企业公共设施~节约使用水、电、气和办公用品~养成节能减耗为荣、奢侈浪费为耻的良好风尚, 4、自觉接受安全卫生教育~切实提高安全卫生意识~严格遵守安全操作规程~确保人身和财产安全~对违反安全操作规程的错误指挥~每个员工有权予以抵制, 5、每个员工要保持个人良好仪表仪容~保持生产、经营、服务、办公等工作场所整洁~营造优美工作环境, 6、明确自身工作岗位职责~具备岗位基本文化与技能要求。 第三章 招聘录用 第七条 招录工作由企业主管人力资源部门统一组织实施~任何部门和个人不得私自招录人员到工作场所工作。企业根据岗位需求~确定招录员工的具体条件、数量等~通过人力资源市场、招聘洽谈会等途径~以书面形式向社会公布~全面考核~择优录用。 第八条 企业在招录员工时~对应聘员工实行平等的原则~ blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor2 不因民族、种族、地域、性别、年龄、宗教信仰、身体状况、婚姻等状况不同而受歧视。凡被招用的应聘者必须与原用人单位解除劳动合同。 第九条 应聘者必须符合法定就业年龄和就业条件~具备履行劳动合同的能力。应聘时应持居民身份证、毕业证、就业登记证等有效证明。 第十条 企业对应聘者如实填写的表格等信息进行审核~对符合条件的~经笔试和面试后~从符合招录条件的对象中择优录用~并及时通知应聘者。 第四章 劳动合同管理 第十一条 人力资源部门为新招用的员工建立个人档案时,含按规定提取的档案材料,~员工必须如实填写员工登记表~×日内出具以下相关证明的原件并提交复印件:?身份证和近期免冠×寸照片×张,?家庭住址和电话号码,?学历证书,?就业登记证,?健康体检表,?职业资格证书,?发生意外或疾病时联系人和联系电话等。企业一经发现员工提交资料严重失实~可立即解除劳动合同。 第十二条 企业招用的员工实行劳动合同制度~自用工之日起××天,法律规定30日内,与员工订立书面劳动合同~并签字盖章~在××天,法律规定30日内,办理录用登记手续~并将劳动合同文本交付员工本人一份。员工不愿签订书面劳动合同的~企业一律不录用。对录用的员工~企业按规定建立员工名册。 ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 3 第十三条 企业自用工之日起与员工建立劳动关系~对新招用员工实行试用期制度。劳动合同期限三个月以上不满一年的~试用期为××天,不得超过一个月,,合同期限一年以上不满三年的~试用期为××天,不得超过二个月,,三年以上固定期限和无固定期限的劳动合同~试用期为××天,不得超过六个月,,试用期包含在劳动合同期限内~计为本企业的工作年限。 第十四条 试用期内企业对新招员工的思想品德、劳动态度、工作能力、身体健康等情况进行进一步考核,考核工作在试用期届满前组织实施~对不符合录用条件的~企业依法解除劳动合同~且不支付经济补偿。 试用期员工所在班、组、车间负责人~应加强对试用期员工的考核~试用期满前应向企业人力资源部门提交书面评估报告。 第十五条 企业与员工协商一致~可以变更劳动合同约定的内容~包括合同期限、工作岗位、劳动报酬、违约责任,仅限于服务期约定和竞业限制约定,等。变更劳动合同~均采用书面形式。变更后的劳动合同各执一份。 第十六条 员工在规定的医疗期内~女职工在孕期、产期和哺乳期内~工伤职工在停工留薪期内~劳动合同期满时~劳动合同的期限自动延续至医疗期、孕期、产期和哺乳期满为止。 第十七条 劳动合同期满企业需要续签劳动合同时~提前××天,法律规定30天,以书面形式通知员工~并在××天内,法律规定30天内,重新签订劳动合同,不再续签的~企业书面提 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor4 前××天,法律规定30日,通知员工。企业未提前通知的~可以多支付一个月工资,不含加班工资,代替提前通知。 第十八条 员工提前××日,法律规定30日,以书面形式通知企业~可以解除劳动合同。员工在试用期内提前3天书面通知企业~可以解除劳动合同。因员工本人原因违反《劳动合同法》规定提前解除劳动合同~或者违反劳动合同中约定的保密义务或者竞业限制~给企业造成损失的~应当承担赔偿责任。 员工提前书面通知应交企业人力资源部门~人力资源部门在收到书面通知后~应出具收到凭证给员工。 第十九条 有下列情形之一~企业有权解除劳动合同~且不支付经济补偿: ?严重违反企业规章制度的, ?严重失职~营私舞弊~对企业利益造成重大损害的, ?同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,对完成本企业工作任务造成严重影响,或经本企业提出,拒不改正的, ?因以欺诈、胁迫的手段或乘人之危订立或者变更劳动合同而致使劳动合同无效的, ?被依法追究刑事责任的。 上述“严重”情形以及“重大损害”~参见本规章制度的规定以及其企业依法制定的其他规定。 第二十条 企业单方解除劳动合同时~应事先将理由通知企业工会。工会认为不符合法律、法规规定或劳动合同约定的~工 ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 5 会有权要求用人单位纠正~企业应研究工会意见~并及时将结果书面通知工会。 第二十一条 企业对终止或解除劳动合同的员工~在员工办理完毕证件、资料及公用物品等移交手续之日起15天内~为员工办理档案和社会保险关系的转移手续~出具《江阴市终止,解除,劳动关系通知单》。对已经解除或者终止的劳动合同的文本~至少保存两年备查。 因员工原因未办理移交的~由此造成利益损失的~与企业无关。 第二十二条 企业按照《劳动合同法》规定应当向员工支付经济补偿的~在办结工作交接手续后一次性支付。经济补偿的支付标准按员工在本企业的连续工作年限计算~每满一年支付一个月的工资,六个月以上不满一年的~按一年计发,不满六个月的~发给半个月的工资。月工资标准按劳动者终止或解除劳动合同前12个月平均工资确定~最低不低于当地最低工资标准~最高不超过当地上年度职工月平均工资的三倍。 第五章 工作时间 第二十三条 企业实行标准工时制度~每周×,5,天~每天×,8,小时工作制~每周不超过40小时。对特殊岗位的员工实行不定时或综合计算工时制,须经工会、职工代表大会或职工大会讨论通过并经市劳动保障行政部门批准,。 第二十四条 企业根据生产经营需要~经与工会和员工协商 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor6 可以依法延长日工作时间~一般每日不超过1小时,因特殊原因确需延长工作时间的~在保障员工身心健康的前提下~每日延长工作时间不超过3小时~但每月不超过36小时。 第二十五条 加班加点采取协商的原则~企业不得强迫员工加班。加班加点前~由部门主管汇总加班加点申请表~并于当日下班前×小时交上级部门主管审批。未经报备核准~员工不得私自加班加点~违者不支付加班加点工资。 第二十六条 人力资源部门将加班申请表原件存档并进行工时统计~随时稽查核实部门加班情况~对超时加班情况加强监控~及时报告并备案。 第二十七条 企业建立劳动考勤制度~记载员工出勤情况~每月×日与员工核对并签字确认~且保存×年,不少于两年,。 第二十八条 员工因公外出~无法考勤时~需由部门主管补签证明~并交人力资源部门备案及修正考勤记录。 第二十九条 员工必须在企业规定的时间上、下班~不得迟到、早退和旷工。在工作时间内~未经批准不得会见亲友或擅离工作岗位。 第六章 休息休假 第三十条 企业确保员工每周至少休息一天。 第三十一条 假期规定 1、法定假,共11天, ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 7 元旦 春节 清明节 五一节 端午节 中秋节 国庆节 薪资 1天 3天 1天 1天 1天 1天 3天 有薪 2、部分职工法定假日。? “三八”妇女节女职工放假半天,? “五四”青年节28周岁以下的青年放假半天。企业群团组织可开展公益休闲等活动,若企业根据生产经营需要不能安排休息时~按正常工作时间支付工资,如遇公休日不另补假。 3、带薪年假。员工连续工作满12个月的可申请享受带薪年休假~具体休假期限为: 工龄 满1年不满10年 满10年不满20年 20年以上 天数 5天 10天 15天 4、婚假。 项目 标准 条件 备注 一般 3天 男22周岁~女20周岁结 婚 晚婚 10天 男25周岁~女23周岁结一方符合~一方享受,双方晚婚~双 婚 方享受。 薪资 有薪 5、丧假。员工父母、岳父母、公婆死亡时~有薪假1-3天。 6、产假。 项目 标准 简要内容 薪资 产假 一般 90天 其中:产前假15天~产后假75天 有薪 难产 105天 难产增加15天 多胞胎 90+15天 每多生产一个婴儿增加产假15天 3个月内 20-30天 流产假应有医院证明 流产假 3-7个月 42天 7个月以90天 有薪 上 女方产女方年满二十四周岁初次生育的~或者年 晚育假 假增加满二十三周岁结婚后怀孕的初次生育 30天 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor8 护理假 10天 对晚育的~给予男方护理假10天 7、节育、绝育假。 项目 标准 备注 放臵宫内节育休息2天~7天内不安排重体力劳动 有薪。同时施行二项节器 育、绝育手术的~假期可 合并计算。 取宫内节育器 休息1天 输精管结扎 休息7天 单纯输卵管结休息21天 扎 8、医疗期。企业实行医疗期制度。员工因病,除打架斗殴外,确需停工治疗~应凭协议医院证明~可按国家规定享受医疗期,若医疗期累计超过其法定年休假标准的~不再享受当年的年休假。试用期内员工在医疗期内~试用期中止~待医疗期结束后~延续计算。 实际工作在本单位医疗期病休时间计算 年限 工作年限 月数 10年以下 5年以下 3个月 按6个月内累计病休时间计算 5年以上 6个月 按12个月内累计病休时间计算 5年以下 6个月 按12个月内累计病休时间计算 5-10年 9个月 按15个月内累计病休时间计算 10年以上 10-15年 12个月 按18个月内累计病休时间计算 15-20年 18个月 按24个月内累计病休时间计算 20年以上 24个月 按30个月内累计病休时间计算 9、探亲假。工作满一年以上的职工与配偶、父母分居两地~符合《国务院关于职工探亲待遇的规定》条件(不能利用公休假日在家居住一夜加半个白天)~享受探亲假。 10、工伤假。员工因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病进行治疗~依据部门主管签证及县级以上医院诊断证明或劳动保障行政部门工伤认定结论~企业依法提供工伤医疗和工伤保险等待遇。 ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 9 11、企业决定的临时性放假。按企业办发文~各部门参照执行~放假期间视同员工正常出勤。 12、事假。员工因本人或家庭有紧急事务需要处理的~可以请事假。事假须经部门主管审批~一般每次不超过 天~一年累计不超过 天。事假为无薪假。 13、紧急假:员工遇有急病或紧急事故~应请同事、家属、亲友、联系人以电话或当面报告部门主管~由部门主管代为办理申请给假。 除特殊规定外~各种假期均包括公休日和法定假日~假期必须连续使用~不得分次使用。 员工因双休日加班~企业有权在六个月内安排员工调休~员工拒不执行调休的~企业可以不再计算原加班时间的加班费。 第三十二条、请假程序 员工请假须提出书面申请~经领导批准并取得休假凭证后方可休假。如因重病或急事不能事先请假时~可委托他人代为请假或在事后 天内办理补假手续。 各级人员的请假审批权限如下: 一般员工请假:X天或X天以内的由部门主管,车间主任,审批~超过X天~由部门负责人审批。 主管级员工、车间主任和班组长请假:X天或X天以内由部门负责人审批~超过X天由分管总监审批。 部门负责人请假:X天或X天以内由分管总监审批~超过2天由总经理审批。 总监请假:总经理审批。 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor10 请假审批时应逐级进行。 第七章 劳动报酬 第三十三条 企业根据本单位的生产经营特点和经济效益~依法自主确定本单位的工资分配方式和工资水平。企业严格执行最低工资标准规定~员工工资不低于江阴市人民政府公布的最低工资标准 因客观情况发生重大变化~经企业与工会或者职工代表大会协商一致后可以调整工资标准。 第三十四条 企业实行计时工资和计件工资~包括基本工资、加班工资、奖金、津贴和补贴等。计时工资和计件工资以劳动合同约定或单价协议书为准。具体工资结构由企业行政和工会以工资集体协商形式决定。 第三十五条 企业以现金形式或委托银行代发工资。在支付工资时向员工提供其本人的工资清单,一式二份,~员工领取工资时应在工资清单上签名。 第三十六条 企业以货币形式按月足额支付员工工资,本月工资于次月XX日前支付~如遇法定节假日或休息日~则提前支付。 因不可抗力原因~导致工资不能按期支付的~应在不可抗力情形消除后XX日,法律规定30日,内支付。 企业确因生产经营困难~资金周转受到严重影响~不能在约 o prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe11 定日期支付工资的~应书面向员工说明情况~在征得工会或职工代表大会同意后~可以延迟支付~但最长不得超过XX日,法律规定30日,。 对依法解除或终止劳动合同的员工的工资在×日,法律规定两日内,内一次性结清。 第三十七条 工作日安排员工延长劳动时间的~按员工××××××,如计件单价,工资的150%支付加点工资,休息日安排加班的~原则上安排调休~×个月内,法律规定6个月,不能调休的~按200%支付加班工资,法定节假日,含综合计算工时,安排加班的~按300%支付加班工资。 第三十八条 实行综合计算工时工作制的员工~在综合计算工时周期内~总的工作时间超过总法定工作时间的部分~视为延长工作时间~企业按员工本人××××××工资的150%支付加班工资。 第三十九条 员工患病或非因工伤停工医疗停止劳动~在国家规定的医疗期内~按照不低于本人标准工资的××%支付病假工资或者疾病救济费。,最低不低于当地最低工资标准的80%。, 第四十条 因员工本人原因给企业造成经济损失的~企业可要求员工赔偿~其赔偿额从员工当月工资中扣除~每月扣款金额按员工工资的××%,不超过20%,确定~发放的工资不低于江阴市最低工资标准。 第四十一条 有下列情况之一~企业依法从员工工资中代扣 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor12 或减发不属于克扣工资: ,1,员工应当缴纳的个人所得税, ,2,员工应当缴纳的社会保险费和住房公积金, ,3,扣除依法赔偿给企业的费用, ,4,人民法院发生法律效力的法律文书中载明应由员工承担的扶养费、抚养费、赡养费等, ,5,法律、法规、规章规定可以扣除的工资或费用。 第四十二条 企业实行绩效 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~设立月度奖、季度奖、年终奖和超产奖。企业人力资源部门具体负责绩效考核的组织和实施工作~对员工每月、每季、年度出勤天数、工作态度、工作业绩等进行综合考评后~计核绩效奖金。 第四十三条 对依法终止或解除劳动关系的员工~其月度奖、季度奖和年终奖等支付周期未满的工资~企业按照员工实际工作时间折算计发。 第八章 劳动安全卫生 第四十四条 企业法定代表人对安全卫生工作负总责~各部门具体分工抓落实。企业定期召开安全卫生工作会议~分析安全卫生工作形势~解决企业安全卫生工作重大问题~对违反安全生产法律法规和规程的直接责任人和有关负责人进行处理。 第四十五条 企业要依法保证安全生产的有效投入~不断改善劳动作业环境~确保设施设备达到国家安全规定标准。要建立健全各级安全生产责任制和各项安全生产规章制度及操作规 ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 13 程~并严格贯彻落实。建立健全安全生产应急救援 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~定期组织演练。严格落实安全生产“三级”培训制度~切实提高员工安全生产经营和规范操作的自觉性。 第四十六五条 加强职业卫生健康教育~提高员工职业病等防护知识,改善劳动卫生设备设施条件~落实职业病防治措施~促进员工身心健康。 第四十七条 定期组织安全卫生检查~及时整治各类事故隐患。切实加强安全源头管理~设立危险场所设备警示标志~落实专人负责制度。 第四十八条 各部门要做好岗中检查、岗后自查工作~建立登记、建档、监督制度。在发生火灾、触电、毒气泄露等时~应立即向上级报告~并拨打火警119和急救120电话。 第四十九条 企业食堂要按照食品卫生法律规定~定期清洗消毒~严防食品霉烂变质~防止食物中毒事故。 第五十条 对符合工伤认定条件的~企业在1个月之内向劳动保障行政部门提出工伤认定~医疗期内依法支付医疗费和生活费等相关待遇~伤残评定等级后~依法支付相关待遇。 第五十一条 员工发生伤亡事故~经劳动保障行政部门认定为工伤事故的~企业按《工伤保险条例》承担相应赔偿责任。 第九章 社会保险和福利 第五十二条 企业严格按照国家及地方有关社会保险的规定~参加社会保险~按时足额缴纳养老、医疗、失业、工伤和生 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor14 育保险费以及住房公积金~费用依法由企业和个人分担。 第五十三条 企业及时为员工提供工作需要的劳动保护用品,对从事高温和繁重体力劳动等工作的员工实行一定的补贴制度,定期组织员工进行体检~对从事接触职业病危害作业的劳动者按《职业病防治法》规定处理。 第五十四条 企业将不定期的举行如春游、运动会、文体活动等来丰富员工的业余生活~增加企业的凝聚力。 第十章 培训管理规定 第五十五条 企业实行岗前培训、职业培训、转岗培训和专项技术培训等制度~促进员工综合技能素质的不断提升~确保企业生产经营的正常运转。 第五十六条 企业人力资源部门对新招用的员工组织岗前培训~具体内容有企业简介、劳动合同与员工守则、工作注意事项、安全卫生、品质观念、行为规范等教育~使新招用的员工基本了解工作流程以及生活辅助功能等情况。 第五十七条 为满足岗位需求~提高员工适应工作的能力~企业开展职业培训。主要内容有管理技巧、沟通艺术、操作技能、供销采购、技术研发等。 第五十八条 对新任岗位调,转,岗的员工~企业采取分类、分岗等形式~进行有序转岗培训~促进员工工作技能的提高~尽快适用新岗位要求。 第五十九条 企业对专门管理、技术等人员经过组织、人力 o prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe15 资源等部门筛选后~对选送进行专项技术培训的员工~企业与其订立协议~约定服务期。如员工违反服务期约定的~按照尚未履行月数,或按年,所应分摊的培训费用支付违约金。 第十一章 保密制度与竞业限制 第六十条 商业秘密是指不为公众所知悉~能为企业带来经济利益~具有实用性并经企业采取保密措施的技术信息和经营信息~以及企业依法律规定或者有关协议的约定~对外承担保密义务的事项。 第六十一条 本企业商业秘密的技术信息包括技术方案、工程 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 、制造方法、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、实验数据、实验结果、图纸、样品、模型、模具、技术文档、操作手册等等,经营信息包括客户名单、客户订单、营销计划、采购资料、财务资料、进货渠道、产销策略、经营目标、经营项目、管理诀窍、货源情报、内部文件、会议纪要、经济合同、合作协议等等。 第六十二条 企业文件资料等分为A、AA、AAA三个等级~实行专人负责管理。建立文件、资料登记、借用、保密等制度~全体员工必须严格遵守。AAA级文件资料等应存放在有保密设施的文件柜中,借用文件资料等须经××××批准,不得在公共场所谈论企业秘密事项和交接秘密文件资料等。 第六十三条 不得私自拷贝、复印、摘录文件资料等~更不得向外传播。确因工作需要复印时~应经××××批准~并妥善 ation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensorblasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipe16 做好保存和保管工作,对不再需要保存和保管的文件资料等~应按规定返回管理部门或根据要求进行销毁。 第六十四条 员工调职或离职时~必须将本人保管的涉密文件资料或其他物品~按规定移交给企业××××~不得随意移交给其他人员。 第六十五条 企业根据实际情况和需要~与知悉或可能知悉企业商业秘密的和负有保密义务员工~另行签订《保密协议》~内容包括保密的内容、范围、权利、义务、期限、保密费和违约责任等事项。未经企业许可~任何员工在职期间不得自营或者为他人经营与企业同类的产品和项目。 第六十六条 对于利用职务发明创造~申请专利的权利属于企业~利用本单位的物质技术条件所完成的发明创造~单位与发明人或设计人协议订立合同的~专利申请权和专利权的归属~根据合同约定进行处理。 第十二章 女职工及未成年工保护 第六十七条 企业不得在女职工怀孕期、产期、哺乳期降低其基本工资待遇~或者解除劳动合同。 第六十八条 女职工在月经期间~不安排其从事高空、低温、冷水和国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动。 第六十九条 女职工在怀孕期间~企业不安排孕期禁忌从事的劳动~企业不在正常劳动日以外延长劳动时间,对不能胜任原工作岗位的~应当根据医院有关证明~予以减轻劳动量或者安排 ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 17 其它工作。怀孕七个月以上,含七个月,的女职工~企业一般不得安排其从事夜班劳动~在劳动时间内应给予其休息1小时~并相应降低劳动定额。 第七十条 已婚女职工有不满一周岁婴儿的~每天可为婴儿哺乳1小时(包括人工喂养)。多胞胎生育的每多哺乳一个婴儿~每次哺乳时间增加30分钟。 第七十一条 女职工在哺乳期内~企业不安排其从事国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动和哺乳期禁忌从事的劳动~不得延长其劳动时间~不安排其从事夜班劳动。 第七十二条 本企业禁止使用未满16周岁的童工。 第七十三条 已满16周岁但未满18周岁的员工属未成年工~企业安排未成年工上岗前免费提供身体检查。并持《未成年工健康检查表》等相关资料向当地劳动保障行政部门申请用工备案。 第七十四条 未成年工上岗前~企业专门对其进行有关的职业安全教育、培训等。 第七十五条 对未成年工上岗的劳动安排~根据其健康检查的结果而定,对不能胜任原劳动岗位的~予以减轻劳动量或安排其它劳动。 第七十六条 对未满十八周岁的未成年员工企业不安排其从事矿山下井、有毒有害、国家规定的第四级体力劳动强度的劳动和其他禁忌从事的劳动。 第七十七条 企业严禁安排未成年工进行加班加点工作。 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor18 第十三章 奖励与惩戒 第七十八条 为增强员工责任感~激发员工积极性和创造性~提高生产经营工作效率~企业对表现优秀、成绩突出的员工实行精神奖励和物质奖励~奖励分为表扬、嘉奖、记功、晋职~发放一次性奖金。 第七十九条 员工思想品德优良~关心企业~遵规守纪~服从安排~超额完成工作任务~评为优秀员工的~企业给予通报表扬外~一次性奖励××-××元。 第八十条 有下列情形之一者~给予嘉奖~一次性奖励××--×××元: ?在企业的各种技能业务竞赛中名列前三名的, ?生产工作中~一次性为企业节约资金×-×万元, ?对外活动中~为企业一次性挽回经济损失×万元以上者, ?提出合理化建议~有效提高企业生产管理水平的, ?提出并实施小革新、小创造、小发明等~有效改进生产工艺和品质的, ?为维护企业声誉~树立企业形象受到伤害的。 第八十一条 对有下列情形之一的员工~除给予通报表扬外~视情另给予记功、晋职~一次性奖励×××--×××元: ?提出生产经营、技术改进、管理制度具体方案~经执行确有成效~产生效益~贡献较大的, ?为企业节约能源、降低成本、优化环境等~节约成本×万 ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 19 元的~创造效益×万元, ?为保护公共财产~处臵得当~有突出表现~使国家和企业利益免受重大损失的, ?为维护企业生产工作秩序~见义勇为~使企业避免重大损失的。 第八十二条 有下列情形之一者~可给予记功或晋升~一次性奖励×××--××××元: ?管理有方~业务拓展有相当成效的, ?在产品开发、工艺流程、技术改造、劳动保护等方面有发明或提出合理化建议取得重大成果和显著成绩的, ?遇有灾害~挺身而出~处臵得当~协助完成任务确有贡献或虽未完成任务但却已尽力的, ?举报违规或损害企业利益的行为~使企业免受重大损失的, ?追讨客户呆帐有特殊成效的, ?抢修紧急工程建设中表现优良的, ?维护企业安全卫生~制止重大事故苗头的, ?在销售与顾客服务上有特殊成效的, ?对企业核心秘密技术资料管理有方~有效防止泄密~成绩突出的, ?对公共关系有特殊具体表现提升企业声誉的。 第八十三条 有下列情形之一者~给予记功或颁发奖金或晋 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor20 级~一次性奖励×××--××××元: ?主管业务有重大改革~提出具体方案经施行确具突出成效的, ?管理重要业务成绩特优或参与重大研究发展工作~致企业获得巨额经济效益的, ?在管理、采购、储运、储备物资等工作~能准确适质、适量、适时供应急需~节省××万元成本的; ?消除事故隐患或重大苗头~使企业免遭严重损失的, ?抢救重大灾害~使企业免遭重大损害或人员伤亡的, ?具有其它特殊功绩~成为企业表率的。 第八十四条 人力资源部门负责实施表扬、嘉奖、记功、晋职和发放一次性奖金工作。具体操作程序为:对符合的对象~征求职工意见~经企业工会讨论通过后~报××批准。 第八十五条 为维护企业正常的生产经营、工作秩序~严肃纪律~企业对违规违纪、表现较差的员工实行惩戒制度。分为:警告,口头警告、书面警告,、记过,记小过、记大过,、降级、撤职、解除劳动合同五种。,降级、撤职仅限于本企业的管理人员~同时下调薪酬待遇,。 第八十六条 有下列情形之一的员工~经查证确实的~予以口头或书面警告: ?因个人疏忽导致设备损坏或不合格产品~情节较轻的, ?参加企业各类活动~无故迟到、早退、缺席的, ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 21 ?延误、怠慢工作~情节较轻的, ?工作场所物品堆放异常零乱~影响工作效率的, ?损坏或浪费物料~情节较轻的, ?利用职责之便~谋取非法利益~情节较轻的, ?工作时间内随意串门、聊天者, ?违反本企业规则、规章、命令、公告~情节轻微的。 第八十七条 有下列情形之一的员工~经查明属实或有具体事证者~予以记小过~对管理人员予以降级处理: ?不服从部门主管正常管理~无故不按时完成工作生产任务的, ?因注意力不集中导致设备受损~产品质量下降~检验不符合要求的, ?在工作场所喧哗、嬉戏、吵闹~妨碍其他员工工作的, ?身为主管~对发生的重大事件~未尽管理及监督职责的, ?对同仁恶意攻击、诬告或伪证而制造事端的, ?在工作时间内擅离工作岗位串岗、聊天的, ?对部门主管不满或对企业有关事宜处理不满~不按规定程序向有关部门陈述~随意辱骂或侮辱同事和主管的, ?执行警卫勤务时~在警卫室内打瞌睡、看电视、看报纸、听收音机等~甚至擅离职守的, ?非设备故障或原料不足等原因~故意降低生产标准~情节尚轻的, blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor22 ?不按规定生产工艺、标准工作~擅自更改操作标准的, ?未经核准擅自携带公物出企业的, ?因个人原因失误造成企业损失~且知情不报~企图蒙混过关的, 第八十八条 有下列情形之一的员工~经查明属实或有具体事实者~予以记大过、解除劳动关系~对管理人员予以降级直至撤职处理: ?擅离职守、严重失职~致使企业蒙受损害者, ?私自携带危险品、易燃易爆等物品进入企业工作场所~不听劝阻的, ?遗失企业经营之重要、机密文件和工具的, ?撕毁企业公文、公告等, ?擅自变更工作规程~致使企业蒙受损失, ?拒绝听从主管人员合理指挥监督~经劝导不听从的, ?违反安全规定措施~致使企业发生安全事件~蒙受损失的, ?工作时间在工作场所制造私人物品者~或代人、托人办理销售、修理私物的, ?造谣生事~散播谣言~产生严重后果~使企业受损失的, ?工作中饮酒或酒后滋事, ?借故请事假、病假~到他处工作或未经许可在外兼职的, ?遇突发事故~借机逃避~或提供伪证~谎报事实和记载不实记录~企图逃避和转嫁责任的, ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 23 ?未经许可擅自使用企业的设备、场所、会议室、办公室等~且不听制止~影响企业生产经营的, ?委托或代人伪造出勤记录~以欺诈领取薪资或加班费的, ?负责操作或维护企业设备时~因疏于检查或管理不善导致设备损坏~情节严重的, 第八十九条 有下列情形之一的员工~经查证属实~第一次口头警告,批评教育无效的~第二次书面警告,第三次起可扣发绩效奖金××至××元~对单位管理人员可同时作降职、撤职处理。 ,1,委托他人或代人考勤的, ,2,无正当理由经常迟到或早退,每次X分钟以上,的, ,3,擅离职守或串岗、聊天的, ,4,消极怠工~上班干私活的, ,5,非设备的操作者~随意操作他人设备的, ,6,未经允许私自带外人到工作场所逗留的, ,7,私自携带危险物品进入企业的, ,8,在禁烟区内吸烟的, ,9,违反企业规定携带公物出企业的, ,10,有与上述情形相当的。 第九十条 有下列情形之一的员工~经查证属实~第一次口头警告,批评教育无效的~第二次及以后每次记过1次~第三次起可合并扣发绩效奖金××至××元,一个月内被记过X次以上 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor24 或一年内被记过X次以上的~予以解除劳动合同。对负有不可推卸的责任单位管理人员作降职、撤职处理~直至解除劳动合同。 ,1,无理取闹~打架斗殴~影响企业生产经营秩序和员工工作生活秩序的, ,2,利用工作或职务便利~收受贿赂而使企业利益受损的, ,3,工作时间打牌、下棋、上网聊天等, ,4,故意泄漏企业内部的管理文件、帐本等, ,5,在宿舍私接电源或使用电炉、煤气灶的, ,6,有与上述情形相当的。 第九十一条 有下列情形之一的员工~经查证属实~批评教育无效的~予以解除劳动合同。对负有管理责任的管理人员可施行降级直至撤职处理并解除劳动关系。 ,1,连续旷工X日~或者一年内累计旷工X日的, ,2,提供与招录有关的虚假证书或劳动关系证明等, ,3,违反操作规程损坏设备、工具~浪费原材料~造成企业经济损失XXX元以上的, ,4,盗窃、贪污、侵占或故意损坏企业财物~造成企业经济损失XXX元以上的, ,5,违反企业保密制度~泄露企业商业秘密, ,6,有其他与上述情形情节相当的。 第九十二条 有下列情形之一的员工~经查证属实~或有具体事证者~书面告知员工相关理由后~给予解除劳动合同: ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 25 ?订立劳动合同时~作虚假意思表示或提供虚假信息等~使本企业误信而遭受损害的, ?上班时间内在禁止吸烟的场所抽烟~对本企业利益造成重大损害的,损害金额达X万元以上,, ?对企业负责人及其家属和各级业务主管或员工等~存有恐吓、强暴、压迫或重大侮辱行为的, ?故意损耗设备、工具、原料、产品或其它企业所有物品或故意泄露技术上、经营上的秘密~致本企业蒙受损害的, ?连续旷工×日或一年内累计旷工达×日以上的, ?被依法追究刑事责任的, ?其他法律法规规定的情形。 第九十三条 对员工的违纪处理~由违纪员工所在的部门主管根据本规章制度相关条款提出书面处理意见~提交人力资源部门审核~并征求工会意见后~再由人力资源部门提交××审批。经批准后~由人力资源部门向违纪员工送达处理决定书~处理决定包括员工违纪事实、违纪证据、处理原因、处理依据、处理结果等五项内容。整个处理过程不得超过XX日。 第九十四条 员工对企业处理不服的~享有申诉权利。通常申诉程序为:在×天内,七天或十天,向人力资源部门申辩事实与理由~由人力资源部门牵头~组织企业工会、申诉人所在部门等进行调处。 第九十五条 本规章制度中~员工三次嘉奖相等于一次小功~ blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor26 三次小功相等于一次大功,三次小警告相等于一次小过~三次小过相等于一次大过。员工受到记大过的~单位有权解除与员工的劳动关系。 第十四章 劳动争议 第九十六条 企业劳动争议调解委员会由员工代表、企业代表和工会代表组成。企业劳动争议调解委员会主任由工会代表担任。劳动争议经调解达成协议的~当事人应当履行。 第九十七条 劳动争议发生后~当事人应当协商解决,不愿协商或者协商不成的~可向本企业劳动争议调解委员会申请调解,调解不成的~可向当地劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。当事人也可以直接向当地劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。对仲裁裁决不服的~可以向人民法院提起诉讼。 第十五章 附 则 第九十八条 本规章制度是劳动法律、法规、规章规定的具体化~本规定与现劳动法律、法规、规章不一致的~以现行劳动法律、法规、规章的规定为准。 第九十九条 本规章制度与集体合同,工资集体协商协议,有抵触的~以集体合同,工资集体协商协议,为准。 第一百条 本规章制度未尽事宜或法律规定更新时~通过通告的形式补充或更新。 第一百零一条 本规章制度已由员工代表大会,或全体员 ent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeo prevhe corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excavation blasting, construction tnnection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetration. 2) should strictly prevent tble cocable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealant. (2) cable protection 1) cam the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and protection (1) vulcanize rubber 0~30cbasis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the minimum water level 0.5M. (3) 2 gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement location and review on a regularwater 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover and protective covers. 10.5.9 eads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp opening hole after the final set ltape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor devices, and kongkouqiping, 27 工,讨论和审议,或通过,~并张榜公布。本企业向每位员工发放《企业劳动用工规章制度手册》~以此作为已向员工公示的证明。 第一百零二条 本规章制度自20 年 月 日生效。 ×××××,单位公章, 二?××年××月××日 blasting, construction to prevent mechanical damage to the cables, welding and welding residue burned out cables, pipeation . 2) should strictly prevent the corrosion oil stain cables, keep the cables clean and dry. 3) cable in traction during excav) cable protection 1) cable connection, Epoxy painted or at the cable connectors into the wax to prevent moisture penetrationnt. (2otection (1) vulcanize rubber cable of the cable connector, plastic pyrocondensation joint of cable using hard links or sealam water level 0.5M. (3) 20~30cm the gauge width, minimum 0.1M, every 1M annotation elevation. 10.5.10 cable connection and prminimucation and review on a regular basis. (2) draft survey measuring range should be above the maximum water level and below the otective covers. 10.5.9 water gauge (1) buried in the upstream dam surface of standard gauge, gauge should the measurement lond pring hole after the final set 24h device, the detection of qualified, the cable leads, and then install the protective cover adevices, and kongkouqiping, leads to the cable. (4) sealing grout guarantees hole filling full (back orifice pulp). Pulp open tape per meter, and then slowly into the hole. (3) multiple point rod into hole, wireless sensor28
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