首页 第4讲伏击涨停十八法之四:伏击涨停眼光



第4讲伏击涨停十八法之四:伏击涨停眼光第4讲伏击涨停十八法之四:伏击涨停眼光 伏击涨停十八法之四 黑马王子2012.03.02讲座:伏击涨停眼光 第一节 眼光就是探宝仪器 上周末,我和几个朋友专程去一个朋友家寻找“眼光的故事”,和他家小孩做了一个小小的游戏。我们给小孩带去三件礼物,让他选择一件最有价值的东西,选中什么就就送他什么。这三件礼物的价值从高到低是:劳力士金表,一根金条,一只手机。小孩的母亲要他选金条,小孩的父亲要他选手表,小孩自己选的是手机。从价值的角度讲,小孩父亲的选择是正确的。为什么只有他的父亲选出了最有价值的东西,这就是“眼光”...

第4讲伏击涨停十八法之四:伏击涨停眼光 伏击涨停十八法之四 黑马王子2012.03.02讲座:伏击涨停眼光 第一节 眼光就是探宝仪器 上周末,我和几个朋友专程去一个朋友家寻找“眼光的故事”,和他家小孩做了一个小小的游戏。我们给小孩带去三件礼物,让他选择一件最有价值的东西,选中什么就就送他什么。这三件礼物的价值从高到低是:劳力士金 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ,一根金条,一只手机。小孩的母亲要他选金条,小孩的父亲要他选手表,小孩自己选的是手机。从价值的角度讲,小孩父亲的选择是正确的。为什么只有他的父亲选出了最有价值的东西,这就是“眼光”的问题。这个故事告诉我们:眼光是看不见摸不着的一种能力,是可以透过事物的表象,看到其实际价值的能力。为什么有的人干什么成什么,有的人干什么不成什么,关键在于眼光。因为眼光是一切行为的起点。所以,你如果要想伏击涨停,首先必须具备“伏击涨停的眼光”。否则,一切都是空谈。现在我们来看一只股票(见图4-1):庞大集团 would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of 目前,这只股票是该买,该卖,还是该观望,我们来做一个现场调查。有人说它受到120均线的强压,5日 均线也垂头向下,KDJ死叉两日,RSI也出现两个死叉,这只股票“垂头丧气,大势已去”, 无论怎么看,都应该卖出。那么,我们看看这只股票截图的次日(即2012.2.29日周三)走势图(见图4-2) would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of 呵~眼晴一眨,母鸡变鸭。昨天怎么看它都要大跌的股票,今天却逆市涨停了。这只股票就是“庞大集团”。最近,我们曾经两次点评过这只股票,第一次是2012.2.13日收盘后在成都特训班的实盘点评(见图中D柱),点评后连续两个涨停。后来我们于2月21日在论坛上再次补充点评了它(见图中F柱)。 我们为什么要预报它呢,首先,图中ABC三个小倍量柱是3个卧底矮将军,D柱左侧是连续4个低量平量柱,D柱三倍量拉升轻松过其左侧小峰,显然是主力控盘良好,蓄意上攻,所以我们在D柱预报了它。E柱也是三倍量柱,此后三日横盘,最低收盘价不到E柱的三分之一处,且第三日是小倍阳柱,所以我们在F柱再次点评了它。点评后的三日,价升量稳,是很好的形态。但是,第四日第五日连续两个跳空下跌,非常吓人。 然而,其跳空下跌的最低点,刚好与F柱的实底持平,量柱逐步缩小,这就是我们常说的“双阴跳空,缩 量洗盘”形态,这种形态后面,往往有中到大阳出现。果然,双阴洗盘的次日(G柱)小倍阳涨停。 面对这只股票,明灯论坛上有12位同学提前预报并伏击了它,有3位同学却在2月29日第三次跳空低开的时候将它抛弃了,真是“三日跳空跌,抛出就涨停”。同样一只股票,有人卖出,有人买入,这就是眼光的问题。说穿了,眼光是一把铲子,你可以用它来挖掘财富,也可以用它来挖掘坟墓。因此,不一样的眼光,必有不一样的收获。眼睛看得见的叫视力,眼睛看得透的才叫眼光。通过视力看得见的东西,你看得见,别人也看得见;而通过眼光看得见的东西,就只有你一个人看得见,别人却看不见。为什么有人能提前看到这只股票要涨,因为它从量柱和价柱的结合,看到了这只股票后面庄家的计划和动作。为什么有人看这只股票要跌,因为他只看到了跳空这个动作,没有看到量柱的收缩后面隐藏着拉升的图谋。可见,训练眼光的第一步应该从量柱入手。 第二节、研判量柱的眼光 纵观任何一只股票的走势图,量柱的形态可谓千形万状,要想一一识别,比海底捞针还要困难。但是,如果我们换一种眼光,用科学的眼光来看,这些无序的量柱,却是井然有序的。 什么是科学的眼光,科学的眼光就是用“最明显”和“最重要”这两个标准来衡量,以“左推法”进行“就近对比”,这样一比,千形万状的量柱,只有“高低平倍梯缩金”这七种形态,即“高量柱与低量柱”、“平量柱与倍量柱”、“梯量柱与缩量柱”,外加一种“黄金柱”。 真是万法归宗、殊途同归,你看 彩虹之美,美绝于?赤橙黄绿青蓝紫; 音乐之妙,妙绝于?哆来咪发唆啦西; 量柱之奇,奇绝于?高低平倍梯缩金。 现在,我们用上述标准来检验大家的“眼光”。 请看图4-3“深物业2012.2.24留影”: would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of 4-3深物业 量柱的常态。从A柱向左看,A柱是什么柱,倍量柱。对~再向左看,A柱往左边数第二根量柱是什么柱,是低量柱。对~向左看,就近对比,简单直观,一目了然。我们再从B柱向左看,B柱就是“低量柱”,而B和A的组合就是缩量柱;B和C的组合呢,是梯量柱。以此类推,C与D的组合是什么柱,对~也是梯量柱。那么C是什么柱,对~是高量柱。只要有了科学的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,我们就有了科学的眼光。无论什么量柱,一眼就可以看出它的真实身份。 一、快速识别量柱的方法 凡是在某个阶段最高的柱子,就是高量柱,如 凡是在某个阶段最低的柱子,就 是低量柱,如凡是两个高度基本相等的,就是平量柱,如F后二柱,G后二柱;凡是比左侧量柱高出一倍左右的,就是倍量柱,如 凡是比左侧量柱逐步升高的柱子,就是梯量柱,如B至C至D,N至O;凡是比左侧量柱逐步降低的柱子,就是缩量柱,如L至M至N,P至Q; 以上六种量柱,都是“成双成对”的,高量柱对应低量柱、平量柱对应倍量柱、梯量柱对应缩量柱,一眼就能识别。剩下一种“黄金柱”,实质上就是上述六种量柱的升级,它仿佛是音乐符号中的“高音符”,可以加到任何符号上,让任何一种量柱都可以升级为“黄金柱”(关于“黄金柱”的基本原理,将在下一讲重点介绍,此处按下不表)。 二、识别量柱的两个要点 1、用“左推法”识别和认定量柱。一定要“就近对比”,不能“随心所欲”,不要看得太远。例如:要是以D为标准,H柱就不是倍量柱了;同样,如果以I柱为标准,K就不是高量柱了。而HK是两根重要的高量柱。为什么要用“左推法”来“就近对比”呢,因为我们研判行情时,右边的行情根本没有出现,我们只能“向左看”,我们的任务就是从已经存在的走势中去预测将要出现的走势。如果不是“就近对比”,高低平倍就毫无标准,我们的眼光就茫无边际,我们的研判就失去了意义。 2、为了提高眼光的前瞻性,发现高量柱、低量柱、梯量柱的眼光可以用“右推法”,即“向右看齐,就近对比”。如图4-3中的CHK三柱,向右看一日就能确认它当前的性质。有标准才有比较,有比较才有鉴别,有鉴别才有定位。于是,无论多么复杂多变的量柱,经过“就近对比”的眼光一照,都逃不出“高低平倍梯缩金”这“七种量柱”。别看这简简单单的“七种量柱”,却蕴藏着千变万化的股。 三、用“三先规律”看量柱 如果你单纯从成交量的角度看,是无法看出股市风情的。如果我们用“三先规律”的眼光来看量柱,我们的眼光就提升了一个层次,我们就会突然发现量柱里藏有无穷无尽的奥秘。 我们所看到的量柱,再也不是单纯的“成交量的形态”,而是“多空争斗的暂时平衡标志”,它既是买卖双方“斗智斗勇的杰作”,又是“量价矛盾斗争的载体”,更是“有生命有灵性的股市精灵”。对此,四川人民出版社出版的《量柱擒涨停》一书,对量柱是这样看的:高量柱:欲望与走向的温度计;通常暗示下跌,反常情况继续高涨。低量柱:底线与底气的温度计;通常暗示上涨,反常情况遇涨又跌。平量柱:蓄势与爆发的温度计;通常暗示大涨,反常情况小涨再跌。倍量柱:实力与雄心的温度计;通常暗示大涨,反常情况小涨回跌。梯量柱:谋攻与谋逃的温度计;通常逐步走强,反常情况逐步衰弱。缩量柱:价位与人气的温度计;通常逐步衰弱,反常情况逐步增强。< 黄金柱:牛股与黑马的温度计;通常逐步走强,反常情况逐步走弱。 各种量柱的组合形态非常丰富,因此其后走势也就非常复杂。找到了量柱的组合规律和组合密码,也就找到了其后走势的方向。怎么样,不一样的眼光,就有不一样的感悟。不一样的感悟,就有不一样的见识,不一样的见识,就有不一样的成就。这就是有的人能够伏击涨停,有的人却伏击不了涨停的根本原因。 第三节、发现量柱的异化 用“三先规律”的眼光来看量柱,还会产生一个突变,你会突然发现一些过去不曾发现的量柱状况,这就是:有些“常态”的量柱,有时却发生了“变异”,即异化为另一种量柱,让你不知道它到底是什么柱,让你不知道它后面到底应该向哪个方向发展。于是,我们要用如下三个方法进行分析: 一、量柱的静态分析 静态分析,就是分析量柱的本身的属性。请看图 巢东股份 高量柱分析。(图4-4) would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of 图中五个方框里的高量柱,既是这种柱又是那种柱,让你难以捉摸。这种变异的量柱常常出人意外,其后的常规走势都发生了背离,该上它却下,该下它却上。先看B柱,它本身是“高量柱”,可是和A柱相比,它又成了“倍量柱”,而且还是“梯量柱”的顶部。高量柱或梯量柱顶部应该是某一波段见顶的标志(如C柱E柱H柱I柱),它应该向下走的,这里却向上走了。再看D柱,D是“倍量柱”,同时它又是当前波段的“高量柱”,高量柱后的走势应该向下,但是由于D柱“身兼数职”,其身份变了,它所对应的股价却嗖嗖地往上升了。再看F柱,F是“梯量柱”,同时它又是当前波段的“高量柱”。“梯量柱”的最后一柱为“高量柱”时,往往是强弩之末,应该走下坡路了,可是F柱后面对应的股价却嗖嗖地往上窜。 再看GK柱,都是“倍量柱”兼“高量柱”,高量柱后应该跌,它们却涨。上述例子说明,身兼数职的变异量柱有一个重要特点,它后面的走势往往是变态的,和它最明显的身份所应该的走势背道而驰。这就给了我们一个暗示:只要发现身兼数职的变态柱,就有提前发现其相反走势的可能。在我们的现实生活中,“变态”是一个贬义词,如果有人“变态”了,就不是好事情;但是在量柱科学里,“变态”却是一个褒义词,如果发现某根量柱“变态”了,就是好事情。 二、量柱的动态分析 就是分析量柱后面的走势。请看图4-5: would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of 巢东股份。量柱的动态分析 现在请大家做一个现场实验。我们先不管它是什么股票,只看图形,用前面讲过的标准和方法,对量柱进行动态分析,即分析其后走势。A是什么柱,倍量柱~对~其后走势上涨。B是什么柱,高量柱~对~其后走势下跌。是什么柱,倍量柱,又是高量柱,对~这家伙有点变态。D是什么柱,高量柱~对~其后走势横盘后大跌。是什么柱,倍量柱,梯量柱,又是高量柱~哈~这家伙变态三重奏。F是什么柱,高量柱,对~其后走势连跌。是什么柱,倍量柱,梯量柱,又是高量柱~对,这家伙继续变态。H是什么柱,倍量柱~对~其对应的走势是什么,上升~对~ I是什么柱,高量柱~对~其对应的走势是什么,下降~对~ 三、量柱的规律分析 规律分析,就是分析量柱的内在规律,考验“独特眼光”的最佳时候到了。大家发现一个规律没有,凡是常态倍量柱后面的股价,都是上升的;凡是常态梯量柱后面的股价,也是上升的;凡是常态高量柱后面的股价,都是下降的;凡是变态高量柱后面的股价,都是上升的。好~如果你的眼光发现了这个规律,就能提前规划自己的操盘策略。你看,简简单单的量柱七音符,通过庄家和主力的排列组合,它既可以演奏出花前月下的小夜曲,又可以演奏出大江东去的咏叹调,还可以演奏出打虎上山的交响乐。这是多么美妙动人的七彩乐章呀~现在,请大家回头再来看图4-1“庞大集团2012.2.29 日收盘留影”,那就是另外一种风情了。请看图4-6“庞大集团2012.2.29日双阴洗盘规律”: would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of 图4-6。120229庞大集团3,它的“双阴洗盘”不是最近(F1)才发生的,在其左侧的ABCE四根倍量柱的后面,各有一次“双阴洗盘”(A1、B1、C1、E1),每次都是缩量不破黄金线。其中,BCE三次都是高量柱后走势向上变态。可见这里的操盘是一个庄家所为,手法一致,幅度一致,非常隐蔽,非常阴险,但是,只要我们看懂了量柱和量柱后面隐藏的庄家,我们就能提前伏击它。 由此可见,“量柱的变态”非常重要,它往往暗示着相反的走势即将到来。正是从这种意义上讲,股市是可以预测的,我们对量柱的研判,就是要从“常态”中去发现“变态”,从“变态”中去发现主力,从而跟上有实力有能力的主力,去欣赏股市的无限风光。每次讲到这里,总有同学鼓掌。有的同学甚至当场站起来呼叫,你听他说什么了,他说:“王子老师,我终于找到炒股窍门了,今后专门找变态的整~” 哈哈~我说,你不要高兴得太早了。“变态”的没有“变性”的好也。你猜他说什么了,他说:“那好哇~我今后专门找变性的整~”我说,变性的没有变级的好哦~ 他说:“那我今后就把变态的、变性的、变级的,统统的整了。”这位同学的想法很好,但是,要想把变态的、变性的、变级的,统统的整好,不是那么容易的事。你必须学好三先规律,你必须具有独特眼光。要不然,变态的、变性的、变级的量柱,统统的站到你面前了,你也看不见它们。为了让你的眼光更加敏锐、更加犀利,后面的课程全部都是强化眼光训练 训练内容是: 如何发现独挡一面的将军柱,如何发现继往开来的黄金柱, 如何识别扭转乾坤的十字架,如何识别偷梁换柱的峰谷线, 如何寻找涨停基因和涨停密码, 如何抓住涨停时机和涨停冲动, 本讲思考与练习 1.分析量柱为什么要用“左推法”来“就近对比”, 2.常态的量柱有哪几种,变态的量柱有哪几种, 3.变态的量柱是如何造成的, 4.常态量柱和变态量柱有什么规律, 5.多找几只股票,分析其量柱的常态和变态并标注出来。找几只牛股,分析其变态量柱的意义。 (完) would have to add inorganic phosphorus sources (mainly calcium hydrogen phosphate, bone meal, fishmeal, meat and bone meal also fall into this category), and total phosphorus in the diet increased. Today's lack of inorganic phosphorus sources throughout the world, has become the third more expensive feed ingredients in feed costs, 1 gram of inorganic phosphorus prices far beyond the price of 1 g of high quality protein. Increased feed costs on the one hand, and discharge large amounts of phosphorus from the waste, causing serious environmental pollution. When used in poultry feeding when high level of Cu and Zn, significantly increasing the fecal excretion of copper and zinc. Regardless of breeding size, or free-range, chicken in the selection or arrangement of the place, there must be awareness of environmental protection and people-oriented concept. At the time of planning, to chicken production and people's living environment, environment and farm waste disposal aspects coordinated and organized on an equal status, it should be run through the design, construction and production of three aspects of the entire process. 2. land and China has a vast territory, but its arable land is limited. According to statistics, only 106.67 million hectares of cultivated land could be used (1.6 billion acres), only 867 square metres of cultivated land per capita (1.3 acres). With the growing population, modern economic development, as well as the gradual transition of urbanization in rural areas, farmland will be reduced. Development of
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