首页 全国食品安全科普知识竞赛问卷



全国食品安全科普知识竞赛问卷全国食品安全科普知识竞赛问卷 全国食品安全科普知识竞赛问卷 1、食物中的天然毒素主要是指某些动植物中所含有的一些有毒的天然成分。这些食物必须经过一定的加工处理后才能食用,否则极易引起食物中毒。下列一定要烧熟煮透后才能食用的食物是:[单选题] 山药 花生 四季豆 红薯 2、缺碘会引起碘缺乏病,由于我国大部分地区存在缺碘情况,所以国家强制在食盐中加入少量的碘强化剂(如碘酸钾)。下列对加碘盐摄入描述错误的是:[单选题] 所有人都应该食用加碘盐,碘含量越高越好 甲亢患者不需食用加碘盐 碘过量...

全国食品安全科普知识竞赛问卷 全国食品安全科普知识竞赛问卷 1、食物中的天然毒素主要是指某些动植物中所含有的一些有毒的天然成分。这些食物必须经过一定的加工处理后才能食用,否则极易引起食物中毒。下列一定要烧熟煮透后才能食用的食物是:[单选题] 山药 花生 四季豆 红薯 2、缺碘会引起碘缺乏病,由于我国大部分地区存在缺碘情况,所以国家强制在食盐中加入少量的碘强化剂(如碘酸钾)。下列对加碘盐摄入描述错误的是:[单选题] 所有人都应该食用加碘盐,碘含量越高越好 甲亢患者不需食用加碘盐 碘过量和碘缺乏都会引起健康问题 非缺碘地区的居民不需要食用加碘盐 3、下列关于鸡蛋的食用方法,正确的是:[单选题] 鸡蛋生吃可以获得最佳营养,最好生吃 开水冲鸡蛋食用最有利于营养吸收 鸡蛋一定要熟吃 半生半熟的煎蛋是科学的食用方法 the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 4、食物过敏是指摄入食物时由于食物中的某些成分引起免疫应答,导致消化系统或全身性的变态反应。以下食物成分容易引起过敏的是:[单选题] 纤维素 维生素 蛋白质 脂肪 5、食源性疾病指食品中致病因素进入人体引起的感染性、中毒性等疾病。以下举措不可用于预防食源性疾病的是:[单选题] 食物储存时保持洁净,生熟分开 使用冰箱长时间储存食物 煮熟食物 使用安全的水和原材料加工食物 6、微波炉加热食品时一定要选用微波炉适用的餐具盛放食品,以下餐具可在微波炉加热的是:[单选题] 不锈钢餐具 仿瓷(密胺)餐具 代号为5(聚丙烯)的塑料制品餐具 代号为6(聚苯乙烯)的塑料制品餐具 7、不锈钢是在钢铁中加入合金元素制成的,相对于其他金属,不锈钢容器更加坚固、耐锈蚀。关于不锈钢容器的使用,下列做法正确的是:[单选题] the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 不要长时间盛放盐、酱油、醋、菜汤等 可以用来煎熬中药 用强碱性的化学药剂洗涤和浸泡 可以在火上空烧 8、有些材质的容器长时间与食品直接接触后,会对食品安全造成影响。下面不可以长期作为食品容器的是:[单选题] 陶瓷制品容器 玻璃制品容器 铝制品容器 以上三项 9、绿色食品是指在无污染的生态环境中种植及全过程标准化生产或加工,并经专门机构认定,许可使用绿色食品标志的食品。绿色食品可细分为两个等级,即:[单选题] 安全级和优质级 A级和AA级 合格级和优质级 A级和B级 10、保健食品是指声称具有特定保健功能或者以补充维生素、矿物质为目的的食品,适宜特定人群食用,具有调节机体功能,不以治疗疾病为目的,不能替代药品。识别正规保健食品时,应注意识别外包装上是否有( )标志的图案。[单选题] “QS” the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall “蓝帽子” “红帽子” 条形码 11、食品标签上的“QS”的意思是:[单选题] 有机食品 无公害食品 绿色食品 企业食品生产许可 12、一明星为某食品产品作广告代言,该广告被认定为虚假广告,由此对消费者造成的损失,该明星应承 担的责任是:[单选题] 共同责任 刑事责任 赔偿责任 连带责任 13、食品行业协会是促进食品产业发展、实施行业自律管理的社会团体,是保证食品安全的重要力量。食 品行业协会不应开展的活动是:[单选题] 推动行业诚信建设 宣传、普及食品安全知识 the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 以广告或者其他形式向消费者推荐食品 引导食品生产经营者依法生产经营 14、国家建立食品安全风险监测 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,对食源性疾病、( )以及食品中的有害因素进行监测。[单选题] 食品污染 食品营养成分 食品添加剂 食品消费状况 15、《食品安全法》 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 国家建立食品召回制度。食品生产者发现其生产的食品出现( )的情况,应当立即停止生产,召回已经上市销售的食品,通知相关生产经营者和消费者,并记录召回和通知情况。[单选题] 不符合食品安全标准 技术明显落后于业界水平 食品口感受到公众质疑 食品严重滞销 16、食品安全国家标准是强制执行的标准。公众可以( )查阅食品安全国家标准。[单选题] 付费 免费 付费,但应予优惠 the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 付费,但收费价格可以协商 17、发生食品安全事故的单位应自事故发生之时起( )小时内向所在地县级人民政府卫生行政部门报告。[单选题] 2小时 6小时 12小时 24小时 18、《食品安全法》规定国家对食品生产经营实行许可制度,其中不包括( )。[单选题] 食品生产许可 食品流通许可 食品消费许可 餐饮服务许可 19、预包装食品的包装上应当有标签。以下不属于标签应当标明事项的是( )。[单选题] 保质期和贮存条件 生产者的名称、地址、联系方式 所使用的食品添加剂在国家标准中的通用名称 食品生产经营过程的卫生要求 20、国家建立食品安全信息统一公布制度。下列信息不属于统一公布的是:[单选题] the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 国家食品安全总体情况 重大食品安全事故及其处理信息 食品生产经营行政许可信息 食品安全风险评估信息和食品安全风险警示信息 21、对餐饮用具进行消毒,下列做法正确的有:[多选题] 煮沸、蒸汽消毒保持100?,10分钟以上 煮沸、蒸汽消毒保持85?,5分钟以上 ,20分钟 使用消毒柜的红外线消毒时一般温度控制在120?以上,保持15 洗碗机消毒一般水温控制在85?,冲洗消毒40秒以上 22、农药残留是指农药施用后,残存于生物体、农副产品和环境中的微量农药原体、有毒的代谢物、分解 物和杂质等。去除蔬菜水果农药残留的方法有:[多选题] 浸泡洗涤 整洗 切碎后冲洗 去皮 23、食物中毒的特点是潜伏期短,突然性、集体性暴发,多数表现为肠胃炎的症状,并和食用某种食物有 明显关系。食物中毒时以下急救处理措施正确的是:[多选题] 催吐 the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 洗胃 及时就医 禁止再食用可疑有毒食物 24、食品添加剂促进了食品工业的发展,其主要作用有:[多选题] 防止变质 保持营养价值 改善感官 满足特殊需求 25、集中交易市场的开办者、柜台出租者和展销会举办者,应当:[多选题] 审查入场食品经营者的许可证,明确入场食品经营者的食品安全管理责任 定期对入场食品经营者的经营环境和条件进行检查 发现食品经营者有违反《食品安全法》规定的行为时,及时制止并立即报告所在地县级工商行政管理部门 或者食品药品监督管理部门 在本市场发生食品安全事故时,承担连带责任 26、遇到食品安全问题时应向( )部门投诉。[多选题] 生产领域的食品安全问题向当地质量技术监督部门投诉 进口食品安全问题向国家出入境检验检疫部门投诉 流通环节的食品安全问题向当地工商行政管理部门投诉 the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 餐饮环节的食品安全问题向当地食品药品监督管理部门投诉 27、下列对感染疾病死亡的家禽或家畜的处理,正确的是:[多选题] 不准食用 不准运输 不准销售 不准随意乱丢弃 28、以下人员中不得从事接触直接入口食品的工作的是:[多选题] 患有痢疾的人员 患有病毒性肝炎的人员 患有活动性肺结核的人员 患有化脓性或渗出性皮肤病的人员 29、从事下列活动,必须遵守《食品安全法》的是:[多选题] 食品生产和加工,食品流通和餐饮服务 食品添加剂的生产经营 食品生产经营者使用食品添加剂、食品相关产品 对食品、食品添加剂和食品相关产品的安全管理 30、国家建立食品安全风险评估制度,对食品、食品添加剂中的三类主要危害进行风险评估,评估结果是 制定、修订食品安全标准和对食品安全实施监督管理的科学依据。这三类主要危害包括:[多选题] the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 生物性危害 化学性危害 物理性危害 气候性危害 31、市场销售的食用油主要可分为“浸出油”和“压榨油”。“浸出油”的加工工艺是通过选用某种能够溶解油脂的有机溶剂与油料的接触萃取出来的食用油。“压榨油”的加工工艺是“物理压榨法”,是用物理压榨方式分离的食用油,因此“压榨油”比“浸出油”更加安全。[判断题] 正确 错误 32、酒精度大于或等于10%的饮料酒、食醋、食用盐、固态食糖类、味精等食品标签上可以免除标示保质期。[判断题] 正确 错误 33、牛初乳是乳牛产崽后7天之内的乳汁,营养成分高,同时含有大量的免疫蛋白,适合用于加工婴幼儿配方食品。[判断题] 正确 错误 34、稻谷加工精度越高,制成的大米的外观和口感越好,但营养价值却越低。[判断题] 正确 错误 the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 35、有的食品储存时间长了其性状会发生一些变化。紫菜储存时间稍长会变绿,这说明已经产生毒素,不能食用。[判断题] 正确 错误 36、在餐厅、食堂公示的“餐饮服务食品安全动态等级”中大笑和微笑两种笑脸表示:监管部门最近一次检查中,此餐厅、食堂食品安全等级分别被定为优秀和良好。[判断题] 正确 错误 37、野生鱼自然成长,无需担心非法添加剂等人为食品安全风险,因此一定比人工养殖的更安全。[判断题] 正确 错误 38、保质期不是判断食品是否变质的唯一标准,可能由于存放方式、环境变化等引起过早变质,所以食品应在保质期内尽早食用。[判断题] 正确 错误 39、食用油在高温、阳光照射、与空气长期接触等条件下极易发生氧化反应,产生有害物质,因此应当尽量密封,放在干燥、避光、低温的环境保存。[判断题] 正确 错误 40、生吃海鲜味道鲜美,是最好的食用方式。[判断题] 正确 the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 错误 41、在我国一些地方,民间有食鱼胆可治疗高血压、慢性支气管炎和眼病的说法。日常饮食中可以食用鱼胆来保健。[判断题] 正确 错误 42、有些餐馆的餐盘里会垫一张色彩鲜艳的广告纸,有些人会把食物直接放在上面,这样做是不安全的。[判断题] 正确 错误 43、产品质量长期稳定,企业有完善的质量保证体系,市场占有率高,产品标准达到或严于国家标准要求的食品企业生产的食品可予以免检,对于其他企业生产的食品应免费抽取样品进行检验。[判断题] 正确 错误 44、食品安全,就是指食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的营养要求,对人体健康不造成任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害。[判断题] 正确 错误 45、食品安全国家标准包括食用农产品质量安全标准、食品卫生标准、食品质量标准和有关食品的行业标准。[判断题] 正确 错误 46、生物农药是指直接利用某种生物本身或者该生物分泌的活性物质作为农药,相对于化学农药,这种农药选择性强,低残留,对生态环境影响小。[判断题] the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall 正确 错误 47、经批准可以在饲料中添加的兽药,应当由兽药生产企业制成药物饲料添加剂后方可添加。禁止将原料药直接添加到饲料及动物饮用水中或者直接饲喂动物。[判断题] 正确 错误 48、符合卫生要求、有相应技术水平的企业均可生产食品添加剂。[判断题] 正确 错误 49、刚刚宰杀的肉味道鲜美、营养价值最高,这种肉品消费观念是科学的。[判断题] 正确 错误 50、进口的预包装食品应当有中文标签、中文说明书。[判断题] 正确 错误 the departments focus on Office, actively carry out visits construction problem-solving public policy advocacy, and properly handle various types of petition cases, a total of 289 reception process petition cases and 2132 (times). Attach great importance to safety educationstrengthening the work of letters and calls and security, closer links between the Government and the masses. In order to do the work of letters and calls, and to solve problems for people, our Government Affairs Hall reception of letters and calls into established municipal government reception day system and leadership standing reception of letters and calls system, take advantage of the Government Affairs Hall
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