首页 湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅



湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅 关于进一步加快事业单位岗位设置管理实施工作的通知 鄂人社函„2009?213号 关于进一步加快事业单位岗位设置 管理实施工作的通知 各市、州、县人力资源和社会保障,人事,局~省直各部门、各直属事业单位人事,干部,处: 当前~全省事业单位岗位设置管理实施工作进展缓慢~影响了事业单位人事制度改革和收入分配制度的进一步深入。为进一步加快推进岗位设置管理实施工作~贯彻落实省委办公厅、省政府办公厅•关于印发†湖北省事业单位岗位设置管理试行意见‡的通知?,鄂办发„2008?1号,精神~现...

湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅 关于进一步加快事业单位岗位设置管理实施工作的通知 鄂人社函„2009?213号 关于进一步加快事业单位岗位设置 管理实施工作的通知 各市、州、县人力资源和社会保障,人事,局~省直各部门、各直属事业单位人事,干部,处: 当前~全省事业单位岗位设置管理实施工作进展缓慢~影响了事业单位人事 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 改革和收入分配制度的进一步深入。为进一步加快推进岗位设置管理实施工作~贯彻落实省委办公厅、省政府办公厅•关于印发†湖北省事业单位岗位设置管理试行意见‡的通知?,鄂办发„2008?1号,精神~现就有关事项通知如下: 一、切实增强推进岗位设置管理工作的紧迫性和责任感 建立岗位设置 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 ~是事业单位人事管理制度的重大改革和创新~是进一步深化事业单位人事制度改革的重要内容~也是推进事业单位收入分配制度改革的迫切需要。 continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)-thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution 我省纳入岗位设置管理实施范围的事业单位近3万家~涉及120多万人。截止目前~全省岗位设置管理的政策制度已经基本完备~各地 实施方案 关于机房搬迁实施方案高中班级自主管理实施方案公交公司安全生产实施方案成立校园管乐队的实施方案中层管理人员竞聘上岗实施方案 ,意见,备案批复工作也已完成~但具体实施进度缓慢~已经完成岗位设置方案审批核准的事业单位不到10%~与国家和省委、省政府要求“在今年年底基本完成”的目标还有很大差距,特别是事业单位绩效工资改革将于明年1月1日全面施行~对岗位设置管理工作提出了更加紧迫的要求~形势严峻~任务艰巨。 各地、各部门和事业单位一定要准确把握当前的形势和任务~把思想和认识统一到贯彻落实国家和省委、省政府的工作部署和要求上来~切实增强推进工作的紧迫性和责任感~进一步加强领导~加大力度~集中时间、集中力量~加快推进岗位设置管理实施工作。 二、进一步加快岗位设置管理工作实施进度 各地、各部门和事业单位要按照“年底前基本完成”的目标要求~结合实际~采取有效措施~提高工作效率~加快实施步伐~以倒计时的要求~制定具体可行的工作计划和进度安排~任务到天~责任到人~精心组织~狠抓落实。要采取多种形式加强检查督办~对工作进展缓慢、进度不快的地方~要及时深入调研~帮助解决问题~保持进度平衡。各市、州、直管市、神农架林区要将工作进展情况于每月15日和月底前上报省人力资源和社会保障厅,见附件4,。省直各部门、各直属事业单位要按照鄂办发„2008?1号文件及相关行业指导意见的规定~迅olution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionthiourea s-ighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weon (2gacid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solutinic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric orga acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and ometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloricatomic fluorescence spectrophot-ethod: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generationThe method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt m food. otal determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic ine arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food teasurement results shall not exceed thbit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the twocontinue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, 2 速制定实施方案~加快推进岗位设置管理实施工作。各主管部门要充分发挥组织协调作用~在做好本部门所属事业单位岗位设置实施工作的同时~加强对本系统本行业岗位设置工作的指导~推动工作加快实施。省属事业单位岗位设置方案及相关材料~应于11月30日前报省人力资源和社会保障厅核准。适当时候~省里将组织开展一次全省事业单位岗位设置工作专项督办检查。 三、严格规范开展岗位设置管理实施工作 事业单位岗位设置管理工作政策性强~事关事业单位各方面的利益。各地要严格按照事业单位岗位设置管理试行办法、实施意见、行业指导意见及省厅备案批复的实施方案关于岗位总量、最高等级、结构比例的规定~按程序做好事业单位岗位设置方案的核准工作。对实施工作中出现的新情况、新问题~要加强沟通和汇报~不得随意“开口子”。各部门、各事业单位单位要严格按照核准的岗位设置方案~按程序规范操作岗位设置管理实施工作的各个环节。对不按政策规定进行岗位设置和岗位聘用的单位~不予确认岗位等级、不予兑现工资。情节严重的~要通报批评~按干部管理权限对相关领导和责任人给予相应的纪律处分。 与本通知一同印发的事业单位岗位设置方案核准所需材料标准目录,附件1,、事业单位岗位设置方案范本,附件2,及核准文书范本,附件3,~各地、各部门和事业单位可结合自身实际情况~参考使用。 thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution-ide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)otassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydrox31.3 pmix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. ochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and L hydrhieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to acatomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic -ide generations, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydrsamplepes of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid rmination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all tyeasurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the detebit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-the twoabsorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and 3 四、确保岗位设置管理实施工作平稳有序推进 稳定既是改革的大局~也是改革的底线。各地、各部门和事业单位在实施过程中~要把稳定放在首位~既要积极推进~又要稳慎操作~正确处理改革发展稳定的关系。要坚持以人为本~充分发扬民主~坚持走群众路线~深入细致地做好职工思想政治工作~切实维护好事业单位广大职工的合法权益~最大限度地调动他们参与改革、支持改革的积极性、主动性~确保实施工作顺利推进。 联系人:魏颖 联系电话及传真:027—87826416 附件:1、事业单位岗位设置管理审批所需材料标准目录 2、事业单位岗位设置方案范本 3、核准文书范本 4、事业单位岗位设置管理工作进展情况统计表 湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅 二??九年九月二十五日 olution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionthiourea s-ighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weon (2gacid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solutinic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric orga acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and ometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloricatomic fluorescence spectrophot-ethod: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generationThe method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt m food. otal determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic ine arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food teasurement results shall not exceed thbit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the twocontinue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, 4 附件1: 事业单位岗位设置方案核准所需材料标准目录 ,一,事业单位岗位设置方案 ,二,事业单位岗位设置审核表,鄂人函„2008?88号附件1, ,三,事业单位工作人员登记表,鄂人函„2008?88号附件2, ,四,事业单位岗位设置审核汇总表,鄂办发„2008?1号附件3, ,五,机构编制部门和主管部门关于确定该单位编制数和领导职数的文件 ,六,超编人员经组织、人事、劳动部门办理相关手续进入单位的有关材料 ,七,事业单位领导班子成员任职文件 ,八,需要说明的事项 thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution-ide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)otassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydrox31.3 pmix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. ochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and L hydrhieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to acatomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic -ide generations, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydrsamplepes of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid rmination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all tyeasurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the detebit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-the twoabsorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and 5 附件2: 事业单位岗位设置方案范本 ××单位岗位设置方案 一、单位基本情况 ,一,机构规格:根据××文件~××单位为×级单位。 ,二,功能任务:根据××文件~××单位主要社会功能是××~主要工作任务一是××,二是××,三是××…… ,三,领导职数:根据××文件~××单位领导职数为×正×副。 ,四,内设机构: 根据××文件~××单位内设×个机构~分别是……。 ,五,人员编制:根据××文件~××单位编制数位×。 二、人员基本情况 ××单位现有正式工作人员×人~其中管理人员×人~专业技术人员×人~工勤技能人员×人。 管理人员中现有正厅级×人~副厅级×人~正处级×人~副处级×人~正科级×人~副科级×人。 专业技术人员中~现有专业技术高级人员×人~其中正高级×人~专业技术中级人员×人~专业技术初级人员×人~现有高、中、初级人员结构比例为×:×:×。 工勤技能人员中~现有高级技师×人~技师×人~高级工olution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionthiourea s-ighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weon (2gacid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solutinic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric orga acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and ometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloricatomic fluorescence spectrophot-ethod: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generationThe method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt m food. otal determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic ine arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food teasurement results shall not exceed thbit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the twocontinue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, 6 ×人~中级工×人~初级工×人~普通工×人。 三、岗位设置方案 根据鄂办发„2008?1号文件精神及相关行业指导意见~结合本单位和人员实际情况~拟按如下方案进行岗位设置: ,一,岗位总量:×个~其中管理岗位×个~专业技术岗位×个~工勤技能岗位×个。 ,二,管理岗位:三级岗位×个~四级岗位×个~五级岗位×个~六级岗位×个~七级岗位×个~八级岗位×个~九级岗位×个~十级岗位×个。 ,三,专业技术岗位:高级岗位×个~中级岗位×个~初级岗位×个~高、中、初级岗位结构比例为×:×:×。其中~四级岗位×个~五级岗位×个~六级岗位×个~七级岗位×个~五、六、七级岗位结构比例为×:×:×,八级岗位×个~九级岗位×个~十级岗位×个~八、九、十级岗位结构比例为×:×:×,十一级岗位×个~十二级岗位×个~十三集岗位×个~十一、十二级岗位结构比例为×:×。 ,四,工勤技能岗位:一级岗位×个~二级岗位×个~三级岗位×个~四级岗位×个~五级岗位×个。其中一、二级占工勤技能岗位的×%~一、二、三级占工勤技能岗位的×%。 四、首次设岗方案 考虑本单位人员现状和工作实际~首次开展岗位设置时~拟按如下方案设置岗位: ,一,岗位总量:×个~其中管理岗位×个~专业技术岗thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution-ide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)otassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydrox31.3 pmix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. ochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and L hydrhieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to acatomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic -ide generations, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydrsamplepes of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid rmination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all tyeasurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the detebit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-the twoabsorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and 7 位×个~工勤技能岗位×个。 ,二,管理岗位:三级岗位×个~四级岗位×个~五级岗位×个~六级岗位×个~七级岗位×个~八级岗位×个~九级岗位×个~十级岗位×个。 ,三,专业技术岗位:高级岗位×个~中级岗位×个~初级岗位×个~高、中、初级岗位结构比例为×:×:×。其中~四级岗位×个~五级岗位×个~六级岗位×个~七级岗位×个~五、六、七级岗位结构比例为×:×:×,八级岗位×个~九级岗位×个~十级岗位×个~八、九、十级岗位结构比例为×:×:×,十一级岗位×个~十二级岗位×个~十三集岗位×个~十一、十二级岗位结构比例为×:×。 ,四,工勤技能岗位:一级岗位×个~二级岗位×个~三级岗位×个~四级岗位×个~五级岗位×个。其中一、二级占工勤技能岗位的×%~一、二、三级占工勤技能岗位的×%。 五、需要请示说明的问题 ,略, olution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionthiourea s-ighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weon (2gacid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solutinic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric orga acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and ometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloricatomic fluorescence spectrophot-ethod: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generationThe method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt m food. otal determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic ine arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food teasurement results shall not exceed thbit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the twocontinue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, 8 附件3: 核准文书范本 关于核准××岗位设置方案的批复 ××: 根据•关于印发†事业单位岗位设置管理试行办法‡的通知?,国人部发„2006?70号,、•省委办公厅 省政府办公厅关于印发†湖北省事业单位岗位设置管理试行意见‡的通知?,鄂办发„2008?1号,及相关行业岗位设置指导意见的精神和要求~结合你单位实际情况~经研究~现就你单位岗位设置方案批复如下: 一、核准岗位设置方案 根据你单位功能、规格、规模、隶属关系和事业发展需要~核准你单位岗位设置方案如下: ,一,岗位总量:×个~其中管理岗位×个~占×%,专业技术岗位×个~占×%,工勤技能岗位×个~占×%。 ,二,结构比例:专业技术高、中、初级岗位结构比例为×:×:×~其中~五、六、七级岗位结构比例为×:×:×~八、九、十级岗位结构比例为×:×:×~十一、十二级岗位结构比例为×:×,工勤技能岗位一、二级占工勤技能岗位的×%~工勤技能岗位一、二、三级占工勤技能岗位的×%。 ,三,最高等级:根据××文件~管理岗位最高等级为×thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution-ide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)otassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydrox31.3 pmix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. ochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and L hydrhieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to acatomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic -ide generations, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydrsamplepes of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid rmination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all tyeasurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the detebit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-the twoabsorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and 9 级,专业技术岗位最高等级依据工作需要~按规定程序和权限申报核准后确定~其中~专业技术辅系列岗位的最高等级应低于主系列岗位的最高等级,工勤技能岗位最高等级为×级。 核准岗位设置方案见附表。 二、首次岗位设置方案 考虑你单位人员现状和工作实际~首次开展岗位设置时~可按如下方案设置岗位: 岗位总量×个,其中~管理岗位×个~占×%~最高等级为×级,专业技术岗位×个~占×%~其中高级岗位×个~中级岗位×个~初级岗位×个,工勤技能岗位×个~占×%~最高等级为×级。 首次岗位设置方案见附表。 三、有关要求 ,一,首次进行岗位设置和岗位聘用时~现有人员结构比例超过本批复第一条核准的岗位结构比例的~应通过自然减员、调出、解聘、低聘等办法过渡~在规定的过渡期内逐步达到本批复核准的岗位结构比例,尚未达到核准的岗位结构比例的~要严格控制岗位聘用数量~根据事业发展需要和人员队伍状况等逐年逐步到位~不得突击聘用人员~不得突击聘用职务。 ,二,本批复第一条核准的岗位设置方案应保持相对稳定~岗位设置完成后~因工作需要~确需发生变更的~应按规定程序向核准部门提出申请……,视具体单位提出具体要求, ,三,事业单位工作人员两类岗位任职按鄂人事岗„2009?olution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionthiourea s-ighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weon (2gacid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solutinic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric orga acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and ometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloricatomic fluorescence spectrophot-ethod: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generationThe method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt m food. otal determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic ine arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food teasurement results shall not exceed thbit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the twocontinue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, 10 1号文件的有关规定办理。本批复核准的正高级专业技术岗位均暂定为四级岗位~需要设置专业技术一、二、三级岗位的~应按国家、省和相关行业指导意见的有关规定~按规定程序、管理权限申报审批。 ,四,请按照本批复的有关意见~迅速制定岗位设置实施方案并组织实施~在×年×月底前完成岗位设置实施工作~并按照鄂人事岗„2009?1号文件的规定~报送岗位设置和岗位聘用工作认定材料~由人力资源和社会保障部门组织认定。 ,五,请按照本批复第一条核准的岗位设置方案做好本单位岗位设置工作~不得随意突破,并按批复的首次设岗方案~按照有关规定~做好首次岗位设置和人员聘用工作。 附件:××岗位设置核准表 ××人力资源和社会保障,人事,局 二??×年×月×日 thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution-ide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)otassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydrox31.3 pmix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. ochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and L hydrhieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to acatomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic -ide generations, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydrsamplepes of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid rmination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all tyeasurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the detebit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-the twoabsorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and 11 附件: ××岗位设置核准表 一、岗位设置核准意见 岗位总量 类别 管理岗位 专业技术岗位 工勤技能岗位 比例 数量 等级 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 管理 岗位 数量 层级 高 级 中 级 初 级 比例 专业数量 技术等级 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 十三 岗位 比例 数量 一、二级岗位占工勤岗位总量技术工 普通工 工勤等级 的 %~一、二、三级岗位占工勤技能一 二 三 四 五 岗位总量的 %。 岗位 数量 二、首次岗位设置意见 岗位总量 类别 管理岗位 专业技术岗位 工勤技能岗位 数量 等级 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 管理 岗位 数量 层级 高 级 中 级 初 级 专业数量 技术等级 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 十三 岗位 数量 技术工 普通工 工勤等级 技能一 二 三 四 五 岗位 数量 注:专业技术四级岗位数量为正高级岗位总量。需要设置一二三级岗位的,应按有关 规定申报审批。 olution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionthiourea s-ighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weon (2gacid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solutinic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric orga acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and ometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloricatomic fluorescence spectrophot-ethod: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generationThe method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt m food. otal determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic ine arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food teasurement results shall not exceed thbit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the twocontinue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, 12 附件4: 事业单位岗位设置管理工作进展情况统计表 市州: 局主要负责人:(签字) 日期: 年 月 日 纳入岗位设置事业单位数(个) 应设置岗位总数(个) 已上报岗位设置方案的单 已上报岗位设置方案 位,个, 单位的比例,%, 本月已上报岗位设置方案本月已上报岗位设置 的单位,个, 方案单位的比例,%, 已完成备案核准的岗位总已完成备案核准的比 数,个, 例,%, 本月完成备案核准的岗位本月完成备案核准的 数,个, 比例,%, 已完成人员聘用的岗位总已完成人员聘用的比 数,个, 例,%, 本月完成人员聘用的岗位本月完成人员聘用的 数,个, 比例,%, 统计人: 联系电话:thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution-ide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)otassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydrox31.3 pmix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. ochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and L hydrhieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to acatomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic -ide generations, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydrsamplepes of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid rmination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all tyeasurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the detebit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-the twoabsorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and 13 olution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solutionthiourea s-ighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weon (2gacid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solutinic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric orga acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and ometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloricatomic fluorescence spectrophot-ethod: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generationThe method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt m food. otal determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic ine arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food teasurement results shall not exceed thbit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent m-to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the twocontinue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, 14
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