首页 地理校本教材的编写与



地理校本教材的编写与地理校本教材的编写与 《地理校本教材的编写与 学生综合实践能力的培养》 开题报告 单位:北京市京源学校 课题负责人:林 琳 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, o...

地理校本教材的编写与 《地理校本教材的编写与 学生综合实践能力的培养》 开 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 单位:北京市京源学校 课题负责人:林 琳 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 《地理校本教材的编写与学生综合实践能力的培养》 开题论证报告 北京市京源学校 林 琳 一:问题的提出 1.研究的意义 (1) 课题提出的背景 三届全教会明确提出:实施素质教育的重点是培养学生的实践能力和创新精神。实践是创新的源泉,时践是检验创新的标准,实践是检验创新的场所。 培养学生的实践能力和创新能力,是全面提高学生素质的关键。而国家统一课程的开发注重基础性和统一性,忽视差异性和个性。对于培养学生的综合实践能力缺乏灵活性和实践性。而校本课程的开发,强调以学校为基地、与外部力量合作、充分利用学校内外的课程资源。因此校本科城市国家 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 课程的重要补充。(《校本课程开发》崔允郭)在教育教学改革中,校本课程开发的问题也开始提到课程改革的议事日程上来。 校本课程的开发离不开校本教材的开发和编写,它是校本课程开发的先决条件和依托。据我们了解,我国校本科程开发还处在刚刚被介绍进来的阶段,校本教材编写大都以手抄本形式存在,即不规范,在指导学生的实践活动中,也缺乏针对性,从而显得比较盲目和随意。 (2) 地理校本教材的界定 地理校本教材是教师(或学校)根据自己的教育理念,在对学校学生的需求和兴趣(地理方面的),进行系统评估的基础personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 上,充分利用当地社区和学校的教育资源,通过自行研讨、设计或与专业研究人员或其他力量合作等方式编制出的具有本校特色的教材。 (3) 学生综合实践能力的界定 学生综合实践能力如图所示: 为了更好的培养学生的实践能力,为给我校校本课程的开设提供参考,基于我校已有的较丰富的地理课外活动经验和资料(我们已编出校本教材的初稿),因此,我校提出将地理校本教材的编写与学生实践能力的培养的研究作为十五研究课题。 2(研究现状和突破点 根据查阅资料,搜集信息发现,我国校本课程的开发还在起步阶段,在这方面上海市已走到了前边,上海实验中学已有二十年personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 的实践经验,并取得了一定成效。北京地理校本教材的编写尚处于初级阶段,尚无一本正式的地理校本教材,现有的校本教材大多是各校老师自己编写的手抄本,比较零散,对于指导地理综合实践活动缺乏系统性和针对性。老师在组织地理综合实践活动时,常常是为了组织活动而组织活动,对于学生综合实践能力的培养很盲目,既缺乏针对性,也缺乏时效性。 突破点在于编写至少一本具有针对性和实效性的地理校本教材,探讨我校课程改革中,学生综合实践能力培养的新 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 ,新途径。 3(研究假设 (1)教师进行社区课题研究,开发教育教学资源场地,总结课外 活动经验和资料,编制校本教材。 (2)学生能按要求完成实践课题,撰写小论文,完成小制作,标 本的采集、制作和分析等,并形成学生作品。 (3)结校本教材编写的技巧和策略,探讨我校校本教材编写的新 方法、新途径,建立我校校本课程开发的新机制。 4(可行性分析 (1).本课题将在区教科所王能智、区进修学校教研员王守民老师 指导下进行。 (2).本课题得到了学校领导的高度重视和大力支持,已同区有关 单位成为合作关系。 (3).课题组成员大部分已成为区地理教学的中坚力量,具有一定 教科研能力,而且已形成精诚合作的良好风气和优良传统。 (4).我校现已编成一本地理校本教材的初稿,有了一定的研究基 础。 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 二(研究方法 1(研究对象 我校部分学生。 2(研究方法 本课题的实验进程采用经验总结法、问卷发、行动研究法,对校本教材的编写采用调查法,实验法,测量法,经验总结法,对课题组成员采用任务驱动法。 (1)具体操作: 教师学习有关校本教材的编写、地理课外实践活动的设计、 研究性学习、探究性学习教学理论与课程理论,提高教育教 学理论水平,了解我区区域开发情况及相关领域知识,进行 校本教材的校园基地的场地勘察、建设,提高老师的实践指 导能力,积累编制校本教材的资料,促进我校课程改革的进 程,全面培养学生的综合实践能力。 (2)效果检测 ?编写我校地理校本教材,并请专家论证。 ?利用建设的校园基地,在校内地理教学中尝试使用校本教材, 组织学生开展综合实践活动,展示学生作品,并请专家进行 评价。 三(研究程序 本课题两年内完成 1(2001年9月至2001年11月为准备阶段 主要任务是拟定研究题目,确定研究 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,对课题组成员明确任务和分工,学习有关校本教材的编写、地理课外实践活动设计、研究性学习等教学理论与课程理论,收集相关资料。 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 2(2001年12月至此2002年12月为实验阶段 主要任务是根据我校教育教学特点,结合我校具体情况,分析研究我区教育资源,有目的的组织学生地理课外实践活动,总结经验和教训,编写地理校本教材,从而培养学生的综合实践能力。 课题研究的步骤如下: (1)整理课外实践活动中,学生综合实践能力培养中出现的问题, 确定校本课程开发研究方向。 (2)通过各种途径,采用多种形式搜集课题数据资料,整理资料。 进行数据资料的筛选、归类、统计、分析。 (3)形成预测或假设,与相关机构进行研讨、验证假设。 4)形成课题解决方案。 ( 3(2003年1月至2003年9月为结题阶段 主要任务是形成科研成果,成果形式是:研究报告、论文、校本教材和学生成果展示。 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political
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