首页 火影__青鸟_歌词_中日罗马音



火影__青鸟_歌词_中日罗马音火影__青鸟_歌词_中日罗马音 羽(は)ばたいたら ha ba ta i ta ra 【如果振翅高飞的话】 (戻)もどらないといって mo do re na i to i~ te 【我说过不会再回来的】 (目指)めざしたのは me za shi ta no wa 【目标是】 (苍)あおい (苍)あおい あのそら(空) a o i a o i a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 (悲か)なしみはまだ(覚)おぼえられず ka na shi mi wa ma da o bo e r...

火影__青鸟_歌词_中日罗马音 羽(は)ばたいたら ha ba ta i ta ra 【如果振翅高飞的话】 (戻)もどらないといって mo do re na i to i~ te 【我说过不会再回来的】 (目指)めざしたのは me za shi ta no wa 【目标是】 (苍)あおい (苍)あおい あのそら(空) a o i a o i a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 (悲か)なしみはまだ(覚)おぼえられず ka na shi mi wa ma da o bo e ra re zu 【还没能记住那份悲伤】 今)いまつかみ(始)はじめた (切)せつなさは( se tsu na sa wa i ma tsu ka mi ha ji me ta 【就开始了解到了苦闷】 あなたへと抱(だ)く この感情(かんじょう)も a na ta he to da ku ko no kan jou u mo 【怀着对你的这份感情】 今(いま)言叶(ことば)に変(か)わっていく i ma ko to ba ni ka wa~ te i ku 【现在化作千言万语】 未知(みち)なる世界(せかい)の 游迷(ゆめ)から目覚(めざ)めて mi chi na ru se ka i no yu me ka ra me za me te 【从未知世界的梦中醒来】 この羽根(はね)を広(ひろ)げ 飞(と)び立(た)つ ko no ha ne o hi ro ge to bi da zu 【展开翅膀 飞向天空】 羽(は)ばたいたら ha ba ta i ta ra 【如果振翅高飞的话】 real, in each pen business lending Qian not for by pen query, led to mortgage failure of. (Vi) not in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Bank operation, failed to identify false documents, certificates, authorizations, warrants, etc. (VII) in the credit risk management system to provide false information, is not required by the guest rating credit management objective, impartial ratings of credit, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (H) the investigation report conclusions of false record, misleading statement or material omission, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (I) the orders, directives, orders, suggest that others not involved in the investigation business, issued by the investigators. (10) without the approval of authorities, after the first credit investigation, credit first and then record, counter-current process operations such as operation prior to approval. (11) article does not meet the risk management Department, Marketing Management Department to carry out supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations or providing false information. (12) other violations result in credit business at substantial risk or significant potential risk behaviours. Sixth chapter supplementary articles article 28th of this approach by the Head Office of risk management Department is responsible for the interpretation and amendment. 29th spontaneous herein from the date of implementation. Qilu silver computer transmission of qilu Bank documents (2012), No. 289Qilu Bank personal credit on issuing the Notification Guide to business risk management branch, jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of business lines, Jinan branch, head office departments within its jurisdiction: in order to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promotion of 戻(もど)らないといって mo do ra na i to i~ te 【我说过不会再回来的】 目指(めざ)したのは me za shi ta no wa 【目标是】 白(しろ)い 白い あの云(くも) shi ro i shi ro i a no ku mo 【那雪白的 雪白的云】 突(つ)き抜(ぬ)けたら tsu ki nu ke ta ra 【如果能够穿越的话】 见(み)つかると知(し)って mi zu ka ru to shi~ te 【我知道能够找到】 振(ふ)り切(き)るほど fu ri ki ru ho do 【如果能够竭力摆脱】 苍(あお)い 苍い あの空(そら) a o i aoi a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 苍(あお)い 苍い あの空(そら) a o i aoi a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 苍(あお)い 苍い あの空(そら) a o i aoi a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 爱想(あいそう)尽(つ)きたような音(おと)で a i so u ~ tsu ki ta yo u na o to de 【用好像爱的回忆那渐尽的声音】 real, in each pen business lending Qian not for by pen query, led to mortgage failure of. (Vi) not in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Bank operation, failed to identify false documents, certificates, authorizations, warrants, etc. (VII) in the credit risk management system to provide false information, is not required by the guest rating credit management objective, impartial ratings of credit, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (H) the investigation report conclusions of false record, misleading statement or material omission, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (I) the orders, directives, orders, suggest that others not involved in the investigation business, issued by the investigators. (10) without the approval of authorities, after the first credit investigation, credit first and then record, counter-current process operations such as operation prior to approval. (11) article does not meet the risk management Department, Marketing Management Department to carry out supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations or providing false information. (12) other violations result in credit business at substantial risk or significant potential risk behaviours. Sixth chapter supplementary articles article 28th of this approach by the Head Office of risk management Department is responsible for the interpretation and amendment. 29th spontaneous herein from the date of implementation. Qilu silver computer transmission of qilu Bank documents (2012), No. 289Qilu Bank personal credit on issuing the Notification Guide to business risk management branch, jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of business lines, Jinan branch, head office departments within its jurisdiction: in order to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promotion of 锖(さ)びれた古(ふる)い窓(まど)は壊(こわ)れた sa bi re ta fu ru i ma do wa ko wo re ta 【打破锈迹斑斑的旧窗户】 见饱(みあ)きたカゴは mi a ki ta ka go wa 【厌倦了过去】 はら舍(す)てていく ha ra su te te i ku 【那就抛弃吧】 振(ふ)り返(かえ)ることはもうない fu ri ka e ru ko to wa mo~na i 【已经再也不能回头】 高鸣(たかな)る鼓动(こどう)に ta ka na ru ko do~u ni 【剧烈的心跳】 呼吸(こきゅう)共鸣(あず)けて ko kyu~u a zu ke te 【与呼吸共鸣】 この窓(まど)を蹴(け)って ko no ma do o ke~ te 【踢开这扇窗户】 飞(と)び立(た)つ to bi ta zu 【飞向天空】 駆(か)け出(だ)したら ka ke da shi ta la 【如果奋力奔跑】 手(て)にできると言(い)って te ni de ki ru to i~ te 【我说过我一定会做到】 いざなうのは i za na u no wa 【吸引我的事】 real, in each pen business lending Qian not for by pen query, led to mortgage failure of. (Vi) not in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Bank operation, failed to identify false documents, certificates, authorizations, warrants, etc. (VII) in the credit risk management system to provide false information, is not required by the guest rating credit management objective, impartial ratings of credit, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (H) the investigation report conclusions of false record, misleading statement or material omission, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (I) the orders, directives, orders, suggest that others not involved in the investigation business, issued by the investigators. (10) without the approval of authorities, after the first credit investigation, credit first and then record, counter-current process operations such as operation prior to approval. (11) article does not meet the risk management Department, Marketing Management Department to carry out supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations or providing false information. (12) other violations result in credit business at substantial risk or significant potential risk behaviours. Sixth chapter supplementary articles article 28th of this approach by the Head Office of risk management Department is responsible for the interpretation and amendment. 29th spontaneous herein from the date of implementation. Qilu silver computer transmission of qilu Bank documents (2012), No. 289Qilu Bank personal credit on issuing the Notification Guide to business risk management branch, jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of business lines, Jinan branch, head office departments within its jurisdiction: in order to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promotion of 远(とお)い 远い あの声(こえ) to o i do oi a no ko e 【那遥远的 遥远的声音】 眩(まぶ)しすぎた ma bu shi su gi ta 【即使看不清楚】 あなたの手(て)も握(にぎ)って a na ta no te mo ni gi ~te 【只要握住你的手】 求(もと)めるほど mo to me ru ho do 【追寻的是】 苍(あお)い 苍い あの空(そら) a o i a o i a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 堕(お)ちていくと o chi te i ku to 【渐渐坠落的时候】 分(わ)かっていた wa ka~ te i ta 【我虽然也明白】 それでも so re de mo 【即使如此】 光(ひかり)を追(お)い続(つづ)けいくよ hi ka ri o o i tsu zu ke i ku yo 【追逐着光芒飞翔】 羽(は)ばたいたら ha ba ta i ta ra 【如果振翅高飞的话】 real, in each pen business lending Qian not for by pen query, led to mortgage failure of. (Vi) not in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Bank operation, failed to identify false documents, certificates, authorizations, warrants, etc. (VII) in the credit risk management system to provide false information, is not required by the guest rating credit management objective, impartial ratings of credit, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (H) the investigation report conclusions of false record, misleading statement or material omission, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (I) the orders, directives, orders, suggest that others not involved in the investigation business, issued by the investigators. (10) without the approval of authorities, after the first credit investigation, credit first and then record, counter-current process operations such as operation prior to approval. (11) article does not meet the risk management Department, Marketing Management Department to carry out supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations or providing false information. (12) other violations result in credit business at substantial risk or significant potential risk behaviours. Sixth chapter supplementary articles article 28th of this approach by the Head Office of risk management Department is responsible for the interpretation and amendment. 29th spontaneous herein from the date of implementation. Qilu silver computer transmission of qilu Bank documents (2012), No. 289Qilu Bank personal credit on issuing the Notification Guide to business risk management branch, jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of business lines, Jinan branch, head office departments within its jurisdiction: in order to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promotion of 戻(もど)らないといって mo do re na i to i~ te 【我说过不会再回来的】 探(さが)したのは sa ga shi ta no wa 【追寻的是】 白(しろ)い 白い あの云(くも) shi ro i shi ro i a no ku mo 【那雪白的 雪白的云】 突(つ)き抜(ぬ)けたら tsu ki nu ke ta ra 【如果能够穿越的话】 见(み)つかると知(し)って mi zu ka ru to shi~ te 【我知道能够找到】 振(ふ)り切(き)るほど fu ri ki ru ho do 【如果能够竭力摆脱】 苍(あお)い 苍い あの空(そら) a o i aoi a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 苍(あお)い 苍い あの空(そら) a o i aoi a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 苍(あお)い 苍い あの空(そら) a o i a o i a no so ra 【那蔚蓝的 蔚蓝的天空】 real, in each pen business lending Qian not for by pen query, led to mortgage failure of. (Vi) not in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Bank operation, failed to identify false documents, certificates, authorizations, warrants, etc. (VII) in the credit risk management system to provide false information, is not required by the guest rating credit management objective, impartial ratings of credit, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (H) the investigation report conclusions of false record, misleading statement or material omission, resulting in credit decision-making errors. (I) the orders, directives, orders, suggest that others not involved in the investigation business, issued by the investigators. (10) without the approval of authorities, after the first credit investigation, credit first and then record, counter-current process operations such as operation prior to approval. (11) article does not meet the risk management Department, Marketing Management Department to carry out supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations or providing false information. (12) other violations result in credit business at substantial risk or significant potential risk behaviours. Sixth chapter supplementary articles article 28th of this approach by the Head Office of risk management Department is responsible for the interpretation and amendment. 29th spontaneous herein from the date of implementation. Qilu silver computer transmission of qilu Bank documents (2012), No. 289Qilu Bank personal credit on issuing the Notification Guide to business risk management branch, jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of business lines, Jinan branch, head office departments within its jurisdiction: in order to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promotion of
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