首页 2012天津高考满分作文



2012天津高考满分作文2012天津高考满分作文 阅读下面的材料,按照要求作文。 两条小鱼一起游泳,遇到一条老鱼从另一方向游来,老鱼向他们点点头,说:“早上好,孩子们,水怎么样,”两条小鱼一怔,接着往前游。游了一会儿,其中一条小鱼看了另一条小鱼一眼,忍不住说:“水到底是什么东西,”看来,有些最常见而又不可或缺的东西,恰恰最容易被我们忽视;有些看似简单的事情,却能够引发我们深入思考„„请根据以上材料,自选角度,自拟题目,自选文体(诗歌除外),写一篇不少于800字的文章。不得套作,不得抄袭。 点评:采用寓言做材料的,从选才角度,增加了考...

2012天津高考满分作文 阅读下面的 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 ,按照 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 作文。 两条小鱼一起游泳,遇到一条老鱼从另一方向游来,老鱼向他们点点头,说:“早上好,孩子们,水怎么样,”两条小鱼一怔,接着往前游。游了一会儿,其中一条小鱼看了另一条小鱼一眼,忍不住说:“水到底是什么东西,”看来,有些最常见而又不可或缺的东西,恰恰最容易被我们忽视;有些看似简单的事情,却能够引发我们深入思考„„请根据以上材料,自选角度,自拟题目,自选文体(诗歌除外),写一篇不少于800字的文章。不得套作,不得抄袭。 点评:采用寓言做材料的,从选才角度,增加了考生哲理思辨能力的考察。文体要抓住“水”和“鱼”的关系,鱼生活在水中,水是鱼最熟悉的环境和物质,但是鱼却分不清楚。生活中,我们常常这样,对极熟悉的事物往往熟视无睹,这也提示我们反思自己的生活,珍惜身边的人或事物。该作文题提供了较为广阔的想象空间、思维空间和认知空间,能调动考生平时积累,使其从中发掘出一定的形象性、思辨性、审美性的内涵。考生可以自主选择体裁,展示自己的写作个性,考生可以充分发挥想象力和创造力,叙事或抒情,有助于引导考生树立积极的情感、态度、价值观,体现了新课程改革关注学生主体、关注学生独特情感体验的理念 2012年天津高考(微博)作文题依旧延续了给材料自命题作文的命题样式。通过一则小寓言——老鱼和小鱼关于水的不同感知,引导学生思考如何去感知周围的世界,如何从身边平凡的生活中体味到丰富的情感,如何从司空见惯的事情中挖掘出深刻的道理。 材料中老鱼和小鱼关于水的对话,今人想起西方的一句 名言 关于文明礼仪的名言关于文明的名言关于礼貌的名言名言下载创新有关的古诗文名言 “鱼儿对于它始终生活在其中的水却感之不多”。其实我们人亦如此。我们往往对身边朝夕相处的人、昼夜相伴的环境熟视无睹,无所动于衷,其实他们才是我们生命中最重要的。庄子“涸辙之鲋”的寓言中说:“吾失我常与,我无所处。”意思是说一旦离开了赖以生存的环境,我们就难以生存下去了。这个世界上最宝贵的东西都是免费的,却是我们不可或缺的:空气、阳光、水??????人间至真无上的亲情。 这则寓言所表达的哲理也“看似寻常最奇崛”。它提醒我们多去关注身边的那些平凡中的伟大、那些琐事中的感动。其实,生活中从来不缺少感动,缺少的只是发现而已。最近大江南北涌现出的那些“最美妈妈”“最美女孩”“最美教师”“最美司机”??????不都是实证吗?希望青edit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the ptestructure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commimbindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pler 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal crssion guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4ated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan bus, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact piness. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and sterson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on Serengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 年学子们能够擦亮观察生活的眼睛,培养一颗敏锐的心灵,多去关注身边的人和事,多去观察周围的生活,学会从简单的事情中领悟深刻的道理,从身边的平凡世界步入诗意的人生。 2012年全国高考天津卷作文题采用材料作文形式,由寓言及提示语两部分构成,其中寓言摘译自美国作家华莱士在肯尼恩学院毕业典礼上的英文讲演稿。该题具有以下特点: 1.清新活泼 材料所给寓言中,老鱼问小鱼“水怎么样”,小鱼由茫然不知所答到忍不住发问“水到底是什么东西”,老鱼问得看似寻常却饱含关切之情,小鱼问得虽然懵懂而不乏天真之态,情节活泼,叙述灵动,会使考生感到亲切,写作心态轻松。寓言前后二问不是对答,却暗含联系,意味深长,情趣盎然,发人深思。 2.意蕴丰富 材料中简短的提示语“最常见的东西,往往最容易被忽视”“看似简单的事情,能引发我们深入思考”,不仅恰到好处地点明看似浅显的寓言中所深含的意蕴,而且可引发考生从人、社会、自然等不同层面,选择自己熟悉的切入点,如亲情、友情、幸福、传统、礼仪、道德和环境等,进行“我(或我们)忽视了什么”、“为什么会忽视”、“忽视了会怎样”、“怎样才能不忽视”等不同层次的深入思考,也可以小见大,对身边的一些社会现象和问题进行理性探究和多元思考,为考生写作提供了积极的引导,开放有度,探究可控。 3.贴近考生 该作文题提供了较为广阔的想象空间、思维空间和认知空间,能调动考生平时积累,使其从中发掘出一定的形象性、思辨性、审美性的内涵。考生可以自主选择体裁,展示自己的写作个性,考生可以充分发挥想象力和创造力,叙事或抒情;长于理性思维的考生可以展示自己的思辨能力和探究能力,撰写议论文或哲思小品……有助于引导考生树立积极的情感、态度、价值观,体现了新课程改革关注学生主体、关注学生独特情感体验的理念。 ptembindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pler 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, accordinease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4g to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Ban, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact pk practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of theerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on Se Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 【解析】 根据提示内容,写作对象限定为: 1、常见的不可或缺容易被忽视的而实际上不该忽视东西。材料中相对应的东西是存在其中的对于鱼的生存有不可或缺的作用而这种作用又被鱼所忽视的水。 2、看似简单实际上不简单的事情。材料中相对应的事情是鱼在水中游来游去。 3、对上面两项内容中的一项或两项引发的思考的相关内容。材料中对应的是小鱼在老鱼的提示下开始思考“水是什么东西”。 对于人类来说,我们会容易地想到有四样东西及其组合而衍生出来的东西是符合第一个条件的,它们是土地、水、阳光、空气。人们在这它们组合而衍生出的很多种植物如粮食,及由它们和植物组合而衍生的一些动物如牛羊,都符合第一个条件。人生活在土地、水、阳光、空气中并依赖这四样东西生存,这个事情看似简单而实则不简单。这是符合第二个条件的。 我们不容易想到的如亲情友情道德信仰,也构成我们个体的人的生存的精神环境,比如真诚守信,抽象一点,也符合常见不可或缺容易被忽视的条件。是可以作为写作对象的。 从故事及提示中看,有一个隐含其中的一个重要的要求,就是要写人类对于常见的东西或简单的事情的那种不可或缺的依赖关系,即那些东西或事情对于人类生存的无可替代的重要作用。从而提醒人类应该懂得对平常简单的事物的感恩、珍惜和爱护。这应该成为作文的最佳立意。 我写此文,可能会写“粮食是什么东西”,告诉人们粮食是土地水阳光空气变化而成的为人类生存提供身体和能量的人类的必需品。是跟父母一样给我们提供生命的东西。我们应该对粮食怀有跟对父母一样的感恩报恩之心之行,好好珍惜爱护粮食;可能会写“诚敬是什么东西”,告诉人们诚敬就是善行美德的源头,幸福人生的根基,像土地水阳光空气一样普通平常而不可或缺。一份诚敬得一分利益,十分诚敬得十分利益。例子就用那个铁路巡路工的故事,用这个故事讲一讲对己诚对人敬,成就美好人生,赢得人人尊敬的道理,引导人们对工作对生活,对事业对爱情,“反身以诚”。 感受爱,感恩爱 都说世界上最珍贵的都是免费的东西,而这些免费的东西又都是看似细如灰尘的东西,所以极易让人忽视它们的存在。鱼儿不能缺水,但就在这最需要的东西里面,它都没有细心去感知水是清澈或浑浊。我们人也是一样,常常忽略身边最不起眼的,最平凡的那些爱。要用心去感受爱,感谢爱。 有些爱摆在我们面前,我们却当那是理所当然,完全看不到它对自己有多珍贵。我们学不会感受,学不会感谢,甚至常常抱怨,常常恶语相向。 edit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the ptestructure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commimbindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pler 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal crssion guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4ated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan bus, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact piness. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and sterson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on Serengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 就拿父母的爱来说吧,都说“可怜天下父母心”。父母对子女的爱是天下最无私的爱,是不讲条件的爱,是这个世界上任何人都不能相提并论的爱。“浪子回头金不换”,无论我们犯了多大的错误,无论我们做了多少伤害他们的事情,他们都会无条件地原谅。父母的爱,如春天里的缕缕微风,抚摸着我们稚嫩的脸颊;父母的爱,像夏天里的习习凉风,掠去我们 父母的爱,似秋天的累累硕果,让我们解渴,给我们的心田注入了甘泉;父母的心中的燥热; 爱,仿佛冬天的烈日,赶跑我们心中的严寒。 记得那是上初中的时候,那次因为一点小事跟母亲拌了嘴,于是赌气,晚饭也不吃就去上学了。下了晚自习开始饥肠辘辘,后悔当初没把肚子填饱再出门。在出校门的那一刻我看见一个熟悉的身影向我走来,是我的母亲她手里拿着一个大大的冒着热气的鸡腿,说:“孩子,饿了吧,赶紧把它吃了。”当时我的眼泪就夺眶而出,我一边流泪一边啃着鸡腿,反思着这样的爱,是呀,他们用无声的爱呵护我们健康快乐地成长,而我们却把这种爱当做一件理所当然的事,我们甚至厌烦母亲的喋喋不休,憎恨父亲的严厉批评,殊不知这样的亲情是需要我们怀着一颗感恩的心去铭记,去报答的。学会感受父母那崇高无私的爱,学会感谢他们对我们无怨无悔的付出。 没有朋友的人,没有友情的人,想必应该是这个世界上最孤独的人吧!友情,是一把刀,将我们心中那坚硬的城墙敲碎;友情,是一盏灯,照亮我们心中的彷徨与黑暗; 友情,是一个巨大无比的箱子,收获快乐,也分享快乐;友情是雨季里的小伞,为我们撑起一片晴天;友情是寒夜里的一把火,为我们送去片片温暖;友情是一阵温馨的风,抚慰我们受伤的心灵;友情是一块洁白的手帕,拭干你腮边的泪痕。华盛顿曾说过:“友谊是真正的一株成长缓慢的植物”,是啊,如果你不用真心的水去浇灌它,不用诚意的阳光去照耀它,最终有一天,它会调零、死亡,你便会失去友谊,失去更多,更多。对待友谊,我们要用真心去感受,要用真情去感谢。当朋友高兴时,我们和他一起分享快乐的喜悦;当朋友伤心难过时,我们帮他分担忧愁痛苦;当朋友茫然失措时,我们鼓励他迷途知返。伯牙与钟子期的友情故事想必是从古流传至今的,伯牙每次弹琴想到什么,钟子期都能从琴声中领会到伯牙所想之意境,这样的默契真是百世难求啊!是的,友情使人在黑暗中看到光明,在邪恶中看到善良,在冷酷无情中看到人性的光芒。要知道,这个世界上没有谁必须对我们好,我们要学会感恩友情。 不仅是亲情,友情值得我们去感受,去感恩,这是一个平民英雄辈出的时代,是一个人人都可以奉献爱的时代。社会上大大小小的爱心人士层出不穷,他们的义举、壮举同样能让ptembindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pler 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, accordinease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4g to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Ban, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact pk practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of theerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on Se Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 我们为之动容。“最美司机”“最美女教师”他们关键时刻的抉择,他们在危难时刻迸发出的美丽举动,不仅是人性的真实体现,更是爱的完美诠释。对待这样的爱,我们要敬仰,要感恩,没有谁必须为谁交出生命,这样壮大的爱是我们所不能承受的,所以我们要学会感受,感受那生命垂危时想的不是自己的伟大心理,感恩那危险来临是想的都是别人的伟大行为。 我们需要爱去灌溉我们那干涸的心灵,我们需要爱来抚慰我们那布满创伤的心灵,所以我们要学会感受身边的爱,哪怕是一句小小的问候,一杯热气腾腾的开水,那都是满满的爱。我们要学会感恩爱,不要把人间最美的爱忽略掉,否则你会后悔没有抓住最简单的幸福。 草色遥看近却无 “天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。”诗意很好理解,在春雨的滋润下小草发芽,远远望去一片绿色;可当人们走近时,却发现绿色淡了,甚至肉眼都看不到。从文学的角度评价,韩愈的诗句是美的;但我觉得,退之先生的这两句诗用来概括生活中的某现象也是再恰当不过的。 人们都崇拜英雄,希望在自己最需要的时刻,英雄能挺身而出。但失望的时候多,英雄似乎只出现在遥远的地方。 “最美女教师”张丽莉的事迹广为流传。在呼啸的汽车冲向学生的一刹那,她用纤弱却有力的身躯搭起一个安全的岗亭;“最美司机”吴斌的事迹感动千家万户,在铁片击中血肉之躯后的76秒,他以美到极致的动作完成了由凶险到平安的摆渡。人们仰望张丽莉,因为在这个“个人至上”的年代,她的奋臂挥手形象地诠释了师德的最高境界;人们钦敬吴斌,因为在这个道德与责任日渐稀薄的年代,他忍痛减速泊车的镜头是职业道德与敬业精神的最好说明。“最美”二字,是对他们的最高奖赏,更是对无疆大爱彻底回归的呼唤。 有时人们也会生发这样的慨叹,为什么英雄只在远方,我的生活中何日英雄突现,心情可以理解,但认识不能说没有偏差。很多人认为,只有作出做出惊天动地大事的人才是英雄,只有媒体铺天盖地宣传的人才是英雄。用狭隘与拔高的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 衡量,真正称得上英雄的屈指可数。实际上,“最美女教师”、“最美司机”都是普通得不能再普通的百姓。设问一下,如果张丽莉没有遭遇车祸,如果吴斌没有遭遇夺命的铁片,这两个人是不是可以称为“英雄”,很难回答。我们的社会还没有进步到,可以把一个不在“编制”内的教师,把一个平凡的司edit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the ptestructure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commimbindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pler 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal crssion guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4ated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan bus, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact piness. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and sterson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on Serengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 机和英雄联系在一起,哪怕你是一个深受学生喜爱的老师,他是一个行车十年无事故的优秀员工。 罗曼?罗兰说:“英雄是靠心灵而伟大的人。”借用来评价张丽莉、吴斌很贴切。我们的身边,有很多的张丽莉和吴斌,只是因为他们离我们太近,就如初春雨中的小草,被方方面面忽视了。英雄就在身边,可我们却一直在呼唤英雄,寻找英雄~多有意思的悖论~ “水到底是什么东西,”小鱼的发问是天真的,所以不可笑;“英雄在哪里”,成人的发问是愚蠢的,当然就是可笑的,而且可笑之极。 【给分理由】 习作由韩愈诗句“草色遥看近却无”切人并翻出新意,对现实生活中忽视身边默默奉献的英雄的现象进行剖析,对这种“叶公好龙”心理做了嬉笑怒骂式的讽刺与批判。最美女教师、最美司机两个事例很新鲜,评析很准确;尤其是“如果张丽莉没有遭遇车祸,如果吴斌没有遭遇夺命的铁片”的设想与设问,将生活中的一种不正常的英雄观“褫其华衮,示其本相”,发人深思。语言整散结合,大气自然,问句、感叹句等的使用增添了习作的意蕴与气势。 永不忘记 越是常见的往往越容易被忽视。那就让我们用自己的“心”去观察、体会,因为它可能是我们不可或缺的生命的一部分;那就用我们的“心”幻化出那多彩的生命,作出生命的感悟。 我若化身为一棵小草,我便懂得春天是我复苏重生的季节,雨露是我生命的澧泉,阳光是我生命的渴望。我需要它们,离开它们我的生命便就此消亡。 然而,我竟忘记了我最需要也最熟悉的老友——土壤,她是我生命的承载者,我一刻也离不开她,我的生命从她的怀里萌发,从她身上繁衍,最终也是她陪伴着我老去,我怎么能忘记她,忽视了她呢, 我若化身为空中的一朵白云,我便深爱着这片天空,我便和风儿把酒言欢,和太阳畅叙幽情,自由自在地飘荡在蓝天中,享受无限欢乐。 然而,我竟忘记了,忘记了我生命的必需,我由何而来,对~水,水汽,是它们一点一滴地凝结起来,才有了现在的我。这每一滴水珠都是我生命的组成啊~在享受翱翔天际的幸福时,我却忘记了它们,忽视了我生命的本源。它们是我最熟悉最重要的朋友,我怎能忽视了它们,忽视生命的老友, 小草永不忘记。 为报答土地的养育之恩,小草忍受野火的焚烧,化作养料,滋养土地,在感恩的涅榘中迎来了春天生命的重生。 ptembindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pler 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the structure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, accordinease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4g to the China Banking Regulatory Commission guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Ban, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact pk practice, these guidelines are formulated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of theerson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on Se Bank provide foreign currency loan business. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and strengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process 自云永不忘记。 它愿自已的生命作无尽的轮回,循环于生命的最初凝结和在人间的最终降落。在这无尽的轮回中和自己的生命本源永不分离。 是的,我应永不忘记。不忘生命之根,不忘生命之本。 是的,我若化身为那条小鱼,我定会知道什么是虾,什么是水草,我定会每日与水草嬉戏,和小虾玩耍,跟小龟比赛,快乐生活。我更会感恩于给我这一切的、须臾不可分离的水,这最常见而又不可或缺的水~ 生命绚烂多姿,世界缤纷多彩。在“乱花渐欲迷人眼”的生活中,让我们用“心”感悟那些常见而不可或缺的生活点滴,因为它是我们生活中永不凋谢的花朵。 【给分理由】 文章以散文诗的笔法,从生命的高度演绎命题,并表达了“不忘生命之源和生命之本”的思想主题,文笔独具韵味,立意颇为高远。作者在真实合理、科学准确地界定事物的生活环境以及环境内部各事物之间的关系的基础之上,借助奇特的想象,将自己幻化成“小草”“白云”“小鱼”三大意象以表情达意,构思新巧,形式独特。作者通过巧妙设置对比,既让内容得到丰富,又让行文形成波澜,还让主旨得到凸显。“小鱼”意象的设置,巧妙扣住了命题材料 edit risk management practices chapter I General provisions to improve the quality of individual credit business, optimize the ptestructure of assets, promote healthy development of individual credit business, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commimbindividual grantBusiness development, Head Office of qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines are issued to you, pler 4, 2012 Annex: qilu Bank personal crssion guidelines on credit due diligence and other related provisions, combined with Bank practice, these guidelines are formulease carefully study and implement. Annex: qilu Bank personal credit risk management guidelines qilu Bank b o September 4ated. Personal credit business mentioned in this guide, refers to natural persons of the Bank provide foreign currency loan bus, 12 key words: sends the individual credit guidelines to inform risk management: leadership, head office departments contact piness. Especially those good credit, source of repayment of the Bank stability, guarantee plenty of personal loan needs, and sterson: Chen Tel: (total of 3) Qilu Bank's Office issued on Serengthen risk control and asset structure. Personal credit business says the parties must ensure that the borrower credit, such as true, real and have written evidence, strictly in accordance with the rules of the regulation, standards, effective against various types of internal and external fraud. Our ban and will actively take measures to prevent all forms of commercial bribery. Chapter II management principles management principles the Bank to implement the whole process
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