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1541]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat? 下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号 ( E: ~9 k5 H/ \9 k) o) L# r. r/ X   A.Rocket parachute signals : Q* w- R$ g6 p7 b. X) H3 a7 `( }, T B.Buoyant smoke signals, R) B, ~7 }( l2 T    C.Hand flare signals$ ...

1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat? 下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号 ( E: ~9 k5 H/ \9 k) o) L# r. r/ X   A.Rocket parachute signals : Q* w- R$ g6 p7 b. X) H3 a7 `( }, T B.Buoyant smoke signals, R) B, ~7 }( l2 T    C.Hand flare signals$ s/ l! F2 x* O5 }8 {    D.Self-igniting signals ( y+ W, s6 w* r# i/ C8 a+ @答案:D " @1 `$ j% ?, M' F3 L2 T* H* k[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat?$ I2根据国际海事组织 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf ,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面    A.the retro-reflective tapes    B.the reflective tapes ; [# }) U8 Z% [' a   C.the flashing bands 5 E! c, `7 ?: ^: L2 d- I   D.the anti-flashing bands/ O! h5 i9 {4 I3 r; S- m* P1 q+ q/ _ 答案:A 1 S1 _9 ~6 N8 D4 j5 \! d1 v( i[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts? 下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要---救生圈 ) i, u# K# D5 Q1 K4 o9 f   A.Anti-seasickness medicine+ t6 E! R8 L/ B    B.Immersion suits 5 ]8 X/ u) _- u+ r2 \   C.axes* z8 D2 ]$ e0 g' N" c    D.lifebuoys 答案:D 1 L0 Q! e6 V/ `$ d* b1 q [4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined? 全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?  U " x/ C& `6 ^3 q' a( sA.total enclosed lifeboats : s; R7 ?5 b" ?7 S3 p3 L6 D' h# i3 }B.totally enclosing lifeboats% v& O7 [+ j' r# L& X  ~ C.totally enclosed lifeboats & F0 {1 v. D3 U2 B% E2 t$ uD.total encloseing lifeboats! c0 s0 g8 t3 Z5 G6 y3 j 答案:C. k! A) a: k   # E3 W3 V" [. p7 m8 V' D8 {* A4 h [5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________.7 ]4 p4 防火救生艇被发现是良好的 A.in satisfactorily condition, b" \6 q: b/ r" s, o B.satisfactorily! N1 d9 L7 h0 P& V* p C.satisfactory + l' p1 u# d2 T: j- P9 l7 w% }D.satisfactored " J. r% Z, X7 ]# d! ?7 O答案:C / g& f/ B* p8 [7 w5 d, _% R  , q4 M8 c* U: l' Q, _ [6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___the abandon ship drill.8我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。 K. C( x; a: l2 h+ w! b5 q A.combining with8 p. V9 w! u% {* b4 `& s, e2 q5 U B.combined C.combining to$ e# i- C( m* T; q) A( c8 G; V D.combined to( }  j& J" q8 W% d% S 答案:B, ?+ H4 Y! u5 W. t2 z    % ]/ g6 J; D+ I1 k[7]Are your lifeboats fitted with_______?! N+ }! i( D6 a4 A5 G你的救生艇配备有锚爪拉索吗?0 e. x( \ A.cargo wires     + t; b& h  W5 ~- S1 w+ }/ O B.topping lift ' i4 d' @: Z6 n/ c( y3 eC.guiding lines % `) M- o- W' z2 ED.tripping line 7 W% k- P. f+ A& _0 F8 P5 t' ~# ?0 D答案:D ; C5 d3 I6 _. @% O# |# h   2 z4 Z4 F/ w6 y9 P) B[8]Painting on _________is prohibited because it will weaken its sensibility在静水压力释放器上涂漆是被禁止的,因为它将会减弱灵敏度 * a, [5 q$ s5 B' q% K: iA.ship shell ' k" P% y' D9 s! @4 y* }8 tB.exterior of winches 6 A9 w& f7 M+ ^3 DC.hydrostatic release unit ; M4 o8 N. W) O$ [D.hold ladders 9 d' d# O0 f$ Z+ ^7 C9 P  E答案:C 8 f2 ]& v* P: y( d- z! g$ e   - p/ p1 f* J8 Z) T [9]Where shall the key to co2 room be kept?   二氧化碳室的钥匙放在哪里?位于临近房间的“击碎玻璃”面卡的惹人注意的的墙壁上 9 v9 D! a+ O+ |5 \9 jA.In master's cabin ! z- J+ n3 m( ]" o* @9 q  BB.In third office's cabin0 i5 k+ j; q" Y- X7 P1 M C.In a break-glass-type enclosure conspicuously located adjacent to the room D.In a locked locker conspicuously located adjacent to the room# j' D% d$ {# i 答案:C 6 w8 Y8 K" C# Z! _7 L7 T: i7 Q2 h4 d2 ]/ f[10]The fireman's outfit consists of________.0 q7 V! W/ M& H) z消防员装备由安全灯,防护衣,钢盔,呼吸器组成。# |7 K5 S" g/ d A.Safety lamp,protective clothing,rigid helmet,breathing apparatus B.Emergency escape breathing device,fire damper,extinguishers / l9 s" ^' Q/ [: {8 `  ]6 S3 r' R+ N' F) oC.Firefighting equipment, portable extinguishers,fire dampers, i% L, `* `5 d  i( s. t- D- } D.Fire hoses,fire nozzles,fire hydrants,fire pumps + g/ g4 Q4 F1 c/ O, R答案:A 7 S/ ?- O7 J, I2 Z/ t    ) [) ^5 h) g4 A[11]Which one of the following is incorrect about Mercator projection? 关于莫卡托投影下面哪项不正确,它总是能提供真实的距离 3 x3 Z/ A$ S) I% O$ ^A.It projects a sphere onto a cylinder.5 |- ?8 V% S9 z B.Because the resulting distance between latitudes are constantly increasing,it is also called progressive projection 5 k8 }9 e5 ~6 KC.It can always give true distances , m3 ~5 \6 H% l' BD.It advantage is that longitudes and latitudes are at right angles, which makes it easy to read true bearings 1 }0 Y9 n) w+ Q答案:C + A9 `# p& i8 I2 G; q   1 b$ h& t- H& J& s" b1 E [12]Why do distances always have to be measured from the nearest scale on a Mercator chart? 为什么在莫卡托海图上距离总是由最近的比例测量,因为它与每个纬度成比例 4 r; T' v" N# E0 ^3 b  ]+ PA.Because it is thr most efficient way % f# ?' P, c; O6 G$ C, KB.Because it varies for each latitude. C.Because it varies with the change of longitude/ [1 I2 k  e) I" N! D.Because it is the most straight line. 3 d$ V2 g9 E( {, v, M" S5 l答案:B ! b/ {; [5 i& W! c5 t3 l( a4 `& M( J  ]" r   8 D6 C+ d; t% f: P1 s7 Z' Z+ x1 i[13]What is ship's heading? ship's heading is the direction_______./ J# w6 Y8 o/ q. j, D6 h A.the vessel is pointing.   _0 X% [8 I% q4 a: |# S4 _- jB.the vessel is traveling relative to land ! `2 I0 y4 j5 e0 |* [C.the vessel is traveling relative to ground9 [/ W0 }& w) c, |* l$ D.the vessel is drifting2 Q8 n3 z) [7 f. X5 J 答案:A什么是航向?航向是船舶指示的方向+ e& N1 r7 v0 H) z5 y  [14]How long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees North?# ?) Y" s( U2 ?) ~# D" f+ G0 x A.30 nm ' s7 i8 d4 A) v, M' pB.60 nm ' X% b& Y# X" V) o+ y9 KC.15 nm 1 J: u" D1 M( c9 KD.7.5 nm + f, p8 f( K# L" e1 ^  w答案:D在北纬60度15分经度是多长?7.5海里 . h+ n9 E4 S9 V, R+ b7 m& v6 b, `! }  " Z$ K+ I+ b, r1 V6 K [15]Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass? : h7 @- `8 C$ E, R: h: ?% a) IA.The magentic compass is compulsory on my vessel + M( G9 ~) P& Y5 ?* zB.The magentic compass is prone to error/ `6 s3 [$ c& o' n3 _' E C.The magentic compass is always placed inside steel constructions # b! M& V, t8 {4 Q9 r, FD.The magentic compass needs to be calibrated to compensate for local magnetic distortion 1 ]2 i/ g! n( V! n) v  g答案:C关于磁罗经下面哪项是不正确的?磁罗经总是放在刚性结构里面 ' [. p1 i) ^) f- K( ~7 o7 Q  ' f% B4 y1 J6 _1 t5 x3 R* E# }+ a [16]Which one of the followings is correct regarding the use of gyrocompass?2 l, a- e2 }! L  k, L A.Gyrocompass does not have to be started before sailing.4 c  d! N' o& q5 R3 z B.Gyrocompass must be stopped when vessel alongside a berth ' I1 i) M, J% u) wC.Gyrocompass needs to be checked from time to time5 d0 |) p. u$ f! z$ A% D! c D.Gyrocompass is not influenced by the latitude and ship's motion 6 T# h2 `- D& r& G6 t8 j答案:C关于旋转罗盘的用途下面哪项正确?旋转罗盘需要经常被核查2 p7 f( p* ]9 T& z& h/ E6 S& S [17]What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder? 7 d3 w3 H9 z8 V! D0 A7 HA.Sea bottom* a/ V4 \" T7 d; A" c* R' e B.Ship's speed9 P( Y+ }3 i$ q% d" y; |" N C.Speed of current: p- g$ F& D, j* a D.Water temperature and density2 w, M: i( b0 o& k9 l! @) u* q 答案:D什么会影响回声探测仪的精度?水的温度和密度% j7 T7 F! K4 z9 b$ n   9 ]  R/ ]; b7 \% z) e [18]What often happens when using echo-sounder at river estuary where a layer of fresh water lies on the top of denser salt water? # A" H# F# n) F# }A.A scattering layer appears.0 P6 u, ]' [9 @1 G B.Echo sounder stops working.4 v6 g$ h$ {; s$ `7 C/ a C.shallow water appears. & U: O: U5 B8 D/ o5 o+ uD.Nothing abnormal happens.! ~- s+ K1 A! c2 t: R6 @% R/ y 答案:A当回声探测仪使用于一层淡水位于高密度海水之上的河口时将发生什么?出现散射层 8 [; r) A' E* T6 y   0 |0 q; U& d* @7 D1 a[19]Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect?7 f1 y1 A% S- H, H8 Z' n A.GPS is the most accurate global system today. . B0 i. S) J' n: ?# A+ LB.Its use is still under the U.S. Department of Defence's control6 V$ j' E' Z" b$ ^( x* H C.DGPS is more accurate than GPS , S6 x" E) b8 f; W$ N. E3 E( ID.GPS can provide a real-time position under any condition1 f# `+ s# m4 Y! ~: T 答案:D关于GPS的用途,下列哪项是不正确的?GPS能在任何条件下提供实时的位置 * t4 A2 u9 x  M# ~% u8 ?+ M  + }( W2 Y0 ?3 W1 \& a- k8 ]8 ] [20]Without doubt the radar is a highly important navigation aid. But duty officer shall aware that_____when using it. 3 U* G( B5 _' T$ ?, aA.Its range reading is more accurate than its bearing reading 8 g+ A$ x% [' I6 G& G9 R+ SB.A low-lying coastline with a long, flat beach will show up properly on the radar & V) Z: I  @5 k  ~9 O' B- {1 YC.Radar is only aimed at collision avoidance.4 d1 V$ ^  m' S5 ~' | D.The use of radar is necessary only when visibility is restricted.5 p8 n' t' L2 m5 k 答案:A毫无疑问雷达是一种非常重要的助航设备。但是值班驾驶员在使用的时候应该注意到他的距离读书比方位读数要精确 $ W0 @2 D" R- T0 K( t   ! O; Y& E: g: {0 P0 }  k4 T; M[21]As for racon,which one is incorrect. in the following? ' K$ Q. `- ?( P1 uA.Racon is a radar transponder. 2 Z3 Y8 B3 G; P6 {B.Racon is often installed on major waypoints. - V3 y1 h* }! o8 L  s% T' _0 `C.When activated by a radar signal, the Racon sends it back with an identifier * r5 S. {- d: PD.Racon can be used to take place of radar % ^. C4 B  _/ p, U答案:D关于雷达信标,下列哪项是不正确的?雷达信标能用来取代雷达 ! j: H% m2 y; G$ a7 i% ^" q% e/ i" {  ) D# Y5 ~! K6 `9 L) c [22]What does a Racon help with? # u' ~) K8 m; r) N! w$ a: @A.Measuring the distance + ^* L( g5 {; z& P* [& p% AB.Measuring the relative speed ( Q4 Y: I4 g7 N5 R" e! rC.Identifing a vessel . l2 c1 y# U9 W. s! ^D.Identifing a seamark # T& ]4 Q7 U# `3 H' t* a答案:D雷达信标能帮助做什么?识别航标。' ~2 S0 @* u7 A: ~- w' e$ X, Q   % K, b' N0 t2 M0 J( E" m9 q% f [23]What does ECDIS stand for?+ `$ x3 h& x& U' V) t: g: _% d( q( Y A.Electrical Chart Display and Indication System " j8 q. o- A" u4 aB.Electronic Chart Display and Information System ! ^/ I+ h  n5 j) D) DC.Electric Chart Display and Informing System- _$ x. i1 T5 w- z D.Electronic Chart Display and Indicating System 8 _0 q1 c$ F, A6 x答案:B电子海图和信息显示系统用来做什么?电子海图显示和信息系统 9 n) }# c- e, k  }" Q4 O- N   0 `' e) `1 t# t4 T- ~[24]The IALA buoyage system is divided into two categories:________.1 f& B8 s0 y1 p' C. K A.The buoy system and the lighthouse system8 d9 ]) H. s4 z, s# y B.The central buoy system and the side buoy system ) E2 I% c& d) A# v+ Q5 p3 q! tC.The lateral system and the cardinal system 0 f! U" k3 a8 R- |+ H* ^D.The stripe system and the band system # O1 s: U4 k+ z7 b答案:C航标协会浮标系统分为两类:侧标系统和界标系统 * G9 C$ }1 W$ O  `2 a  1 h, M1 I3 e& a' L4 x [25]The lateral system is used in_______.8 y1 B+ J9 p/ D- P6 @ A.restricted water such as shoals, reefs or wrecks ) }4 g  P+ O" c3 b6 \) c6 EB.restricted water such as buoyed channels1 ^( g2 R% \6 A2 n C.open waters such as shonls,reefs or wrecks 9 |  p# w# B& E- r- ID.open waters such as buoyed channels8 B5 Q- g7 z2 Q. n; h( S5 @ 答案:B侧标系统用于限制水道例如浮筒航道% u5 e0 P7 y+ V9 f    ; p6 L" j2 m/ q9 Y8 n; f1 |[26]In region A, The green buoys are kept to_____and red to _____when sailing from____to____. * S+ \6 J3 N0 p! I" @( lA.starboard,port,sea,land + l8 V% i  y5 [+ g1 D3 _7 Y, R1 XB.starboard,port,land,sea 3 ?1 W; k4 P0 l- R: b! P. o2 _C.port,starboard,land,land: g/ T4 {( e9 ^% _$ m+ D- D6 x' n D.port,starboard,sea,sea ; f& f( t, d8 {* P答案:A在侧面左手标,当从海上驶向岸时绿色浮标保持在右舷,红色在左舷 ( I% a" J& |, |, \/ [" U# q+ V* [   : x% Q. ^1 @* S% Q+ v[27]Which one of the followings about Tiaffic Separation Scheme(TSS) is incorrect? 5 X9 X) ~$ t( U  }5 A- pA.TSS separates inbound and outbound traffic in well marked lanes. 1 A% S" S, N0 I& @B.Regulations request all vessels to join or leave lanes at the extremities. , ?+ N6 `  I) z* C* KC.If a TSS has to be crossed, it has to be carried out as close as possible to a right angle) ~, z( J) N3 o8 z# [: J D.Being in the TSS does change the general rule of the Road convention! D  W2 j6 v- T6 z# t 答案:D关于分道通航制下列哪项是不正确的?当在分道通航制区域改变一般交通规则 2 `  q) g/ r+ ^2 v   5 j2 F( l8 [5 }[28]How do you take a running fix?$ s$ B- U# x/ S' m% V A.By measuring the angle between to fixed landmarks and finding the sine of the angles.- Z  E2 b, n7 `+ x3 x6 A5 ~# R B.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and finding the sine of the angles.8 O8 ]6 b! p& G  n8 _; l$ l+ F C.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and measuring the distance covered in the intervals.; D8 k1 y/ p2 A& S D.By taking the relative bearings from 2 sets of landmarks and plotting the difference. ) ^0 ?! [* L/ J. S$ s4 _答案:C你怎样进行移线定位?隔段时间获取一次陆标方位并且隔段时间测量所走的距离   ?& q. @4 N; }8 k0 }6 U  + H$ R8 N' }: n4 d [29]Who has the right of way in a Tiaffic Separation Scheme?- Z( B) f' g- f; d4 \2 Y9 t A.The inbound vessel : C/ e7 i. S. NB.The outbound vessel / G6 v3 K3 O7 K* ^C.The vessel coming from the starboard side 1 T, @0 s* s& B  \2 H! xD.The vessel coming from the port side. i2 N9 V- w5 S! h: p/ j0 e 答案:C在分道通航制区域谁有优先权?左舷来的船$ y5 |$ c1 }  r$ h2 ]1 q" ?; y8 _    ; [5 z7 S. c) w" h. @[30]What would be the colour of an IALA starboard hand lateral buoy, as seen when sailling toward land, in Europe?! X7 O& E, f. y+ P2 s: E3 p, t A.Green 5 |' t$ i& z0 U7 S8 t  K2 q9 mB.Red % x0 [! C' G" e% H# G3 v1 U' iC.Red and green stripes+ f$ L! y/ f) h. [8 ?6 S4 ? D.Black and yellow stripes3 ^* H2 p3 b! q! J/ X) z 答案:A在欧洲,当驶向沿岸时将会看到航标协会右舷指示侧标是什么颜色?绿色 : ]7 C0 I% {7 i% X9 }( L1 _# _  ' c7 H1 `4 \( f6 H; | [31]As the tide makes the water_______twice a day a resulting current, or tidal stream, is generated.a resulting current, or tidal stream, is generated. ! B0 d0 N& A# h3 C0 `$ {+ H8 F9 X9 MA.rising and falling& q4 V% x$ z. y! u  t0 h B.Rose and fell 1 W/ e, z2 I/ O6 ]4 s: ^C.the rise and fall  W# o+ V6 k6 h6 s6 [ D.rise and fall  v+ \& ]- w( h 答案:D当潮汐使海水每天升降两次形成流或者潮流,形成一种结果是流,或者形成潮流, 5 m3 J' V+ {& Y  , o( z6 P9 a* b% [/ r4 X [32]When reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect.This is called the______.4 g* _3 u2 T, n) j4 K$ ? A.Rise  m( h" f9 P7 l2 r" T9 S' L B.Range $ B8 U/ i- a8 Y" h" v* y2 o9 L2 W* Q# eC.Slack9 y+ b5 a8 a/ y5 C. E. z0 f D.Spring # b3 f1 @+ j3 w% }' q答案:C当回落的时候,潮流将会有一段时间很小或者几乎没有。这叫做平潮! Y6 w- [# f9 P9 \% V% s- ?/ u    % P3 L, z) b9 z: M: F/ m[33]The average time between two high waters is 12 hours and 25 minutes because this is the time it takes for____. 7 I9 y3 T+ R7 q* }9 P% E' @A.The sun to be at the opposite side of the moon3 ^: L7 v( a" r9 I, h B.The moon to be at the opposite side of the earth% Q+ j# \5 j* ^ C.The moon to be at its apogee ' B& g2 \( l  P% y+ e2 E% KD.The sun and the moon to be on the same side 5 K6 k" r- \! }答案:B两个高潮之间的平均时间是12小时25分钟,因为这个时候发生在月亮在地球对面 ' _+ v4 k8 V$ X  # s, X/ {* D" X0 r3 |2 c  { [34]What is the tidal height?( c' o* O, u+ i7 F* P* W' ?2 H  B A.Twice the tide amplitude * ]! ~6 ]$ _" D2 t* e  E  g3 \B.The range of the tide8 _2 p; C' I1 ~5 N% P5 c C.The water above the Lowest Astronomical Tide; F! E$ A$ `- L# J- [ D.The height above or under the mean level % q7 [( j, i6 x3 c' {4 ~, |答案:C什么是潮高?最低天文潮上的水位 : ]% K; X: c; Q; y: Z   # W6 ]+ _& F' T2 k9 ?- n[35]What is the right way to use VHF CH16 and working channel? , l* U$ S/ J/ g$ O, V+ |2 V7 N8 YA.Ships can call other ships on Ch16 but should move to a working channel as soon as possible.  ^7 M: D! V2 e" v" H/ N3 a5 @+ o B.Ship should use working channel to call other ships at any time. + U2 Q0 S1 Y0 H2 x% GC.Ch16 is only used as the international distress and calling frequency. ( u. O6 t) |" T/ Q6 g9 KD.Ship can use Ch16 or working channel as they like % K9 O( x6 |- J- O答案:A正确使用VHF16频道和工作频道的方法是什么?在16频道上船舶能呼叫其他的船,但是需要尽快的移动到工作频道 5 [! ?$ o( D: I4 j& B& u$ ?  ' l3 t  Z7 f9 R9 Q. } [36]How to report your ship callsign to a shore station?. j: U/ @# ^6 N A.Use capital letters. w- X, c5 i/ h B.Use phonetic alphabet" f+ m# c2 u' ]* P# j. c) {' V C.Use letters and numbers % u- h* t2 V" u7 G( @) Q- R/ K  e' mD.Use flag signals6 B& @# F# m6 z) l4 B7 g 答案:B怎样 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 你船的呼号到岸站?用音标字母 $ J1 r" Q% N% n; R$ @2 g& {   5 J: N6 `# S. t[37]Which one of the followings is not a right way to call an unknown vessel of VHF?- u( m8 y4 H4 F1 ? A.According to her characteristics8 @, [/ T# O. x, A3 `7 [, ? B.According to her cargo1 ^$ X0 ^/ R( l; K4 ], R& v C.According to her movements) K! k! {3 |3 q5 P D.According to her crewmembers; y) M3 `6 g5 Z7 s 答案:D下列那个不是VHF呼叫未知船的正确方法?根据他的船员 ' C0 E( a( Y/ s7 x2 H[38]If there were suddenly an immediate danger for both the vessel and its crew,would you send a MAYDAY on__?% e* d# m$ a8 E) g; l& { A.Ch06 with dual watch% h: M" p/ X, P+ |& ]  r B.Ch06 with 25 watts ouput % n3 N: Y' O4 T1 `9 z2 I, oC.Ch16 with 1 watt ouput6 o' M3 v! b5 J' Z; h8 A5 H( [ D.Ch16 with 25 watts ouput0 Z3 t2 a: d: g1 x( {1 _: |5 N( L3 l 答案:D如果船舶和船员都有突发的紧急危险,你需要在输出功率为25瓦的VHF发送一个“MAYDAY”信号 - _) s7 [4 O/ l     Y, b0 \! @; X[39]In the unlikely event that a distress situation allows you to send only a very short message,after MAYDAY would you first say______?- {& u# z) t( O  T2 L# K4 E A.Your name and callsign 6 `8 J+ V6 i$ I) E7 ?. }B.Your position 9 E- K& u! w5 N1 [' M3 l& MC.The number of persons on board0 Q) F5 z0 w! O  {) l8 I/ L* V D.the nature of the distress situation6 m7 J6 C- w1 ~3 W: Q7 A$ ?/ N 答案:A在不可能发生遇险情况的事件中允许你发送一个非常简短的信息,在MADAY后你首先说你的船名和呼号 # N$ v! w8 [& V2 w$ h  : v+ F$ G8 \) j$ y8 @ [40]The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______. % u* w  [5 {; T4 m; P" N" pA.3 hours9 }+ y; Q9 @. j! x$ N' P; [ B.6 hours - A" A0 `: a. I; BC.12 hours5 V8 H$ x  Q6 h6 A0 u D.24 hours, O' a" N  ]- v( i 答案:C全球定位通讯卫星围绕地球轨道运行大约12小时 2 H7 H% _6 N3 ]$ j   " N  B; R( p* I. F[41]GPS receiver errors depend on ________.6 |; S4 y- M. d# D9 U A.operation * x( H1 h/ U# Q6 e6 O2 u" zB.installation$ s; J. B4 u* i# N& u8 e9 ^) j. n C.display type% p  Z: N( a1 o1 k' ~1 q( Y D.construction / b% t  ^. H! |+ g" e( ^答案:D $ M: ], g0 A+ w' HGPS接收误差取决于结构 2 ]3 z2 C' |/ s( r' }, R2 h   % R3 B; u! S) K3 Q9 H: [9 B# p[42]Error in the GPS positions has nothing to do with _____.! e6 s% c. V% Z/ P! C4 `7 n4 j A.user clock bias' v+ U3 i/ q6 ^# G B.satellite clock bias; V: l! j1 Z7 P" f( L1 |* @6 U9 @! G C.atmospheric interference " e' ]; L( h" j  k5 J7 V/ L0 HD.ship's position, r3 n# |, G! h! v 答案:D4 T+ C* F: [6 p/ u  ]: y$ o6 s" K GPS位置误差于船舶位置无关 5 q# y0 ^" [8 _  # E/ N9 \# X7 l6 l. N [43]What is the main purpose of DGPS?' p3 Y2 _6 ?# j A.Improve positioning accuracy  J- h# t0 P8 X9 r7 } B.Decrease positioning accuracy5 T+ v9 H- I+ P3 A8 g6 U& g C.Reduce operational cost& A7 q) B+ b6 t# R/ d D.I don't know ( ^8 b8 @8 E* c5 Q+ P答案:A 1 R" g1 M* A( R! [* T3 w差分GPS的主要目的是什么?改良定位精度- d8 j# s" F7 n5 D) ^. _2 z* r [44]The acccuracy of the DGPS mainly depends on_______.& \1 V; D( Z6 h A.The price of the equipment 9 }% J2 N1 G2 X  j$ UB.The relative angle between the satellite ' y1 D6 x  B/ @( jC.The position of the observer * c8 F9 W7 C) f8 s) ?0 G% F1 BD.The age of the calculated correction2 ]: X/ Z) Y, C/ I/ C 答案:D5 Y' S3 V6 b1 T+ k! [   差分GPS的精度主要依赖于计算改正量4 |% Z) ^$ t# n! ]  ]- O [45]What is the purpose of a Pedestal(基座,柱脚) Roile?" q+ ~4 _+ X$ \0 d9 T7 s A.To change the direction of lead on a mooring line + B% V& _; X8 z! [/ ~% u6 e: f/ IB.To secure a chain; q1 `8 g$ j5 b0 o- _! q1 f  V C.To secure the eye of a mooring line ) y( ^) m7 ~, R* T* z- CD.To facilitate towing   A1 i1 W6 L5 ?# g! N5 y0 |答案:A$ [; i! p: p1 @   Pedestal Roile的用途是什么?改变系泊缆的导向  Z, A! w. N, [ [46]You stand a greater risk of injuring yourself or your shipmate during mooring and unmooring operations than at any other time. So remember________. ; a- \! l; `$ O! XA.Do not wear safety shoes,gloves and an overall with long sleeves/ r3 u$ \* |3 r0 e B.Stand as closely as possible in the rope rail 2 H, u* N& G; Z+ ?C.Do not work too close to the drum when handling wires/ropes  b  O/ L) _5 u' v D.If the line takes charge, try to stop it with your feet/hands . k) ?$ k" `# l答案:C跟其他任何比起来,在系离泊的时候你和你的船友有更大的危险。因此记住在操作绳索的时候不要工作靠太近鼓轮 - G: H: M/ g( u7 Z! e1 l  , B5 Z& c2 j9 F2 F' d' B [47]Which one of the followings is not a right way to behave during mooring unmooring operation? ; U9 k- A( G$ }4 H5 pA.Stay close to the towline at all time & s2 x5 @5 C' O% z( FB.Beware the bights 5 F: }/ u6 W( z" e) X! {* qC.When operating the winch/windlass,ensure that yourself understand the controls ; K# i. e% ?% b$ l6 ^5 M9 S) a, A2 rD.When the tug is being secured or let go, monitor the operation closely # k& W, x7 h& z9 |答案:A" c' ^0 ^2 j: H. |0 g. J4 Q# r3 O   在系离泊期间以下哪一项不是正确的方法举动?保持拖缆随时拉紧& {. `7 ]0 T& D( B$ A [48]The most serious danger from synthetic ropes is____,which is the sudden release of the energy stored in the stretched synthetic line when it breaks % B7 N) a  b2 U, w( P" I4 v  XA.Rotting - q8 Y: D* z& M0 K/ l5 SB.Wear and tear 9 d: N/ i7 t  }1 w  _C.Snapback : ?3 @9 B% `- L. h( VD.Weakness 4 H! P. t$
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