首页 怎样使皮肤变白



怎样使皮肤变白怎样使皮肤变白 怎样使皮肤变白, (1) 最需要注意的是阳光。 我们知道阳光可以使皮肤变黑,外出之后,皮肤就会变黑,不管阴天还是雨天,在外面(露天)时间久了都会使皮肤变黑,还是因为阳光中有紫外线。在阴天或下雨天,虽然阳光被去层挡住,但紫外线有A段(长波)线的损伤,外出时应采取防护措施,如戴帽子、撑伞、戴墨镜或涂搽防晒制剂等。一天中以上午10点至下午3时是阳光最猛烈的时间,在这段时间尽量避免外出晒太阳,即使阴天或下雨天都一样。在有阳光时,尚可辨别紫外线照射范围,容易躲避。在阴天时,就看不出什么地方有紫外线照射,...

怎样使皮肤变白 怎样使皮肤变白, (1) 最需要注意的是阳光。 我们知道阳光可以使皮肤变黑,外出之后,皮肤就会变黑,不管阴天还是雨天,在外面(露天)时间久了都会使皮肤变黑,还是因为阳光中有紫外线。在阴天或下雨天,虽然阳光被去层挡住,但紫外线有A段(长波)线的损伤,外出时应采取防护措施,如戴帽子、撑伞、戴墨镜或涂搽防晒制剂等。一天中以上午10点至下午3时是阳光最猛烈的时间,在这段时间尽量避免外出晒太阳,即使阴天或下雨天都一样。在有阳光时,尚可辨别紫外线照射范围,容易躲避。在阴天时,就看不出什么地方有紫外线照射,往往使人忽略大意。所以白天都要注意避免紫操作皮肤。 (2) 食物对皮肤影响极大,多食蔬菜水果,特别是含维生素C 多食物对皮肤变白是有好处的,如西红柿、草莓、弥猴桃等。如经常食用含微量元素多的食物,如贝壳类,则皮肤容易变黑。所以在饮食的选择上应根据需要加以调配。 (3) 休息和睡眠对皮肤 色也有很大的影响,长期睡眠不足,眼圈就会变黑,这是人人皆知的事实。休息不好,睡眠不足,不仅影响健康,而且使皮肤血流减慢、血管收缩、血瘀成斑、皮肤变成灰黑色。所以,注意适当的休息和充足的睡眠是必要的。 (4) 情绪对人体的影响是巨大的,精神焕发,人体免疫功能大大提高,对各种不得因素在强大的抵抗能力。当心情不好,忧愁、悲哀时身体免疫功能就降低,抵抗各种不利因素的能力很差,容易发生各种疾病,皮肤新陈代谢,血液循环等各种功能均降低,皮肤变灰黑、干燥、皱纹增加,呈现衰老迹象。因此,保持愉快心情、乐观情绪极为重要的。有了健康的身体,不怕没有好的皮肤;只有健康的身体,才能有真正的亮丽。 使皮肤变白的食疗法 1.冬瓜黄酒膏擦拭法 取新鲜冬瓜去皮切块,入锅加黄酒和清水煮至膏状,,晒凉后放进冰箱保存,每晚取适量擦拭皮肤,1小时后除去,用后一月后皮肤明显变白!!! 2.瓜子蛋青内服法 取西瓜子仁三份,橘子和桂花各一分,将三者混合后切碎研磨,加入米汤调匀,取新鲜鸡蛋一只,敲一小洞,使蛋青流入混合液中,加热凉冷后服用,有美白的效果!!! 试试看吧,很有用的哦,美丽掌握在你的手中,挥动手中的魔术棒,让它在你的脸上悄悄的改变! electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 外用调理篇 1、绿豆面膜 绿豆、滑石、白芷、白附子研末敷面,每晚用清水或化妆水搅匀细末敷脸,干后洗净。疗程约十四天。疗程之后每隔一日使用。 2、五白膏 白芨二钱、白芷二钱、白蔹一钱半、白附子二钱、白丁香一钱半、密陀僧一钱。上药共研细末,用四分之一蛋白搅拌调成稀膏,每日睡前先用温水洗面,再用此膏薄薄地敷在脸上一层,等干后洗去,效果很不错。 3、美白膏 甘松四钱、山楂五钱、白僵蚕一两、乌梅肉五钱、皂角一两、紫背浮萍五钱、香白芷五钱、密陀僧五钱。研极细末,每晚以蛋白调敷脸上,隔天早上以温水擦去。 4、银耳面膜 银耳(白木耳)、黄耆、白芷、玉竹各五十克,共研细末,每晚取药末五克,调上蛋白或用清水调成膏状敷面,等干后洗去。银花、白芷、玉竹能滋养肌肤,茯苓能除面斑,美白。 5、平疮膜 黄芩、黄柏、黄连各二钱煮成茶状液体,用面粉调成糊状敷面,或用蛋白调匀后敷脸。每周二次,每次二十分钟。此方适合脸部长疮、青春痘且脸色黯黑者。 6、除了以上药用面膜之外,还可以利用家中新鲜的蔬果来做面膜,这样不仅方便、副作用少,且不怕含汞或其他不其他不明化学原料。 丝瓜汁面膜 将丝瓜洗净,刮去蜡质外皮后,榨汁后过滤,加上面粉调匀敷脸,干后洗净即可。丝瓜含有多种维生素,有较强的漂白效果,可长期使用于各种皮肤或色斑性肌肤,而使皮肤细腻洁白。 柠檬汁面膜 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 一般市面上常用这种面膜,虽然含有丰富维生素C,漂白效果较佳,但因酸性较强,使用时一定要注意稀释,一倍的水后再加面粉调敷,且要先敷于手肘内侧皮肤处,等十五分钟后没有其它变红或起疹子时再用于脸部。 秋日美白的生活秘诀 除了以上的治疗和调理之外,并应尽量减少晒太阳,即使阴天也要注意防晒工夫,因为紫外线仍会在不知不觉中伤害你的皮肤。 可多吃丰富维生素C的蔬果,如番茄、柠檬、芭乐、柳丁、山楂、新鲜绿叶蔬菜类等。热是促进黑色素形成的最重要因素,所以感光能力强的食物,如香菜、红萝卜、芹菜等尽量少吃。 使用无香料化妆品及面霜,且卸妆必须彻底地清洗干净。另可配合使用脸部穴位按摩,以活化皮肤减少色素沉淀。保持情绪上的平稳、生活作息正常、睡眠要充足、不要常生气、不抽烟、不熬夜,皆是保持洁白皮肤的方法。 若想好好根除色素沉淀及斑点,必要时可以配合药物的治疗,也可选择针灸、温和的食疗及中药来改善,最后更需要耐心和医生配合,使自己赶快恢复白净的肌肤,脱胎成白雪公主般的美丽~ ***************** 1。去超市买几个柠檬。(呵呵,这个大家都知道,当是废话好啦。) 2。切下半个柠檬,不要太多噢,否则浪费,取汁,放入面膜纸,再把面膜纸敷在脸上,等干了以后取下就可以啦。 注意:这个面膜只能在晚上做,不可以白天做噢,因为柠檬在白天遇光的话会起作用,更容易晒黑噢。 ************** 我再告诉你几种自制美白面膜,效果超好,快试试吧! 1.把醋和盐用水溶解,比例是大概水:白醋:盐,9:3:1,用调好的混合液把毛巾润湿,擦在脸上,早晚各一次,(如果要多擦个一两次也没问题啦),效果不错哦,而且见效很快,皮肤会变白,痘痘也会不见了( 2.用草莓炸成汁,放上蛋清。每2~3天擦一次 3.用水和蜂蜜调配后加入珍珠粉,这样用几次以后,脸是又白又嫩! 4.最简单最便宜最方便但是十分十分十分有效的美白方法(亲身体验)将香蕉弄成糊状(一定是香蕉,不能用芭蕉代替),然后倒入全脂牛奶,再加入少量水。这些东西的比例大概是2:5:1然后往脸上抹,然后轻轻拍打脸部,最后什么都不要做。20分钟后洗掉...你发现了什么,,,,~~~是不是白了一圈, ?居家美白肌肤9法 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 1 枸己美白 材料: 新鲜的120克. 干的60克.水适量 做法: 枸己加水煎煮代茶,不拘量饮用 2 冬瓜籽仁美白 .材料: 冬瓜籽仁5克, 桔皮6克, 桃花12克,面粉适量 做法: 将材料混合后碾为细末,饭后用米汤调服,1日3次,连服数月,面部可变得白嫩而光滑 3 番茄美白 材料: 番茄一个 方法:将番茄捣烂,滤汁涂于脸部,20分钟后洗净,每日数次,可使皮肤变白,还兼治雀斑. 4 西瓜籽仁美白 材料:西瓜籽仁50克, 桂花200克,桔皮100克 做法: 将材料混合后碾成细末,饭后用米汤服用,每日3次,每次一勺,服用一个月后面开始变白. 5 马铃薯美白 材料: 马铃薯1\\3 , 面粉或者奶粉适量 方法: 马铃薯去皮,研磨捣烂成糊状,滤去水分,调入上等得面粉,作为面膜涂在脸上,25分钟后用清水洗去.对皮下得黑色素有漂白得作用,尤其对消除黑眼圈十分有效,若加入上好得奶粉效果更加. 6 梨或苹果美白 材料:梨子或者是苹果一个 面粉适量 做法: 将梨子或者是苹果捣烂,调入面粉,搅拌均匀敷面,有助于面部皮肤的细嫩. 7 白菜美白 材料: 新鲜的白菜适量 做法: 白菜帮切成片状,贴于面部,有使黑色皮肤转白的功用. 8 鸡蛋清美白 材料: 鸡蛋清一个, 面粉,黄瓜汁适量 方法: 蛋清加入少许面粉和黄瓜汁,调成糊状,每晚涂在脸上,半小时后洗去,可使皮肤光滑细腻. 9 牛奶美白 材料: 牛奶适量 做法: 牛奶能使皮肤白嫩,将纱布浸入牛奶,湿透后敷面,半小时后用清水洗去,每天一次.皮肤被晒过度出现红斑,可用牛奶涂搽被晒部位,再用柠檬敷面,一周后斑点会变小,随后将黄瓜捣烂加入葛粉和适量的蜂蜜,涂搽几次,课消除斑点. **************** 在春天和夏天的时候用热水洗脸,而相反,秋天和冬天的时候用冷水洗脸,效果很明显,而且会感觉皮肤比以前改善了很多,白皙里透着微红,偶试过了 效果很明显 ********************* 美白秘诀 将小黄瓜捣碎,加一些蜂蜜,沾抹在脸上,持之以恒之后,肌肤也会变得白净。 ****************** electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 最安全有效的美白方法 白果仁,让肌肤更娇美 白果仁性味甘、苦、涩、干,白果酸在体外可抑制一些皮肤真菌,故外用可治头面手足多种碍容性皮肤病,并可延缓皮肤衰老,防止皮肤粗糙。 美容功效:将白果仁捣成液浆涂于脸上,可令肌肤柔嫩光滑,白皙娇美。 白苏美容,不一样的感觉 白苏美容在爱美人士中引起的反响,足以表明白苏的魅力所在。将鲜白苏叶擦于腋下可去肿瘤,更奇妙的是:它能将令人尴尬的狐臭一扫而空。 美容功效:干燥、起皱、灰黄的皮肤尤其适合用白苏美容,富有弹性而洁白的肌肤是白苏给渴望美白的人士带来的福音。 白芷,给肌肤水一样的滋润 白芷味香色白,为古老的美容中药之一,市场上以其为原料的化妆品和美容品层出不穷,而“原滋原味”的白芷,其美容效果更为显著:白芷水煎剂对体外多种致病菌有一定的抑制作用,并可改善微循环,促进皮肤的新陈代谢,延缓皮肤衰老。 美容功效:柔嫩的肌肤润泽光滑,滋润的容颜呈现出水一样的灵气。 白蒺藜,给你婴儿般的肌肤 白蒺藜又名刺蒺藜,含有多种生物碱和甙类,有降血压、降血脂等作用,其中所含的过氧化物分解酶,具有明显的抗衰老作用。 美容功效:久服可祛脸上瘢痕,并让肌肤柔嫩润滑。 白芨,让肌肤更光滑 白芨富含淀粉、葡萄糖、挥发油、粘液质等,外用涂擦,可消除脸上痤疮般下的痕迹,让肌肤光滑无痕。 美容功效:滋润肌肤,令肌肤光滑如玉。 ********************** 介绍健康美白的十二个方法 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 1、如果不是必须,尽量避免在夏季早上10点—下午2点出去,因为一天当中,这段时间的阳光最强、紫外线最具威力,对肌肤的伤害最大。 2、外出时尽可能戴帽子、撑阳伞、戴太阳眼镜、穿长袖衣裤,以保护肌肤。 3、每次晴天外出时,都应涂防晒品,而且应每隔2—3小时擦一次。而游泳时也应涂防晒品,并且还应使用防水且防晒指数较高的防晒品。 4、只要从事过户外活动,无论日晒程度如何,回家后都应先洗澡,并以按摩的方式轻轻擦拭全身,先用温水,再用冷水冲淋,并全身抹些护肤露。 5、暴晒后,如有条件可用毛巾包着冰块来冰镇发红的被灼伤皮肤以减缓局部燥热,并尽量少用手抓,否则将会加剧晒后斑的产生。 6、晒后还可取用家中鲜芦荟,刮出中间的芦荟物质敷在肌肤上,有镇定和美白的作用。 7、手在外出时也要搽防晒露,而手臂、脚、膝裸外露时也应涂防晒品,这样既可以防晒又可以有效减少斑点,特别是中年以后过早生成“老年斑”。 8、水是美容圣物,早晨醒来应及早空腹喝凉白开,如在水中加片柠檬,则美容效果更明显。晚上睡前30分钟也请喝一小杯水,让细胞充分吸收,可有效防止皱纹生成。 9、多吃黄瓜、草莓、西红柿、桔子等,因为其含有大量VC,能有效帮助黑色素还原,协助美白,增进免疫力。 10、充足睡眠,有效缓解生活压力,多听音乐,也是美白的好帮手。 11、少抽烟、少喝刺激性饮料,保证睡眠,可保持肌肤柔嫩光润。 12、远离人工添加剂,少吃油炸食品,慎用激素和避孕药,这些都会直接导致黑色素沉着和雀斑生成。 连载:美容大王 出版社:当代世界出版社 作者:徐熙嫒 想当卫生纸或日光灯,也要吃得很讲究~想要像我这美容大王的皮肤一样白的话,有些食物是绝不能吃的,包括九层塔、香菜、芹菜、红萝卜和木瓜。九层塔、香菜和芹菜含有吸光剂,吃了它们之后遇到阳光皮肤容易变黑;红萝卜和木瓜则因为它们本来就是红色的,吃多了之后晒得偏红或是偏黄,这些都是医学信息上已经证实的。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 我有一位朋友希望自己的皮肤可以晒得健康黝黑,长期吃红萝卜与木瓜来加强,再跑去 晒太阳,结果把肤色晒得黄黑黄黑的,有够神奇吧。所以如果你想美白又天天吃红萝卜和木瓜,就算保养到不行也不会很白的啦~ 还有一个原则本大王很坚持,就是黑色的食物我统统不吃,像是酱油、黑醋、咖啡等等,除非我必须要消肿,才会喝黑咖啡~我以十几年的美白经验告诉大家,要美白就要多吃下面的这些食物:维他命C、杏仁、牛奶、豆浆和珍珠粉~ ◎美白大补帖1:维他命C 维他命C含有美白的作用,但是维他命C最好吃维他命C胶囊,或是发泡维他命C锭,就是丢在水中会发泡溶解的那一种,而且要早晚都吃。因为维他命C就算摄取过多,也会随着尿液排出,不会囤积在体内,需要时晚上再补充一些也无妨。至于维他命C口含锭或是维他命C软糖,效果就很有限了。 ◎美白大补帖2:杏仁 杏仁和维他命C一样,必须每天喝。在牛奶或豆浆里泡入杏仁粉,天天喝美白效果也可以很快看出来。 ◎美白大补帖3:珍珠粉 不知道是不是巧合,我觉得白的食物吃了容易变白,像杏仁、牛奶、豆浆、珍珠粉啦都是白色一族。在市面上有卖一包一包装的珍珠粉,每天早晚服用,也有不错美白效果。 珍珠粉还可以和面膜调在一起敷脸,调在护唇膏里头用来护唇,调在护手霜里用来护手。它在我的美白补帖排行里总是前列几名喔~ ◎美白大补帖4:豆浆 吃素之后我发现,豆浆除了能美白外,还可以补充体力。如果你肉吃得比较少,或是早上起床后常常没精神,可以在起床后喝一杯打了一颗生鸡蛋的热豆浆,如果怕胖就不要加糖。最近我还听到传说,说豆浆加生鸡蛋有丰胸的神奇效果哩~ ◎美白大补帖5:鲜奶 鲜奶也是我非常喜欢的饮品,我早上起床如果没喝豆浆,就一定会喝鲜奶。睡前喝热鲜奶能帮助睡眠,早上喝冰鲜奶可以解决宿便。而且你会很明显的感觉到,早上喝过鲜奶,一整天的体力会比较好。最重要的是,鲜奶是白的,我总觉得喝鲜奶也有辅助美白的效果呢~ electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 但同样也是白色的优酪乳,我觉得它的美白效果就不强了,不过在优酪乳里加绿茶粉,能帮助排便。只是,优酪乳的热量其实满高的。 有一些美眉的困扰是局部皮肤比较黑,我最近在医学报导中看到,如果吃了医生开的调经片,或是长期吃避孕药,都会使你的额头、腋下和胯下这三个部位的皮肤暗沉。如果你必须吃避孕药或调经片,就必须在这三个部位加强美白啰~ 美白面膜? 材料: 绿豆、白芷、白敛、茯苓、薏仁。 作法: 1.个别或两两合一将绿豆、白芷、白敛、茯苓、薏仁等量磨成粉,混合在一起。 2.将中药粉加适量的水调成糊状。 3.洗净脸后将混合的敷料涂于脸上,等到干掉就可以洗掉了。 雅妍小提醒: 我有时候特别累,洗完澡后会取一些些调好的粉在手上,加一点温水搅拌,敷在脸上轻轻按摩一下(约3分钟),半干后再用温水洗掉,脸上的过敏,甚至一些小痘痘都会慢慢消失,早上起床后的皮肤也会特别水嫩白皙。 美白面膜? 材料: 较低价的珍珠粉 (有别于食用珍珠粉)。 作法: 1.将珍珠粉加适量水调成糊状。 2.洗净脸后敷于脸上,等到干掉就可以洗掉了。 雅妍小提醒: electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 珍珠粉除了食用外,还可以外用。外用可以选择较低价的珍珠,磨成粉末加水敷脸,多用几次后很明显的脸部的皮肤会变白,看起来很有光泽,如果敷完脸有多余的粉末,可以敷在脖子上或手臂,穿衣服或化妆的时候才不会觉得肤色有色差。 回答者: walilie | 一级 | 2005-11-13 17:37 先简单说: 睡觉:美女都是睡出来的 少上网:上网的确能让皮肤差很多 运动:皮肤好,心情好 抑郁也能使皮肤暗黄生粉刺等等... 方法很多,总之,调整好心情,调整好心态,面对一切~ 我告诉你几招密绝吧!效果超好哦!快试试吧! 1.把醋和盐用水溶解,比例是大概水:白醋:盐,9:3:1,用调好的混合液把毛巾润湿,擦在脸上,早晚各一次,(如果要多擦个一两次也没问题啦),效果不错哦,而且见效很快,皮肤会变白,痘痘也会不见了( 2.用草莓炸成汁,放上蛋清。每2~3天擦一次 3.用水和蜂蜜调配后加入珍珠粉,这样用几次以后,脸是又白又嫩! 4.最简单最便宜最方便但是十分十分十分有效的美白方法(亲身体验)将香蕉弄成糊状(一定是香蕉,不能用芭蕉代替),然后倒入全脂牛奶,再加入少量水。这些东西的比例大概是2:5:1然后往脸上抹,然后轻轻拍打脸部,最后什么都不要做。20分钟后洗掉...你发现了什么,,,,~~~是不是白了一圈, 美白小秘方 美丽大收集 1、牛奶美白:准备一小杯鲜奶,(夏天的时候,也可以把鲜奶到放到冰箱里,敷上凉凉的,会更舒服)。用蒸气蒸脸,将化妆棉吸满鲜奶,敷在脸上十五分钟左右,取下,用清水将脸上的牛奶洗净。长期坚持,可以使肤色白净均匀。 2、准备三指宽二指长的面带斑点的芦荟叶去刺洗干净,然后是一块三厘米长的黄瓜、?鸡蛋清、2—3克珍珠粉、适量的面粉(用做调稀稠)。 将芦荟、黄瓜放入榨汁机榨汁后倒入小碗,然后放入蛋清、珍珠粉、适量面粉调成糊,以不往下流淌为准。 把脸洗干净,将调好的糊抹在脸上,干后洗净,拍上柔肤水、护肤品即可,每周1—2次。 3、蕃茄蜂蜜美白 这个美白配方可同时作脸及手部美白。特别是暗疮皮肤,能有效去油腻,防止感染,使皮肤白皙细致。 配方:蕃茄半个、蜂蜜适量。 用法:可将蕃茄搅拌成蕃茄汁后加入适量蜂蜜搅至糊状。均匀涂于脸或手部,待约15分钟洗去。建议每星期做1,2次 4、将青椒、大黄瓜、四分之一苦瓜、西洋芹、青苹果等打成美容蔬菜汁来喝,这样的蔬菜汁里头有足够的维他命 C,对于美白非常有效。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 5、取新鲜鸡蛋一枚,洗净揩干,加入500毫升优质醋中浸泡一个月。当蛋壳溶解于醋液中之后,取一小汤匙溶液掺入一杯开水,搅拌后服用,每天一杯。长期服用醋蛋液,能使皮肤光滑细腻,扫除面部所有黑斑。 6. 蜂蜜蛋白膜;新鲜鸡蛋一枚,蜂蜜一小汤匙,将两者搅和均匀,临睡前用干净软刷子将此膜涂刷在面部,其间可进行按摩,刺激皮肤细胞,促进血液循环。待一段时间风干后,用清水洗净,每周两次为宜。这种面膜还可以用水释稀后搓手,冬季可防治皲裂。 7、中医美白:材料:白芷、甘草、核仁、当归、绿豆粉、檀香等分研末。 用法: 一、洗脸:加适量的水,即可。 二、敷脸:加蜂蜜,牛奶及1,4颗的蛋白,适量调敷于全脸(当然眼及嘴不可敷),待干后再清水洗净即可。一星期1,2次(不要太多次,皮肤会受不了),可用于青春痘、黑班、雀斑,同样也可缩小鼻旁的毛细孔,用过的人都觉的不错,皮肤变白嫩,又便宜。 8、材料:白芷6克;蛋黄1个;蜂蜜1大匙;小黄瓜汁1小匙;橄榄油3小匙。 做法:1、先将白芷粉末,装在碗中,加入蛋黄搅均匀。 2、再加入蜂蜜和小黄瓜汁,调匀后涂抹于脸上,约二十分钟后,再用清水冲洗干净。 3、脸洗净后,用化妆棉沾取橄榄油,敷于脸上,约5分钟。 4、然后再以热毛巾覆盖在脸上,此时化妆棉不需拿掉。 5、等毛巾冷却后,再把毛巾和化妆棉取下,洗净脸部即可。 蛋清面膜:将蛋清打入碗内(去蛋黄)搅拌至起白色泡沫后,加入新鲜柠檬6,8滴,搅匀直接涂在脸上,具有收敛皮肤、消炎抗皱的作用。 牛奶面膜:用鲜牛奶一汤匙,加4,5滴橄榄油,面粉适量,调匀后敷面。此面膜,具有收敛作用,长期使用可消除面部皮肤上的皱纹,增加皮肤活力和弹性,使皮肤清爽润滑,适用于中老年妇女或面部皱纹较多的孕产妇。 香蕉面膜:将香蕉去皮捣烂成糊状后敷面,15,20分钟后洗去,长期坚持可使脸部皮肤细嫩、清爽,特别适用于干性或敏感性皮肤的面部美容,效果良好。此方法可使皮肤清爽滑润,并可去除脸部痤疮及雀斑。这种方法适合任何一种皮肤,一周一次,可软化角质净白皮肤 银耳面膜:银耳、白芷、茯苓、玉竹各50克,共研末过筛,每晚取粉5克,配面粉3克用水调匀涂面,次日清晨洗去。银耳、白芷、玉竹均能滋养肌肤,茯苓能祛面斑,并引导诸药直入肌肤,但面部患有皮炎的人要慎用。 苹果面膜:将苹果去皮切块或捣泥,然后涂于脸部,如系干性过敏性皮肤,可加适量鲜牛奶或植物油,油性皮肤宜加些蛋清。15,20分钟后用热毛巾洗干净即可。隔天一次,一个疗程为20天,具有使皮肤细滑、滋润、白腻的作用,还可消除皮肤暗疮、雀斑、黑斑等症状。 橄榄油面膜:把橄榄油加热至37?左右,再加入适量蜂蜜,然后把纱布块浸在油中取出覆盖在脸上,20分钟后取下,有防止皮肤衰老,润肤祛斑除皱之效,适用于皮肤特别干燥者。 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on 柠檬面膜:将一个鲜柠檬榨汁后加一倍的水,再加入三大匙面粉调成面膏状随后敷在脸上,15,20分钟左右取下,或将一个鲜柠檬切片直接贴于面部15,20分钟左右取下,洗净脸部。每天一次,七天为一个疗程。此面膜具有收敛作用,可使皮肤清爽、润滑、细嫩,长期坚持能延缓皮肤衰老。 黄瓜面膜:取鲜黄瓜汁加入奶粉、蜂蜜适量,风油精数滴调匀后涂面,20,30分钟后洗净,或将黄瓜洗净切薄片直接贴于脸部,具有润肤、增白、除皱的作用。 白芷面膜:取白芷10克,白附子10克,共研细末,加水和蜂蜜适量调奖敷面,20分钟后洗净,有祛皱、消斑、增白作用,适用于面部色素沉着或黄褐增斑患者。 蜂蜜番茄面膜:先将番茄压烂取汁,加入适量蜂蜜和少许面粉调成膏状,涂于面部保持20,30分钟,具有使皮肤滋润、白嫩、柔软的作用,长期使用还具有祛斑除皱和治疗皮肤痤疮等功能。 酸牛奶、蜂蜜、柠檬汁各100毫克,加5粒维生素E调匀,敷面并保留15分钟,然后用清水洗净。此法可促进皮表上的死细胞脱落,新细胞再生,从而达到健美皮肤的目的。 牛奶100毫升,草莓50克,捣烂如泥,调成糊状,涂擦面部,保留20分钟后洗去。此法可防止皮肤干燥、老化,使皮肤光滑、湿润、细腻。 鲜牛奶50毫升,加4,5滴橄榄油及适量面粉调匀敷面,20分钟后洗净。此法长期使用,可增加皮肤的活力弹性,使皮肤变得清爽润滑,细腻洁白。 酸牛奶、奶油各等份,混合调匀后敷面,保留20分钟后用清水洗净。此法具有收敛作用,长期坚持可消除面部皮肤上的皱纹,适用于中老年妇女或面部皱纹较多的孕产妇 用牛奶,蛋青,还有柠檬汁,还有放点蜂蜜,还有珍珠粉,再加点VE搅拌均匀了以后,放面膜纸浸泡,泡几个小时以后敷在脸上,很配偶的脸啊,偶皮肤敏感,而且很干燥,蜂蜜牛奈都是滋润的,牛奶还美白,柠檬有VC,还有VE 81 electricity at no cost, revenue from electricity sales. Poverty alleviation to the removal, to desperate farmers out of poverty, in conjunction with urbanization, new communities are centrally placed. Poverty in the enterprise, enterprise more powerful, more social responsibility, they should allow more people to enjoy the fruits of development. Conditions to encourage private enterprises to establish Charity Fund for poverty alleviation, employment, grants, financial aid and other forms of poverty alleviation activities, let poverty alleviation aid corporate social responsibility in the specific embodiment, the proper meaning of giving back to the community. Finally reveals to implement poverty alleviation policies, older age, incapacity, cannot be achieved through industry support and employment support, such as poverty, children and unable to support the poor, Lo-Fi policy reveals the role to play, eventually incorporated into the low range, and fundamentally solve the problem of poverty. (C) establishing and perfecting retreat mechanism. Poverty alleviation is a dynamic project, we must strengthen the farmers ' information management, dynamic management of poor, really "poor" no place to hide, "poverty" a timely exit, "poor" and "return to the poor" get maximum support and help. To build up the information network system of the poor, poverty the basic information and dynamic entry to the system, to implement dynamic management. According to pro-poor development, timely adjustment on
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