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omg美语2013omg美语2013 How I Met Your Mother: Settle Down! 安定下来~ 白洁 发布日期:2013年3月13日 Settle Down 安定下来 Kids, earlier in this story you may recall me saying something along the lines of: 孩子们,早在这个故事中,你可能记得我说的: OK. No more dating. I am ready to settle down. 好啊。不再去约会。我准备好定下来...

omg美语2013 How I Met Your Mother: Settle Down! 安定下来~ 白洁 发布日期:2013年3月13日 Settle Down 安定下来 Kids, earlier in this story you may recall me saying something along the lines of: 孩子们,早在这个故事中,你可能记得我说的: OK. No more dating. I am ready to settle down. 好啊。不再去约会。我准备好定下来。 Settle down 的意思就是跟你的女友或者男友定下来,准备好结婚。 You've been with Ryan for 3 years! Are you ready to settle down? 你和Ryan在一起已经有3年了~你们准备好定下来吗, Yeah I am SO ready for him to propose! 准备好啊~我希望他会向我求婚哦~ And at the time I probably thought I meant it. 当时我觉得我大概是说真的。 I mean it! 我说真的~ Stop dancing around! 别再接着跳舞了! (other person dancing) I mean it! Stop! 我是认真的~停下~ I didn't mean it! 我不是故意的~ I can't believe you don't like my glasses 我不敢相信你不喜欢我的眼镜 I didn't mean it! I was joking! 我不是故意的~我是开玩笑的吧~ But kids, I'll be honest, being single's fun. 但是,孩子们,说实话,单身很好玩~ As a young, unattached man in New York City I had a great time. 住在纽约市年轻,单身的家伙就非常好玩儿啦~ unattached 单身 My sister is still unattached. And she's 35! 我的姐姐还是单身的。她是35岁哦~ That's OK! She'll find her soulmate someday! 没事吧~她还会找到她的灵魂伴侣啊~ A great time. 很好玩哦~ What was I saying? 我在说什么, Oh yeah. I had such a great time that it took someone very special to make me want to settle down. 对啊。我玩儿的非常开心。但是一个非常特别的人让我发现我准备好定下来。 And that someone was Jeanette. 那很特别的人就是Jeanette. What made Jeanette so special? Jeanette为什么很特别呢, That was a foul!! 那就是犯规~~~ Jeanette was the last girl I dated before I met your mother. 我见到你的妈妈之前,Jeanette是我最后一个女朋友。 The girl who finally got me to say: "No more dating." 终于让我说"不要再去约会"的女孩。 I'm ready to settle down. 我准备好定下来。 And really mean it. 我说真的。 美国最新俚语:All Kinds of Crazy! 非常疯狂~ 白洁 发布日期:2013年3月15日 我们今天一起来看看白洁和她的好友都会用的新美语slang! 这些新的美语日常交际是很口语的~ 1) (___)-fest 会有很多, 形容某件东西很多 -fest 会有很多, 形容某件东西很多 Are you excited for the party? 要去参加派对,你兴奋吗, Yeah! It's gonna be a babe-fest! 非常兴奋啊~派对会有很多美女来参加啊~ Are you excited to go to the party? 要去参加派对,你兴奋吗, No. It's gonna be a nerd-fest. I'm not gonna stay very long. 不。派对会有很多书呆子来参加。我不会待很久的。 You wanna go see the new Oz movie with me? 你想跟我一起去看看新的Oz电影 吗, No! I heard it was gonna be a complete snooze-fest. 不想哦~我听说Oz非常无聊哦~ 2) Woot! Woop! 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示欣喜~你也可以说 Woo-hoo! Woot! Woop! 表示欣喜~你也可以说 Woo-hoo! I'm gonna take a trip to NYC! Woot! 我要去纽约市玩~耶!! I aced my test! Woop! 我考试考得好极了~耶~ 3) all kinds of 非常 all kinds of 非常"all kinds of" 一般的意思是"各种",比如 All kinds of puppies 各种小狗,但是在这的意思是"非常""形容词" Why did Ryan break up with Rachel? Ryan 为什么跟Rachel分手啊, Because that girl is all kinds of crazy! He couldn't take it anymore! 因为这个女孩子非常疯狂啊~他受不了了~ Hey, wanna go grab some lunch? 嘿,想跟我一起出去吃午饭吗, No, I can't. I'm all kinds of busy! I gotta keep working. 不行。我特忙~我要继续工作。 My Phone Died! 手机没电了~OMG美语 - 白洁 发布日期:2013年3月21日 我们今天一起来看看美语里面关于手机的一些非常口语的说法~ messed up 有问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 drop call 电话断了,断线 My iPhone is messed up. It keeps dropping calls! 我的iPhone有问题~我打电话的时候,它老断线~ get cut off 电话断了 spotty service 手机信号不好 Hello? Are you there? 喂,你在吗~, Sorry! Service is so spotty here. We keep getting cut off! 哎呀,这里的手机信号不好啊~我手机打电话老断~ Can you hear me now? 能听见我说话吗, Hello? Are you there? Can you hear me now?? 喂,在吗,能听见我说话吗, My phone's dead! My phone died! 手机没电了 Oh no! I think my phone died! 哎呀~我觉得我手机没电了。。 I need to charge it, I need to plug it in 我需要充电,得找个插座充电。 My phone died, I need to plug it in. 手机没电了。。我得充电~ '22' by Taylor Swift 2013年3月22日 我们今天一起来看看Taylor Swift最新的歌曲~22! It feels like a perfect night 今夜似乎是个完美夜晚 to dress up like hipsters 打扮成文青 文艺青年 and make fun of our exes 嘲笑我们的旧恋人 Hipster 我认识很多hipsters,他们都骑自行车上下班或者上学, 他们穿skinny的牛仔裤和American Apparel的deep V-neck体恤; 他们吃素,有的甚至是vegan.他们也都知道最新最fashion的音乐。他们也会带很大的眼镜。 You wanna see a pic of my new BF? 想看看我新男朋友的照片吗, Sure! ...OMG! He is such a hipster! 好啊~。。天啊~他好像是文艺青年啊~哈哈~ Yeah! I think hipsters are super cute. 对啊~我觉得文艺青年好可爱哦~ and make fun of our exes 嘲笑我们的旧恋人 It feels like a perfect night 今夜似乎是个完美夜晚 for breakfast at midnight 来个午夜的早餐 to fall in love with strangers ah, ah. ah, ah. 爱上陌生人 Yeah we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time 我们同时感到欢乐 自由 迷惑, 寂寞 It's miserable and magical, oh yeah 真是糟糕却又如此奇幻 Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines, its time 今天是忘记时间的一夜 就是现在 I don't know about you 不知你是怎么想的 but I'm feeling 22 但我感到年轻似22岁 Everything will be alright if 每件事情都如此美好 you keep me next to you 如果你将我留在身边 You don't know about me 你不认识我 but I'll bet you want to 但我敢说你一定想了解我 Everything will be alright if 每件事情都如此美好 We just keep dancing like we're...22, 22 如果我们一直跳舞...就像我们22岁一样 短信聊天缩略语:DFTBA = Don't Forget To Be Awesome 别忘了,你很棒啊~2013年3月25日 我们今天一起来看看美语里面最新发短信的短句~这些短句是我美国朋友用的~他们发短信给我就会用这 些短句~起初,我并不知道这些短句是什么意思~这些短句非常的new!! DFTBA = Don't Forget To Be Awesome 别忘了,你很棒啊~ NB! = Not bad! 不错~ LOL! = Laugh Out Loud! 大笑~哈哈哈~ Hey, how r u? 嘿,怎么样, NB! Super busy right now, stressed. 不错~特忙啊,压力很大 OK I'll text u later. 好啊,等会儿跟你聊聊 DFTBA! 别忘了,你很棒啊~ LOL U 2! 哈哈 你也是啊~ SMH = Shaking My Head 摇头 SMH 2 = Shaking My Head too 我也摇头 I am so mad at Tom. 我生Tom的气了。 What happened? 怎么了, He keeps texting his old girlfriend. 他一直发短信给他的前女友~ SMH. Not cool! 摇头。不行啊~ SMH 2. 我也摇头。 LMK = Let Me Know 告诉我 Hey, wanna get dinner later? 嘿,我们一起吃晚饭吧 Sure, what do u wanna eat? 好啊,吃什么, I dunno, lemme think about it. 不知道啊,我想想 OK LMK & I'll make a reservation. 好啊,想好就告诉我吧。我会订位子。 谁来买单,Split It! Splitsies! AA制~ 发布日期:2013年3月12日 我很喜欢跟我的朋友一起出去吃饭~但是决定谁来付帐会出些问题~所以我们今天一起学怎么用美语决定谁来付帐~ split it, splitsies, split it down the middle = AA制 Here's the check ladies. I'll take this whenever you're ready, OK? 这是付账。你们准备好我就会回来拿,好码, Wanna split it? AA制? Sure! 好啊~ Splitsies? AA制? Ok! 好啊~ Just split it down the middle please. 我们AA制,好吗, Ok I'll be right back! 好啊~我马上回来~ go threesies 3个人分担 Here's the check ladies. I'll take this whenever you're ready, OK? 这是付账。你们准备好我就会回来拿,好码, OK you guys wanna go threesies on this one? 好啊,我们3个人分担,怎么样, Sure let's split it 3 ways. 好啊,我们三个人分摊。 I got this 我来付吧 No, it's OK, I got this. 不,没事,我来付吧。 No! Let's split it! 不~大家分担吧~ Yeah, le'ts go threesies! 对啊~我们都AA制~ No, it's my treat! 不~我请你们吧~ 靠过去一点~Scoot! Scootch! 发布日期:2013年3月11日 看美剧学英语:Big Bang Theory! 生活大爆炸~2013年3月8日 美语 - Big Bang Theory: You Made My Day! Sheldon! Hello Sheldon! 你好 Hello! How is the final stage of your nicotine addiction study going? 你好~你研究对尼古丁上瘾的最后阶段怎么样了, Fine. Just hold on. Mommy's on the phone!! 还好吧。等一下。妈妈来电话~~ Sorry. We've cut the monkeys down to one cigarette a day. So things are a little intense! 不好意思。我们给猴子的香烟每天已经减到一根了。所以现在情况有点紧张~ Good news! The newest episode of "Fun with Flags" is online! 好消息~最新一集"Fun with Flags"上网了~ Oh, that's right! How'd it go with Penny? 哦~对啊~你和Penny的合作怎么样, 这是很口语的说法~你想知道一件事的最新发展,可以问"How'd it go?" 比如说: I took my test 我考完试了 How'd it go? 考得怎么样, Much better than I expected! 比我预料的要好得多! She even gave me some helpful tips about acting and body language. 她甚至在演戏和身势语方面指点了我。 Body language 就是身势语。如果你能看出某人有什么感觉,那就是他 的Body language 。 Watch. Welcome to my world. Not welcome to my world 看看。欢迎来到我的世界。不欢迎来到我的世界。 Welcome. Not welcome 欢迎。不欢迎。 Subtle, but powerful. 微妙的,但很强大。 I know. I'm still learning to control it. 我知道。我还是学习如何控制。 Did you tell Penny how helpful she was? 你有没有告诉Penny她帮你很大的忙, Why would I do that? 我为什么要这么做呢, Because she's your friend. And she did a nice job. I'm sure she'd like to hear it. 因为她是你的朋友。她干得可真棒。我肯定,她会很高兴听你这么说。 Alright 好啊 I didn't mean now!! Hello?? Yeah yeah, youd like a cigarette!? Well I'd like a normal boyfriend!! Deal with it!! 我不是说现在啊~喂~,好啊好啊~你要一根香烟~我还要一位正常的男朋友呢! 凑合点吧~ Hi~What's up? 嘿~干嘛, Do you want me to close the door so you can do your knocking thing? 你要我关门,然后你再来敲吗, No. I didn't start yet. It's fine. 不。我还没开始。没事。 OK. So what do you need? 好啊。你需要什么呢, Well I was thinking about you helping me out last night Penny. 我正在想昨天晚上你帮了我,Penny. And I just wanted to tell you, Penny. 我只想告诉你, Penny. That the answer to the question "Who did a great job?" is you, Penny. 如果要问"谁干得漂亮,"答案应该是你,Penny. Really? 真的, Yes! you were very natural in front of the camera. 真的~你在摄像机前很自然。 And I found your suggestions extremely helpful. 你的建议帮我很大的忙~ Aw Sweetie! You just made my day! 哦,亲爱的。听你这么说我太高兴了~ 一件事让你很高兴的时候,比如Sheldon表示感谢, 你就会说 You just made my day!意思就是'你让我非常高兴啊~" OK. 好啊。 跟Beat有关的日常口语:Beat it 走开~Beats Me! 我不知道~ 2013年3月7日 Beats me 我不知道 E-vite 邀请函 When does the party start? 派对什么时候开始, Beats me! Look at the e-vite. 不知道啊~看看网上的邀请函~ I'm beat 我很累 Wanna go shopping? 你想跟我一起去逛街吗, No thanks. I just ran 5 miles and I'm beat! 不想去了。我刚跑完5英里,累死了~ beat 音乐节奏 白洁 isn't a very good dancer. She can't dance to the beat. 白洁不太会跳舞。她跳舞赶不上节奏。 Beat me up over it 因为某事责备我 I can't believe you're late! I've been waiting for 45 minutes! 我怎么这么晚~我等了45分钟啦~ Don't beat me up over it! I was stuck on the subway! 别说我了~我堵在地铁上了~ to beat 打败 We beat the #1 team in the league! 我们的队打败了联赛中最好的队~ Beat it 走开~ Michael Jackson 最有名的歌曲之一也叫"Beat It!" Hi 白洁。。。Are you still mad at me? 嘿白洁。。你还生我的气吗, Beat it! I don't want to talk to you! 走开~我不想跟你说话啊~ MTV - Beat It by Michael Jackson 看美剧学英语之《破产姐妹》 - 2 Broke Girls: Go Ham! 2013年3月6日 OMG! 美语 - 2 Broke Girls: Go Ham! 我们今天一起来看看白洁最喜欢的电视剧之一~就是 2 Broke Girls! 破产姐妹! 第二季16集里的一些口语 的美语说法~ I can't believe this! I'm standing in a flying living room eating ham! 我真不敢相信~我居然站在飞行的客厅里吃火腿~ 那是来自意大利的火腿~ That's prosciutto from Italy. It's ham from right over there. 这是那边那火腿。 And I'm about to go ham on this ham! 那我就要干掉这火腿~ To go ham on是很口语的说法~意思就是很努力地做某件事。 I went ham at the gym today! I ran on the treadmill for 45 minutes!! 我今天在健身房很努力的运动~我在跑步机上跑了45分钟! It's been 2 hours! When is 2 Chainz gonna wake up? I want a picture! 已经两个小时啦~2 Chainz什么时候醒啊,我想照张相~ You want him to wake up for a picture? I'll handle that. 你想让他起来照张相吗,我来搞定。 Anything? 他醒了吗, Nothing. Do it again! 没醒。再来一次吧~ Wow that Sleepy Time really knocks you out! He must have 2-bagged it! 哇~这个"宁神茶"真是一喝就着~他一定用了两袋~ Sleepy Time 的意思就是帮助你入睡的茶,比如宁神茶。 I drink sleepy time every night before I go to bed. 我每天晚上睡觉前,喜欢喝一杯宁神茶。 Sleepy Time knocks you out 的意思就是喝宁神茶之后就会让你沉睡。 That long day at the office really knocks her out. 在办公室累了一整天,让她睡得很香。 He 2-bagged it 的意思就是他喝茶的时候,用了两个茶袋。 I like drinking really strong tea, so I 2-bag it! 我喜欢喝浓茶,所以我用两个茶袋。 你也可以说 double-bag it! He's totally out! Let's just do it! 他彻底睡死了~我们上~ Wait. We're just gonna take his picture. Nothing else, right? 等一下。只是照相。不干别的吧, Yes! 当然啊~。 Because I can see how these things can get out of hand. 因为这事好像很容易失控。 OK! I'm first! 好啊~我先来啊~ Wait, do another! Do another! 等一下,再来一个~再来一个~ Good one! 不错啊~ New Facebook default! In fact, this is my new default for everything, including my tombstone ! 这可以做我的新Facebook头像~事实上,这可以做我所有东西的新头像~包括我的墓碑! Facebook default pic 就是你的Facebook头像。 selfie 自拍的照片 A lot of people take selfies and make them their default Facebook (or Weibo!) pics. 很多人都会用自拍的照片做Facebook或者微博的头像~ 'Halo' by Beyonce 发布日期:2013年3月5日 让我们今天一起来唱我最喜欢的情歌!不是最新的。但是我觉得这就是最浪漫的情歌~ 就是 Beyonce 的歌曲叫"Halo" Remember those walls I built 还记得我筑起的那些高墻 Well baby they're tumbling down 宝贝,它们已然倒塌 And they didn't even put up a fight 它们甚至没进行一丝反抗 They didn't even make a sound 它们甚至没发出任何声响 I found a way to let you in 我让你进入了我的世界 But I never really had a doubt 但我从未有过一丝怀疑 Standing in the light of your halo 站在你的光环之下 I got my angel now 我找到了我的天使 It's like I've been awakened 就好像被你唤醒一样 Every rule I had you breakin 你打破了我的每一条规则 It's the risk that I'm takin 我冒着极大的风险 I ain't never gonna shut you out 我永远都不会拒你于门外 Everywhere I'm looking now 我眼前每一个所见之处 I'm surrounded by your embrace 都被你的双臂紧紧围绕 Baby I can see your halo 宝贝我能看得见你的光环 You know you're my saving grace 知道吗,你就是我的守护天使 You're everything I need and more 你是我所需的一切,甚至更多 It's written all over your face 这全都写在了你的脸上 Baby I can feel your halo 宝贝我能感觉到你的光环 Pray it won't fade away 祈祷它永远也不会消逝 I can feel your halo (halo) halo 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环 I can see your halo (halo) halo 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环 I can feel your halo (halo) halo 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环 I can see your halo (halo) halo 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环 Pick-up lines 搭讪:Do's & Don'ts 该说的和不该说的(2) :2013年3月1日 Don'ts: 不该说的: Did it hurt? 你没有受伤吧, What? 什么? When you fell from heaven! 从天堂降临到人间时! This is the corniest pickup line ever! Just don't use it! 这是最傻的搭讪啊~千万别用~ I lost my phone number. Can I have yours? 我丢了我的手机号码。能给我你的吗, You can't fool me! This is also really corny. Try getting to know the person before you ask for their number! 你骗谁啊~这个搭讪也很傻哦~问某人要手机号码之前,你最好先去认识一下这个人~ Do's: 该说的: Hi I'm Will. What's your name? 你好,我是Will. 你叫什么名字, 如果你们是学生,你可以问: Do you go here? 你在这里上学吗,What are you studying? 你是什么专业的,如果你们在外边的任何地方, 你就会问:What brings you here? 你来这儿干嘛,然后就开始谈话~ 你走之前,可以用这个搭讪~ Do you want to get coffee sometime? 有空跟我喝咖啡好吗? Sure! 好啊~ 'Stay' by Rihanna 作者:OMG美语 - 白洁 发布日期:2013年2月28日 OMG! 美语 "Stay" by Rihanna 我们今天一起来唱 Rihanna 最新的歌曲~叫 "Stay" All along it was a fever 长久以来的狂热 A cold sweat hot-headed believer 来自手冒冷汗鲁莽的信徒 I threw my hands in the air 我在空中挥手 I said show me something 说 给我看看你本事 He said,if you dare come a little closer 他说 若妳敢再靠近一些 Round and around and around and around we go 我们走着晃着 到处流浪 Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know 哦 说着说着 告诉我你懂了 Not really sure how to feel about it 不太确定你有什么感觉 Something in the way you move 你的举止 Makes me feel like I can't live without you 令我觉得无法离开你 It takes me all the way 这感觉一直驱使着我 I want you to stay 我希望你留下 It's not much of a life you're living 生活不太正常 It's not just something you take, it's given 不该只有索取 而是奉献 Round and around and around and around we go 我们走着晃着 到处流浪 Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know 哦 说着说着 告诉我你懂了 Not really sure how to feel about it 不太确定你有什么感觉 Something in the way you move 你的举止 Makes me feel like I can't live without you 令我觉得无法离开你 It takes me all the way 这感觉一直驱使着我 I want you to stay 我希望你留下 Are you a NIGHT OWL or an EARLY BIRD? 你是夜猫还是早起鸟, 发布日期:2013年2月27日 OMG! 美语 Early Bird or Night Owl? 1) night owl 深夜党 I am definitely a night owl. I don't go to bed until after midnight! 我是深夜党~我经常午夜后才睡觉。 2) early bird 早起的人 I have always been an early bird. I love waking up early and running. It's a great way to start the day! 我向来就是一个早起的人。我很喜欢早起,出去跑步~这是开始新的一天的最好的方式! 3) morning person 早起的人 4) night person 夜猫子 地道英语口语缩写:YOLO!! FOMO!! Fro Yo? OMG美语 - 白洁 发布日期:2013年2月26日 我们今天一起来看看美语里面非常口语的缩写字! YOLO = You Only Live Once 你只有一辈子可活 Should I stay here or study abroad in China? 你觉得我应该留在这里还是去中国留学, YOLO! Totes go to China! 你只有一辈子可活~去中国吧~ Should I buy these shoes? 你觉得我应该买这双鞋吗, Yeah! YOLO! 买吧~你只有一辈子可活~ Should I ask Ryan out? I really like him. 你觉得我应该请Ryan去约会吗,我很喜欢他。 Absolutely! YOLO! 当然啦~你只有一辈子可活~ Fro Yo = Frozen Yoghurt 冷冻的酸奶 Wanna go get some fro yo? 你想跟我一起去吃点冷冻的酸奶吗, Yeah! Fro Yo is my favorite dessert! 好啊~冷冻的酸奶是我最喜欢的甜点啊~ FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out 担心错过 Did you go out last night? 你昨天晚上出去了吗, Yeah, I got FOMO, so I went to the party. 出去了。我担心错过好玩的,所以去了派对。--- I don't wanna go dancing! 我不想出去跳舞~ You're gonna get FOMO if you don't. 如果你不去,你会后悔错过好玩儿的啊~ Yeah you're right! Let's go! 嗯~对啊~走吧~ Internet memes 网络迷因: Grass Mud Horse 草泥马 发布日期:2013年2月25日 白洁来教大家怎么跳Harlem Shake哈林摇~我们也一起来学怎么用美语谈中国和美国的Internet memes 网络迷因(网络爆红)! Internet meme 网路迷因,也称"网络快速爆红现象"。 Chinese Internet memes 中国的网路迷因 über famous 非常有名 China's Internet memes are hilarious! What are your favorite Chinese Internet memes? Here are my top 3: 中国的网路迷因非常好笑啊~大家最喜欢的中国的网路迷因是哪些,这三个是我最喜欢的: My favorite Chinese Internet meme is the uber famous "grass mud horse." 我最喜欢的中国非常有名的网路迷因就是。。。那我要说对的。。。草。泥。马! ( I will say each of these characters separately with corresponding pictures so there is no confusion!!) Number 2 is "Are you happy?" 第二就是,"你幸福吗," I have prepared 白洁's version of my third favorite China Internet meme. Are you ready? 我也准备了白洁第三最喜欢的中国网路迷因~能hold住吗, 三种青年(普通青年,文艺青年,第三种青年) American Internet memes 美国网路迷因 go viral 在网上爆红 You never know what is going to go viral! Here are some of my favorite American Internet memes. 谁也不知道什么东西会火! 这些是我最喜欢的美国网路迷因。 LOL Cats 大笑猫猫 LOL Cats is the most famous American Internet meme! LOL Cats 是最有名的美国网路迷因~ OMG!美语 made a "Call Me Maybe" video and a "Gangnam Style" video, remember!? OMG!美语也做过"Call Me Maybe"和"Gangnam Style"视频啊~大家记得吗, There is a brand new meme that is my 3rd favorite. It's called the Harlem Shake. 最新的网路迷因是我第三最喜欢的。叫 "Harlem Shake." Harlem Shake 摇摆舞 When I was in high school, the Harlem Shake was a very popular dance. You move your shoulders like this! 我上高中的时候,纽约哈雷姆摇摆舞很有名。这样扭动你的肩膀~ There is a new Harlem Shake meme that has gone viral. 2013年2月21日 What's your FAVORITE movie? 大家最喜欢的电影是什么, The Oscars 奥斯卡奖典礼是2月24号~所以我们今天一起来谈What's your favorite movie?大家最喜欢的电 影是什么, 1) of all time 一直以来 2) do an impression 模仿一个人 My favorite movie of all time is Forrest Gump! I have seen it at least 20 times! I can do an awesome Forrest Gump impression. 我一直以来最喜欢的电影就是Forrest Gump! 我至少已经看过20遍了! 我模仿Forrest Gump一绝! 3) What are your top 3? 你最喜欢哪3部电影, What are my top 3? It's so hard to choose! Let me think... #1 is Forrest Gump. #2 is Singin' in the Rain. It's from the '50's but it's a classic! I love musicals! And #3 is Legally Blonde! I love that movie!! 我最喜欢哪3部电影,好难选哦~让我想想。。第一是Forrest Gump. 第二就是 Singing in the Rain! 是50 年代的电影,但是很经典~我喜欢音乐剧。第三就是Legally Blonde! 我非常喜欢这部电影~ 4) Who is your fav actor? 你最喜欢的男演员是谁, 5) Who is your fav actress? 你最喜欢的女演员是谁, Ever since Titanic I've always loved Leonardo DiCaprio! And Reese Witherspoon will always be my favorite actress. I loved her performance in Walk the Line! 从Titanic上映后,我最喜欢的男演员一直是Leonardo DiCaprio! Reese Witherspoon也始终是我最喜欢的女 演员~我喜欢她在Walk the Line里的表演~ 2013年2月20日 OMG! 美语 Stay in and Watch Movies! The Oscars 奥斯卡奖典礼是2月24号~所以我们今天一起来谈How do you like to watch movies? 大家最喜 欢在哪里看电影, 1) Go to the movies 去看电影 2) low-key 轻松的 I like to go to the movies on the weekend. It's the perfect low-key night out! 我喜欢周末去看电影,是晚上轻轻松松出去消遣的最好办法。 3) midnight premier 电影的午夜首映 When I'm dying to see a new movie, I love going to the midnight premier. I went to every single Harry Potter midnight premier! 我特别想看哪部新电影的时候,就喜欢去看新电影的午夜首映。Harry Potter每一集,我看的都是午夜首映! 4) Stay in 呆在家里 5) pop a DVD in 看DVD My favorite way to watch a movie is to stay in, pop a DVD in, curl up on the couch and eat an entire bowl of popcorn! 我看电影最喜欢的方式就是,呆在家里,看DVD,縮在沙发上,干掉整整一碗爆米花~ 6) Watch movies online 上网看电影 And when I run out of DVDs, I'll watch movies online! And make another bowl of popcorn. DVD没的看了,我就会上网看电影~再准备一碗爆米花~ 2013年2月14日 今天是情人节~所以我们今天一起来看看怎么用美语谈你的情人节 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ~ Happy Valentine's Day! 情人节快乐~ Happy Valentine's Day! What are your plans for Valentine's Day? 情人节快乐~你情人节有什么计划呢, Boycott 抵制 I am boycotting Valentine's Day this year! I'm single and I don't need a silly holiday to remind me of how lonely I am! 我今年要抵制情人节啦~我现在单身。我不需要什么愚蠢的节日提醒我,我孤身一人~ Blind Date相亲约会 I'm going on a blind date. My BFF Melissa set me up~ 我要去相亲! 是我最好的朋友Melissa安排的~ Gettin' my dance on 出去跳舞 How am I celebrating Valentine's Day!? Me and my girls are gonna go get our dance on! 我要怎么过情人节呢,我和我的女友们要一起出去跳舞~ 2013年2月13日 2月14号是情人节~所以我们今天一起来看看跟爱情有关的美语说法~ Lovesick 相思病 Dan and I broke up 3 months ago, but I miss him so much. I am so lovesick. 我和Dan3个月前分手了,但我还是很想他。我得了相思病。 Love hurts 爱会伤人 Don't worry Baijie. Love hurts when you break up with someone. You just gotta stay strong! 白洁,别担心哦~刚分手时,都会以为爱而受伤。你必须要坚强! Lovey dovey 卿卿我我 You know what's worse? I saw him and his new girlfriend in class yesterday. And they were all lovey dovey! ! 更糟糕的就是我上课的时候看到他和他的新女朋友。看着他们两个卿卿我我~ 2013年2月12日 白洁 is CRAZY about YOU!! 2月14号是情人节~所以我们今天一起来看看跟爱情有关的美语说法~ 1) crazy about 非常喜欢 2) fall for 爱上一个人 3) have a crush on 偷偷喜欢 4) have a thing for 喜欢一个人 crazy about 非常喜欢 你可以说You are crazy about 一个人,一个东西,一个地方~You can be crazy about anything! I am crazy about Justin Bieber! He is so cute! 我非常喜欢 Justin Bieber! 他太可爱了~ I am crazy about coffee! I drink at least 3 cups a day! 我非常喜欢喝咖啡~我每天至少喝三杯咖啡~ I am crazy about China! I can't wait to visit again! 我非常喜欢中国~我等不及再去中国~ fall for 爱上一个人 I think I am falling for Tim. He is so romantic! 我觉得我开始爱上了Tim. 哇,他太浪漫了~ have a crush on 偷偷喜欢 I kind of have a crush on this guy at work. Don't tell anybody! 我偷偷喜欢办公室的一位男同事。不要告诉别人~ have a thing for 喜欢 I also have a thing for this guy in my yoga class. Wow he is so handsome! 我也喜欢瑜珈课的一位男同学。哇~他好帅啊~ 白洁 is CRAZY about YOU!! 2月14号是情人节~所以我们今天一起来看看跟爱情有关的美语说法~ 1) crazy about 非常喜欢 2) fall for 爱上一个人 3) have a crush on 偷偷喜欢 4) have a thing for 喜欢一个人 crazy about 非常喜欢 你可以说You are crazy about 一个人,一个东西,一个地方~You can be crazy about anything! I am crazy about Justin Bieber! He is so cute! 我非常喜欢 Justin Bieber! 他太可爱了~ I am crazy about coffee! I drink at least 3 cups a day! 我非常喜欢喝咖啡~我每天至少喝三杯咖啡~ I am crazy about China! I can't wait to visit again! 我非常喜欢中国~我等不及再去中国~ fall for 爱上一个人 I think I am falling for Tim. He is so romantic! 我觉得我开始爱上了Tim. 哇,他太浪漫了~ have a crush on 偷偷喜欢 I kind of have a crush on this guy at work. Don't tell anybody! 我偷偷喜欢办公室的一位男同事。不要告诉别人~ have a thing for 喜欢 I also have a thing for this guy in my yoga class. Wow he is so handsome! 我也喜欢瑜珈课的一位男同学。哇~他好帅啊~ 2013年2月11日 情人节快到了~所以我们今天一起来看看跟爱情有关的美语说法! player 花心的人 白洁,I think you and Dan should go on a date! 白洁,我觉得你和Dan应该去约会~ No way! Dan is such a player! He has had 6 girlfriends in like one year. 不可能~Dan太花心了~他一年交了6个女朋友。 heartbreaker 伤人心的人 How about Fred? You should totally date Fred! Fred怎么样啊,我觉得你真的该跟Fred交往试试~ No WAY! Fred is a total heartbreaker. Don't you remember when he and Melissa dated? He dumped her for no reason and then started dating her friend Whitney. 起的一段时间吗,~他?突然把Melissa甩了~没绝不可能~Fred就会伤人心。你不记得他和Melissa在一 有任何原因~然后还跟她的朋友Whitney约会。 charmer 会讨人喜欢的人 How about Henry? He's a nice guy! Henry呢,他是个好男生~ I don't trust Henry! He is a charmer. He'll say anything to get a date with a girl. 我不相信Henry!他最会讨人喜欢了。为了跟女孩去约会,他什么都愿意说的~ womanizer 洋葱男 (就是那种伤女人心,使女人落泪,令女人痛苦的没有良心的男人,他们就像洋葱一样,有?层层外衣,让女人不能一下看到他的心) OK! I only have one more suggestion. How about Greg? 好吧~那我只有一个建议了。Greg怎么样啊, Are you kidding me!? He's the biggest womanizer! I will never go on a date with Greg. 你开什么玩笑~,他是最大的洋葱男~我绝对不会跟他一起去约会哦。 You wanna be single forever, Baijie!? 白洁~你难道希望永远都是单身的吗? No! I just wanna find a nice guy! 不~我只是想找个好男生啊~ OMG! 美语 Happy New Year! 我们今天一起来看看怎么用美语给你的朋友和家人拜年~ 1) 恭喜发财, 红包拿来! Best wishes for a prosperous New Year! Give me my red envelope! 2) 压岁钱 lucky money New Year's Eve night, children will receive lucky money from their older relatives! 每到除夕之夜,小孩子将会得到长辈给的压岁钱。 3) 笑口常开 I hope you will be full of laughter 4) 万事如意 I wish you all the best! Best wishes for a prosperous New Year, to all OMG! Meiyu fans and your families. OMG!美语粉丝们和你们的家人新年幸福, 恭喜发财! 2013年2月7日 大家回家过年的时候,父母就会问你很多问题, 关于工作,结婚,买房子~让我们一起来学怎么用美语回答父母的问题~ How's the job hunt? 工作找得怎么样了, tough job market 就业市场很不景气 白洁,how's the job hunt? 白洁,工作找得怎么样了, I've got some interviews lined up. 我有几个工作面试在等著我。 You don't have a job yet? 你还没找到工作吗, I'm interviewing! It's a really tough job market right now! 我正在面试啦~现在的就业市场很不景气~ steady job 稳定工作 白洁, it's important that you find a steady job! 白洁,找个稳定工作非常重要~ I know! I know! I'm trying really hard to find one! 我知道啊~我知道啊~我很努力地找工作啊~ You better find one soon! 你最好赶快找到~ 我觉得美国父母不会直接问他们的孩子"你有男女朋友了没," 他们可能会问: Have you met any cute girls lately? 你最近认识什么美女了没, Have you met any cute guys lately? 你最近认识什么帅哥了没, Have you met any cute guys lately? 你最近认识什么帅哥了没, No not really. I'm too busy with job hunting to date. 没有啊。我找工作太忙啦~没有时间去约会。 put one foot in front of the other 一步一步向前 watch your tone 注意你的语气 Have you started looking for a house? 你开始找房子了吗, MOM! NO! I have to put one foot in front of the other. Please let me find a job and a boyfriend first, and then I'll worry about a house. 妈~还没啊~我必须一步一步来啊~我得先找好工作,找好男友,然后再考虑房子的事~ Watch your tone with me, young lady! 注意跟我说话的态度,小丫头! I'm sorry Mom. 对不起妈妈。 2013年2月3日 春运 Spring Festival Travel 你买的什么票, What kind of ticket did you get? It's Spring Festival Travel time! What kind of ticket do you get? 春运到啦~你买的什么票, 软卧票 soft seat ticket all set 准备好了 noise-canceling headphones 抗噪音耳机 I'm all set. I have a soft seat ticket and my noise-canceling headphones! I'm gonna sleep the whole way home! 我都准备好了~我买的是软卧票。我戴了抗噪音耳机。我打算一路睡着回家~ hard seat ticket 硬卧 butt fell asleep 屁股麻了,没知觉了 I got a hard seat ticket. My butt fell asleep during the train ride last year, so this year I brought a comfy pillow! 我买的是硬卧。去年坐火车回家我屁股都坐得没知觉了~所以我今年带了很舒服的枕头! 站票 standing ticket It is what it is 情况就是这样啊 nbd = no big deal = 没事~ I got a standing ticket. Whatever, it is what it is. My trip is only two hours so nbd! 我是站票。算了,就这样呗。我只要坐2个小时的车,所以没事。 2013年2月2日 今天我们来学唱Justin Timberlake的最新歌曲《Suit and Tie》。 I can't wait 'til I get you on the floor, good-looking 美女我等不及跟你一起跳舞 Going hot so hot, just like an oven 你就像是个烤炉一样火热 And ow, burned myself, but just had to touch it 哎哟,我烧伤,我还是要触摸你 It's so fire and it's all mine 这么火啊 你全是我的 Hey baby, we don't mind all the watching 嘿宝贝 我们不在意旁人的目光 Cause if they study close, real close 因为如果他们仔细看看非常仔细 They might learn something 他们可能会从我们身上学到些东西 She ain't nothing but a little doozie when she does it 她跳舞时就是个极品 She's so fire tonight 她今晚是辣妹啦~ And as long as I've got my suit and tie 只要我还穿着西装,打上领带 I'ma leave it all on the floor tonight 我会把这一切都抛在舞池上 And you got fixed up to the nines 你穿得完美极了 Let me show you a few things 让我给你展示一下 All pressed up in black and white 身着黑白西装 And you're dressed in that dress I like 而你也穿着我喜欢的裙子 Love is swinging in the air tonight 今夜 爱在空气中飘盪 Let me show you a few things 让我给你展示一下 Let me show you a few things 让我给你展示一下 Show you a few things about love 给你看些和爱有关的东西 While we're in the swing of love 当我们正体验着爱的摆动时 Let me show you a few things 让我给你展示一下 Show you a few things about love 给你看些和爱有关的东西
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