首页 奔驰S320电动车窗有时不能升降



奔驰S320电动车窗有时不能升降奔驰S320电动车窗有时不能升降 【摘要】:一辆奔驰S320轿车,因电动车窗有时不能升降而进厂维修。据驾驶人反映,该车经常出现电动车窗不工作的情况。 维修人员试车,故障未出现。连接故障检测仪对车辆进行检测,故障检测仪提示为网络系统故障。根据该车电动车窗系统的控制原理可知,该车电动车窗受CAN-BUS控制,于是决定对CAN-BUS系统进行检测。而对于网络系统的检测,示波器无疑是最有效的仪器。于是利用示波器测试CAN-H和CAN-L的波形,但检测结果未见异常。为此,维修人员详细询问了该车发生故障时的情况。据驾驶人反映...

奔驰S320电动车窗有时不能升降 【摘要】:一辆奔驰S320轿车,因电动车窗有时不能升降而进厂维修。据驾驶人反映,该车经常出现电动车窗不工作的情况。 维修人员试车,故障未出现。连接故障检测仪对车辆进行检测,故障检测仪提示为网络系统故障。根据该车电动车窗系统的控制原理可知,该车电动车窗受CAN-BUS控制,于是决定对CAN-BUS系统进行检测。而对于网络系统的检测,示波器无疑是最有效的仪器。于是利用示波器测试CAN-H和CAN-L的波形,但检测结果未见异常。为此,维修人员详细询问了该车发生故障时的情况。据驾驶人反映,该车故障出现得比较频繁,且故障都是在车辆行驶的过程中出现,而停车时未出现过。于是维修人员带着仪器进行路试。经过长时间路试,故障终于出现利用示波器测试CAN-H和CAN-L的波形,波形出现了严重的杂波.但电动车窗系统却能正常工作。此类偶发故障,多半是线路接触不良导致的。于是维修人员对CAN数据总线进行整理,并未发现异常。随后又对4个车门的电控单元线束进行检查.发现右后门电控单元的连接器后部的CAN-H线(橙/绿色)已接近断路。 故障排除对线束进行处理并装复后试车,电动车窗工作恢复正常。两周后,电话回访客户.故障未再出现。至此,故障排除。 总结由于右后车门电控单元的连接器后部的CAN-H线路接触不良,在车辆振动时可能造成线路通讯中断或产生不规律的信号脉冲.千扰CAN数据总线的正常通讯,从而出现该故障。 接车后连接丰田专用诊断仪DST-II,启动发动机,打开空调开关,发动机系统数据流显示空调开关信号及电磁离合器继电器信号一直处于OFF状态。打开前机舱盖,发现压缩机不工作,但是空调控制面板A/C指示灯并没有闪烁。该车空调诊断系统没有 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 与诊断连接器(DLC)通讯,只能通过控制面板自schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 诊断功能所提供的故障代码进行判断。 如图1所示,同时按下空调控制面板的AUTO开关和进气控制开关,将点火开关拧至ON,控制面板内的所有的运行显示器和温度设臵功能显示都应点亮,在1秒内亮灭4次后,进行记录故障输出,故障码为:11-车内温度传感器电路故障;13-蒸发器温度传感器电路故障;21-日光传感器(乘客侧)电路故障;24-日光传感器(驾驶员侧)电路故障;32-进气口(风挡位臵)传感器电路故障;33-模式(风挡位臵)传感器电路故障;43-模式控制伺服电机电路故障。清除故障码,所有故障代码都不能清除。出风口只能吹前风挡玻璃位臵和脚部位臵,面部位臵一直不能出风。 客户反映,该车已在多家维修站进行过维修,但前后历时两个多月时间始终未能确定故障原因。其他维修人员都怀疑是A/C控制面板总成故障,但是很难找到同一型号的A/C控制面板总成供他们互换,所以不敢拿出肯定的结论。 根据出现多个故障码且不能清除,初步判断主要原因可能有3种:?传感器的共用电源或接地电路故障;?传感器或其电路故障;?A/C控制面板总成(与放大器做成一体)内部集成电路故障。 首先,对A/C控制面板总成的主要工作电源及搭铁端子进行检测,各端子检测结果都在正常范围。 室内温度在30?时,室内温度传感器端子电压为1.8V,蒸发器温度传感器端子电压1.2V,都在正常范围内。为什么电压正常还报故障码呢?由于很难找到与本车型号一致的A/C控制面板总成,把本车型号为-的A/C控制面板总成,安装在同一车型A/C控制面板总成型号为-的车辆上,故障码全部可以清除,各伺服电机工作正常,只是压缩机不能工作。通过两种不同型号的A/C控制面板总成电路图可以看出,两者唯一的区别schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 就是压缩机控制条件不同。虽然压缩机不能工作,但其它功能可以恢复正常,故障代码可以清除,至少不能确定故障车辆的A/C控制面板总成就已经损坏。 将故障车辆仪 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 台拆下,对空调系统线束进行检查。根据电路图2,检测到传感器及伺服电机共用接地端子SG(C17)端子时,发现在关闭点火开关的情况下,SG端子与车身接地导通,电阻只为0.8Ω;打开点火开关,SG(C17)端子与车身接地导通,电阻却为40Ω。那为什么电阻会有如此大变化呢?从A/C控制面板总成电路板上可以测得SG(C17)端子与GND(A23-6)车身接地端子直接连接在一起,是电脑内部搭铁点。直接给SG端子跨接搭铁线,打开点火开关电阻变为6Ω,说明是A/C面板控制器与其连接插头虚接不实。对该端子进行处理,打开空调开关,伺服电机工作正常,压缩机也能正常运转。 故障端子处理后,重新安装仪表台,再次打开空调开关,压缩机又不运转了,故障为何又重现了呢?不安装仪表台时,压缩机工作正常,安装仪表台后,压缩机就不工作。拆装仪表台哪里有和空调系统有联系的呢?经分析,只有日光传感器在拆下仪表台后是没有与A/C控制面板总成连接的,再次拔下日光传感器连接线,“啪”的一声,压缩机电磁离合器吸合了。用万用表检测日光传感器端子侧5号端子有12.5V电压(如图3),4号端子接地,1号端子1.11V电压,都在正常范围内;测得2号端子有10.55V电压,正常在0.8,3.1V之间,拔下日光传感器连接器插头,用万用表检测日光传感器2号端子与5号端子发现已经短路。由于2号端子电压过高,A/C控制面板总成不能处理该信号,而使其处于保护状态。更换日光传感器,经多次试车,故障没有出现。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 维修小结 该故障因SG(C17)端子连接不良,造成电阻过大的现象,应是其他维修人员检测线路时,往该端子内插入类似于大头针的工具造成的。建议在维修过程中,当遇到多个故障代码同时出现,首先要考虑其电源、接地及线路的共用部分。 在车间内维修时,光照强度较弱,日光传感器报故障代码是一种正常现象,在维修过程中,一般都会忽略它。但恰好故障的根本原因,就是日光传感器短路的问题。假设日光传感器出现断路状况,它并不会影响压缩机的正常运转,只报出相应的故障代码,所以我们在维修中一定要按部就班一步一步检查,不要忽略任何可疑细节。 该车因存在多处故障点,历经了多家修理厂都未能查出故障原因,结果还人为造成了多处故障,如SG(C17)端子连接不良,电阻过大的现象。这说明很多维修技术人员在进行维修作业时,存在粗心大意、不懂乱修的问题。而本文作者在对这起复杂的故障案例排除过程中,始终保持了清醒的头脑,从开始对空调ECU元件性能的判断,到最终实际故障点的确认,整体的思路非常清晰。尤其值得表扬的是作者对整个故障排除 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 的把控,在遇到问题时,进行缜密分析,没有出现随意更换零件的问题。 作者对故障码的处理方法非常到位,在了解了车辆的维修历史、读取了相应的故障码后,根据多故障码同时出现的现象,确定了故障的范围,为后面的维修打下了良好的基础。接着进行的有针对性的检测,发现空调ECU的基础电压、传感器信号在正常范围。显然,作者在进行这项检查时,并没有深入到位,像SG(C17)端子连接不良,电阻过大的问题,并没有及时的检查出来,而是采用了更换零件验证的方式,间接验证了空调控schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 制面板没有问题。接下来的检查,才发现了SG(C17)端子连接不良的问题。处理故障点后空调能够正常工作,作者本以为找到了故障点,但接下来的仪表板安装却将故障带回了原点。我相信,作者开始脑子里充满的肯定是认为控制面板有偶发性故障,但后来的理性分析,使作者考虑到了拆装仪表台前后的区别就是“阳光传感器”! 阳光传感器这个不起眼的“小家伙”的作用,就是给空调ECU提供外界阳光强度的信号,使空调ECU更精确地控制制冷系统的工作强度,从而提高空调的舒适度。阳光传感器安装在仪表板上侧,在空调系统AUTO模式下,当日照量增加时,输出电压上升,空调ECU控制制冷系统增加制冷量,提高室内的舒适度;反之,当日照量减少时,输出电压下降,则降低空调的制冷强度,防止温度过低的情况出现。诚然也像作者总结的,在车间内维修时,光照强度较弱,日光传感器报故障代码是一种正常现象,在维修过程中,一般都会忽略它,但恰好故障的根本原因就是日光传感器短路的问题。 转自: www.cheshuntong.com 违章代办 wzdbwk 接车后连接丰田专用诊断仪DST-II,启动发动机,打开空调开关,发动机系统数据流显示空调开关信号及电磁离合器继电器信号一直处于OFF状态。打开前机舱盖,发现压缩机不工作,但是空调控制面板A/C指示灯并没有闪烁。该车空调诊断系统没有设计与诊断连接器(DLC)通讯,只能通过控制面板自诊断功能所提供的故障代码进行判断。 如图1所示,同时按下空调控制面板的AUTO开关和进气控制开关,将点火开关拧至ON,控制面板内的所有的运行显示器和温度设臵功能显示都应点亮,在1秒内亮灭4次后,进行记录故障输出,故障码为:11-车内温度传感器电路故障;13-蒸发器温度传感器电路故障;21-日光传感器(乘客侧)电路故障;24-schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 日光传感器(驾驶员侧)电路故障;32-进气口(风挡位臵)传感器电路故障;33-模式(风挡位臵)传感器电路故障;43-模式控制伺服电机电路故障。清除故障码,所有故障代码都不能清除。出风口只能吹前风挡玻璃位臵和脚部位臵,面部位臵一直不能出风。 客户反映,该车已在多家维修站进行过维修,但前后历时两个多月时间始终未能确定故障原因。其他维修人员都怀疑是A/C控制面板总成故障,但是很难找到同一型号的A/C控制面板总成供他们互换,所以不敢拿出肯定的结论。 根据出现多个故障码且不能清除,初步判断主要原因可能有3种:?传感器的共用电源或接地电路故障;?传感器或其电路故障;?A/C控制面板总成(与放大器做成一体)内部集成电路故障。 首先,对A/C控制面板总成的主要工作电源及搭铁端子进行检测,各端子检测结果都在正常范围。 室内温度在30?时,室内温度传感器端子电压为1.8V,蒸发器温度传感器端子电压1.2V,都在正常范围内。为什么电压正常还报故障码呢?由于很难找到与本车型号一致的A/C控制面板总成,把本车型号为-的A/C控制面板总成,安装在同一车型A/C控制面板总成型号为-的车辆上,故障码全部可以清除,各伺服电机工作正常,只是压缩机不能工作。通过两种不同型号的A/C控制面板总成电路图可以看出,两者唯一的区别就是压缩机控制条件不同。虽然压缩机不能工作,但其它功能可以恢复正常,故障代码可以清除,至少不能确定故障车辆的A/C控制面板总成就已经损坏。 将故障车辆仪表台拆下,对空调系统线束进行检查。根据电路图2,检测到传感器及伺服电机共用接地端子SG(C17)端子时,发现在关闭点火开关的情况下,SG端子与车身接地导通,schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 电阻只为0.8Ω;打开点火开关,SG(C17)端子与车身接地导通,电阻却为40Ω。那为什么电阻会有如此大变化呢?从A/C控制面板总成电路板上可以测得SG(C17)端子与GND(A23-6)车身接地端子直接连接在一起,是电脑内部搭铁点。直接给SG端子跨接搭铁线,打开点火开关电阻变为6Ω,说明是A/C面板控制器与其连接插头虚接不实。对该端子进行处理,打开空调开关,伺服电机工作正常,压缩机也能正常运转。 故障端子处理后,重新安装仪表台,再次打开空调开关,压缩机又不运转了,故障为何又重现了呢?不安装仪表台时,压缩机工作正常,安装仪表台后,压缩机就不工作。拆装仪表台哪里有和空调系统有联系的呢?经分析,只有日光传感器在拆下仪表台后是没有与A/C控制面板总成连接的,再次拔下日光传感器连接线,“啪”的一声,压缩机电磁离合器吸合了。用万用表检测日光传感器端子侧5号端子有12.5V电压(如图3),4号端子接地,1号端子1.11V电压,都在正常范围内;测得2号端子有10.55V电压,正常在0.8,3.1V之间,拔下日光传感器连接器插头,用万用表检测日光传感器2号端子与5号端子发现已经短路。由于2号端子电压过高,A/C控制面板总成不能处理该信号,而使其处于保护状态。更换日光传感器,经多次试车,故障没有出现。 维修小结 该故障因SG(C17)端子连接不良,造成电阻过大的现象,应是其他维修人员检测线路时,往该端子内插入类似于大头针的工具造成的。建议在维修过程中,当遇到多个故障代码同时出现,首先要考虑其电源、接地及线路的共用部分。 在车间内维修时,光照强度较弱,日光传感器报故障代码schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 是一种正常现象,在维修过程中,一般都会忽略它。但恰好故障的根本原因,就是日光传感器短路的问题。假设日光传感器出现断路状况,它并不会影响压缩机的正常运转,只报出相应的故障代码,所以我们在维修中一定要按部就班一步一步检查,不要忽略任何可疑细节。 该车因存在多处故障点,历经了多家修理厂都未能查出故障原因,结果还人为造成了多处故障,如SG(C17)端子连接不良,电阻过大的现象。这说明很多维修技术人员在进行维修作业时,存在粗心大意、不懂乱修的问题。而本文作者在对这起复杂的故障案例排除过程中,始终保持了清醒的头脑,从开始对空调ECU元件性能的判断,到最终实际故障点的确认,整体的思路非常清晰。尤其值得表扬的是作者对整个故障排除流程的把控,在遇到问题时,进行缜密分析,没有出现随意更换零件的问题。 作者对故障码的处理方法非常到位,在了解了车辆的维修历史、读取了相应的故障码后,根据多故障码同时出现的现象,确定了故障的范围,为后面的维修打下了良好的基础。接着进行的有针对性的检测,发现空调ECU的基础电压、传感器信号在正常范围。显然,作者在进行这项检查时,并没有深入到位,像SG(C17)端子连接不良,电阻过大的问题,并没有及时的检查出来,而是采用了更换零件验证的方式,间接验证了空调控制面板没有问题。接下来的检查,才发现了SG(C17)端子连接不良的问题。处理故障点后空调能够正常工作,作者本以为找到了故障点,但接下来的仪表板安装却将故障带回了原点。我相信,作者开始脑子里充满的肯定是认为控制面板有偶发性故障,但后来的理性分析,使作者考虑到了拆装仪表台前后的区别就是“阳光传感器”! schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 阳光传感器这个不起眼的“小家伙”的作用,就是给空调ECU提供外界阳光强度的信号,使空调ECU更精确地控制制冷系统的工作强度,从而提高空调的舒适度。阳光传感器安装在仪表板上侧,在空调系统AUTO模式下,当日照量增加时,输出电压上升,空调ECU控制制冷系统增加制冷量,提高室内的舒适度;反之,当日照量减少时,输出电压下降,则降低空调的制冷强度,防止温度过低的情况出现。诚然也像作者总结的,在车间内维修时,光照强度较弱,日光传感器报故障代码是一种正常现象,在维修过程中,一般都会忽略它,但恰好故障的根本原因就是日光传感器短路的问题。 接车后连接丰田专用诊断仪DST-II,启动发动机,打开空调开关,发动机系统数据流显示空调开关信号及电磁离合器继电器信号一直处于OFF状态。打开前机舱盖,发现压缩机不工作,但是空调控制面板A/C指示灯并没有闪烁。该车空调诊断系统没有设计与诊断连接器(DLC)通讯,只能通过控制面板自诊断功能所提供的故障代码进行判断。 如图1所示,同时按下空调控制面板的AUTO开关和进气控制开关,将点火开关拧至ON,控制面板内的所有的运行显示器和温度设臵功能显示都应点亮,在1秒内亮灭4次后,进行记录故障输出,故障码为:11-车内温度传感器电路故障;13-蒸发器温度传感器电路故障;21-日光传感器(乘客侧)电路故障;24-日光传感器(驾驶员侧)电路故障;32-进气口(风挡位臵)传感器电路故障;33-模式(风挡位臵)传感器电路故障;43-模式控制伺服电机电路故障。清除故障码,所有故障代码都不能清除。出风口只能吹前风挡玻璃位臵和脚部位臵,面部位臵一直不能出风。 客户反映,该车已在多家维修站进行过维修,但前后历时两个多月时间始终未能确定故障原因。其他维修人员都怀疑是schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics A/C控制面板总成故障,但是很难找到同一型号的A/C控制面板总成供他们互换,所以不敢拿出肯定的结论。 根据出现多个故障码且不能清除,初步判断主要原因可能有3种:?传感器的共用电源或接地电路故障;?传感器或其电路故障;?A/C控制面板总成(与放大器做成一体)内部集成电路故障。 首先,对A/C控制面板总成的主要工作电源及搭铁端子进行检测,各端子检测结果都在正常范围。 室内温度在30?时,室内温度传感器端子电压为1.8V,蒸发器温度传感器端子电压1.2V,都在正常范围内。为什么电压正常还报故障码呢?由于很难找到与本车型号一致的A/C控制面板总成,把本车型号为-的A/C控制面板总成,安装在同一车型A/C控制面板总成型号为-的车辆上,故障码全部可以清除,各伺服电机工作正常,只是压缩机不能工作。通过两种不同型号的A/C控制面板总成电路图可以看出,两者唯一的区别就是压缩机控制条件不同。虽然压缩机不能工作,但其它功能可以恢复正常,故障代码可以清除,至少不能确定故障车辆的A/C控制面板总成就已经损坏。 将故障车辆仪表台拆下,对空调系统线束进行检查。根据电路图2,检测到传感器及伺服电机共用接地端子SG(C17)端子时,发现在关闭点火开关的情况下,SG端子与车身接地导通,电阻只为0.8Ω;打开点火开关,SG(C17)端子与车身接地导通,电阻却为40Ω。那为什么电阻会有如此大变化呢?从A/C控制面板总成电路板上可以测得SG(C17)端子与GND(A23-6)车身接地端子直接连接在一起,是电脑内部搭铁点。直接给SG端子跨接搭铁线,打开点火开关电阻变为6Ω,说明是A/C面板控制器与其连接插头虚接不实。schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 对该端子进行处理,打开空调开关,伺服电机工作正常,压缩机也能正常运转。 故障端子处理后,重新安装仪表台,再次打开空调开关,压缩机又不运转了,故障为何又重现了呢?不安装仪表台时,压缩机工作正常,安装仪表台后,压缩机就不工作。拆装仪表台哪里有和空调系统有联系的呢?经分析,只有日光传感器在拆下仪表台后是没有与A/C控制面板总成连接的,再次拔下日光传感器连接线,“啪”的一声,压缩机电磁离合器吸合了。用万用表检测日光传感器端子侧5号端子有12.5V电压(如图3),4号端子接地,1号端子1.11V电压,都在正常范围内;测得2号端子有10.55V电压,正常在0.8,3.1V之间,拔下日光传感器连接器插头,用万用表检测日光传感器2号端子与5号端子发现已经短路。由于2号端子电压过高,A/C控制面板总成不能处理该信号,而使其处于保护状态。更换日光传感器,经多次试车,故障没有出现。 维修小结 该故障因SG(C17)端子连接不良,造成电阻过大的现象,应是其他维修人员检测线路时,往该端子内插入类似于大头针的工具造成的。建议在维修过程中,当遇到多个故障代码同时出现,首先要考虑其电源、接地及线路的共用部分。 在车间内维修时,光照强度较弱,日光传感器报故障代码是一种正常现象,在维修过程中,一般都会忽略它。但恰好故障的根本原因,就是日光传感器短路的问题。假设日光传感器出现断路状况,它并不会影响压缩机的正常运转,只报出相应的故障代码,所以我们在维修中一定要按部就班一步一步检查,不要忽略任何可疑细节。 该车因存在多处故障点,历经了多家修理厂都未能查出故schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 障原因,结果还人为造成了多处故障,如SG(C17)端子连接不良,电阻过大的现象。这说明很多维修技术人员在进行维修作业时,存在粗心大意、不懂乱修的问题。而本文作者在对这起复杂的故障案例排除过程中,始终保持了清醒的头脑,从开始对空调ECU元件性能的判断,到最终实际故障点的确认,整体的思路非常清晰。尤其值得表扬的是作者对整个故障排除流程的把控,在遇到问题时,进行缜密分析,没有出现随意更换零件的问题。 作者对故障码的处理方法非常到位,在了解了车辆的维修历史、读取了相应的故障码后,根据多故障码同时出现的现象,确定了故障的范围,为后面的维修打下了良好的基础。接着进行的有针对性的检测,发现空调ECU的基础电压、传感器信号在正常范围。显然,作者在进行这项检查时,并没有深入到位,像SG(C17)端子连接不良,电阻过大的问题,并没有及时的检查出来,而是采用了更换零件验证的方式,间接验证了空调控制面板没有问题。接下来的检查,才发现了SG(C17)端子连接不良的问题。处理故障点后空调能够正常工作,作者本以为找到了故障点,但接下来的仪表板安装却将故障带回了原点。我相信,作者开始脑子里充满的肯定是认为控制面板有偶发性故障,但后来的理性分析,使作者考虑到了拆装仪表台前后的区别就是“阳光传感器”! 阳光传感器这个不起眼的“小家伙”的作用,就是给空调ECU提供外界阳光强度的信号,使空调ECU更精确地控制制冷系统的工作强度,从而提高空调的舒适度。阳光传感器安装在仪表板上侧,在空调系统AUTO模式下,当日照量增加时,输出电压上升,空调ECU控制制冷系统增加制冷量,提高室内的舒适度;反之,当日照量减少时,输出电压下降,则降低空调schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 的制冷强度,防止温度过低的情况出现。诚然也像作者总结的,在车间内维修时,光照强度较弱,日光传感器报故障代码是一种正常现象,在维修过程中,一般都会忽略它,但恰好故障的根本原因就是日光传感器短路的问题。 接车后连接丰田专用诊断仪DST-II,启动发动机,打开空调开关,发动机系统数据流显示空调开关信号及电磁离合器继电器信号一直处于OFF状态。打开前机舱盖,发现压缩机不工作,但是空调控制面板A/C指示灯并没有闪烁。该车空调诊断系统没有设计与诊断连接器(DLC)通讯,只能通过控制面板自诊断功能所提供的故障代码进行判断。 如图1所示,同时按下空调控制面板的AUTO开关和进气控制开关,将点火开关拧至ON,控制面板内的所有的运行显示器和温度设臵功能显示都应点亮,在1秒内亮灭4次后,进行记录故障输出,故障码为:11-车内温度传感器电路故障;13-蒸发器温度传感器电路故障;21-日光传感器(乘客侧)电路故障;24-日光传感器(驾驶员侧)电路故障;32-进气口(风挡位臵)传感器电路故障;33-模式(风挡位臵)传感器电路故障;43-模式控制伺服电机电路故障。清除故障码,所有故障代码都不能清除。出风口只能吹前风挡玻璃位臵和脚部位臵,面部位臵一直不能出风。 客户反映,该车已在多家维修站进行过维修,但前后历时两个多月时间始终未能确定故障原因。其他维修人员都怀疑是A/C控制面板总成故障,但是很难找到同一型号的A/C控制面板总成供他们互换,所以不敢拿出肯定的结论。 根据出现多个故障码且不能清除,初步判断主要原因可能有3种:?传感器的共用电源或接地电路故障;?传感器或其电路故障;?A/C控制面板总成(与放大器做成一体)内部集成电路故障。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 首先,对A/C控制面板总成的主要工作电源及搭铁端子进行检测,各端子检测结果都在正常范围。 室内温度在30?时,室内温度传感器端子电压为1.8V,蒸发器温度传感器端子电压1.2V,都在正常范围内。为什么电压正常还报故障码呢?由于很难找到与本车型号一致的A/C控制面板总成,把本车型号为-的A/C控制面板总成,安装在同一车型A/C控制面板总成型号为-的车辆上,故障码全部可以清除,各伺服电机工作正常,只是压缩机不能工作。通过两种不同型号的A/C控制面板总成电路图可以看出,两者唯一的区别就是压缩机控制条件不同。虽然压缩机不能工作,但其它功能可以恢复正常,故障代码可以清除,至少不能确定故障车辆的A/C控制面板总成就已经损坏。 将故障车辆仪表台拆下,对空调系统线束进行检查。根据电路图2,检测到传感器及伺服电机共用接地端子SG(C17)端子时,发现在关闭点火开关的情况下,SG端子与车身接地导通,电阻只为0.8Ω;打开点火开关,SG(C17)端子与车身接地导通,电阻却为40Ω。那为什么电阻会有如此大变化呢?从A/C控制面板总成电路板上可以测得SG(C17)端子与GND(A23-6)车身接地端子直接连接在一起,是电脑内部搭铁点。直接给SG端子跨接搭铁线,打开点火开关电阻变为6Ω,说明是A/C面板控制器与其连接插头虚接不实。对该端子进行处理,打开空调开关,伺服电机工作正常,压缩机也能正常运转。 故障端子处理后,重新安装仪表台,再次打开空调开关,压缩机又不运转了,故障为何又重现了呢?不安装仪表台时,压缩机工作正常,安装仪表台后,压缩机就不工作。拆装仪表台哪里有和空调系统有联系的呢?经分析,只有日光传感器在拆下schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 仪表台后是没有与A/C控制面板总成连接的,再次拔下日光传感器连接线,“啪”的一声,压缩机电磁离合器吸合了。用万用表检测日光传感器端子侧5号端子有12.5V电压(如图3),4号端子接地,1号端子1.11V电压,都在正常范围内;测得2号端子有10.55V电压,正常在0.8,3.1V之间,拔下日光传感器连接器插头,用万用表检测日光传感器2号端子与5号端子发现已经短路。由于2号端子电压过高,A/C控制面板总成不能处理该信号,而使其处于保护状态。更换日光传感器,经多次试车,故障没有出现。 维修小结 该故障因SG(C17)端子连接不良,造成电阻过大的现象,应是其他维修人员检测线路时,往该端子内插入类似于大头针的工具造成的。建议在维修过程中,当遇到多个故障代码同时出现,首先要考虑其电源、接地及线路的共用部分。 在车间内维修时,光照强度较弱,日光传感器报故障代码是一种正常现象,在维修过程中,一般都会忽略它。但恰好故障的根本原因,就是日光传感器短路的问题。假设日光传感器出现断路状况,它并不会影响压缩机的正常运转,只报出相应的故障代码,所以我们在维修中一定要按部就班一步一步检查,不要忽略任何可疑细节。 该车因存在多处故障点,历经了多家修理厂都未能查出故障原因,结果还人为造成了多处故障,如SG(C17)端子连接不良,电阻过大的现象。这说明很多维修技术人员在进行维修作业时,存在粗心大意、不懂乱修的问题。而本文作者在对这起复杂的故障案例排除过程中,始终保持了清醒的头脑,从开始对空调ECU元件性能的判断,到最终实际故障点的确认,整体的思路非常清晰。尤其值得表扬的是作者对整个故障排除流程schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics 的把控,在遇到问题时,进行缜密分析,没有出现随意更换零件的问题。 作者对故障码的处理方法非常到位,在了解了车辆的维修历史、读取了相应的故障码后,根据多故障码同时出现的现象,确定了故障的范围,为后面的维修打下了良好的基础。接着进行的有针对性的检测,发现空调ECU的基础电压、传感器信号在正常范围。显然,作者在进行这项检查时,并没有深入到位,像SG(C17)端子连接不良,电阻过大的问题,并没有及时的检查出来,而是采用了更换零件验证的方式,间接验证了空调控制面板没有问题。接下来的检查,才发现了SG(C17)端子连接不良的问题。处理故障点后空调能够正常工作,作者本以为找到了故障点,但接下来的仪表板安装却将故障带回了原点。我相信,作者开始脑子里充满的肯定是认为控制面板有偶发性故障,但后来的理性分析,使作者考虑到了拆装仪表台前后的区别就是“阳光传感器”! 阳光传感器这个不起眼的“小家伙”的作用,就是给空调ECU提供外界阳光强度的信号,使空调ECU更精确地控制制冷系统的工作强度,从而提高空调的舒适度。阳光传感器安装在仪表板上侧,在空调系统AUTO模式下,当日照量增加时,输出电压上升,空调ECU控制制冷系统增加制冷量,提高室内的舒适度;反之,当日照量减少时,输出电压下降,则降低空调的制冷强度,防止温度过低的情况出现。诚然也像作者总结的,在车间内维修时,光照强度较弱,日光传感器报故障代码是一种正常现象,在维修过程中,一般都会忽略它,但恰好故障的根本原因就是日光传感器短路的问题。 schedules, strict safety and quality management, full account of personnel, materials, machinery and equipment used are reasonable. Construction project scheduling to ensure focus, make overall arrangements, according to the construction process and technical specifications, adhering to proper construction procedures, and construction, construction network plan technique, making full use of advanced equipment, increased mechanization, and reasonable stocks, scientific layout of the site, meet the requirements, the duration of construction quality, standardized construction, used to complete project tasks. 2. Engineering profile 2.1. Engineering introduction this bridge is located in North ring railway mileage K19+944 at, two unit line, respectively for North ring railway uplink line, and North ring railway down line, line spacing 4.06m, North ring railway for electrified railway, P60kg/m rail, concrete pillow, line section, line longitudinal slope for flat slope; bridge bit at subgrade high about 0~0.3M, subgrade sides laying railway communications, and electric works cable. Frame bridge located in 359#, between 361# and 360#, 362# electrified catenary poles, to the most recent 362#, 361# electrified catenary pole distance of 3.1 and 5.4m respectively. 164# autism and 166# address range the bridge connecting rod. Using two one-piece frame, clear span 2-12m, angle with the center line of the railway frame Bridge Center line to 82.4 º, roof top frame from the underside of the lowest rail 0.8M. Total height 8.0M frame bridge structure, structure height 6.3M, 0.8M roof, floor 0.9m, wall 0.8M, haunched roof mining 2.3. the engineering characteristics
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