首页 气血虚食补方1



气血虚食补方1气血虚食补方1 人体质的气虚、血虚、阴虚、阳虚 一、体虚分为气虚、血虚、阴虚、阳虚四种类型­ 1、气虚:主要表现为;少气懒言、全身疲倦乏力、声音低沉、动则气短、易出汗,头晕心悸、面色萎黄、食欲不振,虚热,自汗,脱肛,子宫下垂,舌淡而胖,舌边有齿痕,脉弱等,为功能减退,不一定有病,气虚者需补气,补气的药物可选用人参、黄芪、党参等。­ 补气虚食品:牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉、糯米、大豆、白扁豆、大枣、鲫鱼、鲤鱼、鹌鹑、黄鳝、虾、蘑菇等。可经常交替选服。­ 气虚忌食物品:山楂、佛手柑、槟榔、大蒜、...

气血虚食补方1 人体质的气虚、血虚、阴虚、阳虚 一、体虚分为气虚、血虚、阴虚、阳虚四种类型­ 1、气虚:主要 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为;少气懒言、全身疲倦乏力、声音低沉、动则气短、易出汗,头晕心悸、面色萎黄、食欲不振,虚热,自汗,脱肛,子宫下垂,舌淡而胖,舌边有齿痕,脉弱等,为功能减退,不一定有病,气虚者需补气,补气的药物可选用人参、黄芪、党参等。­ 补气虚食品:牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉、糯米、大豆、白扁豆、大枣、鲫鱼、鲤鱼、鹌鹑、黄鳝、虾、蘑菇等。可经常交替选服。­ 气虚忌食物品:山楂、佛手柑、槟榔、大蒜、苤蓝、萝卜缨、芫荽(香菜)、芜菁(大头菜)、胡椒、荜拨、中指、紫苏叶、薄荷、荷叶;­ 忌食或少食:荞麦、柚子、柑、金橘、金橘饼、橙子、荸荠、生萝卜、地骷髅、芥菜、薤白、君达菜、砂仁、菊花、茶叶及烟酒。­ 相应膳食:怀山百合莲子汤;参药煨乳鸽;五香牛肉;花生米大枣烧猪蹄;­ 2、血虚:主要表现为;面色萎黄苍白,唇爪淡白,头晕乏力,眼花心悸,失眠多梦,大便干燥,妇女经水愆期、量少色淡、舌质淡、苔滑少津,脉细弱等:进补宜采用补血、养血、生血之法,补血的药物可选用当归、阿胶、熟地、桑椹子等。­ 补血虚食品:乌骨鸡、黑芝麻、胡桃肉、龙眼肉、鸡肉、猪血、猪肝、红糖、赤豆等,可经常交替选用;­ 血虚忌食物品:荸荠、大蒜;­ 相应膳食:当归熟地乌骨鸡;怀山牛腩煲;怀菊带鱼;玫瑰怀菊露;­ 忌食或少食:海藻、草豆蔻、荷叶、白酒、薄荷、菊花、槟榔、生萝卜等。­ and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 3、 阴虚:又称阴虚火旺,俗称虚火,阴虚之体的主要表现为;怕热,易怒,面颊升火,口干咽痛,大便干燥,小便短赤或黄,舌少津液,五心(二只手心、二只脚心与头顶心)烦热,盗汗,腰酸背痛,梦遗滑精,舌质红,苔薄或光剥,脉细数等。进补宜采用补阴、滋阴、养阴等法,补阴虚的药物可选用生地、麦冬、玉竹、珍珠粉、银耳、冬虫夏草、石斛,龟板等。­ 补阴虚食品:甲鱼、燕窝、百合、鸭肉、黑鱼、海蜇、藕、金针菇、枸杞头、荸荠、生梨等,可经常交替选服。­ 阴虚忌食物品:胡椒、肉桂;­ 忌食或少食:狗肉(脑血管患者禁食)、羊肉(肝炎患者禁食)、雀肉、海马、海龙、獐肉、锅巴、炒花生、炒黄豆、炒瓜子、爆米花、荔枝、龙眼肉、佛手柑、杨梅、大蒜、韭菜、芥菜、辣椒、薤白、生姜、砂仁、荜拨、草豆蔻、花椒、白豆蔻、大茴香、小茴香、丁香、薄荷、白酒、香烟、红参、肉苁蓉、锁阳等。­ 相应膳食:金盆富贵豆腐;怀膳小捆肉;怀菊大枣银耳羹;甲鱼怀牛膝汤;农夫烤鱼;怀膳一品肘;金盆富贵豆腐;怀山煨土鸡;参药煨乳鸽;何首乌煨猪肝;­ 4、阳虚:又称阳虚火衰,是气虚的进一步发展,阳虚之体的主要表现为;除有气虚的表现外,平时怕冷,四肢不温,喜热饮,体温常偏低,腰酸腿软,阳痿早泄,小腹冷痛,乏力,小便不利,舌质淡溥,苔白,脉沉细等。进补宜补阳、益阳、温阳。补阳虚的药物可选用红参、鹿茸、杜仲、虫草、肉桂、海马等。­ 补阳虚食品:黄牛肉、狗肉、羊肉、牛鞭、海参、淡菜、胡桃肉、桂圆、鹌鹑、鳗鱼、虾、韭菜、桂皮、茴香等,可经常交替选服。­ 阳虚忌食物品:鸭肉、兔肉、獭肉(水狗肉)、甜瓜;­ 忌食或少食:鸭血、鸭蛋、阿胶、牛奶、酸奶、甲鱼、螃蟹、田螺、螺蛳、蚌肉、and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 蚬肉、柿子、柿饼、柚子、柑、香蕉、无花果、西瓜、青苦瓜、地瓜、菜瓜、生藕、生萝卜、丝瓜、冬瓜、紫菜、地耳、金针菇、草菇、落葵、莼菜、发菜、君达菜、罗汉果、荸荠、菊花脑、薄荷、金银花、菊花、槐花等。­ 相应膳食:海马怀补鸡;三鞭怀补凹腰汤;韭菜怀补虾;爆炒腰花;长生煨老鸭;­ 5、两虚:体虚者亦常出现两虚之体,有以下几种:­ 气阴两虚:既有气虚又有阴虚,其主要表现为;既有头晕、乏力、腿软等气虚表现,又有升火、咽干、舌红等阴虚表现,但没有慢性疾病,这种体质称气阴两虚体质,进补宜采用益气养阴之补法,即在进补时应同时考虑补气和补阴。­ 阴阳两虚:既有阴虚又有阳虚,称阴阳两虚,其主要表现为;既怕冷又怕热,冬天特别怕冷,夏天又特别怕热,这是阴阳失调或阴阳两虚之体质,进补宜采用阴阳并补,养阴温阳和滋阴壮阳等补法。­ 气血两虚:气血两虚一般出现在贫血、白细胞减少症、血小板减少症、大出血后、妇女月经过多者等,其主要表现为;既有气虚的表现,又有血虚的表现,进补宜采用益气生血、培补气血、气血并补。­ 相应膳食:气血:鲫鱼豆腐汤;气血双补汤;药膳鸡;­ 二、补气类食物有补益脾气、肺气、心气等的作用,宜于消除或改善气虚证。这里主要介绍补益脾气的食物。补气类食物在使用时,有时易致气机壅滞,出现胸闷、腹胀、食欲不振等现象,可适当配用行气类食物如橘皮,砂仁等同用。­ 马铃薯(洋芋、土豆、山药蛋)味甘、性平。作用:补气、健脾。宜于脾虚体弱,食欲不振,消化不良。发芽的马铃薯芽与皮有毒,忌食。­ 红薯(甘薯、地瓜、番薯)味甘、性平,归脾胃经。作用:补脾胃、益气力、宽肠and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 胃。宜于脾胃虚弱、形瘦乏力、纳少泄泻。多食易引起反酸烧心、胃肠道胀气。­ 香菇味甘、性平。作用:益胃气,托痘疹。宜于脾胃虚弱,食欲不振,倦怠乏力。属于发物,麻疹和皮肤病、过敏性疾病忌食。­ 山药味甘、性平,归脾、肺、肾经。作用:补气健脾,养阴益肺,补肾固精。宜于脾气虚弱,食少便溏,慢性泄泻。湿盛和气滞胀满者忌食。­ 栗子味甘、性温,归脾、胃、肾经。作用:补脾健胃,补肾强筋,活血止血。宜于脾虚食少,反胃,泻泄。气滞腹胀者忌食。­ 红枣(大枣)味甘、性温,归脾、胃经。作用:补益脾胃,养血安神。宜于脾胃虚弱,食少便稀,疲乏无力。气滞、湿热和便秘者忌食。­ 鸡肉味甘、性温,归脾、胃经。作用:补中益气,补精添髓。宜于脾胃虚弱,疲乏,纳食不香,慢性泄泻。实证、热证、疮疡和痘疹后忌食。­ 兔肉 味甘、性凉。作用:补中益气,凉血解毒。宜于脾虚食少,血热便血,胃热呕吐反胃,肠燥便秘。虚寒、泄泻者忌食。­ 猪肚(猪胃)味甘、性温。作用:补益脾胃。宜于虚弱、泄泻,近代用于胃下垂和消化性溃疡。­ 牛肚(牛百叶)味甘、性温。作用:益脾胃,补五脏。宜于病后气虚,脾胃虚弱,消化不良。­ 羊肚(羊胃)味甘、性温。作用:补虚弱、益脾胃。宜于形体瘦弱、脾胃虚寒。­ 牛肉味甘、性平,归脾、胃经。作用:补脾胃,益气血,强筋骨。宜于脾胃虚弱,食少便稀,中气下陷,慢性泄泻。­ 桂鱼 味甘、性平,归脾、胃经。作用:补脾胃,益气血。宜于脾胃虚弱,食欲不and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 振。虚寒证、寒湿证忌食。­ 泥鳅 味甘、性平,归脾、肺经。作用:补中益气,利水祛湿。宜于中气不足、泄泻、脱肛。­ 粳米(大米、硬米) 味甘、性平,归脾、胃经。作用:补中益气,健脾和胃。宜于中气不足,倦怠乏力、食少便溏,脾胃不和,呕吐、泄泻。­ 籼米 味甘、性温,归肺、脾、心经。作用:补脾胃,养五脏。宜于脾虚湿盛腹泻。热证、湿热证、阴虚证忌食。­ 糯米(江米) 味甘、性温,归脾、胃、肺经。作用,补中益气,补肺敛汗。宜于脾虚腹泻,近代用于慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡。粘滞难化,食积证、气滞证、湿证、脾虚胃弱及消化不良者忌食。­ 扁豆 味甘、性微温,归脾、胃经。作用,健脾化湿,清暑和中。宜于脾虚湿盛,食少便稀,暑湿吐泻。气滞腹胀者忌食。­ 豇豆 味甘、性平,归脾、肾经。作用:健脾,补肾。宜于脾胃虚弱,腹泻,呕吐。气滞证和便秘者忌食。­ 蜂蜜 味甘、性平,归脾、肺、大肠经。作用:补脾缓急,润肺止咳,润肠通便。宜于脾胃虚弱胃痛,津亏肠燥便秘,近代用于消化性溃疡。湿证、湿热证、胃胀腹胀、呕吐、便稀者忌食;不宜与葱、莴苣同食。­ 三、温中补气类食品­ 鲢鱼,有温中益气、暖胃、润肌肤等功能,是温中补气养生食品。­ 青鱼,有补气养胃、化湿利水、祛风除烦等功能。其所含锌硒等微量元素有助于抗癌。­ 墨鱼,有滋肝肾、补气血、清胃去热等功能。是妇女的保健食品,有养血、明目、and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is 通经、安胎、利产、止血、催乳等功能。­ 四、食补芪枣合汤­ 取黄芪15,30克、大枣10克、百合30克一起下锅炖,时间30,40分钟,之后连汤带料一起食用。这三味原料中黄芪性温热、有补气的功能,大枣是补血补气、健脾胃的佳品,百合能够滋阴养肺。三者结合,对气血两虚的病人大有好处,能够缓解乏力、怕冷症状,也能够滋润皮肤。­ 五、根据不同的体质,分为四种不同的食补方法­ 平补:不论健康人或病人都可以食用。可以帮助维持健康和生命:如谷类、豆类、乳类、水果和蔬菜类。这类食品性能平和,阴虚、阳虚、气虚、血虚的女性均可食用。­ 温补:指食性温热的食物,如牛肉、羊肉、黄鳝、甜食、红枣、桂圆、荔枝以及葱姜辛辣之品等。冬令怕冷的女性常吃这类食品可帮助升火,改善怕冷的感觉,从而增强体质。­ 清补:指食性寒凉的食物,如梨、生藕、芹菜、百合、绿豆、黄瓜、甲鱼、螺蛳等,有清火作用。­ 温散:指性味辛热的食物,如辣椒、桂皮、芥末、香菜、花椒等。这类食物有温阳散寒作用,在寒冷的冬季,常用来御寒和除湿。 ­ 六、女性冬季进补应从调整入手,调和好机体内外平衡,使身体保持在一个气血通畅的状态下,然后再根据情况来确定是否需要进补。女性生理特点不同于男性,女性以血为贵,冬令进补的关键在调血,但应根据不同情况辨证施补。­ and municipal party Committee session plenary session, adding measures, promote the XX economic, social and cultural development. (A) the primary responsibility for fulfilling Party 5 years XX town guided by the 18 the spirit of the party, conscientiously implement the Central eight and three Suns and ten requirements of the provincial, city and County, put thought and action into County, the County Government a major deployment, and the County discipline Inspection Commission plenary session. Seriously studying and implementing the important speech, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China XI Jinping probity guidelines, the CPC disciplinary Ordinance, such as the responsibility of uncorrupted, to realize the Chinese dream built a well-off society has laid a solid political foundation. 1. strongly implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of arrangements deployment, insisted put style clean government and economic development work with deployment, and with check, and with implementation, strong advance four wind highlight problem special regulation, constantly enhanced style clean government and anti-corruption struggle of suffering consciousness, and play consciousness, and responsibility consciousness, insisted to mass line in the of four mirror for guide, find out four wind highlight problem 12 a, effective do has side check side modified, change style, constantly improve political literacy, Strengthening the four winds problem rectification and conscientiously implement both, further efforts to improve the Party Committee on upholding integrity and combating corruption. Established by the Secretary of the responsibility of honest leadership team, and conscientiously implement the responsibility of uncorrupted party, firmly does not scratch clean is dereliction of duty, is
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