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otc药品终端销售技巧.txt(OTC pharmaceutical terminal selling skills.Txt)


otc药品终端销售技巧.txt(OTC pharmaceutical terminal selling skills.Txt)otc药品终端销售技巧.txt(OTC pharmaceutical terminal selling skills.Txt) otc药品终端销售技巧.txt(OTC pharmaceutical terminal selling skills.Txt) OTC drug terminal selling skills OTC pharmaceutical market, the main face is the terminal, market, market management. What is th...

otc药品终端销售技巧.txt(OTC pharmaceutical terminal selling skills.Txt)
otc药品终端销售技巧.txt(OTC pharmaceutical terminal selling skills.Txt) otc药品终端销售技巧.txt(OTC pharmaceutical terminal selling skills.Txt) OTC drug terminal selling skills OTC pharmaceutical market, the main face is the terminal, market, market management. What is the terminal market? First of all, we should understand the concept of terminal: drug sales terminal, is the final product delivered to consumers in the hands of the service. OTC market sales, the main face is the terminal, market, market management. What is the terminal market? First of all, to understand the concept of terminal: sales terminal, is the final product delivered to consumers in the hands of the service. As far as service is concerned, there are two kinds, one is the service on the concept; the other is the service of the actual product; the former is software, the latter is the hardware, and the two are complementary and indispensable. Terminal market, we want to maintain is a large number of sales terminals, through various means to promote a large number of terminal personnel, give full play to enthusiasm, creativity, to better serve the market consumers. At present the development of our OTC market, the terminal is drugstore clerk; terminal market, is the pharmacy sales market; maintenance of the terminal market, is the maintenance of pharmacy sales market; at the end of the day, to maintain good terminal products will have many enthusiastic sales, products will be greater consumption in society the company can profit, people can make money. Therefore, to do a good job in the terminal market and do the work of the drugstore staff is the most important part of the OTC market. Well, how to do the work of the terminal market? This is the key point we will discuss today. From the point of view of marketing, that is, the relationship between operation and marketing. We must first establish a concept: what is marketing, different, according to our traditional and successful experience: large "business, sales," small said "to create an atmosphere, to promote sales". Although we are maintaining the terminal market, but its concept is very similar, and its means and skills are similar. We are very familiar with Napoleon Hill's success, summed up its essence, combined with our successful marketing case, concrete can be divided into six rules, namely: faith; enthusiasm; pragmatic attitude; clear goals; planned actions. First, firm confidence. As a person, to do anything, must strengthen confidence, career success has a foundation, without confidence, or confidence is not firm, it is difficult to do things, even if success is a coincidence. Odds are likely to be just millions of dollars, and one to ten percent. It's quite predictable, just like winning a lottery. To do marketing, we should have firm confidence, broad market, Unlimited Business Opportunities, many consumer groups, lucrative, others can do, I can do, as long as you work hard, never yield in spite of reverses, pushing forward despite repeated frustrations can be successful. Two is full of enthusiasm. Confidence is the foundation, and enthusiasm is the driving force of success. People have to be passionate, creative, and dare to break the traditional model to succeed. Enthusiasm is the driving force. It motivates us to think, to do, to create, to succeed. At the same time, your passion, especially the young and passionate, will influence and drive the people around you, understand, support, and even help you. Don't put me in the success of the company, not only to individual enterprises, for the purpose of making money, but with more enthusiasm in social services, service to consumers, then the "Welcome" "welcome to our products" such as language, from the heart will speak up, will be tempting and provocative, rather than dry. Three, a pragmatic approach. This is the only way to success, to do a good job in the market, to obtain social, professional and leadership recognition, pragmatic is very important. The market is big, and there are many more consumers. You can't occupy the market without thinking about it or doing it. A small market, even if there is only one consumer, as long as you do, you will succeed. This is the relationship between reality and reality, contrast results. Remember, pragmatic should be from the depths of the mind, not limited to the pen, oral. The chairman of the board has the best explanation for the implementation: even if only one thing a day, a month, a year will do a lot of things. The above three principles, is to guide us in the marketing of important ideas, spiritual laws, with these, will have the right direction, in order to say that the ideological integration of our enterprises, our common cause. Four is a clear goal. What is the goal in the market? That's how much sales I've had during this period, and every day, I have goals, that's how many boxes I want to sell today. You may have psychological concerns: can you make it happen? Don't hesitate, we say you'll sell as much as you want, because you have the clear goal, and you'll be able to give everything you've got to try. In other words, if you boast, brag, you will fight for the people you change this view so every day, weekly and monthly, every year to arrange a clear goal, and to work hard, this is the direction, not a loss, all to no mess. The head flies flying around. Actually, all the accumulation, is the smallest unit and began to accumulate, only to do quantitative qualitative change, the market to do anything, only need accumulation, accumulated to a certain amount of change it can promote the value, that is the future of the individual, this is the target function. Five, careful planning. There is a saying in the marketing circles, I wonder if you have heard of "planning is an angel, and details are the devil"". We do everything, the idea, that is planning, planning. Any idea will be very beautiful and moving, otherwise it will not attract people, and it will not produce good results. Therefore, the project must be an angel. The plan is different, every day of the plan, do everything about the plan, so that each consumer to buy the plan must have details, but also see whether there is operability. Repair the Great Wall, built skyscrapers, good planning, it is a good thing, it will start from scratch plan. Therefore, plan must be careful, this is perfect, otherwise, the reasons and flaws come to naught appear in a chain on the details of the plan. Six is solid action. Action is critical. The first five are well done, and if you don't do it, you don't do it. There is a saying in the past marketing old saying called "copper head, beak, legs, belly toad rabbit" is that marketing people's actions, not afraid to touch the copper head and beak nails, not afraid to beat around the Bush, the rabbit leg is to run away, toward the goal, according to the plan, efforts to act. Specific how to move, the plan has, mainly solid. Do the market most afraid of lazy, lazy all over. The conclusion of the company in the major market in all successful cases, the six rules are indispensable, interrelated, therefore, only a small to large, from weak to strong sales skills today. As the cause of our pharmaceutical industry, it will be up to us to set up, practice and succeed. In front of us, we have finished our work and the six laws of success. Below, let us give a detailed account of the specific application skills in our work, that is, means. Modern marketing put forward the concept of 4C, namely: first, what kind of products can be used to adapt to consumption; two, consumers can afford the price; three is the convenience of consumption; four is communication. It replaces the traditional 4P marketing concept that focuses on logistics, payment and so on. As the first two, our company has been in the product development, development of the process has been fully demonstrated, basically done. Moreover, the individual parts are prominent. Our marketing personnel, in the specific work, should pay more attention to the convenience of consumption and communication of these two points. The first is the convenience of consumption. Divided into two aspects, one is the concept, such as consulting, put forward some requirements, such as preferential; the two is practical, such as shopping, delivery and so on, in fact, these work, according to the present situation of our company in the OTC market has been basically solved in telephone counseling and pharmacy, we want to do is to door-to-door delivery, service fast, timely and appropriate. Although the final discussion, but also one of the most important issues, namely communication. These two simple words, but it contains a lot of connotations, especially for our professional marketing personnel, the significance of extraordinary. In modern society, it plays an important role in many ways. In fact, communication is the process of sharing information, ideas and feelings with others. Here is a discussion of the communication between marketing personnel and consumers. Any kind of product or idea, consumers do not understand the situation, he will not blindly buy, when consumers need, he will be through certain channels to understand, such as consult experts, a doctor, had used the products of relatives and friends, to the drugstore to know, this is also the product the idea in disguise and consumers or clients in communication, but also can be said to be invisible, which is a manifestation of the importance of communication. We are in the marketing work, the ultimate goal is to sell, then if you communicate, it may produce sales? The answer is certain: no.. Because there is an important bridge between communication and purchase, and that is trust. Namely: communication, trust, sales It should be said that the purpose of communication is to build trust, and with trust, we have sales. Trust is mutual, first, the trust of the product; two, the trust of the salesperson and the place of operation. This is the need to pay attention to in the study, the problems in distribution. Every drugstore, every salesperson, he has a regular group of clients, This is produced by trust, and it is long-term, so it is very important to do a good job of the terminal and maintain the interests of the terminal. Because once you have a terminal, you have your customer base, which is a resource and an inexhaustible market resource. Looking back again, the importance of communication is self-evident, then how to communicate well? Everybody, please look at a train of thought: A, select an appropriate entry point; B, find a topic that interests you; C, and gradually import content related to the product; D, the concept of transmission products; E, make the other person accept your point of view; F and build trust in each other's products; G, don't rush to buy; H, be sure to leave a call and so on. This note is a, how to choose an appropriate starting point, such as the frequent use of emotion into Chinese appellation is a good example, a miss will alienate the distance between each other, an aunt, uncle, grandfather and grandmother will pull into position. The cheapest smile will make a big return; the right body language will show your love and care for others. Health, is the elderly, very concerned about the issue; child nutrition, considerate and caring for many parents; obesity, is anyone willing to consequences; the energy is in pursuit of the goal of successful aging; muscular fitness, is the expression of the two men, reflects the ability of. A young face is a longing for a middle-aged woman. I didn't mean to make you flatter every customer, but accurately expressing these will make your success on the fast track. Introverts need to talk to others. In other words, he needs more communication, trust, and pleasure. Communication should pay attention to the following problems: A, found in the other side, watch, watch, mobile phone cha words; B, the other party has rude words, lines, manners; C, highlight healthy living quality; D, pay attention to subtle changes A good OTC marketing manager is a pleasant and talkative sage. The following matters about distribution and payment should be paid attention to. 1, select large flow of people, large business area, the surrounding residential areas, reputable pharmacies; 2, should first let pharmacies see huge profits; 3, only cash in order to have greater profits; 4, let the head of the drugstore first realize your promotion ability is very high. 5, do not easily promise, whether for pharmacies or sales staff. But once promised, must not bad nothing. 6, let others feel that you have a strong sense of time and principles, without hurting communication requirements. 7, you represent the product, the company's image and credibility. 8, do well in relationship marketing.
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