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苏州美奥口腔病志 2


苏州美奥口腔病志 2苏州美奥口腔病志 2 编号: 苏州美奥口腔 正畸专科病历 姓 名: 性 别: 年 龄: 联系方式: 联系地址: 经治医生: 初诊日期: led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground p...

苏州美奥口腔病志 2
苏州美奥口腔病志 2 编号: 苏州美奥口腔 正畸专科病历 姓 名: 性 别: 年 龄: 联系方式: 联系地址: 经治医生: 初诊日期: led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses 口腔正畸治疗须知 一、矫正疗程: 牙颌畸形是儿童的发育畸形,矫正牙齿是要使长在齿槽嵴内的牙齿移动到正常位置,这是一个生物改建过程,因此疗程较长。一般乳牙和替牙期牙颌畸形的治疗需要1年左右,恒牙期治疗需要2年左右,疑难患者及特殊病例需要更长时间。治疗完成后还需戴用保持器2年左右,少数患者需要更长时间,甚至终生保持,以防复发。 二、矫正费用 :正畸治疗是健康和美丽的一项投资,不同与购买一件商品,其费用因畸形程度、矫正器种类、患者合作程度、年龄、疗程等而各不相同,请您在决定治疗前咨询您的主治大夫目前大致的收费情况。由于正畸治疗带有一定的美容性质,国家规定属于自费医疗项目。 三、接受正畸治疗必须注意的问题及潜在的风险: 1、 患者家长及孩子一定要注意,戴入口中的矫治器会产生不适的感 觉,这种感觉因人而异,有的较轻,有的较重,如:矫治器的托槽、 颊面管或弓丝可能会有磨嘴、颊粘膜,甚至会造成粘膜的溃疡等(1 到2周就会慢慢的变好),希望家长和孩子在治疗前一定要考虑好。 2、 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 一旦认可后,将矫治器戴入并缴费后,由于患者不能坚持, 并制动放弃者费用不予退还。 3、 初戴矫治器及每次复诊加力后,牙齿可能出现轻度反应性疼痛或 5天后即可减轻及消失。若疼痛3-5天不减反而不适,一般持续3- 加重,或出现其他情况,则需及时与医生联系就诊检查。 4、 戴用固定矫正器的患者要特别注意口腔卫生。早、晚及进食后, 复诊前都必须刷牙,要把牙齿上的软垢及留存的食物残渣必须仔细 刷干净,否则易造成牙龈炎、牙周炎、牙齿脱钙及龋齿等,严重牙 周炎患者治疗过程中甚至会出现牙齿松动脱落。对于不能保证口 腔卫生的患者,为不影响口腔健康,我们有权终止治疗,费用不 予退还。 5、 在固定矫正器的治疗过程中,不能吃硬、粘食物,大块食物弄小 后再吃,以防矫正器损坏。若发现带环松脱、弓丝折断等情况而影 响到口腔功能时,应及时与医生联系,确定是否需 来院处理。 6、 矫正过程中必须按照医嘱定期复诊。一般戴上固定矫治器后每四 周左右复诊一次。若不按时复诊或长期不就诊,矫治牙将失去控制, 会出现牙齿移位异常,或治疗无进展等情况。对于超过三个月无 故不来就诊的患者,将视作自动终止治疗,若再要治疗需按新患者 程序重新登记开始,由此造成的经济损失及牙齿损伤等有患者自己 承担。 7、 需用头帽口外唇弓的患者每天必须戴足医师指定的时间,在取下 口外唇弓时,应先取下弹力圈,再取出口外弓,以免造成牙齿及面 部组织器官的意外损伤。 8、 尽管患者与医生都不愿意拔牙,但仍有65%左右的牙颌畸形必须 通过拔牙才能矫正。 9、 有些拔牙患者为了更加好的达到正畸效果,有的间隙不能完全用 完,关闭剩余间隙需要打种植钉,以增加支抗向前拉后牙关闭剩余 间隙,希望患者及家长能够很好地理解和配合。 led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses1 10、患者18岁之前均处于生长发育期,若颌骨生长型异常,治疗结 果则难以令人满意,异常生长在保持期还可表现为畸形复发,严 重的发育异常可能需要结合外科手术去进一步治疗。部分正畸治 疗需要利用患者的正常生长潜力,如果患者不能遵照医嘱积极配 合,则会丧失治疗时机。 11、现代医学研究发现,正畸患者的颞下颌关节病(TMD)发病率与普 通人群的TMD发病率相同,因此常规正畸治疗既不会引起也不能阻 止TMD的发生。如果患者治疗前就有颞下颌关节弹响、疼痛等症状, 请向你的主治大夫咨询治疗中可能出现的问题。 12、正畸治疗过程可能会出现非医生所能控制的不同程度的牙根吸 收、牙髓坏死等,少数患者的牙齿可能由于存在的难以发现的根 骨粘连而无法移动,以致无法完成治疗 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 13、 一般矫正均在12(女)——14(男)开始治疗,当治疗完成时 患者仍处在生长发育期,颌骨仍有异常生长因素存在,因此,仍有 复发的机率存在。 14、 医师的设计方案综合考虑了患者要求、健康、美观、功能、稳定 等因素,可能不能完全满足您的所有要求或特殊喜好,但我们会尽 最大的努力为您提供目前医疗水平所能达到的最好治疗结果。 四、矫正资料 患者的病历、牙模型、照片-X光片是医院对患者进行诊断、设计、 控制治疗进程、观察复发趋势等重要参考资料,均由医院保存存档,患者 个人不得随意带走。 五、我理解治疗后如果我不遵医嘱,可能影响治疗效果。 特殊风险或主要危险因素 我理解根据我个人的病情,我可能出现以下特殊并发症或风险: 一旦发生上述风险和意外,医生会采取积极应对措施。 led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses 患者知情权 1、我的医生已经告知我将要进行的操作方式、此次操作及操作后可能发生的并发症和风险、可能存在的其它治疗方法并且解答了我关于此次操作的相关问题。 2、我同意在操作中医生可以根据我的病情对预定的操作方式做出调整。 3、我理解我的操作需要多位医生共同进行。 4、我并未得到操作百分之百成功的许诺。 患者签名: 日 期: 如果患者无法签署知情同意书,请其授权的亲属在此签名: 患者授权亲属签名 与患者关系 日 期: 医生陈述 我已经告知患者将要进行的治疗方式、此次治疗及治疗后可能发生的并发症和风险、可能存在的其它治疗方法并且解答了患者关于此次治疗的相关问题。 医生签名: 日 期: led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses3 主诉: 病史 健康状况: 生长发育: 不良习惯: 既往矫治: 先天遗传: 其他病史: 药物过敏史: 口腔检查: 面颌:(对称、颏左偏 mm,颏右偏 mm) 面中1/3:(正常、凹陷、过突) 面下1/3:(正常、过短、过长) 上唇:(正常,过短,过长,唇红外翻) 下唇:(正常,过短,过长,唇红外翻) 开唇露齿:(无、轻、中、重) 颏唇沟:(无、明显) 鼻唇沟:(无、明显) 上颌:(正常、前突、后缩;下颌:正常、前突、后缩) 上齿槽座:(丰满、欠丰满、凹陷) 下齿槽座:(丰满、欠丰满、凹陷) led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses 口腔卫生: 牙列式: 后牙颌关系:,中性,中性偏近中,近中尖对尖?完全近中?近 中超过一个牙尖?中性偏远中?远中尖对尖?完全远中 6 6 6 6 ? ? ? ? 中线:上颌(正、左偏 mm, 右偏 mm ) 下颌(正、左偏 mm, 右偏 mm ) 牙齿错位情况: 颞下关节: 张口度: 运动轨迹: 弹响: 合干扰: led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses5 模型测量 上下牙弓形态 上牙弓: 下牙弓: 腭盖形态: Spees曲线: Bolton值比率:(前牙: ,全牙: ) 牙列拥挤情况(上牙列:?? ?? ??;下牙列:?? ?? ??) 前牙覆合:(正常,?? ?? ?? ) 前牙覆盖:(正常,?? ?? ??) 开合:(?? ?? ??) 特殊检查 部位 所 见 日期 曲 面 X线 方 断 法 层 检查 侧 位 片 其他X线检查: led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses 诊断: 因素机制: 矫治设计: 矫治方案: 我已理解并同意上述方案并接受治疗。患者(家长)签字: 年 月 日 led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses7 门 诊 病 志 副 页 姓名: 性别: 年龄: 编号: led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses9 led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses11 led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses13 全景片: 头颅侧位片: led the crowd in "25 rents" from 1939 to 1940, the Communist Party as organization, methods of taking evening classes, contact people, organizing and publicity people. Underground party and democratic leader since the series printed in plain text, explaining to enlighten the consciousness of the masses, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the masses
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