首页 联系地址河北省中医院



联系地址河北省中医院联系地址河北省中医院 河北省中医院电脑、打印机耗材、外设配件及维修材料 定点采购招标邀请书 河北省中医院------2010HBSZYY:,,,,, 根据我院实际需要,经研究决定,现就我院医疗部分电脑、打印机耗材、外设配件及维修材料定点采购项目进行公开招标,本次本着公平、公正、公开的原则进行招标。邀请合格投标人提交密封投标,具体招标事项通知如下: 1. 投标人的资格: A:具有电脑、打印机耗材或外设配件及维修材料销售代理资格的经销单位,具有 独立的经营场地(含营业网点、仓库),经营品种齐全的生产经营单位...

联系地址河北省中医院 河北省中医院电脑、打印机耗材、外设配件及维修材料 定点采购招标邀请 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 河北省中医院------2010HBSZYY:,,,,, 根据我院实际需要,经研究决定,现就我院医疗部分电脑、打印机耗材、外设配件及维修材料定点采购项目进行公开招标,本次本着公平、公正、公开的原则进行招标。邀请合格投标人提交密封投标,具体招标事项 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 如下: 1. 投标人的资格: A:具有电脑、打印机耗材或外设配件及维修材料销售代理资格的经销单位,具有 独立的经营场地(含营业网点、仓库),经营品种齐全的生产经营单位均可参加投标。 B*:注册资金要求30万元以上。 2. 项目名称:河北省中医院电脑、打印机耗材、外设配件及维修材料定点采购项 目 3. 招标内容 A.招标范围包括:我院医疗部门所需的部分电脑、打印机耗材、外设配件及维修材 料。 B.交货时间:按需求及时送货上门。 C.交货地点:河北省中医院设备处。 4.按照投标须知的要求提供有关证件和投标书,否则视为废标。 5.招标文件领取时间和办法:2010年11月1日至2010年11月8日下午4时,前往河北省中医院设备处拷贝电子资料或登录河北省中医院网站进行查询。河北省中医院网址:hbszyy.cn 6开标:开标时间另行通知。本项目开标由医院成立招标小组,参加招标人员临时决定,最终的开标信息和数据(包括投标人名称、投标价格以及招标人认为适当的其他内容)将按照投标人提供的联系方式由招标人电话通知投标人的中标品种。 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 7.投标人须将投标报价表正本和公司资质密封在两个单独的档案袋内,并标明“投标报 价表”和“公司资质”字样,要求正本,份,副本,份(正本留用备档),投标时单独递交, 以便唱标时查找。 联系地址:河北省中医院 电 话:0311---85990233 联 系 人:周凤翔 吴艳新 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 河北省中医院电脑、打印机耗材、外设配件及维修材料 定点采购投标须知 为进一步提高全院电脑耗材、外设配件及维修材料采购的效益和透明度,加强对电脑、打印机耗材或外设配件及维修材料采购的规范化管理,现对我院部分电脑、打印机耗材或外设配件及维修材料定点采购项目进行公开投标。现将投标须知告知如下: 1. 招标内容: 河北省中医院医疗部门所需的电脑、打印机耗材、外设配件及维修材料 2. 招标方式: 1. 本次采购采用密封竞争性投标,以最优惠的价格,企业的资信、 和良好的服务为评估原则,同时引入投标人的竞争机制,经招标 小组和监督机构综合评议后上报院领导确定中标单位。 2. 投标人:应携公司所有资质正本(审核资质用)、和本人身份证 原件(审核时用); 招标文件用复印件即可。公司资质包括:营 业执照,组织机构代码证,税务登记证,授权书和委托书。 3. 投标人注明现用企事业单位名单,已被参考。 一、投标文件: 投标文件主要包括下列各项,其中加*项目若有缺失或无效,将可能导致投标被拒绝且不允许在开标后补正*投标函; 1、*公司资质(公司资质里经年检的副本复印件加盖投标人公章,年检章要清楚); 2、*投标货物价格表; 3、投标人认为需要提供的其他资料。 4、*除配件外的所有投标产品需要提供样品。 3. 投标报价 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme a. 所有投标报价均以人民币元为计算单位。投标报价应已经包含了购买货 物及其相关服务的费用和所需缴纳的所有税费,并包含了货物发运到指 定地点所需的一切费用。 分别见附表一、二、三。 b. 投标人要按投标货物、价格表(按报价清单统一,可以全填或部分填写, 也可超范围填写)的内容填写报价单,并由投标人签字并加盖公章。对于 标准货物,每种规格的货物只允许有一个报价,任何有选择的报价将可 能导致投标被拒绝。 c. 投标人对投标报价若有说明应在报价清单显著处予以注明,只有开标时 唱出的报价和优惠才被考虑。 d. 投标货物价格表中标明的价格在合同执行过程中是固定不变的,投标人 不得以任何理由予以变更。以可调整的价格提交的投标将被视为非响应 性投标而被拒绝。 二、合同签约:(后附合同条款) 中标单位与河北省中医院签订一年以内正式的购销合同。合同期间三个月进行一次综合科室使用情况反馈意见,半年进行一次市场价格评析。 三、资金结算: 1、 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 供货合同期间,中标产品价格不能轻易改变。如果中标产品基准价发生调整,中标人应提供相应证明,如厂方直接调价通知等,但是否变更必须与招标人讨论协商决定,一般情况下价格调整后的优惠率不低于该产品中标合同中的优惠率。 2、定点供应商根据使用单位的申购单或签单进行汇总,按不同的经费开支渠道分别开具正式发票,经相关经办人和分管领导签字后,交财务科纳入正常报销程序。 四、中标物的质量、售后服务及其它要求: 1、中标者按合同要求送货到指定地点(即要求送货上门),交货后按合同要求统一由用户单位验收。 2、中标者供应商品的质量必须符合国家有关规定,证件齐全,保证质量。 3、中标者不得提供冒牌及不合格产品,否则一旦查实,我院可以拒付货款并停止其定点采购资格,并视情况取消其以后在六全区人民医院采购投标的资格。 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 4、因质量原因引起的不良后果,由中标者负责处理,承担相应的责任,并可视情况严重程度扣减货款,情况特别严重的可取消其以后的采购投标资格。 5、如投标人不能按招标人提供的品牌要求进行投标,投标人可自主选择品牌进行投标,但投标时必须提供样品,待招标方认可后,方可参加评标。 6、*中标单位必须保障我院维修的正常工作,必须有专人负责,(维修人员要熟知各种机型的维修能力)正课工作时间同中医院的作息相同,周六上午需上班,维修专配人员手机需要24小时开机。 五、说明 1、此次招标的标的分两部分,任何一家投标单位可以对其中一项内容进行报价或对两项内容同时报价,但评标时将作为两部分内容进行评分。 2、各投标单位应在投标文件包装上注明是„电脑、打印机耗材?或„外设配件及维修材料?。 河北省中医院 2010年11月1日 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme
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