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英语专业课本及练习电子版 Open The Door To Forgiveness


英语专业课本及练习电子版 Open The Door To ForgivenessB2U11 Open The Door To Forgiveness Grammar 1.Fill in the blanks with pronouns. 1)i have told the police _____I know about the burglary. I can't tell you _____ more. 2)Despite _____we did to stimulate trade, the firm went bankrupt. 3)The Titanic may be at...

英语专业课本及练习电子版 Open The Door To Forgiveness
B2U11 Open The Door To Forgiveness Grammar 1.Fill in the blanks with pronouns. 1)i have told the police _____I know about the burglary. I can't tell you _____ more. 2)Despite _____we did to stimulate trade, the firm went bankrupt. 3)The Titanic may be at the bottom of the sea, but _______ is never forgotten. 4)The children I like to teach are the _____ who like to learn. 5)He is more intelligent than ___ am, but not as good at sports as ____. 6)I don't want _____ to drink. I'm not thirsty. 7)The exam was very easy. _____ could have passed. 8)All the tickets have been sold. There are ___ laft. 9)Have you seen my watch? I've looked all over the house but I can't find _____ anywhere. 10)Sally was upset about ____ and refused to talk to_____. 2.Correct the errors, where found, in the following sentences. 1)He's invited to a lot of parties and he goes to everybody. 2)I would like to visit each country in the world. 3)When I was on holiday, my whole luggage was stolen. 4)Whatever you say, I like living on myself. 5)It was the good idea of yours to go swimming this afternoon. 6)If anybody wants to leave early, they can. 7)She spoke a little English, so it was difficult to communicate with her. 8)I spend most my spare time gardening. 3.Compare the italicized parts in each pair and tell the difference. 1)a.This is a portrait of John. b.This is a portrait of John's. 2)a.He is a friend of mine. b.He is my friend. 3)a.That boy of yours is in trouble again. b.A boy of yours is in trouble again. 4)a.He is interested in Shakespeare's sonnets. b.He is interested in the sonnets Shakespeare. 5)a.He gave me a wine glass. b.He gave me a glass of wine. 6)a.Here is a shopping bag. b.Here is a bag of shopping. 7)a.garden vegetables b.a garden vegetables 8)a.Mr. And Mrs Carter's books b.England's and America's problems 4.Rephrase the following sentences, using the correct possessive forms. 1)I am taking a holiday for a week. 2)I was introduced to a friend of John an Peter. 3)The post office is a walk of two minutes from here. 4)John rode a bicycle belonging to Charles. 5)Three men helped to organize the school sports day. They were the fathers of Robert, Peter and Henry. 6)Would you want one of the kittens of my cat? 7)I had a cup of coffee in the buffet on the station. 8)At the party we sang and danced to the content of our heart. 5.Choose the expression that correspond to the possessive forms given. 1)the gate to my garden a. my garden's gate b. my garden gate 2)a seminar of four days a. a four-day seminar b. a four day's seminar 3)Here are two of the four sons of Angela a. Here are Angela's two sons b. Here are two of Angela's sons 4)the Battle of Waterloo a. No genitive b. Waterloo's Battle 5)the side of the box a. no genitive b. the box's side c.the box's side 6)in the time of three months a. no genitive b. in three month's time c. in three month's time 7)the stables of our horses a. no genitive b. our horse's stables c.our horse's stables 8)a sandwich with ham a. a ham's sandwich b. a ham sandwich 5.Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the parts in italics in your sentences. 1)Suppose he married a sexy young starlet. Would you wish him to be happy with her? 2)We must finally he reconciled with our foe, lest we both perish in the vicious circle of hatred. Translation 1.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1)Admitting our hate compels us to make a decision about the surgery of soul we call forgiving. 2)When he said how sorry he was what his support could not convince the dean, she pretended to believe him. But she should not keep up the duplicity. 3)Forgiving is finding a new vision of the person who has wronged us, the person stripped of his sins -- who really lives beneath the cloak of his wrongdoing. 4)If we all live by the "eye for an eye" brand of justice, the whole world will be blind. 2.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets. 1)我的论文超过一万字,最后不得不删掉了几段,以满足该学术期刊的要求。(cut out) 2)事实是无法避免的,必须直面真相,为自己的错误付出代价。(face up to) 3)那一年,他虽然遭受了一场车祸,但还是通过了所有学校要求的考试,升入了下一个 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 。(promote) 4)那个国家的知识分子对政府新的福利政策持强烈的批评态度,他们任务这将降低劳动人民的生活水平。(be critical of) 5)要消除他们之间的怨恨固然很困难,但至少值得尝试一番。(resentment, be worth doing) 6)政府正在采取一切措施把物价压下去,以防止通货膨胀失控。(bring down, lest) 7)那个谋杀犯否认了一切指控,我们不得不提出更多的证据让陪审团相信他是有罪的。(deny, convince) 8)和妻子分居多年之后,他终于宽恕了她的不忠,和她言归于好了。(infidelity, be reconciled with)
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