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职场英语系列11-20 静雅思听 智慧声音 1 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 11:事业工作平衡十法 10 Tips to Balance Work and Life By: Barton Goldsmith Many people put work before family and relationships. At times, doing this may be a necessity. If t...

静雅思听 智慧声音 1 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 11:事业工作平衡十法 10 Tips to Balance Work and Life By: Barton Goldsmith Many people put work before family and relationships. At times, doing this may be a necessity. If the wolf is at the door, it is understandable. But if you find that work has become your entire life, here are some tips to help you find your balance again. 1. If work occupies most of your thoughts, you've got your priorities messed up. Start by telling yourself that family comes first. Then do something to start making things up to them. It can be as simple as coming home early one night a week. 2. Write important dates (birthdays, anniversary, and so on) in your calendar and transfer them at the end of the year when you get a new one. If you use an electronic device, keep a hard copy backup. 3. There are times when you need to focus on yourself. If it's not a terrorist attack, you owe yourself at least ten minutes of peace every day. Just meditate or stare out the window. 4. When you come home, leave your Blackberry in your car, so you can keep your attention where it belongs. If this creates too much anxiety for you, it's a sign you're life is not in balance. 5. Leave your work at the office, and unless it's a true emergency, don't take business calls at home. At the very least, turn off the ringer when you retire for the evening. 6. The Internet can be addictive and will eat up precious minutes if you let it. Spend the free time you have with real people who love you, not with some online stranger who might help you make some more money. 7. Make sure you dedicate as much time to your relationship as you do to your job. This can be done over time. If you travel a lot, try taking your mate along whenever possible. 8. Your loved ones know where your priorities are. Do everything you can to let them see that they are your first choice. Whenever you take a day off to be with family, it will pay you back tenfold. 9. Talking about your relationship is the most important tool you have to keep it on a positive track. Make sure you check in with the one you love at least once a week and talk about how your life together is going. 10. If you have the luxury of a paid vacation, use it this year. Things change quickly, and you need to make the most of what you've earned. The average American worker doesn't use all of their vacation time. 静雅思听 智慧声音 2 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 You owe it to yourself and your family to create a balance between what you do and whom you love. 职场英语系列 11:事业工作平衡十法 很多人将工作放在比家人与感情更重要的地位。有时这样做是必要的。如果狼都到了门口了, 这样做还是可理解的。不过如果你发现工作已经成为你生活的全部了,那么下面这些窍门会 帮你找回平衡 1. 如果工作占据了你全部的心思,那么你生命的优先级已经乱了。从告诫自己家人是最重 要的开始,然后以这个思路来指导自己的行为。它可以简化为很普通的行为:每周有一 个晚上早点回家。 2. 将你生活中一些重要的日子,如生日或周年纪念日等记在你的日历中,并在新的一年中 继续保留。如果你用的是电子日历,记得做一个备份。 3. 需要留出点时间关注自己。如果不是为了应对一个恐怖袭击,你至少每天要给自己留下 十分钟来沉思或只是看看窗外。 4. 当你在家的时候,将你的黑莓手机放在你的车里,这样你就可以将注意放在该放的地方。 如果这样会带给你严重的焦虑,说明你的生活已经失衡了。 5. 将你的工作留存办公室,除非非常紧急,不要在家里打电话。至少在你睡觉的时候,将 手机的铃声关闭。 6. 互联网很容易让人上瘾,耗费掉你很多宝贵时间,如果你放纵自己的话。花时间与那些 爱你的人在一起,而不是一些网上的陌生人,即使他们能让你赚到更多的钱。 7. 要做到在感情上你舍得花时间就象你对工作一样。慢慢你就能做到了。如果你经常出差, 在可能的情况下尽可能带上你的伴侣。 8. 你钟爱的人应该知道你的生活优先级是什么。尽一切让他们明白你最关注的是他们。每 次你请假一天与你的家人在一起,你往往得到十倍的回报。 9. 讲述你的情感能最有效地让你保持在良好的平衡状态上。每周至少一次与你所爱的人交 流感情,讲述你们在一起的生活。 10. 如果你能有带薪休假的话,今年就用了它。事情变化很快,所以你需要充分利用你所拥 有的。通常情况下,美国职员并没有用满他们的休假时间。 你欠你自己与家人一份事业与爱人之间的平衡。 静雅思听 智慧声音 3 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 12:简历中的错误 Resume mistake can cost you the job Recently I was assisting an employer with the hiring process and reviewed many resumes that were sent in. I couldn't help but be concerned that so many people are not having any job search success because they are using a very poor resume to represent themselves to potential employers. A poor resume drags out a search for new employment. A candidate’s resume typically gets a 15-second glance, if it gets looked at all. Employers complain that they receive hundreds of resumes for any listed opening but 90% of the applicants are not qualified to do the advertised job. In recent hiring trends many resumes are never being seen by human eyes. An electronic computer scans it, looking at keywords and eliminating all others. Employers confess to getting so many resumes that the speed of applying is a hiring factor. Employers told me they look through the resume stack until they find four or five good ones, call those candidates in for an interview, and may leave hundreds of resumes unread. Today it is only a well-written resume advertising accomplishments and past performance results that gets noticed. Of course you know that, but when I look at the resumes being sent out to employers I cringe because so many avoidable mistakes are causing job hunters to be rejected. In my books Winning Resumes and Winning Cover Letters, we published a survey of over 600 hiring managers to learn exactly what gets attention and what gets rejected. A few of the major mistakes revealed included: • Lying. Employers reported they are on the lookout for the significant increase in lies or serious exaggerated claims made in people’s resumes. Common deceptions include accomplishments, salary, or size of the team managed. Helen, an HR Executive Recruiter inside a prominent company, wrote on her survey form: "Never, ever, lie. One person I hired lied about having a college degree when she did not have one. We fired her when the lie was uncovered." --> ACTION STEP: Don’t Lie. Most employers catch you in the interview or when they do reference checks, so inflating your qualifications into fabrications is NOT the same as using good self marketing to get hired. • No apparent accomplishments. Employers report that many people's resumes are just dull job descriptions but candidates do not list any kind of results achieved on the job. The surveyed employers heavily criticized generic resumes as a worthless effort. 静雅思听 智慧声音 4 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 --> ACTION STEP: Results sell! Use specific facts noting demonstrated skills, and past accomplishments achieved. Our formula for success is using actions=results bullets that command attention. Be sure to include figures on how large, how many, what you did, and how it turned out. Stress actions that resulted in an increase in revenues, and any cost or time savings. • Lengthy resume. Surveyed managers reported that resumes only get a 15 second review. “More is not better,” noted Martha, an HR Director. “Long careers often travel into numerous pages and important accomplishments get lost. We won’t read anything beyond a page especially with so many people applying.” --> ACTION STEP: Write a concise one-page resume noting top achievements. Highlight only the relevant recent information related to doing the targeted job. Use action words to create more powerful sentences. • Spelling mistakes and use of micro-type. A top complaint with every manager and HR person in our survey noted: “I stop reading when I find spelling mistakes.” Employers felt typographical errors reflect the poor quality of work they can expect from you. Reducing the font size to cram more into a resume often results in making it harder to read and many employers noted that they simple skip reading the ones with very small type. --> ACTION STEP: Proofread! Perfection is a necessity to remain competitive. Use size 12 font and a nice layout that is easily read. Use clean fonts (i.e. Arial) so phone numbers and emails contact information is easily read. • No cover letter. Employers report that fewer candidates today use cover letters since many applicants are just blasting their resumes everywhere with a quick click on the send button. Surveyed employers stated cover letters are very influential and can snag an interview by themselves. They repeatedly noted was that it is a BIG MISTAKE using no cover letter at all. --> ACTION STEP: Take the time to create a targeted letter addressing the specific employers needs. Opening with a couple sentences that advertise your top skills and accomplishments is the secret ingredient to getting your letter read. Then highlight exactly how you can perform the job and show definitive actions and outcomes. A great resume is an essential career tool. It sends the an employer this key message, "I’m a pro in 静雅思听 智慧声音 5 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 everything I do, and someone you definitely want on your team." 职场英语系列 12:简历中的错误 最近我帮助一个雇主做招聘的工作,收到了很多的简历。从中让我关注到一个问题,很多人 找不到工作是因为他们向潜在的雇主展现了一个非常不好的简历。烂简历在你找工作中帮了 倒忙。 一个简历即使被雇主看到,也就是 15秒钟的一扫。雇主们时常抱怨每个招聘职位都能收到 很多的简历,其中九成的应聘者完全无法胜任招聘的职位。 现在很多简历根本轮不到人看,都是计算机通过关键词来浏览筛选,其余的就被舍弃了。很 多雇主都承认由于收到的简历太多,所以每个职位要尽早申请。他们通常从成堆的简历中找 到前四五个中意的简历,然后安排他们面试,其余上百的简历根本就没人去看了。 现在只有那些写得很好,能展现自己过去业绩与成就的简历才会被人关注。这也许不言自明, 但当我看到有那么多求职者因为本可避免的错误而被雇主拒绝时,我还是感觉很遗憾。在我 的书中我们公布了一项由 600多个人事经理填写的调查问卷结果,列出了哪些简历得到了雇 主的青睐,哪些被拒绝了。下面我们列出几项主要的错误 第一项:说谎 雇主们发现越来越多人在自己的简历中说谎或夸大其辞,他们不得不更加警惕。求职者通常 会在过去的成就、薪水与管理过的队伍的规模上撒谎。一个人力招聘专家海伦在调查中写到: “永远永远不要撒谎。我曾经雇佣过一个女孩,在编造了一个她没有取得的大学文凭,在我 们发现的第一时间我们解雇了她”。 行动建议:不要撒谎 很多雇主会在面试中或后面的背景调查中发现你的谎言,你要明白,善于推销自己并得到职 位与吹嘘编造自己的能力并不是一回事。 第二条:没有明显的业绩 雇主们反映很多求职者的简历仅是过去工作职位的枯燥描述,而没有列出他们在这个职位上 的成就,他们将这种笼统的简历为废纸一张。 行动建议:展示工作成果 用具体的事实证明你的技能与取得的成就。最好的形式就是:行动+结果的方式最能引起别 人的注意。尤其记得要提供诸如多大、多少、你完成了什么、结果是什么之类的数据与资料, 强调你的行为所导致的结果,如收入增加、费用与时间的节省。 第三条:简历过长 调查已经显示一个简历雇主只用 15秒就一扫而过。“简历长并不意味着好。过长的经历描述 与页数会让你真正的成就被忽视。当有很多人申请一个职位的时候,我们从来不看超过一页 的简历” 行动建议:做一个简洁的一有一页纸的简历,列出你最大的成就 只突出那些与招聘职位直接相关的最近的信息。多用动词使你的简历显得更加有力。 第四条:拼写错误与字体太小 在调查中很多人事经理抱怨最多的是:“我一看到有拼写错误我就不再读下去了。”雇主们认 为他们很难指望从一个拼写都会出错的求职者身上能得到什么高质量的工作结果。有的求职 者将字号缩小以便能装下更多的字,反而使雇主读起来更困难,雇主反而选择跳过这些文字。 行动建议:仔细检查 为了有竞争性你不得不精益求精。采用一个好的布局版式,12 号字,以便于阅读。选择清 楚的字体来展现你的电话号码与电子邮件信息。 静雅思听 智慧声音 6 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 第五条:没有求职信 雇主们抱怨,现在很少求职者写求职信了,因为他们只是在利用各种网站或软件上的发送按 钮来四处发简历。调查中雇主们认为求职信是很有影响的,会帮你带来面试机会。他们一再 强调没有求职信是一个错误。 行动建议:花点时间做一个对雇主需求有针对性的求职信。开篇一两句话介绍清楚你的技能 与成就,是保证你的简历能被人阅读的秘密法宝。然后突出你将采取的行动及明确的工作结 果。 一个好的简历绝对是找工作的利器。它传递给雇主一个关键的信息,“我是一个干什么什么 行的人,也绝对是你队伍中最想要的人”。 静雅思听 智慧声音 7 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 13:面试礼仪 Interview Etiquette By Robin Ryan Do you know what is appropriate to wear to a job interview? What to say or do to impress and not turn off an employer? Interview etiquette is an often overlooked but important part of job search success. In Webster’s New World Dictionary, the word etiquette is defined as: "The manners established by convention as acceptable or required in society and business." If you are uncertain of the proper image, manners, and behavior to display to employers and want a competitive edge over other candidates, here are some useful guidelines on what is essential to excel in your next job interview. Dress UP! Today, in our more casually dressed workplace, appearance still counts a great deal with employers. Wendy Lovell, an HR Director states, “Too many people – young and old alike – have lost touch with what is appropriate business dress. Sloppy, sexy, sluttish, wrinkled or filthy clothes have no place at work.” Dress well and be conservative. Skip the spandex, nose rings, blue hair, huge/baggy tops, t-shirts with obscenities on them, stilettos, low-rider jeans, micro mini-skirts, or underwear as outerwear. “Expecting the employer to ‘accept you as you are’ is a terrific attitude if you never want a promotion, or hope that we’ll never hire you,” notes HR Director, Tracy White. To take the guess work out of successful dressing, dress slightly more formally than the average manager. If most people wear slacks and a sport shirt, wear slacks with a coat and tie. Everyone in coat and tie? Wear a suit. Everyone in a suit? Wear your best suit. Neatness is as important as appropriate attire. Shine your shoes. Clothes should be cleaned, pressed and well fit. No tears or missing buttons. Hair should be combed and nails clean and trimmed. Use a light hand when applying makeup and cologne. Practice your handshake, eye contact, non-verbal communication Greet the interviewer with a smile, and offer a firm handshake. Nothing creates a poorer impression than a weak, couple-of-fingers handshake. Eye contact is crucial and conveys that you and your message are believable. In the meeting, be sure to not sit there stoically, with a blank face in the interview. You will fail to appear "real" or even “interested” and will come across as robotic, boring and dull. Be yourself, smile, maintain eye contact, and use vocal intonations to make your point so you will seem personable. Movements, gestures, posture and facial expressions are an important part of your overall performance. A sincere smile sends a warm, confident message. 静雅思听 智慧声音 8 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 Arrive on time There is no exception to this rule. Many employers feel that if you are late for the interview, you may never show up for your job. Need I say more? Get the directions, know how to get there, and give yourself more than enough time so that you can arrive early. Wait, and collect your thoughts then open the employer's door about five minutes early. Use people’s names As soon as you arrive introduce yourself stating who your appointment is with and the time. If the receptionist is wearing a name tag, greet her by name. When you are introduced to the interviewer or multiple interviewers, state their name in your greeting and also as you depart. People love hearing their names so be sure to remember and use them—sparingly. Too much seems phony. Display your manners during meals Meals often provide a more relaxed atmosphere and candidates often chat, sometimes saying things that hurt their candidacy. This is an interview — you are not speaking off the record — all ears are listening to you. In the restaurant, select an entrée that is easy to eat, not spaghetti or lobster or messy finger foods. I recommend you avoid alcohol. This is a job interview. If you must drink, nurse something very slowly, leaving it half touched. You need to remain sharp. Never monopolize the conversation, never curse or make crude jokes. Employers are evaluating your communication skills and how you would interact at company functions or client meetings. Ask a lot of questions about the company, the duties of the job, and immediate challenges. A good conversation question is to ask the interviewer how he or she likes the company and why it is a good place to work. Throughout the meal, continually sell yourself and your ability to do the job. Inspire confidence that you can do the job Interviews are not the time to be humble and meek. If you don't express confidence and competency that you can do the job, the employer will recognize that you probably can't do their job. Fill your answers with specifics and frequently give examples of how you’ve done things well in the past. Employers aren’t impressed with vague generalities. Be detailed, but concise whenever you answer. Above all else, don’t appear desperate. If you transmit that desperation to the employer in the interview, it can hurt your chances of getting hired. Bragging or lying are taboo Selling yourself effectively means giving examples that substantiate your claims. Exaggeration or lying often comes from weak candidates who think they can snow the interviewer. Most employers WILL check out your claims and many a candidate who deceived to get hired was surprised when they were later caught and fired! Just don’t do it. Impress them—hand-write your thank you note Employers can be influenced once you have left the door. A thank you note can tip the hand in your favor, if the decision is between you and someone else. The employer believes a person who 静雅思听 智慧声音 9 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 really wants the job is likely to perform better on the job. Your note should be a note card with the words "Thank You" gracing the card's opening page in a professional business-like style. These are available in the local drug store or card shop. Jot down a few lines, thanking them for the opportunity and reiterating a strength or two you would bring as a "valuable contributor to their team." Typed notes or letters feel like office mail, and emails are discarded and forgotten almost immediately. Handwritten notes (print if your writing is not legible) - are a personal communication. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the extra effort you put into your work, and set yourself apart. Mail your notes within 24 hours of the meeting. 职场英语系列 13:面试礼仪 你知道面试的时候如何着装得体吗?你知道什么该说该做,而什么是不合适的吗?面试礼仪 经常被人忽视,但它却对得到工作有重要的影响。 在韦伯斯特的新字典中,礼仪这个词是这样定义的:“即社会与商业中已经确立并被普遍认 可的行为。”如果你不是很清楚如何在雇主面前正确展现自己的形象与行为举止,以便超越 其它的竞争者,那么以下的一些建议可以帮助你在面试中脱颖而出 穿着得体 即使今天很多工作场合着装越来越随便,雇主还是会在意你的外表的。一位人力资源总监认 为:“太多的人,包括老员工与新员工,对于什么是得体的穿着一无所知。邋遢的、性感的、 脏兮兮的、满身褶子的脏衣服在工作场合是不受欢迎的。” 穿得精神点,稍稍保守些。不要穿那些紧身衣、带鼻环、染蓝色头发、穿过大过松的上装、 带有淫秽字眼的 T 恤、过高的高跟鞋、低腰的牛仔、迷你裙、或内衣外穿。如果你甘冒永 远没有升职或不被雇佣的风险,你大可以期望所有的雇主都能做到,你怎么穿,他们怎么接 受。 如何才能让自己穿着更合适呢,建议你比一般人稍稍正式一点就好了。如果你看身边的人都 穿休闲裤与运动衫,那么你就穿休闲裤加外套再加一个领带。如果他们都穿外套与领带呢? 你就穿西装。如果他们都穿西装,你就套上你最好的西装。 穿着整洁一样很重要。擦亮你的皮鞋。衣服要干净,熨好,合身。别有开线之处或少扣子。 头发要梳好,指甲要干净且修理好。化淡装,不要喷太多的香水。 练习握手、眼光接触与非语言的交流能力 微笑面对面试官,与其握手时坚强有力。而一个很轻柔,只伸出两个手指的握手给你人的感 觉很差。眼光接触也很重要,它能传递一个信息:你这个人与你讲的话都是可信的。在面试 中,记住不要做得太僵硬,而且面无表情。这样你无法表现你的真实及对这个工作职位有兴 趣,给对方的感觉就是象机器人一样单调无趣。你要保持自然、微笑、眼光接触,用自然亲 切的语言让你显得很人性化。你的一个举动、姿态、表情都是你面试表现中的一部分。一个 真诚的微笑传递给别人的是一种温暖自信的感觉。 准时 静雅思听 智慧声音 10 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 这一条是必须要遵守的,没有什么例外。很多雇主相信如何你连面试都能迟到,你在工作上 也好不到哪去。这恐怕不用我多说了吧。事先弄清方位、路线,给自己充足的时间这样你就 可以早一点到达。到后等一会,整理一下思路,然后比规定时间早五分钟推开雇主的门。 称呼别人的名字 你到了之后,先告诉别人你是谁,与谁约的,几点的面试。如果前台工作人员有自己的姓名 牌,叫出他们的名字,问候他们。当被介绍各种面试官时,称呼他们的名字,与他们打招呼。 走的时候也不要忘记了。人们喜欢自己的名字被提起,所以记住它们,使用他们。当然一定 适度,否则就显得太假了。 注意就餐时的举止 一起吃饭往往是一个很轻松的环境,有时应聘者就会在闲聊中说出一些有损于他们求职的 话。记住,你还是在面试过程中,这不是随便说话的时候,所有的耳朵都在听着你呢。 在餐馆一定要点那些容易吃的东西,而不要是类似意大利面条、龙虾或其它弄着两手油乎乎 的食物。我建议你最好不喝酒。这还是一个面试。如果一定要喝,稍稍品一点,因为你需要 保持清醒。 不要试图操纵谈话,不要愤世嫉俗,不要说粗俗的笑话。雇主其实是在考察你的沟通能力, 看你是否能与公司各部门或在客户的会议中有效交流。建议你多问一些有关公司的问题,工 作职责,最近的工作挑战等。一个聪明的方法是去问问你的面试官他为什么喜欢在这个公司 工作。在整个吃饭过程中,你要不断有效地展示你的为人、你的能力,是多么适合做这个工 作。 增强他们的信心你能做好这个工作 面试并不是一个展示卑微与谦恭的时候。如果你不能展示你的自信与能力,雇主就会认为可 能你无法胜任这个工作。你不妨用具体的细节甚至是过去的事例来证明你其实以前已经成功 做过类似的事情。雇主们通常不会被空泛的结论所打动。所以要有具体的细节,但还要简洁。 最重要的一点,你不要表现出要不计代价得到这个职位。如果雇主感受到了这一点,会对你 面试成功有负面的影响。 吹牛或谎言是大忌 有效的推销自己其实是一个用生动的实例来佐证自己结论的过程。只有那些能力较差的应聘 者才夸大其辞或撒谎来忽悠面试官。多数雇主都会对你进行背景调查的。有不少蒙混过关的 应聘者在入职后的某一天会惊讶地发现他们的谎言穿帮了,从而被解雇。所以别做这种傻事。 用手写的感谢信打动他们 即使你面试结束了,你一样可以影响面试结果。当雇主在你与其它人之间犹豫不决时, 一 个感谢信会帮上你的忙。雇主相信一个非常有热情得到这个工作的人也更容易在工作中有更 好的表现。你的信可以就是一个带有感谢字样的卡片,前面用很职业的文字来书写。这些卡 片很容易在当地的药店或卡书店中买到。花点时间,写上几行,感谢他们给你的面试机会, 再强调一下你的特长会对公司的业务有重要的贡献。 那些公文式的打印好的办公室信件、电子邮件往往很容易别人遗忘与丢弃。而手写的内容给 人一种人性化交流的感觉。这也是一个机会显示出你对这个工作的格外在意。记住,在面试 结束后 24小时内发出你的感谢信。 静雅思听 智慧声音 11 www.justing.com.cn 本节目英文部分由 JOBDIG提供,静雅思听制作出品 快乐 知识 智慧,尽在静雅思听 职场英语系列 14:点中招聘公司的死穴 What motivates companies to hire you Knowing what triggers a company's interest and quickly motivates them to sit up and take notice of you is powerful knowledge that you can use over and over again. Of course, each situation is different, but the running themes that connect them are the same. Here are several motivators you can begin using to increase a company's interest in you: Motivator #1 You can solve a problem they have Perhaps you read about it in a job ad or in a news article. No matter where, a company that has a challenge will appreciate your attention to it and willingness to be either a part of the solution or THE solution! Motivator
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