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BGA Sing Tooling SPEC


BGA Sing Tooling SPEC 1 BGA SINGULATION TOOL&KIT REQUIREMENT FUNCTIONAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION. BGA去框模具之採購規範 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, INC. 26, Chin 3rd Rd. Nantz...

BGA Sing Tooling SPEC
1 BGA SINGULATION TOOL&KIT REQUIREMENT FUNCTIONAL PURCHASE SPECIFICATION. BGA去框模具之採購規範 Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, INC. 26, Chin 3rd Rd. Nantze Export Processing Zone Spec. No.:64-31-4950-0069 Version: B Date: JUL. 25, 2007 Issue: CSH Chen 2 1 PURPOSE 目的 Establish the purchasing requirement for BGA singulation too & Conversion Kit. 建立 BGA去框模具之採購規格 2 SCOPE 範圍 Purchasing requirement for new tool & new product. 新模具和新產品之採購需求 3 DEFINITION 定義 3.1 Specification for BGA singulation tool equipment . BGA去框模具規格。 3.2 Buyoff criteria of bga singulation tool equipment. BGA去框模具設備驗收規格 4 RESPONSIBILITY 責任 4.1 Tool taiwan must test the tool platform that is defined / the product specification to confirm personnel. 模具驗收人員須對定義的模具/產品規格進行測試 5 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 參考文件 5.1 Equipment purchase guideline 設備採購方針 5.2 ESD control document 靜電管制規範 6 SAFETY 安全 3 7. MATERIAL / EQUIPMENT / TOOL 材料 / 設備 / 工具 PROJECTOR 投影機 MICROSCOPE 顯微鏡 8. PROCEDURE 程序 Name&item of main equipment 採購主要設備名稱項目 BGA singulation tool equipment BGA去框模具設備 Purchase main item specification 採購項目規格 8.2.1. General specification 一般規格 Pin 1 is toward operator. 第一支腳朝向作業者。 Tooling must utilize substrate outline and slot hole to locate substrate. 模具需使用基板外緣或SLOT HOLE作定位 The tooling shall be compactly designed and must be easily mounted and dismounted from the machine. 模具需可快速拆卸,模座須設計簡捷且容易的從機台上裝置及拆卸。 Miss-feed mechanism must be highly sensitive to avoding damaging to molded strip and die. 基板進料機構必須具高靈敏反應裝置 , 避免誤抓未定位損傷產品及模具零件。 4 Access for vacuum must be large enough to remove dirt , debris , dust , mold flashes and metal slugs effectively. 真空系統必須有效的清除所有髒東西,切屑及廢膠 Vacuum failure detector must be provided for tool and indexing mechanism will shut down the machine if the vacuum is low or not functioning. 當機台真空過低或失效時檢測器應可發現並停止機台 Air jets shall be located at strategic locations in the tool to ensure packages and die set are clean and free from plastic contamination at all time. 模具中的噴氣裝置應位在最佳位置,以確保在任何時間清除產品和模座上的污染外來物. The system/tooling must be able to detect that there will be no mix up of different packages being used on the same tooling. 機台或模具可檢測作業的產品尺寸是否與模具設定相同 The punch / die insert of singulation should be made of tungsten carbide. (F10 or ASP-60 or ASP-23 equal material) punch及die insert使用材料為碳化鎢 F10或ASP-60或ASP-23或同級材料 Using a sensor or vision system to inspect the molded substrate reverse oriention and upside down strip detector should be provided. 使用sensor或視覺設備檢測基板是否反向或顛倒 Any stage need holding package. There should be at least one of the upper holder or lower holder be spring type. To prevent package crack(the asembly drawing must be marked the spring force). 任何一個作動步驟須固定產品時,上夾持或下夾持固定方式最少須有一個是以彈簧的型 式固定,且至少有一邊要讓位以防止膠體龜裂及壓傷(在組合圖中須標明彈簧的力量)。 Every die set must be settled counter independently , to record stroke number. 每套模具必須裝置獨立的計數器以方便記錄衝程數。 The unit detect sensor must be through type. 產品檢測sensor必須為對照式,依機台功能需求設計,須有效檢測出產品重疊及產品定位不 良,且將機故訊息顯示於螢幕上並停機. The tool can be used for substrate thickness from 0.26 mm to 0.68 mm. (just change parts only) 模具可作業的基板厚度為0.26mm~0.68mm (只需更換部分零件) 5 The tool include 100 % consumptive parts: 模具需包含100%消耗性零件(含PUNCH & DIE 各二套PARTS). Vender should modify the tooling design according to the request of ASEK. 廠商需依照ASEK之要求做模具設計之變更 Vendor should pesponse to any reasonable requests to improve the tooling performance. This may not involve additional costs. 廠商應有責任去改善模具的性能,這應不包含增加的成本。 8.2.2 Special specification 特殊規格 ESD control to meet ASE criteria 靜電管制須符合日月光規格 8.3. Name&quantity of accessory ( kits/parts,i/o port ,calibration tool) 採購附屬設備與數量 31X31 Singulation Tool & Conversion Kit * 1 SET 一套 31X31去框模具 & C.K 8.4 Operation requestment (utility/facility requestment) 操作相關需求 8.4.1 Maximum system noise level must be no more than 85 db. 系統產生的噪音最大不能超過 85分貝。 8.4.2 It is not allowed to install with esd parts. All non-conductive parts must use the antistatic material. 禁止使用會造成靜電破壞的零件,所有的非導體零件需使用抗靜電材質 8.5. Maintenance requestment 維護需求 8.5.1 When the tool halted platform is unusual , the supplier must offer the problem to solve the service during 24 hours 當模具異常時,供應商須於 24小時內提供問題解決服務 6 8.5.2 When the spare parts halted platform is unusual , the supplier must offer the spare parts to replace during 24 hours 當模具零件異常時,供應商須於 24小時內提供零件更換 8.5.3 Spare parts : 100% consumptive parts for die set.the others should be spare parts 針對所有的消耗性零件均應有備份零件. 8.5.4 Esd to conform to ASE spec 靜電管制須符合 ASE spec 8.6. Communication interface (hardware,software) 通信介面(硬體,軟體) N/A 8.7. Safety 安全 . 8.8. Patent 專利 N/A 8.9. Warranty 保證 8.9.1 The whole machine shall be guaranteed for one(1) year from the date of buy-off. 機器和模具保固期:從系統驗收後的一年內。 8.9.2 At normal operation the supplier must promise that it is free of charge to replace the parts if they have any defect or damage in warranty period 保固期內,模具相關機能或零件有損壞時,需保證無條件更換。 7 8.9.3 After protecting firmly over 1 year , when the system halted platform tool so must be repaired by the manufacturer , ASE only pays the part expenses , the technological service expenses must be absorbed by oneself by the manufacturer 若模具已超過保固期,當機台有機構異常時需廠商協助,日月光僅負擔零件費用,技術服務由供 應商免費提供 。 8.9.4 Within one year warranty duration , ASE will charge vender once a production line down due to the error resulted from the purchased system 模具仍於保固期內,若模具因本身問題造成無法生產,日月光將對供應商索賠當機期間無法生 產損失 8.9.5 Vendors should notify ase within two(2) weeks after receipt of this specification, of any exceptions to the aforesaid document in writing, other wise none be assumed. Approved exception should be in the from of recision to this specification or purchase order change to the original one. 廠商在收到採購規格後,對前述的事項有任何意見時應在兩個星期內以書面通知 Ase,如無 異議則視同廠商接受此份規格。若廠商提出的異議 Ase同意修改,則以新的採購規格版本或 訂單代替原有的。 8.10. Buyoff 驗收 8.10.1 buy-off specification : 驗收規格. A. No microgap on substrate under 40x microscope after singulation. 去框後以顯微鏡(倍率40)檢查,基板和膠體之間不得有微間隙。 B. Any chip out over 8 mil on substrate is rejected pcb崩裂超過8mils則拒收 C. Any tool mark or crack on package or substrate is rejected. 在膠體或基板上有任何因模具造成的痕跡或龜裂則拒收。 D. Any shroudless on substrate circuit , peeling between layers is ejected. 造成基板缺拒銲劑,pcb剝離則拒收 E. Reject for scratches on substrate. 造成基板刮傷則拒收 8 F. Any pcb fiber over 20 mil is rejected. pcb纖維超過20 mils則拒收 G. Incomplete trim / pcb burr over 4 mil is rejected. 去框不全/毛邊超過4 mils則拒收 H. Any good unit to be found in scrap box or bad unit in good tray is rejected. 任何良品被放置到報廢盒或不良品在良品盤(tray)內則拒收。 I. Any dirt , debris and dust on package or substrate is rejected. 任何碎屑、殘骸、灰塵在膠體或基板邊緣則拒收。 J. Any ink mark illegible is rejected. 造成任何正印斷字則拒收 K. Any heat slug scratch is rejected. 造成任何散熱片刮傷或痕跡則拒收 L. Any missing ball , damage ball , solder ball pad peeling is rejected. 任何缺球、球受損、球墊剝離則拒收 M. Machine down time less than 3% during warranty period. (warranty period is one year from set up finished.) 在保證期間內機台當機率須低於3% N. Finished product must be in conformance with package dimension 成型後產品的尺寸須符合ase圖面要求 O. PCB discolor on substrate< 20 mil 泛白小于20mil P. substrate crack: The area which the distance to the edge is big than 20mil,not allowed under 40X microscope. 裂紋超過20mil拒收(在40倍顯微鏡) 8.11. Installation 安裝 8.11.1 After entering the factory in new tool , supplier must finish installing production in three days 當新模具入廠後,供應商須於三天內完成安裝生產 9 8.12. Document requestment 文件需求 Following documents ( with chinese version or english version ) must be shipped with equipment 需提供文件(中文或英文版)並隨機台送出 8.12.1 Documentation includes manuals , drawings , brochures , catalog , blue-prints , etc. Parts list of all components, etc. 文件應包含操作手冊、圖面、小冊子目錄、藍圖、所有組合的零件表等。 8.12.2 All documentation must be written in english and chinese. 所有文件必須以中文和英文編寫。 8.12.3 Two (2) complete sets are required. 廠商須提供至少兩套完整的文件 8.12.4 All documents must be in their original type. Photocopies are permitted by providing clear , clean and legible prints. 所有文件必須是原稿或複製副本且必須內容清楚、清潔且合法。 8.12.5 Vendor must provide all the necessary drawings to enable ASE tofabricate replacement parts. (include electronic files) 廠商必須提供必要的零件圖以確保ASE能製作替換的零件。(含電子檔) 8.12.6 Preventive maintenance methods and recommended prerequisite. 預防保養和頻率。 8.12.7 Traceable of all major components revision levels of all parts used in the tool. 所有使用在模具的零件的修訂須可以追蹤的。 8.12.8 Drawings should include 圖面應包含: Exploded view of the complete die set and assembly drawings. Technician could find parts drawing no. Easily. 完全的模具和組合圖面的爆炸圖且技術人員能容易的找到圖號。 Tool assembly drawing / detail parts drawing( Include conversion kit drawing) 10 模具組合圖/組件詳圖(含C.K尺寸圖面) The relative dimension of punch, die, stripper, holder . With package for every stage, when die set is clamped together. 在上下模合模時,在模座的每個作動階段中須標示出punch、die、stripper.⋯等零件 與膠體的相對尺吋。 Vendor drawing should be apprpved by ASE before manufacture schematics. 廠商在排定模具製作計劃前須將圖面讓ASE認可。 8.13. Training 訓練 Supplier shall provide training for ase employees on all aspects of the equipment with no charge. Supplier is responsible to supply technicians/engineers who speak english/chinese and can adequately communicate all aspects of the training. The following shall be included as a minimum in the training: 原廠需免費提供模具各方面必須要的訓練課程,講師必須要能中、英文流利,以適切表達上課 內容 8.13.1 Factory engineers for installation and customer training. 原廠工程師至ASE裝機和訓練人員。 8.13.2 Supply training documents (sofeware or paper report) for ASE internal training in future. 提供 ASE 訓練工具( 軟體 或 書面說明 ) 以利 ASE 日後的內部訓練. 8.14. nvironment protection 環保需求 N/a 無 8.15. ther requestment 11 其他需求 8.15.1. Spare parts : 100 % consumptive parts for die set. The others should be spare parts. 針對所有的消耗性零件均應有備份零件。 9. Abnormal handling 異常處理 9.1 System halted needs to notify and purchase personnel to deal with immediately while entering the factory when the specification is allocated and does not accord with 當模具入廠時規格配備不符時,需立即通知採購人員處理 9.2 System halted platform up to specification when defining to confirm result , is it confirm materials offer and purchaser dealing with after putting in order to need 當模具驗收結果不符合規格定義時,需將驗收資料整理後提供採購處理 10. Customer specific requirements 特定客戶要求 10.1. 此模具為IEE 31x31 專用模 , 因此ASEK特要求模具廠商製作之模具,其去框尺寸 應在 31.00 ± 0.075 mm. 11. Site/fab specific requirements 特定廠區要求 NA 12. Supplementary information 附加資料 12.1. Substrate drawing. DWG NO. AAB02875( page 1~5 ). 12.2. TOOL ACCPETANCE BGA ( 31*31 mm ). DWG NO. 620A-06-U000-0019 12.3 Package Outline DWG NO. AAA02203 12 13. Attachment 附件 13.1. TRIM / FORM tooling buy-off report ( attachment I ) 沖切模具驗收報告 ( 附件 I ) 13.2. Tooling check list ( attachment II) 模具檢查表 ( 附件 II ) 13.3. Tool buy-off dimension inspection report ( attachment III ) 產品尺寸量測驗收報告 ( 附件 III ) 14. Related form 相關表單 14.1 Attachment I : TRIM / FORM tooling buy-off report 附件一 : 沖切模具驗收報告 沖切模具驗收報告 TRIM / FORM TOOLING BUY-OFF REPORT 13 模具類別 TOOLING TYPE 製造廠商 VENDOR 原廠編號 SERIAL NO. ASE編號 ASE NO. 進廠日期 RECEIVED DATE 使用廠 / 站別 PLANT / STATION 產品尺寸量測 (附廠商量測結果) PKG. DIMENSION MEASURED (VENDOR MEASURED DATA) 膠體剝離試驗 DELAMINATION (SAT) TEST 產品外觀檢查 VISION INSPECTION 模具檢查 TOOLING CHECK 驗收者 : 日期 : RESPONSOR :_______________________ DATE : _______________________ CODE NO.: 64-31-4950-0065/03/01 14.2 Attachment II : tooling check list 附件二 : 模具檢查表 模具檢查表 TOOLING CHECK LIST 14 項次 ITE M 項目 DESCRIPTION 是 V YE S 否X NO 說明 REMARK 1 零件組裝具刻劃標示 TOOLING PARTS INCLUDE ASSEMBLY NO. 2 所有零件具防呆功能或對稱性 ALL PARTS INCLUDE FOOL PROOF OR SYMMETRICAL 3 可研磨之零件具墊片且標注墊片厚度 REGRINDABLE PARTS INCLUDE THICKNESS MARKED SPACERS 4 磨耗性刀具使用碳化鎢材 WORN OUT PARTS MUST BE USED TUNGSTEN CARBIDE MATERIAL 5 下 DIE 切口具良好拋屑功能 ( 拋層角度 0.8o 以上或以放電方式加工 ) GOOD FUNCTION OF CHIP DROP DOWN ( DRAFT ANGLE MORE THAN 0.8o OR EDM MANUFACTURED ) 6 所有零件經電鍍處理 ( 除碳化鎢材外 ) ALL PARTS MUST BE PLATED ( EXCEPT TUNGSTEN CARBIDE MATERIAL ) 7 DOWEL PIN/SPRING 使用標準零件 DOWEL PIN/SPRING MUST BE STANDARD PARTS 8 相同功能之耗材具共同性 SAME SPARE PARTS CAN BE COMMON USED 9 研磨性材以研磨一面為原則 REGRINDABLE PARTS ONLY GRIND ONE SURFACE 10 模具內 SENSOR 具良好定位性 SENSOR WITH GOOD GUIDE OF TOOLING 11 第一及最後一顆產品作業時具良好定位性 THE FIRST & FINAL UNITS WITH GOOD POSITION GUIDE 12 上 / 下模座具模具編號標示 UPPER/LOWER DIE BASE WITH TOOL NO. 13 零件無任何研磨或墊片之情形 NO MORE REWORK ( WITHOUT PLATING ) AND SHIM PARTS 14 具產品定位不良檢測功能 MISALIGNMENT DETECT FUNCTION 15 作業時是否造成基版 PIN 孔變形 ANY PIN HOLE DAMAGED WHEN M/C WORK 16 刀具設計原理 ( 有不同之 STAGE 應加以說明 ) PUNCH DESIGN PRINCIPLE 16-1 PUNCH 與 PUNCH HOLDER 間隙 GAP BETWEEN PUNCH & PUNCH HOLDER 16-2 PUNCH 與 STRIPPER INSERT 間隙 GAP BETWEEN PUNCH & STRIPPER INSERT 16-3 PUNCH 與 DIE INSERT 間隙 GAP BETWEEN PUNCH & DIE INSERT 16-4 PUNCH 與 DIE INSERT 吃深 CUT DEPTH OF PUNCH & DIE INSERT 15 17 模具合模後與產品之相對位置(包含每一個STAGES) RELATIVE POSITION WHEN TOOL CLAMPED ( INCLUDE EVERY STAGES ) 步驟 STAG E 功能 FUNCTIO N A B C D C B D A UNIT : mm 18 文件資料 DOCUMENT 18-1 消耗品圖面 SPARE PARTS DWG. 18-2 模具組合尺寸圖面 TOOL ASSEMBLY DWG. ( INCLUDE DIM.) 18-3 模具零件圖號列表 TOOL PARTS DWG. NO. LIST 19 其他 OTHERS CODE NO.:64-31-4950-0065/04/01 14.3. Attachment III : BGA tool buy-off products dimension checking record- singulation (BGA singulation tool quality report ) 附件三 : BGA產品去框/成型模具驗收之產品尺寸量測記錄表 16 BGA TOOL BUY-OFF PRODUCTS DIMENSION CHECKING RECORD-SINGULATION BGA產品去框/成型模具驗收之產品尺寸量測記錄表 (BGA SINGULATION TOOL QUALITY REPORT ) TOOL NO. ______________ SERIAL NO. ______________ PACKAGE TYPE ______________ 1.Summary of Samples Measurement Measurement Units:mm Item項目 Spec規格 PKG appearance dimension 31.00+/- 0.1mm PCB chip out / discolor Less than width Chip Out : 8mil (0.2mm) and Discolor : 20mil (0.5mm) from the edge of substrate. PCB peeling None Substrate crack The area which the distance to the edge is big than 20mil (0.5mm),not allowed under 100X microscope. PCB Scratch None PCB burr MAX 4mil (0.1mm) from the edge of substrate. Fiber burr MAX. 20 mil (0.5mm) (HORIZONTAL,) MAX. 6 mil (0.15mm) (VERTICAL, ) Gold finger chipping Less than width 15mil (0.38mm) from the edge of substrate. W id t h Side a Length Si de d Side c Si de b PCB Fiber PCB Burr
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