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If the Contribution is not accepted for publication, or if the Contribution is subsequently rejected, this Agreement shall be null and void. Publication cannot proceed without a signed copy of this Agreement. CTA-A 25/05/2010 Changlin Mei Kidney institute of PLA, Department of Medicine, Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai, P.R.China DMRR-09-RES-243 Oxidized high-density lipoprotein enhances inflammatory activity in rat mesangial cells Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews Wiley-Blackwell TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT Must be signed and returned to the production editor of the journal before the manuscript can be published The transfer of copyright from author to publisher must be clearly stated in writing to enable the publisher to assure maximum dissemination of the author’s work. Therefore, the following agreement, executed and signed by the author, is required with each manuscript submission. (If the article is a “work made for hire” it must be signed by the employer.) 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METHODS Participants 3 Eligibility criteria for participants and the settings and locations where the data were collected. Interventions 4 Precise details of the interventions intended for each group and how and when they were actually administered. Objectives 5 Specific objectives and hypotheses. Outcomes 6 Clearly defined primary and secondary outcome measures and, when applicable, any methods used to enhance the quality of measurements (e.g., multiple observations, training of assessors). Sample size 7 How sample size was determined and, when applicable, explanation of any interim analyses and stopping rules. Randomization -- Sequence generation 8 Method used to generate the random allocation sequence, including details of any restrictions (e.g., blocking, stratification) Randomization -- Allocation concealment 9 Method used to implement the random allocation sequence (e.g., numbered containers or central telephone), clarifying whether the sequence was concealed until interventions were assigned. Randomization -- Implementation 10 Who generated the allocation sequence, who enrolled participants, and who assigned participants to their groups. Blinding (masking) 11 Whether or not participants, those administering the interventions, and those assessing the outcomes were blinded to group assignment. If done, how the success of blinding was evaluated. Statistical methods 12 Statistical methods used to compare groups for primary outcome(s); Methods for additional analyses, such as subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses. RESULTS Participant flow 13 Flow of participants through each stage (a diagram is strongly recommended). Specifically, for each group report the numbers of participants randomly assigned, receiving intended treatment, completing the study protocol, and analyzed for the primary outcome. Describe protocol deviations from study as planned, together with reasons. Recruitment 14 Dates defining the periods of recruitment and follow-up. Baseline data 15 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of each group. Numbers analyzed 16 Number of participants (denominator) in each group included in each analysis and whether the analysis was by "intention-to-treat". State the results in absolute numbers when feasible (e.g., 10/20, not 50%). Outcomes and estimation 17 For each primary and secondary outcome, a summary of results for each group, and the estimated effect size and its precision (e.g., 95% confidence interval). Ancillary analyses 18 Address multiplicity by reporting any other analyses performed, including subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses, indicating those pre-specified and those exploratory. Adverse events 19 All important adverse events or side effects in each intervention group. DISCUSSION Interpretation 20 Interpretation of the results, taking into account study hypotheses, sources of potential bias or imprecision and the dangers associated with multiplicity of analyses and outcomes. Generalizability 21 Generalizability (external validity) of the trial findings. Overall evidence 22 General interpretation of the results in the context of current evidence. www.consort-statement.org 6. A Cover Letter Sample Dear Editor: We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Endothelial-specific intron-driven miR-126 is down regulated in human breast cancer and targets both VEGFA and PIK3R2”, which we wish could be considered for publication in….. MiRNAs are of great importance in regulation of many pathophysiologic processes, and the roles that miRNAs play in endothelial cells and tumors remain largely unknown. In this paper, we report that miR-126 and its host gene EGF-like domain 7 (egfl7) were strictly expressed in endothelial cells. We also demonstrated that miR-126 locating in an intron of egfl7 gene was processed from the excised intron without affecting splicing and expression of its host gene. Interestingly, miR-126 was down-regulated in breast tumors and vegfa and pik3r2 were both the targets of miR-126, indicating that miR-126 may play a role in tumor growth and endothelial homeostasis by regulating the VEGF/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. On behalf of my co-authors, I hereby declare that this submission is our own work and to the best of our knowledge it contains no materials previously published or written by another person. Any contribution made to the research by others, with whom we have worked at the Second Military Medical University or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis. All authors have read the manuscript and permitted to submit it to the journal. We suggest that…. as the editor. Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that…..not be considered as a reviewer. Thank you very much for your attention, and we look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, Dr. Ni Zhu Department of Cardiology, Changhai Hospital, 168 Changhai Road, Shanghai 200433, PR China Tel and Fax: 8621-81873191 SCI -oncology journal -肿瘤学杂志小结 1. 肿瘤学报 Acta oncologica(Acta Oncol,ISSN:0284-186X ,IF:2004年为1.884),每年出版8期,为5个北欧肿瘤学学会会刊。由Taylor & Francis公司出版,该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址:http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/0284186x.asp。 主编:Bengt Glimelius(Uppsala, Sweden),编辑部地址及联系信息:Acta Oncologica, P.O. Box 3255, S-103 65, Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 440 80 43, Fax: +46 8 440 80 50, E-mail:veronica.ahs@se.tandf.no。   2. 癌症研究进展 Advances in cancer research(Adv Cancer Res,ISSN:0065-230X ,IF:2004年为6.200),单本成卷,不定期但及时出版肿瘤学研究最新进展,由Elsevier公司出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版, 网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/0065230X。主编:George Vande Woude, Director, Van Andel Research Institute, Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A. 3. 美国临床肿瘤学杂志 American journal of clinical oncology(Am J Clin Oncol,ISSN:0277-3732 ,IF:2004年为1.703),双月刊,由Lippincott Williams & Wilkins公司出版, 该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址:http://www.amjclinicaloncology.com/pt/re/ajco/currenttoc. htm;jsessionid=DTjyctourH2aIVg7PcsWKwqSLNCEAnAe456NMdP3wd0O1O T55Jb3!1871300765!-949856144!9001!-1。 主编:David E. Wazer M.D.,Professor and Chairman,Departments of Radiation Oncology,Tufts University School of Medicine,Tufts New England Medical Center,Brown University School o
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