首页 文化适应及文化适应策略的研究本科英语专业毕业论文



文化适应及文化适应策略的研究本科英语专业毕业论文 插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,本科毕业论文格式要求一、论文的结构与要求毕业设计(论文)包括以下内容(按顺序):本科论文包括封面、目录、标题、内容摘要、关键词、正文、注释、参考文献等部分。如果需要,可以在正文前加“引言”,在参考文献后加“后记”。论文一律要求打印,不得手写。1.目录目录应独立成页,包括论文中...

插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,本科 毕业论文 毕业论文答辩ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt模板下载毕业论文ppt下载关于药学专业毕业论文临床本科毕业论文下载 格式要求一、 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 的结构与要求毕业 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 (论文)包括以下内容(按顺序):本科论文包括封面、目录、标题、内容摘要、关键词、正文、注释、参考文献等部分。如果需要,可以在正文前加“引言”,在参考文献后加“后记”。论文一律要求打印,不得手写。1.目录目录应独立成页,包括论文中全部章、节和主要级次的标题和所在页码。2.论文标题论文标题应当简短、明确,有概括性。论文标题应能体现论文的核心内容、法学专业的特点。论文标题不得超过25个汉字,不得设置副标题,不得使用标点符号,可以分二行书写。论文标题用词必须规范,不得使用缩略语或外文缩写词(通用缩写除外,比如WTO等)。3.内容摘要内容摘要应扼要叙述论文的主要内容、特点,文字精练,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,包括主要成果和结论性意见。摘要中不应使用公式、图表,不标注引用文献编号,并应避免将摘要撰写成目录式的内容介绍。内容摘要一般为200个汉字左右。4.关键词关键词是供检索用的主题词条,应采用能够覆盖论文主要内容的通用专业术语(参照相应的专业术语标准),一般列举3——5个,按照词条的外延层次从大到小排列,并应出现在内容摘要中。5.正文正文一般包括绪论(引论)、本论和结论等部分。正文字数本科不少于6000字,专科一般不少于5000字,正文必须从页首开始。*绪论(引论)全文的开始部分,不编写章节号。一般包括对写作目的、意义的说明,对所研究问题的认识并提出问题。*本论是全文的核心部分,应结构合理,层次清晰,重点突出,文字通顺简练。*结论是对主要成果的归纳,要突出创新点,以简练的文字对所做的主要工作进行评价。结论一般不超过500个汉字。正文一级及以下子标题格式如下:一、;(一);1.;(1);①。6.注释注释是对所创造的名词术语的解释或对引文出处的说明。注释采用脚注形式,用带圈数字表示序号,如注①、注②等,数量不少于10个,脚注少于10个的论文为不合格论文。7.参考文献参考文献是论文的不可缺少的组成部分,是作者在写作过程中使用过的文章、著作名录。参考文献应以近期发表或出版的与法学专业密切相关的学术著作和学术期刊文献为主,数量不少于6篇,参考文献少于6篇的论文成绩评定为不合格。产品说明、技术标准、未公开出版或发表的研究论文等不列为参考文献,有确需说明的可以在后记中予以说明。二、打印装订要求论文必须使用标准A4打印纸打印,一律左侧装订,并至少印制3份。页面上、下边距各2.5厘米,左右边距各2.2厘米,并按论文装订顺序要求如下:1.封面封面包括《广西广播电视大学关于毕业设计(论文)评审表》(封面、附录4)、《学生毕业设计(论文)评审表》(封2)、《广西广播电视大学关于毕业设计(论文)答辩申报表》(封3、附录5)。 2.目录目录列至论文正文的三级及以上标题所在页码,内容打印要求与正文相同。目录页不设页码。3.内容摘要摘要标题按照正文一级子标题要求处理,摘要内容按照正文要求处理。4.关键词索引关键词与内容摘要同处一页,位于内容摘要之后,另起一行并以“关键词:”开头(采用黑体),后跟3~5个关键词(采用宋体),词间空1字,即两个字节,其他要求同正文。5.正文正文必须从内容提要页开始,并设置为第1页。页码在页末居中打印,其他要求同正文(如正文第5页格式为“―5―”)。论文标题为标准三号黑体字,居中,单倍行间距;论文一级子标题为标准四号黑体字,居中,20磅行间距;正文一律使用标准小四号宋体字,段落开头空两个字,行间距为固定值20磅;正文中的插图应与文字紧密配合,文图相符,内容正确,绘制规范。插图按章编号并置于插图的正下方,插图不命名,如第二章的第三个插图序号为“图2—3”,插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,内容打印要求与论文正文相同。参考文献从页首开始,格式如下:(1)著作图书文献序号 作者 《书名》,出版地:出版者,出版年份及版次(第一版省略)如:[4] 劳凯声 《教育法论》,南京:江苏教育出版社,2001(2)译著图书文献序号 作者 《书名》,出版地:出版者,出版年份及版次(第一版省略)(3)学术刊物文献序号 作者 《文章名》,《学术刊物名》,年卷(期)如:[5]周汉华 《变法模式与中国立法法》,《中国社会科学》,2000(1)(4)学术会议文献序号 作者 《文章名》,编者名,会议名称,会议地址,年份,出版地,出版者,出版年(5)学位论文类参考文献序号 作者 《学位论文题目》,学校和学位论文级别,答辩年份(6)西文文献著录格式同中文,实词的首字母大写,其余小写。参考文献作者人数较多者只列前三名,中间用逗号分隔,多于三人的后面加“等”字(西文加“etc.”)。学术会议若出版论文集者,在会议名称后加“论文集”字样;未出版论文集者省去“出版者”、“出版年”项;会议地址与出版地相同的省略“出版地”,会议年份与出版年相同的省略“出版年”。三、毕业设计(论文)装袋要求毕业设计(论文)是专业教学的重要内容,必须规范管理,统一毕业设计(论文)材料装袋要求:1、论文稿本。经指导的提纲,一稿、二稿和装订好的正稿。2、过程记录表。包括指导教师指导记录表,学生毕业设计(论文)评审表(答辩过程记录表)等;3、相关材料。法专业要求的其他材料,如法学社会调查报告等。中国环境教育立法研究内容摘要摘要:目前,我国学术界对环境教育立法问题的研究还处于起步阶段,有关环境教育的法律规范也很不完善,影响和限制了我国环境教育的大力推行和良好普及,实质上是制约了我国解决环境问题的能力和可持续发展的进程。本文从环境问题的现状入手,阐释了环境教育立法的必要性和可行性,介绍了其他国家和地区的环境教育立法实践,在总结国内外先进经验的基础上,提出了对我国环境教育立法的构想。以期通过加强教育立法的途径,实现我国环境教育的普及,为改善解决我国环境问题的能力和可持续发展的进程创造条件。关键词:环境问题环境教育环境教育立法 一、环境问题、环境教育与环境教育立法(一)环境问题马克思说:“人靠自然界生活,这就是说,自然界是为了不致死亡而必须不断与之交往。所谓人的肉体生活和精神生活同自然界相联系,也就等于说自然界同自身相联系,因为人是自然界的一部分。” 生存与发展是人类社会最基本的主题。在人类与环境不断地相互影响和作用中,环境问题始终是伴随着人类的活动产生和发展的。不幸的是,在相当长的时期内,人类过分强调了作为自然主人的一面,夸大了人的主观能动性作用,忽视甚至忘却自然界的惩罚。环境问题并非始于今日,早在200年前的第一次工业革命时期就产生了环境问题。到了本世纪50年代,环境事件不断出现和加剧。到了70~80年代则出现了全球性的环境危机。目前全球人口正以每年9 000万的速度增长,预计到21世纪中期,世界人口将达到100亿。 人口无节制地增长,给地球的生态环境和有限的自然资源带来了沉重的压力。联合国列出了威胁人类生存的全球十大环境问题:全球气候变暖;臭氧层的损耗和破坏;酸雨蔓延;水资源危机;生物多样性减少;大气污染;有毒有害化学物质污染与危险废物越境转移;森林面积锐减;土地荒漠化;海洋污染。随着我国社会经济的迅速发展,环境保护与经济发展之间的矛盾日益凸显。20世纪最后几年有三件震撼国人的大事足以说明我国环境问题的严重性,已显示出环境破坏给人类带来的灾难性的报复。一是1997年创纪录(227天)的黄河断流;二是1998年的长江大水灾;三是2000年波及北京等地的频繁的沙尘暴。专家指出了目前困扰中国环境的十大问题。1、大气污染问题2004年我国二氧化硫排放量为1 995万吨,居世界第一位。据专家测算,要满足全国天气的环境容量要求,二氧化硫排放量要在现有基础上至少削减40%。此外,2004年中国烟尘排放量为1 165万吨,工业粉尘的排放量为1 092万吨。大气污染是中国目前面临的第一大环境问题。2、水环境污染问题中国七大水系的污染程度依次是:辽河、海河、淮河、黄河、松花江、珠江、长江,其中,42%的水质超过3类标准(不能做饮用水源),全国有36%的城市河段为劣质5类水质,丧失使用功能。大型淡水湖泊(水库)和城市湖泊水质普遍较差,75%以上的湖泊富营养化加剧,主要由氮、磷污染引起。3、垃圾处理问题中国全国工业固体废物年产生量达8.2亿吨,综合利用率约为46%。全国城市生活垃圾年产生量为1.4亿吨,达到无害化处理要求的不到10%。塑料包装物和农膜导致的白色污染已蔓延全国各地。(二)环境教育与环境问题的关系1、环境教育的发展历程环境教育的起源,一直可以追溯到19世纪末20世纪初的自然研究(Natural Study)。当时在学校开展自然研究的基本目的是教育学生通过亲身观察和参与,了解和评价自然环境。到20世纪上叶,人们认识到保护生态和自然环境的重要性,保护运动(Conservation movement)在社会中形成,学校教育在自然研究的基础上引入了自然保护的教育内容,这就是环境教育的萌芽。(1)国外环境教育的发展历程1972年在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开的“世界人类环境会议”是环境教育发展的一个里程碑。为了响应斯德哥尔摩会议的第96条建议,联合国教科文组织和联合国环境规划署于1975年颁布了国际环境教育计划(IEEP),其目的是在环境教育领域内,促进经验和信息的交流、研究和实验、人员培训、课程和相应教材的开发及国际合作。1975年,在前南斯拉夫的贝尔格莱德召开的国际环境教育会议,通过了《贝尔格莱德宪章:环境教育的全球纲领》。该宪章根据环境教育的性质和目标,指出环境教育是“进一步认识和关心经济、社会、政治和生态在城乡地区的相互依赖性;为每一个人提供获得保护环境的知识和价值观、态度、责任感和技能;创造个人、群体和整个社会行为的新模式。”此后,《贝尔格莱德宪章》成为世界各国制定环境教育纲要与章程的重要依据之一。而环境教育的普及对环境相关法律的立法、执法都可起到相当大的辅助作用。大力开展环境教育,使环境意识特别是环境保护法律意识深入人心,使人们认识到环境问题不仅是社会问题,更是可以涉及到每个人切身利益和法律责任、社会责任的问题,认识到环境问题和法律责任的关系,更好地使环境保护法律成为预防环境问题发生的利剑,这样可以达到依法治理环境和人们自觉保护环境的目的。二、中国环境教育立法的必要性和可行性(一)中国环境教育立法的必要性当一种社会关系需要用立法来调整,说明这种社会关系的重要性。中国环境教育专门立法是否必要,则完全取决于以下前提:(1)环境教育的重要性;(2)环境教育立法对社会经济发展的重要作用。五、结论21世纪是环境世纪,公众的环境意识通过环境教育来建立。根据我国人口多,地区经济水平差异大,公民受教育程度不一的现状,要使公众的环境保护意识提高到一个比较高的水平,实现社会——经济——环境的协调发展,尽早达到国家的可持续发展目标,构建和谐社会,通过立法机关制定完善的、具有可操作性的《环境教育法》不失为一个有效的方法。希望对促进我国环境教育法律体系的建立提供一些有益的参考。 识和关心经济、社会、政治和生态在城乡地区的相互依赖性;为每一个人提供获得保护环境的知识和价值观、态度、责任感和技能;创造个人、群体和整个社会行为的新模式。”此后,《贝尔格莱德宪章》成为世界各国制定环境教育纲要与章程的重要依据之一。而环境教育的普及对环境相关法律的立法、执法都可起到相当大的辅助作用。大力开展环境教育,使环境意识特别是环境保护法律意识深入人心,使人们认识到环境问题不仅是社会问题,更是可以涉及到每个人切身利益和法律责任、社会责任的问题,认识到环境问题和法律责任的关系,更好地使环境保护法律成为预防环境问题发生的利剑,这样可以达到依法治理环境和人们自觉保护环境的目的。二、中国环境教育立法的必要性和可行性(一)中国环境教育立法的必要性插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插表不加左右边线。插表按章编号并置于插表的左上方,插表不命名,如第二章的第三个插表序号为“表2—3”,插表序号使用标准五号宋体字。6、 参考文献按照GB7714—87《文后参考文献著录规则》规定的格式打印,插图序号使用标准五号宋体字;正文中的插当一种社会关系 文化适应及文化适应策略的研究 Acculturation Strategies Adopted by Chinese International Students and Scholars in the United States Abstract (1) As a major research topic in the field of cross-cultural studies, the study of acculturation and acculturation strategies has excited great interests in the present context of unavoidable globalization. (2) The present study aims to find out the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by the Chinese international students and scholars in the United States of America, and to identify the relationship between each acculturation strategy and different factors. (3) Two questionnaires are designed and used for the present study. (4) Subjects are 55 Chinese international students and scholars in America, most of whom (93%)are non-English majors. (5) Results of the study show that integration is the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by the Chinese international students and scholars, which is consistent with previous studies. (6) Strong correlations are found between the acculturation strategies and five factors: language preference, sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity, and perceived unacceptance or discrimination. (7) The results implicate that more attention should be paid to promote cross-cultural issues in classroom teaching for non-English majors, and to strengthen the speaking and listening practices in course design for college English teaching in China. Key Words: acculturation, acculturation strategies, Chinese international students and scholars, college English teaching 提 要 作为跨文化研究领域的主要课题之一,有关文化适应及文化适应策略的研究在当前不可避免的全球一体化发展趋势下受到广泛的关注。 本文对最受在美中国国际学生及学者欢迎的文化适应策略进行调查,并且试图找出影响实验对象选择不同文化适应策略的因素。研究采用了两套问卷进行实验。实验对象包括55名正在美国学习或居留的中国国际学生及学者。大部分实验对象(93%)为非英语专业背景。研究结果与以往的研究成果相一致:融合是最受中国国际学生及学者欢迎的策略。与此相关的因素包括语言偏好,社会文化适应,社会交际,社会种族认定,以及所受歧视。 研究结果对我国大学英语教育的启示是:首先,在非英语专业学生的课堂教学中应注意跨文化课题的教育,并灌输给学生文化融合的观念。其次,在课程设置中应加强对非英语专业学生听力和口语的训练,同时改进与之配套的大学英语评价系统。 关键词: 文化适应 文化适应策略 中国国际学生及学者 大学英语教育 Table of Contents Abstract in English…………………………………………………………………..i Abstract in Chinese…………………………………………………………………ii Chapter One Introduction………………………………………………...…1 Chapter Two Literature Review…………………………..…………………3 2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………...3 2.2 The Acculturation Hypothesis in Second Language Acquisition………..3 2.3 The Acculturation Strategies…………………………………………….4 2.4 Previous Studies…………………………………………………………5 2.5 Summary………………………………………………………………...6 Chapter Three Methodology…………………………………………………...7 3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………...7 3.2 Research Questions……………………………………………………...7 3.3 Subjects………………………………………………………………….7 3.4 Procedures……………………………………………………………….8 3.5 Instruments………………………………………………………………8 3.6 Summary………………………………………………………………...9 Chapter Four Result and Analysis………………………………………….10 4.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………….10 4.2 Preference of the Acculturation Strategies……………………………..10 4.3 Language Preference and the Preference of Acculturation Strategies….11 4.4 Correlation Analysis of the Questionnaire Study………………………12 4.5 Summary……………………………………………………………….14 Chapter Five Discussion…………………………………………………….15 5.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………….15 5.2 Preference of Acculturation Strategy…………………………………...15 5.3 Acculturation Strategies and the Correlated Factors…………………...15 5.3.1 Integration and the Correlated Factors…………………………….15 5.3.2 Assimilation and the Correlated Factors…………………………..16 5.3.3 Separation and the Correlated Factors……………………………..17 5.3.4 Marginalization and the Correlated Factors……………………….17 5.4 Summary……………………………………………………………….18 Chapter Six Conclusion……………………………………………………19 6.1 Major Findings of the Current Study…………………………………...19 6.2 Pedagogical Implications………………………………………………19 6.2.1 Promoting the Awareness of Culture Integration………………….19 6.2.2 Strengthening Speaking and Listening Practices………………….19 6.3 Limitations of the Study………………………………………………..20 6.3.1 Limited Number of Subjects………………………………………20 6.3.2 Limitation of Research Method……………………………………20 6.4 Suggestions for Further Research………………………………………20 6.4.1 Improving the Methodology……………………………………….20 6.4.2 Carrying out Longitudinal Study…………………………………..21 References…………………………………………………………………………...22 Appendix…………………………………………………………………………….24 Chapter One Introduction The concept of acculturation has a long history in the social and behavioral sciences. It had been used to better understand the modernization processes that various cultures and communities underwent during the 19th and early 20th centuries, and has become an important concept in the studies of the varied experience of ethnic minorities as international migration and economic globalization support the creation of multicultural societies. As a construct in the social and behavioral sciences, acculturation was originally identified and conceptualized by the anthropologists. The concept now is included in the research agenda of psychologists, sociologists, social workers, and educators. In the field of second language acquisition (SLA), the Acculturation Hypothesis was initially proposed by John Schumann. Schumann claimed that “second language acquisition is just one aspect of acculturation and the degree to which a learner acculturates to the target language group will control the degree to which he acquires the second language” (Schumann, 1978b: 34). However, many of the previous studies on acculturation have focused on the research of immigrants. Less attention has been given to another special group of people—the international students and scholars. Yet the international students and scholars, while studying or staying abroad, undergo major socialization and development changes that may influence the way in which they respond to acculturation. The purpose of the present study is to find out the preference of acculturation strategies adopted by the Chinese international students and scholars in the United States of America, as well as the relationship between acculturation strategies and different factors (language preference, sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity and perceived unacceptance or discrimination). It is hoped that the results of the present study can provide insights and guidance for college English teaching in China. This dissertation consists of six chapters. Chapter One introduces the research topic. Chapter Two reviews the general theoretical framework of acculturation and acculturation strategies, the previous studies and the outcomes. Chapter Three then focuses on the methodology of the study and displays the research questions, subjects, procedures and instruments. Chapter Four demonstrates the results of the analysis of collected data. Chapter Five further discusses in more depth the results presented in the preceding chapter. Afterwards, in Chapter Six conclusions are made upon the major findings, the pedagogical implications, the limitations of the present study and the suggestions on further research. Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Introduction For years language teachers and researchers have focused their attention on language acquisition processes, trying to figure out the various factors which exert great influences on second language acquisition. It is Schumann (1978a, 1978b) who identifies the crucial role played by acculturation in second language acquisition. In this section, the author reviews the theoretical framework of acculturation and acculturation strategies as well as the previous studies done in this field. 2.2 The Acculturation Hypothesis in Second Language Acquisition Acculturation is defined by Brown (2002: 169) as “the process of becoming adapted to a new culture”. It is seen as an important aspect of second language acquisition, because language is one of the most observable expressions of culture and because in second language settings the acquisition of a new language is seen as tied to the way in which the learner’s community and the target language community view each other (Ellis 1986: 251). The Acculturation Hypothesis in SLA initially proposed by Schumann (1978a) was originated from a case study he conducted while he was in a research team investigating six English learners. The case study was about one of the adult learner, a Costa Rican worker named Alberto, who distinguished himself from the other learners by showing little development in English during a ten-month period. Schumann claimed that Alberto was socially and psychologically distant from the target language group, which could have contributed to his fossilization of English language. According to Schumann, the factors that determine social distance include social equality between the second language group and the target language group, enclosure to the target language community environment, cohesiveness with the target language group, etc. The factors that contribute to the degree of psychological distance include language shock, cultural shock, motivation, and ego boundaries. 2.3 The Acculturation Strategies Berry (1980) has conceptualized a two dimensional model of acculturation for pluralistic societies with four different acculturation attitudes, which were further extended as acculturation strategies in his later work (Berry 1997). The four acculturation strategies proposed are based on two separate issues: whether the acculturating individual maintains or rejects the heritage culture, and whether the acculturating individual maintains or rejects the host culture. If the acculturating individual seeks for maintenance of both cultures, then he/she adopts the integration strategy. By contrast, if the acculturating individual rejects both cultures, he/she adopts the marginalization strategy. The assimilation strategy occurs when the acculturating individual tends to accept the host culture and rejects the heritage culture, while separation strategy refers to the situation when the acculturating individual maintains the heritage culture and rejects the host culture. The degree of maintenance or rejection of the two cultures decides the degree of acculturation. The definition of the four strategies can be summarized in Figure 2.1 (Berry 2008). Figure 2.1 Intercultural/Acculturation strategies (Berry 2008) 2.4 Previous Studies The results of a series of empirical studies conducted by Berry and his associates to assess the acculturation strategies of various immigrant groups in North America (Berry et al., 1989) show that integration is the most preferred acculturation strategy, followed either by assimilation or separation, while marginalization is the least preferred. Furthermore, several studies of acculturative stress have focused on Chinese sojourner students. Chataway and Berry (1989) conducted a study targeting three student groups in Canadian university—Hong Kong Chinese students, French-Canadian students, and English-Canadian students. Hong Kong Chinese students reported greater perceived prejudice, more communication difficulties, and more problems with adaptation. The only indicator of lower acculturative stress is the perceived social support from friends. Zheng and Berry (1991) conducted another study on Chinese sojourners in Canada. Psychological adaptation during acculturation was studied among Chinese sojourners, Chinese immigrants, Chinese-Canadian students, mainland Chinese students and scholars, and non-Chinese Canadian students. A longitudinal study was conducted on one group of subjects. Their adaptation process was assessed before departure from mainland China and a period after arrival in Canada. Acculturative stress increased from pre-departure up to 3-4 months post-arrival, then declined slowly for several years thereafter to the pre-departure baseline. Research results show that Chinese students studying in Canadian universities encounter various difficulties in adapting to the host culture with different orientation of values. Fan (2004) in her MA dissertation conducted a research study on the acculturation strategies among 30 Chinese overseas students in America. The results show that integration is most popular among the subjects, while marginalization is the least preferred one. Fan also found significant correlations between the choice of acculturation strategies and variables of intercultural contact (language proficiency, social interaction, ethnic identity and perceived discrimination) and psychosocial adjustment (social adaptation, self-esteem, mastery and symptoms of outcome). In addition, the research results confirm that language proficiency is crucial in students’ acculturation. Students’ inability to communicate in the target language inhibits their interaction with people in the host culture, thus hinders their acculturation process. 2.5 Summary Acculturation is undoubtedly a core construct in contemporary studies in different academic fields. However, opinions on how to conceptualize and measure it vary greatly among different scholars. By reviewing the literature and making explicit the definition of Acculturation Hypothesis and Acculturation Strategies, a clearer theoretical basis is set for the present study. Chapter Three Methodology 3.1 Introduction The purpose of the study is to find out the preference of acculturation strategies and the relationship between acculturation strategies and different factors, using the methodology of quantitative study. Two questionnaires are designed to collect data. In this chapter, the author introduces the research questions, the subjects, the procedures and the instruments of the study. 3.2 Research Questions This study has two research objectives. The first one is to find out the preference of acculturation strategies adopted by Chinese international students and scholars in the United States. The second one is to investigate the relationship between the choices of the acculturation strategies and five possible influencing factors. To achieve the research objectives, two research questions are put forward: 1) What is the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by Chinese international students and scholars in the United States? 2) What is the relationship between the acculturation strategies and the five proposed factors (language preference, sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity and perceived unacceptance or discrimination)? 3.3 Subjects Subjects of this study are 55 Chinese international students, visiting students and scholars who are currently studying or staying in the United States. Their ages range from nineteen to forty-five. Twenty-seven (49.1%) of them are female and twenty-eight (50.9%) of them are male. The majority (93%) of the subjects are non-English majors. 3.4 Procedures The present study began as a pilot study done within 8 Chinese international students. After the analysis of the pilot study, improper items were removed from the questionnaires. The revised version was used for the present study. All subjects were provided with an option of the questionnaire language: English or Chinese. The questionnaires were distributed through the following channels. First, the questionnaires were posted onto the Bulletin Board System (BBS) in different universities in America to attract volunteer participants. Another group of subjects were approached through the subscribed e-mail group in Berkeley Chinese Scholars and Students Association (BCSSA). A third group of subjects were contacted through e-mail by the friends of the author who were either exchange students or visiting scholars in the United States. In addition, as an exchange student in University of California, Berkeley, the author personally approached Chinese international students and scholars while attending big events on campus. Finally, when all questionnaires were completed and sent back, the author collected the data and conducted relevant analysis. 3.5 Instruments There are two questionnaires in the current study. The first questionnaire-- Assessment of Acculturation Strategies--was modified with the approval of Professor John W. Berry at Queen’s University in Canada (personal communication by e-mail, November 17, 2005). It was used to find out the most preferable acculturation strategies adopted by Chinese International students and scholars. The second questionnaire, which was composed from three different Scales (Sociocultural Adaptation Scale, Stephenson Multigroup Acculturation Scale, and Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure), was used to investigate the relationship between acculturation strategies and four different factors (sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity and perceived unacceptance or discrimination). All items were answered on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 “strongly disagree” to 5 “strongly agree”. 3.6 Summary In this chapter, the author reports the research methodology, including the research questions, subjects, procedures and instruments. All together 55 Chinese scholars and students participated in the current study which consists of two questionnaires assessing acculturation strategies and the relationship between the acculturation strategies and different factors. Chapter Four Result and Analysis 4.1 Introduction All data gathered from the questionnaire study were proofread and uploaded to Statistics Package for Social Science (SPSS) to conduct relevant analysis. In this chapter, the author reports the results of the questionnaire study and displays the figures and summaries of data analysis. 4.2 Preference of the Acculturation Strategies The author first categorized different items in Questionnaire I in the domain of the four acculturation strategies (integration, assimilation, separation, and marginalization), as is shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Categorization of items (Questionnaire I) for four acculturation strategies Acculturation Strategies Integration Assimilation Separation Marginalization Corresponding items 1,3,6, 18,21,24 4,9,11 17,22,23 7,8,10, 13,15,20 2,5,12, 14,16,19 The mean score for each acculturation strategy was calculated for each subject. Their mean scores are used to compute the overall score for each acculturation strategy. The comparison of these mean scores is shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 Mean score of each acculturation strategy The results show that integration is the most preferable strategy, followed by separation, assimilation, and marginalization. Noticeably, the data reveal that more than one subject chose two strategies at the same time. Interestingly, most of the subjects who chose two strategies adopted both integration and separation. To sum up, integration is the most preferable acculturation strategy, which confirms the finding of previous studies on acculturation strategies. 4.3 Language Preference and the Preference of Acculturation Strategies The questionnaire language indicates the preference of acculturation strategies, as is shown in Table 4.2. The subjects who chose English as the questionnaire language show more diversified preference among the acculturation strategies. Compared with those who chose to fill in the Chinese questionnaire, they show a stronger favor for the integration strategy. It is also noticeable that 11 out of 13 subjects who adopted separation are the ones who chose the questionnaire language to be Chinese. Thus, the unconscious choice of language preference indicates the subjects’ choice of acculturation strategy. Table 4.2 Distribution of acculturation strategies by questionnaire language Strategy Frequency (English) Frequency (Chinese) Integration 20 32 Assimilation 1 0 Separation 2 11 Marginalization 1 1 4.4 Correlation Analysis of the Questionnaire Study In this section, correlation analysis is processed for the acculturation strategies and the four factors (sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity, and perceived unacceptance or discrimination), which are extracted from Questionnaire II, in order to decide whether there is any statistically significant relationship between them. The results are summarized in Table 4.3. All the Pearson coefficients indicating significance are blocked. The asterisk on the up right corner indicates the significance level. The positive and negative signs of the coefficients indicate whether there is positive or negative relationship between the factors and the acculturation strategies. Table 4.3 Correlations between the acculturation strategies and the four factors Integra- tion Assimila- tion Separa- tion Marginaliza-tion Factor 1 Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) .425** .001 -.161 .240 -.353** .008 -.287** .033 Factor 2 Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) .374** .005 -.409** .002 -.387** .003 -.079 .565 Factor 3 Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) .281* .038 -.278* .040 -.156 .256 -.169 .217 Factor 4 Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) -.319* .018 -.064 .645 .562** .000 .330* .014 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) Factor 1: sociocultural adaptation Factor 2: social affiliation Factor 3: ethnic identity Factor 4: perceived unacceptance or discrimination For the strategy of integration, it strongly correlates with all the four factors: sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity, and perceived unacceptance or discrimination. The strategy of assimilation has high negative correlation with social affiliation and ethnic identity. Separation has significant negative correlation with sociocultural adaptation and social affiliation. Perceived unacceptance or discrimination is also found to positively correlate with separation. The least preferred strategy, marginalization, negatively correlates with sociocultural adaptation. It also positively correlates with perceived unacceptance or discrimination. In brief, this correlation analysis works out the correlation coefficients between each acculturation strategy and the four extracted factors, which help to identify the effective influencing factors of each acculturation strategy. 4.5 Summary In this chapter, the author demonstrates the results of data analysis. The subjects’ preference of the acculturation strategies is worked out: integration is the most preferable acculturation strategy, which is consistent with previous studies. The distribution of strategy preferences is then discussed by language preference. Afterwards, the relationship between each acculturation strategy and the four factors (sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity, and perceived unacceptance or discrimination) is analyzed by processing the correlation analysis of SPSS. Based on the outcomes of the analysis, high correlations are identified. Chapter Five Discussion 5.1 Introduction This study intends to identify the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by Chinese international students and scholars in the United States based primarily on Berry’s Assessment of Acculturation Strategies. Five proposed factors (language preference, sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity and perceived unacceptance or discrimination) are proved to highly correlate with the acculturation strategies. An in-depth discussion of the results is carried out in this chapter. 5.2 Preference of the Acculturation Strategies The current study shows a strong preference for integration. The fact that the majority of the subjects identify themselves as Chinese, and at the same time they adjust themselves well to the American way of life supports the finding that integration is the most preferable acculturation strategy. Thus, the answer to the first research question is consistent with previous studies: integration is the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by Chinese international students and scholars. 5.3 Acculturation Strategies and the Correlated Factors The second research question about the possible relationship between the five proposed factors and the acculturation strategies is tested and confirmed. However, different acculturation strategy correlates with different factors. The relationship between each acculturation strategy and its correlated factors is discussed in the following sections. 5.3.1 Integration and the Correlated Factors Integration highly correlates with all the five factors in this study: language preference, sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity, and perceived unacceptance or discrimination. First of all, language preference reveals the subjects’ attitude towards the adaptation to the target culture. Subjects who chose to fill in the English questionnaires show a stronger favor for the integration strategy. Most of the subjects who chose the questionnaire language to be Chinese adopted separation as their acculturation strategy. This unconscious choice reveals their culture preference hidden behind the language preference. Besides, high positive correlations have been identified between integration and three of the factors (sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, and ethnic identity); high negative correlations have been identified between integration and perceived unacceptance or discrimination. Subjects who choose integration strategy are actually those who adapt the two distinct cultures successfully and are proud to be Chinese. As China’s comprehensive state power increases continuously, more and more Chinese people show a clearer and stronger sense of ethnic identity, which might contribute to that fact that more international students and scholars in the United States tend to hold positive attitude to their identity as Chinese. The subjects who adopt integration are also involved in a lot of activities in the host society and they enjoy reading English newspapers and listening to English music. More importantly, they do not feel being unaccepted or discriminated by the American people. Thus, integration is achieved in their performances in daily life. 5.3.2 Assimilation and the Correlated Factors The strategy of assimilation negatively correlates with two factors: social affiliation and ethnic identity. In other words, subjects who adopt this strategy are not happy about their Chinese identity, and cannot associate themselves successfully with the American people. There may be several reasons for this. For example, although the subjects possess the necessary language skills, they prefer to join social functions with the Chinese people. They are informed about the current affairs in the host society; meanwhile they also keep a close eye on the issues happening in China. The subjects who adopt assimilation as their most preferable acculturation strategy might be eager to be a member in the host community at the psychological level; but in reality they tend to be more conservative and try to associate with people in their own group, though at the same time they are not content about their Chinese identity. 5.3.3 Separation and the Correlated Factors The results of the current study show that language preference or language use is important in individuals’ process of acculturation. Most of the subjects who showed preference in separation chose Chinese as the questionnaire language, which implies their orientation of cultural values. In addition, three factors significantly contribute to the choice of the separation strategy: sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, and perceived unacceptance or discrimination. Subjects who chose separation as their most preferable strategy do not adjust well into the local culture, nor can they associate effectively with the American people in their community. They have difficulties in various aspects in the daily life, e.g. transportation, accommodation, making friends with people in the host society, etc. Psychologically they feel that they are treated differently in the new environment. In other words, they do not feel “at home” in the host society. As a result, the subjects would rather stay with the Chinese group in which they can seek for a sense of belongingness. 5.3.4 Marginalization and the Correlated Factors For marginalization, sociocultural adaptation and perceived unacceptance or discrimination emerge as significant influencing factors. Not surprisingly, sociocultural adaptation negatively correlates with marginalization while perceived unacceptance or discrimination positively correlates with the strategy. At this point, separation and marginalization share the same characteristics. Subjects who chose marginalization cannot adjust to the host culture they are currently staying in, either. Generally they have difficulties in various aspect of their daily life. In addition, they felt unaccepted or discriminated by the American people, which also contributes to the choice of marginalization. 5.4 Summary To sum up, integration is the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by the Chinese international students and scholars. This result is consistent with previous studies. Each of the four acculturation strategies correlates with different factors proposed in the present study. Chapter Six Conclusion 6.1 Major Findings of the Present Study The present study has two major findings. Firstly, integration is the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by Chinese international students and scholars. Secondly, the five factors investigated in the current study (language preference, sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity, and perceived unacceptance or discrimination) are proved to highly correlate with the subjects’ preference for different acculturation strategies. However, different correlations exist between each strategy and different factors. 6.2 Pedagogical Implications The results of this study reveal several implications in the setting of college English teaching in China. 6.2.1 Promoting the Awareness of Cultural Integration The awareness of integration between different cultures should be promoted in classroom teaching. As the majority of the subjects in the present study are non-English majors, cultural integration in classroom teaching seems to be of special importance to them. The current education system in China does not provide effective opportunities for the non-English majors to learn and practise in this aspect. With the introduction of cross-cultural elements into classroom teaching, students will become more familiar with the target language culture and then possibly develop positive attitudes towards it; hence improve their target language acquisition. 6.2.2 Strengthening Speaking and Listening Practices An important indicator for the choice of separation and marginalization as the most preferable acculturation strategy is the negative correlation with sociocultural adaptation, which requires necessary target language skill to communicate with people in the host society. In China, the courses designed for students who major in English equally emphasize the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. For each course, the English majors receive targeted input and training. Unlike the English majors, non-English major students received trainings on the four basic skills within just one comprehensive English class. They do not have the opportunity to attend classes which focus solely on the training of one basic skill, such as extensive reading, listening and verbal communication, and writing. Another factor that contributes to this phenomenon is the current evaluation system for non-English majors, which greatly emphasizes reading and writing. Thus, non-English major students do not have enough practice at least for two of the four basic skills: listening and speaking. To solve this problem, it will be necessary to promote a new system of course design and to improve the evaluation system for non-English majors. 6.3 Limitations of the Present Study 6.3.1 Limited Number of Subjects Altogether 55 Chinese international students and scholars participated in the current study. Although this number is statistically significant, more subjects participating in the study would strengthen the reliability of the current study. 6.3.2 Limitation of Research Method The present study uses the methodology of quantitative study. All the subjects answered the designed statement with a scale of 1 to 5 indicating their degree of agreement. However, the factor of individual differences cannot be eliminated. In this sense, it is difficult to identify whether all subjects correctly and consistently judge their answers in the questionnaire study. 6.4 Suggestions for Further Study 6.4.1 Improving the Methodology A combined methodology of quantitative and qualitative studies can strengthen the reliability and validity of the current study. An additional interview for the subjects as well as their acquaintances in the target culture would be helpful to verify the data obtained from the questionnaire study. 6.4.2 Carrying out Longitudinal Study People in different stages of their acculturation process may adopt different acculturation strategy. Thus, a longitudinal study with more subjects would be necessary to test the reliability of the current study. References Berry, J. W. (1980). Acculturation as varieties of adaptation. In A. Padilla (Ed.), Acculturation: Theory models and some new findings. Boulder, CO: Westview, pp. 9-25. Berry, J. W. (1997). Immigration, acculturation, and adaptation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 46, 5-34. Berry, J. W. (2008). Globalization and acculturation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32, 328-336. Berry, J. W., Kim, U., Power, S., Young, M. & Bujaki, M. (1989). Acculturation attitudes in plural society. Applied Psychology, 38(2), 185-206. Brown, H. D. 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Questionnaire II (choose your answer from a linker scale of 1 to 5) If you would like a paper copy of the questionnaire, please send your fax number or mailing address to Jessie Weng by e-mail at: Jessieweng@berkeley.edu. Use of this information: All information entered will be used ONLY for the purpose of the present study. Personal information is confidential and will not be provided to any other parties. Instruction: Please HIGHLIGHT the number you choose for questionnaire I and questionnaire II. Thank you for your time to complete this survey. Personal Information: Age: Gender: You are a (n): International student Visiting scholar/student (This is my time to be in U.S.) Others Current Residency in U.S.: City State Academic Accomplishment: Undergraduate Postgraduate Ph.D. Others Major: Questionnaire I Here are some statements about language, cultural traditions, friends, activities, and so forth. How much do you agree or disagree with each statement? Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Not sure/Neutral agree Somewhat agree Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 5 1. It is important for me to know well both English and Chinese. 1 2 3 4 5 2. I feel that it is not important for Chinese either to maintain their own cultural traditions or to adapt to those of other Americans. 1 2 3 4 5 3. I would be just as willing to marry a Chinese as an American. 1 2 3 4 5 4. It is more important for me to know English well than to know Chinese well. 1 2 3 4 5 5. I would not like to marry either a Chinese or another American. 1 2 3 4 5 6. I feel that Chinese should maintain their own cultural traditions, but also adapt to American customs. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I would rather marry a Chinese than another American. 1 2 3 4 5 8. I feel that Chinese should maintain their own cultural traditions and not adapt to those of other Americans. 1 2 3 4 5 9. I would rather marry another American than marrying a Chinese. 1 2 3 4 5 10. It is more important for me to know well Chinese than English. 1 2 3 4 5 11. I feel that Chinese should adapt to American cultural traditions and not maintain their own. 1 2 3 4 5 12. It is not important for me to know well either Chinese or English. 1 2 3 4 5 13. I prefer social activities which involve Chinese people only. 1 2 3 4 5 14. I don't like either Chinese music groups or American music groups. 1 2 3 4 5 15. I prefer to have only Chinese friends. 1 2 3 4 5 16. I don't want to attend either Chinese or non-Chinese social activities. 1 2 3 4 5 17. I prefer social activities which involve only non-Chinese. 1 2 3 4 5 18. I like both Chinese and American music groups. 1 2 3 4 5 19. I don't want to have either Chinese or non-Chinese friends. 1 2 3 4 5 20. I like Chinese music groups more than non-Chinese music groups. 1 2 3 4 5 21. I prefer to have both Chinese and non-Chinese friends. 1 2 3 4 5 22. I like American music groups more than Chinese music groups. 1 2 3 4 5 23. I prefer to have only non-Chinese friends. 1 2 3 4 5 24. I prefer social activities which involve both Chinese and non-Chinese. 1 2 3 4 5 Questionnaire 2 Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. Strongly disagree Disagree Not Sure/Neutral Somewhat agree Strongly agree 1 2 3 4 5 1. I enjoy speaking in English. 1 2 3 4 5 2. I have many American acquaintances. 1 2 3 4 5 3. I associate with American people in the community. 1 2 3 4 5 4. I am active in social groups that include most members of Chinese People. 1 2 3 4 5 5. I attend social functions with Chinese people. 1 2 3 4 5 6. I speak Chinese with my Chinese friends and acquaintances. 1 2 3 4 5 7. I like to have traditional Chinese food at home. 1 2 3 4 5 8. I am informed about current affairs in China. 1 2 3 4 5 9. I feel at home in the United States. 1 2 3 4 5 10. I have difficulty in making friends with the Americans. 1 2 3 4 5 11. I have difficulty in dealing with people in authority. 1 2 3 4 5 12. I feel accepted by the Americans. 1 2 3 4 5 13. I regularly read Chinese magazines. 1 2 3 4 5 14. I know how to prepare American food. 1 2 3 4 5 15. I like to order non-Chinese food in the restaurants. 1 2 3 4 5 16. I have difficulty in dealing with unsatisfactory services or unpleasant people. 1 2 3 4 5 17. I have difficulty in accommodation. 1 2 3 4 5 18. I have difficulty in using the transportation system or find my way around. 1 2 3 4 5 19. I enjoying English language music, TV program and Movie. 1 2 3 4 5 20. I regularly read an American newspaper. 1 2 3 4 5 21. I am informed about current affairs in the United States. 1 2 3 4 5 22. My thinking is done in the English language. 1 2 3 4 5 23. I am familiar with important people in American history. 1 2 3 4 5 24. I am proud of being a Chinese in the United States. 1 2 3 4 5 25. I have a clear sense of being a Chinese and what it means for me. 1 2 3 4 5 26. I enjoy speaking in Chinese. 1 2 3 4 5 27. I think in Chinese. 1 2 3 4 5 28. I participate in Chinese cultural practices, such as special food, music, or customs. 1 2 3 4 5 29. I have a strong sense of belonging to the Chinese ethnicity. 1 2 3 4 5 30. I am treated unfairly or differently in some situations. 1 2 3 4 5 31. I have difficulty in following rules and regulations. 1 2 3 4 5 32. I have difficulty in understanding the American value system. 1 2 3 4 5 33. I have difficulty in understanding the American political system. 1 2 3 4 5 34. I worry about things that might go wrong. 1 2 3 4 5 35. I feel like I lack companionship. 1 2 3 4 5 36. I feel dissatisfied with myself. 1 2 3 4 5 37. I have difficulty in making myself understood. 1 2 3 4 5 38. I have difficulty in understanding jokes and humor. 1 2 3 4 5 39. I have difficulty in taking an American perspective on the culture. 1 2 3 4 5 40. In most ways my life is close to my ideal. 1 2 3 4 5 41. I have difficulty in following the pace of life here in U.S.. 1 2 3 4 5 42. I have difficulty in being able to see two sides of an inter-cultural issue. 1 2 3 4 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 作 者 签 名:       日  期:        ​​​​​​​​​​​​ 指导教师签名:        日  期:        使用授权说明 本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。 作者签名:        日  期:        ​​​​​​​​​​​​ 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权      大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 指导教师评阅书 指导教师评价: 一、撰写(设计)过程 1、学生在论文(设计)过程中的治学态度、工作精神 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、学生掌握专业知识、技能的扎实程度 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、学生综合运用所学知识和专业技能 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 和解决问题的能力 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 4、研究方法的科学性;技术线路的可行性;设计方案的合理性 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 5、完成毕业论文(设计)期间的出勤情况 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 二、论文(设计)质量 1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 三、论文(设计)水平 1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 建议成绩:□ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 (在所选等级前的□内画“√”) 指导教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章) 年 月 日 评阅教师评阅书 评阅教师评价: 一、论文(设计)质量 1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 二、论文(设计)水平 1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 建议成绩:□ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 (在所选等级前的□内画“√”) 评阅教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章) 年 月 日 教研室(或答辩小组)及教学系意见 教研室(或答辩小组)评价: 一、答辩过程 1、毕业论文(设计)的基本要点和见解的叙述情况 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、对答辩问题的反应、理解、表达情况 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、学生答辩过程中的精神状态 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 二、论文(设计)质量 1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 三、论文(设计)水平 1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 评定成绩:□ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 (在所选等级前的□内画“√”) 教研室主任(或答辩小组组长): (签名) 年 月 日 教学系意见: 系主任: (签名) 年 月 日 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经特别注明引用的内容和致谢的地方外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式注明并表示感谢。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者(本人签名): 年 月 日 学位论文出版授权书 本人及导师完全同意《中国博士学位论文全文数据库出版章程》、《中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库出版章程》(以下简称“章程”),愿意将本人的学位论文提交“中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社”在《中国博士学位论文全文数据库》、《中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库》中全文发表和以电子、网络形式公开出版,并同意编入CNKI《中国知识资源总库》,在《中国博硕士学位论文评价数据库》中使用和在互联网上传播,同意按“章程”规定享受相关权益。 论文密级: □公开 □保密(___年__月至__年__月)(保密的学位论文在解密后应遵守此协议) 作者签名:_______ 导师签名:_______ _______年_____月_____日 _______年_____月_____日 独 创 声 明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计(论文)不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本声明的法律后果由本人承担。   作者签名: 二〇一〇年九月二十日   毕业设计(论文)使用授权声明 本人完全了解滨州学院关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定。 本人愿意按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版,同意学校保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,或采用影印、数字化或其它复制手段保存设计(论文);同意学校在不以营利为目的的前提下,建立目录检索与阅览服务系统,公布设计(论文)的部分或全部内容,允许他人依法合理使用。 (保密论文在解密后遵守此规定)   作者签名: 二〇一〇年九月二十日 致 谢 时间飞逝,大学的学习生活很快就要过去,在这四年的学习生活中,收获了很多,而这些成绩的取得是和一直关心帮助我的人分不开的。 首先非常感谢学校开设这个课题,为本人日后从事计算机方面的工作提供了经验,奠定了基础。本次毕业设计大概持续了半年,现在终于到结尾了。本次毕业设计是对我大学四年学习下来最好的检验。经过这次毕业设计,我的能力有了很大的提高,比如操作能力、分析问题的能力、合作精神、严谨的工作作风等方方面面都有很大的进步。这期间凝聚了很多人的心血,在此我表示由衷的感谢。没有他们的帮助,我将无法顺利完成这次设计。 首先,我要特别感谢我的知道郭谦功老师对我的悉心指导,在我的论文书写及设计过程中给了我大量的帮助和指导,为我理清了设计思路和操作方法,并对我所做的课题提出了有效的改进方案。郭谦功老师渊博的知识、严谨的作风和诲人不倦的态度给我留下了深刻的印象。从他身上,我学到了许多能受益终生的东西。再次对周巍老师表示衷心的感谢。 其次,我要感谢大学四年中所有的任课老师和辅导员在学习期间对我的严格要求,感谢他们对我学习上和生活上的帮助,使我了解了许多专业知识和为人的道理,能够在今后的生活道路上有继续奋斗的力量。 另外,我还要感谢大学四年和我一起走过的同学朋友对我的关心与支持,与他们一起学习、生活,让我在大学期间生活的很充实,给我留下了很多难忘的回忆。 最后,我要感谢我的父母对我的关系和理解,如果没有他们在我的学习生涯中的无私奉献和默默支持,我将无法顺利完成今天的学业。 四年的大学生活就快走入尾声,我们的校园生活就要划上句号,心中是无尽的难舍与眷恋。从这里走出,对我的人生来说,将是踏上一个新的征程,要把所学的知识应用到实际工作中去。 回首四年,取得了些许成绩,生活中有快乐也有艰辛。感谢老师四年来对我孜孜不倦的教诲,对我成长的关心和爱护。 学友情深,情同兄妹。四年的风风雨雨,我们一同走过,充满着关爱,给我留下了值得珍藏的最美好的记忆。 在我的十几年求学历程里,离不开父母的鼓励和支持,是他们辛勤的劳作,无私的付出,为我创造良好的学习条件,我才能顺利完成完成学业,感激他们一直以来对我的抚养与培育。 最后,我要特别感谢我的导师***老师、和研究生助教***老师。是他们在我毕业的最后关头给了我们巨大的帮助与鼓励,给了我很多解决问题的思路,在此表示衷心的感激。老师们认真负责的工作态度,严谨的治学精神和深厚的理论水平都使我收益匪浅。他无论在理论上还是在实践中,都给与我很大的帮助,使我得到不少的提高这对于我以后的工作和学习都有一种巨大的帮助,感谢他耐心的辅导。在论文的撰写过程中老师们给予我很大的帮助,帮助解决了不少的难点,使得论文能够及时完成,这里一并表示真诚的感谢。 致 谢 这次论文的完成,不止是我自己的努力,同时也有老师的指导,同学的帮助,以及那些无私奉献的前辈,正所谓你知道的越多的时候你才发现你知道的越少,通过这次论文,我想我成长了很多,不只是磨练了我的知识厚度,也使我更加确定了我今后的目标:为今后的计算机事业奋斗。在此我要感谢我的指导老师——***老师,感谢您的指导,才让我有了今天这篇论文,您不仅是我的论文导师,也是我人生的导师,谢谢您!我还要感谢我的同学,四年的相处,虽然我未必记得住每分每秒,但是我记得每一个有你们的精彩瞬间,我相信通过大学的历练,我们都已经长大,变成一个有担当,有能力的新时代青年,感谢你们的陪伴,感谢有你们,这篇论文也有你们的功劳,我想毕业不是我们的相处的结束,它是我们更好相处的开头,祝福你们!我也要感谢父母,这是他们给我的,所有的一切;感谢母校,尽管您不以我为荣,但我一直会以我是一名农大人为荣。 通过这次毕业设计,我学习了很多新知识,也对很多以前的东西有了更深的记忆与理解。漫漫求学路,过程很快乐。我要感谢信息与管理科学学院的老师,我从他们那里学到了许多珍贵的知识和做人处事的道理,以及科学严谨的学术态度,令我受益良多。同时还要感谢学院给了我一个可以认真学习,天天向上的学习环境和机会。 即将结束*大学习生活,我感谢****大学提供了一次在农大接受教育的机会,感谢院校老师的无私教导。感谢各位老师审阅我的论文。 本科生毕业设计(论文)规范化要求 第一部分 学生应遵守以下规范要求 一、毕业设计论文说明 1. 毕业设计论文独立装订成册,内容包括: (1) 封面(题目、学生姓名、指导教师姓名等) (2) 中、外文内容摘要 (3) 正文目录(含页码) (4) 正文(开始计算页码) (5) 致谢 (6) 参考文献 (7) 附录 2. 中、外文内容摘要包括:课题来源,主要设计,实验方法,本人主要完成的成果。要求不少于400汉字,并译成外文。 3. 毕业设计论文页数为45页-50页。 4. 纸张要求:毕业设计说明书(论文报告)应用标准B5纸单面打字成文。 5. 文字要求:文字通顺,语言流畅,无错别字。 6. 图纸要求:毕业设计图纸应使用计算机绘制。图纸尺寸标注应符合国家标准。图纸应按“规范”叠好。 7. 曲线图表要求:所有曲线、图表、流程图、程序框图、示意图等不得徒手画,必须按国家规定标准或工程要求绘制。 8. 参考文献、资料要求:参考文献总数论文类不少于10篇、,应有外文参考文献。文献应列出序号、作者、文章题目、期刊名、年份、出版社、出版时间等。 二、外文翻译 1. 完成不少于2万印刷符的外文翻译。译文不少于5千汉字。 2. 译文内容必须与题目(或专业内容)有关,由指导教师在下达任务书时指定。 3. 译文应于毕业设计中期2月底前完成,交指导教师批改。 4. 将原文同译文统一印成B5纸规格装订成册,原文在前,译文在后。 三、形式审查 5月15日前,将毕业设计论文上交指导教师,审查不合格者,不能参加答辩。 四、准备答辩 答辩前三天,学生要将全部材料(包括光盘、论文)统一交指导教师。 关于毕业论文格式的要求 为方便统一、规范论文格式,现将学院的相关要求做如下强调、补充: 1. 基本要求 纸型: B5纸(或16开),单面打印; 页边距: 上2.54cm,下2.54cm,左2.5cm,右2.5cm; 页眉:1.5cm,页脚1.75cm,左侧装订 正文字体:汉字和标点符号用“宋体”,英文和数字用“Times New Roman”,字号小四; 图号1-1,指第1章第1个图 在图的前部要有文字说明(如图1-1所示) 表号3-5,指第3章第5个表 在表的前部要有文字说明(如表3-5所示) 图、表的标注字体大小是五号宋体 行距: 固定值20; 页码: 居中、小五、底部。 2. 封面格式 封皮: 大连理工大学城市学院(二号、黑体、居中) 本科生毕业设计(论文)(二号、黑体、居中) 学 院:(四号、黑体、居中、下划线:电子与自动化学院) 专 业:(四号、黑体、居中、下划线、专业名字之间无空格) 学 生:(四号、黑体、居中、下划线,名字是2个字的中间空1个字、3个或3个以上字的中间无空格) 指导教师:(四号、黑体、居中、下划线,名字是2个字的中间空1个字、3个或3个以上字的中间无空格,两位指导教师的中间用顿号“、”) 完成日期:(四号、黑体、居中、下划线,如:2009年5月25日) (注意:5个下划线两端也是对齐的,单倍行距) 内 封:大连理工大学城市学院本科生毕业设计(论文)(四号、黑体) 题目 (二号、黑体、居中); 总计 毕业设计(论文) 页(五号、宋体) 表格 表(五号、宋体) 插图 幅 (五号、宋体) (注意:页数正常不少于40页,优秀论文原则上不少于45页) 3. 中外文摘要 中文摘要:标题“摘 要” (三号、黑体、居中、中间空1个字) 正文(不少于400字) 关键词 (五号、黑体):3-5个主题词(五号),中间用分号“;”隔开。 外文摘要 (另起一页):标题“Abstract” (三号、黑体、居中) 正文 (必须用第三人称) 关键词: Key words(五号、黑体):3-5个主题词(五号)与中文关键词对应,中间用分号“;”隔开。 4. 目录 标题 “目录”(三号、黑体、居中); 章标题(四号、黑体、居左); 节标题(小四、宋体); 页码 (小四、宋体); 二、三级目录分别缩近1和2个字; 四级目录不在“目录”中体现,在正文中也不是单独一行,可以黑体(没有句号),然后空2个字接正文; 注意:正文中每章开头要另起一页; “目录”下方中间的页码和摘要一样统一用罗马字,顺接摘要的。 摘要 目录加页眉 5. 论文正文 页眉: 论文题目(居中、小五、黑体); 章标题(三号、黑体、居中); 节标题(四号、黑体、居左); 正文 程序用“Times New Roman”,字号小四; 6. 参考文献 标题:“参考文献”(小四、黑体、居中) 参考文献的著录,按文稿中引用顺序排列,并注意在文内相应位置用上标标注,如:……的 函数 excel方差函数excelsd函数已知函数     2 f x m x mx m      2 1 4 2拉格朗日函数pdf函数公式下载 。 示例如下:(字体为五号、宋体) 期刊类:[序号]作者1,作者2,……作者n。文章名。期刊名(版本),出版年,卷次(期次)。页次 图书类:[序号]作者1,作者2,……作者n。书名。版本。出版地:出版者,出版年。页次 会议论文集:[序号]作者1,作者2,……作者n。论文集名。出版地:出版者,出版年。页次 网上资料:[序号]作者1,作者2,……作者n。文章名。网址。发表时间 7. 其它 量和单位的使用:必须符合国家标准规定,不得使用已废弃的单位(如高斯(G和Gg)、亩、克分子浓度(M)、当量能度(N)等)。量和单位不用中文名称,而用法定符号表示。 图表及公式:插图宽度一般不超过10cm,表名(小四)置上居中,图名(小四)置下居中。标目中物理量的符号用斜体,单位符号用正体,坐标标值线朝里。标值的数字尽量不超过3位数,或小数点以后不多于1个“0”。如用30Km代替30000m,用5µg代替0.005mg等,并与正文一致。图和表的编号从前至后顺序排列,图的编号及说明位于图的下方,居中;表的编号及说明位于表的上方,居中。公式编号加圆括号,居行尾。图表中的字体不应大于正文字体。注意:图表标题中的数字也是“Times New Roman”。 8.论文依次包括:封皮、内封、中文摘要、英文摘要、目录、正文、结论、致谢、参考文献、(附录),不要落项。 9.注意:上面没有说“加粗”的“黑体”,均为“黑体不加粗”。 补充: 1.答辩要求:自述15分钟,回答问题10分钟,自述要求使用PPT 答辩内容: 1).论文题目 2).设计内容 3).设计方案 4).如何完成设计 工作原理 软件或硬件设计 制作\调试\安装 5).存在不足,今后努力的方向 6).致谢 3.最后上交学生装订好的论文、光盘、记录表、成绩单 4.光盘里的文件夹命名为:学号_姓名_年级专业班级 文件夹里包括的文件有:论文、ppt、英文翻译 1) 论文的文件名格式:学号_姓名_年级专业班号_题目(论文)_完成日期doc 2) ppt的文件名格式:学号_姓名_年级专业班号_题目(ppt)_完成日期ppt 3) 英文翻译的文件名格式:学号_姓名_年级专业班号_题目(英文翻译)_完成日期doc 例如: 答辩问题5个, 侧重总体思路一个 软件或硬件一个 翻译一个 其他2个 PAGE 2
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