首页 20098291343541阅读理解及完形填空



20098291343541阅读理解及完形填空Ⅱ.阅读理解 阅读是《大学英语》B统考试题中的第二部分,包括3篇短文,15个小题,总共30分,考试建议时间为40分钟,阅读速度为每分钟50个单词。 这部分分值占了总分30%,大家一定要高度重视,下足力气,用够时间。 统考试题的阅读部分中,问题的考查题型可分为细节题、正误判断题、推理题、要旨题、词义题和观点态度题,而其中细节题所占的比例最大,其次为正误判断题、要旨题和正误判断题,其余为词义题或观点态度题。 一、阅读方法: 首先,在解题前,应先快速浏览文章后的问题,找出题干中的关键词,明确需要解决的问题,这样阅...

Ⅱ.阅读理解 阅读是《大学英语》B统考试题中的第二部分,包括3篇短文,15个小题,总共30分,考试建议时间为40分钟,阅读速度为每分钟50个单词。 这部分分值占了总分30%,大家一定要高度重视,下足力气,用够时间。 统考试题的阅读部分中,问题的考查题型可分为细节题、正误判断题、推理题、要旨题、词义题和观点态度题,而其中细节题所占的比例最大,其次为正误判断题、要旨题和正误判断题,其余为词义题或观点态度题。 一、阅读 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 : 首先,在解题前,应先快速浏览文章后的问题,找出题干中的关键词,明确需要解决的问题,这样阅读的目的就很明确;然后带着这些问题的关键词句开始阅读,并结合以下三种阅读方法解不同的题型。 略读(Skimming):这种阅读方式用于快速浏览,其主要目的就是把握全文的大意。要按意群扫视,连贯阅读;要特别注意文章的开始段、结束段、每段的首句和结尾句以及段落之间的连接词语和文章中的信息词,它们往往是了解文章大意的关键。 查读(Scanning):这种阅读方式适于寻找具体细节,例如:事实、数字、人物、原因、年代、方式等。这种方法主要用于做细节题。 细读(Reading for full understanding):这种阅读方式适于某些需要判断或思考的问题。对于这种问题先要找到它在文章中的相关段落,然后逐句阅读,特别是对与问题有关的关键词、关键句要仔细推敲。 二.阅读考题类型及相应的应答技巧 (一)细节题: 主要是考查学生对文章某些事实的细节和数据的掌握,这类问题的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 一般都能在原文中找到。对于事实细节题,关键是要定位准确。应首先找到它的考查点,这种题只要找到细节题所在的地方,再联系上下文,然后根据它的命题规律答题即可。这类题的题干+答案在意义上通常等于原文中某一部分的内容,也就是说用不同的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达方式使题干+答案与原文等值(即同义结构,如:educational institution( school; make strenuous efforts( strive)。文中的时间、地点、人物、数量或事实多为提问的对象(即when, where, who, why, how, how many/much,..),而这些问题的表达常不采用文章中的原话提问,而是使用同义词语等,因此,在选择答案前应首先看准题干,看清问题所问究竟是什么细节内容;然后,在查读时注意寻找与题目相关的关键词语;最后,在充分理解原文、原题的基础上确定答案。 (二)正误判断题 由于所提信息在文中比较清晰,可以一一找到,所以,解决这类问题可采用带选题跳读的阅读技巧,首先找出问题或选项中出现的关键词语或主要检测点,然后略读文章,扫描这些词所在的句子,再详细读这些句子。必要时,连同它们前后的句子也要仔细阅读,以便综合考虑和确定答案。这样做可以有根据地排除多余的信息及干扰,快速抓住供解题用的信息点,提高解题速度和准确性。 A: According to the passage, which of the following is (NOT) true? 通过文章可以得出,下面哪项是(不)正确的? B: According to the passage, which of the following statements is wrong? 通过文章可以得出,下面除哪项是错误的表述? (三)主旨题: 主要的目的是了解文章所论述的主题思想以及作者的写作意图。常见命题方式: A: What is the general topic of the passage? 这篇文章的主题是什么? B: The best title for this passage is ______. 这篇文章最佳的标题是 C: The main idea of this passage is______. 这篇文章的主要内容是 D: What is the passage about? 这篇文章是有关什么内容的? E: What does this passage mainly discuss? 这篇文章主要讨论的是什么? 这类问题选择答案时切忌过于具体,不能选择概括全篇文章中某一段落的主题的、或是某个细节的选项;另外也不要选择过于笼统的答案,致使选项中包含的内容超越了文章的主题。最基本的方法是找各个段落的主题句。主题句通常在一段的开头或者结尾部分。因此解答主旨题时,应该多关注一个段落的两头。当然,有时候主题句藏在一段的中间,甚至压根儿就没有主题句。 (四)推理题: 这类问题旨在测试考生的逻辑推理能力、语言 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 能力和综合归纳能力。它要求考生根据文章内容做出合乎逻辑的推断,包括考生对作者观点的理解,对某些句子修辞、语气、隐含意思等的理解。要注意切不可把原文中已明确陈述的事实作为答案, 要选“言中所无,意中所有”的答案。常见命题方式: A: From the passage, it can be inferred that… 从文章可以推论出什么? B: One could conclude from the passage that… 从文章可以得出什么结论? C: This passage has probably been taken from … 文章很可能是从什么地方选出的? (五)词义题 阅读理解的词义题并非是单纯地考查词汇量,而是考查学生在一定的上下文中辨认和推测词义的能力。常见命题方式: A: The word ….(Line…, Para…) most probably refers to ______. B: In this passage, … probably means ______. C: The word “…” could best be replaced by which of the following? 解题方法:(1)直接定义。作者用了生词,然后马上就用一些简单的单词来解释它。这种重述就是直接定义,常见标志有连词or,而且多用逗号与生词隔开,“refer to”, “mean”等;(2)同义暗示法。作者用了一个生词的时候,一般会在下文用一个同义词来暗示这个单词的意思;(3)反义对比法。作者通过介绍一个生词的反义词来告诉我们这个生词的意思。因此,表示转折的联接词but, unlike, while, however, on the contrary就成了这类题目的标志词;(4)事例证明法。诸如for example, such as之类的词组。 (六) 观点态度题: 一般来说,说明文体裁客观,所以作者的态度应是客观的(objective)或中立的(neutral);而在议论文中,作者的观点往往是有所表达的,考生应细心捕捉表达或暗示情感态度的词或短语。常见的提问方式有: A: How does the author feel about…? 作者认为……怎么样? B: What’s the author’s attitude towards…? 作者对……是什么看法或态度? C: Which of the following can best describe the author’s attitude towards…? 下面哪项最能描述作者对……的态度? D: The tone of the author is ______. 作者的语气或态度是什么? 常出现的有关态度的词:optimistic(乐观的), pessimistic(悲观的), cautious(审慎的), enthusiastic(热情的), objective(客观的), subjective(主观的), arbitrary(武断的), neutral(中立的), positive(肯定的), critical(批评的), compromising(折衷的), indifference(漠不关心的), ironic(讽刺的), appreciative(欣赏的)等等。 三、例题讲解 (一)各种题型具体解题思路与分析 1.细节题 例1(选自《大学英语》(B) Test 1, Passage 1, P. 141) The French Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The government was badly run and people’s lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. But his effort failed. He ordered his troops to Versailles. The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force. On July 14, 1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept. Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the country in 1792 to get support from Austria and Prussia. However, he was caught and put in prison. In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. In the same year, Louis was executed. A few months later his wife, Marie also had her head cut off. The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe. Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France. The French raised republican armies to defend the nation. The Revolution went through a period of terror. Thousands of people lost their lives. In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte. 12. Which did not happen in 1789? A. The French Revolution broke out. B. The national economy was developing rapidly. C. The government wasn’t well run. D. King Louis XIV was in power. 【题解】此题为细节题。根据题干 “not happen in 1789”可以得知此题是对1789年所发生事情的考查判断,因此就需要回到原文寻找有关1789年所发生的事情的相关信息,文章中没有涉及到的选项就是此题的正确答案。选项A在文章的第一句话就提到了;选项B表示的是“国家经济迅速发展”,而浏览全文,无法在文章中找到与此相关的信息;选项C与原文中的第三句话“The government was badly run…”相对应;选项D中的“in power”表示当权,在朝的意思,在原文的第四句话“King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament…”就已经表明这层含义,因此正确答案为B选项。 13. Where were the political prisoners kept? A. In Versailles. B. In Austria. C. In Prussia. D. In Bastille. 【题解】此题为细节题。题干用的是特殊疑问词“where”来提问,询问地点。结合题干,回到原文寻找与题干对应的地方。在原文的第八句话“On July 14,1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept.”中就提到了题干所要考查的地点,也就是原句中where引导的定语从句所修饰的词语Bastille,因此正确答案为D选项。 解细节题时,要注意与题干相关的一些从句,比如定语从句,同位语从句,或者非谓语动词结构,因为往往这个时候,它所考查的就是这些句子或结构所要修饰或解释说明的名词。 例2(选自《大学英语》(B) Test 2, Passage 3, P. 153) Britain and France are separated by the English Channel, a body of water that can be crossed in as few as 20 minutes. But the cultures of the two countries sometimes seem to be miles apart. Last Thursday Britain and France celebrated the 100th anniversary(周年纪念)of the signing of a friendship agreement called the Entente Cordiality. The agreement marked a new beginning for the countries following centuries of wars and love-hate partnership. But their relationship has been ups and downs over the past century. Just last year, there were fierce disagreements over the Iraq war-which British Prime Minister Tony Blair supported despite French President Jacques Chirac speaking out against it. This discomfort is expressed in Blair and Chirac’s body language at international meetings. While the French leader often greets German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder with a hug(拥抱), Blair just receives a handshake. However, some political experts say the war in Iraq could in fact have helped ties. The history of divisions may well be because of the very different ways in which the two sides see the world. But this doesn’t stop 12 million Britons taking holidays in France each year. However, only 3 million French come in the opposite direction. Surveys(调查)show that most French people feel closer to the Germans than they do to the British. And the research carried out in Britain has found that only a third of the population believes the French can be trusted. Perhaps this bad feeling comes because the British dislike France’s close relationship with Germany, or because the French are not happy with Britain’s close links with the US. Whatever the answer is, as both sides celebrate 100 years of “doubtful friendship”, they are at least able to make jokes about each other. Here’s one: What’s the best thing about Britain’s relationship with France? The English Channel. (320 words) 22. The war in Iraq does ____________ to the relationship between France and Britain. A. good B. harm C. neither good nor harm D. both good and harm 【题解】此题为细节题。根据题干可以判定此题是考查伊拉克战争对英法关系的影响,而在原文提到伊拉克战争的就只有文章的第三段。回到原文的第三段很容易就发现在本段的第二句话就提到了英法两国在伊拉克战争问题上存在“disagreement意见不合”,文章后面也一直在叙述不合的具体表现在什么地方,但是文章最后一句话中“however…”表示转折,句中也用了“helped ties”来表明伊拉克战争也有利于两国的关系,因此正确答案为D选项。 在解细节题时,要注意文章中表示句与句之间逻辑关系的词语,比如说:furthermore, in addition, what’s more, however, nevertheless等等这些词,因为往往在这些地方容易设置考点。 23. The British are not so friendly to ____________ and the French are not so friendly to ____________. A. Germany; America B. America; Germany C. Germany; Germany D. America; America 【题解】此题为细节题。分析题干中的“friendly”这个单词,可以看出此题考查的是英国和法国分别与选项中某个国家的关系不友好。根据原文第四段的最后一句话“the British dislike France’s close relationship with Germany…the French are not happy with Britain’s close links with the US英国不喜欢法国同德国亲密的关系……,法国对于英国与美国的亲密联系不高兴” 就可以看出此题的正确答案为A选项。 解题时,要注意文章中与题干中心词有关的词语或句子,比如文章中的所用的“dislike”, “not happy”所表示的意思就是此题题干所要表述的 “not so friendly”。 2. 推理题与正误判断题 例3(见例2所选文章) 25. What does the last sentence mean? A. As long as the English Channel exists, no further disagreement will form between France and Britain. B. The English Channel can prevent anything unfriendly happening in both France and Britain. C. France and Britain are near neighbors, and this will help balance the relationship between them. D. The English Channel is the largest enemy between France and Britain. 【题解】此题属于推理题,是对具体某个细节的推理。此题是文章某个句子所隐含的意思的推理判断。虽然只是对具体某句话的理解,但是这也需要在充分理解整篇文章以后才能正确理解该句话在整个文章所隐含的含义,因此在解推理题时,大家一定要注意,无论是对整篇文章意思的推理判断还是对某个具体细节的推理判断,都不能脱离原文,不能凭自己的主观意愿来选择,但是答案也不会在原文中明明白白地写出来,只能是隐含其中,也就是“言中所无,意中所有”,否则就不叫推理题了。 通过略读全文,可以看出文章描述的是英法两国既爱又恨的关系。通过这个描述以及文章在第二段第一句话以及尾段第一句话再次提到的两国庆祝友好协议签订100周年的事实可以判断出:尽管两国在某些问题上存在分歧和争议,但毕竟两国是一衣带水的邻邦,两国的关系会在争议中找到平衡点,并且两国的关系会有更进一步的发展。文章的最后一句话中 “best thing”以及一问一答,也准确的表述出是有利于两国的关系的是English Channel。而再考查选项A和B中的 “no further disagreement”以及 “anything unfriendly”都没有准确而完整的表述出两国的关系,选项D是错误的表述,因此正确答案为C选项。 例4(选自《大学英语》(B) Test 1, Passage 2, P. 142) In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it’s a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance. In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person who is 5 minutes late, will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence. (260 words) 19. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? __________ A. In the U.S.A guests tend to feel they are highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. B. There is no misunderstanding arising between people from different cultures about the concept of time. C. It may be considered foolish to make an appointment well in advance in the U.S.A.. D. Promptness is valued highly in American life. 【题解】此题为正误判断题。题干要求是要根据文章的内容,选择选项的表述内容是正确的一个,因此这就要求大家在浏览原文的过程中要找到与四个选项所表述的内容相关的语句。选项A根据原文的第七句话可以准确的判定该选项表述的内容与原文不符,因为选项中表述的是 “… are highly regarded”,而原文的表述为 “are not highly regarded”;选项B在原文的第十一句话可以找到出处,可以判定与原文不符,原文的表述为 “misunderstanding arise between people…”,而选项B的表述为 “there is no misunderstanding between people…”;选项C根据原文的第7-9句话可以判定该选项表述的内容也与原文不符,因为C选项表述的意思为“在美国提前预约也许会被视为是愚蠢的事情”,而原文所表述的内容为在世界上的其他地区提前预约会被视为是愚蠢的,第9话中的 “other areas of the world”是针对第7话中的U.S.A.而言的,因此该选项也排除;D选项在原文的倒数第四句话有明确的表述,因此正确选项为D。 20. From the passage we can safely infer that __________. A. it’s a matter of life or death if you call someone in day time B. the meaning of time differs in different parts of the world C. it makes no difference in the U.S. whether you are early or late for a business party D. if a person is late for a date, he needn’t make some explanation 【题解】此题为推理题,是对整篇文章内容的一个推断判定。对于这种题型,我们需要在理解整篇文章内容的基础上来考查选项。选项A表述的内容与原文不符,它的意思为“如果在白天打电话给某人是关系生死的事情”。很明显,在文章中所表述的是在早上或晚上给某人打电话才会被认为是关系生死的事情;选项B所表述的内容为“在世界上的不同地方时间概念各不相同”,这点在文章的倒数第6句话明确表述出来了;根据文章的最后两句话可以判定选项C和D的表述错误的表述,因此正确答案为B选项。 例5(选自《大学英语》(B) Test 4, Passage 3, P. 173) How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words. The power of words, then, lies in their associations-the thing they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something increases. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar. (239 words) 25. Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true? A. He is no more than a master of words. B. He can convey his ideas in words which sing like music. C. He can move men to tears. D. His style is always charming. 【题解】此题为正误判断题。根据题干,可以得知要求是要选择对于真正的诗人的错误表述,因此考查的重点就需要放在文章讲述有关诗人的段落,即文章的最后一段。选项A表述的意思为“他只是一个词语大师”,句中的 “no more than”相当于 “only”,在文章最后一段的第3句话中虽然提到了 “a master of words”,但是并没有任何的修饰限定词,所以A选项表述就是错误;而B,C,D选项分别在该段的第2,4,5话都提到了,所以正确答案为A选项。 做正误判断题要注意,命题者为了制造干扰,往往在错误选项中使用一些表示绝对含义的词汇,把命题推到极端,使其变成荒谬逻辑,比如选项A中的 “no more than” 就是这类词,其余还有“never, every, by no means, only, none, always …”等,因此,考生在解这类题时,尤其要注意选项中的这些限定词,并且此种选项往往是命题者设下的“陷阱”,一般应该排除。 3. 主旨题、词义题与观点态度题 例6(选自《大学英语》(B) Test 3, Passage 3, P. 163) Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. Wide spread use of written language would not have been possible without some cheap and practical material to write on. The invention of paper meant that more people could be educated because more books could be printed and distributed. Together with the printing press, paper provided an extremely important way to communicate knowledge. How much paper do you use every year? Probably you cannot answer that question quickly. In 1990 the world’s use of paper was about one kilogram for each person a year. Now some countries use as much as 50 kilograms of paper for each person a year. Countries like the United States, England and Sweden use more paper than other countries. Paper, like many other things that we use today, was first made in China. In Egypt and the West, paper was not very commonly used before the year 1400. The Egyptians wrote on a kind of material made of a water plant. Europeans used parchment for many hundreds of year. Parchment was very strong; it was made from the skin of certain young animals. We have learnt of the most important facts of European history from records that were kept on parchment. (208words) 21. What’s the meaning for the word “parchment”? ____________ A. The skin of young animals. B. A kind of paper made from the skin of certain young animals. C. The paper used by European countries. D. The paper of Egypt. 【题解】此题为词义题。根据解词义题的基本方法,首先就是要查找该词所在的句子以及其前后一两句话。浏览原文,可以找到该词在原文第三段的倒数第二句和第三句话。根据这两句话我们可以得知“parchment”是欧洲人用了几百年的一种纸。该段的倒数第二句话对 “parchment”这个词做了详尽了解释,“羊皮纸很重,是由某种小动物的皮制成的”,而在选项中A表示小动物的皮;B表示一种由某种小动物制成的纸;C表示被欧洲国家使用的纸;D选项表示埃及的纸,因此正确答案为B选项。 25. What is the main idea of this short talk? ____________ A. More and more paper is being consumed nowadays. B. Paper enables people to receive education more easily. C. The invention of paper is of great significance to man. D. Paper contributes a lot to the keeping of historical records. 【题解】此题为主旨题。浏览全文,可以看出文章在一开始就提出了文章的中心思想:“纸是人类的重要发明之一”,然后在第一段就详尽阐述了其重要性表现在哪些地方,在后面的两段通过分别讲述纸的用量以及纸的种类来进一步论述了纸的重要性。结合对原文的分析考查选项,在考查选项时,要注意选择主旨题的答案时,要注意选项的内涵范围不能太大也不能太小。例如此题中: 选项A为文章所论述内容的一个方面,即文章的第第二段的段落大意,不足以概括本文的主题;……………………………………………………………………………..………含义太窄 选项B为文章论述纸的重要性的一个细节方面;…….............................................含义太窄 选项C含义范围大体与本文相符,所以是答案;………………………………….含义范围相符 选项D的含义范围也只是文章的一个细节方面;………………………………….含义太窄 例7(选自《大学英语》(B) Test 6, Passage 3, P. 194) A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man — the man who has risen to the top through his own efforts, usually beginning by working with his hands. While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or laborer of some sort. This attitude toward manual(体力的)labor is now still seen many aspects of American life. One is invited to dinner at a home that is not only comfortably but even luxuriously(豪华地)furnished and in which there is every evidence of the fact the family has been able to afford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward, furthermore the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily assembled from contents of various cans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearby bakery. On the contrary, the hostess usually takes pride in careful preparation of special dishes. A professional may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house. His wife may even help with these things, just as he often helps her with the dishwashing. The son who is away at college may wait on table and wash dishes for his living, or during the summer he may work with a construction gang on a highway in order to pay for his education. (291 words) 23. The expression “wait on table” in the second paragraph means “_______”. A. work in a furniture shop B. keep accounts for a bar C. wait to lay the table D. serve customers in a restaurant 【题解】此题为词义题。“wait on table”的意思为“为顾客服务”,同时根据下文的“wash dishes for his living洗碟子谋生”以及选项的排除得出正确答案。选项A表示在家具店工作;选项B表示为一家酒吧记账;选项C表示等着摆餐具;选项D表示在饭店为顾客服务。因此正确答案为D选项。 24. The author’s attitude towards manual(体力的)labor is _______. A. positive B. negative C. humorous D. critical 【题解】此题为观点态度题。议论文中作者的观点是多种多样的,要分析作者的观点就一定要细心捕捉文章中表达或暗示其情感态度的词或短语,并且一定要注意是对什么的态度或观点。 通过浏览全文,可以看出在文章的一开始作者就提出了 “A characteristic of American culture that has become almost a tradition is to respect the self-made man几乎已经成为传统的美国文化特点是尊重自我奋斗的人”,紧接着在文章的第二段的首句又再次提及 “This attitude toward manual(体力的)labor is now still seen many aspects of American life. 这种对待体力劳动的态度现在仍然可以在美国人生活中的很多方面看到”,而文章中的的this attitude就是文章中第一段第一句话所提及的 “respect”,因此考查选项A表示积极的,选项B表示消极的,否定的,选项C表示幽默的,选项D表示批评的,讽刺的,因此正确答案为A选项。 25. Which of the following may serve as the best title of the passage? A. A Respectable Self-made Family. B. American Attitude toward Manual Labor. C. Characteristics of American Culture. D. The Development of Manual Labor. 【题解】此题为主旨题。此题是要求要选恰当的标题,是考查主旨的一种命题方式。对于这种同样的也要注意选项所概括的范围不能太大也不能太小。在这篇文章中,两个段落的首句恰好就是这两个段落的中心句,根据这两个句子可以看出文章讲的就是美国崇尚自我奋斗,尊重体力劳动的文化习惯,也就是对于自我奋斗与体力劳动的一个态度问题。考查选项A表示令人尊敬的自力更生的家庭,选项B表示美国人对待体力劳动的态度,选项C表示美国文化的特点,选项D表示体力劳动的发展。通过阅读文章,可以看出A和D文章并未涉及,而C选项文章有所涉及,但重点并不在论述美国文化有哪些特点,因此正确答案为B选项。 注意:以上阅读题的讲解仅作为各种题型的解题技巧与思路的分析讲解,希望通过以上讲解大家能掌握相应的解题技巧,同时大家务必也要认真完成《大学英语》(B)中六套题中阅读理解部分的所有文章,结合以上的解题技巧与方法进行备考练习。 Ⅳ.完型填空 完型填空也是测试综合语言能力的题型。它不同于单句填空,要求从单句理解水平提高到语篇的理解水平。这就是说,考生不但要有相当的语法、词汇知识及其运用能力,而且要具有一定的语篇分析能力,良好的语感和逻辑思维能力以及相对广泛的背景知识。完型填空题涉及单词及词组、惯用语、语法知识及逻辑搭配。该题分值占总分10%,考试建议时间为10分钟。 一、要求与解题技巧 (一)了解完型填空答题要求 1.巩固、扎实、熟练的英语语法知识和丰富的英语词语知识; 2.文章阅读理解能力和技巧,特别是快速阅读理解能力; 3.扎实的英语词组、短语、惯用法等固定搭配的知识,特别是词语意义和语法辨析的能力; 4.逻辑思维能力,特别是理解文章的整体内容、主题思想的能力和推理判断的能力; 5.根据试题捕捉相关信息的能力。 (二)做题的基本 步骤 新产品开发流程的步骤课题研究的五个步骤成本核算步骤微型课题研究步骤数控铣床操作步骤 1.做下面的选择项之前,迅速通读短文,忽略空白,掌握文章大意、文章结构和各部分的逻辑关系,依次对各测试部分进行分析,观察判断所需内容; 2.第二次阅读短文,进行选择填空。 通读完短文后,开始以句子为单位仔细进行阅读,逐个填空,根据上下文、知识和词语、根据文章内容、利用常识判断选择;注意语法、语义、惯用语、逻辑搭配和上下文联系。先易后难,利用已选出的正确答案推测未知答案;如果遇到填不出来的暂时空在那里,继续做其余的选项。 3.最后通读一遍,填完未完成选项,检查选项。 (三)一般解题方法及技巧 A.运用词汇、语法知识 1.运用词汇知识:完型填空所涉及的词汇题主要是考查实词,兼顾虚词。其测试重点主要有三个方面: ① 易混淆词辨析。主要是名词、动词、形容词和副词中存在的同义词、近义词以及形似异义词; ② 一词多义类语义辨析。主要是考查实词多义词在具体语境中和含义; ③ 固定搭配。包括动词词组、介词词组、形容词词组、动词与名词的搭配等。 2.运用语法知识 完型填空中的语法题主要是对时态、虚拟语气、非谓语动词、名词从句、定语从句、 状语从句、被动语态以及倒装句进行考查,并且其语法范畴更受上下文语境的制约。 B.运用篇章知识 完型填空要求将短文复原为意义上、结构上完整的一个语篇,也就是使之成为衔接合理、符合逻辑、语义连贯的一个语言单位。连接语篇使之具备连贯性、一直性的纽带包括语法、词汇、逻辑三类。 1.语法类:利用省略、替代、照应等技巧。省略、替代是为避免重复,完型填空主要是考查后者。照应又叫“所指”,分为人称所指、指示所指和比较所指。 2.词汇类:利用篇章中的词汇同现、复现。 ①“同现”指意义上相互联系的词汇出现在同一语篇中。 ②“复现”包括原词重复、同(近)义词复现、反义词复现、概括词复现等 3.逻辑类:主要由表示时间与空间关系、列举与例证、比较与对比、引申与递进、让步与转折、推论与归纳、原因与结果等逻辑概念的词组组成的。这些词通常是一些连词和连接性副词,或者是一些介词词组等。考生必须正确理解并判断文章的内在逻辑关系,选用正确的过渡词。 二、例题讲解 1.运用词汇知识 (1)运用上下文语境判断词义选择答案 【例】 He 52 three times. On the fourth try he fired off one of the flares. (选自《大学英语》(B) Test 3, P167) 52. A. made B. tried C. failed D. finished 讲解:此题单词的选择要根据下文的句意,根据下文中的 “on the fourth try在第四次尝试”可以推测出在这之前已经有过三次尝试,并且是失败了。选项A表示“做,制造”,选项B表示“尝试”,选项C表示“失败”,选项D表示“完成”。因此正确答案为C选项。 (2)根据词语的固定搭配选择答案 【例】 Learning the language of the new country would be difficult for the traveler, 47 the benefits of such an effort would become obvious immediately 48 his arrival. It may not seem important to him when he comfortably stays at home, but knowing how to 49 a meal or book a room is necessary for the newcomer in a strange country. (选自《大学英语》(B) Test 5, P187) 48. A. on B. before C. while D. at 讲解:此题考查的是介词与名词的搭配。on one’s arrival就相当于时间状语从句when one arrives at / in …,因此正确答案为A选项。 49. A. buy B. order C. eat D. book 讲解:此题考查的是动词与名词的搭配以及句意理解。首先理解句子的意思,根据句中的“or book a room或订房间”可以判定前面的意思表达的是订餐,因此就排除了A和C选项,而订餐只能用 order a meal,因此正确答案为B选项。 2.运用语法知识 【例】 Of course, in our small world it is often possible to find someone 51 understands our own, but this is only second-best for the traveler. To be sure, he can see places and things 52 the use of a language, but places and things 53 not the heart of any country. To get the greatest benefit from a trip 54 another country, it is how important for the visitor to 55 an understanding of the language. (选自《大学英语》(B) Test 5, P187) 51. A. who B. where C. which D. whom 讲解:此题考查的是语法知识中的从句。分析原句,可以看出从句中缺少主语,并且前面有someone,这是个定语从句,因此正确答案只能为A选项。 53. A. is B. are C. were D. had 讲解:此题考查的是语法知识中的主谓一致以及时态。根据主语 places and things可以排除A选项,而再考查通篇文章的时态都是用的一般现在时,因此正确答案为B选项。 55. A. has B. having C. had D. have 讲解:此题考查的是语法知识中的非谓语动词,根据句型it is + 形容词+ for sb. to do…,to是动词不定式的标志,因此这里要用动词原形,正确答案为D选项。 3.运用篇章知识 【例1】 One day when Jamie came home after school, his mother had on her worry face. He knew she was thinking of 46 “It’s bad out there. Black clouds are coming from the sea,” Jamie said. “Yes. I’m thinking of those fishing boats at sea,” she said. (选自《大学英语》(B) Test 3, P167) 46. A. the wind B. the clouds C. the rain D. the weather 讲解:此题考查的是对文章中代词的考查。根据下文的it’s bad out there这句话可以排除B选项,因为B选项为复数,而A和C明显不符合句意,因此正确答案为D选项。 【例2】 It is always interesting to visit another country, especially for those who have never traveled a great deal. Foreign 46 can be very educational for anyone if he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand. (选自《大学英语》(B) Test 5, P187) 46. A. travel B. country C. language D. people 讲解:此题单词的选择一定要联系上下文,可以利用词汇的同现、复现的解题技巧。在文章第一句话中 “to visit another country…traveled a great deal”分别用不同的表达方式提示出这里讲的是 foreign travel,因此正确答案为A选项。 【例3】 Learning the language of the new country would be difficult for the traveler, 47 the benefits of such an effort would become obvious immediately 48 his arrival. (选自《大学英语》(B) Test 5, P187) 47. A. when B. so C. and D. but 讲解:此题考查的是句与句之前的逻辑关系。分析前后两句话,前半句表示的是“对于旅游者来说学习他国的语言将是很困难的”,后半句表示的意思是“他为此所付出的努力的好处在他一到达这个国家后就能很明显的体会到了”,很明显,前后两句话应该是转折的关系,而选项A表示时间,B表示因果,C表示并列,D表示转折,所以正确答案为D选项。 此处为12小题解题之关键句(蓝色画线部分)。 此处为13小题解题之关键句(红色画线部分)。 此处为23小题解题之关键句(蓝色画线部分)。 此处为22小题解题之关键句(红色画线部分)。 此处为19小题A选项解题之关键句(红色画线部分)。 此处为19小题C选项解题之关键句(红色双横线部分)。 此处为19小题D选项解题之关键句(蓝色画线部分)。 此处为19小题B选项解题之关键句(蓝色波浪线部分)。 此处为25小题D选项解题之关键句(绿色画线部分)。 此处为25小题B和C选项解题之关键句(蓝色画线部分)。 此处为25小题A选项解题之关键句(红色画线部分)。 此处为21小题解题之关键句(绿色画线部分)。 此两处为24,25小题解题之关键句。(红色与蓝色划线部分) PAGE 12
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