首页 2014年剑桥商务英语高级口语综合-回答问题考试试题(一)



2014年剑桥商务英语高级口语综合-回答问题考试试题(一) 剑桥商务英语高级口语综合-回答问题考试试题(一) 一、谈论有关个人、工作或学习的话题(本大题8小题.每题5.0分,共40.0分。 ) 第1题 What have been the most memorable experiences of your career? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.There is so much valuable experience to be remembered. My career brings me many opportun...

剑桥商务英语高级口语综合-回答问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 考试 试题 中考模拟试题doc幼小衔接 数学试题 下载云南高中历年会考数学试题下载N4真题下载党史题库下载 (一) 一、谈论有关个人、工作或学习的话题(本大题8小题.每题5.0分,共40.0分。 ) 第1题 What have been the most memorable experiences of your career? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.There is so much valuable experience to be remembered. My career brings me many opportunities to meet amazing people from around the world. More importantly, I learn from these amazing people every day. b.Having built up one company from scratch with a team of wonderful people. And also my stay in China is a most rewarding experience to me. c.The launch of new brand product is the most memorable experience of my career, launch of a new brand product is the result of 10 years or more of research and design, it's been an unforgettable journey. [注释] memorable experience值得纪念的经历。unforgettable journey难忘旅行。They started their business from scratch.他们白手起家创立家业。 第2题 How would you define originality? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.In two words: be yourself. It is sad but true that some people never truly act and think as they are. Which means they will never be themselves in their whole lives. b.I think each person has his own original side, and everyone can be a creative person because everyone is so unique. It might take you a day, a week, a month or even a few years to find your real self. If you find it hard to be original, take references from the creative people. c.Quite a few people are doing this kind of cross-referencing in the commercial world. But of course you shouldn't tell anyone the source of your“original”idea. [注释] cross-referencing互见指引,相互参照;originality新颖,别致,独创性。 第3题 How would you define your personal style? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.Fashion is a way of expressing who you are and what you feel- a statement of the times of your life, if you like. My belief is that one's sense of fashion has to be sincere and reflect one's own set of beliefs and integrity. I do not really know what my sense of style is, except that I mix and match a lot, and like linear minimalist and trendy looks. b.I prefer casual wear that is plain, simple and easy on the eyes. If I can look just like an average Joe Bloke in comfortable clothing, that's fine. I am more sensitive to the durability than the design. c.I like to think I am stylish, hip and casual, I guess. I don't really know. d.I think my style endeavors to be classic. For example, I like the suits from the old Carey Grant movies, where all the lead actors looked classy and like gentlemen. e.Casual chic with a touch of irony. f.Rather classic. I aim for a kind of understated elegance. g.Simple. I am very conscious of detail. I don't like complicated designs, ones that look contrived. [注释] contrived做作的,不自然的。understated elegance朴素的优美,不惹眼的典雅,低调的雅致。hip赶时髦的,嬉皮士的。classy有气派的,帅气的。casual漫不经心的,随意的。chic 时尚,时髦,雅致,悦目。a touch of irony 有点嘲讽。 第4题 What do you normally wear to the office? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.Smart casual: custom-made trousers, dress shirts or on some occasions, stylish suits. b.I need to wear a suit every day to the office. c.I wear formal suit and tie weekdays at the office is formal suit and tie for me, but I try to splash on some color on the tie and cufflinks to break the tradition. d.Mostly casual wear. I wear jeans, T-shirts and sports shoes during spring and summer, and jeans, a sweater and sports shoes during autumn and winter. I occasionally wear suits if I have more important functions or engagements. [注释] weekdays周日,工作日。cufflinks袖口链扣。custom made定制的,非现成的。 第5题 How often do you shop for clothes? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.Shopping is an occupational hazard, you might say. It could turn out to be an expensive hobby. My office is near Pacific Place and I venture there at least once a week during lunchtime to catch up on the trends and brands. b.A few times a year, but I enjoy window-shopping. c.I go shopping whenever I feel like it, but mostly by season. d.Probably twice a year. I don't really like going shopping too much. I don't like trying on clothes-its too much work. e.Once every other month. I don't really wear formal clothes that much. I just don't feel Comfortable in them. But I guess for certain events you have to dress up. [注释] window-shopping逛商店光看不买;occupational hazard职业性危害。 第6题 Grooming? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.I think I am more concerned about personal hygiene than appearance, but of course they are related. I have my hair cut every five to six weeks, and I have been with the same hair stylist for more than 10 years. b.The main attention I pay to the rest of my appearance is regular exercise and also getting at least six hours of sleep every night. I have a haircut once a month. c.I use skincare products like face wash and moisturizer every day. I have a haircut once a month. d.I try to go to the spa when I'm on holiday, but while I'm working in Beijing I am just too busy. I don't really know where to go in Beijing either-all the spas are full of women. [注释] grooming梳洗打扮。skincare护肤。spa温泉浴场,游乐场。 第7题 What do you do to unwind? How do you relax your mind? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.Stress is the every day order of life. I like travel. Travel is good, of course. It broadens the mind, changes our expectations and let us see the world through other people's eyes. Today, I spend most of my vacations traveling. I would like to travel a city that I haven't been to before. If possible, I would like to make a round-the-world tour. b.I dream about new challenges while I'm jogging. Mountain climbing is one of my favorite sports. One who wants to be a good mountain climber must learn patience, perseverance, and self-control often times, one's life is at stake, and endurance is a quality that is needed over and over again. c.I like reading. The books that change your life from the inside are more likely to be found alongside novels, poems and philosophy. The consolations of philosophy are a fun and worthwhile vade mecum for the literary self-seeker. d.I like visiting galleries. It is art that nourishes us most deeply, and helps us find our best selves. Art makes life, makes interest and makes importance, so to speak. e.I like going down market. I often go window-shopping. At weekend, I would spend time looking at the goods on sale in shop windows without intending to buy any of them. f.I enjoy playing piano and reading about the rich history of music. My favorite Web sites are that is perfect for those interested in the piano and awestruck by brilliant composers of the past. g.I like reading books at leisure. The books help us order our thoughts and desires in a way that might actually make us happier. All this sounds too didactic. Why not trick your sorry soul with a book it thinks you are reading for fun, but which turns out to lodge in the mind like a slow-release happy pill? h.I like swimming. Swimming is recommended as the best all-round exercise. Swimming can help build up your energy. Life is finite. As I see it, I'm only getting one chance, and I want that chance to have more joy than pain! i.I have days when I can pause in my work, put my feet up on the desk, lean back in my chair and just relax. I think that more jobs should have the possibility of a time to rest or relax during the workday or workweek. j.I like to relax by doing the gardening. In fact, I believe that the chance to pause during the day while at work actually increases one's productivity, for it seems to act as a refresher, a time when one feels a new surge of energy. At least that's true in my ease. k.After work I relax with a cup of tea and the newspaper. As for me, I prefer to spend less time getting rich, spending many of my waking hours striving to“get ahead,”“be a big success,”or whatever makes so many people live lives of stress and strain. l.I am very fond of playing mahjong. I guess that it is one of my favorite pastimes. I play it a lot with my friends during the cold days of winter when snow and ice keep us indoors. Sometimes we arrange a mahjong tournament among ourselves. The losers have to prepare a special dinner for the winners. [注释] awestruck充满敬畏之心的。unwind放松,松弛。 jogging慢跑。lodge住,寄宿。didactic说教,教学理论。 awestruck敬畏的,畏惧的。vade mecum随身物, 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 ,袖珍指南。playing mahjong打麻将。mahjong tournament麻将锦标赛。consolation安慰,慰问。 第8题 What's your name? How do you spell your family name? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.My name is Liu Jiajia. L-I-U. b.My name is Zhang Shuoshuo. Z-H-A-N-G. 二、谈论有关全球化、高科技及其他热点话题(本大题4小题.每题10.0分,共40.0分。 ) 第1题 Can you tell me how important you think imports or exports are to China? Why? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.In my opinion, both imports and exports are important to China. As we all know, there is no country in the world that can produce all the necessary things it needs. China needs to purchase advanced technology and equipment so as to speed up its modernization drive. China also needs to import some raw materials. Countries should complement each other. Foreign trade helps supply each other's needs. b.Export is essential to China. If we don't export products, we will not have enough foreign exchange to purchase advanced technology and equipment. Export is important in that we export to get the necessary foreign currency to pay for things we need but cannot supply ourselves, or cannot supply adequately to meet the demands of our people and the needs of our national reconstruction. c.Export is important to China. Without export, there can be no guarantee of fulfilling China's import plan. Export can help China obtain adequate foreign exchange to purchase the necessary raw materials; advanced technology and equipment badly needed for her modernization drive. Therefore, export is virtually the foundation of China's foreign trade. d.Import is necessary. China needs to import advanced technology and equipment. However, export is also necessary. China's main source of her foreign exchange income comes from the proceeds of export trade, which accounts for about 80% of the total foreign exchange income, while tourism, overseas Chinese remittance, shipping, insurance and other non-trade income accounts for 20%. e.No country can produce all the things they need. Foreign trade is indispensable to the developing countries. China is no exception. Import and export are important to China. When foreign capital in the form of investment and government loans can be obtained, they will be repaid mostly by export proceeds. In order to absorb more foreign funds, China must increase exports. f.It goes without saying import is important to China. China needs to import many things. Complementary things go well together. Exporting industrial products makes China's products enter into competition with foreign products in the international market. Competition can prompt the enterprises to improve the quality and increase the variety of their products, and to upgrade their product structure, thereby contributing to the technical transformation and restructuring of the industrial production. g.On the whole, export will promote industrial production. Export agricultural products can increase farmers' per capita income and promote the development of diversified agricultural economy, thereby giving impetus to the further development of various trades in the rural economy. More export paves the way for more important, and by developing foreign trade, China can develop her national economy and realize her four modernization at a good pace. In short, foreign trade is indispensable to China. Expansion of exports is essential to developing foreign trade of a country. [注释] variety of the products各种产品。diversify使不同,使多样化。giving impetus to the development促进发展,推动发展。 complementary互补的,补充的,补足的。 第2题 Could you tell us what improvements you think technology is bringing to the working lives of people in your country? Could you tell us what you think have been the most significant changes recently in work practices in China? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.The IT revolution has also provided opportunities for Chinese corporations to go global. In the near future, the Chinese firms will manufacture more effectively offshore in other countries, for cost benefits, or for more precise targeting within international markets. b.As in all developed countries, the irreversible tide of information technology is evident in China, where a wave of changes to the industrial and social fabric of the country has generally been considered as benign. The growth of the Internet is providing unexpected business opportunities for firms large and small. c.As elsewhere, the Internet in China is grasped enthusiastically as an enlightening and enabling tool for disseminating information, not just in conventional office or business situations but also in places like convenience stores (which are much more abundant in big cities like Beijing), where Internet terminals are provided to create a multi-function platform for banking, entertainment, gaming and e-mailing as well as shopping. d.Digital television has become a uniting force for communication and broadcasting systems, leading to dynamic links with mobile communications. Multimedia television services such as Sonnet from Sony, accessible with multimedia handsets, are capable of down loading and sending compressed video as well as e-mailing and texting. e.New Technology has made more jobs available to disabled personal assistants. My daily to-do list usually runs to 20 to 30 tasks. I maintain Fiona's diary, take notes on my laptop, and prepare the agenda and note-take for the monthly team meeting. I deal with invoices and expenses on a spreadsheet, holiday forms for 29 people, and e-mails. f.Modem technology means that disabled secretaries can do practically all office tasks. I use a laptop and a computer with software, which magnifies text and a Braille labeling gun. Cracker, the working dog, stays by my side in the office, goes with me at lunchtime when I buy a sandwich, and accompanies me to the gym four times a week. Prejudice against employing disabled people is illegal, but they are still seven times more likely than non-disabled people to be unemployed. g.In the past, advertising has been hard to track and hard to make accountable. Now, responses are instantaneous, and advertising has become a dialogue with the consumer. A few words plus Web ads means a big payoff. Each day on Google, hundreds of thousands of times an hour, Web surfers who type in search terms like“printer paper”end up clicking on paid links to sites like Staples. Com—advertisers that have bid to have their names appear in innocuous, no-frills text lists at' the side of the search results page. The advertiser pays only when the prospective customer actually clicks on the ad link. [注释] working dog役用犬,导盲犬。dynamic动力的,动态的,能动的。benign善良的,吉利的,温厚的。spreadsheet空白 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格程序。payoff发工资,偿清,报酬,报偿,报应。innocuous无伤大雅的,无毒的,无关痛痒的,乏味的,不会招怨的。instantaneous瞬间的,即刻的。instantaneous death猝死。surfer冲浪者。enlightening有启迪作用的,使人领悟的。 第3题 Could you tell us how important you think English will be in the future for business in China? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.English will be very important language in the future for business in China. As a global language, English language will dominate e-commerce in the world. English is being widely used in foreign trade in China. It is essential to business success. b.English will be indispensable to business life. It is very important for international business. The ability to communicate in English is vital for people who want to succeed in business. c.There is a tendency for the Chinese students to focus on English learning. Most of them ale likely to take on Business English courses, which provide English lessons plus the concepts and skills of business. For example, in addition to learning the language of negotiation, learners will be given the opportunity to practice negotiating skills. Students are also often given practical help in how to write CVs and interview skills. They realize the importance of learning English. English is vital to career development. English will be even more important in the future for business in China. [注释] e-commerce电子商务。tendency趋势,趋向。career development职业发展,事业发展。international business国际商务。 第4题 Is environment protection important? Why? 【正确答案】:Suggested answers: a.I think environment protection is very important. Corporations, and especially manufactures, are in business to provide products and services that enrich people's lives, making them happier and more convenient. At the same time, these products must be environmentally conscious, both in terms of manufacturing and marketing, to ensure that the environmental burden is reduced and the products contribute tribute to the goal of establishing an environmentally and economically sustainable society. Without environment protection, there will be no sustainable development. b.As we all know, environment protection is necessary. The air, water, and the land on Earth are being harmed by man's activities. We believe that just as advances in technology and the establishment of social systems helped resolve local pollution problems, technology can also answer these global environmental threats. However, it is imperative for the government of the countries around world to legislate on the environment protection. c.Environment protection is important. Many companies have started to respond the universal call of conversation by developing and applying various environmentally friendly technologies in the production since 1990. The pollution includes carbon dioxide and heat emissions, discharges of hazardous chemical substances into the atmosphere or waterways and other waster produced. d.Environment protection is necessary. In terms of energy conversation, many companies are able to ensure that 100 per cent of its new products consumed less energy during operation than the previous models. In particular, the on-demand energy-efficient technologies incorporated into its copying machines and laser beam printers have resulted in a cumulative reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. At production sites, in terms of energy conservation, the basic unit of carbon dioxide from production declined 38 per cent compared with 1990. e.Environment protection is important. Many companies are now spending lots of resources in developing new environmental technologies and ecological components such as lead-free lenses, excellent chromium-free screws, solar cells, plastic recycling and high-performance Eco-Polymer, to name just a few. All these technologies not only help protect the environment but also help increase users' work and cost efficiency. f.We should pay great attention to environment protection. Products and technologies can become outmoded as quickly as they once appeared. Rather like a mayfly, the life span of most products is disturbingly brief and a good number of the current products featured in this book will, by the time of it is published, already be redundant or replaced by newer, brighter versions, with even more potential to perform and please. g.Recycling is important to help protect our environment. Little can be bought without the disposal of something else; this is the reality of modem consumption. The new and shinny arrives while the old is rejected both physically and psychologically. Years of ignoring the environmental problem of the disposal of goods have led to an acute situation in China as elsewhere. Re-use can be a way of delaying the burial or cremation of a 'dead' product and there is a thriving industry in developed countries of exporting used cars and of the repair, re-sale and export of used telephones, video players and televisions to developing nations. The main difficulty associated with this type of re-use economy is that it really only defers the ultimate disposal of the product, and to a country that may be without regulated disposal system. h.Environment protection is important. Some people vigorously protested lack of control over automobile exhaust fumes, industrial smoke, unhealthy open dumps, untreated sewage, and chemical wastes that were being thrown into lakes and rivers. The agency was created to control and abate pollution in the basic areas of air, water, solid waste, pesticides, noise, and radiation. The government offers incentives to encourage cleanup efforts, and law enforcement when necessary to curb pollution. i.The Chinese government pays great attention to environment protection. The environment protection agency conducts extensive research, provides technical assistance to provinces and cities, determines tolerable limits of pollution, and establishes timetables to bring polluters into line with standards. Since most of the requirements are of recent origin, industries are given reasonable time, often several years, to conform to standards. Monitoring data show a nationwide decline in at least two air pollutants—carbon monoxide and sulphur oxides. Current auto emission controls resulted in a reduction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons of nearly 85 percent over cars made before 2008. The agency of environment protection also enforces noise standards for trucks and airplanes. j.People here demand everything to be quick and convenient—to change their lifestyle and fast-food culture is difficult. That's why I think we should start with education so that the next generation can develop an environment-friendly lifestyle. Youngsters need to learn about sustainable development. Environment protection is a must in education. [注释] environment protection环保。recycling废物循环利用。 sustainable development可持续发展。environment-friendly有利于环保的。a must必须做的事,必不可少的事。fast-food culture快餐文化。pollution污染。 三、谈论有关企业管理、股市及相关话题(本大题10小题.每题5.0分,共50.0分。 ) 第1题 Do you think that companies should control the number of extra hours staff work? (Should companies decide how many extra hours staff work?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: Yes. I think so. By controlling the extra working hours, the staff members are forced to finish their work before the deadline. In other words, they can work more efficiently. Second, some staff members like to stay in the office after work playing computer games, making telephone calls, or surfing the Internet instead of doing real work! Those staff members waste the company's heating, light, and they might ask for extra pay for their extra work. So I believe that the company should not allow their staff to work overtime if not necessary. [注释] work overtime 加班。extra 额外的。 第2题 Do you work more effectively at certain times of the day? (Do you work better at different times of the day?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: Yes. I feel more energetic in the morning than in the afternoon. So I like to deal with rather complicated work in the morning. At that time I am more efficient. [注释] energetic 精力充沛的。complicated 复杂的,错综的。 第3题 Do you work faste`r when you have to meet a deadline? (Do you work faster when you have to finish your work by a certain time?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: Yes. I have to do so, otherwise my boss will punish me or I will lose my job. Generally speaking, I have a good plan before I begin to do a heavy task. Usually I have a good control of the progress of certain task; therefore I will not feel nervous when I am running out of time. [注释] meet the deadline 按期完成任务。feel nervous 感觉紧张。 第4题 Do you find the Internet useful for your work/studies? (Does the Internet help you in your work/studies?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: The Internet is very useful for my work. It is the fastest way for me to find the specific information I want. Second, I need to contact my clients by e-mails. [注释] specific information 详尽信息。contact 联系,接触,联络。 第5题 Do you think the Internet will become more widely used by companies in the future? (Will more companies use the Internet in the future?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: The Internet will become more widely used by companies in the future. Nowadays, paperless office becomes more and more popular, which means people tend to use more modem techniques to communicate with each other. Companies can hold a meeting through the Internet, calling people from around the world to participate. It saves time, energy and travel expenses. [注释] paperless 无纸传输信息的。modern techniques 现代技术 第6题 Do you think that the Internet is an effective channel for marketing a company's products? 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: Many people surf the Internet everyday and it is very easy for them to select the products they prefer. People do not have to go to several shopping centers, department stores, or supermarkets to compare products' prices, quality and functions. What they should do is to browse the screen and make their decision. [注释] surf the Internet 在互联网上冲浪。browse浏览。 第7题 Do you think other forms of advertising will continue to be more important than the Internet? (Will other types of advertising be more important than the Internet in the future?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: TV advertisements will continue to be more important than the Internet. People do have lots of time enjoying themselves by watching TV. Although few people like to watch TV advertisements during TV programs, they are still influenced by those advertisements. TV advertisements have both beautiful pictures and attractive voice. They leave a vivid impression on their audience. [注释] vivid impression 生动的印象。 attractive 有吸引力的。 第8题 Which specific skills will you need most in your career? (Which skills are most important for your career?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: I am a private secretary to the company chairman. I think that interactive abilities are the most important for me. I should know how to arrange accommodation for the chairman, deal with correspondence and inquiry, receiving phone call. All these things are related to people. So I should have tile capability to get along well with people, including my boss, my colleagues and our clients. I am mainly responsible for public relations, so I believe I should be skilful at dealing with people. [注释] interactive ability 交往能力。skilful 有技术的,熟练的。 第9题 What qualities does a good employee need to have? (What should a good employee be like?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: That's a combination of things. But I put being hardworking on the top of the list. A good employee should first of all love his work and put all his heart and energy into his work. Their willingness to work well is what I appreciate. Second, being creative is also very important. A good employee does not only do the tasks his boss gives him, he can also contribute his own ideas to certain projects. [注释] boss上司,老板。combination结合,组合,联合。 第10题 To what extent is it possible to train people in interpersonal skills? (Can people be trained to work well with other people?) 【正确答案】:Suggested answer: It is easy to give people academic training, but it is not so easy to train people in interpersonal skills. People have different characters and some are introvert by nature. They don't like to speak in public, or they don't dare to voice their opinions in meetings, or they would rather work on their own than cooperate with others. We should help these kinds of people to become open and get used to work well with others. [注释] academic training人文学科 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 ,普通学科培训,学术培训。interpersonal skills人际关系技巧。introvert内向的人。 跟多试卷请访问《做题室》www.zuotishi.com
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