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农村中小学论文农村中小学作文教学论文农村中小学论文农村中小学作文教学论文 农村中小学论文农村中小学作文教学论文:农村中小学作文 教学探索 【摘要】农村学生生活阅历短,生活体验少,缺少写作素 材,语文老师需要在学生熟视无睹的生活中引导他们去发现 素材,生活不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。教师还要在评语中引 导鼓励,才会激发学生写作兴趣。 【关键词】农村中小学;作文教学;写作素材;教师评语 the composition teaching of the village primary and junior high school investigate...

农村中小学论文农村中小学作文教学论文 农村中小学论文农村中小学作文教学论文:农村中小学作文 教学探索 【摘要】农村学生生活阅历短,生活体验少,缺少写作素 材,语文老师需要在学生熟视无睹的生活中引导他们去发现 素材,生活不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。教师还要在评语中引 导鼓励,才会激发学生写作兴趣。 【关键词】农村中小学;作文教学;写作素材;教师评语 the composition teaching of the village primary and junior high school investigate lu hua-bin 【abstract】village student life the experience be short, life experience little, want for writing material, language teacher demand in the student familiarly see have no the du of the life leading they go to detection material, life not is want for the united states, but want for detection.the teacher still want a leading encouragement in the comment, would stir up a student writing interest. 【key words】village primary and junior high school;composition teaching;writing material;teacher's comment 1.农村学生生活阅历短,生活体验少,缺少写作素材 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 每到写作文,多数学生都觉得难以下笔,因为“巧妇难为无米之炊”,让学生写日记,有的学生写的都是写作业、写作业、又是写作业;有的写放牛放马、放牛放马、又是放牛放马;毫无新意。缺少写作素材,不仅困扰学生,也困扰着老师,尤其是农村学生作文教学的老大难问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。如何引导学生“多角度地观察生活,发现生活的丰富多彩,捕捉事物的特征,力求有创意地表达”是作文教学的关键。的确,农村学生应该关注现实生活,关注身边事,无论是写作的主题、素材、写作技巧都应该从现实生活中汲取营养,从而写出具有真情实感的文章来。生活中不是缺少素材,而是缺少发现。语文老师需要在学生熟视无睹的生活中引导他们去发现素材,发现美。 2.首先,引导学生体验生活,多角度地观察生活 从农村实际出发,可从以下几方面找素材: 第一,体验农家情。在农村,人与人之间人情味浓,勤劳善良纯朴的农村人互帮互助和睦相处。农忙季节抢收抢种互相帮忙;喜事丧事齐心协力;寻亲访友一路行;走村窜寨三五成群;合资合力修桥筑路;„„许多新思想新观念新习俗都值得去捕捉。 第二,农家文化,农家风情,有独特的风格,极富生命活力。农家庆贺节日,设酒杀鸡作食,捕鱼捞虾,请亲友,邀乡邻,猜拳进酒,不亦乐乎,拉家常,开玩笑,笑得前仰后合,结婚礼,Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 风俗异,民族特色各异彩。学生能记下这些情景,留下美好的记忆,会得到情感陶冶,培养美好的情愫。 第三,观农村自然风光。农村大自然风光处处皆是:绿树村边合,青山郭外斜;一水护田将绿绕,两山排挞送青来;小桥流水人家,乱花渐欲迷人眼„„处处是风景,处处有画意。绿油油的麦苗,金灿灿的油菜花,叮叮咚咚的溪水„„一幅幅活生生的画卷。村庄里木房变砖房,公路村村通,农民伯伯挑着箩筐打手机„„农村变化时时有。这些都是学生们熟悉的,引导他们从平平常常的事物中去体验美、去发现美、去表现美,激发他们对家乡的热爱之情。 第四,学习技艺。农村人的聪明才智和勤劳的双手,创造了很多特产,手工艺品,走一些特殊的致富之路。编竹器用具,种茶烘茶泡茶,喂鸡养鸭捕鱼,种菜砍柴修理,都有许多宝贵经验,凝聚着他们的智慧。要求学生认认真真学一下,做一下,亲身感受,写起作文来就会情真意浓,不愁无“米”下锅了。 农村是一片广阔的天地,这里是一个诱人的世界,是学生写作的乐园,这里有着取之不尽,用之不竭的写作素材,就看老师怎么引导。 其次,认真写好作文批语,激发学生写作兴趣。说起批改作文,很多语文老师都感到颇伤脑筋,作文象小山一样堆着,看到都累,特别是在写作文评语时,我们往往轻率为之,三言 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 两语,以“见红”为原则;或者套话连篇、空洞无物;或者用写鉴定、做 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 的语言,严肃而呆板,学生读起来索然无味,评语的教育功能也难以充分发挥出来。我认为,作文评语是教师与学生笔上交谈的有力工具,是沟通师生的桥梁,我们老师要有足够的耐心去批改作文,不仅要改,而且要改好。好的评语,对学生大有裨益。教师把要对学生说的话写在作文本上,使学生有时间去回味去咀嚼,这是调动学生学习兴趣,是师生交流的难得机会;是学生作文兴趣的培养,水平的逐渐提高的机会。 作文批语是作文教学的重要环节,也是师生双向交流的文字形式,是教师对学生写作热情的回应。从学生的作文心理看,学生每次作文后,最急于知道的就是教师对作文情况的反馈,以从作文评改的批语中找到自我和学业的成就感,所以,教师作文评改的批语中每句话都直接影响着学生作文的心理,关切着学生作文的兴趣和信心。写好作文批语,对于提高学生写作兴趣,训练学生写作能力,培养学生毅力信心,端正学生人生态度,完善学生人格都会起到积极的作用。作为一名语文教师,应当牢牢掌握作文批改的艺术,从而更好地完成作文教学。 平等交流,鼓励为主。只要我们尊重学生的人格和劳动成果,改变居高临下的面孔,以平等的身份坦率地与学生交流,把一片真诚浓缩在评语中,就能得到学生的信任,他们也Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 会在作文中真实地记录下自己的喜怒哀乐,愿意说出自己的心里话,从而写出一篇篇内容丰富、情感真实的好作文。如写考试压力,成长烦恼,心里秘密,上网经历,喜欢异性„„在批改时,我们应民主沟通,努力深入学生内心,参与他们的心灵漫游。有一位学生在作文中写道:“我是一名差生,老师和同学们都看不起我,父母也整天奚落我„„我总是抬不起头来,我害怕大家的眼神。”我引用但丁的名言“走自己的路,让别人去说吧!”劝勉她不要理会少数人的误解,同时也写了一段话“„„愿一切烦恼都随晚风飘散,明天头上又是一片晴空”规劝她不要多愁善感,要抬起头来,找回自我。接下来的几次作文中,她都附上一段话与我笔谈,直至重新活泼开朗起来。 评语幽默,富有文采。文明得体的幽默,不仅可以愉悦身心,激发爽朗的笑声,同时也可以在笑声中让学生心神领会,明白自己的不足,促使自己改正,不再重犯。有位男生写字总喜欢写很长的撇、捺、竖,很不整洁。我评道:“看你的字还真累人,长枪短棒,刀光剑影,弄得人心惊肉跳,你能饶过你忠实的读者吗?”有一女生习惯写在格子线上,且不成行,我批道:“请把字写在格子中间好吗?既不要上爬下坐,也不要左挪右占,请记住,侵略乃不义之举也。”如此等等,幽默中见师情,学生在笑声中接受了意见。有时还可以引用一些古 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 诗文名句代批语,如发现有抄袭之嫌的作文,就用上“似曾相识燕归来”,语言质朴自然的就用上“清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰”。好的评语本身就应该是一篇富有文采的美文,妙笔生花,点石成金,能让学生模仿、借鉴和欣赏,让学生满怀敬仰,又深觉知心,既给学生以美感,让学生带着欣赏的心态去阅读体会,又培养了学生对文学的兴趣和爱好。 3.教有法,但无定法 要走出农村作文教学的困境并非易事,应从实际出发,大胆创新探索新教法,引导学生在广阔的生活中去折枝采叶,日积月累,一点一滴就会变成浩瀚的海洋。学生的视野会随着知识的增多而变得愈来愈开阔。写作题材拓宽了,还要勤于练笔,写出新意,写出特色,教师还要在评语中善于引导、善于鼓励,才会激发学生写作兴趣,从而提高学生作文水平,那么农村中小学生作文教学之路必将越走越宽,必将闯出一番新的天地。 参考文献: [1]施金凤《农村中学作文初探》 [2] 《中学语文教与学》(中国人民大学书报资料中心) [3] 《语文课程标准》 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis
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